Can We REALLY Trust Vaccine Fact-Checkers??!

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Why wouldn’t I believe that?

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/according_to_plan 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm shocked!

Next they'll be telling us the sky is often dark at night!

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Likely_mistaken 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

They also bought the FDA:

For all practical purposes, Big Pharma is unregulated in USA.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ipainhpr 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wait. Is Russell Brand… “based”?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/4digi 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Actually, I would believe it. I would expect it.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/mustaine42 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

If this is at all surprising… you have absolutely no idea how the world works.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/redditUserError404 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

This has been the case for years.

Anti Anti vaxxer rhetoric has been largely funded by vaccine companies and big tech that's in deals with them

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Li529iL 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
is facebook a communication device or is it a truth machine manufacturing truths selecting certain stories diminishing dismissing censoring others what is the role of media and social media in the stories we tell ourselves and the truths we believe in now in this video we are going to use a bit of russia today footage and i know you're saying well russia today is russian state-owned media yeah so even with that and then what about me i've got all sorts of biases and concerns and interests but together let's look at facebook the comments from russia today and a few stories about facebook in particular that you might find interesting seems facebook's independent fact checker may not be so independent after all a us congressman has questioned the impartiality of wait a minute i've just heard i'm being paid by vladimir putin hold on you can't trust me either who's saying that it's still me what there's two of me well at least which is supposed to tackle vaccine disinformation us congressman thomas massey claims in a series of tweets the facebook independent fact checkers brought in specifically to deal with what it calls vaccine misinformation are really funded by johnson and johnson manufacturers of one of the vaccines this issue of vaccines has become a contentious one there's no denying that there are some people that are very very uncertain about vaccines and some people are ardent that it is the solution to the current pandemic there's a wide spectrum of beliefs around it so facebook is one of the primary places people in the world get their information these days has a kind of de facto commitment to objectivity that if it's not fulfilled for example by having its fact checkers funded by johnson and johnson that's a serious issue that's going to be us but you don't need to get into conspiracy about is there a room are there hoods is there blood you know you don't need to get into that stuff you can just say hold on a minute facebook have called in independent arbiters to fact check the information that's allowed to go up on facebook specifically about vaccines those fact checkers are they entirely independent are they able to assess information around vaccines from a place of total objectivity yes or no oh well they are funded by people that manufacture vaccines and are experiencing record profits because of vaccines oh no don't have them then have someone who makes no profits at all now i'm not talking about the vaccines efficacy of vaccines whether or not you should have vaccines i'm talking about facebook's independent arbiters are also profiting from vaccines being a good thing that can't be in the mix that cannot be in the mix if i got my style advice from waistcoat or vest manufacturers and they went russell you've got to wear vests man not wearing vests it's a bad idea for you buddy and then i find out oh in a minute i was paying you for them first oh yeah but that didn't influence we were just checking facts and the facts were people like vests in a statement to rt news massey said who pays the paychecks of the fact checkers which is a good tongue twister but also an important question who pays the paychecks of the fact checkers the vaccine fact checkers at who plays a fact checker fact checker check cclc shows on the seashore who claim to be independent are funded by an organization that holds over 1.8 billion dollars of stocks in a vaccine company and is run by a former director of the centers for disease control the center for disease control we control diseases at this end we're not doing a very good job they're all over the bloody place yeah it's quite hard actually it turns out we're going to need some more money off johnson johnson if we're gonna have any chance at all the foundation's ceo is richard besser who was a former acting director of the center for disease control this is another one of those issues where people you know like the despair the lethargy the apathy that you sometimes feel around politics well what can you do it's just the way it is there's nothing could be done well don't have fact checkers funded by people that make money from the facts being presented in a particular way don't have a chairman that's been the director of the cdc just about all of these these are simple first day of society problems aren't they right what should we do all right well we're going to need food a drink don't have corrupt people i mean it's really really obvious the fact checking account responded to the statement saying as you know we disclose our funding sources here the foundation holds almost 2 billion in shares for johnson johnson one of the very pharmaceutical companies manufacturing the kovic vaccines it'd be interesting to see if not only is facebook sensorial against what would be termed anti-vaccine information or pro-different treatments or pro-natural immunity or a variety of other topics that could be seen as adverse to the success and uptake of the vaccines but what if it's specifically and of all the vaccines we'd have to say probably the best one to know i like johnston johnson good good guys johnson and johnson i'm not sure off but johnson i love him they're bloody good vaccines and the baby powder mamma mia the robert wood johnson foundations one of the benefactors and holds billions in johnson and johnson stock the organization claims there is no conflict of interest well there's no conflict of interest because the interests are all going in one direction the conflict would mean that there was some sort of push back into the realm of objectivity the more you look at the world the more you look at big government big business and the sort of sub organizations that regulate them the more you find these peculiar coincidences and anomalies i.e in a sense it's one entity i don't mean that in a conspiratorial way i just mean there are ongoing interests relationships and um agenda that are consistently pursued by the people that participate in these systems so it's going to obviously lead to particular outcomes but claims there's no interference in its editorial decisions and the foundation's views aren't necessarily reflected in its decisions it's not necessarily going to affect it is 2 billion you do without what you want that's just 2 billion like you know we do make vaccines all right once in a while sometimes when they're needed but i don't when you're coming up with what are facts and whatnot facts don't let don't let that get in your head all right you just fact check there's two billion now check a fact two billion fact but author and liberal studies expert michael rectenval believes such connections pose risks to the public we've lost all confidence in the social media and our mainstream media entirely i've lost so much confidence that i only push my voice from my nose now anything that comes into contradiction with the leftist agenda is deemed misinformation across the world facebook is becoming a kind of like a ubiquitous presence a platform accessible to all even more than in anglophonic or western countries in sort of what you could call developing nations facebook is sort of inbuilt into phone so they have obligations around information that go beyond what you might claim are the necessary regulations for a private company they're like a public broadcaster so them having a fact checker that has any relationship at all with people that can benefit from certain types of information is problematic in a sense this points to many of the problems with privatized finance privatized incentives it shows you that there is a requirement for a degree of regulation and transparency just look at what's happening oh we're just gonna why set up the regulatory body at all if the regulatory body is going to have a vested interest in the very area where regulation is required imagine the opposite imagine the fact checker was made up of people that sold like herbal remedies and like we're just ardently anti-vaccine and ardently anti-government and like alex jones is on there you know if it will hold on them in here these people clearly have a bit of an agenda and like so whatever your agenda whatever your perspective is you have to be open-minded and open-eyed about the reality of the information you're being presented elsewhere in another one of our videos we talk about the sort of appetite for apartheid like people have not been vaccinated should be pushed this way you know i don't have a strong opinion about what you should do with your life you should be free i should be free we should be free to talk we should be free to disagree that what i have concerns about are the legislation and regulation around the way that information is communicated information is censored because i want to feel like i can trust people i want to feel like i can trust the media i want to feel like i trust the government i don't enjoy seeing it actually i do enjoy sitting here doing this but like i feel that the systems themselves are so dependent on their own sort of corrupt spiraling interrelationship that it's not possible for it to operate freely i don't even think there's anyone evil at facebook or at cdc or whatever i just think there's just a big sort of tidal rolling of profiteering that's so sort of embedded that people can't see that it's happening it's bigger than them that's what a system is a system is like we're all a set of nodes operating in a broader trajectory a broader telos and none of us can sort of like sort of step outside and go hang on what's going on is this the best way to do things and if you can't see a situation like a fact checker being funded by people who's chat check fact it's checking it is quite hard then then you're not open-minded enough and i know that you are open-minded i know that that's why you watch this channel i know that's why you subscribe to this channel i know that's why you'll be commenting and letting me know the truth as you see it underneath this sharing this as widely as possible subscribing and if this is making you a little crazy do some meditation over here on awakening or watch this video that's of a similar kind of vein and sign up to so i can communicate directly with you not directly it'll be an email i'm not going to be inside your mind although you know that's the sort of thing that could happen if you're not careful stay free
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 888,019
Rating: 4.9534984 out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, Facebook, Vaccine, COVID-19, COVID, Big Pharma, Fact Checkers, Fact check, Money, censorship, corruption, Big tech
Id: 44B-OJcOXxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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