Permanent Mirage + Unkillable Minion = AUTOMATIC WIN!

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all right deck intro time and this time we're  back for more so the idea for this deck is   pretty simple we're going to obtain the Mirage  from Spirit of the Badlands and then we're going   to use that Mirage to continuously resummon a  buffed Immortal now this combo works because   these are the only two minions we're running  in this entire deck so I think that's pretty   much it for the deck intro this time guys  now this combo was surprisingly consistent   and quite a bit of fun to play remember to  like and subscribe and thanks so much for watching shamann might be a rough matchup  hex and devolve are pretty nasty yeah that could be a problem too that's nice   okay because the rest of my hand is  pretty terrible so need to hit some stuff that's good sure it's fine I'd rather draw it then  play the real one first but we may have to   play the copy I can always pull the real  one with crystology eventually but we'll see that seems like poor deck construction fine might  bait out a devolve or hex or something well let's give it Shield I guess  make it a little bit harder to kill I guess   not even going to pop the shield I see  that seems like a terrible play but okay sure I'm not going to play that okay that's annoying Coghammer is a  pretty good one I drew the real one   too I guess it doesn't really matter which one I play I'll just clear his board okay he has the power well just like how all in do I want to go right should I heal my face  or heal the minion heal my face do I save that I guess I can play  this I'm going to trade anyway okay need to get taunt I can play this but  that that's really going all in like   that is really really going all in I could  just play my cariel as well here maybe I do   that first also he's probably Reno so  the Reno hero kind of messes me up as well okay well I guess I can start buffing this one   up no reno hero in hand then  I really should try to kill this we're cranking well how much damage  do I have probably not enough unless I get oh I mean I probably could go for lethal do I go   for lethal or do I play it safe that's  the problem see what we get no windfury devolve still gets me though I'll trade that's fine that's fine yes kill that hagatha what in the world  he's going a random hex devolve now all right well I don't care if he  hexes devolves earth shocks plague of murlocs oh I forgot oh I shouldn't have done  that actually well that's kind of fun fine   I guess I could play this one I might wait I  forgot that was probably stupid of me actually   remember the whatever I'll probably just  play this one next turn I was thinking about   like trying to block out hex and earth shock  and stuff but it probably wasn't worth doing honestly sure he loses the hagatha hero power   which may be a good thing or a bad  thing hard to tell he has to be Reno right I mean he can hurt my face pretty bad just play this actually I probably should have hero powered  first although it could have hit this one anyway that's fine yeah I probably should Hero powered  first just in the off chance it hits this one   because this was going to change back to  the one in my deck right that was a slight misplay what a gangster I really  should try to get taunt on the big one well that's pretty good lul golden renathal druid all right  not too bad here very nice very nice   okay mill druid probably still would  be not great though not a good sign there all right oh Dragon Druid okay kind of a  weird turn one studies play then but   okay sure oh really good really good  hand okay well I might wait we'll see   unless I draw something playable with  it next turn I may wait till 5 we'll see more random bog champ that's fine do  I just play it I could maybe I do yeah whatever whatever that's fine I can always  pull the weaker one out of my deck probably I'll wait on the Coghammer  so I can guarantee it he's digging on two I have no  idea what it would even give him wow actually knew still fine have another one cool okay I'm shock zeph  actually gave him silence okay thanks sadly he could have the Reno  Reno hero which you know he could next turn would be a waste of the guff-o if he does I think I'm going to hold that okay that's fine do I just hold there I'm   just going to hold there just in  case he does have Reno next turn well he didn't snap play Reno  so that's probably a good sign I guess not bad exacties no problem renathal promising hand there can pull the  combo pretty quickly and Coghammer is always nice oh nice sure I think I'll hold the coin okay I mean I would guess it's  the AOE one which is relatively fine   hashtag blessed I'll save the coin that's  a shame missed the buff and I can't play   the spirit on three but whatever at least he's  seemingly slow excavate okay should be okay I think that's a big old Kitty right okay let's do this okay I do not well it's not going to die so I  guess I don't play Coghammer then that's fine not enough sure what do I want to play first so many options see what two  drop we get I'm probably going to dance floor yeah it's probably fine to damage it he   might kill it but that's okay has  permanent rush now which is really nice a okay okay make it harder to kill sadly he could get that sap card off of  the excavate right the canary or whatever it's called okay taunt is cheat though I mean I could just just play this one okay sure it's pretty good that weapon is so bad actually  had a pretty good draw though oh we're going to hear it yeah you do
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 30,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, hearthstone otk, markmckz, mark mckz, mark hearthstone, markmckz hearthstone, mark mckz hearthstone, showdown in the badlands, new hearthstone decks, wild hearthstone decks, showdown in the badlands decks, badlands decks, paladin deck hearthstone, badlands paladin deck, pally hearthstone deck, wild paladin deck, wild hearthstone meta, meta hearthstone decks, pure paladin deck, reno paladin deck, highlander paladin, spirit of the badlands
Id: XKUp5NtD8o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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