Can You Make ROPE With HAIR?

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this video was sponsored by dashlane in today's video we're gonna try making rope out of three materials that you guys have requested [Music] [Applause] ah you look great thanks did we actually use your hair for this I mean it is my hair is it from your head no guys we are not using my hair for this video today but we are gonna be using some real human hair along with some real plastic wrap and some real dental floss none of those were harvested from Cali either so these are real human hair we've got more than this and we are gonna try making a rope out of it we've had so many questions asking for rope made out of human hair we've had a ton of people ask if we can make rope out of dental floss we've had so many people asking we can make rope out of plastic wrap so today we're going to be trying all three of those we've also had a few other stranger requests we'll see if we get around to trying to make a rope out of water I have some doubts about how oil that one will work out but the other three should work just fine we're gonna use hair we're gonna use floss we're gonna use saran wrap we're gonna make ropes out of all of them see how strong they are and just how much rope we can make out of them here's the basic idea we have saran wrap we have dental floss and we have human hair we want to see if we can make ropes out of each of these so while we hope to make some strong rope with these materials something we know is strong is security with - lame - lame is the one stop shop for all of your digital security you don't need to worry about downloading three or four apps saving your passwords encrypting your data or even having a VPN - lame is gonna do all of that for you and it's cheaper - lame is also available on every device so you don't need to worry about remembering your passwords and it can help you generate super strong passwords so you don't have to worry about whether all of your accounts are secure in addition dashlane will search the dark web for you and see if any of your accounts have been compromised and urge you to change them if they have been - Lane has an awesome basic free version but the premium subscription has all of these features and more - Lane has come back to us because you guys have responded well in the past if each of you can go into the description and click the link it will help support us to continue making awesome videos so hit the link in the description or go to - link comm slash random to get 10% off your premium subscription so now that you know how to make your account strong let's go see how strong our hair rope will be let's let's let's get started this what do you wanna start with hair floss or plastic wrap you know hair is gonna be the most time intensive so I think it'll be probably most interesting I say let's start with the easiest work up to the hardest I think saran wrap is going to be the easiest to be in right alright so here's the thought we'll get six lengths of it one there and back for each of our hooks gather them all up put them on that swivel hook start spinning it together that will give us like our first layer of rope we may then want to like make three of those and bind them together to get like a really strong rope well it's not the most even rope we've ever made but seem pretty strong oh yeah also I'm gonna have to teach you guys how to card hair today which sounds very weird I have done wool carding which is where you carded the wool you make sure that it's all straight and flat so that you can turn it into yarn or thread we're gonna attempt that with human hair today that's gonna take a lot of time so let's start with the dental floss see how long that takes look make a center rope out of hair first then let's revisit and let's see if we should make a thicker version of our saran wrap rope because we've still got eight hundred feet of it [Music] [Music] [Music] yes don't ever ever ever hold the rope like this don't ever wrap a rope like this around your hand and then try and support your weight will break every bone in your hand oh it's waxy it's hard to hold on to that but it seems very strong hi I'm Barry I I am satisfied with what we've done here very fresh and minty still so I think the idea is so all this hair is attached and that's because this is used in wig making you can cut these pieces off sew them on that's how you make the wigs however we are not making a wig out of it we are making rope out of it so we want to try and sever it from this whole attachment piece and I think we're gonna try scissors if that doesn't work we might try razor blade scissors did work fine what I was initially testing this so what you need to do who you are working with wool and hair I guess to try and make thread or yarn or anything like that is you actually need to card it because keeping it straight like this if you were to try and wind it up it's just gonna slip apart so you need to sort of knot it up a little bit but cleanly if that makes sense now normally the way you do this is with carding boards so while carding boards can be a little bit harder to get your hands on a really nice easy substitute pet hair brushes so what we're gonna do is we're going to card the hair we're gonna sort of knotted up but keep it more or less orderly and then we're gonna show you how to wind that up so we've got something to twist together Luke wants to know how strong wrote from human hair is so I want to find out for making fibers and ropes and sweaters out of wool this is a very important process it helps clean it out and get rid of all the non nice clean wool fibers might be in there I've seen people who took wool from the Sheep just basically straight from the Sheep they wash it and clean it and prep it mean yeah you card it a lot like this and after that you twist it into fibers there's a few ways to do that there's a couple types of spindles I've watched people use a natural spinning wheel to do it pretty neat we are not going to be using a spinning wheel we're just gonna mostly do things with our hands and fingers twisting things together making our fibers like that [Music] [Music] all right so the actual human hair was so soft that we couldn't actually card it enough even with hairspray to actually make it stick and inform the nest now people do this this is kind of well 'this isn't exactly how but dreadlocks are made it is possible to make a sort of rope with human hair however not the brand that we bought shocker so anyways I've sacrificed the rest of my cosplay hair extensions and we are going to try and make a faux human hair growth [Music] alright so the human hair way too soft and they're not able to get that to work so this is a synthetic hair basically plastic now as you can see we've tied it into strings and they're not even that well secured right now and we have this problem as we were putting it together this one if we were to just pull this it's not gonna be strong enough the winding everything together is what makes thread and yarn struck so josh has been kind enough to help us with our counterweight is too heavy we're slowly going to let this wind up and as it wind up it's going to get stronger and stronger weel it's going to get stronger and stronger [Music] definitely getting some good cord for me on parts of it now this one was the loosest one it was was kind of our weakest link tie here thankfully synthetic hair is much easier to buy moment of truth let's see if is actually I'd stay together um it's tough let's let's not pull too much more than that oh it is tough but again synthetic hair is plastic so I don't trust this nearly as much as I actually would have if this was real hair so I think it would be possible to do with real hair but we would needs just a lot of really long high quality like good conditioned hair and I really do think the length of the coarser hair this hair this company that I got it from fantastic it is soft and it does not tangle it's beautiful but it's not what we wanted we've got our three types of rope one of which is pretending to be hair again we got knots tighten both sides we're gonna put one knot on the hook one knot on the trailer hitch in order to start pulling apart we're going to try and film and observe our scale to see how many pounds of pulling each of these ropes can take you guys have seen us do this in the past but I'm not sure you've seen us do it with quite such weird material before so dibala rope is pretty strange which should we start with now I'm gonna go and say that I think the hair rope is going to be the weakest but I'm also thinking it's the most interesting I say we save this for last [Music] 50 60 80 80 90 what it's very stretched keep going broken when it break at like 103 holy cow that almost could have held my weight so we got to a hundred and three pounds and it was kind of funny because it started going up the way it would with any normal rope but then as it started stretching the numbers just slowed down so it like kind of shot up to 60 minutes just like 65 actually get up over a hundred but okay look how far it got it was started right here I wanna I wanna take a look at this rope out like six times its original length look at this mess though it was absolutely just just as before with with any other rope one so he's one that breaks you can see the one that broke that's quite the mess let's try the next one yes get it all set up knots on both ends let's see how much strength this can take go go go oh that went quick I think I saw it hit about a hundred forty-five the numbers were just still ain't right yeah oh no it got high but it had a very stressed very little stretch to it so it hit that number fast this is like wow the distance that we got with the other rope I'm pretty sure I saw the number hit about 145 this scale doesn't turn numbers over super fast okay but it did break fairly this could have held my way to floss easy does not stretch very much all right so it's not really enough for me to hang from also I don't have a good enough grip so I'm just gonna do this I'm gonna see if I can step on it and hold all my weight mind you last week I sell from the ceiling so a little stretchy all right oh my god that's all my wait hands are just stabilizing stay wagging so I would say the scale probably had at least 145 and was trying to catch up when it snapped okay here we've got the remnants of saran wrap which has had a bit of a day already but we're gonna just see if I can lift myself up from this at all it's very stretchy so Kelly's gonna swing don't worry about it oh boy that is really hard to grip onto you know also you've got to remember that that is a much thicker stress point whereas the the hitch for the car or Marc's truck is different and the the crane hook that's a much much smaller stress point which I think might change things alright guys well we couldn't find any sea turtles to test the hair so we're going to try this again how much weight do you think this is going to 26 pounds that's a lot of feet I think 15 [Music] Oh gone sure enough I think I saw it at about 35 so you price is right I did I did I won 35 35 pounds more or less and yeah it looks like you just sort of split right open it one of the knots one of the many knots here you go I got this for you oh you better keep it forever thanks again to our sponsor - Lane hit the link in the description or go to - Lang comm slash random to get 10% off of a premium subscription guys pun doesn't end here go ahead and click right there to see our last video and we'll see you the next one doc - then [Music]
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,798,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dashlane, can you make rope out of human hair, can you make rope out of, can you make rope out of aluminum foil, can you make rope out of paper towels, rope made from dental floss, rope made from saran wrap, how strong is hair rope, rope strength test, rope made from different materials, what is the strongest rope, survival skills, apocalyptic survival skills, password protection, what is dashlane, does dashlane work, good vpn, tkor, thekingofrandom, random happens
Id: ezgbmk3qtgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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