Can you defeat DARTH VADER in the COMBAT ARENA in Jedi Fallen Order?

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jedi fallen order has a new invincible boss kind of i'm sure you all know at the end of jedi fallen order story you get to face an invincible darth vader who's actually not so invincible i tested that the other day in my last fall and order video but now with the help of a new jedi 4 auto mod finally we are able to face vader in the combat challenges game mode and once again ask that same old question is darth vader invincible hey everyone it's andrew and today we're gonna once again put darth vader to the ultimate test i'm gonna run vader through multiple challenges make him face off against a variety of jedi fallen orders enemies and bosses and see if darth vader is in fact invincible vader actually replaces jaro topal in the combat arena jaro topal of course being thorn orders other invincible boss although we found a way of beating him of course we did but this isn't just a cosmetic overlay or skin of vader on top of gyrotepal it's the actual vader from the story mode complete with vader's ai movements and creepy breathing i'm really curious to see if we can defeat vader just like we did in the story mode the other day although that's going to require one more mod the one hit kill cheat this will just show us if it's possible to hit vader and also makes the game a lot more realistic makes lightsabers a one-hit kill so there's that too you get stabbed by lightsaber you die that's the way it works but first let's start with the basics and face vader one on one i slowly approached knowing that at any second vader could grab me around the neck and bring me to his mercy but that didn't happen in fact i got right up next to vader and nothing he didn't attack or swing at me or perform the force choke so i began my attack of course vader blocked and then deflected everything i threw at him force push pull lightsaber throw for slow all attacks nothing gets through but nothing surprising here that's the vader we know okay so next i want to try some of the tactics we use to defeat jaro to pal there are several enemies and a few different ways of defeating this invincible boss and i want to see if we can apply the same methods to darth vader and the first of those involves the skungus ah yes of course the scungis the great space fungus force pushing lots of these into gyrotepal slowly wears him down and eventually gets you the win or he freezes anyway but against vader the skungus has no effect vader will not be defeated by such simple methods unless you turn one hit kill on because with this turned on the skungus will instantly make even multiple vaders disappear in an instant either that or vader is performing some forced magic trick and he's trying to just get out of there in a burst of skungus vader disappeared now the only attack jarotapal couldn't block from cal was the repulse this downward force slam and the same went for darth vader in the story mode this is how we eventually got the better of him but only with one hit kill turned on so what happens if we try use this in the combat challenges mode will this same attack defeat the invincible darth vader yes yes it will but like i said only with one hit kill and i'm not sure vader is really defeated perhaps he turns into a force ghost i'm actually curious if vader were to turn into a force ghost which he does when he turns to the light side anakin becomes a forced ghost but if vader were to turn would he become a sith ghost but would his suit stay in the physical world would it just collapse to the floor similar to obi-wan's robes interesting thoughts okay next up round two i wanted to fight against not just one but multiple darth vaders to see if there would be any difference in their defense or their ability to be invincible i threw absolutely everything at them but again the only thing that would work was the force repulse this is the only attack that's got through vader's guard and he even blocks this sometimes just standing there all stubborn blocking a repulse with his lightsaber like how does that even work how do you block a repulse with a lightsaber it's like a wave of force okay vader challenge accepted there may be lots more of you than i i may be growing old with my beard and jedi robes but i won't stop until i properly defeat you or someone else does so i thought i'd hand over to my dark side inquisitor cal and just on his own he couldn't seem to do anything to vader even the repulse attack wasn't working and then he started attacking me that's not why i created you i gave you life now you will do my bidding so i turned one hit kill on and set the wild inquisitor cows on vader and it took them a little bit but eventually a little sneaky stabbed to the back while vader was distracted from the front got the job done and again he vanished and then the victorious inquisitor cal was immediately slain and sliced by another lightsaber after which i stood by the survivor and we exchanged a glance of our new facial hair and then i also ran the simulation again and inquisital defeated vader with his first repulse attack so there's that too next up the best bare-chested man in the galaxy the shirtless exile taran malacos i thought this would be a sure win for the former jedi adopted dathamerian but it was not to be vader was not intimidated by the bare chest a stalemate to the last so next up the knight's sister big and bulky and i really wanted four ninth sisters to crowd vader which they did so successfully making vader disappear within seconds so what about the second sister spoiler warning in case you haven't played the game vader eventually slays trilla at the end of jedi fallen order story so can the second sister exact some revenge on the dark lord if she's multiplied by four it took her a little longer but she got the job done in the end and vader disappeared once again absconded off into nothingness so there's your boss fights obviously i'd love to also pit vader against jaro topal but vader replaces gyro to pile in the combat arena with this mod so this isn't currently possible but i'd have to feel it'd be a stalemate seeing as though vader doesn't actually attack and gyro topal only has several basic lightsaber animations which are quite slow and most likely won't break vader's guard so there you go so how about some of the other enemies which defeated gyro to pal can they also defeat vader first up let's just have a try of the regular stormtroopers which aren't regular stormtroopers anymore because i'm using a shock trooper mod vader of course blocks all their blaster bolts but he doesn't actually deflect them back so i guess this is also kind of a stalemate pretty sure vader doesn't have any attack animations only defense blocks and his force choke from the story and he can't use that here so how about the stormtrooper commanders they're a bit more aggressive and also throw grenades so i thought maybe the splash of the grenade would hit vader but i was wrong again vader proving his might blocks everything and is unaffected by grenade explosions apparently so perhaps an atst will do the trick giant in size towering over vader with its explosive firepower if it weren't for its clumsiness perhaps it would have succeeded but it was destroyed by its own grenades and then after climbing out of the cockpit the atsd pilot rudely started shooting at me even though i was in spectator mode the atsd pilots are the only characters who can see through my disguise they can see the cruel challenges i'm putting all of jedi fallen orders characters through and they're trying to do something about it so i quit the game the security droids were also useless they just punched vader with no results and also accidentally punched each other okay now i think vader's in trouble the flame troopers upon being scorched by the first flames vader didn't wish to be reminded of the pain he felt lying beside the lava lake on mustafar his wounds and limbs cauterized by the blade of his former master vader promptly escaped the scene and dissipated into thin air and the flame troopers remained and they'd won the day and if flame troopers will do the job surely flame beetles will do similar can you imagine what it'd be like if vader were to be defeated by a little beetle ah i guess the galaxy isn't what it used to be vader easily defeated it seems little beetle next up how about some darth myrians how about some knight brothers they were able to defeat gyara to paul but not vader he stood his ground he's not having any of their nonsense so surely a group of purge troopers would be able to get the job done they're specifically trained for fighting jedi so sith lords aren't too far off right this looked more like a round of sparring practice for them all they moved in and out from the center and each purge trooper took turns to quickly attack but to no avail another stalemate ogdobogdo everyone's favorite space frog lizard or whatever the heck this thing is he couldn't get the job done and neither could the scout troopers with ride batons no surprise there and it doesn't even seem like vader is getting frustrated with being unable to attack himself he's just happy to stand his ground and block anything that comes his way but the rage is building believe me heavy assault troopers were also useless i was hoping their higher rate of fire would be able to break through but no two troopers would fire at the same time they all took turns for some reason stormtrooper logic it seems the nidak alpha was also useless as with the bounty hunters incapable of claiming vader's bounty the tomb guards were actually successful good thing vader didn't go raiding any jedi tombs he probably did i guess but good thing he didn't come across these guys the undead knight sisters were also successful took them a bit but they wore him down and also the albino y-shock wrapped vader up in some spider webs and then jumped over the top of him i don't blame him i'm scared of spiders he gets out of there the bainback spiders were unsuccessful which i was actually surprised about seeing as though they have a spread attack and were capable of defeating gyrotepal i'm pretty sure but now the time had come it was time for vader to face the greatest nemesis ever vomit slugs the ultimate challenge last time the slugs were so deadly they defeated gyro to pal almost instantly so can they do the same with vader yes they can the slug here pushed vader back into one of these other slugs vomit and it's all over slug vomits so deadly it defeats a sith lord it defeats the chosen one now i want a game where we just get to play as these slugs put the slug as the main protagonist of the game i will buy that and just as a little bit of fun in an attempt to taunt vader i thought i'd place lots of astromech droids all in front of vader and proceeded to slice them up with my lightsaber vader is almost all machine so if i can't slice him up at least i can slice up some other machines in front of him and show him what it's like and it was at this point that vader had finally had enough his rage had boiled and he glitched the game into the final boss fight where i had to face him but his powers had returned he grabbed me by the neck and choked cal to death and that was it the end of vader's challenges i think the moral of this story is that don't go near vomit slugs so which enemies did you think would be able to defeat darth vader and what do you want to see me test next let me know in the comments and to see all the ways we can defeat gyro to pal if you want to see him get slain by a vomit slug go watch this video here actually quite a few different enemies capable of defeating the fallen jedi master and i'd also like to just give a shout out to super snell who created this arena vader might and in addition to that if you want to give cal the beard like i had it's an ob cal custis mod created by coryantom which basically just gives cal obi-wan's beard and follow me on instagram twitter and join my discord for lots more star wars gaming and come tell me what you want me to try do next and thanks for watching this my name's andrew i'll catch you soon stay bombastic
Channel: Bombastic
Views: 275,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jedi Fallen Order, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Fallen Order, Jedi Fallen Order Vader, Jedi Fallen Order Darth Vader, Jedi Fallen Order Vader Combat Challenges, Jedi Fallen Order Vader Arena, Jedi Fallen Order Boss, Jedi Fallen Order vs Darth Vader, Cal vs Vader, Cal vs Darth Vader, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Vader, Jedi Fallen Order Mods, Jedi Fallen Order Gameplay, Jedi Fallen Order Combat Challenges, Fallen Order Vader, Fallen Order Darth Vader Invincible, Star Wars, Gaming
Id: 2kwMln0r68g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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