Can we identify the Jews genetically? (Part 18)

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well hi everyone episode 18 in the new history of the human race with dr. Nathaniel Jensen as a PhD in biology from Harvard University and he has done a lot of research in genetics and he's been looking at all the research has been done on the y chromosome which comes through the man and mutation rates and looking at research and people groups across the world has been able to identify some very fascinating relationships now if you have missed out on all this series because this is episode 18 well you can go to answers TV subscribe to our streaming platform it is absolutely phenomenal hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of items on there and of course all of these will be on there under a particular season you'll see them there if you subscribe to answers TB and if you subscribe to a year it's just over three dollars a month so it's very very inexpensive you can also go to YouTube and they'll be on a playlist there well dr. Jensen can we identify the Jews genetically talk about the Vikings last time and now we're going to talk about the Jews and if you can identify them genetically so I'm going to turn it over to you and let you run with this session this is absolutely fascinating you know I never studied history that much at school in fact I sort of found it a bit of a you know slog history I was much more interested in biology and that sort of thing but this has been absolutely fascinating I think people love history and we all want to know who we're related to and where we come from and the world is much smaller than we think is what you've been telling us because we find those relationships Shohei all of these people groups the cultures that we think took a long time to form didn't and we are much more closely related to them than we realize so talk about the Jews genetically porous I had a similar experience with another staff member who said I can't stand history but the way you're explaining it and these sorts of connections I find really interesting so those are the sorts of reactions that make my day and say okay I think we're on to helpful here and the larger question is a historical one but one that most history books won't discuss because I haven't been able to discuss without DNA evidence who do we come from history books cover politics cultures things you can discover the archaeology but the question of the peoples is something only genetics can answer and we haven't had the genetic data until recently and we haven't had these discoveries of the of the genetic data connecting us all and connect those paths to past cultures until just the last couple years most important biblical questions of courses who are the Jews what's our relationship to them their relationship to the West the rest of the world what's their history and can genetics confirm this inform it expand it if you're a creationist your Christian watching this you might think of King David Solomon saw the prophets as the Jews when you think of them maybe Moses Aaron tabernacle temple there's so much history and scripture that deals with the Jewish people it's a huge topic to investigate genetically even if you're not a creationist a Christian watching surely you can think of the Holocaust other things from history sad history of the Jews Nazi Germany so for thousands of years these people have had a tumultuous sad but enduring history can we find the signature of this history in their DNA can we go back to Moses and Aaron and Abraham and see the echo of these people and speaking of Abraham what does DNA tell us about the relationship between the Jews and the Arabs the Jews and the Palestinians that connection and Abraham can we find something more recent is there more blood shared between these neighbors and one of the most explosive parts of the world than we previously thought well in 1997 mainstream publication in nature announced y-chromosomes of Jewish priests and of course we've been looking at the male inherited DNA y chromosome as the major focus in these episodes as the major clue to understanding the history of people's and a decade later they expanded and refined their study of their announcement of a Jewish lineage and I want to camp out on this momentarily because the claims are explosive they say in this paper it's been known for over a decade that a majority of men who self-report as members of the Jewish priesthood the Cohanim and you can see the Cohan name there carry a characteristic crow Y chromosome haplotype which is just a fancy term haplotype is just a fancy term for grouping they carry a characteristic Y chromosome grouping termed the co hen modal haplotype Kohan grouping essentially this CMH this Co hen Y chromosome grouping has been used to trace putative Jewish ancestral origins of various populations and they say in this paper we demonstrate that 46.1% of these self identifying jewish priesthood peoples carry y chromosomes belonging to a single paternal lineage which they called J - P 58 and so that notation is simply a shorthand for group J we've talked about how letters of the alphabet that designate major divisions in this family tree and P 58 is just a subdivision of it then so this paternal lineage in this grouping J likely originated in the Near East well before the dispersal of the Jewish groups in the Diaspora so out of the Middle East and around the globe to Europe and so forth they say support for a Near Eastern origin of this particular group J lineage comes from its high frequency in our sample of Bedouin which are Middle Eastern nomads Yemenis so they're on the Arabian Peninsula and Jordanians you can see the high frequencies there and it's precipitous drop in frequency as one moves away from Saudi Arabia and the Near East moreover there is a striking contrast between the relatively high I'm frequency of this group J lineage and Jewish populations and this and the Jewish priesthood people's the Kohanim and its vanishingly low frequency in our sample of non-jewish populations that hosted the jewish diaspora communities outside of the Near East and in this study these Jewish peoples are heavily in Europe and so their point here is we see it at a decent concentration in these European Jews but not in the other Europeans around them so could this be the Jewish lineage is this the echo of Moses and Aaron we're now in episode 18 so my review of the previous episodes is going to be fast and furious but relevant to what we're discussing today the world is smaller than we think we're gonna see this played out in living color as we discuss the Jews that was episode 1 episode 2 shows through the math of our family trees that were more connected than we think we'll also see today what we Illustrated and explored in episode 3 that ethnic change happens faster than we think and this means that within in combination with reproductive rates and small differences in that episode for that the ancestry of a people group today can be very different than what they thought historically we've saw in episodes 5 & 6 our family trees much more shadowed than we think it's shorter this is gonna be especially relevant today the the major conclusion we were driving towards and episode 6 was that the male inherited DNA the Y chromosome is the key to human history it's inherited imperfectly every generation it acts like a clock and so that the number of differences between you and I between people groups around the globe is a record then of how closely related or distantly related they are if Ken and I have a few number of Y chromosome differences between us we have a recent common ancestor we have many Y chromosome differences we have a distant common ancestor we'll apply that principle around the globe when you discover lost relatives of Europe we saw this in episode 7 there in India and in the Middle East and in Central Asia in episode 8 we saw that the Mongol Empire and its aftermath is the explanation like the explanation for this episode 9 we saw that on the Y chromosome tree there's an ancient Chinese connection to Eastern Europe surprising because the long-standing isolation of the Chinese culture episode 10 looked at the history of Western Europe and then by extension the Americas we found out that the hidden history of Americans and of Western Europeans goes back to Central Asia in the ad era likely eighty 904 one was this it was a movement of people's into Europe from Central Asia then by episode 11 we began to turn the page to pre-columbian history before the Europeans arrived and saw that even in mainstream archaeology there's major changes happening genetics was brought to this question episode 12 we saw a bombshell discover that today's Native Americans were not the first and in episode 13 we saw that this might actually have been recorded in the oral and written histories of the indigenous peoples at the Americas we saw that genetics also has tremendous relevance to long-standing archaeological explanations and history for the americorps the indigenous Americans like the Mayans and these people who came over in the ad era may have been responsible for wiping the Mayans out and the collapse of that civilization in the in the early eighteen hundreds or so we've also seen that genetics reveals a connection between today's Native Americans and modern Europeans that connection is Central Asia because that's the population from which both of these people groups trace their descent well who were the first Americans that was episode 16 and they may have something to do with the ancient Pacific and Australia last time we saw and looked at the question what happened to the Vikings and the chances that you and I might be descendants of them today we won't look at the question of the Jews and go back to this study initially 1997 then in 2009 the claim that we can find a very characteristic y-chromosome lineage haplotype being the fancy term for grouping I want to start to explore this study with this particular exploration of people groups around the globe but not the thousand genomes project and looked at the Y chromosomes of where the people are rather this study that did a much broader sampling of the geographic sampling of peoples of the globe fewer people in each group but more groups total and I'm want to do this one because they actually looked at shown here in red middle-eastern lineages which is the focus then of this purported Jewish lineage this is group J which is the one to which this Jewish study the Jews in the study belonged but zoom in here to see whose presence it's not just middle-eastern peoples we'll look at the frequency of this group around the globe momentarily but zoom in here just so you can see in this study whose presence you've got Iranians you've got some Central Asians they're like green Kyrgyzstan other groups for me not to be so familiar you do have a few Indians South Asians shown there Kapoor you've got Assyrians George and some of these might not be so familiar some are up cousins you've got people of the Caucasus region there those that mountainous region between the south modern Russia and Iraq Iran so forth Jordanians Armenians I'm a more familiar we've got Mumbai Jews you've got other caucuses peoples sure by Johnny O's Armenians there's some more Arabian Peninsula Saudi Arabians Jordanians again just to give you a flavor of who is there somewhere familiar some are not that's this group Jay we want to explore it more depth because this is the group to which these Jews belong so they said one particular sub grouping of group J was heavily found in the self-identifying Jewish priesthood Jews I'm putting this circle up here in Europe because the geographic location of many of the Jews in this study was Europe that part of the Jewish Diaspora spreading out of people's well if you just look at Group J in general 85 percent of the Jews that they studied were found in group J so could this be the echo event of Moses and Aaron very intriguing frequency let's look at Group J now more broadly yes it's found very high frequency and Jews where else is it found again I'm using these circles like I did last time to represent the relative frequency of this lineage in these groups so this large circle right here represents 85% and so this represents the relative frequency in in the Arabian Peninsula Rach Jordan Saudi Arabia Oman Yemen and so forth and you can see it's it's above 50% 50% are higher in the near East in the Middle East which seems to be consistent them with this being a Jewish lineage and the frequency of this group Jay tends to decrease as you radiate outward from the Middle East so go up to Turkey to the Caucasus region so this is what I'm talking about Caucasus just north of Iran South care of MA Dern Russia the circles are smaller it's lower frequency there then if you go into Europe it's lower frequency Balkans Italy Spain and you can barely even see this dot up here in France and and in the British Isles it's virtually absent Ventura as you go north in Europe well in North Africa you find it but with decreasing frequency as a general rule as you go west small circle here and Morocco if you go the other direction towards India go eastward found and Iran Pakistan India but you can see the circles get progressively smaller so it sort of has this bullseye location in the Middle East that decreases as you go outward that's very intriguing if you go back to the family tree and you say when did this group J lineage begin it has a very ancient origin prior to a thousand BC also intriguing many in the creationist circles would put the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt around 1400 1500s so to have a very ancient lineage okay now that now this is getting very interesting go back to this paper though that claims and and is the basis for saying there is this Jewish lineage they say 46% of these Co honey himself identifying Jewish priesthood Jews belong to a subgroup of J and they say this subgroup of J likely originated in the Near East well before the dispersal of Jewish groups in the Diaspora so part of the the intrigue of this paper is the timing of this lineage they say three or four thousand years ago you do the math in your head okay that goes back to maybe the time of Abraham could this be it well here's a red flag this is a mainstream scientific paper three to four thousand years ago is relative relative to their time scale of hundreds of thousands of years of human history so what is this actual date we've seen that there are hundreds of thousands of human history is inconsistent with the actual Y chromosome clock and that the history we see in the Y chromosome inconsistent with Scripture this is not a scientifically justifiable conclusion it's mainstream but not scientifically supported so what's the actual date for this J - P 58 this this group they're calling the Jewish priestly lineage well the actual date if you run the math based on what we know from the y-chromosome clock is the 14 to 18 hundredths which is far after Moses and Aaron lived so why in the world would you have so many Jews that go back to common ounces in the 14 1800s well the explanation really goes back to episodes 1 & 2 it's the explanation that applies not just to Jews but to so many other people groups around the globe the shape of human population growth is hockey-stick fairly slow growth for several thousand years and then it shoots up in the last few hundred what that means practically mathematically not only do you have the far fewer people to choose as a spouse back here as you do up here what it means is the family trees collapse to common ancestors very quickly there's been a 20 fold change in the global population size since 1400 in Europe it's only I think closer to a 10 fold change what that means then it's not intuitive you have to go back some previous episodes to see more discussion of this 90% of the lineages in Europe today collapse back in the 1400s so Jews being in Europe would call this a mathematical principle there's another sad factor at play though that's the death of six million Jews in Europe through the horrors of the Holocaust well the death of millions of Jews also means the extinction of millions of lineages and so the genetic diversity of the Jews in Europe drops as a result of the horrors of Nazi Germany so this so-called Jewish lineage doesn't time frame that fits Moses and Aaron doesn't have a time frame that fits many of the arguments made in this paper so let me take this off the screen momentarily question of what is this group Jay yes it's found in Jews timing isn't quite what the paper claimed it was what is the explanation though for this group Jay that seems to have a bull's-eye concentration in the Middle East could there still be something here that's related to the Jews surprisingly one of the keys to understanding the history of this lineage comes from a study that didn't even sample the Middle East this first study we looked at early on in these episodes the thousand genomes project the one that sampled the major locations of were that people are didn't even have lineages in the Middle East yet it did have members of group J and this was historically in my own study of the y-chromosome one of the first studies I examined and one of the first puzzles I had trouble solving group J in this study is heavily populated by if you can just see the colors your gold and green Europeans and peoples of South Asia will zoom in here just momentarily so you can see them yes you have peoples in the Americas but again I think this is carry over from Europe sadly most Latin Americans have European ancestry not indigenous American because the die-off of these peoples after the arrival of Columbus so even though they're right here Native American so-called Latin American actually this should be gray as well this Colombian but for that matter that we could become a comb of them all likely gold as well because they're of European descent so you have this European / American group here you can see Colombians Italians from Tuscany Finnish people's then you have some of the South Asians Pakistanis Gujaratis who are living in Houston but trace their ancestry to India pooja bees then galleys from Bangladesh Indian Telugus so forth that's the major groups here in this group J cuz these are the people that were sampled a British person here as well Sri Lankans that's that's what you find here in Group J and I want to zoom back out so that you can see part of the big picture pattern here and a pattern that really stumped me when I first saw it so this might be small at this screen you're looking at but if you try to squint and see the colors you'll see that there's a general grouping of gold / gray and I'm going to lump the gray in with the gold basically a European subgroup here and then an Indian South Asian subgroup here and then another European subgroup here and an Indian they kind of alternate they're not all intertwined it's like there was a group that went off this direction and then off this direction they share a common ancestor back here but it's like whatever population they came from what their separate ways and stayed in your upper state and South Asia thereafter these clusters have common ancestors in the 700s 211 hundreds and early on in my study the y-chromosome I thought what in the world is this is this now evidence against the y-chromosome clock I can't think of anything that connects these sections of the world together and then I came across this study the one we just mentioned that has samples of the Middle East and you can see in red here there's a lot of red alike okay finally this is the explanation this must be why Europe and India are connected the connection must run through the Middle East and the geography of Jay or at least the fact that runs in the Middle East reminded me immediately of Islamic conquests beginning in the 600's ad with Muhammad and his followers and eventually spread through North Africa got into Europe you can see extends to the edge of India isn't Pakistan aha this seems to fit then these clusters but then I got stuck on the dates again as you look as it looked into this history more so yes Muhammad and his followers just and the people are after these Arab Muslims God is far east and west as shown here but by the mid 800 s the eastern part of their empire began to be reconquered by Central Asian people's so that by the mid 1800s this part of the Islamic empire was being cut off from India and before the time of Columbus the 1100 s the Muslims were being pushed out of Spain so if we're getting cut off here in the 800s from South Asia how in the world do you connect this part of the world to this part of the world to the 11 hundreds is where I began to scratch my head again now what how do you explain this what's the history of Group J how do you connect Europe and India in fact it turns out that this Europe India connection was one of the keys to unraveling the surprising explanation for Group J and by extension a good chunk of the Jewish population in the world today let's go back to India because this is where one of the keys to understanding it emerges and let's work through the history of the year of India from the present working backwards to the modern Indian state traces its origins to the 20th century where they throw off British rule so you step back from the modern India's state and you run into the British Raj which ruled Zhun from the 1800's onwards they are here because the East India Company arrives in the 1600s they arrive not to a British Raj obviously but to the Mughal Empire and we discussed in previous episodes that the Mughal Empire comes from the Persian word for Mongol because this is of Mongol origin well that's intriguing however neither of these historical events seems to be a good explanation for the connection between either yeah India and Europe for one hardly any British peoples are in this Jay grouping so that doesn't seem to fit and the Mongols even though it we've really seen connections between Europe and South Asia due to the Mongols the dates seem to be too late well who precedes the mughals mughals are preceded at least in North India by the Delhi Sultanate by the name you might start to think some sort of Muslim Islamic connection ethnically though if you look at history books this is not Arab Muslim and origin it's if anything led by an Iranian type people but the history books will talk about the Turkish invasion of India because many of the members of these armies as well as some of the Arab armies were manned by slaves in Egypt especially there were slaves who were being enlisted in the Muslim armies and in the Iranian leadership leading to the Delhi Sultanate there were massive numbers of Turks as part of this army and so history books will talk about the Turkish invasion of India that gave rise the Delhi Sultanate well 1200 s this is now much closer the dates that are relevant and what's even more intriguing is it's the Turks that are responsible for pushing the Arab Muslims back towards in the least it's the Seljuk Turks who in the thousands ad are over running the Middle East now if you're like me you hear Turks and you think modern-day Turkey their origins are actually here in Central Asia and this history is part of the explanation for how they got to Turkey this is 1000s ad and again a different group of Turks is now coming down into India hundred so years later so this split between these eventual Turkish peoples and those who come into India happens right around 1100 AD Turks don't stay in the Middle East though they're overrun within a century or two by the world's greatest empire the Mongols notice though that even though the Mongols skirt India and essentially cut off this per the world from India and of course conquer much of Central a to get into Eastern Europe get into the Middle East they don't quite conquer all of Turkey and the Turkish people's persist in western Turkey and in fact they throw off the Mongols and begin to reconquer again and last for several hundred years under the Ottoman Empire the Ottoman Turkish Empire which rules notice here parts of Europe the Balkan Peninsula there in the Middle East parts of North Africa there in both Middle East and in Europe for several hundred years there in one or the other for longer than this of course there in Turkey in the 1300s notice though that they're there in the Middle East into the 1900s think back to history that might be more familiar world war one they're one of the world war one powers the Ottoman Empire down here you can see some of the other perhaps more familiar entities during World War one up in this map my point is the highlight here Turkish people hear it right into the modern era and they're connecting Europe down here and the connection of the Turkish people to India goes back to the split between the Seljuks and whoever these other Turkish people we're going back in the Delhi Sultanate back in the eleven hundreds so notice how the realm of the Ottoman Empire getting down into the Middle East and again this is this is eventually cut off go back to the previous slide here you can see how much it's decreased by the 1900s but it's still extend down here the Middle East this is a very intriguing Geographic echo in the concentration of Group J in the Middle East and elsewhere today the Ottoman Empire seems to explain the concentration today in the history of the Turks seems to explain why we can have connections here and here and the lack of a heavy Turkish presence in either of these places in recent history might explain why it's such a low concentration there it fits the timing of the splits in these cusps and in these clusters and here's how just to make it clearer why why would there be a Turkish connection to Europe in the 700s because I said there's there's some clusters here that's separate in the 700s well recall from previous episodes that there's a steady stream of Central Asian peoples into Europe from the 500 700 s and one of the seven hundreds peoples is a Turkish group the oghuz people's moving into from Central Asia into Europe our Turkish people's but not the only Turkish people's there are Turkish people who's stuck around Central Asia and became then part of the Turkish armies that came into India these are not the only Turkish people there was a split between over these people were in the seljuq turks in the thousands so that would explain the 1100 split as they go this way and these are the seljuq turks go this way then these two groups are separated by the arrival of the mongols and those who persists in modern-day Geographic Turkey expand after the arrival and throw off the Mongol yoke and have this empire that persists in the Middle East up until the modern time so let's watch this history again with one map to make it even clearer because the Turkish people's in my view are the best explanation at present for this group Jay not Muslims so these people's even though I again I think Turkey as Turkish people's is here yet history their origin is not there it's in Central Asia in the 600's Turkish people arise in Central Asia in the 600's some of these people begin migrating to Europe in the 700s which is why I think we see some of the echo and the splits between Europe Europeans and Indian peoples at that point in time there's another split that happens the Seljuk Turks which give rise into the modern Turkish people's or on the thousands but they're still Turkish people's left over the split happens their thousands and those who are still left over move down then in or invading part of the armies that invade India in the 12 hundreds I mentioned the last episode talking about the Vikings that there's this general rule of thumb that seems to emerge in the human family tree that last Empire standing wins yes you might invade and take over but if there's some people group that comes in after you and then wipes you out they're the group that's gonna be dominant today so yes they arrived and you're up in the 700s but there's many other peoples who arrive after them so they're a minority of European peoples today the peoples in India we saw that they the Delhi Sultanate is followed by the Mughal Empire the mongols and so they're not the last Empire standing their minority of India today even the Seljuk Turks as it passed through the Middle East are not the last Empire standing the Mongols marched through here and after the mongols iranian peoples who then rise and so they're not the major grouping in this part of the world today not even in the Middle East because the Turkish people years are followed by the Mongol conquest so the Turks are pushed into modern-day Geographic Turkey as a result of the Mongol conquest but then they begin reconquering again and become the last Empire standing in other parts of the world they move into Europe but eventually push back out they move into parts of North Africa and perhaps more importantly for our study there in the Middle East for several centuries right up until the modern era when they modern Muslim countries Iraq Saudi Arabia emerged today history of the Turks seems to find a very strong echo the geographic extent of group Jay today so who are the Jews who are modern-day Jewish people well it seems that the section I should say a subsection of modern Jews with many other middle-eastern peoples some Europeans like Greeks on the Balkan Peninsula folks and Italians and even some Spaniards and a low percentage and even some Indians all share a common Turkish heritage they trace some of their origins the central agent not all of these people but if you're in the Middle East to have a percentage of you do chase trace your origins by a group j2 the Turkish people and what we've seen in this episode is once again Central Asia seems to play this dominant role in the world history of peoples we've seen other Central Asian lineages r1a are one being due to Mongols magyars well here the Turkish people are showing up in the Middle East they have a dominant presence about a quarter of the peoples in India the fingers of Central Asia even though they don't necessarily occupy much attention in the history of Western civilization politically they don't play a huge role in Europe but in terms of their DNA massive echo in Europe in the Middle East significant imprint in India and even now in North Africa but could there still be an ancient Jewish lineage we haven't yet discussed or haven't yet discovered finds a mosaic lineage going back to Moses and Aaron David Solomon hope you join us in future episodes to find out this is the new history of the human race new windows into her past that we haven't been able to see before well I tell you what Kovach 19 situation has greatly benefited historical research and genetics because you've been stuck at home devouring history books locked away what to do that wish you more often no it's been very productive so that's one of the positive outcomes of all of this to lock you away and just give you those history books and the genetics for research to say go to it and of course you already had the tools having a PhD from Harvard in biology you've already done a lot of research in genetics and so you quit with those tools and the mind the Lord has given you I'm just amazed so what do we have in nineteen and twenty some really crazy conclusion some of which I just reached this past week where I'm sitting in my basement my guest room and saying no way this can't be true we haven't we're not done with the Muslims we're not done with the echo of the Arab Muslim conquest and we haven't even touched Africa Egypt so episode 19 will be mysteries of ancient Africa and there's some crazy connections to the Arab world that may flow through ancient Egypt and so I'm still blown away by some of the things that have emerged this past week and we're gonna open that box in episode 19 looking at the whole sweep of sub-saharan African history what is the history of dark-skinned people's how does this relate to ancient Egypt I'll just relate to the Middle East how does this relate to linguistics it's stuff that I wouldn't have predicted but again it I looked at myself and I thought no way this is crazy so just a teaser meant for that and episode 20 will finally go back to some of the earliest stages but we'll begin with Scripture and these are and what I'm calling this currently is neglected biblical Clues now if you're like me and if you follow Answers in Genesis you should first say hold on anyone should be suspicious when someone says I've got some I've got some clues from Scripture we've missed I'm suspicious if I say I've cut through some Scripture we've missed but I think there's some things that that come from the text not read into the text but come out of the text and I think part of these I've missed this is because these are clues that aren't necessarily points of major departure from mainstream science we talk about the seven seeds of history because these are the major points of which mainstream science says no and so we push back and and say this is what scripture says stand on this and these are conclusions you reach and we stand there well there's some other clues that I won't yet give away that follow from Genesis 1 through 11 and the rest of Scripture that are highly relevant to human history and understanding some of the earliest time points and that may actually have some echoes than in the y-chromosome family tree that I never expected to see so lots more in store next week and that may even change and give us and it fill out even more of the biblical framework by which to approach anthropology the history of the human race you know what it sounds like the event of the Tower of Babel Noah's Flood in the Ark going back to Adam within a 6,000 year time frame it all makes sense it makes tremendous sense and there may be even more echoes that that are hiding in our DNA if we have the right framework in which to approach them and say whoa never expected to see that but boom there it is so that'll be episode 20 and a book will come out of this in 2021 and that won't just cause some echoes that'll cool his Thunder through in the Anthropology world and through through the world of Christians who compromise God's Word with evolutionary chronology this kind of thunders through there too anyway so how many more episodes altogether we going to wind it up after 20 probably through 26 so just a preview then of what follows thereafter it'll be in the anatolian 21 probably the cradles of civilization in 22 and we might spend one or two episodes saying now that we've got all these tools in hand let's tell the sweeping panorama of human history anew from start to finish with these new clues and see the picture that emerges then we'll probably conclude with maybe an episode or two on well what about all this other mainstream scientific evidence what what about the criticism what about the human chimp common ancestry many of these other popular arguments from genetics that try to deny the history we've just explored and then conclude with how do I apply this to me if I've taken a genetic test what does this mean how can I find out if I'm connected to the Persians to the ancient Egyptians to the Pharaohs to the Vikings what can we do practically with the tools that we have out there and what could AIG do as an aid to help people find out who exactly they came from and to tell their own stories well so another 8 mil episode so two more next week 19 and 20 and then another 6 episodes after that it seems like it's going for millions of years but actually once we finish this it'll seem like we've gone for about six thousand years exactly well if you missed out on the earlier programs I encourage you to subscribe to our streaming service answers dot t be a year subscription is just over three dollars a month and you get hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dancers and genesis videos programs our live streaming future conferences also videos from living waters we've got some other organizations and special guest speakers that are going to be putting programs up on answers TV and of course all of these programs are there when answers TB so thank you dr. Jensen and we look forward to episodes 19 and 20 next week thank you
Channel: Ken Ham
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Keywords: Ken Ham, ArkEncounter, Creation Museum, Answers In Genesis, Biblical Apolgetics
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Length: 40min 6sec (2406 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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