Can You Make Snow Cones Out of 100% Fruit?

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in today's video we're going to see if we can make snow cones out of frozen fruit something that doesn't need additional syrups or flavorings hey guys today we're here with our friend tyra who happens to know how to use this very fancy snow cone machine that we've used before when we made our giant snow cone tim helped us out before tim is her father and now she's here to help us run this thing because we've got a fun idea i i was curious if you could use other things other than pure blocks of ice uh and i thought maybe if we just used frozen fruit and then it evolved a little bit from there so we've got the machine we're gonna get it all hooked up and running and then we're gonna start trying to use frozen fruit and a couple other things that i've prepared to see if we can make snow cones that you don't need to add syrup or flavorings or toppings to even though i really do like those things here's the basic idea we've got some fruit frozen in milk and juices we're going to see if these mixed blocks can be turned into snow cones that don't need any additional flavorings or toppings so i do have a little bit of plain fruit just some pineapple slices and some bananas that have been freezing but they've only been freezing for like an hour and a half i've used some liquid nitrogen to speed up the process but then we ran out of liquid nitrogen so i don't know how frozen they are but we're going to start with those and see if it works what happens if we put those in this thing okay that's a lot of mush okay it's an escaping mush [Music] i think it's also just it's too soft for the blade to get any purchase on it oh wow now maybe this pineapple just needed a lot more time in the freezer i can throw it back in the freezer and we can try the blocks let's try a block see if it's going to work better after the freeze is more i kind of think that these are just going to be too soft i'll grab the block let's try and mush it just a little bit more see if we can get anything to come out no the answer is no so i prepared four blocks and this one is the watermelon chunks in watermelon juice okay so i think this is definitely more ice block shaped and consistency hopefully this will give us a a better result i don't think it was holding it well so it's kind of shaved what if we do it like that let's try it like that i think it's going to be less likely to escape huh that's a weird texture too like it's it's like powdery it's like frozen dust would you like to try some that does taste like watermelon it does taste like watermelon but it's not sweet not veg no it's more like a cucumber shaved ice it might not have been a great watermelon we recently learned that picking good watermelons is difficult but yeah this texture is very odd it's it feels almost um dusty until it starts to melt in your mouth throw this whole one in the freezer but the flavor yeah this watermelon might not have been very sweet so it tastes more like almost like we've made a cucumber ice which is actually really excellent i need to make a snowball out of watermelon oh no oh it doesn't work well it's just melting it's just now start it out start that'll be fun to clean the next one we're gonna try is pineapple in strawberry banana smoothie i thought strawberry banana pineapple sounded like a good mix so it's a pre-made strawberry banana smoothie drink and then we put a whole bunch of chunks of pineapple basically a whole pineapple i think we learned that the sideways method works pretty well yep go with that this is even powderier wow yeah have some pineapple in strawberry banana smoothie which i am finding to be delicious yeah it's really really good actually wow yep yes it's sort of powdery but it compresses faster so it's almost chewy it does squish down yeah and like turn into it changes texture quickly as it smooshes mm-hmm it can actually it's funny i don't know how well showing up on camera but you can actually see the different colors like there's pink with yellow kind of dispersed throughout yep that tastes like a candy that is amazing i would definitely buy those if there was someone selling them okay on to the next one yeah so next i'll grab the banana and chocolate milk ooh i got this brand of chocolate milk for two reasons one it's my favorite yeah two reasons it was the only kind that they sold in half gallon containers it wasn't really a choice but if it had been i still would have chosen this one fair definitely seeing a separation of textures yep i think you got enough oh yeah look at that wow that is beautiful i'm so excited you can clearly see the chocolate milk and the banana there's the brown and the yellow white color in there sure enough i am actually not a huge fan of banana but i think this is going to be a combo yup a lot of the banana texture actually comes through this is actually almost more like an ice cream consistency now using milk and banana like we've made ice cream out of just bananas before yeah we just mush them up and put them in our ice cream machine i think other people have shown away you just freeze the bananas and then mush them up and you're kind of done this is like a chocolate banana ice cream way more banana than i thought it would be i guess that box was pretty full of bananas now i think this is one that nate and i are most excited for yeah so this is just a carton of half and half full of peaches and i added some sugar to the half and half it already looks delicious we're so excited about this one we just need to make more peaches and cream please be good that's pretty good it's not as good as hoping but it's not bad oh the creamy really hits you after it's very odd it's a little more tart than i think we were excited maybe a little bit more sugar could have been added to it a couple different places you're right like kind of after it's gone you're like oh then it does taste like cream it's very good it's not quite what we were expecting but it's good uh this is actually perhaps the powderiest of them all so far i do still like it and i would still happily eat this with nothing else like i wouldn't need any syrups or flavorings on it almost more like a sorbet until the aftertaste of cream hits you mmm pineapple banana chocolate peaches cream watermelon watermelon and strawberry so this should have peaches cream bananas chocolate watermelon in more watermelon and then pineapple with strawberry and a little more banana hard pass i love it really so mostly i'm just getting like a a watermelon chocolate combination with a bit of banana in there yeah that's okay i don't think the watermelon blends well with the banana chocolate i think my mouth might be too frozen numb to taste everything he's tasting flavor-wise i preferred all of the individual ones i think my favorite was the chocolate banana surprisingly i think the pineapple with the strawberry banana smoothie that one was very good i liked that quite a bit yeah i like that one a lot too guys that is it for today but we've always got more cool stuff for you to see click that button right there subscribe to the channel so you never miss out on a video and we'll see you in the next one talk to you then
Channel: TKOR
Views: 311,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, snow cones, fruit snow cones, snow balls, fruit snow balls, froze fruit, random frozen fruit, random snow cones, diy snow cones, at home snow cones, homemade snow cones, frozen fruit snow cones, king of random snow cones, ice shaver, random ice shaver, king of random ice shaver, king of random fruit, random frozen fruit icy, random snow cone fruit, banana and chocolate, peach and cream, watermelon snow cone
Id: _gPyfU3M4QQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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