Can You Beat Dark Souls Without Rolling?

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Dark Souls is a combat focused game where you beat down bosses for seemingly no reason there are many ways to take on the obstacles that are set in front of you you can overwhelm your enemies with a strong offensive turtle up with a shield and wait for the perfect moment to strike or dodge through your enemies and defeat them with a well-placed counter but what if we took away one of these three essential pillars of Dark Souls iconic combat can you beat dark souls without ruling so before we start let's set a few ground rules ruling as the challenge implies is obviously not allowed and while back stepping does not actually give you iframes iframes being the frames of invulnerability allow you to dodge through weapons you can have Everett use the back step to create distance and dodge away from a weapon being swarming you for this reason they are also not allowed and that same reason applies to jumping meaning they are not allowed either so that's what's not allowed but what happens if I do accidentally rule as a seasoned veteran with over $1000 in the game it's bound to happen at some point purely out of muscle memory so if I do accidentally roll I'll have to make my way back to the last bonfire rested out and reset the area this video would take far too long if I had to reset the whole playthrough every time I rule so with that out of the way we move on to character creation actual sorcerer because I believe that long distance engagements are probably gonna be my best bet I took the master key because master key master gift and after an embarrassingly long time trying to make my character look like cannonbolt from Banten to no avail eventually gave up made my character green and my journey began in a cell with a man throwing dead bodies at me the body had a key which I used to escape my new home I continued how to run in with a giant fine peg with a hammer that I ran away from like a little [ __ ] gather my equipment and ran into the lovely man who helped me escape myself he gave me all his valuables to which I thanked him with a well-placed dagger to the throat I defeated the flying pig with my newly acquired equipment continued forward to enjoy the view but then a massive crow swooped in from the sky and picked me up can't seem to catch a break luckily the bird had good intentions and dropped me at Firelink shrine I did a quick sweep of my surroundings and gathered up some items there was a strange man sitting on a log near the bonfire so I thought I would ask him for some directions I got cocky and tried to finish him in style which he responded with the sword directly through my chest I came back angrier than ever the thought of revenge spiked my adrenaline with my judgment clouded I lost my first bow to the role I had to take a couple minutes to count myself that but after I did I came back killed the strange man and made my way down to New Londo I grabbed a weird spiky ball thing and went straight back to fire link to upgrade my SunnyD with the basic preparations out the way I finally set off I made my way through a group of enemies to an aqueduct which I traveled through to reach the undead burg I killed more enemies firmer items easy enough continued forward and there's a [ __ ] dragon luckily the dragon was scared off by my alpha Chad confidence and I was able to reach the next bonfire with relative ease I bought a key in a spiky baseball bat from a semi friendly Hollow I quit my bar along with some nude rep and continued forward across the small bridge into a room where two hollows were awaiting me I forgot about the challenge and I still enrolled I walked the walk of shame back to the bonfire reset the area and continued past them tried to get the jump on the Black Knight he did not like that however my inner pirate God came out and I eventually defeat him I made my way up to the bridge and ran into a cab with an apse I stabbed him in the head and tickled his toes until he was no more after crossing the bridge I ran into Daddy sole heir the after some flirting gave me his soapstone so I can call him for a late-night booty call the dragon returned for round two so I cut off his tail and just as a flakes now use it as a weapon I opened the next gate killed another black knight and trucked the boar into killing itself I grabbed the key to my mom's basement and continued on to the parish when I arrived I killed an even bigger Black Knight and found another estes upgrade I head up the stairs and ran into the Pope and his congregation I slaughtered them like animals and continued on to aremy another sexy knight in shining armor our freedom from cell because what could possibly go wrong and continued on with my date went up to the roof and was attacked by some gargoyles it was hard to get in close without ruling is they have a wide long-range sweeping attack I was able to stun lock the first and abuse the RNG of the second to beat them with relative ease along the first Bell unlock the best gesture in the game and made my way to the next bonfire since we chose the master key from here we could head straight down to Blighttown via Firelink shrine however I'd be severely underleveled for that area so I decided to continue as intended for now first however I took a quick detour into the dark red garden went straight to the boss turns out the bosses both immune to my magic and hard to beat without rolling as evidenced by me rolling you know the phrase anything men can do women can do better well that's true so I summoned Queen Beatrice to help me with this task turns out her magic is better than mine and she defeated them in light moth with ease I returned to the parish and made my way to the Lord Burke when I reached the Lord burg I saved a master of sorcery from the unsolvable puzzle of a locked door the neighborhood watched and liked me sniffing around and tried to kill me I killed them swiftly and reached the boss so far most of the bosses have been easy during this challenge but this one actually gave me a little bit trouble the goatman has an attack I can't block so I had to be careful first attempt I got stuck in a corner and stumbled to death second attempt I cleared the dogs and thought things were going well I rolled third attempt I narrowly escaped death and then traded a few bulls with the go and came out on top I obtained the key to the depths my next location before entering the depths I made a quick trip back to Firelink and learn some more powerful spells upon entering the depths I saved a man who can literally summon fire from a wooden barrel I butchered a couple of pictures and stoled our large amber gun down a giant rat and sled down the dirtiest weapon sight I've ever seen the Pope primarily must have won his Gulag fight because he'd redeployed here I sent him back to lobby and made my way to what I would consider one of the easiest bosses in the game holy [ __ ] I just died thinking [ __ ] man during the walk of shame back to the boss I got wombo-combo by a torch hole it really can't get any worse than this after a quick browse of iPhone II to calm my nerves I beat the Mensch monster and rather than going through blade tone the hard way I made my way back to valley of the drakes to head in that way as I made my descent into blade time swamp I was killed by a blow dart and a couple of mosquitoes I came back massacred them all and got my ass dis upgrade I got some new trip and took the elevator down to the bonfire where a naked woman approached me I penetrated her to death and after farming for some large titanite shards I went to the boss I called in the naked woman and entered what I thought would be my first threesome I was very wrong I killed my new big take off half spider gf and rung the second bell of awakening opening the gates to sense fortress but before heading there I told some egg dude I was held to basic he believed me and I spoke to his queen she didn't say much Veigar number and went on with my day I threw my new ghost spider GF speck brother off a cliff and headed back to the parish I entered the no open sans fortress and was greeted by some snake people I made one break through a wall and found a man with a very big hat didn't really say much bye freedom anyway I continued on avoiding traps and swinging axes until I didn't avoid the song he acts I attempted to save it with a save quit but that didn't really work so I ran my macaroni cheese like an ass back to where I died not dying this time I made it to upper sense fortress not much happened T I just ran to the boss before facing the golem however I summoned black iron Tarkus Tarkus is like the dark souls of NPCs because he's hard as [ __ ] he helped me defeat the giant throwing bombs and the Golem and by helped I mean he did everything I touched the shiny ring like a twelve year old with ADHD and was kidnapped by some flying bald men they realized there wasn't actually 12 and dropped me off at an Orlando I went down the elevator and was met by an angry gargoyle he told me that I had killed his brothers and that he was here for revenge I reunited him with his brothers and that was that I told my way across some rafters and engaged in what I thought would be a big game of beyblade I was wrong again I was attacked by another gargoyle and long story short they all died happily ever after turns out the do to kidnap me have friends here I killed them and head towards the iconic and Orlando archers after a quick chat the knight agreed to let me pass and I head to the next bonfire after some exploring I found Wayne the rock Johnson's all in a WWE skin usually I would just skip this area with a jump bar not allowed to jump so I had to go around the long way civilized on the way to the boss I got invaded luckily I made it to the boss just in time I walked through the fog and ran into Pikachu and Snorlax like everything in this game they weren't friendly I killed the Pikachu and Snorlax evolved into right you I thought the fate was in the bag and tyrol trying to sprint backwards no worries I'm not mad upon the second attempt I cashed in my free booty call from seller and together we sent the two back to their own game then I think I spoke to a lady and I think she gave me something but I wasn't really paying attention the golden guy i freed earlier killed my ass this upgrade woman so I tracked him down and slaughtered him I used her soul to bring her back to life because that's how Dark Souls works and rested my tired ass at the fire Link bonfire after my rest I bought some new spells from big hat man and spoke to a longneck boy I wasn't really listening all I know is that I got the best suck of my life turns out he's not a swallower and spit me out of the fireline collar I placed down the giant ball and a beam shot into the sky I don't really know what I did all I know is that there's no four ways I can go from here I'm going this way I made my way into the Darkroot garden however I decided to take a quick detour and ran into Dwayne the rock Johnson turns out he couldn't see me and my time was no I killed him and took the championship ring I killed a Hydra and then a gold golem got another girl's number and stole her clothes forgot to buy the key from Andres who went about to get it I tried to join the cherish our cats covenant by couldn't because I got invaded I beat the invader and joined the Covenant I ran through the field to the boss I went to touch the sword imes ambushed by a good boil sadly he was in the way so I gunned him down and liked the Doge meme he died with the art of a best walking acquired I head down to New Londo I was running through the area until I got Billy buy some ghosts I made my way back and spoke to Pyramid Head and gave me a key which I used to run flood to say I then hopped into the dark abyss and killed the four kings one down three to go next up is the catacombs I killed a guy open the gate jump down jump down again and run to the fog the game clips in this basic enemy had a cutscene in a boss health bar weird I killed him and continued into the dark after some traipsing around I found the bonfire where I quit the castle a spell it's pretty much a straight run to the boss from here the station is really quick if you know the way I used the same strategy I used on the four kings I balked up in my heaviest armor and tanked the hits if I can't roll through it I can at least make it do no damage giant scaly boy went down with these last two Oh for next up we're heading to the demon ruins I ran straight to the bonfire killed a giant centipede thing and ran into another Flying Pig this time it was on fire he killed me I ran back furiously and took my revenge I continued down the tree branch straight into the centipede after a little struggled the centipede was no more but the ability of lava walking now required I can move on to lost izalith literally nothing happened here and I just ran straight to the boss around to the left popped the left testicle my game class and I ended up back at the fog wall said back down went to the right I slept I came back and popped the right testy that very strange glitch happened again slipped back down ran straight forward to the finish line I had the luckiest moment ever then I didn't I died again and then eventually I made my way to the core and squished the little bug and obtained the third great soul and last but not least I made my way to the ground archives my mission is so close to completion I ran straight to see if and stomped all over his front yard he did not like that and called the cops I got arrested luckily my years of playing Skyrim has made me a master at log packing I escaped the cell heard music so bad I can only describe as a Takeshi sex man concert stupid looks like he never got out after all I continued forward and found a key took the key all the way back to save the big fat man from having to hear that music ever again he rewarded me with some new spells I made my way through the Crystal Caves to see you know what they say snitches get put in a body bag or something like that but the fourth grade saw my possession all that stood between me and completing this challenge was the Lord of cinder himself Gwen after some final preparation it was time saying for all my hard work to pay off time to complete the very thing we thought not possible I opened the gate to the count and head for Gwen [Music] [Music] and with that final parry it was over I beat dark souls without wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cusky
Views: 45,189
Rating: 4.8992743 out of 5
Keywords: Can You Beat Dark Souls Without Rolling, dark souls no rolling, dark souls no roll, dark souls no roll run, ds no rolling, ds no roll, dark souls, ds, cusky, can you beat, dark souls challenge, dark souls remastered, no rolling, dark souls (video game), difficult dark souls challenge, dark souls challenges, dark souls playthrough, dark souls walkthrough, cuskykidgames, can you beat dark souls, dark souls pvp, no roll, dark souls restricted
Id: WhgXMMeNu6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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