RANDOM WHEELS RACE! - Scrap Mechanic Multiplayer Monday! Ep33

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no I'm not ready for the mic no no no bug bug ladies and gentlemen this is scrap man back with another episode of scrap mechanic multiplayer Monday and I'm here once again with moonbow oh what's going on komodo gaming hello Conn gaming hello and today we are doing a very interesting and unique challenge we are doing a kind of a random wheel challenge behind us over here we've got the wheel of wheels or something like that's that's what I'm calling it I've declared it I have I've christened it the wheel of wheels so basically we are going to have to we don't even know what we're building yet we just know that it's gonna have four different wheels and all of these wheels on the wall represent what kind of wheels we could get and we got a spin the spinner there you go oh sorry alright and once you release the button it's gonna slow down and you can't even press the button again you can't cheat yourself you got to wait for it to slow down yep and it'll land on one of these 16 different types of wheels and it looks like so whoever to spun that would have gotten the flowerpot and yeah the only the only thing is though you can only land on one wheel at a time so if you land on the flowerpot again that you have to re spend until you get a different wheels so your wheels must be all different from each other okay yeah and also oh yeah so this is um this is the no wheel if you land on this you you literally you don't get a wheel you're gonna be missing one wheel so yeah right see that's the so for build rules what do we got for build rules I don't know do it what you what why don't you save one of those kind I wasn't paying with our rules for building is pretty simple so standard 15-minute build time no thrusters no glitches as always and then the other restriction is when you start the race whatever wheels you start with have to start on the ground doesn't mean you can't pick them up but they have to start on the ground you can do whatever you want with them okay alright so your your your initial build must have all the wheels in contact with the ground yeah okay correct can I drop testing first please please actually there on the left oh I'm dark red no I'm dark red dark red I'm the dark red I'm the dark tire tread on the dark the dark really I'm the dark red okay come on you step on up to the wheel of wheels try your luck who knows what you're gonna get take a spin okay up there we go no I mean we don't have here for its slowness no no oh what's he gonna get what's he gonna get barrel on a large barrel I think the big leaders are probably better to have okay that's actually a good pic that is that is a pretty heavy reset is now on go for it yeah yeah pin number two no wait not exactly on the line actually it's leaving a little bit more towards the small barreling towards it is leaning towards a small barrel balanced rail I didn't none of our tests did that at all no no that's insane it really takes me reset Komodo oh you have to put see wheel all right number four what's your last line be you're looking pretty good so far you've got mostly around Zeb boots the other dudes boots maybe not watch no wheel you hear three barrels in a boot what are the chances are getting all three barrels and a boot motive yeah there we go first ones would come in it yeah you're in charge oh oh oh that's a good thing you're not well know that like sucks that way down low I can spin let's go for it give me a boot I have to make a three-wheeler you get me the big wheel that works actually I'm smelling a big wheel it's like the center one okay I mean a lot of people though you you've done the three wheelers in our challenges before so it didn't work out well three reset okay with that I think it depends on what your third one is if you have something similar in size to that I think you're good but if not you're gonna hug all right last wheel what you're gonna drop man I think you got like that was a good combo for having that big wheel there and no wheel way out for a three wheeler I actually you know what I can't complain up with that that's crazy I am ready go ahead and I'll be your wheel man all right am i a memory said I'm ready to go a month yeah you're good to go oh here we go okay all right gonna do that almost like where's my alright we're gonna put that right there yeah would that be ridiculous tricycle beckon spin go for it here we go oh stop small wheel what a contrast what a contrast okay we're gonna go ahead and put that right there I think the first two wheels are like you don't really know yet what's gonna happen but once you start getting the third and fourth and it defines what you got it you start to formulate a plan a little bit that is the feets all right go ahead all set hey you feeling about a moonbow let's make you feel I'm feeling like alright so no I think I think you have all different sizes like not one of them is the same good luck good luck with that memo are you ready yeah all right I'm nervous now I'm like I'm shaking I don't know what's gonna happen there's a little bit of wound a little bit of one the first real is the worst once you get past the first wheel then you start to okay good good good I mean it's roundish all right here we go big spin this time big spin come on knows my whammy no whammy big wheels gonna get that I was getting the barrel stop sign alright alright come on come on I don't even know what I want to be clear I don't know what I'm rooting for [Music] it is know how to boggle I don't I'm sure you like it points to the bug right in your look at the it points right here look if I go straight it's like that it's right in there guys it's I don't know guys what do you think I'm talking about yours now you know I'm you know what hold on guys we can end the despit the debate right here all we need to do is just take the take pipe piece I just extend it out all that's true nice tree that is true that it is clearly going off on the vogue side it is anybody's mug side by a hair Oh interference that means I get my choice I get my choice people say that you know what cuz I'm just gonna I'm gonna use the mug and I'm gonna beat you guys and embarrass the rolls and the pipe with a mug yeah so I hope you get social nope last meal last wheel going for it alright yeah press Revis press hold it longer yeah hold it down till a Bluegreen reset it and present anyway no all right there you know it's like I'll take it I'll take it it did more than one rotation so it counts alright I need to study a little bit of what I'm visualizing now all right well how I'm gonna go lay stuff in your garage yeah stop sign big that sucks handy so the stop sign on the candy are the same size but then but they've all different but the big barrel and the mug are just so vastly different yeah so I'm trying to fit well if I have the stop sign on the candy like work together but then I can't have the big barrel I mean maybe I might have an idea all right 15 minutes on the clock I'm holding my button all right I will hold my button as well I hold my button no you're not you might not doing a moto it's late a nice time there goes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay alright let's do it who's going first oh come on let's see what you got alright ready for this oh boy Doc's classic ridiculous classic tall suspension Komodo hey yeah yeah everything looks kind of like normal even though they're different sizes and then you just got the foot wheel just [Music] works really well it does that is awesome this is actually moving along right now wow you got it man oh wait they're not swinging the lights at the tops supposed to spin remember what happens when you spin lights yeah no that's the point oh yeah they are spinning ball I aren't they span I have to figure out maybe it's the engines on but anyways that's my creation I'm going to win so you guys can go ahead and not unveil I got I had the trike obviously so there's really one one way to build a trike no I guess Oh a trike with a spike wheel looks awesome oh way oh that's the front I thought that was the back okay no that's the front yeah that works relatively well interesting and yeah the cornering thing yeah we always have the issue with the trikes yeah the trikes just kind of this is where I'm gonna lose is in the corners interesting steering though yeah yeah cool the whole thing I'm gonna emanate this is not gonna work we're gonna have some issues so I'm gonna have low down like crazy and that'll be but yeah yeah good luck with that kind of like they're gone all right let me my my car here right here big little thermos for the feet though I might need to just kind of drop the suspension down a little bit maybe but this is just I don't know guys I have I have no idea what I mean may not be the best idea I am actually kind of disappointed in this right now I'm gonna max the feed max feet I'm proud of you you know you have you got dealt a really weird hand I mean foot and you used it I'm using it to the best of its capability but they even have some wings on there that foot wheel at high speed yeah the most ridiculous yeah I'm gonna delete this monstrosity oh man oh we're down to script man all right you guys ready for this one oh yeah I'm actually I'm actually somewhat proud of myself here I think I don't know I haven't really tested it that much but uh what there you go he's got a bug so there's my mug in the front yeah my backwards steering is pretty intense but Oh Club yeah let me see I'm getting some severe teleporting with this thing yeah like it's just okay I'm not doing too bad not doing too bad now all right yeah but we're not what I'm turning and stuff like I'm getting some weird teleports but yeah I mean I think for the most part it's kind of I mean the stop sign pulls a lot yeah I like the way it looks I think the stop sign is just a little bit bumpy but yeah it's it's it's kind of a trike but I just put the plug out front for whatever reason all right I'm ready right I'm ready to rinse where's the start look at this race one lap race if we wouldn't make it go straight toward just crazy tricky follow the one line lap let's do this figure eight didn't go just prepare to die yeah very definitely he's counting time go right I like how you actually counted down Oh off to a great start off to a great start thanks Komodo stuck at the beginning I'm just trying to get there we go all right I'm having a bad time I'm having a bad day yep having a bad day I got it now you know stiffer suspension might actually flipping on this thing why would anybody make a trike there's a trike in the lead there we go oh crap alright I got it I'm just about to get to the launch pad no all right all right come on come on how did you finish up Oh - you guys are useless I'm coming up on the cornfield yeah I can't stay straight all right all right there we go why don't we make a figure 84 doing one lap across the middle section so we have an equal to I just I just won the rate going through the figure 8 thing is just so sudden you said you were crying I was proud of it I'm proud of my design I just it's a trike oh no it's very okay all right I'm going straight I'm going straight I can handle straight have to turn now where am I going Oh terrible no okay you enjoying your victory over there yeah having a cold one you saving us you saving a spot on that camera please come on don't feel no bows coming up for secondly don't hit that tree moving sand second place thank you my lips can't manage us reset backwards I'm gonna go straight right nice and straight I can't believe it nice and straight game on right grandma how's it going man with you on a tree on a tree how is your pout your front probe going like I feel like the fun probe is all right but it's just the guys I'll be there in a second oh it's just this flipping is so random it's just like it's just the Wills or the barrels can you see through the line yet no go straight mosquito I made it guys I made it damn terrible [Music] guys guys he made the wheel it was his idea and he won I think Andy is hosting really no seriously go drive my car and see how stable it is at speed like seriously other than the fact that it wheelies it's super stable Wow wow this is great ok ok all right I already see how this thing goes first but like it made it over flip alright let's see ok I'm just like as long as it's it's easy to drive it's all about the wheel that's Wow the entire thing is just you're just aiming the wheel where you want it like that's it yeah that's all you do and then you just make sure you draw your nose doesn't lift up too much alright yeah this is act this is a pretty good builds I'll admit it this is a pretty damn good build alright guys that was a terrible idea I think the Goldammer finally these aren't nearly as shiny and gold as I was imagining I'm very just yeah throws you're still lost anyway so yeah con ones you're welcome go past me for a second yeah I was third and Noble crap ban was somewhere I think you love the mug was really the down it was you know I don't think I don't think the mug I think you guys screwed me over I really think it's just a very cool-looking build though it was so you know sceeto thanks for the thanks for the pity the pity of their mundo appreciate well be sure to check out each other's channels for the different perspectives watch call and spank the field yeah yes I didn't really know what to say I want to interrupt your conversations no make sure you guys leave your suggestions for multiplayer Monday or yeah multiplayer - or play yeah play multiplayer multiplayer Monday suggestions down below in the moments we would we are gonna use that will again one day oh but uh I guess we'll see you guys next time yeah or sure everything a plan by coming in for the outro it's the ppph water thanks tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 514,610
Rating: 4.8174934 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic game, crazy creations, best creations, awesome creations, best scrap mechanic creations, creations, scrap mechanic race, scrap mechanic multiplayer race, scrap mechanic big wheels, scrap mechanic spike wheels, scrap mechanic race track, scrap mechanic random wheels race, scrap mechanic wheels mod, scrap mechanic mods
Id: f09qX97KywM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2017
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