Can you defeat the INVINCIBLE boss in Jedi Fallen Order?

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[Music] jeanna fallen order has an invincible character Jarrow to park Cal's Jedi Master I'm sure you've already seen this by now he's invincible seemingly but today I'm gonna put djaro to pile to the ultimate test there's more than one way he can actually be defeated and there's actually quite a few enemies capable of getting the win over this fallen Jedi Master who's really just a dark force vision in cal's mind ever since gyro T'Pol was added as an opponent in the combat challenges game mode and you can spawn in as many jurors as you like and face off against them I wanted to test how djaro goes up against a wide range of characters and which ones are capable of defeating him so which ones do you think they are which ones do you think can be gyro to pal leave a comment before you watch the video and after you watch it I'd be really interested to see if you chose correctly I was really surprised with some of the enemies he fell to hey everyone its Andrew so recently it was discovered that you can actually defeat Jarrah to pal using the skunk as' that's an interesting word if you place lots of these surrounding him and force push them into master to pal creating this giant explosion of skunk as' they'll regrow and you keep doing this and eventually he'll be defeated although he kind of just glitches out T'Pol doesn't have a death animation this was never designed for the game so he just freezes and stands there so for the sake of today's video to speed things up I've enabled a one hit kill cheat which i think makes the game much more realistic especially with the lightsabers I made a video all about that last week realistic light sabers but with one hit kill enabled it'll tell us immediately if an enemy gets a hit on Jarrett Paul the Jedi Master blocks pretty much everything you throw at him there's no way of hitting him with your lightsaber and lots of other enemies are incapable of hitting him also he blocks almost everything except skandhas explosions and a few other enemies attacks he takes a small amount of damage from these and I figure if an enemy gets a hit on djaro before djaro hits them they deserve the win so realistic mode switched on with one-hit care and with this switched on you can see here just once congas explosion takes him down even though he's still standing you get it so Cal actually has one attack that successfully defeats T'Pol his downward force slam attack otherwise known as the repulse if you perform this attack with one hit kill switched on and you defeat DePaul pretty much every time you use it so first up I wanted to do a little test when you face Jerry to power during the actual story mode with one hit kill switched on here I wanted to see if hitting him with the repulse attack would trigger the next cutscene in this mission you're actually supposed to lock blades with T'Pol after which you eventually get the trigger for the next cutscene so I tried using the repulse slam and immediately T'Pol stops and breaks the game once this happens there's no way of progressing the story you're stuck even if you keep hitting him so channel around the arena get up on top of here nothing topologist stands there frozen until you reload your game so in one way I guess you could say this is Cal breaking his force vision like now he's just forever stuck inside his mind so that's what happens in the story but now let's test some enemies I'm gonna go through every single enemy in the game starting with the Empire 99 stormtroopers versus one djaro T'Pol my PC struggling a little bit here and this took much longer than I wanted it to Jarrod's ball moves quite slowly and every attack thrown at him activates his blocking animation so every time a stormtrooper fired on him he'd block and take a small step backwards there were a couple times who takedown three enemies all at once and that was a big moment for T'Pol bout as aggressive as he got otherwise it's just one at a time very slowly and I also don't understand why the stormtroopers don't all fire on him at the same time I tried turning the game difficulty up but this didn't seem to change too much they became a bit more aggressive but for the most part would still fire in tones yes that's just how the AI is programmed so it took to Paul about 10 minutes to defeat the 99 stormtroopers and they didn't even get close to getting a hit on him okay so next let's try eight stormtrooper commanders I thought these enemies might be able to get in with their grenades know every time that explode T'Pol would simply block the explosion with his standard flock animation and killed the commanders so how about 480 STS they fire multiple grenades all at once along with rockets and blasters T'Pol walks right through the grenade explosions no problem for Jarrah the blaster shots also do nothing as to the rockets and gyro calmly approaches the ATS T's legs and takes him down in one swift stroke but here's something funny when the ATS T drivers crawl out of their cockpits even though I was using spectate mode and aren't even capable of turning on Cal's lightsaber they still wanted to fire at me they'd be aiming at me instead of T'Pol until he sliced him up the security droids I figured wouldn't really do anything as so far T'Pol only seems to be affected by splash attacks like the skunk as' T'Pol blocked the security droids punches and easily took them out scout troopers I figured would be the same as they only have their melee electro baton attacks and sure enough T'Pol defeated them all with ease but the flame troopers I was really curious about obviously their flame throwers are more of a spread attack and not something that can be really blocked and there you have it just one quick little flame and T'Pol is defeated his first defeat so far at the hands of an enemy apart from the skunk's of course the Great's congas explosion and after his victory this flame trooper proceeded to go stand on his fall and fellow trooper what is this like he's rubbing it in that he's the first one to defeat the invincible character gotta stand on his fellow fallen trooper the heavy assault troopers are a much more ranged enemy standing back and firing it to Paul and we're also quite smart in taking turns to light their weapons cool down frustrating for gyro trying to get close to them but eventually did so and defeated them with no issues okay this next one was funny the probe droids Jerrod's Paul has no way of hitting them because they stay up high in the air and he can't actually use any force powers so this one was a stalemate he blocked all the probe droids blasts and was just flailing his lightsaber around helplessly on the ground so next let's try the pods troopers somehow T'Pol even blocks the shotgun blast of the poets trooper commanders not sure how he's blocking the pellet spray of this it's such short range all the pellets just no no problem for djaro but he certainly made short work of these guys and he also walks right through their chakra nade like it's not even there what about us look at it just right through the electro baton purge troopers we're also incapable of getting a hit in all their attacks are quite short quick swings nothing that's gonna worry djaro the electro staff pose troopers took T'Pol about seven minutes to defeat they put up much more of a fight although again no hits on the Jedi Master and the electro hammer purge troopers I honestly thought would be the ones to defeat him seeing as though they have the heaviest attacks as well as a shockwave kind of attack but T'Pol took them down faster than any of the other poets trooper classes no problem here so next I honestly thought the rocket troopers would take down to pile with a single rocket kind of similar to the flame troopers but in true Jarrah T'Pol style he simply blocks them with his lightsaber then does what needs to be done and as a fun little test we can defeat djaro to par using the skunk as' but what about the astromech droids will force pushing these in too deep I'll also defeat him I really wanted this one to work but unfortunately he just powers right on through the droids they do nothing ok so next up I thought I'd try have Jared to pal face the full legendary beasts and for all at the same time so first up the legendary Aldo bogged oh thought maybe ugh gross tongue would do the trick but no Jarrah made short work of the four octobot berries so one down three to go next up the knight AK alpha again no problem for djaro I think rabbit jota's is the most aggressive of the four legendaries but again Jarrah made quick work of them so it was up to the albino why shocked and this one started off very one-sided Jarrah T'Pol defeating three of the four giant spiders but then on the force a real surprise T'Pol was frozen the spider jumped right over the top of him I think this attack sprays a web and T'Pol was defeated so I ran the battle again to make sure this wasn't just a glitch second time T'Pol came out victorious okay one more time to test this out three of the four spiders defeated then this albino before the same jump attack and two pals stop still so there you go we can add the albino why shock to the list of ero to pal conquerors so next I thought I'd try the other spider the regular why shock they have a few similar attacks the albino but no luck here they were all easily defeated and their web attacks weren't effective on top all the flame beetle is up next another keshiki and creature and if the flame troopers were anything to go by perhaps the flame beetle can also be successful in defeating T'Pol and yep they sure can this small spray attack performed by the beetle is enough to stop two pal dead in his tracks funny Jarrah piles weakness seems to be fire types next is the Michael these winged bat-like creatures that quickly swoop on their enemies for this might be a similar situation to the probe droids but they get in a little closer and T'Pol easily dispatched all four of them next up is the slick and as soon as they spawned in this one here vomited all over T'Pol and he was defeated who knew this giant slug vomit is the the key to killing T'Pol he even dropped his lightsaber and discussed really wasn't expecting that one so quickly - onto data Mia's creatures and the bane back spider I thought it would have a good chance against a pile and I was right but only after being defeated they produce a cloud of gas which damaged T'Pol so at the moment it seems to be nearly every non-explosive spreadable attack is two pals weakness I thought I'd put some night brother warriors and arches in the same battle against a pile and to my surprise it wasn't long before one of the nightbrothers heavy attacks defeated two pal from behind he's not doing too well here and a few more losses seems he's not quite as invincible as we first thought and yes I know I've got the one-hit kill cheat on and if we were using the game's regular health values then pal would most likely be winning most of these fights but it's interesting to see which enemies can even hit T'Pol beyond dead Nightsisters I thought wouldn't stand a chance against a pal seeing as though they only really have the melee attacks but they are ultra aggressive and seemed to somehow break through to pals guard and get a hit on him this was really surprising to me didn't expect this one okay next up some of Zephyrs enemies the Phil ACK was easily defeated as with the scars and the tomb Guardians wouldn't even attack T'Pol and vice versa I just stood there I guess you know they're Jedi tomb Guardians so I turned on new factions and T'Pol had no trouble but this was surprising the true guardians beam attacks did nothing to T'Pol he easily blocked them onto pagano's creatures the Borg rats don't stand a chance nor do the armored bull rats or the Spock's or the augurs all were easily defeated SOTA parley defeats all began owes creatures okay the hak-seon brood bounty hunters are next the bounty droid was useless against appalled using only really melee attacks the commanders tried keeping their distance but we're also eventually defeated even this repulsed blast did nothing to T'Pol but the hak-seon birds bounty hunters the ones with the jetpacks quickly defeated to Paul with a large blast to the back interesting I think T'Pol would have struggled to defeat them anyway keeping their distance with jetpack you know it's kind of like the probe droid situation again but he loses here okay so it's time for some boss fights thought we'd stick to the 4v1 theme make things a bit more interesting and so the other enemies can get more attacks in the Inquisitor cows were easily able to defeat to power using the same repulsed slam attack I used earlier so next the second sister the most aggressive boss fight in the game even though the sisters were swinging very quickly with their double blades T'Pol was blocking everything a likely story he defeated one of the four but when he went in for another swing one of the sisters caught him and he was frozen AHA so there it is if you swing fast enough you can get through two piles guard this is the first time I've ever seen a lightsaber actually hit T'Pol usually he blocks every single lightsaber but I guess if they're fast enough there you go so I fought for Malik OSes might be able to achieve a similar result although malla costs is much less aggressive than the second sister and has a much bigger ego hanging back and kind of just taunting his enemies and so he was defeated two piles not taking any of Malik OSes nonsense so the final enemy for a jar Oh T'Pol is the knight sister I battles between these two in the past although never a 4v1 and this was crazy T'Pol didn't take out a single sister and you can even see the finishing stab look at this that blade goes right through two piles chest seems like a fair win to me what a great way to end it realistic lightsaber right here it's like Darth Maul V qui-gon jinn takes one in the chest or the gut so there you go djaro T'Pol isn't invincible after all it just takes a one hit kill cheat and a bit of time so all the enemies capable of defeating T'Pol include the flame trooper the Albi know why shock flame beetle the slig the bane back spider the night brother warriors the undead night sisters the hak-seon brood bounty hunter Inquisitor kal the second sister and the night sister but only in great numbers and in these certain situations you've seen today so where any of these the ones you predicted would win and which character were your most surprised about let me know in the comments and you probably noticed during this video I had Cal wearing clone trooper armor for a closer look at some of Jedi fallen orders latest and greatest mods like this troopers mod go watch this video here and follow me on instagram twitter and join my discord for more Star Wars gaming news content memes and to be part of my growing discord community love you guys on there and thanks for watching this my name is Andrew I'll catch you soon stewey bombastic
Channel: Bombastic
Views: 683,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jedi Fallen Order, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Jedi Fallen Order Jaro Tapal, Jedi Fallen Order Invincible, Jedi fallen Order Invincible Boss, Star Wars, Fallen Order, Jedi Fallen Order Gameplay, Jedi Fallen Order DLC, Jedi Fallen Order 2, Jedi Fallen Order Update, Jedi Fallen Order News, Jedi Fallen Order 2 Gameplay, Jedi Fallen Order Jaro Tapal Invincible, Jedi Fallen Order Combat, Jaro Tapal, Jaro Tapal Invincible, Jaro Tapal vs Cal, Star Wars Game, Gameplay, Gaming, Jedi
Id: vNsKDcMBBd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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