Can You Figure Out These Impossible Questions? - Brain Out

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why do we want to put the giant freak giraffe into the tiny refrigerator ever since Toys R Us closed down this guy has had it rough we really don't need to be screwing with him what's up guys welcome back to brain out a game that I keep saying that I'm done with and the videos keep getting a ton of views and likes and comments to the point where it's probably my biggest ongoing series and I'm not really sure how to react to getting so much love and support from hundreds of thousands of people who appreciate watching me suffer like an idiot but I'm just not gonna think about it okay like everything in this game including level 120 find the mother hen again I appreciate the fact that they said again because we've definitely done this before last time we had to scroll just barely to the side she was just a little off-screen but of course they can't make it that easy twice I don't suppose one of you through you're the mother maybe you're just a little young looking for your age and a bit of a mill except in a chicken's case I guess it would be mother I like to clock no of course not okay so unless she's hiding behind these words or behind one of you idiots no and she has to be off screen somewhere I just don't know how to get to her can I call out to her really oh oh I can probably zoom out right can can i zoom out in this yes there we go go watch your stupid little nuggets you neglectful bird I'm tired of being your babysitter level 121 help the duck drink water again I don't think this duck wants to drink water I think he wants to get stoned and he doesn't understand what it means because it definitely has nothing to do with rocks or drinking bong water but we could do our very best to combine the two oh that actually oh is it raising the water level okay so now that it's a little bit higher you can't drink it all right well we've got a weather system above us for some reason how does that help can I just there you go that that's closer to what it's like to get students I'd probably need to block out the Sun so that it drains and fills up the bong and then you can drink from it because that's what ducks do I guess I still don't fully understand that one it took me a hundred and twenty-two questions to think to do this but it turns out brain out is developed in Hong Kong which explains a lot of the broken English and a lot of the references that I am just not getting a little 122 what's your body temperature now I don't want to put that in my foot what if I just touch it is that good enough oh okay it went up is that goods ninety six point eight but let go does it go back down can I just put that in ninety six point eight that's normal temperature isn't it I don't have a fever anymore like last episode hey there you go if that would have read a hundred into last episode I would have been really freaked out but the 123 mix red and blue together well the obvious answer would be to interact with this at all no okay well I'm guessing that we need to shake our phone and my phone I mean emulator did it just spill everywhere oh it doesn't have a cat so where would I get a cap can I use something up here to plug it with that's interesting so I do need to shake it Oh what if I just plug it and then shake just shake it up it's not spilling now so I feel like that's a good thing in all reality we could just wait really diffusion should just passively make the colors mix but I don't have time for that I really hope that whatever just spilled all over the inside of my emulator isn't toxic I don't know about it being toxic but I think that giraffe world and whatever it was level 124 but the giraffe into the fridge why I know I shouldn't be asking why they're asking me actually they're not even asking me a question they're giving me an order okay I'm gonna ask a question why do we want to put the giant freak giraffe into the tiny refrigerator ever since twice R Us closed down this guy has had it rough we really don't need to be screwing with him I can't even open the fridge so how am I supposed to stuff him in I can't hold him can I you got a pretty long neck right you might be able to like bend a little bit can I make one of them bigger or smaller what if I try something like this no oh oh uh something happened there well something happened with the fridge it got big for like a second oh my god this emulator is gonna be the death of me I'm pretty sure I need to make the refrigerator bigger big enough not quite need to be a little bigger come on work with me work with me well the good news is I managed to supersize the fridge but I still can't open it really hoping this is good enough okay that's good enough you just put him on the giant fridge he doesn't really need to go in that's semantics of the English language the 125 to turn off the light again we've definitely turned a few lights out before they've always been trickier than they need to be I don't suppose there would be a hidden switch you like that'd be a Hail Mary maybe we can just pull it out of the ceiling would that be excessive you just moved whoa okay yeah there you go you just rip the light bulb out because that's okay that's technically easier than pulling it out of the ceiling but still level a hundred and twenty-six in writing all of the integers from 1 to 199 how many times is a 1 used I'm guessing that this is supposed to be some kind of trick question that they make you think okay use it one and then two three four five six seven eight nine doesn't have anything ten so that'll be another one 11 that'll be two one so we've used four but I think they just mean how many times is the number one as an integer used and it's only used once great there's only nope nope they're actually gonna make me figure out how many times one is used when counting to 199 okay then so just as an example let's take the 20s right from 20 to 29 the only time one is used is 21 all of the other ones don't have a one in them the same thing for the 30s the 40s the 50s all of those leading up to a hundred and then it's the same kind of thing except every hundred has a one in front of it and then 11 is doubled 111 is tripled so it should be it's either 139 or 149 I have to break out in Excel spreadsheet I'm gonna write down 199 no I am NOT you can suck these mathematic nuts level 127 the little bunny is a hungry again I would much rather questions like this okay I do like the math questions but at the same time I would rather struggle to figure out how to feed a stupid platform bunny then do man off screen for like five minutes okay I know there's a jump cut and a pause and then I come back and I walk my way through it but at the same time it takes a lot of friggin thinking I don't like to think I like to just have verbal diarrhea on camera that's what you guys want to watch right so the bunny is hungry again there was a time where we could bring him the carrots but we can't do that anymore was a time we could bring the bunny over and do that anymore we can't interact with the platforms or the clock and we can't use the words to make a platform either something tells me I can't just make you jump no okay so you have four out of five lives left can i oh maybe if we can make a bit of a heart bridge even though I can't take the one oh no we can't take the one that we lost okay perfect so what if we spread these out ever so delicately it's a mobile game there's no way I need to be that precise right it feels like they have physics though that good that's that's not expected okay so it didn't act as a bridge but it did act as bunny steroids hold on so if I give you I'm confused you got bigger didn't you jump jump jump I feel like the hearts did something but I don't know what's honey these are all the roids that I can give you so you're gonna need a running start and I'm gonna do my best to make you actually jump this distance now go oh okay got there he froze for a second in disbelief that he actually made the jump finally bunny can actually do it himself kind of as long as he doesn't get a drug test level 128 there are 26 letters in the alphabet checks out so far if 80 left how many letters are left the answer is clearly not gonna be 24 but I'm gonna try it because they've been throwing me a lot of curveballs lately and I've been doing a lot of mental gymnastics just to realize that the obvious answer was the actual answer I don't know why there's a space between left the comma it's freaking me out maybe it's asking how many letters are the word left but it before or if et left then left would just be L and F right so it would be it - I guess right no I thought it was really onto something there et man what if 80 left how many letters are left it should just be LF the answer should be - I was thinking they might mean move the letters et to the left but I can't interact with these giant 80 like they have to have chosen E and T for a reason I assumed it was because it makes up half of the word left which they have used twice instead of how many letters that remain but like I said is developed in Hong Kong so they're probably not trying to go that clever I'm gonna have to get a hint I can't believe this I never have to get hints et left with UFO are you kidding me how was a me buddy supposed to assume that you mean ETV alien so he left in a UFO he took the letters UF and O as well which means the answer is 21 oh you kid just [ __ ] off pronounced that's some [ __ ] okay I'm calling it right now my answer was better level 129 light up all the ball do they mean bulbs or do I need to light up all of one of them weirds okay so you work for those you work for those and you work for those wait okay so outside brights left that doesn't mean anything though right because now the two outsides are on this should switch them off but it doesn't it just keeps stuff on these don't work like they're supposed to they don't turn stuff off that's already on it's only on so there's no way of there's got to be something can I unplug one of them can I screw with it there you have it not my first time struggling with this stupid game puzzle this one's as old as time level 131 candle is 50 centimeters high and can burn for three hours another one is 70 centimeters high and can burn for six hours how long does it take for this two candles to reach the same height oh it's one of those two trains going at different speeds which one arrives first kind of question okay this shouldn't be difficult right famous last words first candle 50 centimeters high burns for three hours which means it burns like 16 ish centimeters an hour another one is 70 centimeters high and can burn for 6 hours which means it burns at like 11 centimeters an hour wait was the smaller one burns faster so the bigger one is never gonna catch up so they're never gonna be the same unless they completely burn out right there'll be the same height at zero so six hours right if the answer is six I gonna feel like a goddamn genius uh every now and then you get one quite like I'll pretty much once in episode I get a question where I think to myself wow that was smart and then I look at the comments I'm like nope I'm a [ __ ] level 131 can you solve this so five plus three is twenty eight nine plus one is 810 eight plus six is 214 five plus four is nineteen and seven plus three is what okay well I'm gonna punch in ten now just to make sure because you never know so what is the pattern here five plus three should be eight but instead it's twenty eight nine plus one is ten but instead it's 810 8 plus 6 is 14 but instead it's 214 so the last digits are correct five plus four should be nine but instead it's 19 what is the first digit eight to one oh it's subtracting them so it would be 7 minus 3 is 4 and then 7 plus 3 is 10 so is it 410 I'm telling you man I know I can't make whole youtube videos of me doing math because that is the opposite of entertaining but it still feels like I get to be a smartypants you see this is a little bit more YouTube space level 132 will help the baby get a haircut too that I can do ok don't shave the baby all right then you can stop now stop stop crying baby go back to the way you were okay something has changed this is how you stop a baby from crying right you just poke it with a mouse cursor until it gives up why don't you take this and stuff no isn't that hell babies stop crying shove this in your face and no all right what if I blow-dry you all right well I am out of guesses what if we shake the baby is that is that a bad idea probably not working you see the thing about the math questions are the possibilities are not necessarily endless but there's a lot of them you can't really guess with this you can put in all of your possible inputs you know interact with every object in the baby in every possible way that you can on a mobile device and then when it doesn't work you're out of luck you just got to ask for a hint I got nothing put the baby to sleep and then cut his hair how this stupid baby has ruined me before I need to put the baby to sleep are rocking my phone which an emulator will not do so I technically have to skip this question but again I'm not gonna count it because we did come up with an answer okay you can put a baby to sleep by shaking it waking it up afterwards is the hard part yes skip a level 133 you're so smart let's Cheers okay then do you want me to shake this as well because that's one thing that I can do I don't know if we should be shaking this wanna explode it's gonna pop it's gotta be a weight getting this stupid cork out man why does everything hate me in this game it can't shake a baby you can't shake champagne okay hold on we got bubbles bubbles are good well mean progress keep on going keep on shakin maybe if I shake the baby for long enough something would have happened this game seems to require a whole lot of shaking it's not just one or two you've really gotta lean into it I losing my mind did it always have bubbles I really thought we were making progress come on you basic but there we go how many times I have to shake that level 134 solve the problem with brute math you know that thing that you were taught in school rather than now how to do your taxes you can't call up the IRS and tell them that strawberry equals seven and grape equals 5 plus strawberry so grape would be 12 and then strawberry equals one plus triple eggplant so triple eggplant would be six so a single eggplant would be two because they've pulled that trick on me before so it's seven strawberry plus two eggplant which is nine plus twelve grapes would be twenty-one no oh oh they're screwing with me the grapes are different as well how many grapes are there up here twelve and let me guess down here there's only eleven so the answer would be twenty you can't fool me with fruit math that often okay this is like the third or fourth time that they've tried to throw this at me and it's getting to the point where I'm gonna start paying for things in quarter eggplants level one hundred and thirty six find the wolf in the Sheep and I just start accusing them Oh No so it's not gonna openly tell me that one of them is a wolf and I can't move them around do you have anything uh why can I interact with this I was gonna go for the little worm okay mister hmm oh wait does this meet here who wants to me I would imagine a wolf would okay it's it's you you're the wolf I like that that's the face of a wolf right you notice how none of the other ones want a pork chop except for you but for some reason that's not good enough the way hit it with a rock come on I just wanna bludgeon the I felled the wolf what do you want from me it's this guy right here what am I supposed to do tonight yeah I'm just gonna let him eat the whole flock screw you all I think this is another one of those questions where I need to use multiple fingers at once what I can't so I've got stuff set up and now I'm hoping if I give you the meat I should be able to hit a number of buttons none of what you're doing anything to you I'm trying like a pinch and a poke and oh okay something had to work there every time I let go of the meat it resets I need to hold the meat there and then do stuff in the background and didn't pray 138 make the papal windmill spin fast I don't understand why a paper windmill has a battery and wires is it it just a pinwheel like that thing that kids run with in the winds it's a wind mill so maybe the battery is just a red herring maybe I don't actually need to use the wires I can't interact with the battery anyway so I don't think it really matters what if I Oh I touched it and it is spinning but I need to make it spin fast okay what if I shake I've been shaking everything lately and hoping for the best no luck on the shake oh right then what else could I possibly do here once again I've tried every possible input so I really thought we were on to something there I mean I mean the pin wheel was spinning it's not anymore but now I gotta get a hint wave your device like you wave a paper windmill fast and hard I was shaking it that's the most I can do you gotta be kidding me and I've watched the same stupid tick-tock add like 15 times this episode for the other skips and hints so now I'm just stuck that's the end of the video you know I think that's gonna be it for this episode of brain out guys and I think I said I really enjoyed the game I would love to keep going I just don't know if people want to see me keep doing the same thing over and over I know all the questions are different but my frustration is largely the same which I guess is why people keep coming back this is only 180 levels so we only have two episodes left I think I get through about 20 questions every episode so you guys like a video leave a comment that kind of stuff then maybe I'll return to see if we can beat it or it beats me whatever comes first that thing's worth watching his video I hope you enjoyed and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 466,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brain out, brain out game, brain out gameplay, brain out can you pass it, brain out funny, brain out funny moments, quiz game, test game, mobile quiz game, brain out let's play, brain out answers, brain out walkthrough, brain out playthrough, brain out series, brain out playlist, funny quiz game, impossible quiz game, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: o0Z0R--Fgn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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