can you learn how to code from youtube

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What's going on, guys? Assalamualaikum, welcome to Amigoscode. In this video, I want to talk to you whether you can learn how to code through YouTube tutorials. So this is a question that I get asked quite a lot. And I feel like let me just address this question and make sure that when you watch a tutorial on YouTube, then you know exactly what to do and how to take advantage of these video tutorials. Now, YouTube is an amazing platform for pretty much learning anything, especially coding. Right. So you are learning out to code. You want to become programmers. And this is pretty much one of the best places. And the cool thing is that it's free. The cool thing is that it's free. So before I kick off, I just want you to take 2 seconds, literally 2 seconds and smash that, like button. Literally, just give me a thumbs up because it means a lot when you smash that, like button, and I can keep on providing you guys with content like this. So take 2 seconds. It doesn't hurt. It's free. Give me a thumbs up. And if you're not part of the Americas code community, go ahead and join both Discord and the private Facebook group. Over 30,000 people combine how can you take advantage when learning how to go through YouTube? So this is a question that a lot of you guys asked me. And just to put it this way, I think that if you are learning how to code by just watching the video and then trying to implement, right. So watching the video following along line by line. And then if you want to take, for example, what you've learned from the video and then put it in your own project or your own company, let's say then it's not going to work. And this is because every scenario is different. So you see, sometimes the projects that I build or the ideas that I have to teach you how to code is because I'm thinking of something that will be helpful to you so that you can use that as a starting point and not so that you can take the exact same code and then use it on your own project. Right. So that way it's not going to work because you kind of just copying my code into whatever you want to put it right. And that way you're not learning anything literally. You're not learning anything. Right. So if I also, for example, say, can you then implement something else, then you would say, wow. Okay. So how do I then try and change this code to adapt to mine? Usually it doesn't work like that. Right. So this is something that I feel like a lot of you are getting wrong. And you should just use these tutorials as a mean, as a mean of understanding certain concepts. Right. And then what I would do is, yes, you can try and learn line by line and then execute it and see it working. But then have a real project. Right. So build a real project where you can use whatever you've learned from the tutorial itself and then try to integrate, right. Not just copy and pasting from the tutorial into your report or your own application, because that way you're not learning anything. And the whole purpose of YouTube really is just to give you free content. You're right. You're watching this video is free paying anything. And there are really good tutorials out there, but they won't teach you, for example, how to build your own application from scratch, because if you want to build, let's say your own application within your own niche, then it's really specific to what you're trying to build is really specific of what you're trying to build. So take these tutorials to understand the concept and don't take these tutorials to take the code and then put it in your own application, because that is wrong. Right. So there are times where I used to say, you know, I've learned how to use this concept. Right. But then if I want to, if I want to pretty much just code it myself out, don't know where to start. And this is the problem. The problem is that you are trying to think how you can take this exact same code that you've just got and put it in your code, right. Whereas you should be thinking, okay. So now I've understood the concept. Now let me go and try and implement it. And what I want to tell you is that coding is the easiest part. Trust me. Like when it comes to programming, the most difficult thing is not it's not like writing the classes, the packages, putting the application together. No, that's not the most difficult part. So there are a bunch of other things that you need to consider when it comes to build a solid back end. So, for example, how do you model your data in the database? How do you handle the security part, the infrastructure. So how you want your code to handle multiple or million requests. Right. So there are other things, for example, CI CD, how do you make sure that your application is always deploying testing. Right. How do you make sure that your tests run fast? Right. Because, you know, there are other things that should be really worrying when it comes to build software. And you are just thinking on a small subset. Right. And usually I tell my students, coding is the east, and they say, oh, no, coding is the hardest Bay. But as we become more experienced and then become a senior engineer, you will not be doing as much coding as before because your job will be actually now to be involved in the overall architectural design of the application. How different components work with each other. How do you handle phases? For example, there are other things that you will basically be doing instead of just coding every single time, because then you kind of done over and over again and you kind of know how things work and then you just want to move on. Right. So the purpose of this video really is just to tell you that, yes, you can learn coding from YouTube. But providing that you learn the concepts and then you go out there and build something on your own. So build your own project. So a back up of students. Morillo is one good example. So on his GitHub, he has pretty much every single example. Right. So every single tutorial that is done, I got all the samples there, and he only uses those as a reference. So if he wants to build something, it kind of coded. Right. So it did along with the instructor, which is good. Right. So you are practicing as someone else's is teaching. So as a check, and then it also stored the example. So that's another check. So that shows that Morillo is engaged and he wants to learn and he wants to basically just carry on improving. He wants to show to other people that is actually really passionate about it. Right. And then from that, when it comes to build his own application or even at work, then you can just refer and look, for example, how certain things are done and not just take the exact same code and then put it in his own company or whatever project that he's working on. Right. So I remember that there was a video that I've done. I think it was the registration video. It was like a complete registration form system. And then someone else said, So how do you then think log out or how do you do something? And I'm like, but I don't know what you're trying to do. Right. So you need to use your own business logic, because at that point, it's just like business logic, right. I don't know the app that you're trying to build. I don't know. The domain is something that I couldn't just say. Okay. Let me just call this. Right. So again, use the videos as a guide and don't rely too much on them because these videos are just here to show you the concepts and to get off the ground. But then you should be the one taking your own project from scratch, going and understanding the concept, putting things together, finding errors. So learning through errors is another one. So you should really be stumbling upon errors. Right. Because if let's say I have done some tutorial, I already planned what I want to code. Right. I already done it in advance. It's not like I'm just genius. It's not like that. Right. So usually when you called, you encounter errors all the time. But when I record the videos, I make it seem like, oh, this works first time because I already planned everything in advance. Right. I've gone through the errors of Google day. I want to stack overflow, and I'm actually learning through building new content for you. Right? And what I don't want to do is to just rely on these videos and and on my courses to basically take the exact same code and then use it. So that's not what I want for you guys to do. I need to become a software engineer that will have the understanding we have the knowledge and a software engineer that can tackle any problem. Right? So working with different companies, you'll find that you'll never find basically the same code. People have different ways of tackling problems and program. It's just a way of view solving problems. And this is something that you should think on how to improve. So how do I solve problems and not just think about the syntax to code? Because that's like, as I said, that's not the most important thing. So coding is the easiest part. So let me know. We thought this video, if you new to my channel, give me a thumbs up I'll catch you on the next one. Assalamualaikum
Channel: Amigoscode
Views: 22,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amigoscode, learn to code, coding tutorial for beginners, coding for beginners, java, javascript projects for beginners, programming for beginners, programming advice, coding bootcamp, coding, how to learn to code, html tutorial
Id: ngiFJ9dVKsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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