Can You Beat Final Fantasy XV with ONLY MAGIC?! || Level 1 || No Weapons/Consumables/Techniques/etc!

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I unironically love the magic systems of this game. I just wished they could have done more. Hajima Tabata, the director of the game also directed Type 0 and that magic systems was great

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Significant_Option 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2023 🗫︎ replies

Criminally underrated channel. Love the tales of arise challenge run with no artes, only one of those types of videos that I have watched multiple times. Need to GRIIIND SOME MORE!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/windycityheatx1050 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2023 🗫︎ replies
they said it couldn't be done we'll buckle up everyone it's time for a road trip welcome to RPG challenge runs and today we ask ourselves can you beat Final Fantasy XV using only magic without leveling up and with all of these all the crazy restrictions in place that's right no conceivables no warping no techniques no optional summons no Armature no weapons or accessories nor food nor DLC nor easy mode and no glitches hacks or mods no chance you mad bro as soon as we gain control of our protagonist Prince noctis we unequip all of his weapons as well as all allies techniques we can't unequip their weapons or remove them from the party so we'll just leave them with their starting gear for the rest of the game which will make them as useless as possible we give the inexperienced band to noctis to prevent us from leveling up and we're done here before we can engage in any combat though we have a bit of preparation to do after surveying the local area and stocking up on sweet peppers more on those in a minute we venture out into the desert to drain Elemental juice this gives us the perfect opportunity to remind everyone how magic actually works in ff15 pretty much everyone agrees that magic is terrible in this game not only do you have to manually craft every spell you want to use but their short range have bad accuracy and deal friendly fire damage to yourself and all allies leading to some nasty Burns shocks and freezes you're also extremely limited to how many spells you can carry at the start you can only hold one we may come for the first time gaining us one AP more on that very soon we're forced to pick a meal so we stick with the default tours giving us plus 10 attack which barely has any impact on the game this is unskippable which is why we allowed it in the rules oh photos yeah don't forget to share on social media guys oh that's so shamelessly forth wall breaking it's actually funny after some pot stirring and idle chatter with ignis were awarded with 20 AP which we quickly spend on the power craftability boosting the potency of magical spells by 10. nice normally leveling up provides huge amounts of AP to purchase lots of skills here but for this run farming air P will be a serious grind after sucking more Elemental juices we craft our very first spell fundara and throw a sweet pepper into the mix to make it a try cast giving it chance of casting up to three times per use we can use the spell three times before it's gone so that's a total of nine potential blasts I'll leave them all complex info on screen now for anyone who's interested on to the first fight against these level 1 Reaper Tails thanks to our great preparation thundara can easily one shot a scorpion but then we're left super vulnerable as we wait for the crazy long 30 second cooldown we just wait around until a second cast finishes them off second fight and we kick things off for massive damage and craft our next spell fire at this time alright let's Bunch these guys up first wait for it wait for it wait wait what where did my spell go it is on cooldown uh yep enemies can interrupt your casting in this game which makes things even harder for us thankfully we stall out the fight long enough to wipe them out in the second try nice oh hey a very isolated and suspicious looking run-down Barn let's run straight in there what could possibly go wrong yep ganked you're on fire today nice one gladio but if you thought that this was a tough fight because of the confined space well you ain't seen nothing yet we just keep fears dodging which drains our MP and we soon hit stasis so we bunny hop around the place in a desperate desperate stay alive thankfully we fire off our second cast just before we die damn that was close we're soon told to warp to the windmill but thankfully we can completely ignore that instruction and just craft a blizzara to Chuck at the next mob if you're thinking of stocking up your freezer this week you may like to know that Tesco were cheaper on 25 Frozen products we choose to get pushy with Dave rewarding us with a second magic flask meaning we can now hold two Spells at once nice on to the first boss of the run bloodhorn this guy has a huge Health pool deals really high physical damage and is deceptively fast we have to keep our eye on him at all times so we don't get wiped but he still throws us around like a ragdoll allies continue to deal chip damage and the lingering Burns help secure the fight it's down after just a couple of minutes we get dive bombed by air God knows what things like half bird half storm half Airship you realize that's three halves let's explain its size [Applause] oh wow the writers of this game deserve a serious pair of eyes that stuff's hilarious anyway we take out our first optional hunt and I'm not sure if our allies are very angry at us for throwing this freezing crap everywhere or if they're secretly enjoying themselves this sounds like you're having fun we've now got access to the regalia and ignis will automatically drive us anywhere we want to go whoa that that is not a safe way to travel noctis put your dumb seat belt on man we meet bestest boy certainly knows how to find us stock up on sweet peppers electrocute some innocent wildlife and attempt the optional mesma neon there's only five of them so they don't deal a lot of damage but the fight drags on for absolutely ages draining us of almost all of our resources in just a single fight now imagine that these things could One-Shot us yeah that's exactly what most of this run is going to be like so stay tuned and prepare for my misery we shop for items during a long car ride somehow and soon arrive at Golden Key here we meet this kind looking gentleman oh he seems so helpful and friendly what a nice guy after feeding the world's pickiest starving cat here you go got fresh what you don't like fish ah you only like cooked fish all right we sneak past big swoopy boy for dinos Garnet storm and do some morning training with gladio hey did you know that if you hit the sprint button again just before your stamina Runs Out you get a speed boost and a full stamina bar this means that noctis can Sprint infinitely if you don't want to toggle the stamina bar on just look for the moment when noctis jerks his head upwards suddenly if you know any other handy tips that people might want to hear about feel free to drop them in the comments down there Meanwhile we're splashing out 32 AP on the road running ability which will passively grant us AP for sitting in the car at roughly a rate of 1 AP per 1.35 miles not ideal but we can now set a long Auto journey and go AFK to cook dinner or something which we'll need to be doing a lot later in the run after emulating endangered Wildlife we invest in the magic action ability and it's time for the most brutal fight yet hunting these flaxatusks the pack swarms us and we're quickly overwhelmed and in stasis without warning one of them blindsides us and we're dropped to zero HP thankfully in ff15 this isn't always the end the player can either drink a portion which obviously we're not allowed to do or get a nice pat on the back from one of our friends to resume the fight sadly the AI are pretty terrible at bringing you back to life most of the time they just leave you for dead thankfully on this occasion ignis rescues us and knit over in just a couple of minutes damn that was tough and remember we're still in the first chapter of the game how on Earth are we going to be able to survive anything in the middle late game or that reward is pitiful we buy the world's cheapest tank of fuel while that's like five percent of the cost of some fries in this game and have another horrific experience dealing with the magnanias and mesmeniors whose names I'm probably butchering we hug the central Rock to increase MP restoration and just try to stay alive thankfully it's over after six minutes we're not allowed to take on the next Bounty because it only comes out at night wait wait what it is night it's 8 P.M it's dark and the stars out how much more nighttime you gonna get yeah I'd be pulling that first too we have a final rest of golden key watch some intense action scenes that make absolutely no sense unless you've watched the movie and the plethora of other F-15 media and begin to fight through waves of Imperial soldiers on the outskirts of insomnia this is a mandatory linear section with tons of enemies who are much beefier than the chaff we've been dealing with so far we just make sure that we take cover in between magiccasts and try our best to avoid the snipers after being shocked through a rock we have a saddest of sad moment and move on to chapter two ignis performs his catch for his that's it what's what I've come up with a new recipe can't wait to try it we gain a third magic flask from Monica and Brew more epic spells bruh you should have added more sweet peppers into the mixture raise the Spells level dislike And subscribe yes Captain hindsight you're all right adding more ingredients does raise the potency of the spell and the chance of it hitting multiple times but I'll admit I was really nervous about the cost of items because Gil is still pretty scarce after getting ganked by air Paris we grab our first Royal arm continue dodging enemies and push through these narrow tunnels in search of the next Royal tomb he's a great example of how tough fights are gonna be in these dungeons we're against a pack of level 7 goblins and quickly get battered around like a Scottish Mars Bar we're downed within seconds our own Flames are seriously limiting our movement options and we're out of MP so we revert to flapping around like a Magic app waiting for the freaking cool Downs come on yes let's go now give me that loot oh an oracle Ascension coin well that's about as useful as a fork in a sugar bowl we have a horrific experience fighting this Arachne until she gets herself stuck in a burning Corner somehow and we finish her off with a tasty try cast that's the second Royal arm in the bag after a bit more AFK AP farming we're forced to team up with core to push through the nordusky and blockade man I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly so I don't get another defensive Super Fan Boy raging at me in the comments section sadly the fights here are mandatory since the game won't allow you to open subsequent doors until all enemies are cleared but thankfully core has a huge Health pool and pulls his weird so we're through in just four minutes but it's not over yet we're thrown straight into the Loki boss fight his huge level 22 Mech can easily one shuttles so we have to stay out of sight at all times we head around the back dodging targeted rockets and sniper fire before parking ourselves next to the shipping containers to um chill out oh sorry uh chip damage is the name of the game here as peeking out is way too risky the fight drags on for so long that the weather changes but after six minutes our Flames down the thing um call I think uh I think got something on your uh on your face there there Time 4 chapter 3 with about six times the amount of playable area wow we head straight for Cape Kim's Lighthouse at the far south to grab another magic flask from this house um nocus that is not how you correctly open a door hang on why did that door have its hinges on the left anyway surely the door should open towards the wall not the middle of the room anyway we complete more Side Quests for Dino bruh why are you doing side quests when the XP and accessory rewards are useless for the Run well because I want to have fun with the game alright fun do you remember what that is you know what games you used to have before loot boxes four more micro transactions egregious product placements nfts gacha mechanics and on this DLC get out of here Bruce no one wants your opinion or yours now where's that damn magic flask we've arrived in LA stalem and obtained our fifth magic flask nice hmm I wonder if this game was sponsored in any way hmm not sure why I'm just kind of getting that sponsorship Vibe for some reason are you serious we head for the hotel for a rest obtaining another magic flask to compensate for this god-awful camera angle and after a quick walk with Iris we speak to this old man for yet another magic flask nice we've now built up quite a backlog of side quests but we decide to push on with the main story for now this is where the difficulty seriously spikes up people so get ready for it we're at the Grisha Glacier grip we're at the Gracia Glacier we're at the Gracia glacial Grotto third time's the charm While most of this area can be skipped without the ability to warp strike we're forced to battle this annoying Arachne enemy and her minions in order to cross the narrow ledge it just takes a jolly good helping of conflagration little edge with an annoying icy surface which forces you to slide off thankfully though with a bit of bunny hopping towards this rock on the left hand side we can push past and onto the mini boss guarding the third royal arm these mine flares and their imp shums are an incredibly tough mob they hit hard and fast with the mind flayers even having ranged magical attacks that deal massive damage we're downed within seconds before a mind flayer blindsides using its game over that's our first death of the run and we're forced to back up to the last save point which was before we even entered the dungeon Yep this game does not allow saving within Dungeons and yet this will become a massive problem for us a bit later on second attempt at the mind flayers and we keep exploiting their electrical weakness while trying to keep an eye on those imps we wrestle with the controls as we try to keep dodging and moving while also trying to keep an eye on all enemies at once which is almost impossible in such a confined area before long we get mine sucked and implased and it's GG this fight is way too tough for us right now so there's only one thing for it we need to grind some more we start by doing a bit of shopping and selling some loot uh sir are you okay there like what is he even doing we do some Cindy Side Quests for regalia fuel efficiency of grids which will really help out with some AFK AP farming failed to obtain gorilla meat because magic does not allow us to initiate a fight quickly take down the optional Dead Eye Boss by exploiting the conveniently placed exploding barrels unlock Chocobo riding almost get our hand ripped off and stock up on these Beauties just skin oranges interestingly most online guides don't include these because they were introduced in a post launch patch but because they're not DLC they're fair game by throwing a few of these into the mix we can make quadcast spells with potencies of 130. nice but let's see how they fare against those mind flares here's our setup going in our two quadcast ondaras will be leading the charge but we do have a backup quadcast fire and a random tricus for if things drag on Pokeball at the ready let's do this the fight begins and our opening spell procs three times out of a possible four that's pretty good luck to be fair from there we hide behind this rock to avoid the imp's eye lasers and to get a better view of the fight a mind flayer flanks us though and we're forced out of position we kite them to the other side of the Arena as our spell knocks one of the Mind flayers down to super low Health again we circle around and try to use the rock for cover as much as possible we time our third spell quite well to wipe out most of the chaff but if flan has now been introduced and we still have the other mind Fleer at full health again we're just stalling for time prompto's down but we don't help him instead we create some distance to throw our full thundara finishing the fight all right let's go while we grab this next Royal arm for the collection I should say this video took over 100 hours of work to put together so I'd love it if you could click all the things because it encourages YouTube to recommend the video to more people cheers guys really appreciate the support we meet this Friendly Stranger again and follow him to his car apparently he has sweeties and chapter four begins after his short car ride we grab the next Royal arm and we're up against the archaean Titan remember people no weapons and no warping after dealing with the Imperial soldiers we fall down and the trial of Titan begins if we press the button prompt then knockers will pull out his sword to defend himself so we must ignore the qte and face the consequences thankfully gladio saves us this time while fleeing the persistent punching puts us back in dangerous status but it seems like the game prevents death here probably to keep the high intensity going after some cardio gladio holds the thing off while we're prompted to perform a warp we're stuck in place and can't move is this the end of the Run well thankfully not if you wait long enough gladio relents and we get drawn onto the next phase anyway here we're told to Parry Titans attacks but again the game won't allow us to die thankfully the cutscene soon plays out and the actual fight begins trying to find an opening is Magic here is super difficult but thankfully Imperial soldiers soon join the fight when the hand crashes down and becomes vulnerable we can finally throw magic at the thing to deal not wait what did his health bar even move the game wants us to use our ultimate armor durability but that is off the table as per the rules we will not have enough spells to take this thing all the way down so we'll have to find another option we go to check out the far left side of the arena and you know how we said the game prevents you from dying in this section well somehow we died anyway like I was like impossible second attempt and we hook our allies so we can be quickly revived whenever we get knocked down after the fight drags on long enough we're given this message Ignus and prompto will begin to spam blizzara providing we can dish out 500 or more damage before the timer runs out the initial blast doesn't do it but the lingering damage over time tips it over the edge the glacial barrage is launched in an epic cutscene place in which not just slices the thing's arm clean off that's our first astral in the bag job done Time 4 chapter 5 dark clouds oh sounds ominous after chatting to a floating dog we're asked to look for Rama's three runestones and we do not have the regalia we grab the extra power craft for plus 30 magic potency which does not stack with the plus 10 but it allows us to easily craft Magics with over 130 potency with very little effort nice with the help of some chalkboards we quickly grab the first two runestones with no combat required and take part in a very risky photo shoot oh get away get away from us and now let's discuss the first major challenge of the run for sure Hollow oh my God serious face time this is an extremely narrow and linear cave section with tons of mandatory fights on the first attempt we going blind to see what we're up against a reminder that ff15 does not allow you to save the game mid dungeons saw a death here means having to restart the entire dungeon and it's a big one this first imps fight is mandatory because we can't interact with the small Hall at the end until we're out of combat meaning all imps must be defeated before we can crawl through to the next section second fight and things initially seem simple until these thunderbombs drop in not only do they have a huge Health pool and no weakness but they absorb electricity to heal themselves and we have no way of retreating out of the fight we're hit down while casting a fire spell and inglis's terrible AI ignores us so we are dead ouch second attempt and again we make it to the second mob within seconds the thunderbombs have returned we tried to hold back but we get flanked lizard burned bashed slashed you name it we try cowarding behind this Boulder for faster MP regeneration but we get sprayed by whatever the heck this is and as usual no one comes to the rescue so we're dead again after a few more failed attempts we discover that you can actually skip the second encounter I feel like a total idiot I thought this was one of those narrow crevices that you have to interact with but no you can just run on through the second mandatory fight actually comes just after grabbing the magic flask as soon as you interact with this narrow Gap in which we get swarmed by more than a dozen imps they completely overwhelm us ah dead again our low Health pool as well as not being able to heal up mid dungeon is making things really difficult thankfully though we discover a little trick if we wipe out a few of the imps then Retreat back to this chalk point where outside the aggro circle of the imps and all of the mobs and therefore we are no longer in combat this means that we're never left vulnerable while waiting for the cooldown timer this is enough to wipe out the imps and push onto what I would describe as the second half of the dungeon this part takes place in one large Cavern with prompto stolen from us thankfully if you go to this exact spot it's just outside the aggro circle and therefore prompto rescues himself as for the enemies well it's another mandatory fight we can't crawl under the next opening until all enemies have been defeated there are imps thunderbombs mind flayers hobgoblins you name it needless to see here we get absolutely obliterated okay let's just go far enough to grab the magic flask and then back out to do more side content the world is engulfed with darkness and lightning on the brink of Despair so we spend time photographing a cute Chocobo I uh I think we have our priorities right one more item to cross off The Bucket List wait what we weren't on a ship we were in the forest photographing a chocobo weird after causing a traffic jam we tried to get in morbidly obese giant Yellow chicken off of a cat girl's back oh God I love grpgs it's all so ridiculous and we keep farming earpie by riding on the back of chunkabor yeah my wife chose the name ingredients are rather different beasts the blade should give you pause a cat's paw with a left while you slice with the right I know that don't make me claw your throat out wow that really killed the vibe here's our setup going into for sure Hollow once again we've grabbed some Nords that reduce our MP consumption while dodging which are helpful and grab the Nord that boosts Max HP based on your level we're stuck at level one so we only gain like two HP but every little helps and we focused on an ice Thunder Loadout since the Myriad imps are resistant to Fire Let's Go only seconds after entering we noticed something rather interesting the first mob of imps doesn't spawn allowing us to progress with one less mandatory fight it turns out that the reason for this is that many of these scripted fights in the dungeon are one-off events so if you complete the fight and back out of the dungeon the mob will not respawn completely grabbing that magic flask and retreating earlier has actually improved our odds therefore our next plan is to beat the second mandatory fight squeeze through the Gap and then Retreat out sadly yep the game prevents us from doing this squeezing through the second Gap is the point of no return thankfully we're able to blast our way through the large room of enemies and push onto the boss of the dungeon FYI this thing will attack you no matter which dialogue option you pick it's resistant to Fire and slightly weak to ice damage but it has a huge presence on the battlefield lots of HP and the ability to turn noctis and his allies into swords two good things to mention though uh that it attacks relatively infrequently and you can use the Rocks around the arena to temporarily block the thing it's a super long fight yeah it seems like everything is going well until wow a full team wipe yikes we did a lot more attempts trying to get back there one thing we did manage to do was beat the second mandatory fight but back out of the dungeon before going through the one-way narrow Gap so after some froggy business and throwing explosives at our friend we're back at forsha Hollow again here's our setup for those who are interested reaching the boss was as always a huge challenge but once we reach her we deliberately play like an absolute coward we do not want to be one shot by whatever the hell that thing was earlier so keeping our distances essential after she reaches about a third HP we Dodge her lunge and throw a high potency blizzara which luckily procs the maximum of four times finishing her off job done this was the first time I was super proud of something in this run so I'm going to upload the regular speed unedited footage on the patreon as well as a few other full-length Dungeons and bosses from this run thanks to all these people for supporting the channel by the way I really really appreciate all of you time to infiltrate an Imperial base to get our bloody car back sadly we can't take advantage of the stealth insta-kill mechanic because it involves warping which is banned by the rules thankfully the game lets us dispatch the enemies in the usual fashion but they're quite tough especially when there's multiple of them we soon find the regalia but we can't just drive it out of here oh no that would be way too simple instead we first have to deal with this Max manipul Mech which is pretty much a beefier reskin of the Loki boss from chapter two again we're forced to play like a coward and get knocked down repeatedly a good strategy is to use this giant tank as a shield making those immune to its missile barrages we still have to stay on our tours though because it can launch airstrikes at us from above shortly afterwards we're instructed to use the Imperial turrets to blow up energy tanks which obviously we're not allowed to do in this run instead said we get absolutely swarmed I mean look at this there's dozens of enemies in all directions including swordsman battery soldiers snipers it just feels completely impossible our teammates are down and we soon follow suit second attempt dead again third attempt and this time we take advantage of a single open doorway at the far corner of the area to exit the combat Circle just like in fosha Hollow this allows us to revive teammates automatically heal up a bit with the magic cooldowns and just take a breather the strategy is to go in get a couple of picks and then head out and wait for a bit it's a slow process but after 10 minutes we've cleared the area and get told to destroy the magitek generator which we're more than happy to do so we can get the hell out of here oh it feels so good to be in the AP machine ah smell that lovely fresh air [Music] after handing in more side quests we sit through a super emotional cutscene to mourn the death of a character so forgettable that Square Enix literally had to patch in flashbacks of who the guy even was and it's time for chapter six we give Iris a lift who seems happy enough fetch more dog tags for div who has the most generic name in any Final Fantasy game pick flowers with gladio in store more car upgrades rescue were dying Chocobo by emulating its corpse and keep farming Earp while AFK in the car I turn the screen off while I went to cook dinner and when I came back I saw this a boot to the face I have so many questions about what happened leading up to that point we photograph a tomb before trying to loot the thing and now it's time for the next main story segment we're told to Trail this caligor guy while not being spotted the problem well we can't take down any of the guards because that would require a physical warp strike which breaks two rules at once and Magic is not an option because it would attract too much attention here you're supposed to point warp to avoid detection which we're not allowed to do while continuing on foot instantly gets us spotted this the end of the Run thankfully not we find a small opening next to the shipping container which gets us behind the guard but how the hell are we supposed to get through this gate without being spotted by him again we're supposed to point War but that isn't an option we look around frantically trying to find anywhere forward oh sorry let's just go for it oh oh oh damn it strangely enough because we've made it through the gear to the Game responds us here at the place we would have ended up if we had done a point War nice that's cut off a decent chunk we're at the next choke point for two guards are watching at this time surely this must be impossible now these stairs are fake and useless but thankfully we can just slip past the guards View and subdue the lawn caligo but we're not out of the woods just yet for the first time in the entire game we are alone and up against an entire Army we try meeting up with our friends but we're just getting battered how on Earth are we supposed to make it through here well we hook the left side and keep dodging despite being downed we crawl onwards and reset as soon as we're out of the combat area now we're up against another one of these mechs alongside prompto and gladio but within seconds things are not looking good damn we're dead next attempt uh no dead again nine attempts later and we finally have this run we hug the huge tank thing on the right hand side and we watch out for the targeting lasers that come before the orbital strikes it's super tense almost like playing a horror game where you get insta killed if you get found thankfully it's down in four minutes but it has one last surprise for us yeah probably should have seen that one coming but we're not done yet prepare yourselves people for the most difficult boss in the entire run [Music] hey pretty boy [Music] let's see what you can do Arena high wind is a super fast and agile boss with quick Relentless attacks a huge Health pool and she can fly around high up in the air and dive bomb you whenever she likes meaning there is no hiding from her this fight couldn't get any more difficult right wrong waves of enemies are constantly spawning infinitely in groups of four who can shoot at us from a distance Arena almost never stops moving meaning there are very few opportunities to actually throw magic at her some of her attacks also seem to be undodgeable phasing through all the gunfire is draining our MP fast and even if we kill them off a new wave of force spawns approximately every 60 seconds our first run was pretty good we got her to about half Health before being repeatedly dive bombed we buy another Max HP upgrade from the Ascension tree but again it's level based so our health only goes up by four which let's be honest probably won't ever make a difference but hey though after that well check this out [Music] [Music] I'll be honest I seriously considered giving up here not just because the boss seems impossible but because I thought to myself if this is a mid-game boss what on Earth is fighting the late game boss is going to be like but after the hell that was for sure Hollow we have to do this we have to see how far we can get [Music] okay let's go we may have failed this fight dozens of times but we learned a lot from going through all that here is how you beat Arena High win with only magic start by throwing a spell and then spring to the right hand side of the Arena making sure to be directly underneath this section of the gangway when she does her initial leap this causes her to crash onto the metal which gives way and causes her to stagger a bit buying us a bit of time we now hug this blue staircase ladder thingy beside the giant tank as it will sometimes cause her to get confused and try attacking you through it instead of going round we keep using fire spells because the Flames can still lock her for a few seconds buying time for the cooldown to partially refresh the soldiers are in but their spawn point is far from here so they take a long time to get to us we only attack the soldiers if and when it is completely safe to do so we try to keep at least one or two of the soldiers alive as this prevents the game from spawning another wave until the entire mob is dead we create space and try taking advantage of the awkward geometry of this metal grate on the floor but the soldiers flank us to shoot us down thankfully Arena misses us accidentally killing one of our own soldiers instead and prompto gives us a Reviving pat on the back from there it's back to the blue ladder the awkward angle causes Arena to get stuck behind this Tower which is an excellent time for another fire spell she didn't get stunlocked this time sadly but it's enough for her to upgrade her weapon and push onto fears too yep she's still at half health her slums deal massive damage now and she's much more vicious thankfully she doesn't seem to be targeting noctis very much and her AI seems to be a bit uh disoriented for lack of a better word not that I'm complaining she's super low and still locked in the Flames so she launches herself to safety only to slam right back down into the Flames yep she's stupid she's dead we should play again sometime pretty boy oh oh okay I'm calling it that is definitely one of the hardest bosses we've ever done on RPG challenge runs Iris temporarily joins the party but we can't unequip any of her stuff so we just leave her as is she's even weaker than we are we try fighting the optional bandersnatch boss in the marmalum thicket but we get absolutely destroyed it's not even close and it's not worth grinding for so I think we'll pass on that one time for Cape caim and look at that view wanna get a closer look yeah what yo mama we joined Cindy for a slow walk up the hill and for anyone wanting to try this run for themselves if you forgot to grab Jared's magic flask before he died then you can grab it here from his grave there's another point of no return warning so it's probably wise to farm for a bit before we continue these campsites are super close together so hopping between them yields rapid AP Generation Well rapid for this run anyway we can use a chocker ball or use the return to car feature with a well placed regalia to earn about 6 AP every one or two minutes nice we grab another magic flask from The Rocker ravatore and have an absolutely thrilling conversation with prompto so what you doing nothing much just chilling hmm cool [Music] after a lot of AP farming we're able to buy super power crafts or our spells get plus 50 importancy instead of plus 30. we have the potential to craft magic with potencies over 200 now assuming we have the cash to burn through ingredients using 17 duskin oranges to craft level 99 quadcast Magics of potency 166 seems to be a nice compromise but we can throw a little bit of all the elemental energies in to raise the potency even further more camping more nodes that improve our ability to dodge gladio leaves the party and it's time for chapter seven we're very limited to where we can go in this chapter mid Worst by this Imperial roadblock forcing us to travel long distances by foot Shanks is Pony as my nana always said after a quick Trek through the swamp with everyone's second favorite Shady guy winner goes to the Resident Evil 4 of course Aaron air joins the party well they're heavily nerfed version of her anyway and we wait for Nightfall in order to enter steel if Grove oh my God just me talking about this place is giving me horrifying flashbacks you remember forsha Hollow right well meet it's bigger bada brother we skip all optional fights and this first mandatory fight can actually be skipped if you quickly Dash to the door before the Reaper's spawning animation finishes playing out there's a magic flask on the floor here followed by a narrow ledge to advance but we can only interact with either of them after we defeat this mob Creme Brule is a particularly problematic because we soon discover they absorb all fire and electric damage meaning ice is our only option even then they're really tanky and aggressive the stuff coming out those from all sides so we're soon dead we did manage to defeat them on the second attempt so we grabbed the magic flask and start shimmying the next problem is that not just can't jump over this tiny ledge meaning we're forced to go all the way around this leads us into a mandatory Iron Giant boss fight with extra creme brules everywhere for even more fun we go to rescue ignis and yep uh maybe that wasn't a very good idea we reload our last save file which was outside the dungeon since again you cannot save the game within a dungeon and things are going well until the Iron Giant is like nope and it's GG ah man where's tarkis when you need him third attempt and we try to keep a lot of distance from the boss while also keeping the creme brules in sight we discover that standing near this Fallen pillar thing is an excellent idea since the giant treats it like a wall and so never walks over it this gives us the edge we need prompto is dead but a final blizzara seals the deal in hindsight we should have retreated out of the dungeon to save the game here but instead we push on and clear the path to the dungeons main boss it involves noctis being locked into tight rooms against small mobs of enemies but thankfully it's nothing we can't handle the dungeon's main boss is quetzal coal no not that one it's level 32 Can Fly And as we soon discover has a powerful AOE electric attack that can one shot anyone except darrenia game over that's probably over an hour of progress lost you think this run is even possible nah me neither I quit out uninstalled the game and started writing the script for the video I was ready to be like sorry guys this was a fail but I'm still proud that we made it so far but a week later I woke up one morning and thought you know what I'm just doing the viewers a disservice here it is possible it's just bloody difficult and extremely grindy I can't just Palm that off on someone else to finish what I started we go big or we go home if it's not possible we bloody well make it possible that's what we do here at RPG challenge runs so let's get this game redownloaded grab the backup save file and put our Black Mage hat back on and get on with it we grab the magic flask back out and save the game we checked to make sure the shimmy ledge thing isn't one weird like what happened back in Porsche Hollow which it's not that good we use the same Fallen pillar block strategy to wipe out the Iron Giant back out and save the game next time we enter steal a throttle it'll be almost a straight path to the quetzel call boss so we need to prepare we're stuck in the Vesper pool area but we can camp with Arena which is a nice little game mechanic that I bet most people probably missed the Millwood contains the only other campsite available to us so we can hop between them to farm AP but this is extremely slow it could take weeks to farm a significant amount of AP at this rate and we have to stick to our upload schedule of one challenge run per month so we don't have time to be messing around we're almost at the boss door and wait where are our teammates they got stuck again yep the awkward geometry of this dungeon means that you have to gradually pull them around every corner or else they get left behind after about 10 minutes we're ready for pretzel call again here's our set of going in for those who are interested let's win this we stay close when he's flying too disorientate him but he's extremely aggressive when on the ground so that is when we need to give him a space for example yep not enough space she is ignis you'll notice we're using High potency ice Magics as it deals 20 extra damage to this boss wow I'm really surprised that blast didn't kill us we spin the boss create distance lure the thing away from our allies and it seems to go AFK for a while um are you okay there a beagle prompto is also in danger but our next quadcast deals massive damage it actually procked five times instead of four there I have no idea how things get nail bitingly close and we're given the option to use this summon to finish the thing off which is obviously against some rules so we keep fighting normally after just another minute it falls in defeat job done and this is the closest we can get to tea bagging in this game foreign we grab the mithril and head back above ground I have never been so happy to see a dark dank rainy swamp in my life we lose Aaron ear now that we're in chapter eight but that's okay because after clearing out some imps in a power plant alongside Ford Hunter who is definitely not gladio our friend returns now I have a question for you dear viewer listen to this NPC's voice Chris bake bread fresh out of the oven so ready to get some bread in you thank you do you think it matches up with this guy can't top the aroma of bread being baked yeah me neither we sit through a quick ad break catch another fish the size of a human male saw some seeds and certainly soft soil continued to farm AP while AFK driving grab some enhanced headlights so we can drive at night without getting ganked by demons photograph some fluffy boys grab a miscible magic flask from core and set sail leaving the Fun open world behind us from chapter 9 onwards Final Fantasy XV becomes extremely linear and story focused for better off or Worse the game's development was very rushed which likely caused this but Post Release patches did help to smooth things out a bit hmm what do you think about fm15's late game are you a fan of it or do you wish that the game was all open world I'd like to read your thoughts in the comments section I think we had some good discussions going on last time one thing I'm sure everyone agrees with is that altitia is beautiful especially for a game released in 2016 though admittedly the proportions seem a bit off so it feels like you're on a ride at Disneyland hey look here One yacht one canoe right boom now there's a second yacht apparently we can interact with Umbra at rest points to recall memories I.E travel back in time and access the open world area again but I'm not sure how exactly we're able to hand in side quests that we complete with an old tissue back to people in the open world because canonically noctis took a one-way trip eh best not to think about it too much after acing the first secretary's meeting were on a gondola heading straight for Leviathan where we didn't prepare for this after a quick speech from Luna Freya the hydrian is summoned and we rushed forward dodging all the optional mobs along the way just like with Titan we deliberately feel all qtes but it's just chip damage and therefore meaningless when chatting with the Leviathan we choose to request rather than demand her power demanding does give an AP boost but makes Leviathan stronger which obviously we don't want here we go the trial of Leviathan you're supposed to beat this fight by warping to the various buildings that are floating all around the giant Battlefield as well as warp striking Leviathan directly which obviously we can't do we are stuck on the starting platform with no allies to revivals if we take a hit and Leviathan is out of range of our Magics this is the most vulnerable we have been so far we try to time the second cast for when Leviathan rushes us but we get knocked down into the water the game does Auto revive us which is nice but we can't warp anywhere so we're trapped down here it's basically a mercy kill from Leviathan at this point second attempt and it's clear that timing these magic spells perfectly is vital to winning the fight our first spell does pitiful damage then we dodge another charge and some blasts of water before we get down by a flank thankfully though we're still on the platform this time and the game also revives us after it show wild We Ready up a fire up for spell number three come on his health bar hasn't even moved yet a slow entry nice it's enough for the cutscene to trigger and we're on to phase two during the Spheres were forced to fly around the battlefield shooting magical sword beams this section is mandatory and we are technically using magic so I'm not counting this as a run fail providing we do not use any warp strikes which we don't really need to noctis gets a huge boost to his max HP here and honestly it was just really fun to feel badass for a few minutes instead of a coward who spends half the Run hiding behind rocks and tanks we break off its fins drop its HP to zero or get protected by Titan and Luna and we're on to chapter 10 the heart of a king we walk around the train until it arrives into the station capture some chicklings appreciate some gorgeous graphics and travel into the past to see if noctis has learned how to open a door yet nope that's not how you do it you have to push the side that's away from the hinges try again oh this guy needs more practice we somehow handy photographs that we took in the future to a guy in a memory of the past you're just not thinking fourth dimensionally play a game of Spot the Difference grab another magic flask that has now washed up on the shores of golden key and try that door again no oh this is making me angry now we push on with the story alongside blind Ignus shut down prompto took more photos today you wanna see no I'd find a cool little mechanic that the devs threw in see this water we're standing on it's completely turned into ice due to our blazara magic but after the battle's over it turns back into water I thought that was kind of cool in response to gladio's question we choose the sure resolve option boosting our Vitality by 50 which is basically defense the only other option would have boosted our strength instead which is obviously useless to us time for the Marlboro boss fight here's our setup going in the Ascension grids are looking pretty good now especially the magic tab which is almost maxed out let's go the fight begins and we concentrate on exploiting its fire weakness but gladio is almost instantly dead this thing is very powerful and has lots of little guys joining it in the arena it's bad breath skill deals huge amounts of AOE damage as well as of course various negative State assailments both of our other allies are quickly killed off so we have to do the second half of the fight ourselves soon enough it's down to zero HP but it doesn't die instead automatic about a bit we try again and yep thing we're told to flee and regroup which we do but that didn't do anything the boss just resets the full HP our allies are dead and we're close behind second attempt dead again okay after a quick Google search it seems like a lot of people became equally frustrated with the wording of what the game asks you to do here when it tells you to flee it actually means go to the red arrow in the battle arena but contrary to popular belief ignis does not have to be alive because everyone gets automatically resurrected and a few seconds later the cutscene plays out one more Fire magic spell and it's out of their job done that's another Royal arm for the collection chapter 11 in the dark as soon as the chapter begins we find ourselves Under Siege from an entire Imperial platoon we have to defeat them all before the trends health bar depletes all the way down and we only have prom door to back us up I'm really worried about our damage output here due to the long magic cooldowns but we seem to be managing or care soon enough though they rule out an imperial tank which the game says we have to point warp 2 or else it's game over we try doing nothing but it blows up the train within seconds second attempt and we try to reach the tank without using the warp but there's a metal fence blocking it and we cannot pass nor can we throw Magics through it it seems like warping to this tank is a mandatory unskippable requirement to advance the story confirmed by the cutscene that plays out after you do it as always I'll let you decide if you think we've filled the run or not but personally I'm going to continue because it was a compulsory action required to advance and therefore I don't think we should be penalized for it a similar thing happens in the next section in which you're forced to walk between some ships in order to take down four assault crafts again there's no way to physically reach each vehicle without warping so providing we stick to Magic only and don't actually warp strike any enemies I'd say we can bend the no warping rule for now it's still a horrifically difficult section of the game though because there's obviously a time limit and the game forces you into very confined areas with tons of enemies and very visibility after two aircraft are destroyed we just about survived the third but then this happens yep our magic spell vanishes into thin air I think this is a bad glitch caused by the fact that we're aboard a moving vehicle but it causes us to run out of time and the train is destroyed second attempt and we have a really rough time above the third aircraft we try to use the turret for cover but as soon as we throw out our next spell we get battered third attempt we try switching up the order and even try landing on the back of some aircraft instead of the sides but this leaves us super vulnerable another death finally we have this run we leave prompto to deal with the guys on the train while we quickly get to work speed is the name of the game here but we also need good luck to ensure each magic spell a doesn't glitch out and B is strong enough to One-Shot his Shock Trooper which is mostly down to RNG we use the central ship while waiting for cooldowns and before long we're back at the train and knocked out for our troubles and now chapter 12 End of Days We're Alone stuck on the roof of the moving train and painfully lawn spells with nowhere to craft anymore we're told to make our way to the front car but there's an invisible wall blocking us from doing so we just have to stall it out long enough for the train to pass through the tunnel triggering the cutscene in which Leviathan comes to our rescue after a quick chat to Biggs and wedge we stock up on Elemental energy save the game and now seems like a good time to head back to the past four more grinding oh welcome to the exciting life of an RPG challenge Runner yep life couldn't get any more exciting we tried to stock up on Elemental energy when the game letters actually interact with the deposits and it's time for another Drive ah a nice relaxing AP farm with absolutely nothing unusual going on absolutely nothing unusual I'm curious how many of you have spotted it yet yep our driver is missing for some reason where the hell is he is if we exit and re-enter the car but again we're being driven around by a ghost okay let's try manual mode with noctis in the driving seat yep ignis is still missing what's going on here ignis is still here in the party he even takes damage and talks so he's just invisible I suppose we refuel the regalia and yep he's back that was a really weird book more kind Deeds another magic potency buff and it would be nice to grab this bonus spell Nord but I'm not sure how much more AP farming I can actually take oh fine I'll do it we encounter yet another bug in which the block prompt gets stuck on our screen grab the bonus spell Nord Norway are we grinding for 999 AP with our second one and let's check out the kind of stuff we can craft now yep if we go all in we can potentially make level 99 quadcast times for 400 potency spells oh my God we grab another Royal arm from the rocket ravatore for completion's sake wow this is like a real-life RPG you use extremely rare enemy materials to craft some Quinn cast spells grab yet another Royal arm from the Millwood play a red light green light with a choker ball that we can barely see and after about 11 hours it's back to the main story we're using Magics with randomized elements in order to maximize the potencies let's push on the train grinds to a halt and we're forced to wipe out these demons the problem is that the level Gap is massive now so even the slightest scratch will one shuttles we also don't have prompto which is one less body for the enemies to be distracted by it's a very small and narrow Arena and there are more pats on the back than the average Oscars ceremony we somehow Wipe Out The Wraith only for another to spawn in and we're soon dead again on the second attempt we make it a bit further only for this level 34 death claw boss to spawn in an insta Killers oh the third attempt thankfully goes much better the trick is to hide behind this chunk of ice at the far back right of the Arena only popping out to deal damage the deathclaw never approaches us so we just repeat the process until it's dead nice after more chilly times on the train it's clear that noctis isn't very happy with us putting him through this level of hell stop nevertheless weekend shiva's blessing and begin chapter 13 Redemption look anywhere online and people will tell you that this was their most hated chapter in the entire game even after all the patches we escaped the demon-infested train in the regalia before it gets shot at and destroyed oh that was way more depressing than any of the actual character deaths so far we decide to continue on with noctis ignoring the easy path from the Post Release patch for this chapter we're forced to use the Ring of Lucy eye which has several different magical spells first up is death which very slowly lowers a target's HP and then causes well death after a certain amount of stocking which also heals us up a bit most of this chapter can be played out exactly the same as a regular playthrough just with significantly less damage and Max HP it's nice that there are now rest points scattered throughout this extremely linear chapter our second spell is horley which automatically triggers upon dodging enemy attacks and lust up his alternate a powerful magic with a long cast time that requires a full MP bar but it can one shot ins to Kill All Enemies within a given radius including bosses we continue through the annoying stealth section just like any normal playthrough bump into prompto um um okay one shot I'll turn of the mini boss get tricked by another fake prompto keep upgrading our key card and we're eventually knocked down into the depths after another sad moment mourning a character that we met once we grabbed the final Royal arm sword of the Father which obviously we can't use right now as it is a weapon instead we just keep using magic with the help of the ring there's a nasty Forest boss here who can insta-kill you but it's easy to dodge while you wait for the lift slash elevator to come down after another rest we save the game and oh my God we've been stuck in this chapter for hours after even more fighting and upgrading our security clearance we get trapped in an electrified Corridor and the walls are closing in but thankfully we get rescued meet up with prompto and the gang is all back together we now have access to all of our old abilities and Magics there's a fair argument that we shouldn't use the Ring of Lucy eye anymore instead relying on our own spells but it's kind of a gray area so how about this we try to use only our regular magic spells but feeling that we will use the magic spells from The Ring I think that's the fairest way to do it after prompto shows us his best photo ever we craft some top tier powerful spells and head on into the rarest boss fight hey remember that ridiculously overpowered deathclaw who was one-shotting us with ease well that thing was level 34 while River's here is level 44. needless to say we're barely scratching him it's such a slow fight and trying to rescue ignis here results in our first death on our second try all three teammates get wiped within seconds and we've barely taken 10 of his health off him soon afterwards he starts summoning dark magic spells and even with our finger constantly holding down the Dodge button we're dead again some of his attacks are just flat out undodgeable and there's nothing he can do about it the only way we're ever gonna be able to beat this guy is with magic from The Ring of Lucy eye we wait for a full MP and a window of opportunity first all Turner I failed to connect remember it's only a percentage chance not a guaranteed insta-kill allies are falling but thankfully the next cast seals the deal now we're back with solo noctis and have to reach this Hangar gear before it closes but we clip the edge of a fence and get wiped second attempt and it's nail-bitingly close get out the way you big brute thank goodness such an overwhelming sense of relief we reached the crystal struggle to hear what Arden is saying of the volume of the background music [Music] and wake up in a Cell 10 years later for reasons that are never really explained getting serious Dark Souls flashbacks here is someone gonna drop a key down for us time for the final chapter of the game homecoming golden key is looking a bit worse for wear so we just dodge all the enemies and push on forward we have a long way to go but after a cheeky detour we're picked up by Talcott and taken to Hammerhead oh wow he still has the cat to our statues from a side quest we completed earlier that's a nice little touch the final battle will commence once you leave Hammerhead be sure to spare no preparation well there's no way we can prepare so let's go we Dodge all enemies with the exception of this one mob in the underground walkway that we're forced to fight in order to interact with the button to unlock the next door attempt one ends badly attempt two uh same thing there's just so many of them attempt three goes a little bit better but still nap attempt 4 and the strategy here is to steer mobile keep jumping and keep weaving in between the pillars basically you want to make the enemy AI tracking as confused as possible somehow we finally defeat the mob and push on through we grab the final rest point of the game make short work of the beam off King because he's kind of slow and predictable and head on into the Citadel there's a mandatory if free to boss fight here but in phase one he's super slow and weak to ice so we just keep our distance from him and Dodge through his AOE fire blasts we do get downed a couple of times but our AI teammates seem to be getting better at actually Reviving us which is nice before long we're on to his much more powerful fears too his damage is insane in the space and he's much more agile than pretty much any enemy in the game so far we can use the bridges geometry to temporarily get him stuck or disorientated but he easily frees himself in mere seconds we're dead in just a couple of minutes we try Magic from The Ring of Lucy eye again but Alterna just keeps failing to connect home on our end Jesus come on yes okay the cutscene triggers and the guy finally learns to chill out we grab another Max HP node and it's time to face the final boss Arden he wipes out our friends but rather than checking on them we just run off and leave them to die these are set up going into the final boss fight we're stocked full of high potency quadcasts and our Ascension grid is pretty much the best we can make it and yes there's a wall Point here but again it's mandatory to trigger the cutscene and start the battle let's go the fight begins and we immediately try to put some distance between us ah well well that was fun on the second attempt we stay relatively close to him baiting him into the fire as he constantly dashes around the place we do run out of MP at one point but crouching near the parked Vehicles helps out a lot before long he's doing all this dark magic crap and we've dealt enough damage for him to jump us and begin phase two this is another Super flashy mandatory sequence very similar to phase two of the Leviathan fight from earlier again we're firing endless streams of magical sword beams and resisting the temptation to perform a warp strike it's easy to defend and Dodge plus we have a massive health bar and we are constantly regenerating HP and Max HP needless to see after only a few minutes we hit the qtas and noctis launches a barrage of Royal Arms at Arden finishing him off not content with that not to sacrifices himself do all sort of the Arden in the afterlife can you be Final Fantasy 15 at level 1 using orderly magic with all of these other restrictions in place well surprisingly yes there's an argument that using the Ring of Lucy I in the rarest or the phase two were three fights was bending the no weapons rule all that there was some mandatory warping in chapter 11 but I think we're just splitting hairs at that point I'm really proud of this run it was ridiculously difficult insanely grindy but super fun I had a blast and I hope you did too if for some reason you're not sick of the sound of my voice yet you can check out our pacifist run of ff13 in which we try to beat the entire game without dealing any damage or are no magic no shop run of ff12 which was a lot harder than expected but as always let me know what games you want to see us do next alright look after yourselves see you later everyone cheers so after the run was over I messaged my wife that's it what is I've come up with a new recipe [Laughter] she was uh yeah she didn't find that very amusing Senpai you should like And subscribe foreign foreign
Channel: RPG Challenge Runs
Views: 165,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jrpg, finalfantasy, squareenix, ffxv, challengerun
Id: bzYmH11hJoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 4sec (4264 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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