Can We ESCAPE Roblox Parkour Tower!?

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this is robots our core tower and we take on the challenge it's a race to see who can make it to the toppers one wrong move and you have to start all over will we be able to make one of the top three spots this is the parkour tower and we have to get up to the top as you can see right now and we might be able to make it to the top booth you're gonna get the quit stop right we might be able to do it okay we have a little flag we can put it down we can go like this would go like this put our flag anywhere and if we need to we can teleport to it all right I'm sorting out that we gotta go seven minutes we can do this guys look I've gotta move everyone's above you I know straight above that's a big jump okay I don't want to focus guys we got this we're focusing focusing focus all right we gotta make it to the top holy Sh hey it does kinda look like it's Oban you can place your flag holy wars are you kidding me yeah I can put your flag where you only once yeah you have to pick it up if you feel confident enough to go get three guys there's some people wait there are two different ways to go oh no no never mind you two have to go all that way alright see you guys have fun oh my god you don't leave me come on Sookie while we're young wow I wanna have you guys once a shadow I am Sasi I'm feeling up your face with it because you're dirty okay thanks mom you're welcome big job this is hard this is hard oh this is hard joy it's like a world of pure imagination I'm not I'm not gonna I'm not gonna think about it I'm just gonna jump I'm just gonna jump i got a bronze medal guys this looks very easy but i feel like it's to be very hard okay okay [Music] guys oh my god my flag is a very big [Music] Louie parts are bad yep do not touch the glowy parts are bad nobody's the one yet but the getting close something was one person week 1.5 all right I got too full of myself really it is it's actually not the dick it's not that way give me them sorry man here that over you falling oh no I'm just so bad I just wanted I just want to win oh my god so much to ask don't worry sucio in for you are you ahead okay uh-huh I think I think yeah yes the chocolate so far ahead oh my god chocolate he's so far ahead I got to put this bike down somewhere oh my god I got oh my god I got lazy beamed oh my god anymore oh hey guys okay bronze don't give me the big goof I learned something today I made third place nice there we go here we go here we go you in third place ah you just said I don't ask you oh no nice actually be good at an O be sure like that he was up here Oreos it love Oreos do you take you some uh no because I like them way too much are they double stuck though oh nice oh yeah Eliot Oreos got a double stove okay we're good I saw someone dive right in front of me someone died like literally died I put my flag right there okay here we go well there's so many Oreos in there delicious tears of all their disappearance tears oh I made so Oreo Wallace Suki how far did you guys make it stair coaster coaster coaster goes there goes there goes there goes there goes oh I made it to the Oreos again okay there we go yep I'm putting my flag a pic of cookies for sure oh my god I don't like use Oreos anymore these Oreos are not very nice all right I'm gonna risk this for the Miss students at least they're not doing it for the best well we're actually with the biscuits right now you know in some countries they call cookie biscuits you're having a hard time I am risking it the Toobin biscuits be careful with the biscuits guys they're so long they came right out of the oven I put my flag there I should be good to keep going oh there we go there we go I'm cooking it and then go up my shadows next hard push against it I got just rather hang out every cookie maneuver cookie whenever I'm going through the cookies with my flag oh that's dangerous oh it's very dangerous about I'm scared oh wow this is hard this is hard wrist it this is hard what it's hard to see oh I don't like bad oh no I'm a nice wrist the biscuits no never oh did you get to the lemon drop board or whatever the word is oh excuse me I got to they reach the top they reached the top they want the silver medal okay oh nice we're back to the triangles you got watch over those circles they'll get you yeah tell me about the circles are terrible Tony better right now watch out those circles they're gonna get the champion so obviously wanted oh yeah I got hit by the only by the video game oh no not the video game Ben Dhamma fight for the game video games why are they illuminated okay have you careful about the video games yeah well wrap your mind and your whole body if you're not careful at least we're not playing video games it's education you mean add you death and all this there's a big old there's a big old ball up ahead that will smack you right in the face if you're not careful you recommend being careful it's balled glass all over again guess River dodgeball class and only the gym teacher got to throw the dodge back at the water you know you don't have a flag up here oh I did it because I wanted to be edgy and do good job but not do good job I did some of those were words joysticks are not giving me much joy today five minutes guys well arcade has given me all hard hi Park yes are you a dog wolf you don't work sad news meow you're very convincing cats living together it's beautiful I top of the ball watch over the ball whoa oh it's pink [Music] [Applause] they reach the top they did oh they're not there yet they're very close though I give you no hope my flag gods of video games if I make it all right that's it I'm just not gonna stop running I'm just gonna go forward and I'm just gonna hi guys let's try that again I'm getting mad when I get mad I make mistakes no I'm putting my flag on this ball I claim this ball mine that ball is Lady sukhiya mine yes the new lamb I mean oh man okay I made the pong again people pause I just have to run I just have to run here we go ready [Music] goodness the Dark Souls or you did not I did not I di D where do you go back so it's a ball to the ball it's right that's right Oh seconds I've spent eight of the 10 minutes this is farther and I started later and I you now I who is laughing now the guy who's at the top - oh God tgd guys don't talk to me or my son ever again
Channel: Aphmau Shuki
Views: 1,782,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox parkour tower, roblox parkour tower shuki, roblox parkour tower aphmau, roblox parkour tower of hell, parkour tower, parkour games in roblox, roblox adventure, roblox roleplay, roblox tower, tower game in roblox, parkour roblox, skill based roblox games, tower portals, parkour tower portals, roblox no swears, roblox funny moments, roblox parkour tower funny moments, aphmaus roblox channel, best roblox game, hard roblox games, tower of hell remake roblox
Id: j9ZRiXYv_ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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