Can You Beat Genshin Impact in 100 Hours?

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can you beat geni impact in 100 hours a question on mind ever since I tried to finish geni impact in 50 hours and failed miserably but instead of giving up like any normal human would I've decided to invest 50 more hours of my life to see if I could beat 4 12 of the SP abys in 100 hours if you enjoy the video and want to see more content like this why not consider dropping a like and a sub but otherwise let's get straight into the video so we are currently 60 hours into the account and I have a pretty good idea on what I need to do to get the floor 12 abys clear the reason why we are starting at 60 hours since I took quite a while to edit the last video I spend about 10 hours doing various story Quest so we're currently ar45 for a crap ton of overflow XP we're going to have to raise the road level at some point to get better drops from bosses but before I actually raise my road level let me go through what my plan is for the current moment as you can see here this is our abys team from the last video oh wait hang on what's going on here oh I see what's going on here you know what challenge accepted winter is the perfect time to Cozy up at home with a mobile game that you can really get stuck into I've discovered this amazing game that's available on both mobile and PC in this game there are over 800 incredible Champions ranging from lizik creatures to elves Ox dwarves demons each one looking exceptionally cool Sir Nicholas is a powerful HP based Champion his skill multipliers let him hit hard and his second skill places a valuable Shield that is is based on damage dued with one of the coolest looking designs in all of the game PIX New is definitely someone you will want on your team her Aura skills increases your team's resistance while also placing valuable Buffs and debuffs to help strengthen your team R Shadow Legends is hosting an event this Christmas there are all sorts of theme events and tournaments where you can earn awesome in-game and real life rewards just head to rate xmas. to get your Christmas prizes the Cur city is one of raid's biggest feature since the Doom Tower with 100 stages to complete including stages where you need to take down two of raid's bosses at the same time but wait there's more click my link in the description or scan my QR code to get insane bonuses available only via my link you get two epic Champions with my link Light Swan who's a really strong epic champion who can keep your team alive with his defensive Buffs and Juliana who is an epic champion and a boss killer with great attack capabilities once you're in and crushing your enemies come find me under the name nobl join my clan nobl and we'll be Legends together so what are you waiting for hit my link in the description and I'll see you on the battlefield so as you can see here this is our Abyss team from the last video so the first one is Kaa Bennett sinu and Fishel and the second team we have traveler net B and diona now I do have plans to change this team but as of right now I don't have a lot of books or materials let me explain so if we go into the inventory here yes I do have like a few weapons which is nice and stuff but if we go to the bottom here I don't have a lot of these Mystic enhancement ores see same goes to the character books if we go over here we only have 20111 that's not a lot maybe we could upgrade one character Max but that's about it I like a lot of basic materials my first plan for this video is I'm going to have to build artifacts artifacts are probably what my team is lacking right now so if we go into our character screen you go look at artifacts it's just four stars yeah four stars and even three stars just cuz we're lacking so much in the artifact Department the artifact set that I'm going to farm is the one in inner Zuma so this one over here the four piece emblem really solid national team is really geared towards that Elemental burst damage and the off set is also pretty good as well just gives extra attack I'm not too sure if I'm going to go for the four piece I don't think I would but it's a solid set there's nothing else to say about it and I think I'm just going to do this domain and yeah we'll see so fishal is going to have to go so probably something like this this way I don't have to spend too much on food cuz right now I'm really weak and just so that I don't get deed just CU this going to be my first few runs I'm going to have some food just so that I don't immediately die while doing this let's see here oh defense and ah yeah okay this is going to take a while all right so I believe I've got a few decent artifacts we're going to upgrade them now so we're going to start off with this one attack I do have much to say about it maybe some CR rate that'll be nice okay crit rate not bad not bad but I think we're just going to leave it there for now I do have another one I believe it was a flower yep so this one over here okay so if it all goes to create damage wow not bad now is it going to continue to go into CR damage yeah you know what it's fine though energy recharge is still good ooh this piece got potential if it get Inc damage then that's really good what well at least I guess my characters aren't dying anytime soon no no what is this what a joke man although I don't have to do the interl quest I'm still going to do it just cuz there's quite a lot of materials gated Behind These Arkham Quest and right now I just really need the artifact XP materials since I was able to clear the Rune serpent I spent the next two hours clearing genan packs into Loop Quest this included both interl 2 and interl 3 which after clearing allowed me to collect arkhon Quest rewards for both SU on Fontaine chapters so we have 36 I think it's about four level 16 five star artifacts it's not a lot but it's better than nothing since we've already done the Aron Quest beforehand that was definitely worth it but I'm going to have to go back to artifact farming now so the torture continues I have no idea why I said I was going to farm artifacts cuz immediately after that I went to farm for the weapon domain don't ask me why this happened it just happened after using resin to farm for the weapon domain I started to upgrade San Ling as my ninth character for the SP abys I took some time to farm for various materials for her this included Jun chilies which took about 15 minutes and slime condensates which took about half an hour this eventually got her to level 60 which I decided to stop since I was running low on resources I think this was where I realized I forgot to ascend which was what I did next this got us to ar48 which got us enough aqu fate for a 10 row I don't really know what I want here maybe a constellation for one of our characters okay interesting all right okay right huh what can I do with this weapon I'm not sure actually I'm not sure what is this weapon so this is like a yo Mia B but I don't have yo Mia at least not on this account so this is kind of useless but C1 beta though I will take it C1 beta after grabbing the adventure rank rewards from ascending I went back to ARA farming for real this time I was going to spend a th000 resin on this domain but about four runs in this happened o okay there is one thing that I do want to farm cuz if I don't Farm it today I had to wait for a few days to get it and it's this item over here I forgot the name ah yeah the string L I actually got this while wishing in the last video what and I believe building the string lless will require something of Interest I believe yep so this item right here also need H trol arrows which I might not have I'll need to farm that yikes that's going to be rough oh my God no not again dude how many do I need to farm this is insane also these these things are I don't have a lot of it ah this is going to be a p the ass let's focus on the next thing in the agenda and it's not this Quest it's the fishing Quest I needed to unlock the catch foring cuz if I go to here right now and if I want to build a weapon for Shing I don't have a fourstar fear so I have to get this weapon I have no choice well not much I can do about about it just going to be fishing for the next few hours cuz this weapon is really good on Ching I don't even need to R5 it I just need a R1 version of it and it's still going to be really good so uh yeah this is this is going to suck but oh well so I spent the next two hours farming for the catch the catch is a four-star energy recharge P arm which at the time of recording this video is the best free to-play pole arm for Ling there were a few things which took extra time to get this pole arm such as siai Island not being unlocked which meant that have to use a boat to get that and the fact that you do need quite an amount of fishes to get the catch so I had to go around in Co-op asking for fishes in the roads to get this PO arm shout outs to these people on the screen they have allowed me to fish in their roads to make getting the catch possible for this video that took quite a while but we finally got the catch now the only thing left is to upgrade it wait wait what no no no no no you kidding me you kidding me at least we do have water sui available but most of the sceps are in s island so this is going to be a pain in the ass to Farm after spending what felt like an eternity farming for scepter I was able to somehow level up the cat to level 80 due to this I decided to crack open a few fragile resids to obtain sing's level 80 Ascension this included spending another 30 minutes farming for slimes to have her Elemental burst talent to level six I then did some wickly bounties and request before remembering about fish's weapon which took additional resed in but it was enough to get weapon to level 60 while getting fish's character level to level 70 this is where I thought to myself maybe now is a good time to explore the entirety of Inazuma I mean surely not right surely you're going to be a normal human being and not do this to yourself surely you're not explore the entirety of inaz Zuma I've actually done it now so if we look at the map over here I've actually done it now so 100 100 100 100 100 and a sad 83 all of this is to get the secret Sak ra to level 50 so as you can see over here I've got every single reward here everything's done it took about 15 hours to get this but it was definitely worth it that was a lot of stuff are the things I do for a YouTube video to maximize my exploration in Inazuma I completed all major Inazuma Road Quest it took me the following times to complete Inazuma narukami Island rad Quest 1 hour kazua Island day one rad Quest 15 minutes yashiori Island rad Quest 35 minutes Batumi Island rad Quest 30 minutes sirai Island radest 30 minutes surumi Island radest 1 hour and Kia rad Quest unlocking only the main area 10 minutes which totals to 240 minutes or 4 hours just to complete all of in Zuma's relevant Road Quest this was enough to both get the Sakura favor to level 7 and reach Adventure rank 49 I took some time to do events before starting my exploration journey in Inazuma this was a time taken to thoroughly explore each area in Inazuma narukami Island 2 hours kazua Island 2 hours yashiori Island 1 hour and 50 minutes pumi Island 2 hours and 10 minutes SRA Island 2 hours surumi Island 2 hours and some anomia exploration and RAR farming which took about 40 minutes in total it took me about 12 hours and 40 minutes to to fully explore in zuma this time includes reaching level 50 on the sacred Sakura favor and reaching maximum level on the inner Zuma statue of the seven with the secret Sakura favor maxed I now have enough premium currency to guarantee any five-star characters but more importantly the sudden influx of resources now allows me to make additional upgrades to the account this included hitting level 80 on various weapons and Performing various ascensions to many of our characters The Only Exception is net since he's from Fontaine and I had to spend additional time to specifically farm for his level 80 Ascension but I was able to get him to level 80 in the end so we're going back to the artifacts here and I'm going to put Benet on four piece nobless it's going to be ER HP and crit to proc fonus weapon effect I'll be doing this through artifact strongbox since no's domain has Blood Stained as the other artifact drop and it's completely useless for this account oh wow okay sure oh oh my God that's good for account this early that's really good oh what really four piece no bless just right off the bat right well I don't even need to farm the thing for Bennett anymore I Bennett just going to use the freaking set now since I got really lucky with the noblest piece for bit I went back to the emblem domain to grind additional artifacts for the national team I did not record any additional footage for this section but I did get some good pieces and here's what happened okay so we're going to start off with this piece over here this is the Goblet for sinu I don't have any Hydro ones so this what I have to do we just want some crate right here uh this is foru energy recharge is going to be okay foru right so here has two rate okay you know what I'll take it I will take it that's actually not bad and this piece is I don't know we'll see wow okay not bad not bad do we get another crit damage all right you know what that's fine as as we get a crit damage on the next upgrade okay you know what this is a pretty good piece all right I have faith come on ooh okay not bad not bad right crit damage solid piece I'll take it so I've been farming B's ension material while doing artifacts just putting this out here towards the end because otherwise when I edit the video is going to be a pain in the ass and that was a good decision gameplay nobl I did no BL here and I'm having an easier time editing 50 hours worth of Clips so thank you gameplay nobl 89 hours in and it's time to tackle the abyss this time around I was able to defeat the tainted Hydro monsters at floor 11 chamber 3 to unlock floor 12 but since the damage from the national team was hugely lacking I stood no chance against the millennial Pearl seahorse and left it as it is luckily however the abyss was about to reset so I didn't have to wait long before I get another shot at the B this time however as the new floor 12 had a strong emphasis on Pyro Net's team ended up not dealing enough damage and as such I had to switch my game plan to making net as strong as possible with the 10 hours I had left I need to do enough DPS to avoid getting hit Dam much so we need to swap Diana's build into something that's just more heer heavy for floor 12 but I will keep the four wi wobble I just need to swap the artifacts into something more HP so instead of having crit rate over here I'm going to have HP and instead of having this flower I will move on to a flower of something like that you want energy recharge so let's see if we can get the energy recharge all right free health for Di so up to level 16 for this as well just up to level 16 and then uh we'll need to check again see what's the issue what what is this all right let's try again if this fails then well sad if I can at least beat 121 then that's some pretty major progress I'm just saying oh my God that took a lot of eye framing but we did it I don't think I could do this I just straight up don't think we could do this it's just way too much yeah we were not even close our DPS check is just way too weak I think we're going to focus on nlad cuz then nlad can kind of carry the entire Abyss so I spend the next hour working through new events various wickly related content while doing a crap ton of farming in noet artifact do domain and since I hit Adventure rank 50 off camera I went and did the essential domain to increase the World level this allows boss monsters to more consistently drop additional rewards which reduces overall resin usage and after going through various forms of rudimentary farming I was able to obtain Net's level 90 Ascension and subsequently level 90 while getting C C1 in the process I also use this time to get any required materials to upgrade Net's weapon to level 90 and increase Net's normal attack talent to the level eight this was a process which took around 3 hours due to the amount of monsters I had to farm across the entirety of the V and after pushing theet artifacts to their max levels and polishing any other level artifacts for other characters I made another push to complete the spiral Abyss at this stage I was thinking of just scrapping the video there was no way I was going to beat the spal Bas in 100 hours I did not have enough time to make any improvements to the national team and this is about even considering that Net's team does not doal enough damage to beat FL off but I told myself why not give it a shot anyway and even if I do fail I can still showcase the progress I made in these 100 hours play Eng impact oh my God no way I'm not going to fail this right okay I think I got that got oh oh my God that was close dude that's probably the hardest DPS check cleared and I think we actually stand a chance now holy crap yo I did not think I was going to clear that oh my God no way I cannot believe we are actually doing this all right yeah I was not going to get that in my first try I think it's only a matter of time until I get it no oh no no no no no no no no yes yes oh my God I did it I knew I was going to be able to clear it the moment I clear 121 cuz that's a harder DPS check than this but still it feels good to be able to finally clear the abas oh my God I cannot believe it 98 hours and we finally got the clear I'm done I'm done subscribe and turn notification Bell on if you want to see more content like this but otherwise that's it the 100 our challeng is complete and click my link in the description or scan my QR code to try reach shellow Legends today
Channel: Noblies
Views: 76,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, #genshin, #genshinimpact, hoyoverse, 原神, #原神, Noblies, SleepyNoblies, noblies genshin, genshin noblies, Genshin Impact, Genshin, Impact, sleepynoblies, genshin impact game, gemshim, i cant think of any more tags so here's a banana instead 🍌
Id: k5Xg8m8WKPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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