Can We Win The Fishing Festival?!! - Echoes of the Plum Grove

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hello everybody and welcome back to Echoes of the plum grve where we are still alive and that is a good thing it's a hard game this one so what I'm trying to do at the moment is uh dry loads of fish do lots of fishing so that I can get money um I want to buy another cabbage today I seem to remember not being able to buy a cabbage yesterday or something uh we've got a funeral to go to on the oh we've got a funeral today yes leis jnes and Luna oh no that's Luna mcbell who why is everyone dying were they all Elders they must have been right and then a fishing contest will be on the 13th so we're going to have a fishing contest in between all of the stuff at least I learned how to fish and I do have myself a fishing rod so I must try not to overfish I guess uh otherwise that will be a problem uh so how are we doing for like things rotting not too badly a lot of this rot is things like um plantains that I couldn't sell and stuff like that oh we do have two cabbage stews okay so we can hand those in it's like 3: in the morning though so um probably should just start the day by watering my crops we lost the hay because I didn't water it very sad times and this is a total mess but I really don't care as long as it's functional I was trying to keep it kind of like separated between different things and stuff and so now we've only got a few be uh turnips and a few potatoes and things are all a bit weird so I think those are all turnips these up here are turnips they're ready to harvest as well which is nice we seem to always have some turnips but yeah the Cabbage um soup is really important or stew or whatever it is it's really important because we're going to get ourselves a cheese press out of it so it's pretty good I don't really particularly like doing this in the dark all this watering because it makes it let's pick you up see if I get another seed which I oh I got two more nice cool so next time I can do a a row when I get five of them I'll do a row basically um I think that's going to be a bit easier on the eyes isn't it let's face let's put it that way so I could if I've got a little bit of time in the morning as well cuz we we went to bed a bit early so do a little bit of cleaning around here as well my SI is actually a decent SI I've got a stone size um I got a wooden axe sadly and like simple tools so once with a stone uh look to them are actually better and will last me a lot longer than the wooden or simple ones seem to um so I need to be on the lookout if I can make enough money be on the lookout around the town and everything for like a new axe a new pickaxe that sort of thing probably a new axe would be the most important because we do chop down trees a lot more than we go in the mines and use the pickaxe because I'm at the moment trying to sort of keep my lamp oil and I'm not very good at turning my lamp off either cuz you know it's me so I might do actually I need to fill that up first and go and actually water stuff before I forget um that's the most important thing to do every day is to make sure 100% everything is watered uh my hay field I I never really worked out what hay was even for but it died because I didn't wash sh because I I knew it was going to happen I was like I'm going to put it far away cuz I don't know whether I'm going to have to build like a chicken coop around it or whatever but it seems to be a crop like any other crop so it will need to just be planted around here so i' got a little bit of wheat as well um so I'm hoping maybe to make the flower maker today I'll see how many nails I can afford that's really the C I mean I think building up industry is going to be the most important thing whether or not I manage to marry someone and and have a child that way or whether we just do adoption adoption I think is a slightly easier route um so if I find that I'm getting towards more towards the end of life and we haven't really found anybody that we like and the other thing we're going to have to make sure of is how long they have to live and hope that they don't get taken out by some horrible disease so for example Jessup and Sarah Edwards I imagine are uh married yes yep they are married Roland Smith has a mother and T seems to have like a kid hanging around sometimes but a diligent shy home body but is kind of almost halfway through his adult life at this point so are there any adults that I could sort of a Luna MC Bell was Jane MC Bell's wife a will bit was their adopted son I think or something um so Walter and Clementine Hull are married William Watt and Jack watt are both young adults yeah so the carpentry Brothers might be good um the one thing with Roland Smith is we've already got some liking with him let's see if I can find out like what presence these guys would like all right okay so William watt is annoying okay that doesn't look like good traits Jack W is we don't know we don't know if Jack wat is annoying he has rubbish hair though sorry sorry if your hair is exactly like his don't know why I said that being really mean other than that they could be oh husband Tom Odell okay and these are all children so unless the kids grow up into adults you can't marry any of them so we could find more out about Jack W Jack W's quite a quite a way through though William watt seems to be the younger of the two actually [Music] we could just go for for our blacksmith buddy as a as a so what we need to know is what he likes as a gift I don't know H also James Hutton has a daughter but it seems to be a single parent is a dull genius yeah it's Hutton Smith or one of the what brothers so those guys I what about Tom Odell are you married yes um so kind of with with that I think I don't have much Choice unless one of the kids is close to aging up Wilbur kit is very close to aging up and will become a young man very soon [Music] as is Daniel Hopkins so there will be a a whole load of new kind of men in the village soon probably by summer so I don't know what to do there feels a bit weird marrying ones that aren't adults yet I feel like that should be more like for my kid cuz it just feels odd okay so anyway going to go and clean my infantry out a little bit maybe do a little fishing that cheese Quest is running out in six hours so what I could do is go and see quickly actually while I'm yeah rather than fishing I think I'm going to go and see if I can can do that Quest at all it might be nice to see what happens when a quest fails so who's it for um oh it's for Jack wat as well a it be good to do it wouldn't it that's someone I might want to romance all right then let's uh let's go over to uh the the Bailey's dairy farm and see if the Bailey have any uh if they have any cheese at the moment those cheesy Bailey I wonder if the game makes sure that the NPCs always have like a family line as well it' be interesting huh right then Matthew Bailey let's have a quick look at what you have [Music] here you have chickens and eggs and all sorts of stuff and milking pales and I can buy animals from you once I have a barn and stuff no no there's nothing I really want to know from from you do you have anything butter but no cheese that's fine good to steal all their cherries so I can sell them I love the cows and stuff in this they're amazing can I see your inventory please they're all slightly different so there's a chance one of them will have cheese um anybody in here no where's the Elder Bailey where's the wife Bailey I have 4 hours left and no one will sell me cheese so I'm guessing that's like just not a thing that's going to happen Bridget [Music] Lloyd no you don't have anything good all right then in that in that case what I shall do what I shall do is go and find oh was it Matthew Bailey I needed to hand the quest into as well [Music] let me in let me in your stupid gate there we are okay so turn in quest good to know I can count on you sheab mcon right so we've got a cheese press now just in time to not be able to do the quest no doubt I don't know what it would take to build one so let's see what else we've got so it's the last day to see if I can find a port so let's go and see if we can otherwise we're going to fail a couple of quests but you know that's just life isn't it sometimes I should chat to you just in case so who are you Daniel Hopkins is it true there are ghosts in other countries just like in Honeywood can I go now all right out about sheab McConnell yes you should plant as many crops as you can in the spring you'll thank yourself later gift what would you like those are for a quest oh a cherry maybe I appreciate the gift she La mconnell thanks I once made a fancy dish called soup Migra it was nice but it required a few ingredients have a look at what you've got and if I can afford anything nice I can afford iron tools now um but only one of them it can hold a lot more water and is very durable an iron furnace [Music] 399 warming up your home I don't need it warmed up yet however can I smelt in that or not cuz that's a lot to spend to find out that I can't smelt in it he looks like he's got a full-on forge so I don't think a furnace is that well I need my axe repairing 34 to repair it or do I just buy a new one do I have enough to repair and buy a new one probably not just buy a new axe I think I'll buy the iron one hay seeds I have a feeling I should be growing hay but it'll grow all year it's fine it's it's okay until next time the only thing is if I get animals will I be able to feed them through the winter but I don't know well I even managed to have animals by then this is going so slowly I'm like really worried that I won't get things done but it's nice to have my new axe let's put that in my hot bar slowly increasing the um durability and stuff of the tools I have maybe I should have sold the other one back the dis repaired one I don't know like I say it's all a big learning curve right now [Music] lots of plantains and things here so just trying to keep myself fed for like the minimum amount of money I don't want to spend loads of money on that I'd rather spend money on things like nails and things that like drying racks and stuff things that can make my um my life easier and my Homestead more developed the more developed a homestead I can pass on to my child the better with more money no no no po po there so I think that might end up getting well there's a death cap there though not I can sell them to anyone or do anything with them particularly maybe the witch would buy [Music] them no and in the place where a PO sometimes is there's a violet so I think we are Plum out of luck ha haa plums but do I have enough money now to still get a plum tree 57 if I sold a few things I would I can sell these cherries I got or something I wonder if I can like emote at [Music] [Music] people is this dance oh I did a little dance that's adorable okay ah all right greetings I would love to sit down oh whatever Edwin Chesney told me being the best thing about being a farmer is you never run out of ingredients that's a good point let's trade with you and see if you've got any no you don't have any seeds today oh typical you have anything that's about to rck that I would like to sell to you oh I I did did I not make my third drying rack I've still got nails and coal out there probably not not I get easily distracted um 2 days until they rot I could probably sell all the [Music] cherries and some of the peas you've got an apricot though which I'm trying to buy trying to get apot so that I can uh do a quest so if Jacob RI has another April cot tomorrow that would be ideal and that is for oh I remember why I didn't oh and the cabbages well let's just see if I can at least do the Cabbage Quest reason being it' be handy to have those turnip seeds let's have a look and see how many you've got today you'll basically pay me back immediately and give me a whole load of of uh seeds which is great until next time especially cuz I'm terrible and I keep hey Sarah Edwards oh you've got nothing to trade o i' better sell that milk to someone anything that's on a one day till rot turnup soup needs to be eaten [Music] soon okay I'd hate to see a war breakout now the winter is behind us it's nice to see Honeywood thriving once again God speed so in the village like I gave Roland Smith a present seemed to enjoy that uh and is now up at one whole thing so that doesn't seem to be too difficult to achieve so I think we might just carry on trying to see if we can marry Roland Smith uh I'll try and find Tom Odell's relatives in fact I might pop by the school and just like chat to some people in the school oh hi good day Madam find my doll the rewards are we don't know apparently okay the graveyard's a weird place but I guess that's not surprising bye other other child with Quest the children are really good with their Quest cuz she just got to find stuff for them yes Madam find my doll he bye right so less than an hour he's going to be so disappointed with me and the goats cheese is going to run out as well man weekly taxes I could probably do right now but I'm not going to cuz I got other things to do you just want some grass okay and then to find a couple of these so in the forest and also in the forest so there's a couple of things in the forest we need to find and then I need to go and find her okay oh those are the rewards man I thought I had to catch those things I'm getting them as a reward for giving in grass that'll do I was like oh this looks really difficult this Quest I don't know if I'm going to Goble to catch those things and she was just like I just want grass what are you on [Laughter] about okay are you still over here hi there's your quest thank you so much okay so I could probably dry the catfish I can uh her Chat bar Edwards owns cows I bet she drinks fresh milk every day wouldn't that be nice if you're ever wondering about how to grow a particular crop just ask Edwin Chesney he's a real expert okay F well so I probably only give gifts to like marriage candidates um braides oh it actually tells see there what it's needed for a chicken CP so I can sneakily check in [Music] here some craftables can only be placed inside and some only [Music] outside to rotate select the item and click R I'm guessing before placing some use raw materials to create valuable Artisan items lanterns we know about lanterns so controls are not UI quests if the person is unavailable there may be an option to turn in the quest by mail with the mail in button that's interesting events family diseases death we know all about that we know about fishing animals build a fence one straw per day you can buy straw from the farmers sidee the grass on your farm or grow it from hay seeds oh okay the barn or chicken coop is built go through the door to access the Interior Space click on the trough to collect eggs milk pale shears animals will eventually die and as it gets older it will yield projects less often and butcher for Less so you probably want to butcher them like before they get too old and live up to a year they can all reproduce and you need adults of the same species and enough space for the baby okay [Music] right well that's a good look through the tutorial again basically um what was I in the middle of doing the quests so I can't do that one that one's got one day left and I still didn't manage to catch any perch which is sad times I can give it another go but maybe fishing quests are not the best ones to take so that one there and I okay the cheese one went away does the Villager hate me cuz I had a bit of liking with Jack w i maybe lost a little I'll go pay my taxes yeah let's go pay my taxes let's see if this is anything useful so four bread for a hat oh yeah I decided not on that one didn't I and salmon and that would give me a Bagan recipe oh that would be a really good one but still uh I don't really like that Quest so we not worry about it oh he's not here okay where is he is he gone home oh he's off to oh I bet you the the funeral is going on I bet everyone's over there hang on let's go over to the graveyard and see if we can catch [Music] it I think I might be late oh no they seem to be all heading up for it okay they're all in their dark clothes I don't have any dark clothes my first event is a funeral right Madam Sheila McConnell how did you do Jack W has a bucket of lantern oil in his house guess he needs it for lunking when I can't fall asleep I'll try to read a book that'll make me nod off in no time take care there anybody else that I don't know needed a lot of them oh items needed I failed that one yeah no that's okay we'll probably fail more of them in the early days anyway anyone else I haven't seen funny timing she it's just getting hungry jaob Ro I don't know who half these people are in their different clothes without their massive hats on and stuff I barely know who they are anyway at the moment I'm still sort of getting to know the town Tren thinking Astra ven might buy things like death cat mushrooms and things but no apparently not has a lot of money though how did you get so rich anything else all the best so how old is Astra is Astra okay Astra is an elder I don't know whether that means that they can die at any point if they're an elder probably does yeah Luna died she Connell was it if you'd like to get into livestock you should ask the animal farmer he always has some animals to sell take care Al she La conell was hoping I'd run into you make new friends you have to put yourself out there a bit but it's not as hard as it sounds what's the L Sheila McConnell do tell me if you come across any scandalous gossip pay my taxes thank you for paying your taxes in a timely manner that's at least one thing done I know there's a lot of things I won't be able to do I can do the lost and found so I can try and do the Lost locket Quest soon you never when she's know when astra's going to die imagine if she died and her Quest wasn't done what's your quest Isabella Whitfield no just no just absolutely no always a pleasure in fact let's reject to that Quest so I don't accidentally take it later on or something so yeah I'm going to pretty much now I think so I don't take the hit just take quests that I know I can do so 22 hours and 20 hours on the goats cheese no idea still how to get that I've not found anywhere to buy it either the fish I could probably do lakes and River birds do we have any lakes just a river and maybe up up by the mine we could fish up by the mine and see if we get anything up there and I can always sell the fish so it's not it's never a waste of time and honestly sometimes I think apart from the recipes and stuff like I sometimes think that it's better not to do some of the quests and just to focus on my own stuff hey you fishing I'm Ruth Edwards are you going to live in Honeywood now sometimes I eat dirt and I like it guess that's all byebye I like you Ruth Edwards you're an interesting character so Ruth Edwards who who are you related to I know most of the people now just Tom Odell's wife and a couple of kids a a tiny chesne that I need to know about and um an Odell child other than that we know who everybody is but I'm hoping that some of them have a new baby or something at some point because at the moment it's it's terrible it's like everyone's dying and there's nothing no one replacing them and I guess that's kind of needed in this game so I've got my Seafood Feast recipe and my cheese press recipe let's get my fishing rod out and I could also fish next to you Ruth I [Music] think and if we get to two perch then wonderful if we don't then okay we just have fish to sell don't [Music] we ah that was a hard Little Bend to get around wasn't it I'm here it's yet another mackerel I mean I'm sure I'm fishing in the right place the lake and the the river and stuff but uh this will be seaweed or something but you know what at least I'm getting something [Music] out of [Music] this I don't know if there's anything I can do with the old boots whether they can even be sold or or what but thrown in the composter maybe oh those are good and I could use my fish lure to maybe try and catch more fish fish it just gives me a really awkward turn to do and it's really annoying all right I'm going to try it I think do I have it on me I might not I might have put it away oh no I do so in the family thing in the lures section [Music] [Music] you're splashy okay that's a [Music] pike H I think perch might be might be too difficult [Music] today it's too specific for the things you catch you know it's getting late and I haven't even got one of them yet right I think I give up on that one but I've got a few fish that I can dry which is amazing um I'm going to have a third drying rack today [Music] woohoo great [Music] stuff more drying racks I have the more dried foods I can make per day I feel like this is our way through winter the only thing just make sure I've watered everything yeah um [Music] oh I'm well sleepy we've got a couple of fish to get today I've got um some more fish that I can pop on there okay so that one is just a star down and those other two are rots so uh we'll try our best to put them all through I've also got four catfish that will rot in a few days as well so and a couple of starfish sea star so um let me just see what the how I can make a fancy fish Feast though because I've got that now and just shrimp a muscle a clam a crab and a lemon yeah know and how am I going to get all of those things in the time that in the time it takes for things to to rot like I'm not going to have all of those Maybe later on you get the a fridge or something I don't know ice box or something like that [Music] uh oh it's you hi be right back sorry about that my cat was apparently starving and decided to tell me by sticking her claws in my arm so that was fun um so apparently time passed while that was happening and I think I may have passed out out which is not very good um I now have oh a small ice box recipe uh let's see what's happened here it's midnight oh I see midnight came I'm really tired so I think I'm just going to have to go to bed I there were all sorts of things I wanted to do I'm so annoyed with her I guess when you're hungry you're hungry right so sleep until rested Till Dawn I'm going to sleep until dawn and then we'll maybe try and S of catch up on sleep a bit later how annoying right anyway I needed 30 wood so as I could make another drying rack and now I have a fancy axe so I can today is the fishing contest though isn't it wedding invitation Bridget Lloyd and Rose Swain oh after all those funerals two two funerals and a wedding I think I have an episode title now I was waiting for the wedding when we had all the funerals but that's the 17th okay lovely so today is fishing contest a little look at my calendar here see and that's 8:00 till 4 o00 compete against local and traveling fishes for various prizes luckily I did get up at 6:00 in the morning so I should hopefully be in time for that maybe I'll not plant my beets back in today oh but if I don't then the soil will turn funny it's annoying having to do all these farming chores I need a little helper don't I maybe I could adopt one but no today is the fishing festival and that's important to go and see I think so depending on how much time I do have left at the end of my watering will depend on what I do all these things I want to make I want to make my ice box and I want to make like my um my other drying rack and all this and I'm like and it's like no you have no time get to the fishing Festival right now but I'm hoping that might be some nice rewards though for this how's my inventory looking o super duper full also I haven't got any more apricot oh the apricot one is going to be running out soon I think oh no not too bad I got another week on that but it's just I hope the apricots I've already bought aren't running out of one Daya rot so I need to sort that out today as well so yeah I basically have no time at all today I've got so much to do ah ah time pressure time pressure this is what my cat doesn't understand she doesn't understand time pressure all right so I'm going to put my seeds away my coal and my nails away uh probably need my L of that away seaweed away oh that rots okay no anything rot stays with me just in case I can sell it or something wormy things soil I'm actually going to keep my hammer in there cuz I'm going to use my hammer only around here anyway and my old axe cuz I've got a new axe now and my lantern oil my spare lann oil that won't go off so hopefully that's enough space for the things I need to do um I really need to eat as well so let's eat my turnip soup cuz that's going to be rotting in a day time all of these uh take a little bit longer I shouldn't be um complacent about them though these are all fish why have I got sticks in my inventory still honestly give it a bit of a sort out there we [Music] are there a better one cuz we don't have long [Music] apparently soup makes me feel a little bit better still not smiling though no smiling I want to try and get an inoculation in the Autumn as well so um you might have an aot for me I would like it if you did I'm going to be losing a lot of a trying to impress someone not really but oh really are you are kidding me there's one day to rot and I can't get another APR cuz he's not selling one so they're all going to rot away I can't believe that game sucks sometimes honestly [Music] let's check if anyone else might sell one I I doubt it though okay you're doing that over there I want to go to this fishing festival and I'm just like stuck on these tiny side quests that I can't do not reliably anyway a lot of them William do you sell anything you sell quite a lot of stuff but it's all decorative [Music] okay [Music] no well in that case um just so I'm not completely I'll sell them back absolute waste of my money though [Music] some dried fish as well actually no you can have the Mac roll I think cuz I'm going to dry some of the other stuff yeah have the Mac roll how are the eggs doing the eggs are going to rot Red's okay for a couple days the violets I'll just make something out of B's going to rot in a day so let's sell that so were they two days for the crayfish and a couple of days for the catfish so how about I sell two of the catfish and the crayfish and then I will dry the catfish what about the potatoes potatoes still got three days on them okay [Music] till next time because you waste money otherwise and I could buy a meal for that money uh even though like other things might not happen I don't know so where's this fishing Festival then I'm going to head over to town I guess guess that's where it might be like maybe by the Fish Shack it's my best guess [Music] that to you before Gilbert orst so this is Honeywood guess I've seen worse I'm Gilbert orter by the way have you lived in this town your whole life it seems interesting anything else that's all for today yes good okay are you a villager I need to know no I think you might be here for the fishing Festival then okay [Music] cool I think as long as you do enough fishing and enough foraging you will have enough money to start to build yourself up a little bit and that's what I'm basically trying to do right now this is so [Music] cool so who do I talk to about the fishing Festival then oh here we are okay fishing day yes okay fish around the map catch as many as possible before time is up first place gets a big priz let's do some ocean fishing yeah somewh where I can fish Okay so [Music] here we go I don't know how um much competition I have here but I'll just keep [Music] fishing I have no idea where the seaweed and stuff [Music] counts I'm happy to fish for five full [Music] minutes get stuck sometimes hold on hold on [Music] I will probably be quite quiet while I do this because I have to concentrate when I'm fishing I have no idea what these fish are shad [Music] oh don't get stuck come on don't get don't get [Music] stuck uh more seaweed [Music] yeah this is definitely I think a a game with teeth I might not win it this time because I'm catching a lot of rubbish and I think it might improve with my SK with my fishing skill so maybe next time I'll be better at it if I'm alive by next year come on come on it's getting stuck all the time come [Music] on I'll probably sell most of this I'm not moving around the map as it said I should I'm not sure whether that counts against me whether I get like a variety bonus for the fish I'm catching or something thing but it's going to take me time to move so I'd rather just try and catch as many as I can before my rod [Music] breaks I'll probably break my rod doing this but I'll probably be able to easily buy a new one with the amount of fish I get so that'll be all [Music] right I wonder if better rods go [Music] faster [Music] [Music] probably oh come on stop getting stuck ah [Music] 5 minutes is a long time actually isn't it [Music] [Music] yeah it's super super frustrating when you can't quite catch it I think my rod might run out it's any kind of a rubbish beginner fishing rod then i' got to go chasing Rose around to try and find a new fishing rod or to get this repaired this might be the last fish I'll be able to catch actually that's frustrating isn't [Music] it I've still got a couple of minutes left let's see if I can buy another rod and [Music] then where is she I saw her around there earlier but [Music] it was like here I don't know I don't think she's showing on the map because I don't have a quest for her or anything she might be in her Beach Shack maybe I can't do anything with this fishing rod so can I buy a new fishing rod from you no didn't think so you've got some recipes though huh good to know cat Hopkins [Music] I'm really tired as well utterly exhausted fishing is exhausting apparently what's that s see if she's inside but H fish Shack's locked well that's as much as I can do then I don't want my fishing rod to to run out and I've have no idea where Rose is I think it's [Music] Rose yeah I think I've done as well as I can where is she what's her name Rose Swain lives at the sweet Dough Bakery might she be in the bakery then worth a check but yeah this is this is a [Music] shame of course sheab is so tired she needs a little nap [Music] I have three out of the four but I do have some potatoes um going though so I'll take that [Music] one I'm about to like lose so many though 10 days on that I've got to find those and I've got to do the apicot one in 7 days so I'll start trying to buy apricots again but or maybe I just won't they're out of season and they're difficult to find I have 20 seconds left on the fishing so we'll see how I do uh my fishing rod just ran out I just didn't have a good enough fishing rod so I ended up wasting half of my time I could have had way more time so Lewis jnes Luna mcbell and Henry jnes and gigy John's the whole John's family did did they get taken out by a disease or something good grief fish please no Farmers labor required for Cherries yes what do I get for that then some seeds items needed lamb I can get a loom blueprint I can see if I can pick that up at the butcher just on the off chance might be able to buy it you see when is the butcher open let's have a look uh close Saturday and Sunday it is a Saturday today it'll be closed tomorrow and then open on Monday how did I do then probably not great another fishing contest in the books well done everyone now to announce a winner this exceptional individual was able to catch the best our little island could provide and the winner is what I won even though I didn't well that is very generous thank you 500 coins is a massive thing to me such an exciting achievement I must say be sure to turn in any fishing tokens before 18800 today this officially concludes our fishing contest we hope to see all of you next year how do I turn in fishing tokens do I have fishing tokens [Music] let me go and talk to you and see if I can oh oh here we are I have 229 fishing tokens which means that I can get a fish plushy toy cool I can put that in my house nice job sheab nice job well done now then I think we should go and have a [Music] nap and then maybe go and find the kids [Music] toys and she really need a nap [Music] but only a small nap cuz what I don't want to do is get is just have to sleep until rested see I [Music] don't oh all these fish I've got as well I haven't managed to sell I'll need to sell them to someone I've got [Music] clam got seven shad still got a couple of catfish old shoes I doubt anyone's buying my old shoes but maybe we'll just sell those in the morning I expect they'll last at least until the morning those are still drying out um I can make some survival salads so I should if I can I [Music] should and then I can't do any more fishing or anything like that so I think until rested yeah let's sleep until rested because that'll take us till 5: in the morning which will get us back into a routine of being quite um early up in the morning which we like we like doing that so there's my survival salads my dried fish I got loads of fish to make more dried fish with um the catfish seem to sell for a decent amount so I don't know whether Shad plus six food plus five food I don't know which one shad and catfish cells for the most so I'm going to just use the catfish I think looking a bit sad sheab McConnell is that because you don't have enough food right now yeah so overall taking so many quests was a bit rubbish but the village in general seems to be warming to me quite a bit especially Quenton after the fishing Festival so that's quite good do I know everybody now I seem to be more children mayel chesne Mel Chaz pass away I should go and have a look at the clothing store and see if I could meet the person there but you know doesn't always happen funeral for Mabel in loving memory of wow these guys are dying so fast they need to make more children oh my goodness this is terrible he are quite good there another one of these gift that keeps on giving kind of ones and I feel like I'm getting more and more and more as my farming skill is going up um I see that skill skill skills yeah my farming is up to like four now which is great but the only thing is that sheab is now uh getting on getting through that adult stage I think we'll possibly only have about two years to live something like that trying to work it out just based on the based on how far through it's going but um it's spring 14 so we will still get some peas out of this I think I would just plant three of them though I just put my fish plushy somewhere where can they go where can where can you go fish plushy this is where I'm like can I put you on my bed on desks [Music] can I put you [Music] anywhere it's a gift for children oh well I'll keep that because then I can give it to any CH child that I want to maybe adopt or something I'm trying to go the marriage route at the moment but uh we'll see if I need to go the adoption route that might be worth it the potatoes are dead this is this is what I knew would happen if I had peas in front of the potatoes so what I'm going to do I think is get rid of the field here pleas canide that away no can I pick it can I pick it with my [Music] hands what do I even do with stuff that's dead [Music] Hammer okay so it's not a pickaxe it's not a hoe oh no it is the [Music] size I'll just let that go back but I think if you sure I just want a big line of peas uh anything that's going to be on a stalk like that that I can't see behind so I need to actually wait for that to rot properly unless I can maybe water it back to health I will keep watering it and see if it comes back at all I was going to try that with the hay and then I was like n okay I want to go find the kids toys now I think possi try and thing is I'm losing so much money on this Dar what do I get for it winter meal I can probably get that from another Quest or elsewhere so let me just see like how many recipes I'm kind of looking for in here like how many am I missing and like is there a big amount to collect there's quite a large amount actually but you know what as long as I've got enough to eat I don't really care so let's go to the map and let's go and try and find in the forest I think it is you wait I'll find a popour today now it's there it's not a quest so that's what I'll find oh I should go and give uh my blacksmith buddy a a a gift I don't know if they particularly have favorites as one of them may as well gather while I'm in [Music] here but I think that's definitely because there's such a time pressure I don't think that uh you can by the way just in case I'm playing this game as intended okay but you can turn off player aging you can turn off hunger you can turn off having energy and diseases and Tool durability and item Decay and just play it like a really chill cozy game you can get you can put all the um turn off all the Aging you can just keep the characters you've got and not worry about it you can turn the taxes off so you can play it like so chill if you want to just I thought I'd let you know because obviously it's becoming quite um quite a different Beast to the usual cozy games I play so just if any of you are thinking of picking this up you can play it whatever way you want you don't have to have uh to worry about being like sleepy and hungry and and any of that I told you I absolutely knew that would happen because that is life on the [Music] doll got at least one survival salad's worth of stuff there as well which is nice are you doing needle work doing embroidery Andy Armstrong don't mind me I'm just a visitor the name's Andy Armstrong anything to trade I think my mother visited Honeywood long ago it must have looked different back then I enjoy seeing new places but the boat ride is not fun so long like if you marry someone will you still be able to like access their store and stuff kind of interested in that as well I it's like the tutorial tells you so much but then there's other things you don't know oh is there anything I desperately need oh let's see if I can get apricots from the Stalls here if I can get enough sometimes on a no you've only got one and it's four days until rot so if I buy one a day and you don't have one and I don't see you every day then so I don't think I'm doing that Quest I think I'd be better off spending my money on a an apricot seed and a plum seed and planting those in my garden hopefully they will not rot away this time or whatever happened to them last time until next time Temperance Crump as usual very unhappy I really trade with her that's fine I'll see what's on the notice board today Journey cakes I can def I definitely know that I can buy Journey cakes a charcoal [Music] Kil yes I will go out of my way to find someone that can sell me those I know there's someone that can possibly someone here today have a look [Music] nope on that 36 hay [Music] seeds like my outfit thank you I get another fishing rod ooh a better one [Music] it is it'll last longer I could have done with that yesterday I'll sell you back that one and buy that one thank you so now I have an iron fishing rod and an iron axe wonderful I just need an iron pickaxe really now to complete the set a green frog see this is how I would get the stuff oh I can buy perch from you Rose Swain okay I need to kind of remember that you can buy quite a lot of different fish from Rose probably normally you can buy quite a lot and loads on Market day there's the lavend oh Luna's not here hello I was just thinking about something Lampo that's where you get it from the lighthouse people good to know do I buy an extra I have one extra so I think I'll be okay for now I got to be careful what I spend all this money on I'm already I've already spent a lot um I wanted to go and give a gift oh in fact you know what I'm going to sell to you because do you make more sense uh all of these like muscles and clam and [Music] goop where's that other seed like it's literally going missing again the plum [Music] seed did I accidentally sell it to someone I looked at your inventory they would have it in the inventory if they did oh I had a plum seed like a minute ago and [Music] oh it dropped on the ground my inventory was full I wonder if that happened before then what an expensive thing to that to happen on how annoying I don't know if I've got anything I can give oh I've got loads of stuff I can give I wonder where he is though you inside no maybe running like Milling around at the [Music] market hard to see everybody to be [Music] honest no doesn't seem to [Music] be maybe today is just not a good day to to find [Music] him all right then let's see if we can find the kids that I need to hand these things into so there's one down the [Music] dock see one of the what brothers over there hello hello William what view Quest are you want basic breakfast oh I know where to get those so uh in return for one lantern [Music] oil hey I think so I think that's worth [Music] more hey little kid I got a gold oh nice ni talking to you madam and see these things these things you can sometimes get like sticks from them you sometimes get great things from [Music] them one day till rot so I should sell that shouldn't [Music] I okay Goodness Me where is my where's my plum seed okay it's fine I got it thought I was going mad then so who has the dolly then where are they really all the way up [Music] there well I guess and I want to start chopping wood oh look there's little shells on the beach sell that to Rose every few coins [Music] matters those are 5 days till rot I need to find someone with potato seeds for me [Music] because PE 5 days 5 days five days it's they got quite a long time on those those potatoes do I still have someone wanting potatoes for a quest let me check OT Dolly i' got three out of four and the potatoes have rotted so unless I can buy a potato from [Music] someone all the farmers you're the honey guy [Music] oh lamb how many lamb did I need two days until rot on lamb but I had a quest for [Music] lamb four I'll buy two from you today and I'll try and catch you no I won't because you oh no it's Sunday yeah yeah yeah okay so if I buy two today I can maybe buy two tomorrow as well because that charcoal K is like a whole interesting cool thing for me oh there you are I wanted to give you a gift oh I can't maybe only once a week or something it's fun to grow vegetables for the purpose of eating them rather than selling them less stressful too iron and copper are relatively common Metals still valuable you need a lot of ore to smell the bar iron axe at the moment which I already have a normal watering can a couple of cabbage seeds no I think I'm okay for everything you have right now and nothing else until next time any of the kids that were close to leveling up oh okay I do need to bring that in into you don't I quickly so where are you oh you're coming into town that's better hi was that your doll he are and I got a fishing gardening gnome oh boy thank you H what can we do with a fishing gardening [Music] gnome I think I can just put him in my garden then I guess right I need to look at all the various things that I can make and decide how how much of my budget needs to go on nails I really hope I can do that lamb [Music] Quest cuz two days to rot is really tough if he only sells like one and then not one the next day or something then I've lost it I've lost it all in the same way that the apricot Quest happened but the apricot Quest wasn't as bad cuz uh like that was that was kind of all right oh look at this I ran away with that watering half in my field that's okay I've got till the end of the day to do it and I came back relatively early basically at this point I'm really going to just focus down on my marriage candidate and hope that if I can do that it'll all be okay and that's going to be the blacksmith let's get all of this watered so it doesn't die on [Music] me I think these are cab so I want to make a cheese press I want to make a flower thing I want to make all these things for my farm I'm spending all my time on questing fishing and all that sort of stuff and no no time on actually developing my my farm and all that stuff so I need to do it and then my hopefully my ancestor will be able to then take all the things that I've built and use them to progress further so the first thing I want to make is another drying rack so that we can get more winter food on the [Music] go why have I got no coal and no oh did I put everything away is that why uh the nails went away the coal went away I have a lot of turnip seeds that will need to be used up so if I've got any spare space then I need to do that or make another field of them or something um cuz I don't really want to like lose those I got three I need three days to mature them so it's not too bad but yeah I still haven't gotten the wood I need so I can use my new cool axe I think I got two tired yesterday with the fishing Festival that was what it was chop down all these trees [Music] [Music] then I don't really know how I'm going to get get the 200 wood that I need to repair the bridge how big is my this house house wow didn't quite realize how big my farm was but that is quite large okay well that's definitely enough for my next drying rack so I don't want to tie myself out too much but that axe should do it you know um right drawing rack number three great way to make money great way to just do everything that you need um now that I wonder if I can move my chest if I use my hammer for [Music] it no okay it's going to be one of those games isn't it I'll have to make another chest and I'll have to destroy and empty it all out and then I can destroy this CH or maybe I can't even do that I got quite a lot of dried fish now 18 days 15 days till rot I've got a load of Shad so I can do a couple of those I don't know why those didn't show up to be sold or whether they did and I just ignored them and there we are i' got three things drying at once um and if they are going to last me a couple of days how long one day till rot oh no my fishal rotting on [Music] me this is where making an ice box would help um so this is the ice box 12 Nails 13 iron bars and four stone look at the charcoal oh no we don't have the charcoal Kil yet do we flower Mill would be one iron bar one copper bar the cheese press would require some cloth ah it's annoying cuz it's like you can't make half the stuff iron bar and nails for the butter churn [Music] I actually think what I'm going to do at the moment is try my best to get the 200 together um nails cost something like is it like 13 each or something so I'm going to need something like a cou good couple of hundred I think I've got just enough actually to buy the nails I need so if I use up lots of my energy cutting down trees hopefully over a few days worth I should be able and if I if I push the trees I go past as well get a couple of wood out of each of those I should be over over time able to go and get that locket [Music] seem to be taking too much of my stamina away it's just more the durability on the tool which is just going to cost me money that's [Music] fine it helps clear my farm [Music] so so I'm glad I got the kids toys into them that was pretty cool uh I've given Roland Smith his was it is Roland right yeah Roland Smith his stuff for the his gift for the week and we are starting to get somewhere with him so maybe we could marry him he seems like he's got a good personality and stuff failing that this is the reason I'm doing the kids quests is that I'm hoping that that means that they're going to quite like me the kids So Daniel Hopkins likes me quite a bit Penelope Lloyd likes me quite a bit Agnes Bailey likes me a lot uh Penelope Lloyd oh I think one of the John's kids liked me quite a bit or was it an Edwards oh yeah Varity Edwards is meline Hutton uh or I was like is she an orphan but no she is not it's just her father for some reason is like not on here oh yeah yeah just above her I see everyone shifted about a bit because there's been people that have died I'm hoping for another birth soon so I need to be working on like the kids that are um like orphans if possible but most of them look like they have parents Daniel Hopkins has a mom as the Scarlet Clark riy is Jacob Riley's [Music] son Judith John's entire family died so I could try and adopt her a I just gave her her dolly as well should try and talk to her and give her gifts and stuff if I see her but it's kind of hard when I don't know where she's going to be it's easier to know where Roland Smith is going to be cuz he's the Smith yes I know while I'm talking time is going you seem to get the same amount out of the big tree as you get out of these small trees so we're on 47 the axe isn't halfway through so this axe is capable I think of doing 200 if I put the time into it [Music] on 70 now I may oh yeah actually we're not even at 100 out of the 200 I might be able to get 100 before the axe breaks and then I'll put it into Roland for a repair tomorrow maybe and then maybe on Wednesday or something I could get the rest of the wood oh man I should have yeah I just realized I should have sold those earlier I wonder if anyone's still around in town or anything probably not maybe maybe we could go down to the pub that might be open it's open till 9:00 maybe people will be coming out of the pub that will be willing to like talk to me or something no [Music] have a look down the docks a great place to go at night can you trade clar Royal you got loads of stuff to trade like epic laurs and stuff wow good to know sell them oh yeah here we are uh could I sell you those fish cuz I really I don't want them to rot um I need to plant my trees as well so anything else that's I can't use it uh peas lost a while they'll lost a while [Music] oh The Gnome is worth like5 might be worth selling it a couple of hundred's worth that I could really use for other things thank you Clark Royal I didn't know why you were out at this time of night but I'm really glad you were I know my children are out at that time of night okay let's um grab some wood off these trees on the way past I'm going very slowly because it's night and I can't see and I'm also [Music] hungry I spend so much of my life like looking so miserable I wonder if the potatoes will come back if I haven't let them fully brought I I have no idea I will keep watering them and we'll see oh it's like really late as well so I'm tired okay I I think it's time probably now to end the episode because we've been going for a while but we had an awesome oh when's the wedding oh I've missed I've missed a funeral or two but to be honest the funerals weren't that interesting maybe if it's a good friend but I'm really interested in the um the wedding that's going to take place on the 17th is it so I need to remember that there's like four F four or five funerals happening chzn mcbell John's John's and John's poor John's child I wonder if like I can just adopt her even if she doesn't like me that much I could try it couldn't I 55 for adoption papers where did my lamp go I don't actually know how to fill the lamp oh no that's turning it on and off isn't it I don't know how to fill it at all oh well we'll work that out another day so much stuff to work out but we're getting there I think um that third drying rack is up I'm running which is fantastic I will be working on trying to get the stuff of the ice box I think that's going to be a really important thing uh 12 nails and 13 iron bars though could set me back a bit and also getting across the bridge two really big things and I don't know which one I want to do first maybe the ice box first so we'll sleep until rested and then I will save up and that will be the end of my third episode um we're now getting about halfway through through spring I am getting there with making friends and stuff um so I'm hoping that we can have a a wedding and all that sort of thing I'm just collecting up all this wood I'm trying to stay alive and that's about I think all you can hope for with spring in this game so I hope you enjoyed if you did then please do leave me a like below if you'd like to see more then please subscribe I'll let you know when the videos are out hope to see you next time in the meantime please look after yourselves and keep being a awesome
Channel: LadyShelab
Views: 2,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shelab, Lady Shelab, Female Gamer, Gamer Girl, Echoes of the Plum Grove, Echoes of the Plum Grove Gameplay, Echoes of the Plum Grove Let's Play, Casual, Life Sim, Farming Sim, Crafting, Cozy, Simulation, Family Friendly, Choices Matter, Management, Hand-drawn, Cooking, Cartoony, Story Rich, Colorful, Cute, Exploration, Colony Sim, Open World, 2D, Singleplayer
Id: d05nLySHDcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 25sec (5785 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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