Can You Beat Fire Emblem Three Houses without Attacking, with only Byleth on Merciless?

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foreign I'm sorry I'm looking at my own stream overlay why the hell do I advertise Twitter when I don't even use it the entire party is backro genius yeah exactly that means my front row I.E my one guy will never die Jack has to now sit and fish for literally an hour damn this is a weird Mega 10 game you're right thank you yo everything is fine right now the game's gonna let me do that I don't get it what I didn't know there was so much sauna law hello everyone and Welcome to our Fire Emblem challenge run today we'll be beating the game with only Violet on maddening difficulty without attacking the journey ahead of us will be long and arduous hopefully however with a little bit of planning and a good helping of luck we should be able to come out on top the rules for this run are quite simple on our turn we cannot do anything that would deal damage to the enemy additionally we can only bring in our main character and those required in the mission to give ourselves a fighting chance I've done a lot of setup for this video last time we tried the same rule set in the side story DLC which because we've now completed it will give us all these items straight from the get-go that we should be able to use and exploit as you could probably imagine from the sheer length of this video a lot of time and effort goes into making this content so please if you do find yourself enjoying this at any point be sure to subscribe and let me know in the comments down below it helps tremendously but without any further Ado let's get into this video that has been nearly half a year in the making you truly have no idea what you're in for hi everyone how are we going the other night I waved the White Flag unfortunately we can't do the Side Story with these rule sets but the main story is a different game there's a good chance we're going to be able to so rules are quite simple no attacking while the phone only on maddening classic when we say no attacking counter attacks are fine but actually doing direct damage isn't so I'm just gonna go for it I have to start the game again I have to uh we're playing on maddening and classic by the way of course get rid of that nonsense we need something made of hieroglyphs now because we've been the Side Story um we have access to the Chalice of beginnings and this is just gonna be One of Those runs where I'm gonna have to just go ahead and say it I'm using all the broken stuff right okay so straight into the I already messed up so yeah we are gonna get hit by this guy initially um but eventually when we get into those forests we're gonna have a better hit chance so one of the things I do want to do considering it's pilot only is I want to kind of plan out his classes and skills a lot more one of the things we're looking at particularly is I want to get uh brawling on him up very quickly so swordax brawling is going to be kind of what I'm using now I do miss out on like the the main benefit of brawling that being the double attacks when I initiate um but at rank B they do get a cool ability called healing Focus which just heals half HP um which will be very useful in like just conserving items and money so ideally for level UPS we are looking for strength and speed maybe some defense I've already got a horrible level up that's fine fortunately for us class Mastery just because we are using Violet is gonna rank up super quickly so Gerald won't kill the boss from what I've seen but he will kill the side guys and because we are imagining we we really do want XP yeah so Gerald will attack here but he can't kill this dude even though he has the damage too so yeah 13 might 12 Health but you know just a little damage to leave him on one which is which is quite funny he also then runs away like an absolute coward what is that hmm good Dodge didn't even need to heal the main reason I want to do supports is a it'd be pretty funny if I got to like recruit people even though I'm only using the main guy if I could recruit everyone that'd kind of be hilarious and we are gonna actually do um uh do a fair bit of support building just for the fact of I'm gonna have uh do all the activities uh during the monastery time with the completion of our first mission it was time we started to discuss strategy heading into this run I can't wait to do a fishing stream though they're um I do need to max out the first level and the best way to do that without spending any time slots is fishing aside from that though we do have one major decision we need to make at the beginning of this playthrough and that's what house we're going to choose and I went with golden deer and I'm gonna fingers crossed hope that's correct Choice any Beast monster in this game is gonna be insufferably hard for us to defeat and golden deer is the only route that has a non-beast monster as its final opponent the other reasonable option for this game is to go Red Eagles but take the silver snow storyline during the second half of the game your lord character is pretty much mandatory in every single fight meaning we have to bring them in now for this game I'm gonna allow myself to use characters if I'm forced to use them however if I went down silver snow I wouldn't have to worry about that the only issue with that plan is the fact that I'd have to face the immaculate one which wouldn't be a fun five to do solo that being said this might have just been a complete overreaction considering the DLC boss I just faced a day earlier so I went with golden deer just to be safe all right we're gonna explore we're gonna talk to people and then we're gonna get to the this uh battle straight away but the first thing we have to do is go into the DLC suppliers and grab them all so this is our reward for beating scented Shadows we get um 10 000 now and one Chalice of Beginnings the Renown is fine we'll use it later but the Chalice of Beginnings is the main thing not only does it nullify extra Effectiveness um so like if you're wearing armor and some guy has an armor attacking move like extra damage that nullifies that it also allows counter attacks at any range which means that I can well I can counter attack with my sword if I get shot with an arrow which makes no sense so these things are also stupid plus two movement plus three speed plus three strength and plus seven Health the plus two movement is the most exciting thing just because movement is impossible to get in this game aside from like classes like if you're like a a pegasus Knight or a wyvern Rider you get movement from being those classes you don't really get movement any other way only intense Focus here we're looking for a red fish come on baby I don't know why why even bother doing with my people I'm not gonna teach them anything in class ah here it is the best character we're gonna let all of his dialogue play out have you ever regretted a decision and wished you could go back and undo it yeah the last 12 hours of stream I wish I could undo all that let's get out of here with some basic set of complete it was now time for the first true battle of this run the mock battle between the three houses now in the uh previous streams I've established that the game forced me to use characters I will use them under the same rules as bileth but quite frankly I don't want Claude getting any XP at all so I'm just gonna use my guy and Claude is gonna be actual bait so we have to have Claude here he's not gonna have anything though uh I don't think there's anything I can actually do I'll take a save good chance we'd like just completely fail here but I just want to see how this goes let's go here just so he can't take any Forest terrain hopefully we evade these all right we are double attacking which is nice we do enjoy that the furniture am I gonna just stay there actually considering no one can reach me flanking us from the side a bit he can reach us you lie you lied to me game but here the counter attack is just a lightning strike what is that do I stay here and just weather the blows I think I kinda have to right probably should have healed last turn so I have enough HP now but and we'll see he can't reach me that's good you're gonna heal oh no hang on so weird he just summons a lightning bolt out of nowhere I don't know why this is so funny so these guys are level seven yeah maddening doesn't mess around if I go here will Dorothea Chase no all right I'm gonna move one tile forward then oh good mystery Crest nice and elgard follows all right good we're gonna stand here now we're gonna take the evasion and we're just gonna tank it nice Dodge nice counter-attack that's the one thing I'm annoyed about when they take like that position of the forest themselves that was a 22 to hit and you gave it oh well you know what I'm not gonna complain considering they just gave me the seven percent chance of grit yeah she doesn't kill me good what game six percent chance you don't have to actually give it to me I might just stay on this title tile and just let them do whatever they want not gonna worry about leaving this place no point oh no they're going for Claude I know hang on I've given him the forest there that was probably a dumb idea what game what is my luck another strength level oh that was actually a really good level we did right there give me those brawling levels everything is good currently what what is this I guess I'm getting these awesome crits now I'm actually a little scared of him so we're gonna heal on that platform we're just like two turns beat us up only eight damage okay here's that yeah that's so much more powerful why aren't using that and it's just that easy our resounding Victory on this map was a huge vote of confidence for the rest of this run we got some pretty good numbers on our main character not only in terms of level and stats but also class and skill XP yeah you'll you all did a good job good job go away what am I saying y'all did nothing while it's not a major worry right now we are still trying to max out brawling for healing Focus as soon as possible alongside some other skills like sword and ax with the first chapter finally over we now have access to a lot more mechanics in this game we've pretty much got free reign of what we want to do now and we are going to be exploiting every single thing we can trust me we're gonna have to let's certify biofar we're here who I want depends on a fair few things okay so the Mastery for all of these maradon gives me speed with swap no point really having that just for the sake of I'm never gonna swap with another person yeah I'm the only person there so fighter probably makes the most sense because I also get shove as well and strength plus two when I master it I've only got 66 chance of passing whoops can I try again oh no I can't I've gotta wait till next next day now whoops okay well I guess we'll be waiting then some of these classes actually do become fairly important I'm looking for Vantage that's the cool one we want we'll talk to everyone we'll do all the questions ah here we go we're looking for these blue balls here sometimes they have um well like kind of blue glowing orbs sometimes they have books and we want to read these books so yeah I'm looking at recruiting people but unfortunately I just need to level up my strength well level up all my stats basically see I apologize everyone in the next five minutes might be a little boring yeah but it's you know I haven't played like on maddening difficulty in this game and I never knew like how far like how much higher level they make everyone because those people were easily well if I was playing normally they'd all be four levels ahead you know ahead of us by the time we finish that mission oh and I can also explore the abyss I haven't actually ever done that we may we may do that soon oh yes there is okay um let's fish now it is so dumb that fishing level gives like fishing gives you Professor level but whatever game because like who wants to time abundant prompts into a circle in order to level up like it should just give you fish there shouldn't be anything else from this so I can buy things with renowned oh and they're just better weapons hang on let's be to the mysterious teacher see how much your allies have grown from taking part in activities with blanchy oh is this like how good my growth has been considering like how good My Level UPS have have been and everyone else is gonna have an e because they haven't actually leveled them up at all I'm a horrible professor so in terms of what I'm going to instruct these people it doesn't matter what I'm gonna do is is this you're ready everyone is going to learn well what are they going to learn riding into Faith here's my reasoning but for some reason they get forcibly chucked in the mission right well I I want them to be able to just move away from all the units right so maybe I make them all like Pegasus Knights or something I'm gonna give them all flying in faith there we go flying in faith and then like if they do show up then at the very least they can heal me so everyone's getting flying in faith if they ask to change I'm gonna say no [ __ ] you just learn healing I don't care if it's your weakness I don't care if your name is how do I pronounce that the scythia and you're a really good dark Mage it's not happening you're learning flying in faith you know I'm Persona how you always end up with like one character that you never actually use and they just heal your party that's everyone everyone gets to be a Healer the entire party is backro genius yeah exactly that means my front row I.E my one guy will never die all of you learn healing you what's his name again I just recruited him Yuri you want do you think you want to become a thief because you've never been good with Lancers or axes and that you want to focus on sword skills no you are wrong your opinions don't matter learn healing did anyone learn any healing abilities no they did not actual trash this entire class are we forced into battle now I I think I need to battle but first we're going to try to certify as a fighter yes finally oh yo you guys have items not okay give them all to me see this is all you need you get into the battle you've got your main character he's a fighter he has some gauntlets these guys are actually all level three what really I'm on maddening how much damage are these guys gonna do if they do four damage you fools hahaha well this is good I just want healing Focus game he dodged he dodged again what is the oh he's actually in the forest that's upsetting I'm getting hang on did I just get one XP then all right screw this I'm gonna stand in the actual middle of the field go ahead game if you're three levels higher than the enemy the game says Nope One XP for you that's it what that's mad all right guys I'm gonna stand right there come and get me oh no the gauntlets broke we're still doing 14 damage oh I love this battalion's level four already just to those who don't know level five is the max for battalions [Music] that's fine okay we've got a D Plus in brawling this is fantastic I'm gonna stand out here and I'm gonna quickly uh get all this mucus out of my sister what we've just been through is known as an auxiliary battle they are battles that you can take outside of the main storyline they help you keep your characters leveled up now while we're not gaining actually any XP for our character level we are gaining XP and skills in class Mastery this is actually more important than our level at this point we need to set up so we get some unique abilities later on those who have seen part one will know what I'm talking about here we're looking for Vantage alongside some critical skills a bit better now so that was easy let's hope it gets a little harder than that and I you know I probably shouldn't say that but yeah yeah I'm just not gonna say anything else now and everyone's learning healing abilities we like to see it good job team now we're forced to deal with a lecture a seminar I can attend it and maybe we just do sword and faith I want to learn faith on my main guy anyway and I want to learn swords so okay it's Bandit time shouldn't have skipped through that it's fine though have I unlocked the blacksmith yet no I can't repair stuff that's a little Annoying um I suppose I'll just deal yeah all right well let's just go for this I don't think there's anything I really need to do my guy's gonna move up to like here and we're gonna punch some people oh we might actually not do enough damage here because they're going to want to go after Claude now aren't they oh I might be in trouble I maxed out my mercenaries though I'll hide in the corner you got this level nine okay so we're gonna we have to worry about XP here we'll get XP I don't have to worry about positioning even let's just look let's just down one of these just in case one of them gets a lucky hit but we're kind of fine oh hang on my attack speed isn't beating them anymore but I am getting BS like that happening so that's fun yeah AI is a lot more aggressive they like to push up they also like to use gambits can this miss good okay yeah the AI is very aggressive they normally don't push up this much in in regular gameplay all right with 13 attacks away don't get eight damage dealt to me what for hang on what did I just get damaged out for me for that right there was poison strike an ability that a lot of units have on maddening difficulty if you get hit at combat at all even if you don't actually lose any HP at the end of the combat phase you'll be dealt 20 of your max HP as damage we do not like this one because there will be some attacks that we can just completely block but we're still gonna take damage anyway I'm gonna completely route this map I think so uh allow me to double back and grab some of the guys on the right yeah I'm dead oh no maybe not I have to Dodge I have to dodge this attack though I'm still alive my iron gauntlets broke but it doesn't matter that is that's incredible this game easy ah not a great level at least it's strength though I'm gonna jump over oh he can attack me uh what's the win condition here defeat the enemy Commander okay I don't particularly want to defeat him early I want to grab the Archer over there as well so with full on just gonna run the other way good Dodge he's already dead my guy you don't you don't need the critical good job violet oh no he dodged the fact of the matter is I'm happy to use these healing items all right cool another month we're just gonna do some farming I think that's my plan currently let's Harvest our seeds nothing good back to the guide so I want strength mixed herb is still the best okay we'll put two of them in and we'll cultivate with whatever the the highest thing is oh sorry flame don't care if there's items in this greenhouse I need oh flower seeds Okay if I'd known that I probably would have planted one of those but that's fine try talking to the Battalion Guild Master yes absolutely we need to replenish our Battalion I might switch battalions and level them all up though considering that while I'm gonna be able to really easily you know what this is a question for the wiki Fire Emblem battalions uh negative one to Fizz though but the healing will be nice so I'm just gonna kind of have them for a bit Wiki be accurate yeah it looks like it I'm hoping look the fireman Wiki is better maintained oh hang on is this a book it's a book you guys don't understand how nice it is to be playing this game and it to not be a complete pain considering all the other challenge runs where I'm constantly in mental anguish today is nice today is rather relaxing Mercedes okay good again we were quite close to getting her from what I can imagine I do know that if I recruit people into my house later on in the game they do come in with more like greater stats right all right give me goodies please what I get I got some pine needles wow okay uh okay I think I've got I've got stuff that I can give to her so let us look hang on she's already part of my house I don't care what am I doing you two are going to be in my house at some point I'm going to get it happening and the only reason I'm going into this by the way is just so I can see all the numbers go because I think it's funny you've all got you've got hang on Anna what do you think you're doing get back in line these guys are gonna have like S-Class healing and flying it'll be fantastic heal heal that's fine I guess heal all right life is good okay I'm gonna explore and then I'm gonna explore again and then when we're on the 29th I'm gonna go battle we're actually gonna see if we can't level up our level our professor rank first before we get back to the greenhouse we've got three activity points so we'll eat choir and then do something else the thing is I can't do the same thing uh twice in one session so I can't now go ahead to the dining staff again oh I can hang on I can access the full menu though never mind we might be able to to cook I get more money from the church now fantastic okay apparently I should just stockpile my bait for the Fistful of fish event all right if that's the case then I'm not gonna worry about that and I'll just do a battle get out of here all of you useless and these guys are Level 10. okay that's good that's good so uh my attack speed right now is 15. these guys have attack speeds of 9 and 15 themselves okay we'll stick on the iron gauntlets for now but I will switch over to the steel very soon oh I didn't like that and these guys are actually pursuing as well I might be about to get in a forest and hide and now they're in the forest oh I should have rearranged my uh my abilities all right I'm gonna die here that's fine though how am I still alive it's fine I want to retreat okay knowing that everyone's gonna come to me anyway let's just get in the forest so yeah uh main goal here is to just get up to level level 10. get up to level 10 maybe we get brawling B and that would be very good for us so many all right good level up please respectable everything is fine right now guys don't worry about the the number of units here in my main guy will be good I'm gonna have to buy a lifetime supply of healing items soon though guys what no [Laughter] so I've run over here less people can hit me okay let's do that oh poison strike though how much damage is that guy gonna do to me 10 because he's a general it's all right we can outrun him it's fine all right good work blanchy you've put in the hours today [Laughter] of non-stop this guy getting punched by all 20 enemies on the map again this is gonna get so much better when we get Vantage as well well I mean I can I can promote hang on I I might just do that now let's see ah yes oh baby nice so we're going to just try to master this as soon as we can basically and then anything else my inventory off the large bullion over here that Anna has why why do you have this do you just like come with that all right God I'm sorry I'm just okay I've got a story I got a call from a fitness center in Perth right and I answered the phone I say you know hi this is Jack speaking and the ladies like oh hi Jack you've had a friend refer you someone put my phone number down as like as like a referral thing and I said oh Okay and like it's a bit weird because I don't really know anyone in Perth right now so I said ah who who um you know who referred me and it was like David or something and I don't know any David who would refer me to a fitness center like that let alone who lives in Perth did they just like have my phone number somehow like I don't know I've got no idea how by the way or did they just completely make one up and it just turned out to be my number anyway I just got a message from the bloody fitness center who'll tell me to join before 6 p.m tomorrow for three months free go away they just gave a random number why did it have to be me my RNG in real life is not as great let's go ahead and kill some bad guys or whatever we're gonna do here I don't know it's something on those lines well kind of you see in this Mission we actually have an AI controlled Ally in the form of Catherine and her Knights now if Catherine dies I'm not gonna be able to use her later on so I really do want her to survive this she's not just in is she here in this fight she is and I imagine if she dies we lose no in a few battles time we will have to deal with plot essential characters being thrown into the mission that we have to protect at all costs fortunately that isn't the case here but it will be coming up soon so I decided to treat this like a practice run proceed with caution I honestly don't care about precaution I am going to just run forward and if they're there they're there you know honestly this large reward that I get from ensuring my allies survive I could take it or leave it you're a Catherine 111 I have healed if I really care I could just heal these allies right well here's my thinking right I'm gonna put myself in Dumb positions so that all the enemies attack me first and not my allies these dumb positions might actually bite me in the ass I might have to be a bit it pains me to say it but I might have to start this Mission I might be a bit more careful I don't think I can just run through it allow us to try this again I wouldn't mind getting an amount for my main guy I might have a look at flying yeah once we get that skill once we get B uh B brawling life will be good I'm actually getting my ass kicked this is the first time where I may have to actually worry about where I'm putting my people all right all right one Health okay I'm gonna accept defeat I'm gonna load back a save put you away so I wish that we had the blacksmith so I didn't have to buy more gauntlets when I could just repair the ones I've already got and I'm happy that Catherine can just kind of do her own thing thanks to her insane defense stat oh poison strike might actually get her though I I'm pretty sure poison strike can't kill you but it can bring her to one and if someone has a high attack stat we might be in a bit of trouble Catherine I might actually need your help I am dying over here yeah I'll just kind of stay near Catherine oh no don't do that Catherine help me that actually that that kind of helps actually Catherine I need your hand here thank you I should be getting annoyed because I'm not getting kills here but quite frankly I don't care oh she's actually dying oh no fire lift quickly run up here get this guy to punch you wait the enemy Commander's not here don't tell me that's the enemy Commander where's the enemy Commander no Catherine's gonna die where is the enemy Commander but that's not he's not it hang on hang on let me check no he's not well there's a delay here so I'm imagining they're doing movement because he doesn't he have that oh oh it was killing that that dark Mage that's what we had to do hang on you retreated what are you doing here Catherine hang on why am I watching this I don't care what all right well I guess we're doing this now holy crap that's a lot of damage and they just get their turn straight away hang on am I dead I'm about to die wait oh excuse me Gabe as long as I can survive the initial attack here I'm fine it's like an outrun anything you know what I might not survive the initial attack here because I got Disturbed are you serious game I hate oh my I hate the stun walks here all right you're just oh oh this I can't really get through them I'll level with you it's just not happening oh now you're doing yeah [Laughter] oh well they can reach me still can't they I got my turn Okay because they were killed when Catherine's turn yeah that makes sense oh everyone's coming wait the guys up top didn't do anything Catherine don't run into them now they're not moving let's let's let them do whatever they want I'm gonna wait here Catherine do your thing how do I attract these guys can I drag like one of them down oh I can just go here okay and I'm gonna hope that no one else moves damn it oh that assault troop is actually gonna kill me do I just have to hope that I survived the next one I got you sure but I don't know if I'm gonna get the other ones um you're just gonna attack me normally oh Crystal Flames Crystal Flames no okay that's fine though and then we'll do the world's most ambitious flank oh he's got a javelin okay that's fine [Laughter] um all right we are just going to do some quests it would be nice if I could unlock the blacksmith though game because I have so many broken gauntlets that I can't use I'm doing all right and just for comparison guys let's go to our level one chord last mission was a bit of a upset I didn't expect it to be that difficult but I reckon we'll be fine now wait the head Chef's mysterious especially has been prepared for you and facts are enhanced for those enjoying their favorite meal luck will decide whether it's delicious or disastrous um you know what let's just let's just go for it yo okay enemies and auxiliary and Quest battles are now in possession of valuable secrets of some kind still look like three dropped valuable secrets and you'll be rewarded with a goddess icon I vaguely remember that being stupidly good hang on oh it increases my luck Oh I thought it was gonna be a bit better than that all right you don't want to talk to me that's fine please guys I'm a lonely person someone talk to me please oh yeah does someone get assassinated sorry you know how good I am at sticking like you know paying attention to the plot in these games someone died I don't care this chapter you find a letter about an assassination attempt on Reya oh okay thank you all right let's see how badly we're gonna get our ass kicked let's oh this is going to spend an activity slot though what else do I really have to do come on Anna this is not gonna go well guys wait you're canceling counter attacks oh Anna Anna's popping off what three times actually cramped holy crap Anna you're my hero and a solo run when yeah good stuff good stuff all right we're gonna restore one more time um and we just have to hope our eight damage it's a ride by the way while we're here I noticed something today apparently you can now give me feedback you can either give me feedback on my skill dedication humor responsiveness and relatability I really think that skill come on Anna just win just win oh guys you know what Anna that was much better than I expected oh those are the supports yeah we can just ignore them they'll come up there anyway Fernandez I'm sorry guys I'm not a time crunch here what can I say I was gonna say didn't his um voice actor pass recently colon cancer yeah and then some fans are stupid they try to shop to his funeral costumes from the game oh no no welcome to the fishing stream everyone it's time for the most intense gameplay you'll have ever seen talk about their interests okay he's a noble right sounds like it's their problem not yours yep what you upset that's it yo how can I be more accessible to women you know what not actually your problem sorry okay I'm gonna relax now oh sorry actually no I'm not gonna relax you dare challenge me about what I I know what's best for you uh what's her name Catherine I don't want you to become a war clerk I want you actually well cleric sounds kind of cool but no no no faith in flying I can host a tea party for him what hang on I'm sure there's a tea party guide this serene's forest website is actually the best they just give me all the answers I ever want yes this is some intense uh some intense tea party we're having right now I've got the list of interesting topics now the the goal here is that we want to talk about interesting things this guy might be interested in that was a dumb sentence I just said strange fish in the pond yes exploring the monastery I mean he's Abyss yes your ambitions flawless all right Focus final final comment hang on the answer is here nod yes perfect tea time this is this the sill I can I can observe him now I can maybe I can make him blush what is this you know what Anna you are kind of my Champion right now you are best girl in this game what's that up there oh it's just a Hilltop hang on this is the first mission this is the same way up for the first mission what is this all right it's fine we can outrun them I'm just gonna literally run to the uh because they're all gonna chase me I'm imagining I'm gonna run to that heel tile and just sit on it those armored guys I'm actually a bit worried about you know what I'm not even gonna heal not even gonna heal y'all might be thinking this is way too many people nah it's it's not enough they really all are coming over all right and we win and we win well that was fun I know I'm using something that's broken and overpowered and shouldn't be in the game but the fact that I can still do that even with it is a bit mad do I want to explore and build a professor level I could all right first stop Greenhouse Harvest some goddamn veggies nothing now let's go ahead and uh have some lunch let's now go to Ash let's make let's make immortality stew let's cook that what are you doing guys that pan is on fire you have no experience you just lit the what goodness I know how to cook better than that all right it's time for a teapot breathe Jack breathe have some [ __ ] pine needles speedrunning someone's birthday I could not care about their birthday right now let's move on please all right it's fine it's battle time guys are we stopping an assassination attempt I think that's what we're doing here that's the context right doesn't matter I'm here just for pure bloodlust let's have a look at this map there are some chess that's good death knight here we'll kill him don't worry actually that I might be I might be over judging my abilities here can I kill him yeah we'll kill him it's fine don't worry about it okay 43 crit I didn't say that the enemy General within 25 turns uh part of me just wants to like make a Mad Dash for the avoid tile so we might we might just do that ah [ __ ] I'm dead already you win game you win I'm done okay allow me to restart that [Music] [Laughter] nice let's make it on the avoid tile let's just win let's just beat up this guy ready for this crit I'm gonna manifest into existence [Music] ah upsetting I don't have enough attack speed against him to go twice oh they've moved to an avoid tile yeah okay fair play fair play um what look at these guys consider showing up we're gonna do we're gonna do a few things first of all I'm gonna go and make lunch very quickly well when I say make lunch I'm gonna uh put my uh my rice cooker on we're gonna reset because I didn't know reinforcements come out that way and we're gonna position Claude in a better spot my dim sims are cooking my sanity has been restored let us attempt to do this again oh we might not get that cool strength level up that we got last time that'd be annoying that's actually a better level up holy crap yeah life will be good life will be good we will get a crit here what yeah someone got a crit well let's just fight these people and then I'll walk over I'm about to be off my meds I'm losing my mind I want to say if he creates me again I'm actually going to cry okay okay well it's fine we'll just we'll just reload get a new rngc but actually kill me I'm this is no longer a joke okay let's do this again if I fight him and he crits me again I am going to [ __ ] lose my mind okay God oh you're not screw it let's kill these guys maybe I'll route the entire map so I can get healing focus and then kill the death knight nice nice actually they're very nice what is that triple Dodge that's benchy luck it it fluctuates incredibly because I will I would love to kill him I missed him again okay do I have Battalion Vantage why don't I have Battalion Advantage equipped Battalion Advantage is a wonderful skill for us essentially if our Battalion is at one third hell for lower we get to attack first when they attack us this will be fantastic for us as luckily we should be able to [ __ ] the death knight before he gets us sorry everyone I'm being dumb right now I'm about to fire my main character honestly you have a 75 chance to hit byla ha this guy's got 55 chance and he's dancing over you and now you're dead good Vantage good Vantage Byler [ __ ] me oh he's going for Claude uh-oh guys guys hang on [Music] all right yo see if you did that on death knight would be we'd be happy like not at all yo finally healing Focus at rolling level B we finally unlocked healing Focus the savior of this run this combat art is very simple you heal 50 of your HP upon its use no longer will we have to buy potions and elixirs my hip pocket will be a lot better going forward I mean Divine pulse have left three imagine if I kill death knight wouldn't that be great come on game it'd be funny ah not again with DK look guys what can I say I'm going back to what I know I really am going back to what I know fortunately for me death knight isn't actually a mandatory objective in this Mission I can just leave him be so I've decided to do that and move on he's got healing Focus I have fibs in my HP restored whenever I want it's gonna be awesome yes okay the defeat of this chapter marks a turning point in this run we are fully on the offensive with healing Focus ordered and only one level away from the desired classes that we need to master everything is looking up you know what we could do the next chapter today are we able to explore this Sunday maybe not but we can host a tea party all right okay uh let's explore do we get anything else we can tend to the Saints which is good sauna time there's a sauna in this game I can invite people into the sauna there are two options that will increase how warm the characters are which you can stay longer warms the character up a little we'll choosing Christine we'll warm up a lot as they warm up I didn't know there was so much sauna law oh and if I leave the sort of feeling refreshed I get bonuses from faculty Trading oh my actually I am the master of the sauna minigame okay we did it everyone my chat's just casually fighting to the death best girls obviously gatekeeper exactly actually hang on sorry sorry we let all of his dialogue play out invite Raya for tea ah do I have to wait we're doing an automatic okay we'll do it now tea time baby I want extra class XPS my main one so I can Master stuff quicker we're just gonna power up this statue a bit Divine plus plus one yeah you might be right I might need that do I go for the Divine pulse on all of these don't I want to increase the faith one as well so that all my people learn the healing skills quicker you know what we'll even snag the uh plus 10 XP we're gonna have to look at probably leveling up ax skills even so I I just stole that ax instead of equipment sorry Hang on we're going to want to level up ax skills we've already got a fair few skills of levels in Sword anyway just because that's what we start with yo I finally got one of those stat booster upgrades good hello best character oh yo you want some drugs kid have some drugs I forgot about that so many people in this game have like yo I like I like sweet things as as there are as they're kind of like trait I don't actually know who this belongs to yo Lance vs Lance tournament well we've we've kind of got no one do I just get Anna to do this anyway because she is the highest level all right Anna I'm gonna need your Crest to activate at some point during this fight oh no guys okay we're gonna level up um ax here oh the level nine as well we're not even gonna get any um XP from the all these fights and so while this fight won't be good for XP it'll be good for uh for ranking up my skills I think oh blanchy what was that okay we got Vantage cool with this class Mastery comes Vantage as one of our permanent abilities we're pretty much going to be having it equipped for the entire run from this point onwards unlike Battalion Vantage which relies upon my battalion's endurance this one relies upon my player's Health if I'm under 50 health I get to attack first when they attack me I'm able to combo this later on with some other abilities and some good crit rape but essentially the idea here is that I'm gonna be able to kill enemies before they can even damage me guys merciless is easy what can I say it's so nice to just heal and not have to worry about the fact that I'm using an item holy this is the best feeling ever oh my goodness oh my good wait hang on why have I only got 36 hit chance against him oh ax breaker yeah without the traditional weapon triangle in this game Fire Emblem three houses incentivizes you to use the correct weapons by imposing hit and avoid debuffs for instance if you try to use an ax against a sword user generally they'll have ax breaker equipped meaning that you'll suffer at twenty percent decrease to hitting and evading now this hasn't been a problem for me so far because I've been using brawling for the most part but now that I've switched to ax we actually have to worry about this if we hit him we win yeah okay good I was gonna say this this fight these fights are gonna be a little Samy it's the end of chapter fights we're really interested in yeah and they're making noises even though she's not even being involved in combating the slice is pretty funny again if I could equip gatekeeper I would be using him we did it everyone we did your bloody Quest defeat the enemy commander and either me or Claude fails but uh Claudine here and we've got Gilbert all right now we'll be all good don't worry about it just in case I've run out Channel bet for how many turns till Gilbert dies he will be dead immediately there's no point you got this Gilbert whoa all right I'm actually gonna stay here just so they both use their gambits on me because I'm gonna otherwise be stuck here for like 10 turns can I just run off I can I don't know if I want to do that though everyone can attack me you know what I want to do this Anna leveling up level up your strength for crying out loud all right I'm gonna healing Focus but honestly keeping that Advantage was probably the better play everyone's got double attacks on me now all right I'll be real with you all that was dumb what I did let's not be dumb let's be a bit smarter land your heads for crying out loud for crying out loud at least our charm is so high that the hit chance on these is like 20. yeah we got this we got this actually no need to worry oh yo I love though how I I actually have to carry multiple weapons like you know six axes with me on the battlefield because they do break I am just attacking that much no Sudoku this time now we've actually got content this time all right so the plan here is I'm gonna sit in a corner so that not too many things can attack me and we're just gonna we'll just win yep actually if I kill too many things they might actually do enough damage to me eventually we'll see we'll see how this goes all right Violet you need to kind of calm down and only and like let some people live so that they can't all attack you because we're currently heading towards that reality and that reality scares the living hell out of me I'm too good at killing people some of them need to survive so they block off the others from attacking me there's so so many things that can harm me here you know what I'm not gonna kill all those units I think I am safe just kinda just heal focusing here how many turns do I have right now I'm turning 20 okay because I do believe there is like a a beast at the end of this chapter right off poison strike God I thought I had more health no and that lands oh okay hang on Bring It Back y'all oh my Attack speed's Just low enough now for him oh poison strike okay yeah we didn't kill him blunchy needs to punch you no no no I mean we I want these skills composure composure I am fine I can't move now if I go here only one of you can actually reach me in that Archer can as well but if we do that I think I'm better off I am kind of stuck here until I deal with all these enemies though that's that's the downside to this one they don't have pass that's kind of good for me yeah I do just get to not play the game though for the next 10 turns turn limit timer is starting to become a little bit of a concern there we go and we win we win it's just that easy okay question of the hour can we drag you off the tile we can your attack speed four okay we'll we'll be relatively fine then won't we ready for this you ready for this thanks for the tile friend and if I if I'm on a heel Tower like this I'll just heal entirely my full HP now this is where this run becomes a little interesting all right so I want to take the HP tall for myself that's kind of a plan here you know what I'm just gonna run in healing focus and just see we're just gonna see how this goes what turn number is it 40 something oh yo I'm so gonna be fine this isn't an issue this fight full on can I just take the hit here uh uh I can if I'm on the heel tile how's my durability going I just want to make sure I don't run out during this all right I got this healing focus is amazing guys I'm taking like so many more like fatal wounds but just standing here and you know thinking about how it's all gonna be okay that's enough to heal them the defeat of this first Divine Beast did Inspire some confidence for the rest of this run for those of you who have watched part one will know that we failed it due to a Divine Beast right at the end however with full access to all the mechanics in this game I don't expect that to be a problem moving forward hopefully with some smart choice of class masteries alongside some weapon decisions we should be in a position to defeat anything that comes our way the final thing for me to mention is the fact that we actually have now access to the East and Western Merchants which means that I'm about to recruit literally everyone you know what let me support local business oh no they've also got uh seeds here hang on this is good as well sorry there's so much there's so much intense math on this page about how how the uh farming works and everything and it's just why couldn't have been a farming Mini-Game all right I'm gonna boost up my defense which means I need root vegetable seeds or Eastern photolin all right we're almost done this is important we need to we need to start building a lot more support uh okay I think it's time to fish everyone you know finding the lost child that's supposed to be like my main mission I'm going to ignore that one okay I've got a ton of gifts I can give people I might just um load up the gift list riding boots training weight smoked meat hunting dagger Tea Leaves of course you're already in my house aren't you okay I don't care about you watering can how we going teacher all right we're going good it looks like tasty baked treat lavender got a statuette exotic spices we do have that ah stylish hair clip fishing float there you go enjoy friend and there is a cat as well hang on hold the phone I've got an ancient coin we're good at this midi game guys trust me and it seems to be getting hot I don't care she's dead we killed her plot points have been increased probably could have stayed in longer I know anyways we're done here let's end this feverish Ascension to hell all right how's my back line looking nothing really changed all right that's fine all right we're gonna explore again oh they're all sold out I thought I was gonna be able to buy more whoops um we're just gonna build up Professor points we'll do our true Faith uh faculty trainings hoping to get that budding talent I can't even remember what that buying Talent is but I want it anyway oh no I haven't set his goals oh no actually some decent levels across the board okay let's do some battles oh yeah we'll want to take a heel tile I think we might run over to the left and see if we can't just take it oh no oh nice oh boy ax broke oh no everyone gets double attacks on me now stay on the heel tile change to a weapon that doesn't break immediately it'll be interesting to see how high our axkill is after this hopefully it's quite good I mean if the entire map just wants to run over to this where I am on the heel tile they're more than welcome to do so one Health heal guys there we go oh crap guys if I don't think I could beat this Mission because this dude Only Knows heel and I have to Route the enemy in order to win right so how am I gonna kill him well I mean let's just let it happen to see if maybe killing this General wins the mission for us that's an amazing level up oh my goodness but I'm not gonna get to keep it am I gambits aren't technically ball attacking oh they kinda are they kinda are though okay this Mission can't be done and I'm going to cry end me ah damn it okay so I can't do any of these battles all right I guess I'm just gonna waste my time slot Annette wants to join hell yeah come on in all right that's the first of many we will catch them all Mercedes go and cook another immortality stew for us we're gonna have so much fish by the end of this I'm gonna be able to cook this so many times we're gonna be able to burn so many pans for no reason Flynn it's not okay support scene real quickly you know there is a a little girl kidnapped and missing but don't worry about it that's a lot of that's a lot of actual enemies in this map come on this this is so interesting I'm not gonna worry about the warping we're just gonna fight every unit every unit can attack us though but you know what it's gonna be funny these gambits I'm mostly worried about so we're gonna go to the corner and uh just funnel these guys in I'm pretty sure Anna you want to level up strength of course not in before six deaths to death knight you're right do I just walk forward yeah a lot less death but we are about to face the death knight again so there could be a lot more death in a second we'll see oh my God I'm going to spend more time sitting here because no one can land an attack oh my Lord I reckon everyone's gonna follow through oh only two remaining turns nine oh no there's a turn limit I didn't know that I should pay more attention Jack's owner comes from the heart it really does let me stand here and oh I meant to press the the healing Focus not I didn't mean to do this please note we're coming back we're coming back stronger than ever and I live up strength please if he's blocking the door like that hang on we might have it dude oh he only does 25 damage yes the poison Never Kills the poison Never Kills and I've got Vantage it's the last turn I automatically attack first let's go yes skin of my teeth I'll admit here the victory in this map was completely unexpected I was kind of thinking this might take three or four attempts but we managed to get it on the first try this is a huge vote of confidence for the rest of this run ideally with enough time and effort along with a few Divine pulses we should be able to Brute Force our way through any encounter additionally being level 19 we are only one level away from unlocking advanced classes this will help us drastically but for now we had to grind up our XP and get ready for the next month sorry I've just looked at this ability of Italian wrath when units Battalion HP is at one third or lower foe if foe initiates combat critical plus 50 I'm gonna try to get Battalion wrath end normal wrath and I'm gonna see if they stack because if they stack that's 100 crit rate which would be hilarious guys my eyes are so good and now allow me to buy you out as well I'm doing some some hot math right now I'm gonna have a [ __ ] ton of [ __ ] that's the official scientific turn wait I did find out one kind of shitty thing in three hopes there's an owl that drops free owl feathers every now and then but only if you have the digital version of the game [Laughter] it's like come on wait no one buys physical games anymore and the people who do buy them do you really want to piss them off oh hang on he's in my oh you want to join hell yeah that was easy enough come on in Catherine all right there's a bunch of other people as well sorry I should have been paying way more attention to this Eloise I can't recruit but I can recruit Cyril welcome to the back line you are going to do literally nothing now and you too you know what Catherine I don't care I want to just ensure that I'm at maximum temperature hey Jack what is your favorite kind of tea by the way mine is ice jasmine tea good good pick kind of depends I'm a big fan of bubble tea which probably isn't an answer here but like I'm I'm such a sucker for it I just like normal black tea honestly nothing special I just get tea bags from the shop I'm a big fan of chai though but you can't have chai all the time now we've got some important jobs to do here and that is ensuring everyone is backline only that's a fantastic a in Bow you have faith and flying please I know you just want to learn healing but I also need you to fly looking at those numbers go up now it is one hell of a dopamine hit let's do some battles actually sorry let's save the game first before we find out that we can't actually do some battles one of the side effects to recruiting all these characters is the fact that we now have access to their paralog battles these are generally a bit more complicated than the side quest battles we have been doing prior however they generally have unique items to compensate okay let's just do the first one and we'll see what happens oh I'm forced to have you alright stay in the back anyway we got we have a selection of people now defeat the enemy commander on 12 turns pass oh wait I win I win if 12 turns pass sorry I'm not I'm really not paying attention today wow that's impressive all right we can we can survive 12 turns I'm just gonna stand here you can sit on the heel tile like a little [ __ ] and then we'll just win you know what let's just see how long we survive because it'd be funny wait I died odd because I took the tile well I guess we lose everyone route the enemy yeah some of these Swordsmen will have ax breaker on them and ax breaker is not fun yeah so I don't think I'm actually getting any XP from these fights am I not if I keep missing I do get weapon XP that's the main thing here I'm happy with weapon XP all right let's see how many xpi points I get I think it's one it's two never mind it's two sorry okay I'm a little bit more concerned now so yeah all if you're wondering what's going on with these guys not dying all of them have ax breaker and they just get good avoid on me and there's not much I can really do about it you know what you get for S axes ax crit plus 10. are you serious really we're gonna have a 160 crit if I play my cards right you know what doing it for axes might be the best thing because axes do the most damage right of all the weapons because axes suck for hit rate yeah but if they do if they land I win Jack in a few streams and you start complaining about having uh complaining for hit rate when you have 160 I'm gonna say I told you so see look at this I've got Battalion Vantage I never lose ready for these moves I never lose don't worry again guys years of x-com has prepped me for this broken weapon run only oh no all right the kettle is boiling [Applause] we now have 17 people watching me absolutely destroy the lives and educations of 20 plus people Aussie education in a nutshell literally upside down run is killing people quickly oh actually it depends yeah this is the pirate one I I do know this one defeat the enemy Commander oh that's not too bad actually oh we can't let them into the bloody City okay the the best way to do this would be to make my guy a flyer and just fly over to the commander and take him out right but I can't do that but I can come back to this Mission you got this my guy we will just do normal quests then I've just got to go to people who can teach flying right ah okay I guess we'll do it fine you win game I am very refreshed right now all right teach me some flying we did it no one else teaches flying do they it's just those guys this is tempting yeah I want that because that gives me Battalion desperation if unit initiates combat oh wait I if I initiate combat never mind that's it's crap never mind this goes poorly 21 times too [Music] Catherine calm down you're killing all the children what the okay you know what restore your HP I am so pleasantly surprised thanks Catherine all right guys it's time to teach the back line one more time this month all right we got Dorothea isn't that technically bribery no no no no no no no it is her decision whether or not she wants to join us except I will not take no for an answer all right let's go and win I have to have Claude and I can't have Catherine oh my goodness okay fine Anna you're back in the party don't think you're sticking around though because you're not she's sitting on a Ballista and it's firing a Claude hang on I can just put him in the bush Okay Claude you're hiding there for the rest of this I am literally just gonna run in the middle and maybe I'll win that that's that's my genius plan here hang on if Claude dies I don't lose this Mission do I oh I do they get two attacks on me oh I'm not happy with that Jack complains about the hit rate I'm just gonna turn off the stream I would never complain about something that I have absolutely caused myself come on my school didn't have ballista my guy you should have gone to a better school oh claude's in trouble claude's in trouble guys this might not go well all right you're attacking me that's cool we can do that holy crap he just eliminated him no okay okay not gonna lie I'm just gonna reset maybe I'll like Advance this way yeah getting myself on a heel tile would be good I'm just gonna go this way and No One's Gonna Move no one moves at all and they're not moving it's just these guys here so confused they got sick of me uh waiting okay oh you're gambling me now you literally have no idea how many tea parties I've hosted your gambits cannot touch me all right guys I'm I'm dead already I'm sorry but like there's no there's no way I'm getting you in a good position here and somehow getting out of this all right black Eagle's got their boost they got their boost they really got their boots they just get three then because they just demolished everyone holy crap they really just did that but the main thing I'm worried about is the XP because I will be getting actually no XP from this fight both do no damage to each other what was the point Felix is actually gonna end what why do you have 40 attack and 20 to attack speed I'm running someone else can deal with Felix I'm out of here they gave Felix darting blow what does that do huh that's disgusting no end ax breakup of course I'm missing everything all right pull out Good Old Reliable oh good Dodge good Dodge beautiful Dodge a decent level up very decent actually oh she's finally pulled out her bow it only took her this long yeah it's 20. oh my goodness we hit the 29. that was a miracle holy crap holy crap what's my hpf 34. okay I barely by one point have the HP to Survivor hit unless he pulls out his Gambit unless he does that that's annoying and even if the Gambit does land which it what is your charm 29 I have hosted so many tea parties and this guy has more charm than me oh well one way I could beat him is just just continuously stay in his throwing range you I'm sorry I'm so done okay okay Mercedes get away thank Christ hey oh God do you want to come down here okay you know what actually let's be smart about this she has 51 attack [Music] all right one more one more enemy and we're done with this just gonna make sure that she can't like destroy me in new and inventive ways she landed the 30 because of course she does of course she does and she lands it again because that's just how probability Works XCOM hit rates honestly I'm playing x-com long War currently and this is worse than that don't you run to Claude no come back here I I take that back I take it back come here stop running away no how is this battle oh I don't I'm sorry Don I'm so done we did it oh boy end up being horrible that was nasty but it was most certainly worth it you see we are now at level 20 which means finally we unlock advanced classes which have some unique abilities that we are going to be relying upon for the rest of this run all right so let me run through what I want here Warrior Is Awesome for wrath which we get once we Max that out what you're 32 chance and we hit it but now I can't do another one can I yeah all right well let's see if we can't just improve flying you didn't check claude's growth rate you're right I'm you're right I'm sorry hang on what is this he frankly needs work what riveting gameplay oh oh I know I wasn't paying attention I messed it up I feel dizzy let's go in again you've been challenged oh it's me I'm in the tournament oh Lads it's not looking good I need some blunchy BS to help me win here blunchy looks so cursed what do you mean he looks beautiful oh Crest the Flames going off excuse me wait do I not win do I not get that Quest done because I didn't win well well well well so it's really just these eight left just these guys here all right I delivered your letter to the pope thank you for your 300 Renown points I will now be leaving hello literal professors I hope you don't mind me changing your curriculum checking my supports very quickly I have none I have none I gave you guys so many things oh Let's Go the real question is do I want to get wrath first or do I just want to go wyvern rider for a bit let's get Wrath look at look at how beautiful this setup is I might give her a sword just so she levels up Swords plus 10 crit using an ax plus 5 attack when using an ax just being good at axes Vantage oh it's it's beautiful everything's coming up so let's just do it oh no and we did it good good game everyone it was a tough Mission but we got through it oh I'm stuck with having these guys in the fight I do probably want to grab these uh chests on these Maps just because they generally do hold nice things you know what no no I want to kill everyone because I want that XP here's the solution here you just stay up there you just don't get into any fights at all and Mr blunchy will take care of the rest I'm not even worried I'm not even worried look at my 95 chance to hit on these guys with 22 critical okay let me just stand here because only two of them are gonna be able to reach me I got hit by it again at least are these guys a little too powerful they really are us will be the best idea actually oh oh we do enjoy 99 crits though oh I'm gonna have to step here and be really dumb about this oh you survived don't worry Dorothea I will protect you it's all right if they want to stand on lava though that's absolutely their prerogative and soon I'll get Vantage because my Battalion is going to die from this obviously and everything will be good okay this might not be viable long term I've decided if I can kill both of these guys and then maybe I can move up and because they're only approaching from the top right all right I think I should now be able to actually move out all right gentlemen let's go look at all that XP I'm getting the skill XP oh it's beautiful it's beautiful it's beautiful B plus ax Pro S4 I might need another silver ax though honestly they're moving on the bottom okay yeah this might not actually be viable [Music] all right they're actually chasing a Grinnell that's a lot of arches that is that is a lot of arches how many enemy units are currently on the map 30. that's a that's a fair number oh no they're going after Dorothea they're out there are a lot of people chasing Ingrid that I actually might not be able to get away with that hang on how many people can attack her it's kind of beautiful uh the other option is of course this doesn't all work I've got the wyvern now for my main guy I can fly to wherever I need to be oh I can just barely I have to get hit that's fine though I can take one hit oh poison 's not fun all right I'm gonna restart this from the top they got they immediately spawn and they get attacks that's a that's a bit BS [Music] what killed me I don't I just don't get an answer according to the game it just said I fell I I guess I fell down the stairs or something I I all right yes these guys immediately spawning and then immediately get to attack okay okay I mean I mean look I could switch to the wyvern I really want to get the the Mastery for this done first though which would be ideal oh my far out we did we really need to hit that we we really needed to hit that game all right our plan will work it's just that we got screwed over immediately so allow us to attempt this again and if we can beat two of these battles we will have the Mastery done I'm pretty sure everyone will attack me I will kill them this paralog I don't I reckon will be good I'm just gonna casually go around the map then no no real plan here I didn't realize they got they get reinforcements what [ __ ] and this one [Laughter] 17 million units spawn all right all right well we've got to do some thinking now okay I need to stop being a tight ass and I know I need to buy silver axes so you've got no movement speed whatsoever my guys that's so slow oh they spawn on this side as well okay that definitely doesn't work there's a one tile Gap there's no way they're getting in I can shove you I'm shelving you in even oh Mark if I just everyone's I was thinking for a second why did that skip take so long everyone's coming over the I think the entire map just moved I need my level three guys to heal me oh my the the apocalypse is coming the end is how are you oh no he has passed he can pass through spaces oh no all right I'm gonna give this one more try I'm gonna give this one more try and if it doesn't work I'm gonna hop off and I'm gonna see if I can think of some other idea of how I can do this trust me new plan new day new me we got this okay one more attempt oh it's only a 44 to hit on these guys I didn't realize I had ax breaker [ __ ] oh we didn't get there in time because that wizard didn't die I promise what actually last one though okay my soul cannot take any more of this I have done some research of stream about how crazy we can make crit chance swords are gonna be our best bet long run right but I want to use axes currently um mainly so I can get my skill up to a once I have axes at a I'm pretty much just gonna stop there's no point afterwards we're then going to start using swords and I'm gonna switch over to the wyvern Rider class that we unlocked once I master Warrior so I can get wraith there's no easy way through this we just gotta continue going so for this map I kind of need to just get my my guys over here so that plungy can do the rest of the work oh okay he can't reach oh that's not good that's not good uh allow us to reset this was my least favorite parallelog yeah I'm starting to understand why I get it now all right I'm looking for a good level up here you know what that's so bad I'm willing to reset here anyway the last mission just scraped by and I'm a bit scared that if I don't do anything I'm gonna get out leveled and I'm I'm gonna be stuck look what we really need is just one Dodge if we don't get the Dodge yeah yeah this prologue sorry this paralog isn't happening we're gonna revisit that you might be asking yourself at this point why am I putting so much emphasis on doing these battles even though I don't actually have to last mission was brutal and I'm a bit afraid that next Story Mission I'm not actually going to be able to finish it so in order to give myself the best possible chance I decided to master my class to get wrath wrath is an extremely powerful ability giving us 50 crit whenever we're lower than half of her health in combination with Vantage this should mean that we should be able to reliably repel enemy attacks without actually getting damage in addition to other crit boosting accessories and items we should be able to bump up this number to a hundred percent that's why I'm putting so much work in here in order to get this happening if we can get this we should be all right all right let's do a few more battles Oh wait we're at the end of this chapter I didn't realize we're already at the end we'll be fine we're at the enemy where is geralt he falls in battle I lose this could go very wrong I'm not I'm really not liking my chances here what am I even worried about these guys have like no attack yeah well we'll we'll win this we're not saving these NPCs guys it's it's just not it's just not happening all right let's get you raised you can grab that chest all right now I imagine these guys are actually like proper units right yeah with ax breaker on them as well oh no is that the death we we don't have good experience with that gentleman right there why does he have Mastermind I just want to see what happens here don't have to kill the death knight but if I can fat one of XP yeah it's pretty bad it's pretty bad all right let's just kill Tomas then that's Rubble I can't get over it so only a flyer can access that oh that's a defense plus two though I really want that okay if I just go over here and grab the chest it's gonna let me cool this is so beyond scuffed are the death Knights here now [ __ ] um well we got it we just gotta kinda finish this Mission quickly yeah I Can't Let geralt Die okay oh Jesus Christ [ __ ] um okay we're gonna restart from the top what we just won as you can tell from my voice there I was a bit confused with what exactly just happened as it turns out on enemy turns Commander units generally get priority on moving first by using the wyvern Rider we're able to position ourselves on tiles that are generally unaccessible now because the commander had to move first here the unit couldn't actually move out of the way to let him buy meaning that he couldn't actually reach us with his Gambit and he had to use a magical attack to deal damage okay well we did it you weren't able to save any villages oh okay well as you can tell by this point of the challenge run I was kind of starting to lose my mind which meant it was good news for we now had a fun activity that we had to complete in this goddamn forsaken game oh my goodness welcome to the fishing stream everyone Jack has to now sit and fish for literally an hour because this is the best way to get Professor points now I would like to apologize we're fishing We're Just Fishing it's an hour of fishing now and then afterwards I'm gonna buy all of the bait and we're just gonna start fishing so apparently I've been told that you get more professional points from doing this on uh this day all right everyone hold on this is going to be the most intense stream yet oh no [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] having been fishing for hours at this point we now have to move on to improving our actual character stats again we are still a little bit away from getting what we need to for the rest of this run and so I decided to jump back into the paralogs foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right how are we everyone uh good morning welcome to the stream that's gonna make me cry I'm mentally preparing myself essentially next mission I'm stuck protecting geralt and he is just the dumbest man alive and will run into combat with seven monsters like proper Beast monsters and there's not much we can do about it so there's a few there's a little bit of prep we're gonna do beforehand I ended up getting wrath this is the abilities I'm currently running wrath I managed to get plus 50 crit when I'm under a half Health very nice um Vantage so I can attack First Alert stand so I just get that extra void sword prowess I'm using sword seal defense namely because I want to and there's nothing else better actually that's a lie I might be playing HP plus 5 instead yeah Gerald is going to charge you at the enemies with no regard for his health and basically die and if he dies we lose the mission so I need some way to heal him which means that for this mission well I can't class into a bishop I haven't got enough Faith unfortunately but I can class into a priest I'm pretty sure takes down my stats a whole lot but at least we get access to heal like he's actually quite powerful than this you have to worry about him but it's maddening so everyone everyone's more powerful than him essentially you know what I might not be able to um to actually do the thing I was thinking of I might just hop in here and grab the killing Edge now yeah 60 crit if we get two in a row we kill them immediately just challenges up I actually killed them which is quite impressive but just charge us up there anyway now I'm actually going to Stand My Ground here because I'm in a forest I've got alert stance my void on these two attacks should be quite decent see look at that okay let's see how dumb geralt is do you just run into the fire why did he do that exactly so I'm not even gonna worry about healing you know I'm actually just gonna stand in the ground because if I get to under 50 health that's not that's not bad that's good I'm also noticing having geralt in in forests seems to be very powerful hang on mate he attacked Gerald now what they're also about to go for Claude I can kind of see that happening in a second I'm gonna wait there I'm just gonna nah I don't like any of this we're just gonna end her in terms of like our main character progression we are quite frankly just waiting for level uh level 30. because there's no real classes we need to master right now and we're almost at 30 health geralt dumb [ __ ] position why are you there what are you doing you're on a flat you're on a fire tile move okay we're gonna heal Gerald we've got wrath now which probably will go as 100 crit chance so let's just let's just enjoy this all right 100 crit 100 crit 100 hit yes no the point remains I can still do that all crit all accuracy no evasion exactly alert stance is kinda carrying here we never die we we never die we never die no it's not time to heal we never die [Laughter] [Music] alert stands alert stance is good okay I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna heal and Gerald if you do some BS like attack oh Gerald that was so dumb because we dodged this because alert stand plus the thicket plus my natural Dodge we never get hit by anything I cannot wait to get defiant of oh no I can't get to Fire and avoid never mind that's not an ability I can get actually what are you doing why would you go to an why would you do an attack that is going to kill you and now claude's getting way too close to all of this okay here you need to just hide in the corner oh oh yes oh geralts girl's not looking too hot [ __ ] geralt moving screwed me up then I'm just going to hide back here I'm very annoyed how close we're getting to clawed and you need to stop attacking very dumbly you're so lucky you gotta Dodge then oh I'm furious oh you wrote you dumbass you dumbass I can't reach you now I can't heal you okay oh all right what are you doing you know that you're going to die if you do that that's the thing your aggro is so dumb why is there AI so dumb come back here just stop moving please I was gonna say guys we need we need to roll to die in the cutscene we can't let him die now for some reason at least I've got 20 of these heels they do they do hardly anything but at least it's something Gerald don't do it [ __ ] good crit but now you're dying and I can't get to you hang on this is just the scented Shadows map Jerome your weapon is broken what are you doing attack me I'm gonna stand in the open I'm gonna make even more appealing to attack me Gerald please leave please there is no aggro drawing ability in this game geralt needs to take a hint can I attack my dad it was one enemy one left and oh hang on Claude might be dead here no I can't position myself I don't know how long I'm gonna be able to keep this up now because Claude is in a dumb position there is no doubt about it I mean yeah he's dead now but hey you know what we can actually probably position him [ __ ] all right we're gonna we're gonna take this from the top yes okay thunderbrand might be the solution here we were looking for oh what are you doing oh oh no oh yes okay okay hang on does Gerald Dodge this he does but he attacks and he dies anyway he'll just run up and punch him in the face doing the Lord's work over here buddy probably not what I should be saying but he's why are the other guys coming didn't we aggro the other two up there are they just they just don't care about me anymore we're getting close now dad just just stay back I've got this yes you don't need to move no need to come closer oh he decided not to all right this is the one this is the one what's the durability he's got two attacks left and we've still got one more guy down there I haven't forgotten about him all right this guy's dead this time okay okay okay hang on that guy didn't attack why didn't he okay draw killed him draw it's fine what what what what is what is this game's AI why are you attacking me now did we just win what but they said he was attacking your why did the game just do that I'm what I'm sorry I can see the stream replay it so he was attacking him and they just gave it to me I genuinely have no idea as to why they decide to attack me instead of Gerald they were standing right next to me but I'm not gonna complain too much you know I managed to win that mission eventually with this fight now over though we've managed to make it to the new year and I'll be honest the next stream I did nothing of note happened during this dream I attempted to get all those side battles done and even though I thought you know I've got a wyvern Rider I've got all my cool abilities now I'll be able to take them on turns out I really can't the only Quest I was actually able to complete was the one involving the Cindy Shadows unit I managed to get around this monster here by just using a bow and exploiting some weaknesses so please excuse me for skipping through all this content trust me you're not missing out much the only major side quests I'm actually interested in completing even if it's going to be painful is the Red Canyon one if you manage to do that you get a few Divine pulses extra which will be super handy for some of the hard story missions later on all right we're gonna kill the wolves with biolith we're going to then get Claude as far away as possible and there is a knowledge gem in that chest and I am happy to let you know that I don't care knowledgehammed saves time Jack yeah but what am I actually ever going to use it I'm sorry I'm just hitting people with facts here uh okay I messed up hang on oh and they're coming from behind as well oh all right brilliant I think I think that's everyone attacking me oh I almost okay you know what I've got to get everyone better position but we almost had something there grab the crit sword go here now Claude moves down turn after this they all should be attacking me oh so close there they've accidentally moved to the side a bit oh no oh hang on we might be good oh yes what that's not good if I defeat that guy it's over right I can't believe he spawned more in let's not heal I want wrath getting off here okay okay sorry let me take that back you know what it's just defeat the enemy Commander let's just defeat the enemy Commander time to get arrows again I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know maybe let's just try something so the wall the walls are dead right now if I move this way and do a massive flank what happens my theory here is that there are some invisible tiles on the map that are triggering enemies to spawn if I cross them it seems to make them come so maybe flying around the map in a way that the developers wouldn't have intended should cause them to not trigger Alright good so far hang on the game's gonna let me do that what please tell me the birds Don't Do Anything the birds don't do anything I will give this game the biggest kiss [Laughter] they just do [ __ ] nothing oh good game design mwah I love you I love you all right jack wins it's just that simple oh he's not he's just not gonna move yes all I've got to do is move out of his range and he can't hit me it just works it just works I've got alert stance I'm never gonna take damage it just works alright well [Laughter] oh yes oh give me those Divine pulses baby all right that you know what that raises a good point because this entire time I've been thinking like I'm just playing Fire Emblem but I'm trying to do really well at it right trying to play like The Meta I've got to start thinking outside the box like that with with with just like a movement that the developers wouldn't have expected all right let's give stride to Lorenz then ah thanks guys you guys are more encouraging than my chat [Laughter] I'm just ready for the ever aerial bombardment I'm a heat-seek and missile baby chat you're also hot and sexy I love it when you tell me [ __ ] like this we did it we did it with an incredibly cheap Victory under our belt we decided to move on to the main story now this is actually where I'm going into the rest of this game blind you see I haven't exactly actually completed this game fully yet so from now on this is all completely me discovering everything for the first time uh I could just zoom on over now that I know how to travel at the speed of like light but uh we will actually grind XP here all right it's time to zoom oh oh blunchy you're spoiling me today we're gonna have alert said plus soon we're now we're never gonna get hit what what just happened Jack wins Jack always wins Jack never loses it's actually impossible okay I don't want to really defeat the enemy Commander right now this this is chess for the intelligent but if you could shift the pieces Dismount and then wait and we're gonna have all the avoid in the world you ready for the avoid here oh he's still got a 44 to hit I I am praying that I can just one shot her with a crit this would be hilarious ah oh no oh my Lord you serious thank you nice well it's been fun and you know what we'll actually let this cutscene play out why not and I'm gonna check my messages oh yeah and then I become God yeah this this does happen don't worry about it sorry I had to absorb the soul real quick oh yo I'm actually cutting a hole through space-time anyway am I still playing I'm still playing anyway we got some really cool crit chance now on just an iron sword it's hilarious and I healed oh why is this game healing me all the time oh yo why are you hang on no don't heal don't heal oh there's no hit chance no hit chance we like to see it we like to see it oh yeah my mouth's gone that's fine you know I'm gonna stand in the forest I'm gonna get my critside out I'm gonna wait and he is gonna hit me with a Gambit but that's fine oh I take that back he can hit me good I can hit him better though it turns out our Victory here marked us one step closer to the time skip we've only got two more main story missions to actually finish before we get there however things were starting to really look up for the rest of this run we've kind of got all the class Mastery abilities that we're actually gonna need the other classes we're going to spec into now are purely just for the stat benefits we've got another tier of wyverns we can get and also another fighter class now I realize near the end of this chapter that if I had played a female character I actually would have had a better time with some of these abilities you see in five of three houses summer classes are actually gender locked meaning I can't get access to defiant avoid as a male character if I had known that this would have been so much easier this would have basically made me Invincible to most enemies however I'm not gonna cry over it too much so we'll check out the abyss and then afterwards we'll probably just do some of the free support building activities and then we will spend money but first of all let's check out the teacher nice yo could I get Renown off fish why I do anyways fish Fame yep fish Fame we're gonna quickly get to the get to the um the the merchants we're gonna sell all the the cool fish we have because I think I'm not gonna lie I think I've got 20 000 in Just Fish oh baby I believe in the fish economy all right so what we need to do is just get 10 000 more now we get like the maximum increases which is good how you doing I'm doing good I'm just gonna chill back tonight hopefully it's not going to be too much of a crazy stream oh I could do tea time with him sorry I forgot about the best mechanic in this game okay I can't hang on I can keep inviting him to tea it's not grayed out or anything how badly do I want this a support I really want this a support guys [Laughter] I'm just gonna keep giving him I'm just gonna force feed him tea until we get the support up with him we're gonna keep doing this I am willing to spend every single one of my activity points on This I Swear like duct tape them to a chair and I'm gonna put a funnel in his mouth and I'm gonna fill it with tea until this guy gives me b-rank support I swear I just I just want this to be over we've been on this for a little bit now what what excuse me so okay so there is a limit to the amount of tea you can have it's Thrice anymore and it's excessive all right I'm just gonna quickly search up some like rewards you get from these and we're gonna pick out any that we might want so yeah for those of you who haven't watched this we do have a lot of crit oh hang on we screwed up we're gonna get surrounded completely and what that is the first time in age that I've actually just been killed because people did damage to me this normally does not happen let's um let's reset wow I got so unlucky hang on do I have 100 crit chance hang on everyone have a look at the crit so I'm just gonna use an iron sword that gives me still like 70 crit unless I'm getting hang on why do I have no crit against you oh cause I healed I healed and I went over half again that's the only issue of crest of flames it does heal me at the worst times reminder by the way this is on maddening I just I I just want to point that out maddening's not particularly hard oh level 30 yes oh Jack gets access to all the master classes now here's the cool thing I'm gonna be able to get a 100 plus crit on literally any weapon now because defiant crit is the next ability I'm looking forward to and if I'm under a quarter Health anything crits and you think I'm exaggerating I'm not all right we done here game all right great that's that out of the way alert sends plus yes third year void whenever I choose to do nothing with my turn how dumb is that all right that's them dead great sylvain's got a corner to hide in now just stay there oh no they decided to move because I activated them by aggroing them ah Jack's dumb I've got to actually like be patient about this as it turns out that's upsetting all right patient Jack new me new me honestly this mission is really just more of a formality than uh anything else so it's not that hard it's really hard to like miss me I'm the big guy on the flying thing I defeated most of the thieves they gave me a lot okay so it's a matter of do we want wyvern Lord or do we want war Master what do we want to um Master first I guess I would like to find crit but it's a 35 chance of passing all right now that I've taken the save you know what let's actually try this and then if I fail I'm just gonna go War Master holy crap I passed okay you have too much cash now I've got not enough excuse me as I now buy like 50 of these I really like my crit chance I'm sorry it has to be done So the plan is for progression we're gonna try to master out uh wyvern Lord and then we're gonna go with war master and we're gonna flip between the two as we need all right main story Mission time I'm gonna actually sit up now oh it's blanchy's birthday it's my birthday yes all right and we it's only Us in this fight that's fantastic so what does this bracelet give me plus two charm okay not exactly what I was after game but I'll I'll take it what's the um what's the penalty if they get all the crest Stones I actually I'm actually too scared of that I'm just gonna I'm just gonna maybe just rush over her we're just gonna we're just gonna continue to fly up this way I think all right baby let's do this ah you're gonna Gambit me that's no fun oh we like to see it double attack a hundred hit a hundred crit I protected the ball you are welcome it's just that easy I could have stayed around and grinded but quite frankly I didn't want to worry about it so that one ended up being quite an easy Mission however it definitely wasn't going to stay that way having been successfully lulled into a false sense of security I moved on to the final chapter before the time skip alright cool so I'm only going to lose who Fernando honestly not the not the end of the world there I'm quite happy with that oh Linda wants to join now yes you can join all right I'm losing Fernandez that's it um let's just do the twice the rewards auxiliary request I'm not getting any level XP I'm getting skill XP but no level XP oh now good ax prowess five and a miracle Bean good and I save 13 Grand oh you gotta love it let's actually go this way I want to avoid the forest where are we at all right that looks good there is nothing more we can do except the battle so let's just go for it suggested level is level 23 we are currently sitting on 31 on maddening on maddening oh no claws in this mission seriously and he's hang on why is he there oh because we're facing this way sorry okay do I just bum rush Adel God that that is an option here we could just take her out immediately yeah I am yep yeah it's happening it's cheap as hell but it'll be fun oh no I have to move back they can reach no Claude all right good Claude can just hide back here he can heal uh rare if need be chord oh no all right no you can you can hide that's good oh no they took the monastery okay might have to actually do something here hmm as it turned out I do a lot more than something ladies and gentlemen welcome to the worst offensive mission in the entire game the Death Knight on the left might be killing my the Allies too quickly they need to stop them anyway I can convince Elgar to just attack me no she's only got a normal normal sword she's always gonna start with the Gambit so not much I can really do unfortunately what Battalion do you have I'll give you Gerald's mercenaries why have I done that sorry guys Jack's an idiot wait wait a minute I just had a brilliant idea I wonder if stride Stacks oh but I don't have another person that could that could use it then oh no maybe corn survives this [ __ ] somehow it would be kind of amazing if he did because if he does well we win oh that's okay yeah that's not that's not a good plan okay I'm gonna have to yeah no I know bold bold strategy actually defending the objective but um maybe it works oh claude's dead [ __ ] I moved into a bad spot yeah whoops okay guys I'm actually ran a bit of trouble here I'll be real with you they just kept the point hang on they're capping it quicker now they're getting there quicker how are they doing that I'm so confused yeah okay I kind of need I really do need the Allies to carry their weight here huh I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna do here maybe taking out Hubert's the answer who knows uh okay maybe I can use stride on these guys why would that do anything I don't know maybe they'll move all forward I'm running out of ideas let's use stride on these guys oh they do move a lot more are you serious we don't kill them oh hang on initial impressions are good did I miss both of them Jax actually losing his mind here what did I I've got dementia didn't I equip those weapons oh I got rid of it I'm a dumbass sorry everyone but even if it's just one turn of them attacking me so long as I can move next turn there why are you over here now is it because the damage numbers are no longer in their favor what is what is your issue all right I'm sorry everyone we're going to actually see this play out because I need to know exactly what the game is thinking here how am I not getting crits as well oh my goodness Jack's getting salty is [ __ ] right now okay okay no it's fine it's fine we're gonna we're gonna start this from the start one more time so you ready for this this is gonna be scuffed as hell get rid of alert stance I can't believe I'm doing this give her defensive tactics give me Lance breaker and strength plus two oh you're attacking him yes do that yes because there is oh Raya with the crit what because as we all know commanders like this generally attack first on their turn so all I need now summon a crit and we have wrath we have raft activated we have 100 crit chance hang on killer ax is out yeah this should be it no she's gone by the use of raging Flame she has two Battalion uses why everyone else has one of that she used it last turn right yeah she used later she used why does she has two that's the everyone else gets one use of that when they have it equipped that makes me so Furious oh my oh my God all right go I'm going to die okay I need to convince this lady to attack me I could do this hang on where's my Elixir oh no I need these guys to kind of die turn one that would allow me to get you to attack me and now I'm stuck dealing with this again of the off chance that this works somehow [Laughter] all right I think I need to get off stream and I need to think about how we're gonna do this because this is actually not gonna this is not gonna go well I forgot I genuinely have very I've almost got no idea how we're gonna do this I I was messing around the latent video and I was doing some cool effects I don't know I've been messing around with how I can make my transitions more Snappy and so I've set it on this kind of glitch thing and it turns out Premiere has this whole section called immersive effects and there's a ton of like VR ones and there's one that gives you just this cool background and I accidentally put that on like the end credits on The Late video and put it in a blend mode just was messing around and it looked really cool with my stream layout guys I'm a holographic trading card now this is great but in terms of what we're doing today sorry I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of just waffling so I can look at my background for a little bit so happy with it you know how Jax had a streaming start and a streaming end background now he's got a streaming intermissions oh it was so fancy right now today I'm gonna spend maybe an hour or so just messing around with the uh the one that we're stuck on I don't think there's any way past it aside from cheating so blood sub probably coming out I I would not be surprised we've then got the Pokemon game which I'm gonna do a blind Nuzlocke on and I just want to forewarn everyone I haven't played a Pokemon game in eight years so that's gonna be that's gonna be interesting I'm probably gonna have to rely on actually everyone in chat telling me what the type um weaknesses and strengths though hang on guys sorry guys have you not been hearing me this entire time [Laughter] oh my goodness I've just been going on this massive Spiel thinking like talking about all the cool things I've got upcoming and no and I'm like why is no one responding to this well luckily the recording will have picked everything up that I said just to remind you all of the uh rules of this run it's blunchy only ah ha what a beautiful name forgot about that no attacking on merciless right so I ultimate Discord people about what should we do here right the problem is this right on this map in particular um we have to defend this point back here and these two people actually and Raya can't die right of course level one if you haven't been able to use them right but because all of these people here that I can't control basically these guys just attack um this group when they eventually take the point right so to win this map all I've got to do is kill Adel guard I can but I just don't have the number of turns needed in defense so dance Accord is so cursed it's brilliant what do you mean idle guard for whatever reason her um uh Battalion if I can pull it up it has two uses it yeah it I've never seen that I'm actually Bound by a level cap so my level on merciless it can't be above what's being used I take like a like a harsh XP penalty to the point where I'm earning One XP per engagement right so I can't really over level it if I go to hard I get like seven levels of normal leveling and then after that I reach the the cap and the game will slow me down right if I'm normal it doesn't actually matter at all but on mirthless also everything has additional abilities one of the options is I restart this entire run but I play on a lower difficulty if I'm being real it does lower the click bait potential of the video so that that's option number one right option number two is I just say I can attack anal guard for this fight and call it a day and bribe my audience not to bribe my twitch audience to not tell my YouTube audience that's option number two I'm leaning towards option number two because if we do option number one game is going to become trivially easy and that just isn't gonna make for a good video because if you're not here to see me scream and cry what are you here for anyway I'm gonna play the game just for like an hour to see if I can't cheese my way through this because realistically like sorry ideally if I got exactly the right RNG roles I could do this but the these guys just don't have the evasion or the attack because they're level one so uh so yeah we're gonna give this an hour and then we're going to move on with our day I want to experiment with something first we're just gonna use buy lift to fly around see if we can't get him to kill all the enemies because you'll see that some of these enemies are just aggrid onto the others now remember everyone we have healing Focus so Health between turns is not our concern oh yeah what do I do about the death knight I forgot about him yeah reinforcement's coming which doesn't make this exactly great you know what maybe if I just don't go this way they'll want to stay there that's my new plan I'd rather deal with first anyway okay left is moving up so I probably do have to take care of the left first because they overrun us it's not good well if I just Chuck my guy like right in the middle of it all what what happens if I stand right here let's find out they still go forward how can I convince you to attack me yeah and even if we get past this we then have the death knight and the two beasts to deal with just try winning yeah I didn't think of that yeah we're getting attacked now holy crap how is this Mage still alive how is this man still alive crap crap where's that RNG on the people I want [Music] there we go wow he lasted so long though yeah we were kinda on the right track though shove Raya on to the point Maybe keep shopping radar forward I don't know if it's gonna do anything bring it to the front lines forcibly because you're trying to just stand there but that does actually that whole idea of pushing people forward to fight for me I'm gonna keep that in the back of my head because we could use that oh bro oh brilliant idea brilliant idea hang on I'm gonna shove you better put myself here and I'm gonna put Claude there and now this Knight is not gonna get out hang on you can uh hang on you can move past friendly units I forgot it doesn't matter you're in the you're in the naughty corner now yeah yeah he's over there again oh the Knight didn't move hang on nope he did [ __ ] stop um okay that that kind of worked actually yeah yeah it did they're all dead so now I've just got Flyers over here that I need to deal with if you focus really hard you could do physics damage you mean psychic damage right I I could do physics damage that's just called kinetic energy just start throwing [ __ ] at them oh I love Vantage thank God Jack past Jack knew what he was doing holy crap holy crap yeah what works for me oh we took one of the what we took the struggle because we killed him okay the sooner I take our death knight the better time I'm gonna have I need a crit here that's the only issue oh not not exactly what I meant yeah I just want to point out this man has an eight percent crit hang on this just moves them forward doesn't actually heal them forgot about that they were going to Target doing that think Lord's dead here [Music] yeah I'm so close as well look if we can kill these two beasts I'm pretty much Home Free okay the game just is just lying to me he's gonna attack me and in the moment I finish my action it just stops it says no we're actually attacking rail I now realize why this was happening it's because of alert stance plus because I'm using my turn to weight I'm actually getting 30 plus a void and the AI is changing its calculations on who it wants to Target if I had realized this at the time I would have saved myself so many hours of trying to get around the ai's decisions as I said previously the AI in this game is a bit of a mystery to me but I'm slowly starting to unravel it oh damn it okay don't attack him kill this dude yeah all right next time that should be good holy crap actually doable no this is this is amazing I'm a little intrigued what you're gonna do but that's fine I need this guy to run out of heels I think I'm gonna Dodge one and get hit by one so silver ax we're gonna get Vantage and wrath coming off I can probably just insta kill this lady forget her out of the oh she's gambling me that's fine I think I'm safe still oh you're attacking your own unit [Music] and you missed mine you just hurt them hang on you're gonna do the same thing nice everyone's going after Raya what the [ __ ] going on no way we won we've I think I've got it I think because Rey is getting so much heals she's fine I can just move Claude out of the way these guys can't get on point because they're too dummy thick the thunder and rain is here everyone Something's Happened yeah and if another one spawns in then we're in a little trouble was that another one spawning in okay there's another one okay if it turns out they can just infinitely spawn I'm gonna try to keep Reya just there and see if I can't get away with just sending um buyers to take care of the dude over there so that they will stop spawning in they infinitely spawned with you but dies no I believe I don't believe that see look at that they're not coming in stage one denial no no I look I'm too far gone anyway I'm committed to this now see no More's coming in this game see uh exploiting I'm exploiting a fact of the game that was built to stop people exploiting facts of the game they can't they can't send more reinforcements they limit it again option two here is let's see if Raya can just take aggro of all these guys stopping them from moving on point and then bailiff just does his thing you know what we've got all our divine pulses right now don't we I'm gonna see if that works you're staying there holy [ __ ] okay Reya can just take this okay Define crit nice okay I think I should just take this a bit slower oh what the they can't they just pop out surprise I was gonna take the tile okay I mean sure game's gonna give it to me I think the run is still alive it's still here oh I think we did it I think we've done it are you out of are you out of gambits you're out of gambits whoa let's go holy crap we did it yes I did not predict that I thought I was losing money today with this battle finally over we've reached the time skip of three houses we now have truly everything we're gonna need for the rest of this run so all of the progression now was just simply leveling up and getting better stats in terms of recruitable characters we've managed to get everyone except one fernandad there was a legitimate gameplay reason for me wanting to do this aside from just bragging rights we won't have to face them in battle that any of the story missions upcoming meaning that they'll be replaced by weaker units and because I've done all the parallel battles I'm gonna need to do before the time skip aside from maybe keeping Ingrid I really don't have use for these units anymore [Laughter] you fools did you not understand the true reason as to why I recruited all of these people even though I was never going to use a single one of them it was for this one simple reason it was to get them out of my way my name is blunchy God damn it and do you know how many comments I have received of the last few weeks telling me that I'm pronouncing my own character's name wrong that this bee actually is an s in German but no no no no no not One S it's two s's my character's name is slunchy what no matter though these house members will not survive these next few missions do you know how much money I've spent on their gifts how hard I've worked to try to get them to my side only for them to sit in my class and learn faith and flying even though there's no fault of their own it doesn't matter welcome to the genocide run [Laughter] hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on claude's level three what no you're supposed to be level one the first of all Game Stop leveling up my units when I wanted that to happen second of all why in the in the whole of five years this man has gone up two levels I'm sorry Jack but every unit gains levels that's upsetting that pisses me off so much that's it I'm just gonna walk into the middle here oh crap claude's dead sorry I wasn't paying attention you know what let's just start that again our guys are coming in they're all level well level two level three level three okay and out of curiosity I can let them die these guys are [ __ ] um oh no I do I do kind of want some of them to live all right they're not moving up so if we can take care of the left hand side we can then deal the right hand side and save everyone honestly again okay again if everyone dies I'm fine ah [ __ ] they landed that um okay that really actually doesn't work I would like to see everyone through this battle if it doesn't happen I'm willing to let the children die [Laughter] at the table right now hardest map in the game under normal circumstances let the symphony girl die yeah what can I say sometimes in anime chess You Gotta Lose a few players I'm honestly about to say [ __ ] it and just kill them all I'm that close I'm that close all right you know what Jax lost it I don't care about these people anymore oh [Music] okay everyone but me can die I should have sorry that that is my bad I should have explained you tried Hilda I should have actually played that through but nope don't care uh well you win some you lose some didn't know that these people are still living so uh just gonna move you guys up ah shame it's not these guys aren't going to give me anything too important later on if I let them live right I'm hoping not so we've got some actual people here unfortunately they're locked behind barriers but we should be able to get them killed don't you dare I'm sorry [Laughter] guys Jack's a dumbass I thought that's the whole time I had to root the enemy Jack can just run and kill him yeah I'm following the Dimitri tactic come kill every single last one of them yeah I need two extra turns that's the annoying thing here yeah there's no way around this okay we've done what we can uh what can I say oh wait the mission isn't over I didn't realize there was a second uh a second thing to this Mission yeah this is what I get for not playing the game beforehand all right we're back to we're back to the Doom strategy genocide route everyone thank you oh my goodness with our first battle Post Time skip finish and our mission clear it was time to move on to the next month so yesterday at the end of the stream we may or may not have genocided my entire class right but we we have an issue with that okay because I have an entire roster full of people from the whole school still with me right so I understand this run I'm only supposed to um uh use Violet and bring bileth in whenever I can right so and I and I'm not supposed to break that rule by bringing other people unnecessary right but what say you and I bring in everyone else just to get them killed off I'm I don't know genocide runs looking pretty funny I really did try to save at least a few of them but then I got bored so who are you going to marry well there's not going to be anyone left to marry by the end of it uh if you kill Marianne you'll never see me again too late she's gone oh yeah sorry Hilda Hilda for whatever reason can't die I'm very upset at that oh before I forget let me just check the abilities of Blanche I did unlock defiant crit so Grand 25 50 plus crit when HP is 25 or lower and we've got Wrath which sorry sir with these two abilities and I'm actually gonna put it on and change for lens breaker if I'm at 25 health or lower I immediately crit I quit with anything I've got 100 credit if I'm 25 or lower what am I supposed to do people is there anything I'm important to do I'll race stats oh raise your heavy armor yeah that is an option damn this is a wig Mega 10 game you're right what can I say all of these people now have weapons I can steal off them thunderbrand for instance you don't actually need that do you good job launchy Claude what what I mean according to this a rating Chuck him in battle he'll kill it it looks at their potential growths not actually what level they're at fair enough they're all quite low level all right let's go and let's go and kill some people it's hot you know it's hard carrying this game okay shall I get some units killed I think it's time to get some units killed all right lunch you can just hang out here okay I think we're good there's more than three people in Australia I know I don't I don't believe it either at first um dang now Dorothy is dead oh come on all right another one down dang Mercedes just flown lit up that person that's right we're almost there all right Petra there you go you've got seven archers and uh Bernadette I think you need to get closer to these guys 40 of risk is skill six percent is luck I think 40 of risk is just a 40 of risk is just manipulating people good job guys I can't wait for bailiff to be the MVP because he's the only surviving person I think we may be a little over leveled for this bit ax crit plus 10. nice not like I need more crit guys critting might be a bit weak buff it with skills you're right all right good job guys ah this is all I've got it's just this page now just uh probably shouldn't have skipped it it's whoops we did it oh there's one more now does this mean I can't actually train up heavy armor people we've got to govern around us I'm just gonna stand there we'll grab the killer ax out and we'll just do it just wait all right lad let's do it they have a Libs and chance to hit they are never going to this is fine see look good good job laughs it's not there's not too many people left guys I've got more activity points than I do students now can't wait to cut to the bit in the video where Jack realizes he's [ __ ] up badly because of this but you know what we never we never regret things on this uh on this channel we never do yes a [ __ ] plus 20 Wrath the defiant crit I think defiant crit's a bit Overkill we're never gonna be in a situation where we want to have defiant crit happening um let's just finish up our Quest here we'll get the the last few party members killed off and all will be well in the world okay so I need setup for live but these three can die Anna's going guys oh I've still got her Quest I probably should have handed that in before I did this oh hang on Anna's actually important if I want stat boosts on my main guy I can't wait for the end credits to be like this is where everyone ended up and it's four people fun fact when it shows where everyone is doing now if someone died it shows their date of death that that makes me a lot hat that makes me so happy if that's the case Jack gets Vantage and practically 100 crit chance Jack wins I can't wait for someone random just to stumble on into the stream and see me and my like class list and it's actually just five people look at that look just look at that it's all you really need what can I say now I've got Vantage defiant crit end wrath going off so it's 100 [ __ ] chance it's made it so that if I'm at 25 lower health I'm just gonna heal it all back because I'm gonna get a crit and I'm gonna get crest of flames Alright good job guys that's looking a lot better everyone join the sword attorney with no one else in it you're right fish for stats we're past that point I no longer have to fish if I don't want to let me let me pray for Redemption and then we'll move on Oh either Defender location is captured [ __ ] oh crap all right I'll level with you all this isn't gonna work hang on I think just immediately let's get a wyvern Knight alright it's a matter of what does the AI do in this game if I just don't let them get aggro on me they've won they just win immediately [ __ ] guys okay [Music] [Laughter] um oh reinforcement spawn but it doesn't it's not gonna matter is it can I bait these guys over yeah um there's one video on YouTube showing this level being being solid they were attacking could you provide the link Yoruba hmm blood blood sub is incoming I'm fairly certain it's at this point I went online for some assistance to see if some people have done this already you see some YouTubers have actually already gone and made a solo by the front meaning if that they could do it here there's a good chance I probably could as well so after a quick search I found Mecca's video where he beat maddening mode with only biliff and funnily enough before we even get to his bit he's actually crediting Omega Evolution for doing the same thing a bit earlier I decided to see if he too had to cheat to make it through and sure enough at the start of this chapter I hear him say I'm pretty scared of this chapter not gonna lie we might not be able to solo this one so a big thank you to both of them but there was still one major problem in their videos they could attack well I could not I need I need this flyer to die because then I can make it all the way over here and then I need all these crits to go off as well yeah yeah I can do this I can do this it's gonna be dumb though we're gonna have to be here for like I think this is what we do today I need ridiculous crits do we really miss that crit ugh this needs to crit yes all right no I shouldn't have we're good oh they they just keep spawning in yeah again I need this to damage me yes okay we've got wrath Advantage going off so long as I don't heal no oh I got healed oh technically didn't cap though I think they're attacking in front of me that time I think I'm fine nope use devil ax to lower my um to lower my health I didn't even think of that holy crap devil ax is amazing guys I don't even think okay that the funny ax could actually save this run holy crap if this works I'm on one okay so and there's no damaging me and they're attacking holy crap whoever suggested devil ax actually a genius for the rest of this entire run I can have guaranteed criticals and always attack first as long as I have a devil ax all right we got Vantage we don't oh crap oh no he's there Archer's there so I have to come back here now to deal with you this dude didn't even do anything putting my guy here hoping he gets attacked and they don't cap Point let me watch that video again see if he did anything else you know what I'm gonna go let's just see if they attack me now yeah yeah okay you moved too far oh I can't believe that they that that swords person survived too well I didn't quit uh uh I just need you to avoid not really kill them it's just a matter of look I think I can do this I just don't know what the chances are like and quite frankly I don't want to know we just need the Dodgers over here you know what let's abuse this game's Fascination for wanting Claude to be attacked I'm just gonna I'm just gonna put him here he's got alert stance maybe he does something [Music] what what is it because the archers trying to get on the point because it's the only thing it's trying to do right but claude's there so he's not gonna enter the point but he just doesn't realize he can attack him oh my goodness this is this is an AI this is just a holy [ __ ] hang on doesn't matter he can't this dude cannot reach Claude because the arch is in the way yes Jack wins Jack wins that's it boys we're going in oh they're trying to they're trying to Gambit me but it's fine all right I want to take back what I've said my hubris might have been a little too much we we we're humble unfortunately even with my humbling this map was proving to be impossible this is one of the very few maps in the game where there are actually infinite reinforcements that come out meaning that I can't just exhaust these guys and because they're Pegasus Knights coming out they're continuously just bogging Me Down The Long and the short of it was this I needed the perfect RNG in order to beat this mission to position myself just so so I could eventually reach the general while being able to attack all the Pegasus Knights coming over there truly was nothing else for this we had to now get off stream and start sinking in some hours to this God forsaken mission [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] it's just I need the good RNG so welcome back to this stream where we're going to be doing pretty much the same thing over and over again yep oh no that guy's gonna spawn oh no that's all right I need to restart anyway I didn't kill him oh good level too bad we lose I still don't get why is my hit that low I don't get it what it's nothing and you you win anyway because you cap ah just get crit already except now I've only got a 63 hit on you [Laughter] whilst okay and I'm still Vision I don't get it I don't get it after this is nine more okay we're gonna only have defend missions for so long one day we'll get something different it will it will happen all right I need some tea let's pull up the uh the cheat list again the reason I'm doing this is because I need to increase my charm you see in this game charm directly influenced the hit and avoid rate of gambits as I have no abilities that influence how gambits interact with me I have no way of really counteracting them meaning that this is my biggest issue whenever you complete tea time with a character both of you get plus one charm to your stats and because I'm able to do this multiple times in one time slot I'll be able to increase my charm a fair bit too bad this minigame is just annoying though we're gonna kill him all right we're gonna this is the time my hits 100 that's good level up was incredible did you just attack no I'm counter-attacking this is all in self-defense maybe he doesn't hit me stop healing how do I turn off the crest of flames oh you're kidding so close oh I didn't move hang on this is actually gonna be the one that ends up with the most recents it's heading in that direction oh [ __ ] sorry I forgot about ax breaker over here I'll be real I'm getting the vibe that this isn't gonna be good let's try that again oh goodness I have to vote soon I forgot about that nope I'll give this one more good attempt and then I'm gonna head off I think I don't know I'll do I'll do something actually productive with my day rather than just waiting for this to work I wonder if I stay here will you just attack me again he'll attack me so well yeah oh no Cresta Flames went off okay we only healed three though he's just wandering off get back here uh not the best time game I'm hoping that one of these guys hits us with something killer ax broke okay not the best time to break though because I wanted that could do dead this turn and he's still alive all right oh I might be out of range hang on got no horse down here now can we kill him they debuff me massively but they lower my HP cool dude's dead run back good holy crap Jack's got an advantage now I've got like eight Divine pulses I can tank some BS RNG right now okay we're still under half Health don't don't heal okay okay okay all right Chase if you chase me and I don't heal this turn we win okay no that I thought it was my attack I've healed though by accident that doesn't that doesn't help the healing does not help game okay hang on I might have attack speed on you I do I do oh I paused oh we did it oh oh my goodness far out nice work we won without much incident thanks to all of you thanks to all of you without victory here we've managed to put ourselves in a fairly good position for the rest of this run we have only nine more battles in order to finish this once and for all the only thing we now have to look forward to is mastering the rest of these master classes which shouldn't be too much of a concern considering all the fighting we're about to do so a majority of my free time will now be used primarily in battles however I will explore the monastery to do the greenhouse and also have some tea that charm still needs to be higher I hope I do see it they're gonna kill this dude too quickly no guys come on this is very annoying so I didn't want to kill these people I'm here for class Mastery oh almost got him if this bloody enemy unit kills him I'm gonna be so mad and me [Music] oh dang okay what's up Jack how's uni yeah it's going good oh look at those damages holy all right have we mastered this yet good level if I can Next Level I will use this guy to do all my things I've planted there let's go and have some more tea I wonder why the Archbishop is so interested in you the Archbishop is gone okay blunchy one man army hyped up on God knows how many different performance enhancing drugs from uh Anna's shop defeat the enemy Commander we like these missions we like these missions and I'm just gonna put Claude like over the lava and everything so that no one can actually touch him yes just kind of go here so yeah Blanche is just gonna have a nice good old stroll I reckon you gonna kill Ash yes of course why why would you ask me that of course I'm gonna kill him I can't believe it we're getting 56 crit and I'm using an iron ax but rats going off we just got 53 crit I did want to see what the charm is on these guys attacking me because 25 chance is still a little high for my liking yes what's your charm 25. I've got 40 charm on them how is the Gambit getting through at any rate I've got Vantage and wrath now Ash come over here [Laughter] anyway which I'm just gonna keep creating everyone now actually can never die 100 hit Vantage goes off and even if we go above half Health we're still gonna kill him anyway rip the run you decide to kill him which is technically an attack yep totally counts that was a um that was a um I uh hang on I'm sorry I'm just trying to BS a reason yeah Advantage is busted man oh no no I've got to protect her now God damn I thought this was gonna be easy I was looking I was looking so much just a cruisy mission oh actually incredible with oh never mind we win oh I didn't kill him no oh wendelopee yeah the first person to actually get me thank goodness okay all right we're done here everyone our Victory here marks the beginning of some rather crazy map all the upcoming missions are generally quite large and open and because we have claws of fire and we no longer have to perform any defend missions we should be able to just Chuck him in the corner of the map while we do all of the work and so it's time for us to actually enjoy ourselves a little bit three houses are such a great game and I'm so happy it's my first experience in the Fire Emblem series I can't wait to play all the games before this and the new ones coming out afterwards but it was still time for us to continue so after visiting the greenhouse real quickly we went straight to the next mission yeah I get the impression that now our quests are gonna be more about attacking the Empire which hopefully will be easier for us if a foe initiates combat while unit HP is 50 or more unit makes guaranteed follow-off attack yeah nice we win these that's just a good reason me to want to keep on high Health now so I've got kind of two builds I can do I can either do really high health and just stack all the endurance stuff that'll keep me alive or I can do really low health and get guaranteed crits on everything ax Fair yay okay anyway if we win shall we do a paralog let's do the paralog lunchy we're sending you in and they've got a range of three oh but we only have to defeat the enemy Commander so it doesn't matter we've got plus 10 to axes then they hit better and we avoid more and we avoid more and we hit again and we hit them harder this is this is a little dumb the only issue is that these guys can hit me a little too easily oh oh we just got killed okay you know what this is very dumb I got gambited no all right what do we get okay fine didn't quit 87 and you refuse to crit all right we're done here all right go and beat up some people all right that was even quicker how much how much is it for 99 buy it you just buy all of them yeah they'll do okay sorry just quick quick law essentially all we need to know is kill him kill them all murder anyone with a red anything on this map defeat all enemy commanders let's go I'm gonna send Claude to like just sit over here oh no there are no exceptions everyone dies oh no uh I mean there is a solution here it's take out this guy and post Claude in here somewhere I'm a little worried what's happening all right you're dead I will just have to impress her with my skills on the battlefield well let's see how that goes for you actually hit dang okay Jack might actually die here never mind Jack Never Dies no come back here fight me yeah he's gonna lead me to the reinforcements no no no no no come back here I can't kill him fly on over here so I've just gotta I've just got a an email subject urgent please respond immediately I'm gonna hang on I'm gonna check this Jack's not in trouble everyone we can continue playing this wait this might be an issue if he's not gonna attack me how do I beat this because he's a commander yes finally you're attacking me good all right we win oh we lose because of goddamn ax breaker you heard what you did to Ash yeah and he refuses to attack me because he knows my pacifist ways oh well I'm glad we defeated them here I doubt they're an enemy we could win against twice Claude you have any idea how wrong you are with only six missions left to go if they're anything like the last few they should be relatively good however I only expected to get harder from here if you will cast your mind back to cindered Shadows you'll remember that the last few missions while annoying were relatively easy however it was that final boss that really caught me off guard was the reason why we couldn't do it in this run the main killer is going to be something that I don't expect some boss that just comes out of nowhere with some BS ability hopefully that won't happen I'm gonna do one more Mission I reckon today and that will leave some good standing for uh next time why did you change a class all right not complaining Let's do an explore we'll accept all the quests and then we'll uh get back to her probably just skipping honestly have I already got all your resources fantastic nice talking to you oh well I'm here Greenhouse keeper there's nothing else for me to do is there we've done everything okay yo A Plus Professor let's go not like we need the extra activity points I don't have anything to do with it I've got a paralog and that's it all right we'll test this parallelogout we'll uh take a save here now what is the condition for this run to fit the enemy Commander oh big guy in the middle halves all damage and damage reduced by 70. uh you know what we'll be fine just just go for it oh some people are also fighting here which could help yeah these thieves are screwed oh that's good oh no I'll go and let you know start attacking this Dragon why not get alert stance on oh no they spawn in swedial 18. he might not hit us though yeah honestly quite doable attack speed 35 dang he fast okay ah crap you're going over there now Dragon over here is the the point though all right I'll fix that oh they keep infinitely spawning in and Claw can just be in the corner and no no they're going off the court okay what I'll have to do then is just keep moving back in order to get these guys attention yeah I want you to move over this way ideally so now to move back and take care of these guys spawning in I mean we're not we're actually not in any danger whatsoever it's just annoying this oh one of his arm is gone he's not replenishing it yeah he's just choosing not to replenish it okay I didn't realize that sorry everyone I've been wasting time here let me just crit this dude didn't immediately kill him but God damn is that cool as long as one of these crits that is yeah brilliant yeah let's just let's just skip I'm done I'm done messing around let's just skip to here so again if this is a defense Mission we have to worry but if it's just an attacking one then things will be cruisy ideally defeat all enemy commanders based yeah I guess we'll uh also kill them as well maybe we'll uh we'll kill them and we'll kill yeah we'll just we'll just kill everyone all right we'll uh yeah we'll just kill some people I'll probably uh end the stream after this fight I don't imagine this will give us any challenge as well just saying this can't be the final battle guards here yeah he's not the founder not the final though oh no what happened they just spawned in more people uncool okay they're not spawning anything in yet I'm gonna start going this way hey guys oh no no they're they're mostly agreed on me that's pretty good oh no Jack actually got hit by a [ __ ] um okay dang that's a lot of attack on a Gambit holy crap I didn't realize it was that much oh my goodness dude's got a weapon and a half I get Vantage here though and wrath yeah so I do win this fight oh Jack's dead what I do is this you ready ah I don't get all my crit bonuses yeah of course right well the next option's quite easy run this way yeah no of course not the dude is probably dead no never mind he does he actually takes no damage still hits me on a 25 of course I mean what why wouldn't he of course his hit is zero why did he take the attack I also do 18 crit against him oh no oh yes yes good let's just kill idle guard also kill Hubert whatever his name is yeah 100 for killing you but okay glad I've got chat behind me with this one hope you don't Smack me with something ridiculous oh God peel before I move there I guess very cool all right we're only a few more quests left I think I think we've we've passed the the brunt of it and it's all uphill from here that's the plan at the very least all right I'm gonna end it there uh thank you everyone for joining me today be back tomorrow we'll continue this um it's been it's been tons of fun hello everyone it looks like Jack's microphone is finally back up so I'm so sorry about what happened essentially um my cable broke it's been a long time coming uh I'm just gonna I'm just gonna be very careful not to knock it because I went off again um we're up to the penultimate stream basically I should be able to get to the final mission today so I'm just in some uh you know side quests auxiliaries whatever they're known as um we're just gonna make sure that bunchy's leveled up nice and well so I'll go around and kill these people uh but we don't have any issue right now so yeah it'll be a relatively nice one as I said a few streams ago we're at that point where we've got everything sorted we just need to make sure that our leveling is fine but otherwise we're gonna we're gonna um be able to push through until we get to the next defense mission we'll see how that goes I'm getting plenty of uh speed carrots from this might do this fight again just for the uh speed up I will just quickly say though on the uh the video I saw someone I think was Rosie um so someone lines of yo when are we going to see face cam on stream and everything uh I'm probably not gonna do it on stream until I get my own place just for the sake if I don't know if other people are gonna walk back and shot in the face don't want their faces on the internet faceless Jack yeah I don't actually have a face I don't I don't actually exist oh Jack they have our ax breaker so sad you might lose I'm not actually gonna lose thoughts on Cyril well my name is Cyril I don't I don't want to say you're a bit biased or anything like you know I wouldn't just say that he's you know good character because of your name or anything um but I will say that he's no longer with us in all fairness a lot of characters are no longer with us okay um I don't even Auto instructor because yeah and it was it was really tragic you know I tried to save him I really did I can't believe the rubble is still there have we not had a chance to clean this place up at all g-jack it's almost as if there's nobody left too clear hey we didn't kill like the servants and the staff and everything we just killed the foot soldiers I'm just what can I say I'm uh Art of War over here Sun Tzu I've read Tron uh Toronto dumps no what's his name Donald Trump I've read Donald Trump's out of the deal still haven't taken those English classes though all right what's the win condition defeat the enemy Commander let's go I do a little bit of trolling and that's why Cyril is now dead uh cool what are you doing over there oh okay this might be annoying actually maybe I'll get Allied reinforcements in this fight if that's the case then I'm a bit better give me allies give me allies yo game's kind of cool what can I say so we've got some issues still because because we're still getting targeted by this BS so we need that magic dealer to die immediately yeah I don't think there's any other option just run on over grab your killer ax out we'll start creating everyone here's the thing I could really easily win this Mission because just defeat the commander right and the commander is the death knight in the middle I could just bum Russian but I don't want to because I want to level up bileth here oh you're going for him cool my dude's kinda amazing holy crap um no I do want to make sure these guys die but they're going to attack him so they're probably gonna die anyway now and what just happened in my house I think I think a balloon just popped okay excuse me for a second I'm gonna address what's going on okay you're gonna hear a lot of balloons being popped that's what's going on I apologize everyone it's so loud I don't know if you guys can hear that but uh I might I might just mute myself for a minute let me see hang on there's any video items on them I can heal as well okay yeah this man's just living all right he died cool dude just said the time is ripe no idea what that meant should I have paid attention nah I don't need to pay attention Okay so these units spawning in do present a bit of a problem because they are going to chase record yeah hello oh is he trying to run away and Escape sorry everyone Jack didn't even pay attention to what's actually going on in the story okay so if I don't kill him it just becomes route the enemy but they keep respawning [Laughter] what's the um you know what I'm just gonna start killing and we'll see what that does yeah we'll just we'll just start killing them ah I think no that that's morning in and claude's dead whoops all right I'm gonna bring this back um like all the way back okay well let's just start cleaning the map if it's just gonna be route the enemy let's just start cleaning the map all right jack didn't defend properly well let's um let's restart this because now we kind of know what's going on here okay everyone's still spawning in we're gonna see we're just gonna keep doing this and we're gonna hope that they run out eventually sounds like California but less criminals no but dude the whole of Australia is made from criminals we were all convicts what do you mean less criminals remember how I said this probably won't be an issue this might be an issue these guys are probably almost dead we're getting there Lads go on then I have to do this again for the other Divine Beast over here [Laughter] okay it looks like there's a amount of reinforcements that they will have if that's the case this is still more than doable so if I put Claude in here and use bailiff to block this Square kind of here-ish I probably could clean them up in one turn IGN says that to prevent reinforcements need a unit on each one of each of the highlighted areas to prevent reinforcements also says it would make more sense just to kill the death knight hang on so if I take here oh it goes away hang on can I now leave and they're permanently gone God damn it spent so much time over nothing genius as always that's right everyone I call myself a professional last video and you know what the first kept com comments I got I think was from someone saying yeah right sorry everyone for that appalling display yo is that a missile that was that was a joke um dang they just yeah they just full on nuclear bombardment that actually is a missile what the [ __ ] I thought hang on I thought this was fantasy anime game when did we get nukes I love how chords like guys we've got to break down the barriers we've got to assimilate everyone to one culture and maybe no it's not the right correct one we've got to be more accepting right and it's all for the pursuit of profit it's capitalist Claude killing racism only because it affects his bottom line This is now chapter 19 of 22. we're getting there sure repair that as well repair everything you never know how many enemies are gonna have to kill because Jack didn't even realize he could capture the reinforcement points we need the Weaponry I am holding an entire Army's worth of equipment on my back and it doesn't matter I've gone through 73 smithing stones [Laughter] I've done that dang we haven't really done a birthday in a while after I executed everyone I've forgot about that that's a mechanic in this game so level 39 enemies We're Not Gonna actually get anything from the only reason why I would do this is to increase blanchy's stat with some items that drop so honestly do we just skip to next uh next fight I'm considering it yeah screw it let's just move on dang he's so fast look at that man run so yeah I'm gonna see if I can't do this Mission and then the next one and then that leaves us with the two final missions to uh complete next stream and that'll be the that'll be it after that hopefully well we'll see anyway we're taking down the capital that's all the plot I need one-man killer machine coming through oh and also we have nukes now what's stopping them from just nuking the capital once we take it I don't know what is stopping them am I about to get nuked feel like I'm about to get nuked dang for the first time in a while they're actually high level than me vile defense yep we love vile defense dang plus 30 avoid these guys are gonna suck and they've got renewal as well ah yeah I'm not gonna even bother with them so just kill enemy commanders we could just rush them down if we need to but I do want levels in this Mission so we're gonna we're gonna see what aggroes on us here just hoping that those beasts aren't going to fly towards us immediately that's my uh only concern luckily blunt she's just oh nice and then even activate Okay this is actually going to be quite easy that was that's nice Claude just park yourself here oh hang on oh no they're coming from behind well it's fine we have option two in this fight option two might seem a little worrying to the uninitiated but don't worry this is a normal day for blunchy how far can I go away and death knight will still follow all right you're gonna follow me a fair bit that's good uh I'm gonna use a silver ax to see if we can't just knock out those birds immediately and now you're running away to deal with Claude okay do we actually kill him is that death not dead properly okay so what's the situation now [ __ ] so it turns out the situation is dire um okay this isn't gonna work new plan it's fine if I go over here now does death knight follow me oh so unfortunately Lord benchy was just skipping through this fight and didn't even realize what had happened my best guess is this Hubert in this fight seems to have a skill that has an incredibly long range and because I have my accessory I counter-attack that in just one immediately so luckily death knight seemed to have died on that same turn as well look I completely stumbled into that Victory I've still kinda got no idea of how I managed to do it but hey I'll take what I can get I don't know how long I was out there um that was incredible the fact that speed wins I can't wait to have to edit the video now and not have my reaction toward that because my reaction was golden but like oh I'm just playing so is there only like three more maps left hang on I thought we're gonna have a chance to to hold the phone for a second because not gonna lie why my guy is kind of a bit under level now what is this all right that's safe that's a that's a lot of people in this room we're gonna run in here I think I want everyone in this room to attack me I'm gonna hope that they don't Gambit so yeah I'll probably try to clean and wrap this completely be grateful you have to deal with idle guard with 27 range is it that bad on some of the other playthroughs okay we're still fine oh I don't like those whoa plus 20 hit isn't it yeah that's pretty good oh oh they're moving in guys I'm gonna try something different then the final half miles 200 Health oh God yeah I'm glad I didn't do blue lines even though people wanted me to initially where can jack go nowhere is the answer do I just jump in here instead of using an ax use like swords okay it hits higher crit's good hey him been a while fun fact if you don't do these paralogs on Blue lines he just [ __ ] dies yeah poison strikes getting hang on is he actually gonna die is his defense just that good that nothing can damage him now the door key we're gonna have 20 of them by the time this is over oh no okay uh where to now let us you know what I want to loot this room I I gave you a door key hang on hang on sorry oh no I've got no more chess keys uh they're all on what's his name on Claude yeah Claude I'm gonna go for this one I'm feeling this chest giant shell nice all right I'm feeling I don't like the middle one actually no I do like the middle one ah not good oh dude 273s what are you doing blanchy I am almost dead that's what I'm doing I'm I'm doing bad uh hang on let's hope over here let's kill these guys a bit more experience on us um and then we'll go and uh deal with uh deal with what's her face the you know the main boss lady um God sorry oh my Lord dude what are you doing blunchy yeah I was gonna say it saved my My Day of Reckoning when it comes to my luck given all the uh given all the the good run that I've had uh I'm just gonna wait they're gonna go after court now it's my only issue so I'm just gonna run through this oh okay well we win I guess no we don't no we don't yes we do yes we do [Laughter] commit unlived please have you seen nothing from this run we commit on everyone everyone dead actually that was that was pretty cold what like you know I wanted us to be friends I loved you It's the final countdown bet on whether or not this is actually the final stream yeah I can do that hang on yeah we could do that if you want my I'll put my bookie hat on for a second guys if you want my prediction I think today actually is the final stream so yeah plan we're just gonna go for it I'm gonna quickly explore just pick up any Last Quest that we may have uh yep we have one is this Hilda just asking for [ __ ] why do you always want just the most random stuff I don't actually have it I can't give it to you I'm sorry um yes we'll repair everything we'll then buy up all our Smith Equipment again because there's a very good chance this is the last month that I'm unaware of that um and then I'm gonna do some battles just to get blunchy up a few more levels yeah I know Dino's actually working it's incredible we finally fixed it the ultimate Challenge run of this challenge run has been me battling my Dinobot because it refuses to like tag people and we know this was just we were just playing sudoku to begin with and now we're killing it um now if anyone has any suggestions to what I should do during this free time while I still have it do not be quiet and please let me know because I'm not I'm not quite sure if there's anything else I can do check stats of the Abyss guy you're right how did we end up going where's my Tesco Club Card exactly guys I've got my woolies Reward Points Card frequent flybys I think it is in Kohl's God these are Aussie things that you people wouldn't understand actually no no the UK might have Britain that UK might have Britain the UK might have woolies God sorry everyone okay might have Britain I didn't use that 11. thank you thank you isn't there a single filing game where Flyers aren't we seemingly powerful yeah it's just you just got to use hit and run tactics honestly I'm also going to be skipping through hell of a lot of this because we've got a lot of menus to get through okay Blanche level 46 yeah yeah wait Claude is the adjudicant do we want I'm getting levels oh [ __ ] no no I don't want this happening no no no no this is a mistake oh my goodness for a second there I almost played the game properly that was that was upsetting guys okay so I'm gonna Park myself on here I'm gonna hold my in ax out and we're just gonna skip through all this so yeah for those of you who are new here this is what we've been doing the entire time just skipping through turns there we go Jack always wins all right oh this is literally the same Mission oh 47 what do we get see yeah I'd prefer that they discovered the ancient nuke Silo you're right anyway what are you doing accompanying us on this journey it is simply we must defeat those who Slither in the dark no matter what happens yeah that's cool do you mind actually telling us who they are that's not too much to go on yeah as always Raya not really helpful okay guys we're gonna cross our fingers here no crazy defeat conditions defeat enemy Commander Valencia Claude Falls in battle that's what we want to see okay why why are you up here I am going to hate this aren't I dang what really is dubstep hang on what is this eh you're running okay holy crap there whoa that's so much uh HP on them oh guys they don't they don't resist crit they don't resist crit this is awesome okay we can use this definitely come on and smite this fool yeah all right good job we heal 20. we heal 20 right okay it's not fantastic but um we can still use it you can just have the robots by getting into the control rooms I believe you can just also disable them by killing them yeah and that gets me XP man they will spawn to you kill people in the north control room okay oh got it oh I'm gonna be trapped here this is really dumb you know what it's fine yeah I um I probably shouldn't have done this I'll I'll be honest laughs Jack's so good at this game guys don't worry about it let's just kill some people in some control rooms so why is Claude not to get jumped because he's level three and these guys are Level 48. oh I voted wrong can I get a refund I'm sorry I hope to God something really bad happens to you wow that's a threat Jesus oh who who did what that dude wasn't there before right hope you die repeatedly but like you're my favorite streamer so it's okay it's not an insult it really really feels like one okay Jack might die here nope Jack Never Dies oh no Jack dies um allow me to instead just wait and hope that because of the avoid 30 everything misses nope okay okay then instead I move over here this this yeah but now I've got a 65 hit chance yeah maybe Jack survives maybe Jack survives what the [ __ ] what did this man just do someone someone please explain to me what just happened uh sure wait we're so thus anyways get critlamel all right penultimate Mission done yo he's he's releasing the nuclear warheads are we should have Parry one of the news coming towards us that'd be yeah so Ray is dead anyway I'm getting the impression like this medieval times that we're actually that we're living in this game isn't actually medieval but more like post-apocalyptic and that's why there's nukes going around oh yo it's who's this guy it's your true identity feedback now I suppose I did no you didn't I knew because of a cut scene bring that back a minute I was never able to forgive those who probably wield weapons crafted from the corpse is my brethren who's making who's making a sword out of an arm here the hero's relics of corpses what the [ __ ] okay sword of the Creator literally some dude's dead torso didn't realize this one the sword of the Creator looked like a spy no because I thought it looked like a sword where are the guns guys come on you've got nukes but you're fighting with swords Shields and you know axes and Lancers placed her heart in me did we just do a heart transplant what's going on so you just full on like open heart surgery just Chuck that [ __ ] in there hang on if I'm if I if I have the power of her mum inside me does that make her my stepdaughter now just just try to get the just try to get the family tree extrapolate out here because you know we are using the weapons of made from the corpses of our ancestors anyway guys world's about to end holy [ __ ] let's take a month to dwell on it how's everyone else going are we all are we are we all confused oh oh it's the oh it's the romance thing [Laughter] I can't believe the final romance Choice was over my parents grave I'm sorry oh okay now we're just gonna keep going we're gonna defeat Nemesis we will do this what about the rest of you what about the rest of you look at how reliable you kids have come these two oh it's awesome please I won't let any if you die more than any of you die God damn I have committed more atrocities than the main villain honestly the final map lads music's kind of bopping though so we just gotta kill this dude negates one attack per turn I hope that doesn't count counter attacks I'm gonna Rush him down anyway I understand that he's got the uh strength and stats in the 10 Elite at present so we might take them down you literally can't win if you rush them well we'll see there are 53 intermediates on this map I'm actually just gonna Rush him and just see what happens here because if I can do this that would be amazing Bagel don't tell him what am I about to walk into guys does he know what you mean do I know probably not I'm gonna run through it anyway because I've never I've never heard of the word caution before why is chat memeing on me Jack always wins literally literally only a four percent hit chance Jack always wins yo guys it's for gecky it's for gecki he's using for gecki he's using for gecky all right level 49 what do we get what do we get SMH oh guys okay I'll be honest um this might not work what's some Banger Opera though in the background I need more Opera in my games oh there's an obvious solution guys he can't attack you attack you right next to him all right they're going after Claude no oh I'm so glad Jack built his character correctly ah [ __ ] okay this is not working miss miss miss yo run and then you can just get into the thick of it and now we're now we're cooking how many Chris do you reckon we've gotten across this game so many dark thunderbrand wait so they're all just dark dark versions of weapons that we should have there was dark for gecki cool new new approach we're gonna come from this Direction new approach don't fly into the archers yeah nah all right I want to see this happen all right hmm interesting I'm just being really dumb Heavens fall oh yo nice Dodge yeah okay just straight up no damage so I gotta get the elites that's that's all right all right we're gonna go for the uh commanders then obviously oh I'm so lucky no goddamn what a horrible level up watch this makes me go damn Jack can be awful at chess I am pretty bad well this could be good nope don't activate nice screw it this looks funny well I'm getting wrath now why is my crit zero all right okay I feel like hang on I'm reading his abilities again Jason throws stuff for avoid 20 okay so I'm gonna be two away from him Grant's avoid plus 30 during combat with a photo two or more spaces away okay I thought I'd take the negative 20 or I take the neg oh the plus 30 for him hmm okay I think I'm dead here also he's on a throne tile yeah I do know you know what Jack learn to have some bloody patience why didn't Jack jump on the strong uh strong Hill the stronghold yeah that one the longer this goes on the more Delirious I get I'm telling you hop on over killer ax I'm gonna wait I've got heal anyway I don't think he can kill me no oh nice now I just elixir now I'm just Elixir okay hang on this is it this is it this is it I didn't do anything else I just Elixir and I win unless he crits me that's that's some famous last words you okay he just healed so much he healed so much crit twice crit twice no he heals half his health a turn can you push him off the tile I can't there's a durability on his sword though hang on I have enough elixirs I can just tank through this that's what I've got for y'all that's the best way of doing this I just break his sword the only issue with this plan is that Claude is gonna die so how do I combat that I don't know I'm just gonna attempt doing this maybe I get lucky with the crits happening twice in a row oh his Battalion withdrew that could be what I need actually only 58 damage now uh okay he heals the full all right we've got the Beast doing nothing that's good just drink through the pain blunchy pull out your whiskey my character's a raging alcoholic now we can survive I'm running stoic from Payday to your right you are so right we're about to break his weapon and we crit so what what the [ __ ] does he do now is the question of the hour no he's still attacking yes yes yes oh ah oh we did it holy [ __ ] let's go Clyde Clyde God damn it I can't even say his name properly Claude couldn't have done it without you yeah exactly that's right we fixed racism we've solved it racism is now illegal we've killed the CEO of racism guys oh we did it I am crying right now oh we did it that's right I think Sun Sun Tzu's once said in order to crush your enemies you have to understand them in order to defeat racism across the land I've had to marry a racist I've made the ultimate sacrifice to solve racism but yet there are still one more racist I'm sorry Ingrid wouldn't it wouldn't it be hilarious if I said no right now I don't have the option to me okay we're we're skipping over this now blunchy MVP blanchey MVP plungey MVP Bunchy I I don't wish to like you know say anything but this might go over for a while Fallon thief's throat Guardian mood oh died of her wound suit after the war guys you might see a big obituary here I see a um what is it a list of accomplishments there we go nine nine nine nine nine nine yes Ingrid won battle [Music] yeah a big thank you to this man's patreons Luke 78776 and Yoba
Channel: Jack Benci
Views: 107,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire emblem, three houses, fire emblem three houses, FE3H, Challenge Run, Jack, Benci, No Attacking, Merciless, Solo Playthrough
Id: Z35tonmtnbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 12sec (11412 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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