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welcome back today i want to find out if i can forge this 5 000 bar of platinum as you might know in the workshop i'm working on transforming this 10 pen into a 10 000 pen and i want to make one of the components out of this oh it's weighty it's got a lot of weight to it for its size smells like plastic very hard let's see if i can dent it with a knife yeah i can it's definitely not as soft as gold let's see what happens when we hammer it cold well it definitely feels softer than steel that's for sure hammering cold isn't making a lot of progress though the intent of this video is to forge the platinum and i want to make at least the clip from platinum so let's get it hot and hopefully not make a five thousand dollar puddle now this could be a very expensive mistake so thank goodness we've got sponsors like red shadow legends it is the game's two-year anniversary it's two years old and what started off as just some cool character art and an idea has now taken the world by storm is the number one rpg in the us there's over a million players daily and all of those players have not only got to enjoy the great battles and challenges of raid but they've also contributed to helping creators across the youtube platform create some of their best content so join the party and hop along for the third year of adventures one of my favorite things about the game is the sheer breadth of utterly amazing and ingenuitive designs of all of the champions that you can collect and acquire to celebrate the anniversary there's a ton of new events and tournaments going on so if you're quick you'll be able to catch those get some free gifts and rewards raid also just released the first batch of the shadowkin faction inspired by traditional asian folklore and they got some huge updates coming later in the month like a new doom tower rotation with two tough new bosses so please go get a huge head start in raid by clicking the link down in my description below or hitting the qr code on screen right now if you're a new player you'll get an epic champion jotun for free he's amazing in the doom tower you'll get 100 000 silver 50 gems and three awesome shards so that you can summon some awesome champions as soon as you're in game you'll also be getting extra awards here in your inbox for the next 30 days right now we can waste five thousand dollars okay so before it actually goes in the fire we're going to do a little bit of research now the chances of melting it are actually quite slim because it melts at 3 200 degrees fahrenheit or 1800 degrees celsius which is really really hot much hotter than steel even now on i4 giant which is the blacksmithing forum that i used to spend so much time on there is a post that describes the forging of platinum in great detail one of the key things they describe is if you forge platinum there is a great risk of getting steel embedded into the material from your hammer your tongs and your handles so you've got to make sure that they are very clean and polished up and if i actually want to make something worth any money out of this platinum it certainly can't have any steel particles in it get rid of all this stuff i want to clean any scale off of this area in case i drop it on the ground for when i drop it on the ground we're gonna put a brick in the fire too so it's hopefully a cleaner surface upon which to lay the platinum it is now go time are you kidding me i've already dropped it but when i drop it on the ground okay now it's good oh it's blisteringly hot ah it's sticky it's stuck to my tongue it's so shiny it's also ridiculously sticky okay back in the fire ah no i dropped it in the fire and it's hot cooling down so fast oh my goodness it's so sticky i can't move it around the anvil it is impossible okay it's not impossible but every time i'm trying to manipulate it like i would a little bar of steel a bar of steel you just slide along the anvil here i can't it is so sticky i wonder what the royal mint would say about their ingot now looking like this no that's not good it looks like there's a crack forming or is it made up maybe it isn't a crack forming i got the impression there was a crack forming right there i don't know more upsetting that's what we're doing i'm trying to shorten out this material so that we can get a thicker section of bar to work with so i'm hitting it from end it means we've got to do a lot of straightening as we go as you see we are successfully moving it it's relatively soft and it cools down very fast [Music] so it's been a great material to work with it's a lot tougher than gold but it's still a lot softer than steel the next step is i need to get this thin down to seven millimeters and round it out so that we can stick it in the lathe to turn down a clicker [Music] [Music] i didn't even catch it i made the clicker it's on to the clip and these are all the shavings we've accumulated so far [Music] and one two and the metal is cold one and it's cold again [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] bye so we found out platinum is jolly good fun to forge we've got the clip rough shaped it's ready for finishing we're turning one of these ten dollar pens into a ten thousand dollar pen i'd love for you to watch part one of the series where we make some beautiful twisted damascus i'd love you to subscribe and turn your notifications on so that you can see us finish this project out and hopefully make something exquisite or make very expensive mistakes it's been a pleasure thank you to raid for having sponsored this episode and helping me not go bankrupt see you all soon bye [Music] you
Channel: Alec Steele
Views: 738,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alec, alec steele, alex steele, anvil, art, axe, blacksmith, blacksmithing, blade, bladesmithing, craft, damascus, diy, engineering, fabrication, forge, forged in fire, handmade, knife, knifemaking, lathe, make, mig, mill, steel, sword, tig, weld, woodworking
Id: lH6O0EYK9lU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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