Ancient Unsolved Mysteries Of The World | Weird or What | Ft. William Shatner | Documentary Central

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you know i've been around for a while met some interesting people done some crazy things so you just might think that there's not much that can take me by surprise you'd be wrong the world is full of science stories things that amaze and confound me every single day incredible mysteries that keep me awake at night some i can answer others just defy logic is the history of the world wrong in a mexican cave a young girl finds a bizarre 900 year old skeleton is it evidence aliens once walked our planet this is the equivalent of landing on the moon a peruvian doctor discovers stone carvings that could rewrite the history of evolution did dinosaurs live alongside humans this is one of archaeological's most baffling enigmas and a 2 000 year old wooden model reveals an incredible secret did the ancient egyptians invent the airplane this is going to throw the way we view ancient civilizations completely topsy-turvy yeah it's a weird world and i love it [Music] [Music] i love books they make me think especially anything about history thousands of years of human development and achievement they're all contained in the pages of these wonderful documents that not only teach generation after generation about where we came from but where we might be going and you've never stopped to consider what it might mean for us if all we've learned and all we think we've learned about our past is wrong it's unthinkable isn't it well guess what there's real and bizarre events out there that are telling us we may need to rethink everything we know about everything the unthinkable is here researcher lloyd pie is the guardian of what he contends is the most important artifact ever discovered the story begins in the mexican countryside over 80 years ago it was originally discovered in about 1930 by a young girl about 100 miles southwest of chihuahua she was visiting relatives there she went out exploring the area found a mine tunnel went in and inside the tunnel found two skeletons examining the bones the girl thinks one of the skulls looks very strange it was a misformed or a misshapen skull she believed it was a deformity with no idea what she stumbled across the girl removes the skull as a macabre souvenir she holds onto it for 60 years she brought it to her home in el paso kept it for her whole life when she found out that she was dying in the early 90s she asked some friends if they would take it for her the skull ends up in the care of melanie young a medical professional who immediately makes a shocking discovery she had seen a lot of deformity and she said right away i don't think this is necessarily a deformed human skull and that's how i got involved perplexed melanie approaches lloyd he's an expert in human skulls but in his years of studying human development he's never seen anything like it when i looked into those eyes it was like whoa this really is something unusual it's so unusual it's so bizarre a [ __ ] can see this is not really a human skull it's something else but what but by the same token i was like everybody else my first reaction was it has to be some kind of deformity because if it's not then this is the equivalent of the shepherd that found the dead sea scrolls i mean this is a big deal and i didn't believe that that kind of thing would just fall into my lap i took it to experts in every field of human physiology the eye guy the brain guy the ear guy the skull shaped guy during the course of 99 i came to understand that physiologically it was really nothing like a human it is human-like but it is definitely non-human no other way to say it but if it's not human what was it lloyd broadens his search i took it to experts in ufos and aliens and have people who had been in it for years evaluated after close examination the ufo experts reach a stunning conclusion the skull is an alien that died on earth and was buried on earth 900 years ago the consensus was it looks like the skull of a gray alien the alien that we all know the one with the heart-shaped face on a thin little neck and the weird eyes we all know that look a grey alien with this in mind lloyd and his supporters name the artifact the star child skull they keep looking for answers how it got here i don't know was it crash-landed i don't know did it come here on a visit and get sick and die i don't know the implications are as big as you can imagine the starchild is going to change history it's going to prove that at least once an alien being walked on the earth dear friends we're gathered here today to pay our last tributes and respects to the memory of our departed and beloved alien child oh sorry would you would you excuse me for a moment no this story is definitely weird or what does the star child skull belong to an alien child he was visiting or even conceived on earth but tragically died if so does this change the course of history but even more importantly what about the parents did anyone think of letting them know did they give their child a proper farewell i doubt it i'm so sorry [Music] was a wonderful child who loved comics sports and practical jokes like destroying planets with his father's death right you'll be sadly missed would anyone like to say a few words is the starchild skull the most important archaeological discovery ever made not everyone thinks so yale university neurology professor stephen novella has studied the starchild skull and claims its appearance is nothing unusual going through medical school and training as a neurologist i've seen many examples of similar kinds of deformities before there are lots of genetic anomalies that produce abnormalities or deformities novella's research has led him to believe the star child skull belonged to a human suffering from a medical condition called hydrocephalus hydrocephalus is a term that literally means water on the brain and what happens is that the fluid that's normally inside and around the brain does not flow like it normally should and that causes the the water and the pressure to build up inside the brain and inside the skull and young children where the bones of the skull have not yet fused this can cause the skull to balloon out sometimes even to incredible size in an adult where all the bones of the skull have completely fused together then the hydrocephalus would just cause increased pressure on the brain but not an expansion of the skull itself for novella it's this ballooning that explains the star child skull's unusual appearance the overall size and shape of the skull and the the arrangement of the deformities matches pictures of children and skulls of people with hydrocephalus certainly i've seen pictures of many of them which look very similar to the star child skulls sadly there would have been no treatment for this painful condition in the era from which the starchild skull belongs the modern treatment for hydrocephalus is to drain the fluid out from inside the brain it reverses all of the abnormal effects of the hydrocephalus this is a modern neurosurgical treatment however this would not have been available prior to 50 or 60 years ago let alone hundreds of years ago so does this mean that we've yet to play host to intergalactic visitors i have nothing against the notion that there are aliens in the universe i think it would be really cool i just don't think this skull is it this is not the evidence of anything alien lloyd pie would have you believe that this one skull this one bit of evidence which really has been very imperfectly examined is will is enough to rewrite everything that we know of course he's been making that claim for years everything you think you know is wrong that's sort of hishtic alternative science alternative history he wants to brush aside hundreds of years of evidence and expertise he thinks all scientists are close-minded and wrong and therefore he can come up with any fantasy he likes and present that as the truth because he can just ignore all of established science so is this the end of the mystery did the star child skull belong to a human suffering from hydrocephalus trenton holliday and john verano are professors of anthropology at the university of tulane they have a different take originally when i saw the skull i suspected it might have suffered from hydrocephaly however i've since revised my opinion on that i don't think it was a hydrocephalus individual so if not an alien and not hydrocephalic just who was the star child the most unusual feature of this star child skull is just the shape of the skull it's flattened in the back it's bulged at the sides and i can explain that very easily by cradle boarding cradleboarding was an early solution to a problem many of us face today making kids portable cradle boarding was a very common practice in south america it was originally done as a means of restraining the infants so that they could be brought out into the fields it also was done for aesthetic reasons but how could a simple baby caring device create the bizarre shape of the star child skull here's an example of an actual cradleboard from peru i've strapped on a doll just to give you an idea of the way an infant would be put on it and then here you can see how the head is strapped down a strap goes over the forehead and goes over the back of the skull holds the child's head in place allows it to move probably from side to side and in fact many of these are asymmetrical which suggests that they were lying habitually to one side or another but cradleboarding had a side effect as the skull was compressed in one direction it grew in the other to make room for the baby's rapidly developing brain this is a child skull that was cradleboarded it's bulging out on the two sides and that's because there's pressure that was put on the back side of the skull what you can see is the way the skull is flattened from the back and it's kind of bulging up from the side giving it this unusual shape that if you didn't know about cradle boarding you might think boy that's a bizarre looking human skull were the strange features of the star child skull caused by an ancient child carrying device or is the truth way more bizarre the child had an alien father and an alien mother the features of a 900 year old skull puzzle the scientific community some offer practical explanations such as cradleboarding others disagree when a skull is cradle-boarded a baby's bones are so soft that they flatten so if you feel this it's very flat as flat as the board that it was pressed to the star child has its natural convolutions to it so what that means is it was not flattened artificially it grew this way its genes told it to grow now another interesting difference is that a normal human the crown of the head is round all the way around here rounded rounded if you look at the starchild you see clearly that there is a crease here down the middle a crease and that could only occur if the the suture the suture line right here had been fused in a human was fused early and then you could have a shape like this where the brain would grow out and around and that wouldn't really spread out because the suture line would be prematurely fused but we cat scan the starchild and all of its sutures are open there's no premature fusing it's very normal and also it's very symmetrical if you look at the whole skull it's extraordinarily symmetrical for as strange as it looks it's more symmetrical than the human skull it's more symmetrical than my skull or or any average person's skull in fact one of the hallmarks of beauty everyone agrees is that the most symmetrical faces are the most beautiful in people tend to be so that too is very different now another aspect of extreme difference between the star child and the human is the thickness of the bone and we can see that very closely here you see the difference it's half or less the starchild's bone is half or less as thick it weighs half as much it's very much lighter in the hand than is a human skull so if it's not cradle boarding could hydrocephaly have deformed the skull anybody that says the star child is a hydrocephalic is missing a very important point when you look at standard hydrocephalic pictures you see it's blown up all around there's no significant features like this this grew this way because its genes told it to grow that way having dismissed the opinion of traditional science lloyd undertook his own research his findings are astonishing what makes the star child skull different is that there are 25 major physical differences between it and human skulls there's not one part of it that's exactly like a human it is completely different and what that indicates is that its genes are radically different but does this mean the star child skull could only be of extraterrestrial origin in 2003 dna technology allowed pi to put his theory to the test we got the first test by a laboratory that was capable of doing ancient dna and the answer that they got was that the mother was human and the father was not clearly something's wrong with the father father's not human is the starchild skull evidence that aliens bred with humans native american legends tell stories strikingly similar to pi's theory there would be beings from the stars would come down from the skies pick a woman in a village and they would make her pregnant so the star child fit right into that but as technology advances so does the story of the star child skull in early 2011 a new dna test led lloyd to an even more astonishing claim the conclusion that we've come to now after several dna tests and an extensive analysis of those results is that the star child had an alien father and an alien mother and when i say alien i mean non-human the difference is so stark the difference is so wide there is no way that we can call this a human is this the first physical evidence that aliens exist lloyd has no doubt it's going to change human history to have to accept that at least once 900 years ago an alien being walked the earth lived here died here and was buried here this is the equivalent of landing on the moon what is the star child skull for now it remains an enigma did it belong to a deformed child or an ancient adult with a disease of the brain is it conclusive evidence that we are not alone weird or what you know i've always had a fascination with the relics of the ancient past and i'm not just talking about the beatles or the rolling stones or leonard nimoy no no no no when it comes to our far distant history there's nothing quite as spectacular mysterious and even frightening as dinosaurs surely the king of all creatures real-life monsters that dominated the planet until something wiped them out long before man even evolved what a pity that we only find them now in museums or as cute toys can you imagine what it would be like to see one in the flesh well maybe we already have and maybe we still can [Applause] weird or what adventurer dennis swift travels the world in search of ancient artifacts but nothing he's found compares to a discovery made in ica peru by a man named javier cabrera dr cabrera made the greatest discovery in the history of mankind the implications are staggering it began innocently enough at a birthday party in nineteen sixty six it was dr cabrera's 42nd birthday one of the doctor's oldest friends brings him a special gift dr cabrera was given a stone he was found in some official archaeological excavations the stone was carved by an ancient peruvian tribe his friend thinks it's a trinket but the doctor makes a discovery that sets his heart racing etched into the stone is an image that defies explanation he recognized it to be a species of fish that went extinct 150 million years ago now how do you explain that seeking answers the doctor employs local workmen to find more stones dr cabrera began to find more in these stones and people brought him to him the more he delved into it the more it consumed his life as more and more stones arrive dr caprera realizes they feature other images that just shouldn't have been there some of the stones seem to be depicting impossible scenes things that would cause the textbooks to be rewritten what had the doctor found it was something that would shock the world he risked his reputation he said if you look closely at this you'll see a dinosaur car there with two people it's an astonishing moment but how could it be dinosaur fossils weren't identified until 1824. how could an ancient people have known about them a thousand years ago finding artifacts and information that showed that these people had knowledge of dinosaurs that predated our knowledge was truly amazing but could it be proved after comparing the etchings on over 400 stones to real fossils he discovered the depictions were accurate the peruvian artists must have known what dinosaurs looked like now not only is that astonishing it began to say to him they saw a living breathing dinosaurs this is one of archaeological's most baffling enigmas did the dinosaurs live millions of years longer than we thought they did i've studied the eager stones for well over 20 years i believe they are very substantial strong evidence that dinosaurs and men live together current scientific belief is that the dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid 66 million years ago 59 million years before early man even existed swift however believes there's evidence to the contrary in the cultures around the world they talk about encountering these animals of giant size and they fit the description of what we would call a dinosaur of course dinosaur did not was not coined until 1841 by sir ed edward owen it's a compound greek word that means terrible lizard or frightfully fearful wizard if you read the science books of the 1300s 1400s and 1500s when they talk about dragons they resemble very much what we would describe as a dinosaur and in fact there's an account of an irishman in 900 a.d who encountered a beast that had like triangular shaped diamond shapes on his back it had a head like a horse and it had big iron spikes on the back of his tail and it describes his legs well what animal could that be it could only be a a stegosaurus i've been with the american indians and they say we don't like to tell white people because they make fun of us but they believed that their ancestors fought against what we would call a triceratops could some dinosaurs have survived extinction did they walk among ancient peruvians for swift the artifacts uncannily accurate proportions don't lie here's a strirachosaurus on the stone does it have dermal spines yeah does the tail sticking out when it's walking yes does it have three toes yes all right so it's a dinosaur but if swift is right there's an even bigger question if dinosaurs walked the earth with humans only a relatively short time ago then what happened to them and where are they i believe that they existed from a few thousand years ago to maybe 500 years ago and there's a possibility that there could be a handful left there was a frenchman in 1967 i believe even took photographs of a of a footprint it's three-toed it's huge and it has a claw on the back only a dinosaur had that kind of a footprint so yeah dinosaurs could be out there oh boy this is incredible i mean that guy thinks that dinosaurs are still roaming the earth well let's think about what that means there's not a lot of room left on the planet so they're going to have to share our neighborhoods right maybe maybe we could have one as a pet you imagine keeping one in your backyard i think not somebody got a pooper scooper a big one did man and dinosaur coexist should we rip up our history books i think that people actually watch the flintstones and think it's reality programming ancient peruvian stone carvings pose a shocking question did our ancient ancestors walk alongside dinosaurs archaeologist ken fetter doesn't think so i think that people actually watch the flintstones and think it's reality programming it's not it's a cartoon folks fred did not have a pet dinosaur that really didn't happen but how can federer be sure humans never saw dinosaurs he points to the tens of thousands of fossils collected worldwide which confirmed they died out 66 million years ago we have a whole lot of evidence that dinosaurs died off long before there were people and the fact that we have a bunch of stones with carvings and people riding around on dinosaurs is not strong evidence at all but if ancient peruvians didn't see dinosaurs how do we explain the ecostones they're fakes they're hoaxes the story of the ecostones from start to finish mirrors the stories of lots of other archaeological hoaxes they start small but once it becomes clear that there's a guy willing to buy some stones suddenly we have thousands of these things and the actual stones themselves become more and more elaborate rather than finding them in caves could the peruvian peasants simply have made the stones themselves there's only one way to find out art student justine mcgraw has been asked to test federer's theory that the stones are merely fakes she's going to attempt to replicate the stones using basic tools so i begin by just copying out the image it's a very simple line drawing the drawing complete justine begins carving she uses a power tool for speed though the etching could easily be done by hand although the pattern is complete the stone doesn't have an ancient look justine has an inexpensive solution i'm going to cover the stone in a mixture of manure and olive oil is it rather down-to-earth solution her method of baking the stones is equally low-tech but could some manure olive oil and a barbecue really recreate the mysterious ecostones after just three hours of baking this is what my ecostone looks like for feder the results of this experiment are decisive we have two possible explanations in science one that requires overturning everything we know and one that simply requires that people are trying to make a buck by hoaxing so it's a lot easier for me to accept the possibility that people are making fakes that to completely rewrite everything we know about geology biology and so on this compressing this sort of pushing all of human history in just a few thousand years is sort of absurd on its face again when when you have a convergence of evidence convergence of data archaeological evidence separate geological evidence separate biological evidence separate paleontological evidence separate historic evidence separate and when all that data converges and points in exactly the same direction in ancient earth dinosaurs dying off tens of millions of years ago first human ancestors five six seven million years ago walking upright in the plains of africa all that evidence converges it all is mutually supportive this notion there really isn't any place in that history for people riding their dinosaurs uh to the drive-in movie theater is this the end of the mystery are the eager stones just fakes author andy lloyd is not so sure they weren't just created in someone's shed in the back garden 20 years ago some scientific work that's been done on them appears to indicate that there is a degree of oxidation over the engravings which would indicate that they're of some antiquity so if the stones really are ancient that proves that the images they depict must have happened right well not necessarily i don't think that's very very likely that man and dinosaur could have shared the earth at any time however that's not to say that there isn't something rather wonderful about the ickerstones in this regard and one of the ideas that i've put forward is that the makers of the yoga stones the artists from ancient peru who created them may have received knowledge about dinosaurs from ancient civilizations whose own understanding of the dinosaurs was as good as ours civilizations stretching back to ancient greece unearthed dinosaur remains they thought they were the bones of giants but what if some ancient civilization did know what they were who could have done such a thing atlantis is an excellent candidate because the discussions and descriptions of atlantis show that it was a very technologically advanced civilization for its time the lost city of atlantis an advanced ancient civilization that is said to have flourished around the time of the ice age before falling into the ocean could atlanteans have discovered dinosaurs we can speculate that the atlanteans had a very good understanding of natural history because their ability with science and technology was evidently quite far advanced they would have probably dug up dinosaur bones during their mining expeditions and pieced together a dinosaur in the same way that we did but many believe atlantis to be little more than a legend based on stories told by the greek philosopher plato is this strong enough evidence of its existence we can't authenticate the existence of atlantis through anything other than plato's writings but some of his writings are some of the most important literature from that period it seems odd that it's a story that plato would have made up this is the missing atlantean link in our understanding of ancient civilizations and knowledge could the atlanteans have traveled the world spreading a knowledge that was kept alive in stories and art or could the ecostones be definitive proof that our ancestors shared the earth with dinosaurs or are they one of the most elaborate hoaxes of all time perhaps one day we'll know for sure but in the meantime it's most certainly weird or what a 2 000 year old wooden model excavated from egypt's oldest pyramid reveals an amazing secret did the ancients invent modern flight it could have been launched easily from the top of a pyramid you know i like to think of myself as a bit of an adventurer for some indiana jones if you like bye you see i've been all over the world and collected some amazing relics wrong relic of course some are more amazing than others and some make you wonder what they might say if they could talk can you imagine finding something that could truly change the world well here it is sakura egypt in one of the country's oldest burial grounds french archaeologists begin to unearth the burial tomb of the 3rd century bc official patty eiman among the artifacts recovered is what looks to be a model of a bird it's catalogued and stored at the cairo museum for over 70 years but no one could predict the shock waves special register 6347 would soon make the late egyptologist dr khalil missile realized the model was very unusual it leads him to a breathtaking conclusion dr macia had found evidence of what appears to be a glider or an airplane something that the ancient egyptians supposedly didn't have author david chiltras thinks dr macia has much to teach historians and the world to me the research of dr khalil macia is very important because here we have a mainstream egyptologist finding an artifact that we know is authentic coming from over 2000 years ago a model a very miniature model of an airplane much like their early airplanes that were built uh in america and around the world at the turn of the century could the artifact be a model of an ancient flying machine it's a stunning revelation our histories tell us the first power human flight was in 1903. if dr macia is correct the ancient egyptians may have beaten the wright brothers by over 2000 years although met with initial skepticism tests by leading aeronautical engineers prove that the model now known as the sakara bird was designed for flight ancient cultures have many stories of flight of the manas of magic carpets of flying chariots but here with the sakara bird we have an actual model of what could be an ancient airplane did the ancient egyptians experiment with flight is the artifact the model of a full-sized glider or plane it's very important that we find artifacts like the sakara bird and other strange artifacts from these ancient cultures because it really helps us place their legends and myths in context such as flight is it possible that they actually had flight like we do today and i think they did is the sakara bird proof that the ancient egyptians had technology two thousand years ahead of its time and if they did how do they get it this is going to throw egyptology and the way we view ancient civilizations completely topsy-turvy a man discovers a model wooden bird in a cairo museum is the sacara bird proof the egyptians took to the skies 2000 years ago katya gomez is an egyptologist she has her doubts when i first heard that the sacara bird was being used to support such claims of early aviation i was completely taken aback certainly they were fascinated with the skies they believed that their dead ascended to the sky to become celestial gods after death their chief deities were seen to be traveling through the sky the sun god being the most important there but there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that the egyptians had an interest in aviation but if the sacara bird was not the model of a glider what was it the symbol of a bird is extremely important within the egyptian religious and political system we find them used in the hieroglyphic writing system we find them as images protecting the king one bird in particular the falcon had a role which explains why it would be placed in a tomb the deceased egyptian wishes to ascend to the sky and sometimes says he does so on falcon's wings in particular the falcon with the outstretched wings you will find at the back of the king's head indicating that he is afforded the protection of the gods and he is in fact horrors on earth and we find amuletic representations of falcons as protective devices in funerary contexts that means in egyptian tombs decorating the coffins of the dead being placed as little protective object amulets on the actual mummies or painted on the coffins painted on the sides of the sorry on the walls of the tombs and so forth there's one problem though the cigar bird looks nothing like the other egyptian falcons so what can explain its flat tail and plane like wing it is not unheard of that toys were given to deceased children and they would be put into their tombs so they would be accessible for their afterlife and for their eternal pleasure could the mysterious artifact be nothing more than a simple child's toy are the smooth body and flat tail the result of amateur craftsmanship and not deliberate design even though there are a few idiosyncrasies in its representation the sakara bird is most likely an image of a falcon there is no evidence that the egyptians experimented with aviation technology the claim is ludicrous to say the least so it is not inconceivable that the sakhara bird was a toy that was given to a child or even to an adult who wanted to take his favorite childhood toy with him into the afterlife are we reading too much into an ancient toy but not everyone thinks so artifacts like the scar bird are important because science likes to think it's got everything explained we can explain how the egyptians built the pyramids and all of their ancient technology but items like the sikhara bird throw a monkey wrench into some of these old theories because suddenly it's possible that the ancient egyptians and other civilizations could do much like we did and have flight have electricity have machines when we look at ancient civilizations like the ancient egyptians we see that they've made so many magnificent buildings and their sciences were very exact they were good engineers they studied uh nature tremendously so the saqqara bird seems to indicate that yes the ancient egyptians knew about flight and had it but how can children's be so sure that what looks like a bird is really a model airplane it's clearly an aerodynamic design and not just some simple toy the wings are at what is known as the dihedral angle it's a special angle that the wings of a glider have to be at in order to achieve lift and the scarbird has that so the wings are airworthy but what about the tail dr macia had also found evidence that the very top part of the tail rudder had been broken off and he theorized that it had in fact had also another vertical tail much like a modern jet would have but if the sikar bird was a model of an ancient glider there's one big problem where in egypt's flat desert could you glide from if it was a glider it could have been launched easily from the top of a pyramid perhaps much like hang gliders themselves launched today off of cliffs and mountains or even the egyptians could have developed a a relatively primitive catapult type launching system that would have given the this glider the power to get in the air and then fly over areas of egypt i believe that the ancient egyptians and other civilizations had powered flight as well as gliders and airships and balloons and even they had electricity and lights even they must have had power tools in some other cases to build some of the buildings they had were the crowning achievements of egyptian civilization used as a launch pad by an ancient pair of wright brothers if scientists are right that this is a model of a functioning glider this is going to throw egyptology and the way we view ancient civilizations completely topsy-turvy okay this is blowing my mind are they honestly trying to tell me that this 2000 year old ugly duckling is evidence of an ancient mastery of the laws of aerodynamics that it could fly well there's only one way to find out anybody got any clue a simple bird replica or evidence of early flight what is the sacara bird martin gregory designs gliders he thinks he knows the answer when i first heard the sucker of bird was the model for a full-size aeroplane i was skeptical to say the least i knew for a start that the ancient egyptians didn't have anything that could be used as an engine to power an aeroplane and that gives you the clue because egypt's pretty flat and you're going to need some way of getting the aeroplane into the air and you also if you're going to use it for carrying cargo you're going to need something to power it so it can travel a useful distance i decided the only way i could find out if the sakura bird could have been a flying model was to build one myself using the exact dimensions of the ancient artifact gregory constructs an identical replica he'll launch it with a device used to test scale glider models i'm just about to launch zakara bird in its original form as it came out of the pyramid with no tail plane that flight did what i expected it to do its lack of aerodynamics kicked in and it tumbled and filled the ground the test is conclusive a model of that size needs a stabilizing tail dr macia believed that the sakara bird originally had a tail which it snapped off with age could a tail make a difference next we're going to launch the sakura bird again but this time fitted with the tail plane this will stabilize it and let us see how good or poor and glider it is 2 000 years of history hang on this one test it travels further but not much the end results are the same the wing has rounded edges and that just doesn't generate very much lift at all and in terms of stability all modern aeroplanes have the wing bent up at the tips for stability instead of swooping down like this one does so does the experiment prove that the sakura bird was really a child's toy following his experiment gregory has a theory of his own i think there's a possibility that it's a wind fan i discarded the child's toy theory on the grounds that all real birds have a flat horizontal tail rather than a vertical fin and most children will be able to recognize that just this difference and not be fooled by the presence of the fin to find out whether it was could have been a wind vane um i put a pivot on on the belly of it and as you can see i think it's a far better weather vein than it is a flying model so is the answer to a 2 000 year old mystery really blowing in the wind was the sacara bird simply an ancient plaything or could it be evidence of mankind's first attempt at flight we may never know weird or what so there we have it three ancient artifacts that bring into question everything we understand about history a bizarrely shaped skull is found in the mexican cave is it proof that aliens once visited earth scenes depicted on ancient stone carvings question our natural history did man and dinosaur share our planet and a 2 000 year old wooden model suggests the impossible did an ancient civilization fly you decide join me again next time for more stories that will undoubtedly be weird or what [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Documentary Central
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Keywords: Documentary, Channel, Watch, Videos, Full, Free, Stream, Documentaries, Series, Doco, Season, Episode, YouTube, Movies, Netflix, William Shatner, Weird of what?, Star Trek, Animals, Monsters, Aliens, Conspiracy, Thoeries, Thery, Conspiracy theory, William, Shatner, Narrator, William Shatner Series, captain james kirk, captain james t. kirk, captain kirk, captain kirk impressions, impression, impressions, reviews, shatner, william shatner capt kirk, william shatner captain kirk
Id: slckU9a42Is
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Length: 51min 2sec (3062 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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