Can we get John Wayne's Truck to Start?

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stress level that's pretty bad [Music] take it from me [Music] all right guys buckle up because you're about to see a lot of custom work happening on the pivot bio ultimate Ranch truck Billy luber's coming to draw John Wayne's face and burn it into a piece of leather that's going to go on the center console jaw ears bumper has been designing is finally going to get put together and Highway products bed is going to get new hook points headache rack logo plates all welded on then the Polish Master himself red is coming to polish every square inch of aluminum on this truck now the new motor just came for the 1968 camper special we put it in does it run you're gonna have to watch to find out look right here I'm ready for this are you ready for this [Music] foreign oh geez he bites I'm not gonna hurt him dude [Music] that is pretty awesome dude that's my first like one that I've ever done so I know the next one will be better right next to you John's always driving with you [Music] oh okay I mean are you really sure this is a good idea it'll it could go quite a distance okay I'll I'll push you stop going down oh yeah we got it okay wow gonna be no locks or bolts between us [Music] thank you this is gonna be great all right are you so excited yeah transmission motor radiator we have an AC no AC and all the wiring big old subwoofers [Music] so the only thing we're keeping original from the old truck to the new truck is just the dash just because we want to keep that with the truck that it came with we've got all new trim over here new hoses everything and then look at this leather it's going in there on the dash keep saying it I'm super excited to see this coming together that looks brand new Pedro the ultimate Ranch truck which is for pivot bio great organization great giveaway go get in there to win that truck how far do you think you're gonna get today on the just reassembly I don't know it's a lot of stuff to do maybe I stay late today stay late yeah I think we're all going to be Stan Lee for the next week it's work after work it's the work after work schedule foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] on the front bumper like you saw earlier hands went with a straight bar across here straight bar across here it was inch and a half now it's two no it's two and then we had a what do you call it outside Mount winter yeah then you're now you're enclosing the winch you know what's what happened to me ever since we've had this conversation right I've I've noticed every Ranch bumper that I've passed oh I've paid attention to whether the bars are straight or curved and it's like 50 50. but I think hands came to the right conclusion is to keep this uniform still waiting on a few parts like Doug said earlier waiting on fenders and a few lights I got a lot of parts on the way I'm gonna keep these fingers crossed all day this Parts show up and we're able to get this done I see you [Music] this is real life all right a lot going on yesterday I'm super confident in my thoughts on on what to do start second guessing myself and triple guessing myself and quadruple guessing myself and then next thing you know I called Dave and I said Sparks can you come look at this because I don't trust myself he came over looked at it plan as of now I'm gonna cost him to come and have him polish out these boxes the fender that box back here just gonna have a paw shot to try to match this I guess sheer machine of aluminum so this is like a polished out want to bring this into more of a polished out look and we have the wheels that are polished out so it'll kind of help bring the colors in right now there's just three tones of aluminum and it's just not it's not gonna work you can find somebody polish those out for us and then from there um it is Iran and everybody else doing everything right now the worst part about this whole thing is I'm like man this truck's got so far to go and then I remember there's two trucks two builds same time crunch so Midas has already you know been working hard getting this truck put back together the interior all done he actually got the the leather for the console already done and installed we got to take it back off to get the leather burning John Wayne in there so this is the second one it's going to be fast it's kind of like the wheels you know the first wheel was 100 hours and then by the end the last wheel was 40. what we're doing right now is this is a graphite stencil so what I did is I printed out this picture and then I scribbled on the back like I was three years old covered the whole thing with graphite and then I'm coming in and just tracing the lines that I want to show up on the weather and then I'll be able to come in and burn it and shade it [Music] [Music] we're gonna get tips [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please [Music] I have learned that this bumper looks pretty cool but sometimes school doesn't mean easy it's it's too cool it's too cool looking all right now right now we've got drug installing the reservoirs just a factory just Factory plugs and play and then you mount that one bracket yep just scratches to the reservoir and move down [Music] look at how much better it looks though [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] have you watched Mad Max one of the hell boys you just get singles that's right just drinking like is it gonna work okay go ahead and say where do I put it right here oh oh all right Jose [Music] [Music] [Music] baby and we need extra hands because it's quite the job to get through this and it can really bind up your uh your wrists [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh man that makes me want a new engine for that man [Music] [Music] those weld marks look better when it's polished we got Robin showing up with the hood and the doors all the other parts what we're waiting for we got all kinds of action happening here for you today we're polishing the bottom of this bed we made that decision this is a red he's been killing it with some Logan right yes sir we've got a few of them already done so the bottom and the wheel well [Music] we got all the brand new stuff put on here nice and shiny got some of the side trim on we still need to put trim on the interior but we got the leather in there you'll have to see the burnt leather seat too is that what do you think that's burnt holy crap and Billy Luber was told that it wasn't possible and then it looks like so good that it's almost like it's on like a tree yeah no tree looks like it burnt that guy is unreal like people are going to lose their mind about that which one you welded this okay thanks so your opinion it's not decided yet good polish it ah how did you know I want one yo what the last thing I want to show Robbie on this truck and it's the final touches hands is put on it so that's perfect hell yeah it's absolutely perfect we're almost we're getting there guys uh we have until like I said Tuesday to get this done so just a few more days and things are things are looking like they're coming back together we're waiting on fenders still so that's kind of holding us up on this front end [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think our boy rats either singing or talking to himself don't show the camera yet just give it a second all right act like you're filming me for filming are you filming him he's talking to himself what song do you think he's listening to oh foreign [Music] 5 35 in the morning I came a little bit early today you know to get ready all this stuff you know by the time all the teams are up we got a lot of stuff to do still so we basically have three days on the route to finish all these stuff around these two projects so we're still having Parts there are no trucks yet I mean they are trucks but they are on part so I came a little bit early today to finish the had a crack on the on the ranch truck we had a Chris and Jose working through the weekend on the 68 and that came on Sunday to work on these Ranch trucks so as you guys see this is now done still need to put the flatbed on Wheels tires whatever so this is our part you know but believe me guys by Wednesday this will be completely changed you know like I say red I haven't finished the policy stuff which you know it's a lot of work that he has been doing cannot complain this guy is just killing him so just basically little details that takes time we don't work early today we cannot beat those times you know uh this truck still in Parts you can tell people has been working hard you know with all the mess around you know like we have the accent you know focus on helping us you know bringing parts or whatever so you can tell that we have been working hard this last this last day and still another three two or three days in front but don't worry about it I know we are gonna hit us uh this uh due date I'm very proud of this team like the guys has been killing it it's like no words to say you know like this is just amazing you know but it's coming good it's coming good and I hope everyone likes this truck because we love this truck [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so the only way to put a backing plate there is going to be bolted off before welded because it's not gonna have access after that [Music] you know hands you know his his challenge you do it the thing is here is that I'm gonna cut the packing plate drill the holes tap the make some taps with it I can play how to cut those plates and then install it there I bet he wants the same blue as the truck so it looks really cool more war for us but good idea more workflow we can put some white white plastic backing for that and figure it out the way to attach the plastic because like like I say I have to weld it on and the aluminum gets really hot so which is just another challenge yeah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's great about the team we have right now is everybody's got their own role in me I'm just hanging out I'm really no good at anything when it comes to creating or building other than sitting back giving a few ideas on designs and go from there Cole he's doing the same thing go ahead shoot coal no hands is good for the last minute good ideas listen they're not all last minute I've given them a week's notice to change everything have we already showed him the last the good last minute ideas headache cracks so obviously the Sparks Motors logo the two openings on the sides those are for the KC uh reverse lights as well as I just want them on auxiliary switch so at any point they can just shine them on the bed and then obviously we did the pivot logo pivot bio logo on the sides to give them some love too so heavy cracks coming along well Iran's obviously doing the side panels we're gonna also backlight those so they'll have like a white background and uh Brett's just going hard on the product on the Polish in here what do you see Guy it looks okay but it needs to be show quality needs to be show quality that's right but everything's moving along and that's what matters moving forward also what's cool so the reason we like to wrap cabs when we give them away is because not everybody loves the color scheme it has not everybody loves the colors on there we're obviously doing this color for a specific reason to match the old school truck with that being said that's why the truck is wrapped could we have painted it blue 100 do we want to give some of the option to glue off so they have a white truck yes obviously we're not going to wrap this because that's not gonna last so what we've done is we've powder coated this to match the wrap there's other gonna be other piece on this truck that are painted so we're gonna paint powder and wrap each thing has like its own purpose powder coat is obviously stronger than paint paint is obviously stronger than a wrap wrap is easier to remove you and I can remove a wrap I'm not going to remove paint jobs so there's a reason a purpose behind everything the more you know science science cool science science [Music] all right [Music] so how are you gonna back plate that wait until it's done if this was steel I wouldn't be able to do this I think that should do it but I gotta clean it up now [Music] thank you [Music] ah these are my all my working pieces there there another one over there another fail over there another two fail bands over there and then iron comes here after I did some fixing but I tried again and it fell and the arm does it and it works really yeah it works it didn't break I don't know what it is but it is frustrating so what's this technique you're using it's called lubrication yeah [Music] so if this were soft and easy to bend your bumper really wouldn't be worth much right uh it's gonna be that soft yeah so you got to push a cow with it it's not it's just yeah the cow is gonna push it yeah since this is hardened aluminum it also makes it hard to bend it ain't hard to bend and since it's aluminum aluminum breaks easier so we have been having this problem with little at the last piece this is the last piece that we need to bend we already Bend all the all the all the all the bull bar on the bumper and they even sharper the like bands like look at this another one this one oh my sharper [Music] stress level where are we at yeah not that bad not that bad it's pretty bad [Music] thank you [Music] foreign wasn't that great 68's up and running all the polishing has been done in the truck you can see yourself in it and next episode down to the wire I'm nervous I mean we do have to leave tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Sparks Motors
Views: 101,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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