My TITANIUM hammer after 2 YEARS

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foreign Impressions it's really great I'm going to just use this hammer for a while and then uh I'll let you know how I like it and what I think about it here we are two years later the titanium forging hammer what do I think about this bad boy I'm going to tell you that today why don't we do a quick Blast from the Past on collage of me making this hammer [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] to make this video because as soon as you start talking about titanium and a titanium hammer gets to be a bit of controversy out there about it okay the number one thing we have to talk about straight out of the gate everybody's like that's stupid titanium's light that's gonna make a terrible hammer always chuckle at that comment because guess what Believe It or Not cameras come in different weights if you want a bigger Hammer just get more titanium okay so the next thing is what does it look like after two years of absolutely smashing it upon everything I originally at the very beginning for the first couple weeks took her easy you wanna smash it on anything and then I was like no where oh that was violent oh yeah not held back at all on hitting anything with this Hammer this is what it looks like the old titanium hammer tape is a new addition from it hit the ground pretty hard the other day for some reason but look at the face here's the interesting thing about the titanium very quickly the surface got pitted from hitting scale 140. like right aways and I thought oh man that's the end of it but then it stopped it didn't go further every single ax that I've made since 2020 I've used this Hammer to make okay here's the next thing I want to show you a little bit of mushrooming on the edge just right in there right this side this side is the side that I always put it down on the Anvil you can see the blues come off where this side stays up it's because ninety percent of the time I'm using this face so when you do that you always put your hammer down like this the cross peen is uh not rounded like it was a little bit of mushrooming and dinging on that so that's not too great I guess the part that's good is that it's flat I like a flat crossbeam but it's worked in so that's where the hammer is after uh over two years of working it this is the part that I just the reason I haven't made the video is because uh like you look at that and you say oh that's not a very good hammer and I guess look how loose that is hey I gotta fix that the surface condition is not super great but I mean forging my axes I like the texture and it doesn't bother me for the work that I do but I don't know that I would want to sell a hammer like this because that is pretty bad you can Harden titanium to a degree and I was messing around with that a little bit uh age hardening it in the Forge but quite frankly I'm just not set up good enough to do it but if it was hard it would be a little bit better which would be exciting I got to put a new handle on it sometime soon and that's the other thing it's going to be about this much longer get a little bit more speed out of that because you're always looking for it because it's light but I like that it works really well the gist of it here Timothy get to the gist of it son there's something about it the titanium Hammer is not here where I need it I will walk across the shop every time to get it my elbow has never felt I it's never felt as good as it has since I've been swinging this thing my left hand my tongue hand is always more tired than my right arm I think it's the titanium that it just the way it takes the shock you can totally feel what you need to feel for when you're controlling the hammer but it doesn't transfer into your hands so that's I think the number one reason why I'll continue to use this Hammer over a steel one not to say that I won't be using steel ones and continuing to like those hammers for some things but like that's why I haven't made the video because it's like ah it's not a super great hammer but yet I still continue to use it daily and I really would be sad if it was gone is it a great hammer from a technical side no but there's something about it that's the update short and sweet is there anything I missed let me know in the comments below thanks for watching tune in next week Friday oh tune in next week Friday got something special coming for you thanks for watching see you in the next one keep the forge lit [Applause]
Channel: Timothy Dyck
Views: 125,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jbxcYh-V6so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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