Breaking Maddening Difficulty by Chapter 11 in Fire Emblem Engage.

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but look at all those numbers 12 24 12 24. I'm attacking that many times recently on Twitch I've begun a solo a later on of the new Fire Emblem engage and let's just say things are going a little too well at the moment how much xp do I get from that only 20. I Gan this is an unbanned and classic difficulty and even though you're supposed to escape from this map I'm actually able to completely route it in fact I'm able to kill the mini bosses that spawn that you're not meant to beat quite handily as well then I try to take on the final boss of top confident that I was going to be able to beat her only to discover that she actually gets complete plot of unity no no damage you've got 16 defense what do you mean no damage I think the game's cheating here so I may have found a build that works well for my challenge run however I thought it'd be best to describe how I actually went about achieving this because I think some people could actually benefit from it so just to give you an idea of what to expect from this at the end of chapter 11 I've managed to achieve a respectable 129 avoid and 44 base crit this on a physical attack of 35 generally means you one shot whatever you're facing alongside a very high speed stat you're also going to be double hitting things meaning that you're pretty much guaranteed to end whatever you're facing the only thing I will say about what I've got here is the fact that I have used DLC items to Bruce my stat up at the beginning of the game what they basically do is give you plus two to every stat and one additional movement now if you don't have the DLC please do not worry these numbers will still be very high without them so step one in achieving this level of Madness is to try to funnel XP to a layer now this isn't quintessential you don't really have to worry about this too much if you're planning on using a lot of other party members however for White Challenge run I ended up doing this anyway and I end up getting a few levels ahead even on maddening as our main character has some fairly strong growth stats we should get some pretty powerful level UPS on top of this if you manage to funnel a lot of the kills to a layer then you're able to actually build up your bond with math now this is very powerful for three reasons the first of which being you actually get increased stat benefits from equipping that ring with a higher Bond level in addition to that you also get access to master unique skills now we'll be going over the inherited ones later on but by just having the ring equipped and sometimes engaged you get access to not only braid defenses but also Divine speed both of which provide an extra attack that deals 50 of the normal damage under their circumstances finally if you can get his bond level up to level 10 which I recommend you do via the arena you get access to mercurius this is a unique sword that doubles the XP that the user gets upon getting a kill with it which is kind of insane now while you're doing these early battles you want to when they're finished adopt as many animals on the field as possible specifically we're looking for dogs back at the somnil we can use these dogs to generate resources for us specifically iron steel and silver all of which are needed for step two in my opinion the best weapon you can get early game is the killing Edge sure it might not be your unique sword but it gives you a 30 crit chance that basically means that if that goes off any normal enemy you're facing will be instantly dead which is definitely a benefit you can get a killing Edge as soon as the Smith unlocks all you have to do is upgrade an iron sword now these will be all shaded out from you until you make them first but you're looking for the weapon that has 30 crit once you have that I recommend you upgrade it as much as you can be sure to check your dogs in case they have any resources to give you you can always exchange resources if you want to and I recommend it's worth it even though you're trading at a loss now at this point you won't have the exact emblem that we're going to use later on however for now sigur's holy emblem does a pretty good job to only avoid plus an increase in mind is definitely worth it once the Smithy is unlocked the next mission is unaka's Mission where you get access to the emblem we really want so go ahead and quickly finish that mission and come back to the Smithy where you can engrave the emblem of dawn onto your killing Edge this will give you 40 avoid and 20 Dodge which for a little bit of physical attack is worth it if you've been using a layer a lot in combat you should now have a lot of banked SP my recommendations are this head on to maf's inheritance skills and grab the highest levels of a void and sword agility you do want to if you can try to get the highest avoid and then fill up what you have to with sword agility we don't want to be using that for later on the game just because of that minus 10 crit but for right now it's a pretty good skill on my playthrough I managed to pick up the first level of a void and the second level of Sword agility giving me 25 overall avoid just from these inherited skills alone alongside my weapon this gives us 65 avoid without actually doing anything this in combination with the avoid granted from speed and luck should give you a fairly good hit chance against enemies at this point I saw about 20 to 10 percent if you want to take this to the absolute limit then all you have to do is find a cover tile most of them give you 30 avoid which should be enough to mean that enemies just can't hit you at all the sole exception there being magic users who ignore the terrain bonus given from cover so what I recommend you do is possibly consider re-classing your main character out of divine dragon and into a flyer Flyers generally have increased movement and increased evasion rate mean that you'll be able to completely avoid the enemies and for the most part not get hit at all naturally the main concern here is however archers and Magic users with Effectiveness against flying however at this point your avoid should be so high that these things can't actually hit you and so if you play with cards right you should end up on chapter 10 with nothing actually wanting to fight you I'm serious if you have complete a void on the enemy to the point where they can't even hit you they seriously won't even approach you now granted it I am only using my main character here and if there are other people on the map that they could hit they would approach them however your main character will be completely safe so you can use them to actually fight the main boss while everyone else takes care of the enemies naturally the avoid is the reason why this works so well however our high crit rate generally means that we can take down whatever we want this includes armored enemies for the most part but if they do have particularly High defense I generally like to bring an armor Slayer just to take care of them so having stress tests this build early game it has done fantastically well and I have no complaints whatsoever it pretty much demolishes the map with just our character alone which is fantastic and exactly what I wanted to see I'm heading into the mid game now on the challenge run which you can catch me live on Twitch playing hopefully there will be a few more changes I can make to this build in order to refine it and just make it a lot more efficient if there are any major altercations I'll be sure to make a follow-up video to this one so just to quickly wrap this up engage is a fantastic game that has so many mechanics and so many different ways of playing it to the point where even if you don't want to go down this route there are plenty of other ways you can break this game in two there are plenty of opportunities for making effective builds here so I advise you to experiment and find something that works for you I found this on my solo Aaliyah run which just works but when you're playing with other characters there's obviously going to be better builds that you can run with your team composition so I invite all of you to let me know what's been working for you in the comments below me personally I've had a lot of fun with Louis he's kind of in the standout for me I've gotten his defense to a point where nothing harms him it is fantastic but I reckon I best leave it off there so thanks for watching and I'll see you next time a big thank you to this month's patreons Luke 78776 and Yoba [Music]
Channel: Jack Benci
Views: 24,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZjqPZbzB7zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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