Can You Beat Oblivion With Only Your Fists?

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rather than try to make an intro segment where i go over some elements of the game and then attempt to segue into today's challenge i will just tell to y'all straight i just really wanted to play oblivion this week and figured i could make a video out of it as well plus it has been a hot minute since i made my last video on the game regardless for the sake of consistency i will now ask the question can you beat oblivion with only your fists the answer yeah more than likely but as i said i was playing the game anyway may as well make a video out of it also i am leaving the difficulty slider where it starts as pushing in either direction either results in everything becoming a damage sponge or the game playing itself for you with all that out of the way let's begin i was initially going to make a character that looked like senator armstrong to fill the metal gear quota for this video but after cycling through different degrees of smashed tomatoes i opted to shelve that idea and just pick the khajiit instead unlike skyrim where playing as a khajiit gives you a flat damage bonus for your unarmed attacks in oblivion plane is one of the bipedal cats just as you start with an extra 10 points in hand to hand as it's an actual skill in this game sure it has an advantage over the other races but not really mandatory if you want to punch everyone into an early grave hell picking an orc may have been the better choice due to their berserk racial power regardless i stick with the kitten and managed to come up with a character i'm proud of [Music] this is it's green checking my skills and seeing what i have to work with and for now i have a hand-to-hand skill of 15 meaning i do a whopping 1 damage with each punch while this isn't ideal after i get to meet my class this will go up substantially i hope after getting berated by the most racist elf around i get to meeting professor x and his bodyguards before just being allowed to walk out of my cell via the secret exit here's hoping we aren't a mass murderer otherwise the emperor has made one of the biggest mistakes of his life hurrying ahead i managed to actually get some wise words from one of the assassins i might swim more if it weren't for the slaughter fish sharp teeth and some carry disease after that insightful information i begin to beat the man to a pulp it's actually a good way to find out how effective punching can be a bonus to using your fist is that you'll never recoil if you hit an opponent's block so therefore in most scenarios i can just move out of the way and keep up the offensive only having to back away if i see a big attack coming the rats zombies and goblins hiding in the prison's walls are of little concern granted this is still the tutorial so i'm not expecting to get bodied while i'm here to make sure i continue to only bloody my knuckles and nothing else i also go against my better judgment and don't crush the goblins with a nearby log trap which is a usual must for any new oblivion adventure with a few more goblins denying their life i met back up with picard and the crew before choosing my birthday nothing too exciting here i just go with the warrior for the extra 10 points in both strength and endurance as extra damage and health are always good to have from here things play out as normal more punching more dying and the mythic dawn get away with their little assassination attempt that said the man they picked for the job seemed to have second thoughts for a moment regardless with the amulet in my pocket it was time to pick my class and leave although not before boris makes the dumbest assumption ever by somehow believing i'm an archer while the ability to fire my hands off like rockets and attack people from range would be incredible sadly that is not a feature so i just create a rather standard class for this particular build just in case anyone is wondering i am going with light over heavy armor simply because i like the idea of retaining some speed while fighting as dodging attacks is a lot better than trying to block a sword with your fist first things first after becoming a free cat i head across the river to make short work of the nearby bandits not only because i am bloodthirsty but they have a nearby skill book that just so happens to increase my hand-to-hand skill before i even think about tackling the main story and walking straight into hell i need to better equip myself so it was off to the marketplace to sell all the useless items i found in the sewers i spent most of it on healing potions and repair hammers if you're curious before heading to the arena while i do plan to fight in the arena as it's a great way to both increase skills and get gold early on i first make a quick detour to steal the bands of kwang lao from a nearby chest as while they're equipped i get an extra 20 points to hand the hunt i then stand around for a moment and creepily watch the folks i just stole from so that i may get another 5 points to my punching price which allows me to level up and increase my strength that combined with my 69 hand to hand now lets my fists do five points of damage with each swing while that still sounds absolutely horrible let's keep in mind that hand-to-hand combat is very fast on oblivion so despite the fact the base damage seems quite low the amount of strikes i can get out in a short period of time allows the damage to build up quite quick this is no more apparent than just how easy it is for me to win fights in the arena something i also haven't mentioned is that your fists strain your opponent's fatigue as well as their health so that can lead to situations like this where they kind of just collapse in on themselves while i wheel away on them i managed to get my skill to 50 here meaning i now have the chance to disarm people with a side step power attack making sure i get the absolute most out of my fists is of course my primary concern for the time being so with a few wins under my belt i headed for skin grad as the blacksmith there sells a special helmet that can increase my hand to hand the helmet in question is the helmet ferocity and i am nowhere even close to being able to afford it as it is currently sitting at a ridiculous 10 600 gold whereas i currently only have just over a thousand putting the arena on hold for now as i know for a fact i won't get anywhere near close enough to that amount of money i figure i can make a start in the main quest first is handing geoffrey the chaos emerald and then it's down to kvat where after watching the sky crack open like an egg i offer my assistance to the town's guard captain and he politely tells me to go to hell literally if i have learned anything from my time playing the doom series it's the demons and their spawn are rather squishy when it comes to being punched in the head sure enough the same is true here granted i am level 2 so all i have to contend with are stunted scumps and the alger moore whose armor may as well be made from hopes and dreams not pretending like they still don't hurt me it's just that using the weight function after every combat encounter here was more than enough to get past every fight as waiting heals you back up to full health some of the dremora began to give me the run around as i ascended the tar this one especially was just not having it and decided to just book it away from me as fast as he could sadly for him i am rather persistent when it comes to hunting down people who don't want to fight just watch one of my many massacres in new vegas if you want some proof anyway the last couple of enemies guarding the sigil stone were of no trouble i was even fortunate enough to get some assistance as one of the mages blasted his body in the back staffing him up for the kill i thanked him with some blunt force trauma and then grabbed the sigilstone i will not be safe scumming the stones by the way in hopes of getting a worthwhile enchantment instead i will just take what i get on my first go for anyone curious this one is for frost resistance on armor or frost damage on a weapon so nothing exciting unfortunately reporting my success to the captain and it's time to save the city to spice things up a bit the deidre now have access to xenomorphs that have been crossed with triceratopses and just like the xenomorphs standing too close to them when they take damage also hurts you as i'm guessing they also have acid blood usually you would just counteract this by using magic or a bow but despite boris's intentions earlier i will not be using those for now it's nothing i can't handle thanks to some healing potions as well as a small army that is currently at my beckon call i then pay my respects to saint jib for all the times he greeted me in morrowind before continuing into the chapel to drop the big bombshell on martin with martin convinced to tag along i can't by all rights just leak watch now and press on with the main story but i figured that while i'm here i may as well help for the skill gains of nothing else there isn't much point going over the rest of kavach's segment detail as with martin by my side along with the entire guard company and some imperial legion soldiers we were able to swiftly cut a path through the last of the daedra martin's that guy who says he'll play healer but ends up getting bored and transitions into a dps class instead with many a dead monster in our wake we make our way to the corpse of the count steal his ring and then return to madison for the literal clothes off his back i joke about him giving me his armor but to be honest i am going to wear it when i can as it increases strength and therefore lets me punch just a little bit harder following more of the story it's backed away in a priory to beat up more of the mythic dawn unlike before in the sewers though i am much stronger and can kill them with ease because the game needs to last more than two hours the magic mcguffin has been stolen so now it's off to cloudy temple to see it by protecting martin and furthering the plot my next task is to meet up with boris once again this time in the imperial city but before that i got carried away and end up fighting the entire way through the arena questline it wasn't really for the money or the experience as you can see from the footage i was just having dumb fun and enjoying the game don't get it twisted that's not me just saying it was a cakewalk far from it some of the fights especially the one against the argonian fighting triplets were not only a drain on my healing supplies but also resulted in my death on more than one occasion i was able to learn how to fight more efficiently against stronger opponents though slowly circling them on their left side or towards their shield arm would usually let me unleash a seemingly never-ending barrage of punches as they would rarely snap around to block the attack this technique worked all the way to the end by the way even against the handicap match against the yellow team's champion however i'm not going to take the glory for that one as it was in fact porkchop who delivered the killing blue so by all rights he is technically the next champion and clearly he was quite excited by that idea if you are wondering how the fight against the grey prince went well here it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] no i have zero shame making the same metal gear joke in two of my videos i promise i will get to that series soon or at least before the end of the year with all of my winnings and a hype man at my disposal i fast traveled to bruma and spent it all on hand to hand training can't say for certain if that was the best use of it but at the time it seemed like a good call i followed this by leveling up which also got the attention of lucien who i just decided would be an effective punching bag before stealing his robes and cremating him after all this my honda hand was sitting at a base of 74 and at a skill of 94 when wearing the bands i now do 7 damage with each punch so progress has definitely been made to say the least back on the story side of things i find boris at one of the many inns where he informs me that he's being tailed by a mythic dawn assassin who is sitting approximately three feet away so it's a good thing he doesn't hear this conversation after boris leaves and the assassin follows him i join onto the end of the conga line where we resolve the situation with violence because no one uses his speech skill on the body of the bloodstained man we find one of four mythic dawn commentaries and now it's time for the mandatory bethesda fast travel talk quest you've seen this before in following skyrim it's where you spend 90 percent of the quest just walking back and forward between various people learning nuggets of information while being led on a goose chase it culminates with me threatening the fun-sized elf that he'll be an accomplice to the emperor's death before he hands me the book and me and johnson make our way back down into the imperial sewers because i guess the two of us just liked the bond down here the adoring fan for once in his life did something useful and helped light the way with his torch while me and boris got to work playing exterminator when the time came to meet the sponsor for the mythic dawn i insisted that i be the one to do the talking clearly that was a lie as my talk i really just meant i was going to round my big furry hand down cameron junior's throat where i received the final commentary luckily enough the book wasn't the only important item he had as i was able to take his base ring of retribution which reflected 8 of all damage back on my attacker considering my fists are eventually going to cap on the damage they do outside their strength enchantments this was quite a great find even if it's only 8 with the four books in my possession i return to tarmina so i can touch the glowing red map which will conveniently point me towards the mythic dawn's sacred base rather than head there straight away i instead made a detour to vin diesel as just inside here is where you can find umbra both the person and the sword the reason i am here is because very shortly martin will require endangering artifact for the ritual to open the portal to make our camera's paradise and it just so happens that the quest with umber is glitched as normally you need to be level 20 to start the quest but if you kill her here and take the sword you can complete the quest at any level things are off to about start as the adoring fan doesn't oopsie and gets himself appealed to death by the way of a spike trap tragic but not surprising turns out there's a reason the game wants you to be level 20 before attempting this and it's because she has a lot of health and she hits incredibly hard as umber is one of if not the best weapon in the game after many many field attempts either directly by her or by stumbling into a trap while trying to get her to fall in i just decided this wouldn't be worth the hassle and instead made my way for the secret dawn hideout normally you just sneak in here undercover as they believe you're a new recruit but after that whole umber fiasco i wanted to prove that i was still strong and as such i made it my mission to fight my way through the entire base this was actually a lot easier than i expected their robes don't offer a lot of protection and i believe they are weaker anyways the game throws a lot of them at you here well a lot by oblivion standards anyway the highlight of this was that i was able to get a single dig into cameron before he teleported out i don't know why but that made me feel great i also beat up a statue of their god for reasons i can't comprehend after grabbing another book and becoming a walking library i return to martin and he screams at me for doing a good job the next mission spies is kind of like the reverse of the last quest as now i have to find undercover mythic dawn agents outside of brimming it's a short and simple quest as you just have to wait for them by the runestone near cloud roller temple before breaking into one of their houses and reporting the information back to joffrey something that took me by surprise though was whenever i was fighting the second spy i hit her with one of the honda hand block counters but for whatever reason doing so propelled me forward at a high speed uncovered a sizeable distance if it was any other game series i'd be asking you all what just happened but this being the bethesda game i think we all know just to accept these kinds of things as features by this stage after the quest was done i had to make a journey to the imperial city as i needed my bands repaired and i currently don't have a high enough skill to repair magic items myself usually i leave this stuff out of the video but as i arrived i was assaulted by mythic dawn assassins that's nothing out of the ordinary though the best part about this was i didn't even have to lift a finger because my khajiit brothers came to my rescue and brutally murdered him in the street good to know i have a gang in the city willing to help me at a moment's notice after i repaired the bands it was now time to get that artifact i mentioned and i just ended up going with the azure quest the game points you to basically she just wants me to kill some of her former followers who are now vampires it sounds simple on paper and honestly with an actual weapon it would be but as it stands these vampires can pack quite a punch as one of them killed me so fast i didn't even get to watch my buddy ragdoll and instead it threw me right back to the loot screen it took a few attempts but eventually i figured playing it slow was the way to go as i would try to lure them out one at a time as in one-on-one encounters i can usually come out on top with no trouble then after they were dead i would leave the cave and wait an hour to reject my health and then rinse and repeat until the cave was cleared the last orc proved rather difficult and ended up costing me most of my potions so i would need to restock after this as well which was concerning as money was dangerously low on the bright side not only was i victorious but the adoring fans somehow managed to claw his way back from the depths of hell so that he could serve me once more so that's nice taking the star back to martin ends the quest and now it's time for the second of three mandatory oblivion gates for the main story after briefly discussing the situation with bird i rush straight into the oblivion gate and get into a fist fight with some of the flame afternacks while their flames hurt me the support from bird and as men is much appreciated as we can get past them with little issue rather than fight my way down the long path that leads to the tar with the stone i instead opted to jump from the broken bridge into the lava and tank my way through the damage to the other side thankfully i know that this works as it's how i always do this get the only issue is that now i'm all alone the face that did during the tar as bird is back dealing with everyone outside it's not as bad as it sounds if i'm being honest as rarely do they actually gang up on me and therefore it's a rather comfortable journey all the way to the top i even got lucky enough to get another magic ring that allows me to resist a decent amount of magic damage and as there is no way to outright block spells with my hands this is a much welcome addition to my gear sadly though things aren't as smooth sailing as i had initially thought as when i got to the sigil stone the game wouldn't actually let me grab the thing because bird wasn't in the same room as me i figured that just waiting around would solve the issue like usual but for some reason he never appeared confused and mildly concerned i made my way back down to tar and outside where i discovered the bird was in the lava just outside the tar or at least that's what the compass initially told me after he fell unconscious the marker jumped to a different part of the area and upon following it i found that he was miles out into the sea of lava and every time the game showed me the bird's unconscious prompt he got further and further away i spent a while pondering what exactly to do while killing the last of the daedra until eventually i left and re-entered which thankfully brought bird back to solid ground determined to make sure he wouldn't wander off again i made sure to take the long way to the tower and never got too far ahead of him as tedious as it was to run back and forward this many times at the very least all the enemies were dead so getting burned to the stone was rather straightforward wouldn't you know it the sigil stone from the gate was another resist magic enchantment so i immediately used it on an amulet i was carrying and now i can have a total of 21 magic resistance which isn't too bad with another gate behind me i returned to martin and now it was off to psycho tour to fetch the armor of tiber septim or more specifically little bits of his blood that are left on the armor if you recall the last time i was here my other oblivion video then you will remember that i spent nearly an hour here trying to deal with the skeletons of the blade soldiers as i had to get the ghosts to kill them with friendly fire with that in mind i can't even begin to describe how cathartic it was to just be able to walk up here and start beating all these skeletons my go-to strategy for dealing with them was to just disarm them and then overwhelm them with an onslaught of punches it's not a very complex plan but as you can see it gets results the very first skeleton even got so scared when i knocked away his weapon that he started to flee from me i wasn't even aware that skeletons could flee in oblivion if i'm being honest after a few more brutal boon-bashing beatdowns i can make my way to the central chamber and collect the armor throughout all of this i have been picking up just about every semi-valuable object i could find and selling them for money so that i could afford more training sure enough this eventually paid off as i was able to max out my hand-to-hand skill and due to all the skill upgrades could actually reach level 12. my punches now do 10 points of damage with each swing and i feel that's about as strong as they're going to get for this run nothing's considered it isn't awful but when compared to the damage output of most other weapons when you have maxed out their respective skills it's not all that impressive yet again it's back to martin and he gives me another fetch quest to partake in i would like to point out that while this is going on i do have the aid for bruma quest but other than enlisting the help of the surviving kvac soldiers i'm not going to bother with any of the other cities as all it does is replace the bruman militia with one or two soldiers from each town and from my own experience the militia do just fine during the defense back to the fetching of the glowing objects and this time i must track through the alien ruin of miss carrigan to find the great wilkenstone of course it's never that simple as the place is infested with zombies and goblins that said they seem to be more interested in killing each other so other than a few brawls here and there i can mostly just ignore them to make up for the lack of bloody knuckles on my end i do make sure to fight the king after grabbing the stone he is nothing out of the ordinary just your run-of-the-mill ledge as far as i can tell the only difficult part is the sheer amount of backup he has in the form of various zombies to circumvent this i just run in circles around the stairs in the area as to confuse them while i stop to get a few hits in on their leader after about a minute or so of doing this the king gets dethroned and now it's time for me to backtrack the way i just came this all then leads to the defense of bruma where after some talking in the church we make our stand against a seemingly never-ending wave of daedra also if you are curious kvac sent a single nameless soldier to help even after everything i did for them the actual defense itself while waiting for the great gate the open is as always so unbelievably easy as no matter the skill of your allies they always just seem to rush every enemy grip as they appear so from my experience there's never really a situation where you'll be outnumbered when the big gate finally spawns i make him a dash fort and just like i expected the adoring fan was waiting for me on the other side perhaps he is in fact the daedric secret weapon what with his ability to blend into society and mentally destroy even the strongest of heroes no time to wonder about those conspiracies as this quest is a time limit and seeing how my fists aren't the fastest killers i really do just decide to skip most of the encounters here it's not too tough i just have to be wary of the occasional fire or lightning bolt as by this stage i am faster than most of those are more after grabbing the giant orb i am thrust back to tamriel where i discover the unfortunate fate of joffrey it seems like he stabbed himself so that's not good well with the gate closed it's on to the final stretch so i make a point to go shopping one final time for healing supplies before making my way to cameron's paradise the first person i come into contact with is the dremora i'm aware that i can help him with a small task and proceed that way but i mean i didn't spend all this time honing my fighting skills just to pass up on a 1v1 he is no more difficult than your average gemora however he also physically attacks the player as the lingering flames from each of his sword strikes makes it very difficult to see in the first person in retrospect i should have just tried to disarm him but for some reason the thought never crossed my mind anyway after grabbing the balance of the chosen i proceed to the next area where i somehow win a fist fight against the dandroth yet in the very next room struggle to fight off a few clan fears as i get repeatedly stun blocked to hell back i also had a few slip ups here as i kept losing my footing and landing in the lava pools down below on the bright side i was able to gain the assistance of elder mill who immediately showed his worth as the two of us killed cameron's children yet again obviously they can respawn indefinitely but taking them out here allows me to rush into minecart cameron's throne room and get a considerable amount of damage in before they can return to back him up this probably would have been a difficult fight if it wasn't for the whole 21 magic resistance i've got going on as his spells while strong were nothing i couldn't heal through with the last of my potions before long i take out truth steal his clothes and then get paralyzed while trying to sit on his chair i then plop back into the real world like a plank of wood before escorting martin to the end of the game not to be anticlimactic but the final quest is really more of an epilogue as you literally just walk into the next area over to finish the game that said i did try to fight dagon one on one which went about as well as you might think after that attempt i tag in martin he uses his signature move spicy dragon to take a bite out of crime sending daegon back to the elder scrolls 4 oblivion finishing the game and proving yes you can indeed beat oblivion with only your fists as i said at the beginning i had a feeling this was entirely possible for me but i really just wanted to play oblivion and while i may not get to reply to all your comments just know i have seen the request for more oblivion runs so i hope this was worth the wait regardless that's going to be in this challenge video if you enjoy your soccer game video like if you're just a more challenging feature feel free to subscribe turn one of these videos down week mine news updates [Music] you
Channel: Nerbit
Views: 687,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerbit, can you beat oblivion with only your fists, elder scrolls, elder scrolls 4 oblivion, oblivion, challenge, can you beat, can, you, beat, bethesda, no weapon run, weaponless, meow, senator armstrong
Id: 3kMQn7lrUnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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