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okay okay Let Me Clear My Throat oh my God I on private that's so embarrassing I just did that for no one public okay save oh man I forgot to set the game we're off to a terrible start ladies and gentlemen off to a horrendous start save that boom little unorthodox I know little unorthodox but why are you streaming Wednesday at a 7 p.m. what's the deal with that e what's the deal with that well let some let some let some real Gamers come in and I'll explain what's really going on here hey what's up everybody Welcome in welcome in how's everybody doing hello hello how is everybody I want to I want to just throw this out there real quick all right want to throw this out there real real fast I got a little bit of a cold thing going on here I got a little it's called a little cold it's called a little cold we've all had one before so if I sound a little bit funny I'm sorry I'm sorry Arthur Morgan it's hands on site just wait till I throw disease at you all right all right let's make sure we're okay we're like kind of past a minute Mark all right I'm going to try and be real energetic cuz I was kind of dying last stream from the same goddamn cold let's see past a minute 30 that's normally where I you know start cursing in my videos so what's up [ __ ] how's everybody doing man how's everybody thank you for the two to blo Joshua Winston sit in a goddamn standard dude Joshua Winston Beast w w Beast I'm sorry I said that massive W do super super excited for today's stream dude I don't know if it's going to be a quick one I don't know if it's going to be a goddamn um not slow short one I don't even know all right this was like a spur of the moment cuz Okay well let let me walk you guys through what I've done all right well first of all I fixed a house all right I fixed a house a bit I was thinking about double A in the the old Dynasty you know all right Ben feather thank you for the goddamn Tanda balloons buddy why oh no I thought I oh I forgot to do that oh no I forgot to get more I'm so screwed oh no okay Ben feather thank you very much for the goddamn tend balloons you absolute [ __ ] madman dude boom There It Is Well let me let me quickly make some more of these and then then we'll chat all right then we'll get to it's called chatting it's called we do a little bit of chatting all right oh dude we're [ __ ] stacked what am I even worried the hell am I even worried about we're good we're good I just got this stuff in hell like 8 seconds ago which was pretty cool so what a lot of you guys don't a lot of you guys don't really know okay and that's all right that's all right is that i' be doing a little bit of fishing in these worlds off stream all right off stream and it's uh it's fun and all I just kind of do it so I'm like hey you know I could snack up on maybe some cool little accessories you know I do the quest check it out check it out look it I got this fishing outfit I got this fishing wine here I got this angler gear that was bars okay let me spit when's the next Calamity video tomorrow at noon Widow 12:00 p.m. Pacific time the tomorrow buddy and then the finale is coming after that sometime maybe the week after yeah what was I saying oh yeah I'll be doing a little bit of fishing all right i' be doing a little fishing that's that's one of the things on the list I did oh also I duped a whole lot of crystals so we have a we have like 30 plat which is fantastic um I made a mushroom biome Island check this out very cool we had like kind of the same exact one last stream Pretty epic pretty epic also made a little shitty little Hollow one all right but speaking of the hollow all right speaking of the hollow we have a little bit of a goddamn problem okay you see all this purification powder it [ __ ] spreads so goddamn fast it's like hepatitis on my world's skin and it makes me sick I can't fish I had there is no energy there is no there is no passion in this goddamn world to stop the crimson and it's pissing me off dude it's pissing me God damn poo poo come Wier 142 wed in the chat immediately for poo come weer 142 none other than po come weer 142 all right for the 50 smack AO straight to my dog my private domicile all right straight to the Dome piece let's let's let's [ __ ] let's put poo poo C weener on the board real quick all right let's not well I can't be that mad about the Crimson anymore all right I can't be that mad massive dude Jesus Christ thank you so much let me scroll up real quick so I can see what you sad every time I see that beautiful notification I feel the blood rush to my poo poo come wiener so sad to hear you're sick it's all right it's all right it happens to the best of us but I wouldn't mind if you spit in my mouth so we could be sick together I you had me in the first half thanks for being my Pooky love poo poo comeer 142 thank you for the [ __ ] kind and odd words this one's for you poooo come weener thank you big dog thank you so goddamn much I wish I could express more more excitedly all right but I'm dying a little bit and brunc thank you for being a member of the cult for 18 long ass months how am I today I'm a little sick I'm a little sick but I'm okay it ain't [ __ ] to me I'll tell you that much it ain't shisn't it the dumbest [ __ ] I ever said in my life but I'll keep saying it all right thank you again poop comeer more W's for that man please thank you what up shark man good to see you buddy how you doing oh [ __ ] me man oh Jesus oh good sweet Mother of God shark man's done it again W's for SharkMan in the chat immediately godamn thank you for inditing 10 beautiful goddamn members into the cult all right W's for SharkMan and and let's get some [ __ ] thanks for SharkMan too all right so welcome gray welcome absolute suver when am I doing hardcore get fixed never dude never not in a million years welcome Joshua Winston on his own accord dude welcome in Joshua you Beast you mind if to call you Josh welcome in Josh or Joshua if you don't like being called Josh welcome in X busy Evan Evan gagle all right welcome in Cur welcome in izy leaf welcome in Tyrie Irwin welcome in Alec Mitchell welcome in good to see you again hypnotic fruit welcome in good to see you again too and Maxes welcome the [ __ ] in no way it's Ricky Dicky do dog rmes thank you for the three D Bloons brother thank you waffle can you do Peter Griffin uh I I I don't know cuz I'm sick no if I'm really in the zone I could do it kind of maybe I'll try later I'll try later I'm shy right now thank you Ricky Dicky do dog rhymes for the three goddamn deons thank you guys very much thank you SharkMan thank you poo poo C wiener thank you Joshua thank you everybody thank you [ __ ] Ben feather thank you guys so the problem all right the problem we're running into I can't fish in godamn peace all right that's just spreading way too fast we need a contaminator licky goddamn splickety so I was thinking I I watched CJ death bot shout out CJ death bot by the way uh he just dropped a shotguns only video and it was a uh it was a [ __ ] Banger all right it was a goddamn Banger it was a great video but I saw in there that he did he like dug in the underground and not in the cavern layer for um um for mimics all right he did that for mimics and he said it was a great way to do it so we're going to try out the old CJ death bot method go leave a go go say hi on his newest video by the way he's a great guy CJ death's [ __ ] awesome love him love him to death holy [ __ ] I didn't look at chat for like one second my team mod is broken and I'm sad why is it broken dude and what up Oliver good to see you again buddy albino Sky rat fetus dude I would love to know well first of all okay thank you for the two de Bloons Oliver thank you and I'm sorry about your team mod loader thank you albino Sky rat fetus for the two de Bloons when will I update the hollow Night series it's coming soon all right infernum is coming to a close I want to catch up on infer [ __ ] stupid stupid stupid I want to catch up on uh thorium thorium and Hollow Knight so those are those are going to be coming in a lot more frequently I just bid off a lot more than I could true I could chew I can't speak stupid I want to know how you got that name albino Sky rat fetus and thank you for the 20 mads cursed at w time you privated last stream oh [ __ ] I didn't make it I didn't make it public let me I have a I have a flurry of sticky notes to organize my [ __ ] let me let me throw that down I'm sorry about that I thought I made a public public last stream my bad I'll put it up I normally keep in private until they render out to HD so my bad on that I'm thinking I really want to kill a Mech I really want to get a Cool Whip I think that'd be pretty epic so here's what here's kind of where CJ death bot did it I'm very very stupid I forgot to get blocks all right so we're we're going to grind for a we're going to do a little bit of mimic grinding you know it's going to be slow it's going to be tedious it's going to be painful and you're all here for it all right you're all here happy you guys are here also um been harvesting plants it's another thing that's another thing I've been doing podel thank you for the five goddamn Deon bonies D bonies I couldn't even Edge to this I exploded immediately thanks WAFF yeah dude of course um awkward it's all over my screen now Widow sorry I kind of want to sleep till day then go I'm not a [ __ ] dude I'll just go right now I don't care see if I give a rat ass I think a gome might help us a little bit and then we could maybe take two of these bad boys it'll be good'll be solid love how the cat could just open doors whenever it damn well feels like I guess shark man holy [ __ ] God damn W's for shark man immediately at once you're getting [ __ ] immortalized on the chamber buddy what do you like it or not you're going to the immortalization chamber Jesus Christ thank you guys so much [ __ ] me to tears wow there goes monetization for this one SharkMan thank you so [ __ ] much W's for SharkMan immediately Hollow night is a go is here thank you so much I don't even know how far I am in it I I asked it in the latest video I haven't really looked at that I looked a little bit but I don't remember I don't I don't remember all right yo should we yo is it a [ __ ] blizzard actually it's not a blizzard so nothing's nothing's going to spawn right no ice Golem no ice Golem's going to come out and bite me in the penis oh thank you for the eight Balloons Ricky Dicky dude whoa fat drop chances I okay dude thank you for the eight de Boonies Ricky Dicky dog rhymes oh my God our drop rates are going [ __ ] insane right now clip that chat clip that wi do we I'll give you a dollar for every minute you go without cussing or saying something about smashing a dry I can't you can't give me impossible challenges like that that's not fair no comment on the other half of that message oh [ __ ] I'm sorry still waiting for the Mage only hardcore I got distracted I apolog iiz my bad shark man more W's for Shark Man please P up with my Shenanigans Hollow nice goed series thank you thank you I'm hoping to have it back real real goddamn soon I don't know how how far I am exactly but we'll see we'll find out still waiting for the Mage only Mage only hardcore series dude oh God I'll be real with you shark man I don't know if I if I have the balls to do it I don't know if I have the GS I one of Red's Godless seeds oh my God AB horen I don't think we're going to get him I don't think I think we have to wait till it's a blizzard blizzard so that's okay we could go we go hunt for uh for some bastards hello by the way what the [ __ ] we got a lot of good accessories fantastic thank you for the 20 to blo Ben feather Ben feather thank you very [ __ ] much Jesus Christ I appreciate you guys thank you seriously guys are going goddamn Captain inano shows no mercy holy goddamn guacamole I threw up this morning by the way thought you guys should know I think I ate bad chicken the other night so I had to I had to finger blast my throat which is a shame which is a shame just want to ask do you prefer firecracker or Cool Whip also love to hear that new vids are coming in a minute yeah they're coming in a minute all right as always keep up the best content YouTube goat stay real dude you're the [ __ ] real thank you Ben feather thank you so much for the kind words I didn't need to know that yeah you did Yoshi um I think I prefer the Cool Whip I like using the Cool Whip against the Destroyer it's very helpful my favorite my favorite summon is probably [ __ ] I don't even know probably Stardust Dragon what kind of homework do you got Ryman hypothesis excuse me you heard me damn it MC faton holy [ __ ] it's good to see you again how you been doing thank you for the five goddamn de balloons I appreciate you very much inspired me to finish my Summoner run that's huge that's absolutely huge now built a huge house that looks awful but when you open the map it makes a perfect pixel art of a dryad pinup no [ __ ] way you got to slap that [ __ ] on the on the Terraria RIT why am I so slow dude Christ but good to see you again good to see you again I'm glad you finished your Summoner run and thank you poooo come wiener 142 yet again what up Tyrie what up ukk Tyrie but thank you again [ __ ] poo poo come wier's going insane me throw this down and we'll see what you have to godamn say all right this one is a huge shout out to none other than poo poo [ __ ] weener 14 too all right thank you thank you I have a request sir waffle I wish I have a poo poo weer Shrine in which my donation shall pay for the construction so how much would such a building cost my poooo [ __ ] wallet please fax me my quote once you have it okay I'll fax it I'll think about that I'll think about that I have to think of some type of Monument to build you know I'm not the best I'm not the best at this type of stuff I'm not the best at building you know just an honest days work for a gamer get the [ __ ] out of my way you frog oh hell yeah absolute solver 049 says waffle I just passed my Sr initial physical test while watching your latest Calamity video that's [ __ ] huge congrats massive dub no we're going to have to mine all that out that's so annoying I say we dig over here should we get a better pickaxe first dude this might take a [ __ ] minute mimics can spawn on like three tall [ __ ] right this going to take so long I'm going to throw up what up Fez boy this is going to take [ __ ] forever dude I'm be sick I'm going to be goddamn sick but apparently the little bastards can spawn in an underground rather than uh just a cavern layer which is pretty pretty [ __ ] a interesting to me all right I'm going to teleport up and I kind of forgot what for ah yes pickaxe how about we go get a better pickaxe huh because this [ __ ] sucks anus vanderlay JR says Hey waffle love your videos from Brazil [ __ ] yeah shout out Brazil shout out Brazilian High wealthy pigeon spawn to service just okay what am I doing man losing my train of thought cuz my head started hurting sorry sorry awful time real legit hell yeah what up goddess of Sorrow Oliver thank you for the two Bloons I got to go to bed can I get a name on a sign did you do above above 10 yet let's see I can't scroll up that far I'll just take your word for it if you did if you did a I'm GNA just I'm just going to we're going to just [ __ ] rock with it but have a good night's rest go some people donate like two bucks at a time two bucks two bucks two bucks two bucks you know what up lemon Hound we're just [ __ ] chilling man we're chilling right now I'm trying to get I'm torn between getting a better Whip and getting like mimic accessories if that makes any sense and then you know I was torn between one other thing but I kind of forgot what I was doing a little bit I'm trying to remember I'm dying of dementia apparently oh a better pickaxe okay okay now we're talking let's let's go to the let's go to the Broan which summon is next probably probably the optic staff thank you for the two Bloons Ben feather Ben feather thank you very much collect all armor play through one dude that would take [ __ ] forever because of the dev set that might be another one that I go full melee for and just Zenith everything at the end that's the [ __ ] right there I [ __ ] keep forgetting we take fall damage yeah we we need a lot of stuff we also need Wings we kind of need all kinds of sh is it me or there just not one single [ __ ] well okay there is now one single let's check over here maybe one of these had a bunch in here I think one of these had a [ __ ] ton shut up Lucy I don't need you you oh thank you for the five de bons novet Waffle Time how's it Thug shaking pretty well pretty pretty decent it's sickly right now I don't know if I sound a little bit funny or not I recorded spell to's only audio with uh with my sickly voice so the beginning sounds a little weird till I had a bunch of tea and it [ __ ] cleared up a smidge all right I think this is such a [ __ ] such a [ __ ] that here we go one two 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n we're back we're back oh my God God of hydration is here holy [ __ ] thank you for the 10 to balloons God of hydration you're going on the immortalization chamber buddy old pal how you like them apples this is your hydration checkpoint drink some water all right I got to go get some real quick I'll push you up and then we could we could get you a thug shaking real quick I'll go get some no ice though I always do no ice in my drinks more drink more drink less [ __ ] water down drink you know water down water I guess I know it just gets in the way it hits me in the [ __ ] lip which is that kind of pisses me off a little bit but thank you very much I'll go get a water right now right after of course oh right after of course I said thank you to Beto Lopez for being a member of the cult for six goddamn months almost half a million Subs is welld deserved bro you're very talented and the best terrar YouTuber I can't wait for 1 million sub that means the [ __ ] world 1 million Subs we're doing are you [ __ ] kidding me can you stop opening the door are you stupid I should hit that cat with a [ __ ] sprit of water you little [ __ ] thank you for the kind words Beto and for being a member of the cult for six goddamn months thank you thank you almost half a million [ __ ] Subs that's crazy that kind of rocked my world when you said that I hasn't really registered too much yet Dennis I'd be down to try some Shimmer block oh my God classy [ __ ] peanuts is here too holy [ __ ] look at that oh wait this might be prime opportunity to get a slime staff huh if our luck is up then we might get more pinkies let's think about this for a moment all right throw one of these guys up was this whole ass out it's pretty cool I'm going to pause real fast and go get some water [ __ ] I got to put classy peanuts up real quick and one tall s [ __ ] oh my god oh Jesus Christ thank you [ __ ] thank you guys so much very very godamn much super turbo godamn much even so I am [ __ ] like them apples all right classy peanuts is going on the immortalization chamber hey Mr time heard you were having fishing trouble have you consider it's due to the fact that fish fear you women fear you you're socially inept brother I'm wearing the T-shirt no pants as we speak all right I'm ready for that [ __ ] so ready imposible thank you again for the five D balloons and 23 cents have I heard of the Mind goblins mind Goblin de nuts oh Martha please come back I miss you so much much please please please please please please what the [ __ ] happened here you go one tall some [ __ ] thank you very much all right I'm going to pause I'm going to pause and grab some water forget water drink boxed wine no that's a that's a that's a banger right there I'll be right back enjoy some Shuffle e e all right all right all right okay okay everyone settle down I'm back I'm back what's going on I got some water God of hydration commanded me oh oh SharkMan donated 20 [ __ ] gifted Subs Jesus Christ oh hold on I forgot to turn the shuffle off now I got to pull the chat pack up thank you shark man Jesus Lord dude thank you a million [ __ ] times and welcome in elz 1881 Dexter andras P Eisen Amy Sue brick sandwich sea Welsh heuristical BattleTech propaganda Drifter iduck 17 redfire 8813 andry Sing Sing Buzz Zordon the cut I'm sorry if I [ __ ] that one up dude Marcus Marcus larus ketza hybrid toast Celeste the game get up there [ __ ] go to work dude go to work Jordan cager Johnny The Iron Giant [ __ ] 23 welcome into the Colt all right welcome goddamn in and W's immediately for our goddamn boy shark man all right thank you so much thank you so [ __ ] much I appreciate you endlessly my boy my man my dog thank you so much I didn't want a slime staff real bad it hurts it's a higher chance from pinkies I can't find it's hurt my feelings a little bit all right thank you for the two the balloons albino Sky WRA fetus I appreciate you let's get you on the immortalization chamber real quick you said that's your sixth $2 Super Chat you fear your name's history what is that even [ __ ] what is that even mean I'm dying this is it for me last weekend I had a great stream I thought I would live until I was 100 now today I learn I'll only live till I'm 25 oh [ __ ] enough fooling around everyone we got a major threat on the loose can we just hit him there we go just let him let him eat let him eat real quick right slime staff please please please slime staff I'm taking it out of my family in the future come on come on you know you know the rules and so do [Music] I spiders are [ __ ] useless right now well it's a wrap Future Family goodbye future family thanks Rel logic I throw that [ __ ] away why not uh in banners and let's catch up with chat all right thank you for the five de Bloom Ben feather forgot to say I got a new dog over the weekend oh that's awesome a third mini dash dash about 3 months old and ever so damn cute her name is Zara that's [ __ ] adorable congrats on the new dog huge congrats oh my God I missed ahab's Bane's donation I'm so sorry King thank you for the goddamn t d 10 deons D Bloons and you're going on the immortalization chamber buddy how you like that how you like that here we go here we go look at that [ __ ] thank you so [ __ ] much waffle your hilarious challenge vids are why I downloaded Terraria I've been inspired to start my first get fixed boy Legendary Run Jesus Christ good luck I wish you the best of luck Soldier oh a new pickaxe that's what we're doing thanks you handsome comment thank you and thank you Ricky Dicky dud do Grimes for the for another goddamn five to balloons you should do a Red Dead Redemption 2 playthrough as I'd love to see how quickly your honor would deplete I played a little bit of it I got mad I couldn't fast travel apparently there's a way I could but I didn't know how so I haven't really picked up I did like the first few missions like just got to the spot where I could donate to my camp but I'd be down I'd be down for a no honor run I'm down thank you again for the five de balloons and thank you Joshua Winston for the 10 de balloons holy [ __ ] I'm running out of these things quick I got to be careful I can't be in debt like I was uh the first stream I was so [ __ ] the first stream thank you so much Joshua Winston shout out Joshua Winston that signs for you buddy old pal can I ask how many eyes of cthulu can you spawn at once I think you could get two to spawn if you get the it's going to be a terrible night or whatever the [ __ ] it is or you feel an evil presence washing you right any of that [ __ ] you get that and then you summon one after you get that message I think two will spawn I'm pretty sure I might be wrong though but thank you again and thank you tricky puppet 43 for joining the God damn [ __ ] cult cult members are getting a uh getting a uh discount on merch whenever it drops by the way if you guys are if you guys are interested interested in that [ __ ] can I just get a out of there we go now we're talking I'm very perplexed as to why we have Desert Water right here let's get a [ __ ] mining po what are we doing dude God damn enough hooting n enough fooling around what what are we doing man Christ grow up all right now I'm ready I didn't catch first stream fully how many sums do I have um I have all the prehard mode ones except for the Slime staff and the houndy as shus the only hard mode ones we have are the ones that are in my hot bar right now of spider friends and the Queen Spider summoned Ricky Dicky dud do Grimes [ __ ] strikes again dude what season are you on what season are you on by the way did you watch the ones who live did you watch it Ricky Dicky do dog rmes you were in it feeling generous so here's another two bucks thank you very Goddamn much I appreciate you all endlessly I'll have you know I'll have you know discount keep more money while merch coming in at some point must be Christmas Even though I'm damn sure it's April dude I'm hoping to get the [ __ ] I'm hoping to get it rolling in dude I really I'm it's just really hard to get a good vendor that's not going to overcharge the [ __ ] out of you guys don't like that idea very much I'm sure you guys don't either so that part's a little hard and then I'm having trouble too coming up with with designs I'm trying to come up with something that you guys could look [ __ ] flying all right so that's a little hard but yeah I have like a a couple College tea looking ones I think would be pretty goddamn epic ah here's Ora cow will come let's go W's for that what do Lucy would you shut your goddamn mouth I'm going to throw her away shut up Jesus Christ dude all day in my goddamn ear I said Ed loaf thanks for being a member of the cult for two long months I appreciate you very very much oh the cool thing is we don't really have to what the [ __ ] we only need enough titanium for a forge that's all that's all I was trying that's all I was trying to say my goddamn bad I got my [ __ ] [ __ ] whooped okay I'm missing so much [ __ ] hold on my body's a machine that consumes Waffle Time Terraria content I'm glad I'm glad ascended Loaf and Ender Hunter 531 thank you for the five de Bloons playing GTA with the boys while watching you stream and eating hot wings dude that sounds like heaven GTA with your dogs and hot wings that sounds heavenly out here living my best life love what you do Waffle thank you Ender Hunter for the five deons and the goddamn kind words one tall some [ __ ] thank you for the two balloons drunk waffle when I won't reveal the idea otherwise it's going to get stolen all right there been a lot of little content thiefs out there lately all right it's very [ __ ] annoying however however I do have an idea you guys will get drunk waffle time maybe soon I don't know I'm I'm going to focus on the series that I'm having a horrible time managing right now first and then and only then will we maybe get that I was oh oh oh I was thinking it'd be a stream I think that'd be fun shark man thank you for the 20 goddamn deons brother let me smelt this [ __ ] and we'll push you up on the push you up on the old Heavenly wall real quick we're not going to have enough for [ __ ] we got to make this damn damn what a shine here we go there's my old one get the fu get out of here all right SharkMan says any chance merch ships to Australia oh that's another thing I've been trying to look into I want shipping [ __ ] everywhere in the world I don't care if it's North Korea son if someone wants a rep a waffle time T-shirt they should they should be able to do so all right don't care don't care thank you again shark man you [ __ ] beast thank you Hazard Nick being a member of the CT for 7even months that is [ __ ] wild dude that is wild you die you drink challenge calling it now that's not actually it well kind of maybe that's maybe a part of it is kind of but there's more of a premise to it and thank you for the two balloons MC faton I haven't drank this water yet God of hydration would be pissed Siri says I'm living my life for the last couple of days before my first full-time job any advice for that it depends is this like a uh is this a job you've been you've been seeking like is this like like a dream job type thing if not like like for example I I started as a uh I I started in the food industry that was my first job is uh is making making [ __ ] Wings ironically enough and uh man one thing I learned the hard way what was that you know make friends have fun do your thing work hard stack bread save literally half if not more of what you make just tuck it away save it you'll be very happy you did later and um if it's some type of corporate entity don't work harder than you have to or if it's not a job you see yourself working in the future you know don't work harder than you have to work there you know do your thing have fun be happy but don't break your [ __ ] back for a company wouldn't who wouldn't piss on you if you dying of thirst all right I'll just throw that throw that little little Waffle knowledge on your forehead however it is work take it serious you know have a good time make that [ __ ] bread save dough yeah that's pretty much that's all I would say yeah I worked my ass off at my first job and uh I got pretty good at it I got pretty good at it and uh after over a year working there I uh I had gotten my first raise and I had quit because after a year of hauling ass never late once working overtime you know just just [ __ ] grinding dude going hard I'm telling you going hard not not messing around with you they said congratulations Waffle Time well he didn't really say that they said congratulations Carson you're getting a raise and I was like holy [ __ ] the fruits of my labors it's paying off this is amazing I'm going to make way more money they gave me 25 cents as a raise and I know I should be I should be grateful however when you do that much work for a corporate entity you only realize too late they do not care about you they do not care I missed more [ __ ] I'm sorry um this guy's going to kick my ass see let's kill him first David devs games thanks for being a member of the co for 20 months goddamn son I hope your Channel's been going going good I've been trying to keep up shout out David devs games make some make some good content dude check it out if you haven't Christ and Ricky Dicky dud all Grime thank you for the five God God damn D bons brother I'm at season 10 episode 4 of the original show right now I'm watching with a friend but he's on a holiday so I can't really watch it that's rough that's rough I'm assuming you're going to watch the ones who live after I'm not even going to put my opinion out you have to watch it for yourself then come back and let me know what you thought then we'll discuss brother then we'll discuss I season 10 episode 4 yeah thank you again thank you again for the five to BL thank you again mind you let's not forget that all right thank you hi catboy Gamers what up welcome in welcome in oh oh oh [ __ ] we're good we're good we're back damn it waffle still at work I hope you have a damn good workday brother hope you have a good workday brother man would my spider friends be yep it's thing of beauty isn't it need a lot of iore it's called we need a lot of iore I think we have enough juice you watch all the spin-offs as well is that one with Daryl out yet because Daryl is like my favorite character and I I don't look at I I watched the trailer I was like this is kind of this is interesting let's go down and get just enough for a titanium Forge and we will be all good hey Goblin I hope he never forgets that if if he tries to tell any of the other NPCs about that I'm going to say he's lying thank you for the T to Bloons Ricky Dicky do dog Rhymes thank you thank you very much how' you like Negan that was like Peak Peak Walking Dead in my opinion currently laying Platforms in my Vatican City sized Arena holy [ __ ] don't you just hate when you're trying to walk to work maybe just get some titanium to feed your family and a [ __ ] flying spider from hell just tears right into you in your waffle how much would I have to contribute to be on a tombstone instead of a sign I got an extra one in the house [ __ ] it dude 10 bucks and up I don't care just remind me I will I promise I will forget you just have to remind me as I'm doing it Negan mid what are you talking about Raven Raven did you like the governor at least I thought the governor was pretty pretty crazy I've never wanted a man to die more that was awful but that's you know good villain oh [ __ ] yeah we desperately desperately need a contaminator yeah he did but how pimp I heard the uh the viewership for the show actually dropped after that but apparently that's how it goes in the comics I I really really want to read the comics apparently they're a lot different than the uh than the old show wait we're summon dude what are we [Applause] doing yeah Negan wasn't Tekken wasn't he that's hella funny is it bad I've never watched The Walking Dead no no it's not bad it's honestly in my opinion I I'll give my opinion on the uh on The Walking Dead since uh but not on not on uh the ones who live cuz Ricky Dicky doog Grimes hasn't seen it yet I don't want to spoil be a total doucher move in my opinion um it's like you watch [ __ ] like the first two three four seasons even and it's really good and you like it and it's fun but then you uh you start getting to the point of where every there's you know how like shows have Filler episodes and it drives you guys crazy I feel like they have filler Seasons sometimes where I'm like I could have just not watched that season and I would have been fine you know but to each their own some people really really liked it I wasn't a big fan of some of the seasons I would say out of all the seasons like half were Peak first season was fantastic I really like that banana man thank you for the goddamn 20 to balloons above and beyond freak thank you yeah here check this out that was a well done steak up here this one's yours no longer am my well done steak this just going to look so odd thank you banana man and here's a little extra for the wonderful person you are dude [ __ ] [ __ ] me thank you for the kind words we're going to throw one of these away so we're not uneven but thank you so much fing 20 on my head and a nice ass nice ass compliment sweet sweet ass compliment thank you thank you Joshua Winston for the two wins I got to go it's night where I am so bye thank you for coming by buddy I hope you have a good one Mr Obama lover 2343 I'm doing pretty good how are you doing Mr Obama lover 2343 I'm a little sick so I sound a little funny thank you for the fivers thank you for the Fiverr deer Ricky Dicky dog Rhymes I [ __ ] love Negan he's one of if not my favorite characters but I hated the governor he killed my beloved hersel I loved Hershel that [ __ ] broke my heart son I was I don't know I feel like he's like a good villain in the way that you're like God damn I want this guy to die like when you see him winning or whatnot I didn't like that they tried to give him like a feel bad for me backstory I just didn't I was like I don't care I hope your daughter comes back to life for from being a zombie and [ __ ] dies again in front of you you're an awful man Robert agar thank you for the 10 to balloons you're going on the goddamn immortalization chamber buddy oh I hope you enjoyed that I let that one out from the soul probably awoken my neighbors but that's fine hi I'm Negan dude negan's great he's fantastic thank you Ricky Dicky d gr for the two deons yes of course you could have your own Lantern you've donated $2 like 12 times I know it cuz I don't think I've ever said Ricky Dicky do dog Rhymes more in one day than I have on this fateful day April 17th so here you are Ricky Dicky do dog Rhymes okay perfect perfect perfect all right why is one of them a tombstone someone died has waa been watching Shogun dude I haven't caught up on it I heard such good things about it I heard it's like heard [ __ ] Peak Cinema but I got like halfway through the first episode and I had to go do something the governor is worse than the comics lemon Jesus Christ I thought he [ __ ] sucked in the show I dude I have got to get the comics I just want to order them online but I am I need well I need you know I got to pay rent San Diego rent sucks oh let's go to the snow let's see if we can oh dude yeah time out time out for the game um um [ __ ] okay we'll take him push your ass away buddy we got work to do push your ass away Samurai we got a [ __ ] City to burn is this count does this count as a blizzard are they going to show up God damn what did I die to so much over here a Shad oh yeah when I tried to fight deer clops oh my God we got to chop all this [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] mad oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh thank you for the $2 MC faton I'm sorry I didn't finish the sentence I got a little distracted murderer have you ever considered I was sad once for real I like you know like Negan for example I don't know you could like you could want him to die real bad but he's like such a good character it's like Gus spring where it's like you want the good guys well not really the good guys Walter White was awful but um you want them to Prevail but at the same time like you know you see Gus Fring get [ __ ] blown up and your your whole world is rocked you know it's crazy [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] hi spinky and thank you for the two tooon Ricky Dicky do dog Grimes say it once more Ricky Dicky D rmes there we go I did a sobbing addition for you one t some [ __ ] thanks for the five to balloons personally I liked all the villains but Negan is top tier Swagger Terror yeah I I really like villains with like finesse like that Gustavo Fring Lo salamona Negan stuff like [ __ ] villains like that dude with like that there's like their own unique kind of Charisma phenomenal absolutely Phenom I cannot personally [ __ ] get enough of them guess we can just throw one of these right here see what happens I don't think we're going to get a Golem unfortunately oh yes we will look at that well there's not one here right now but like there can be you see the background you see that [ __ ] so we need a frost cor do we need two Frost cores or just one for a Cool Whip I think we just need one if I'm not mistaken oh there it is oh Lord he's coming oh [ __ ] here he comes oh no dude get him boys get him quick come on oh he's so mad right now oh holy [ __ ] he's whipping and nigh nighing you guys be careful yeah yeah I think we only need one right oh [ __ ] oh my God oh my God all right man what the [ __ ] is this what're do we're getting some crazy luck today and thank you for the five goddamn Deo Ender Hunter 531 take this cash money Moola you funny man as a proud Texan it would make my day if you could give me a proud ye that one was for you buddy that one was for you my proud Texan thank you again and Grace an thanks for being a member of the CT for two months is The Walking Dead Like The Last of Us two in which characters are objectively bad people but you're in love with them is it lesbian or is Ellie the love of my life I don't know maybe both dude Ellie was [ __ ] dope Ellie was super sick oh oh we got us another one all right yeah yes and no I feel like the last of us two might have had a little more depth I feel like the latest seasons of Walking Dead got a little shallow where it was like had a lot of depth at first but i' say the LA Last of Us was [ __ ] really solid dude and truly Kino thanks for being a member of the co for 5 months I got a hollow jungle on my Inferno World shit's so cooked hey easy souls of light brother easy souls of light beautiful thank you one tall some [ __ ] for the two deons also as a Min as a Minnesotan you love ballalla balla there we go RP viewers [Music] ears we got to go to our beautiful little Mushroom Island real quick we got an ice feather dude we could uh we could do something with that we can make a wings look at that matter of fact I think I already got okay we just need more souls of light and we could actually make that your neighbors must hate you they love me they don't they don't look me in the eye when I walk by outside so hey you know you win some you lose some brother you win some you godamn lose some think you woke to Dead with that yell good good did I ever watch Z Nation that zombie one it sounds kind of familiar but I haven't I don't think i' I don't think I've watched that [ __ ] I don't think I have yet I I really want to watch uh train to train to busy or train to Busan okay we have 15 I killed one earlier while I was trying to make this Sky Temple over here mushroom dude best of luck animating hen tag me in an animation if you post them somewhere I want to see I want to see your dope ass funky ass fresh work can you blame a brother can you really blame a brother eat the goddamn Harpy now God bums these things are no V thank you for the five de balloons 14 hour fishing stream one dude we could do it wow D I got that I got that dream luck mod turned on right now where the [ __ ] is where's the at where's the things we want where's the bastards we desire oh these things might be messing up our spawn rates a little bit having a a little village over there so I might I might scooch it I might scooch a smidge classy peanuts thank you for the two to balloons as a can in I really do too much I could do that like right now while we wait not doing [ __ ] up here oh all right we're live baby oh [ __ ] I forgot I could take fall damage we're going to have to play this real smart yeah yeah like that whoa what did Shadow flame on it oh was a CL cloth yeah get creamed on bastard sure wish my spiders would help that'd be pretty epic I'm so nice at crushing wyverns crushing up their dumb bones to make ma male performance enhancing pills the unicorn horns for the ladies of course oh ahab's Bane thanks for donating thanks for gifting all right 10 goddamn Waffle Time memberships of the cult I appreciate you West Widow we fing say and wh we Widow we I'm sorry I say I I would never see that again I'm sorry but thank you thank you so much um let's make these beautiful little wings real quick H want oh [ __ ] are you okay damn shy okay I'm sorry I won't say that again either I just keep [ __ ] up maybe I'm not ready to run for mayor after all but thank you very much and welcome in 752 cheese welcome in Tristan i o so indecisive yamy Jack Parsons your maiden lless H white face VAR yeah oh how the [ __ ] do I say that gwo Gwen a Gwen o Gwen o Gwen welcome in Gwen OES exe welcome in soup spoon welcome in welcome in everybody Welcome in happy you guys are here thanks for joining the colt and [ __ ] W's for ahab's Bane please please I implore you all throw that [ __ ] in we don't need that how many uh Souls of light do we have let's go get some Souls of light dude thank you for the two Bloons MC fatson worst part of being Summoner making making walls in the arena for the spiders dude I'm honestly not even going to do that keeping it a buck and just let it happen see you later David thanks for coming by Bud do a British accent I can't I'll butcher it I think I could I think I could get souls over here if I'm not mistaken I'm so happy to have wings oh also we need the firecracker as well well that would be fantastic so we need the firecracker uh so if you come across any guide Voodoo dolls down here you guys you know just give me a hauler let me know miny mo you know how it goes let's get some Souls baby and ni you again make fast in for the two balloons I'm not even going to sangin staff one hopefully soon it'd be cool to get it pre- Mech and everything but I just don't I don't I don't imagine that happen oh here we go oh we have two I mean I say we go make the Cool Whip let's get a few more souls actually where's all the fine ass Souls at hey look at that we're going to need those aren't we I'm going to keep it real with you I'm going to have to blow my nose soon I'm sorry and I hope I haven't disappointed a lot of you welcome H Ronin to the goddamn cult thank you very much for joining my man thank you Ben feather for the two mother [ __ ] de balloons again in free time you need to try mod of redemption is that the one uh chippy's playing chipster blister I just talked to him the other day he's very nice I [ __ ] love chippy I'd kill him man for Chippy I would I'd do it would you not all right blow it deep into the mic what does that even mean oh my nose that was very [ __ ] concerned for for all but a brief moment brother yeah we got enough yeah [ __ ] off all right come on come on baby come to Papa all right I don't think we need anything else besides the souls I think we could just whip this [ __ ] oh my oh my God now we could summon liberal snowflakes now that's epic let's see put these guys down in here uh and we're going to go cross off the goddamn Cool Whip I forgot to pull up the Google Doc uh nope not grocery list yep Summoner weapons to collect let's see don't have those don't have that don't have that don't have that don't have any of that wow that's wonderful there's so [ __ ] many we have to get all right cool whip let's see if our luck prevails once more nebz thanks for joining the beautiful cult thank you for joining the beautiful cult I appreciate you very Goddamn much thanks for joining everybody give our new dog warm welcomes here we go got legendary and Mickey dicky do dog rindes thank you again for the five balloons in The Walking Dead who is your least and most favorite character also if you see someone in chat called too per my friend who I'm watching it with that's epic that's epic I can't remember her name but she's like the um [ __ ] Rosetta or some [ __ ] what was her name I didn't like her at all her or Sasha I didn't like Sasha or God it's not Rosetta it's not Roseanne no I only stream on YouTube solver use Abigail's flower no I don't want to I don't want to do it I don't want to do it you sicko here we go firecracker time baby time to fire these crackers let's get it I can say it I can say it I'm white you guys can't get mad at me the Twitter mob's like oh man this still taking kind of [ __ ] long dude okay our spiders are now tearing the tearing his little ass up which is good Jesus Christ okay that was a little bit little bit more of a rough start than I wanted but it's all right we did our best that's what matters this is going in the gooning station nice oh oh yes yes indeed oh I can't remember her name dude I didn't like Sasha and I didn't like dude help me I can't remember the [ __ ] name I'm G to look it up Walking Dead characters nope not Negan Rosita that's her name I did not like Rosita at all I liked Shane even though he was a [ __ ] I I liked his character because you could argue maybe that [ __ ] was right you know especially after Negan crazy but he was still awful he was still a terrible terrible man oh thank you for the 10 to Bloons one tall some [ __ ] request for The Illuminating waffle to scream Seng guard or waste when fighting Prime if I remember I will thank you again for the 10 to blooms big man I hope you're enjoying your box W here we are smack that thing there oh I forgot to cross off the Cool Whip I didn't like Eugene at first but he had a uh he had a he had a cool comeback I guess that was pretty cool let me cross off this oh I did cross off the Cool Whip then we got the durle after and then we're [ __ ] that's great um what other summons can we get sanguin staff screwed dude what are we gonna do zumbo thanks for being a member of the cult for four four long months I appreciate you and how do you write back to yourself oh my Lord in heaven estos has done it again W's immediately for a straight L holy [ __ ] thank you so much for the 60 goddamn deons you freak you freaking nature holy [ __ ] this for you this one's for you this spot right here is reserved pal you can't sit here cuz there stos is sitting there all right thank you so [ __ ] much oh my good god what the [ __ ] am I holding on to this for man and Raven thank you for the tend to Bloons I appreciate you very Goddamn much as well W's for both of our goddamn boys all right thank you so much holy [ __ ] you guys want to hear a line from my video from the new video coming out or should I save it oh Ricky Dicky do dog Grimes thank you for the five oh I got to read what Raven said first I'm sorry here's some Red Bull money because I I too run off of energy drinks I'm [ __ ] out I drank like a 125 milligram caffeine coffee this morning and have me wired for a little bit five more of those I can get through a day which is great uh might as want [ __ ] go for legendary you know what I mean might as well man we have infinity money also petition for next playthrough for a tower also for next play through petition for next playthrough for a tower for people who gift memberships I'm down for that actually I'm very down I'm actually yeah I'm turbo down for that thank you again Raven thank you Ricky Dicky do. Grimes for the five to balloons can you yell at too Pro to get off holiday so that we can watch the show again if you confirm he's watching I'll [ __ ] yell at him right now I don't care I'll do it thank you classy penis for the five de moons I figured out what we do here can you give us a good Hardy what what is that what does that even mean I haven't heard of that one before I'm scared I don't know what it means so I'm scared I'm chickening I'm chickening Josh Savage thank you for being a member of the co for one long month I appreciate you endlessly this is a Savage approved Milestone chat now that is a goddamn W you just be Skeletron congrats AA sorry if I Butch your name I apologize should have brought [ __ ] mining potions what am I thinking godly man get your dude this making me sick too Pro is here hey too Pro your friend sent me friend sent a little message all right get your goddamn ass off of holiday so you can watch more Walking Dead with your [ __ ] dog all right what's what's the what what's more important okay what's more no pause what's more important too taking a little time for yourself all right making sure your mental fortitude is strengthened and that you're able to properly handle things that are coming your way or The Walking Dead Rick Negan Rick again Daryl whatever he's off doing all right think all right sorry about that I I got paid to do that I apologize is a membership permanent I think it lasts for a month I think 30 days oh he's still watching thank you again Ricky Dicky doog GS I hope that I hope that worked hope that worked well is this [ __ ] high enough I mean low enough so we could just do this and hopefully the bastard spawn is that just this we're we're arriving in Uncharted Territory am I supposed to have dirt on the ground and they'll spawn maybe I go a little dude I'm sorry I'm sorry too I felt bad doing that make it four tall so bougie we're looking for mimics I saw CJ death bot do this [ __ ] in the underground and he was getting mimics licky splickity that's what we're going for right now hopefully we what are you fighting over there huh I thought was thought it was going to be mimic balse alarm this going to be low enough ah Jake the guide welcome should I watch you or Rick and Morty be honest whatever you feel like man I don't mind I don't mind you could always watch the stream VOD later you're not going to miss it you know so it's all all good if you want to go watch some Rick and Morty if you want to go watch pickle Rick funniest [ __ ] I ever seen in my life first time here love from Australia thank you Shaka and welcome in damn it I'm not deep enough okay here let's go ah okay that was just a test run to see how fast we can mine I have to be like here ish I assume right where the background changes that makes more sense thank you thank you I needed that oh [ __ ] I almost forgot I got to get my daily sign in for Doon soon any dokan players out there in the goddamn chat today [ __ ] dokan battle anybody be playing that these days I know I had a few last time what's the best Pop-Tart flavor either cookie dough or s'mores in my opinion I like that [ __ ] they spawn behind the dirt walls what so I was [ __ ] deep enough I'll just put dirt we ball dude why not what is dokan it's like a little little Dragon Ball Z gotcha game BBC thanks Henry wood there's that 12:00 gang we know in love Christ oops got to eat the cake you can't have your cake and eat it at the same time whatever that stupid goddamn phrase is oh actually Elliot I saw CJ death bot do this I saw him I saw him dude I'm excited for the uh I'm excited for the new Gohan that's coming out you guys hear about that supposed to be like the best new unit # use Abigail flower hash nah I don't really feel like it thank you for the 10 balloons Ricky Dicky do dog Rhymes holy [ __ ] me let me let let me replace this real quick we're going to drink a battle potion and try and [ __ ] off a little bit then I'm going to put you up on the beautiful wall of Solitude wall of immortality of course I'm referring to I maybe we could just [ __ ] slam one of those see what happens as I still want to eat I'm afraid to say this will be my last donation dude yes save money for food please [ __ ] please I'll still be watching so keep up the good work and keep on making them awesome vids thank you thank you for the kind words and thank you for the goddamn tender bloonies you're going on the the beautiful Tower of immortalization as well all right and thank you thank you cop ER southernland thank you very much yo finally caught the big man live thanks for cranking out the content mate dude thanks for [ __ ] watching brother I appreciate you very Goddamn much and thank you for the 15 steaming piping hot [ __ ] Deon straight to my Chrome Dome I appreciate you endlessly you're going on the tower you know what let's make a trip back to the Tower of immortalization whoa whoa D I think if we do this whole area I think we might get some goddamn what else is going to spawn dude there's slimes right slimes cool whatever there's slimes but also we have a chance of getting a slime staff from that but also we might get a a little dirt mimic or something man we're going to see if this was true or false CJ death bot quiz style problem is we're getting a lot of other lot of other [ __ ] around here I guess I could try and get a life form analyzer I don't think I've purchased one yet let make sure chat doesn't go up too far so I don't I got [ __ ] sneeze so bad dude this is bad oh oh it's coming oh [ __ ] I muted just in time holy [ __ ] okay I'm gonna blow my oh dude I don't have tissue well be right back [Music] we're back we're back everyone calm down all right I had to grab some tissue from the spank bank had to grab some tissue from the spank bank all right and I keep that [ __ ] well vaulted okay time to blow my nose I feel like a new man so first we're going to put Ricky Dicky D dog rmes up here all right I have the chat scrolled up I haven't seen [ __ ] all right so you know let's grab a couple I think I saw three I'm not mistaken [ __ ] I keep double jumping out of instinct and my guy just flaps his stupid Wings flaps his handsome Wings actually what am I thinking first we got Ricky Dicky dood all Grimes thank you very Goddamn much I hope you enjoy the rest of the season let me know you got to come back after you watch [ __ ] the ones who live whatnot I forgot if you said you watched them or not but if you haven't just let me know let me know how you like it oh we got copper southernland hell yeah oh and another copper sou southernland please put my tower name as Maverick my YouTube name needs to be updated okay dude you get [ __ ] two Mavericks how you like them apples boom dope Name by the way here you are there's one and a two and God damn it thank you on the double and thank you one tall son [ __ ] for five doonies many people have requested SL demanded it use Abigail's flower not a bad TBH H nah I'mma do my own thing oh [ __ ] I cracked myself if I didn't know to laugh at myself I'd die I will tell you how I feel about the on you live all right all right I'm I'm holding I'm holding how I feel about it until you come back and tell me you and your mate should watch it together he's a lone wolf no one tells him what to do yeah that's right I'm the alpha of the past hold on let me try that again hold on yeah I'm the Viper Chi thank you for joining the Colt I'm sorry you have to hear this the Colt's bringing it out of me hold on let me focus on this hold on you don't tell the alpha when to use Abigail's flower the alpha tells you the alpha tells you when you're able to use Abigail's flower do I make myself [ __ ] I can't do it man without laughing damn it it's kind of making me mad I should be able to do it how am I ever going to make it big in Hollywood Hollywood's icky don't really don't really want to be there man [ __ ] that [ __ ] anyways I'm the alpha I'm the leader I'm the On's trust those Tik toks make me [ __ ] cringe so bad they make me hurt I have to turn them off waffle is my alha don't say that dog that's [ __ ] [ __ ] I've done my fair share of cult recruiting I'm used to hearing this from the certified ass man dude Viper goddamn cheesy thank you thank you you're oh oh [ __ ] thing [ __ ] pissed on me did you see that you see that the hell was that about am I supposed to be doing this on the dirt walls I might Google this dude cuz I feel like we're way too oh look at that holy [ __ ] it works CJ death bot you've done it again CJ death goat strikes again everyone holy [ __ ] if you guys talk to DJ death bot tell him I said thank you I was not looking forward to building that big ass Farm we kind of really don't have to you got to go wolf all right Jack Jones have a good one buddy thanks for coming by thanks for stopping by saying hello and [ __ ] Viper cheesy thank you for the five de Bloons I appreciate you very very godamn much not five tooon stupid thank you for the goddamn five gifted beautiful succulent even memberships of the CT W's for Viper first of all first let's just get that out of the way real quick let's just nip that in the bud and welcome novit welcome some kid welcome Shaka welcome L Phoenix and U Zulu welcome everybody welcome thank you again Viper [ __ ] beast goddamn beast beast clergy know what's crazy in Elden ring if you gave the Beast clergy man hell death Roots he sounds like very betrayed when you take him on in battle he sounds like hurt he's like why tarnished and he was like it's no matter I'm the [ __ ] man in these streets and then tries to kill you but it's kind of sad almost I think 0% Mitch thank you for the two balloons enjoying the content keep it up we do brother will do thank you so much [ __ ] stupid thing stupid darn thing hey thank you for the two to Bloons aah thank you for the five tries good to see you again thank you very much good to see you again as well surprised I was like 30 seconds behind in the Stream don't worry you're not missing [ __ ] just eyeballing for mimics and maybe even a special little slime staff if we get real goddamn lucky I think if I put a uh gnome statue down in here though I think we will get more I think that would count right that give us like more spawns more not more spawns but more chance for a mimic pretty sure to go pro thank you for the three to Bloons buddy I'm sorry again I'll get off holidays as soon as I can we on we on season 10 I hope you guys are enjoying man hope you guys are enjoying it turned into a hard watch for me after a while I'm glad you guys are watching it together I just watched it all my lonesome get the [ __ ] out of here this is not your home all right looking for a mimic Farm now we got a little mimic Farm going has a dryad hit you up recently absolutely not she's just so forgetful just a she's a forgetful twerp isn't she bye for cheesy thank you again for gifting a goddamn beautiful membership to the colt and welcome resue to the Colt welcome welcome in W for Viper cheesy at once this is actually going surprisingly well I'd much rather do this that got me excited I heard the noise I got excited this uh I prefer this rather than making that giant farm the giant farm is very convenient for getting Souls so I mean maybe we make it down the road once we have like a [ __ ] Pixar or something crazy thank you again Viper how much damage you [Music] buffoon Christ almighty that was [ __ ] brutal just play tootle I've tried it a couple times that shit's kind of hard not going to lie to you cuz I don't quite look at like how much knockback a [ __ ] weapon does you know this stuff I don't pay to very natural pay attention to very naturally she has who has dementia me no no I don't Viper is a g you goddamn know it what my opinion on Eggo waffles solid fantastic choice season T of what they're watching The Walking Dead and I hope they're enjoying it sorry I'm getting kind of focused on this I'm like really eyeballing to see if there's a there's a mimic anywhere so far no luck we're making this thing fat so that's cool all right angry asteroid you have a good one you get a small break from the Relentless enforcement attempt at the flower it's not going to happen I don't need a break cuz n I'm going to do my own thing what is this for this is so we get mimics I'm copying CJ death bot currently and uh we already got one mimic which is very very surprising Christ [ __ ] why am I doing this to myself I don't think I mention thank you for the two the balloons Viper cheesy I don't think you do either well one small problem there's not [ __ ] spawning now so I will dig even further why not wee ball get a lot of zombies in here maybe it'd be wise to sleep till day so there's less stuff able to spawn I think that'd be good dude the hell were we thinking yeah D clear day no nighttime spawns I could see how this thing would be a machine for mimics uh try eat eat eat thank you for the two balloons again I I I I don't uh I I don't think you have DeMent dementia either hper cheesy I don't I don't think so I infinite money act dude holy [ __ ] have you seen those Willet waffle Tik toks no I haven't what the hell was that what is that about what do you mean will it waffle W I'm on 7K push-ups today oh [ __ ] waffle I am on 7K push-up today I'm trying for 10 which be like dude good luck that's badass I don't think he'll despawn if we go right here look at that oh [ __ ] oh my god dude this is [ __ ] legit God this is fantastic we should have done this sooner did CJ death bot learn this on his own did that psychopath bastard just do this by himself cuz if so Props to him thank you for the two to Bloons Cameron hey WAFF time just want to say I appreciate your content thank you so much that means the world glad you're enjoying glad you're enjoying I got a lot more coming your way soon I am so [ __ ] excited to put out the uh infernum full movie let's just mine this way and get this little bastard up here I've never done any full movie type content where like you could watch all the episodes back to back to back to back to back to back I've never tried it before I think it'd be really interesting to do of apparently a lot of people really like it so I think I think The Inferno full movie if you guys like it I will definitely do more full movie type content just like way longer videos Type Thing turn any episodes into one big fat video can't wait for it dude I'm [ __ ] so excited myself should be out within the next two weeks if all goes according to plan another philosopher stone I'm not TR zipping it's all right cuz thing we we've already killed three mimics and what do we do man we just dug some [ __ ] dirt we haven't done anything there's been a cakewalk there's been a breeze so he still waiting for the Terraria sandwich that'll come at some point I have to figure out how to execute it while getting it to the largest audience possible before it is inevitably demonetized so I think I want to build up a lot of hype around it first I've been I've been trying to put a lot of thought into this I say we let's TP up real quick let's drop our load in here we can combine these right now which should be fan [ __ ] tastic my God lucky hell yeah hell yeah brother don't's sleep till day hope it stops raining that would be good Platinum coins are the solution to Life's problems dude in in real life too mention it every stream my but yeah you are the [ __ ] hype Raven thanks hell yeah brother hey William thank you for the kind words brother man that went incredibly [ __ ] smooth it's pretty awesome um wow that was nice that was a refreshing change um anyways yeah Hollow night uh Hollow night's coming out I don't have an exact date but it'll be coming out a lot more frequently I'm going to make a a hollow night full movie as well same thing with thorium so those will be those will be fun to watch I'm kind of thinking so so what's kind of next for Adrian and I is uh Elden ring we're going to be putting a lot of our stock into Elden ring and putting stuff out um a lot of my stuff gets demonetized instantly right away and that's fine you know [ __ ] it we ball but also uh we're going to be putting our attention into that so I'm going to stagger uploads right like I'm going to uh do like some Elden ring and then some thorium then some Hollow KN I'm G to try and do really long episodes uh for hollow Knight and thorium to try and get them out sooner to you guys and then do a full movie so you could watch the full [ __ ] thing right away but uh yeah longer episodes is going to take a little bit longer of course so I'm sorry for the wait will arrive at some point look at this dude you [ __ ] kidding me my God e g infinite money Farm you [ __ ] me potential slime staff Farm maybe if I just put lava in the middle it's j for him power through hold the [ __ ] line why are you guys talking about turnips you guys like turnips you guys are a turnup turnup gang I I thought he despawned I got so scared hey a gnome look at him no you dumb [ __ ] halfwit shits damn it man that's okay we'll find more I'm not worried about it thank you for the 10 to balloons one t some [ __ ] um yeah let's make him go this way no no don't stop it stop Jesus Christ currently a box and a half a box wind down come on stupid what are you stupid wait what let's put some platforms right here oh just phenomenal put some right here there we go we're going to get this guy we're going to get this guy into a better home all right we just have to keep luring him over here over here over here stupid what are you doing fantastic oh just [ __ ] fantastic if I stay right above him oh easy no 91 damage from a goddamn gnome oh oh just [ __ ] wonderful man currently a box and a half of box wind down feeling good since I ain't got to work tomorrow anyway you're a sexy be thank you big dog I appreciate you hope you're enjoying that box wine hope it's treating you well hope you're having fun I'm going to put your name on the tower after one more mimic Monkey Business you most certainly are not dumb cuz I totally forgot to make it public which I'll do after the stream I wrote it on a sticky note what do I need mimics I need them for the Whatchamacallit the damn the thing you combine with that star Veil star star Veil star Veil I believe we're g to get those goddamn mimics just hang out over here nothing nothing nothing nothing all right I'm going home we're going to put one tall s [ __ ] up here then we could grab a water candle as well and throw it down there I have a feeling this is going to be kind of a grind for the last oh my God caps come on man come on man there it is big fan love your content please up keep uploading videos will do thank you thank you very much thank you very much I'll have you know can we Shimmer this [ __ ] into anything I wasn't watching stream while I got my name put on the tower where where where where box tism oh was it down I know it's around here somewhere let's see here it is here's one I you probably have more I'll erase this one and then put it back on there it is Raven did you put your name into the goet of fire lavel time said calmly just slap one in the middle would be good what TW do you recommend to remove the final hairs from my balding head attempted to get uh attempting get fixed boy hardcore I use needlenose pliers that worked there we go here we go got to make our way back all we need is that cross necklace and we'll be be in such goddamn good shape I don't even know where this meteor is located just slap one in the middle I think we be good with that there we are yeah I think we could do some expanding I think they could uh and we might be able to get more gnomes which is pretty cool the only Dono I've done is that 10:01 perfect then we got you right back again big man thank you for the two bons Ricky Dicky do dog Rhymes can I get my sign changed to a tombstone please and thank you who am I [ __ ] kidding why do I care yeah I'll change your I'll change it I'll change it but I'm running out of tombstones I'm I'm going to run over to the uh to go over to the snow I use those ones for crafting what's up summon you going for right now we're kind of just prepping for the mechs really we're like we're prepping for them uh we just got the spiders which is cool I want to get maybe the durle next I think we can take on the Destroyer maybe per perhaps there we go I got to do I got to do something different for this oh maybe I could do tombstones for like above a certain amount of gifted memberships might start doing that [ __ ] from now on that might be a good idea jungle sign Banner hang on to that hello Graham let's hang on to that can these Shimmer into anything thank you for the two to Bloons Arctic snowball 28 how much do do Calamity instead of regular emperess of light [ __ ] $10 million that was horrible that was awful it is not an annoyance Ricky Dicky do dog Grimes I was mad that we didn't get a mimic I promise I swear gamer Jack thank you for the eight goddamn balloons just fun work how you doing my bro bro I'm doing pretty good man I'm a little sick today if you couldn't tell by my my voice being a little goddamn runchy but you know both [ __ ] and we ball so we're here man we're here we're live collect all these while we can there even another one down the land down under over here I think I I could just mine over to it to be quite honest let's drink another one of these eat that [ __ ] Hot Wheels and just mine over oh [ __ ] here we are how do you not get burnt out [ __ ] doing the same game just doing different challenges and stuff really really scratches the H different collection challenges different weapons challenges that really spices the game up for me I feel like if I just went through and did melee every time or like range just the same progression but you limit yourself in certain ways for examp for example [ __ ] you know CJ death bot just did shotguns only Banger you know you got to you got to take different approaches each and every time or you know let's do [ __ ] boomerangs only Spears only that type of [ __ ] you got to you got to really switch up the way you progress and I think that keeps the game spicy for me what am I doing ah time for mimic hunting oh yes yes indeed I should expand these over a little bit I think that'd be pretty awesome we're getting a little bit of jungle over there so spawn cap would be raised so when I run back we don't get a mimic kick his ass buddy oh damn damn damn damn damn you reckon Terraria could have some simple skill tree SL classes someday would that be too restrictive progression progression wise I don't think it'll ever have it I think it'd be like cool for a mod I'm not too sure I think Terraria truly is about the exploring I think skill trees and stuff would be really fun for for modded stuff though I think that'd be pretty dog gone epic oh my God and we run back over we're all out of mimics unfortunately what am I playing grounded I don't even know what that is you have an Ecto crafting place I do I have to set it up is the only problem I use it to make this beautiful little shovel here where is it there it is murderous grave shovel there we are there we are are it's cool we're going to get a couple gnomes down here too we could plunk them in our fishing areas that'll be nice come on baby show me the mimic bring it out Tim Sue thank you for the 250 to bloonies I appreciate you very Goddamn much throwing monies at Waffle while at work just cut dude I hope work's going well I'm going to put you on the tower of immortalization very goddamn soon let me let me hunt for mimics for just a little bit and then I'll uh I'll throw you on up there all right it's called we do a little mimic hunting it's called we do a little mimic hunting dirtiest block when that's it right there no fair enough let's carve this out to here I think it's still counting us counting us as above ground oh it is night time too okay so we might head home sooner rather than later fortunate for Big Dog Tim Sue who's on the who's on the old work grind right now guess go in the tower of immortalization even goddamn sooner beautiful simply beautiful zombies stood no [ __ ] chance the only problem is they clog up our spawn race that's a the issue I'm finding here let's do a couple laps real quick just to see if we can get anything this is bothering the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me nothing nothing nothing yeah I think we're going to have trouble at night so let's let's just bounce up do a little quick stack of Rooney throw this [ __ ] in here let's throw our boy Tim Su up on a goddamn beautiful Tower of course and we'll sleep till day thank you again Tim hope work's going well big man there it is there it is that's spots for you that's spots for you that's your [ __ ] spot sleep till day real fast all right blade staff would be good for Destroyer maybe maybe I don't know I don't know if I'd be able to do queen slime right now I kind of suck at Queen [Music] slime one Philippine peso Philippine peso how much is like I don't know any of my Philippines Watchers you guys got McDonald's over there if so how much is like a McDouble or a McChicken that's my question oh I forgot to get my signin bonus for Deon do queen slime nah I'm G do my own thing what up loot grabber WAFF how skiy are you from 1 to 10 I'd say like baby grank probably Peter Griffin impression holy [ __ ] Lois I'm coming there you go that's the best I got they got Jolly bees there a jolly bees in San Diego too that sh's yummy 140 6 something pesos why am I going here I'm trying to think of what the like I wonder if the conversion rate for US dollar to Philippines like if I bring you know like a grand over there I wonder what that would get me wa of wo mob farm this is the mob farm here we could even put another layer oh Noe there's a mimic he has a cross necklace I can see it he's shaped like a cross necklace nope another goddamn philosopher stone wonderful [ __ ] fantastic oh just fantastic isn't it say that again I said it was fantastic [ __ ] fantastic four piece of [ __ ] and another gnome thank you for the five to blish Tyler love you bro love you too big man thank you for watching thanks for coming by don't go over there [ __ ] ass someone told me they only spawn behind dirt walls so I'll probably proba we make our cut off right here oh another gnome got to fight Queen slime after Moon Lord that might be the move truly here we go let's break this real quick and that snail I guess chop away a little bit more we will be good for the mimic Farm beautiful beautiful look at that how long you planning on streaming tonight must know how many energy drinks I must consume you don't have to stay up you get some you get some damn well [ __ ] welld deserved rest all right if you need it if you need it but uh I really don't know how long I'm planning on streaming I was planning on making this a short stream but shit's going really goddamn well right now so who knows who knows see if we find any more bastards just have to run back and forth like a total idiot occasionally laying the smackdown on these buffoons I am hungry though I don't know what the [ __ ] I should eat thank you for the five de Bloons one tall some [ __ ] your next mimic will be a cross necklace [ __ ] hope so dude soon we get a Mech down the better I can get a contaminator and fish in peace again 126 damage from one of these stupid goddamn things come up oh you're such an ass dude dear God I'm going to die I'm going to die to my gnome no I'm not nothing bad ever happens to the kennedies as so I'm thinking we go for the Destroyer first we have the Cool Whip so that's that's good news sick of your ass throw that one right there hopefully we get some better spawns that'd be cool oh another gnome God that kicked his ass what was it do with that dude dude dude oh my god oh [ __ ] the bees are going to get him I'm going to [ __ ] freak out yes oh my God why I'm calm I'm calm everyone I don't rage at game like this I I I'm very tranquil very calm I'll have you all know show me a mimic before I punch a hole through my goddamn screen all right here's a mimic this has got to be a cross necklace we're going to die in real life well okay we needed that we still needed that so that's good that's a good find it's all right nobody panic we're okay TR kill everything along the way hopefully we get a slime staff that'd be pretty epic we can always just do the same process with a luck potion that'd be cool am I going to use battle potions yep I already got them on I already got them on buddy should probably do a little clean up around here [ __ ] did you come from another gnome W come on come on all the Calamity Summoner weapons [ __ ] that idiot I forgot I have my spiders out oh I'm going to panic am I playing hardcore nope I'm playing softcore like the man I am hell yeah brother softcore hell yeah mimic mimic Where Art Thou mimic mimic show yourself now I really thought that would work it's a shame thank you soc for the five deons this playthroughs inspired me to do Summoner only on my pet collection playthrough dude good luck sounds sounds pretty rough and tough on the old afro puff just got the brutally honest bat Battalion which Mech first do Destroyer actually no do Prime first prime prime would probably be super easy extra easy even you were on him so this is where I said it was going to get tedious all right it's become quite the boore we're doing okay any one of these things that spawns good hypothetically speaking be a mimic which is just joyous hey waffle new video idea Terraria get fixed boy seed with you Adrien cyphon and his mcra medium core we would not make it out alive I value our friendship more than that that sounds [ __ ] rough God that sounds awful dude what are we in [ __ ] no mimic City we in no mimic City right now thank you CB drawer for being a member of the co for four long months I appreciate you very much oh Bo I sure do hope you've gather the centuries from my favorite event the old ones Army I have not we're waiting all the way till the end of the game to do that [ __ ] we're waiting for that I'm not mad that we're not getting mimics I'm just disappointed What If instead of earthquakes they were called freak Quakes and when it shakes everyone starts twerking that would be epic and skibbidy what do we oh my God we're never going to get that slime staff are we I know it's hard to be mad about right now cuz it's the lowest drop chance [ __ ] imaginable but even still I wish we had it okay that's a rare spawn so that's good maybe I should put some banners up in here no come on buddy Bring It On it sucks I have to take 35 sacrifice hits before I'm able to have a gnome that's a shame we'll put him over here ass out ass out too I guess it's cool why am I looking for the cross necklace and post Wall of Flesh yeah normally I go for it pre-wall of flesh but you know decided to switch things up today does anyone else think waffle seems like a bit of a tits man and not an ass man you're sorely mistaken Buster you're sorely goddamn mistaken how how that's [ __ ] sacrilege all right clearly clearly rage bait okay cuz I am the certified ass man in fact I'll have you know thank you for the five balloons one tall s you'll never see fulfillment until a poo totem is created I'm not making that nah I'm going to do my own thing WAFF is D Ass man thanks box TM boxsm gets it spawns are lessening and lessening so we're going to go up throw these guys in here the Titan glove would actually be really [ __ ] nice ass I think I have feral claws around here somewhere right do I not wow okay the Power Glove would be nice it extend our our our whus Maximus then again I don't really know what slot I'd put it in cuz I'm down to replace God damn down to replace the brain of cthulu we could even maybe replace a Summoner emblem I don't know it's all a big maybe to me right now what's the best pre-plan Tero setup for a Summoner in multiplayer I'll say sanguin staff if you feel like grinding for it any armor will do you can do hollowed armor even but I'd recommend the chlorop fight extra damage maybe I'm running back and forth too much maybe I got to maybe I got to cool it just a little bit I see many uncertified assmen toing around as CER IFI in the chat oh so we have some we have some saeg [ __ ] in here do we that makes me sick I'll have you know the grind is [ __ ] a hor right now what's better a well-defined ass or a fat ass both both of them why not both brother getting some furries up here that's what's up yeah we're going to have to we're going to have to go to bed man we're not get we're not going to get [ __ ] for spawns right now now with these furries toting around think with three three seeds is normally what I nor nor normally my preference but you know maybe it's just the area area you are poop criminal I should strike you I should strike you for saying something that abhorent your boy does not like feet or get the appeal really uh we're going to save this and save this okay cool we're all done mining so I guess we'll sleep till night thanks for being a member of the co for a month AA I appreciate you I don't know what to say well I appreciate it nonetheless have a good one over waffle as a lady who prefers ladies am I still entitled to the asman certification ABS [ __ ] lutely the asman certification goes to anyone in the world granted they are in fact certified for it but yeah it's nonbiased all right it goes to [ __ ] anyone anyone ever I just got my sign in bonus from dokkan dude I blew my [ __ ] gems on that Super Saiyan 3 summon I didn't get anything at all and it makes me sick by the way you guys follow the Instagram and Twitter links down in the description dokan mention yeah dude I blue sip you don't understand dude I [ __ ] had like 300 stones and I'm such an idiot I wanted a Super Saiyan 3 I was like maybe I could pull some dupes for that unit cuz the Super Battle road is slapping me in the balls so you know maybe maybe I can pull him dude I got nothing nothing at all nothing but Super Saiyan 2 [ __ ] ass summons with a terrible SSR at the end what up self-proclaimed asan how's it going big dog good to see you again oh we don't oh my God okay okay dude I threw away my purification powder God damn it we don't have a pyramid it's okay we'll we'll be okay we'll be all right right I think we'll be all right I think we'll be okay I think we'll [ __ ] be fine I say maybe we go get some purification powder however spider sound imitation like the interrupting spiders that's what they look like they sound like great [ __ ] out my doors you stupid idiot I'm whip stacking look at me look at me go I'm fipping it if only my summons which I've specifically hired to work actually worked there we go one bastard down I guess dear God Walter Walter put your stock away Walter I'm not going to buy any rope from you Walter A do I have an editor I do now which is really cool he's been uh editing up [ __ ] probably the last six episodes of infernum I think seven eight even I don't even I don't even know dude dude oh great what was I doing just hanging out in the house all my summons L actually I told him to I told him to edit just like I didn't want the style to change style to change done but he's uh been editing Elden ring as well and he's been kind of putting his own twist on it he's a thousand times more talented than I am in regard to editing oh [ __ ] great spawn die spawn die spawn die God thank the [ __ ] Lord get out of my house you Goblin freaks they don't have meat not like me come here bastards almost done go bite them hopefully we don't get another warlock that be oh it's funny I was just about to say that'd be enough to take it out on my future family but you know all good oh there go the NPCs that's cool stop summoning those things now Jesus Christ that's annoying all right do we still have two NPCs or is it just one God that was a [ __ ] nightmare here we are for the next Goblin invasion of course can't use that can't use that can't use that can't use that I can sell it yeah I can sell that [ __ ] hell yeah all right perfect V logic thanks for being a member of the cult for for how long now brother how long seven goddamn months hey you huge hunk of pure man with a good heart to be with a good heart too be jealous ladies thanks how are you I'm okay well I'm doing all right myself we've been hunting for a cross necklace for what feels like 36,000 hours so it's been a little abhorent around here however we're in get [ __ ] done mode destroyed yeah we're in [ __ ] grinded out mode right now we're getting a lot of gnomes which is cool I'm just going to start killing them at this point I'm sick of them to get hit like 36 times see Goblin on my Army oh my God look at this idiot has no idea he's about to go to the spider Dimension honestly with my farm we wouldn't be getting mimics any faster we had a lot of trouble last time dummy mommy who WiFi is dropping pleasure being with you tonight WAFF oh dude [ __ ] dude best of luck to you Joseph thanks for coming by Big Dog mimics oh Tony the cat great quiggle Snoop MC Boop how'd you get that name I must ask is it me or there not [ __ ] spawning down here let's run all the way over to this Edge thank you for the five balloons Raven can I get some more of those delicious ASMR table Banks the echo makes me smile every single time also thanks for welcoming me when I show up thanks for [ __ ] coming by there it is I have to place it just right for it to ex Go real good have to hit it hard as [ __ ] too I don't I was really really raging during get fix boy and I think that's when we got the most reverberation but thank you Raven again for the five [ __ ] balloons I appreciate you very much where the [ __ ] is where's the mimics oh [ __ ] look at that goodbye Buster are you stupid keep attacking him now oh good Lord in heaven oh [ __ ] another here we go Fross neck with City yeah oh [ __ ] you guys I'm out of here man oh thank you Lord in heaven my God man what a [ __ ] nightmare that was do you have neighbors and have you ever gotten a noise complaint I've never gotten a noise complaint I do have neighbors they do not look me in the eye when I go outside I think they might think I'm very disparaged they may be in fear of me I hope not they seem very kind uh sell some [ __ ] to our boy I don't know if we can Shimmer this you guys want to try it [ __ ] it let try it did I get an extra star veil by chance or did I just throw it away I don't think I did you can make the Shimmer cloak which is pretty nice try is that that just turn into a band of regeneration probably oh cool it doesn't do [ __ ] all right well we're out of here we have plenty of gold I say we reforged we might be ready for our our first Mech already which is beautiful ah actually actually I might want to get some better Potions all right I know I know I know I know you guys are mad okay I get it I get it [ __ ] crit maxing I guess Jesus look for that looking for that beautiful purple no pink we just need that purple there it is all right cool we're decked out um how many Souls not that many oh God I can make a key my dog stepped on a b oh [ __ ] yeah great do that do that more all right might even just wait for him to catch up a little bit and then run off oh [ __ ] here he comes all right idiot oh [ __ ] oh nice try [ __ ] ass all right well we have eight better potions I guess that we could do what am I thinking we just go over to the hollow same process boom drink we can go over to the Hol boom same process just drink one of those oh we also got to make uh life force potions too what if we need pixie dust and unicorn horns or [Music] something I don't really remember all too much think I got to head out myself have a good one classic peanuts ah thank you for the five deons one tall s [ __ ] I'll always love your content waffle but never I will never stop requesting for a poo totem I'll never stop saying nah I'm going do my own thing just like that oh my God all right I'll keep it a buck with you keep it a buck with you guys I don't think the strat's going as well as we once thought we need unicorns bad and they're not showing up I have like one unicorn horn at home so I wanted to stay out of the hollow while I was fishing Ahab Bane thanks for the 10 [ __ ] doonies I appreciate you very Goddamn much oh [ __ ] what are you what are you doing you're sitting on your ass you're not doing a thing all right can we officially change the name of the coward pyramid to the Chamber of coward ification seems fitting his m is less of a pyramid and more of a 5x 25 structure it's mid maxed that's respectable we can do your version as the uh pyramid of coward or the uh the Chamber of coward ification and mine is a coward pyramid Farm it might be good what up MJ welcome in and ahab's B I'm thr oh there's the goddamn unicorn one of them I guess how many potions would you say you use in a battle thank you again a HS ban I'm throwing you dude I'm throwing you on the tower just give me one moment to grind out some unicorn horns for you know what the firecracker is not so bad either wow insomnia hitting hard sorry to hear it sorry to hear it both potions are three water bottles three pixie dust oh and one Crystal Shard are you kidding me pixie dust and then oh we need a crystal I sold them all whoops that's all right let's go right down here thank you Oliver shout out Oliver man honestly underrated slept on Terraria tune I fell down here a couple times times underrated Terraria tune underground snow goes immeasurably hard man here we go I just want to hang out for a little while that's right party time is over duping time has begun beautiful beautiful use what flower bastard angry asteroid thank you for the two to balloons I love pennies are you a freak LMK freaky time I love pennies why do you love pennies is my question MDS thanks for being a member of the cult for three long tedious strenuous months there's a honey cult in the Slime game but now it's time for the dirt Society to rise the dirt Society eh I use my hand to slap my desk I got big hands waffle have you duped that for money in any of your playthroughs I actually just learned about this method on a pretty recent stream I haven't done that but I did have a coward pyramid farm and all my other ones but uh yeah that was that was kind of the main source of money I kind of just leave it on overnight and just go go [ __ ] Buck Wild I don't know why I said that I don't know why I quick stacked all my Earthly belongings to that's a shame that's just a [ __ ] shame isn't it all right so we got the crystals oh beautiful shout out Oliver that is tremendous you throw this [ __ ] away don't need that no more we're grown all right what the [ __ ] oh whoops I can turn my sound back on now cool no horrendous crunching [Music] I am a soil maxing mulch pilled sister of the LOM what the [ __ ] does that mean what did I just read sell them smelly bag knacks you got it you got it here you go Graham I got a little I got a little treasure for you buddy here you go the [ __ ] out of my way okay okay oh we also need to build an arena that's something I didn't really take into account but one of those in there save it for later of course sell some [ __ ] I kind of like the day Bloom planner boxes they're fun get a whole bunch of these nice then we can sell this nice easy easy six platty easy six fix platty for Daddy we have nowhere to build an arena do we guess I could build it off to the side of this is a pretty it's actually a fantastic SI well never mind I was talking that [ __ ] for a moment and here and here we go oh my God I forgot to put ahab's Bane I'm so [ __ ] sorry dude ahab's ban hit us with a tenor a while ago and I said let me let me grind this out let me grind out some more unicorns I'll put you back up stupid stupid idiot waffle time I'm so sorry about that that was for you ahab's Bane my apologies and self-proclaimed asan thanks for being a member of the goddamn cult for too long devilish months I appreciate you very much dark ninja 448 huh you're certified I'm G to go look at your channel I'm G to go look at you let's see ah you got the shorts going got some Minecraft stuff ehy I got to do more shorts how to build Volvo truck in Minecraft yeah I [ __ ] got to watch that who doesn't need a Volvo Volvo truck in their Minecraft world that looks looks like a legit ass Volvo you use banners that's tight good for you all right well welcome in don't tell me I just xed out on my chat I just [ __ ] myself bad ah thank you for the five Delo my agreer hey waffle ever considered doing a mage weapon only run also what are some childhood movies that scared you a lot as a kid I've done uh I've done a couple of Mage weapon only runs for um like I think I've done it on a couple of streams and it went pretty it went pretty good I do have a spellbooks only video coming out very may maybe soonish perhaps hopefully God I [ __ ] hope so actually but um yeah I got that coming out somewhat soon maybe and then um so that that's you know tactically MJ only so it's gone pretty good maybe I'll do uh Mage weapons only next for next stream like collecting all the Mage weapons that might be a fun one might be a fun good old grand time um I didn't get scared like often when I was a kid I would say a childhood movie that scared the [ __ ] piss out of me I think scarred me to this day because I'm so scared of these types of ghosts is uh I watched Jan The Grudge and that made me [ __ ] flip a brick that The Grudge got me and then now it's any of the any of the scary ass ghosts with the with the the long hair and [ __ ] dude that shit's terrifying I don't care what anyone says don't care what anyone goddamn says but that [ __ ] creepy my brother used to be really afraid of clowns cuz we watched it but it didn't really scared me it kind of not to be like oh I'm so edgy as a kid but it kind of made me laugh cuz it would say out of pocket [ __ ] he was like Kiss Me fat boy say weird [ __ ] all the time and like I'd be like oh my God that's so creepy and then I'd see him say something silly like that or run funny like though it wasn't too bad so definitely probably The Grudge I would say yo bro you know about Minecraft [ __ ] yeah I know about Minecraft dark ninja I want to do some Minecraft content but I don't know maybe perhaps am I gonna bother doing the wall thing so the spiders can climb on it I'm not even GNA do it Ace I got some good whips on me I'm going to I'm going to just rock and Boogie truly and honestly well we'll see how it goes if I'm getting my ass whooped repeatedly then then maybe maybe I'll switch it up S 8 n all right wait there's 23 apart right oh I almost oh oh I almost made a [ __ ] walkie waffle don't get grudged God I hope not she ripped a girl's [ __ ] jaw off just for moving in that's why I'm like that's why I didn't really get too scared oh I read the book when I was a kid of uh of it and I was like well I don't live in I don't live in Maine so I'm good we like you know I didn't move in on [ __ ] on Elm Street so Freddy Krueger's not going to get me I didn't swim in Camp Crystal Lake so you know Jason Vorhees isn't going to try and chop me up I'm good Texas Chainsaw Massacre I live in a YY area but it's not that [ __ ] y you know so you know I'm good I watch the Jaws I'm like yeah I'm not swimming with that bastard I see them blow him up at the end I'm like that's cool The Grudge how are you supposed to know something's wrong when you move into that house how do you you go [ __ ] God forbid I go on a waffle time tour book an Airbnb and get my jaw ripped off and have to live in that house forever just because some chick's wife or some chick's husband was a total piece of [ __ ] woman abuser murderer man how was that my fault it's messed up up dude it's messed up do you think Skeletron has a boner probably more than likely I would assume oh damn we're going to need probably need more yeah we're definitely going to [ __ ] damn need more souls for crafting [ __ ] if you weren't the husband that it's not your fault she tore up anyone that moved into that house it didn't matter she messed up any [ __ ] detectives she had no mercy no mercy she ripped a girl's jaw off do you know how [ __ ] strong you have to be to make that happen ripped it off and then the girl was a a grudge monster in the house too and she was just [ __ ] chilling there just living there [ __ ] crawling around and [ __ ] crawling around with her tongue hanging out cuz she had her jaw off dude you kidding me got to be some type of sick twisted goddamn joke I'll tell you that much yeah [ __ ] that dude I'm not about it I'm not about that life scariest movie you ever seen a scary movie too that just petrifying homeowners association will not be happy with this I hope the grudge [ __ ] Slaughters them may when I get reported to the the homeowners association for my mailbox being an inch too tall am I goated with the sauce absolutely and I'm corked up as well yo head game though dude what head game there's no lower mandible that's atrocious that's godamn that's horrifying there's a soul of night in my elevator all right do imagine I'm I'm wearing like a burglar outfit and I where the [ __ ] is it aha imagine I was wearing a burglar outfit like like the Hamburglar kind of and I was like don't mind if I do and I like waggled my fingers and [ __ ] before I grabbed it no possibility of scraping you're getting your dick bit off man what what the [ __ ] are you talking about the ring didn't scare me all too much she did when I was younger but then I rewashed it and I was like that's not you know all I have to do is not watch an ominous ass tape and I'm good it'd be different if like she was Haunting an episode of like Invincible on Prime video or something like that then we'd all be screwed we would all we'd be [ __ ] toast really how would she bought it off with no lower draw oh I don't know how the right rip a girl's [ __ ] jaw there's nothing out of the realm of possib don't you [ __ ] argue with me about I put the I put thought into all this okay I'll I'll have you know I'll have you know that's right you're getting me ramped up right now dude that shit's petrifying bro have you guys seen all those artists like lowkey collab on like that TV that was hanging up in like a Walgreens or something they're like this is this is where i' like summon the ring out of to defeat her I felt bad for her cuz she was like a some lady that got [ __ ] like thrown into a well and drowned or some [ __ ] right I don't know if that happened to me I wouldn't really like I don't think I'd really want to haunt videotapes I'd maybe haunt the person that killed me maybe if I felt like it I guess scary movie is a classic dude so funny that's not a snake that's a human I'm sick of you I'm done having this conversation I'll have you know yeah scary movies classic I haven't watched them in super long though remember them being funny as [ __ ] wait when you were doing the all patch thing did you get the dungeon guardian pet yeah I did I got a Zenith and I went to a classic world and got it like a chump it's kind of a little tough getting Souls down here ain't it that's where our little mob farm would come in handy hello beit Castle waffle you've seen that movie with the ring girl and Grudge girl fusing into one being no what the [ __ ] movie is that what they fuse and look the exact same what do you mean oh [ __ ] nice Miss [ __ ] ass come on quit being cute we being cuty give me more potions hand them over wonderful Weapon by the way Dart pistol Dart pistol and dart rifle sexy use the flower use the flower that's how I'm reading it and my retort of course nah I'm going do my own thing are there efficient hell mob farm designs I'm sure there is I'm sure it'd be much similar to the regular like Cavern layer mob farm but it'd probably be uh probably be a little tough with imps imps might cause you some issues I'm not sure what their spawning mechanics are like might be uh it might be something like you know you kill they they don't spawn in front of uh while you're in front of player Place walls but I'm not too sure I think they still might use the flower do it no I will in fact be doing my own thing where the hell did you come from all right there we go well have you seen the texture pack that gives slimes that g that gyot no I haven't that's interesting that might be something we have to invest in in the future I'm getting mixed results it seem reports of up to 300 to 400 lbs to up to a ton to be able to rip someone's jaw off do you know okay dude there's no chance we ever have a chance against a grudge most we can do is keep our house clean and [ __ ] hope for the best but even still there was a family that moved in there and she [ __ ] messed them up too now Lois I'm going do my own thing I tried my best next video idea waffle trying to get trying all the weird texture packs that'd be a fun idea be a fun way to credit some artists too love the art community y'all [ __ ] be drawing and stuff dude that shit's wild I could never I don't know though maybe if you guys watched my power world video I did a beautiful illustration in the beginning so as to not get hunted down ceaselessly by Nintendo themselves I thought we were gonna have to grind a lot harder for the um for the firecracker so I'm I'm quite pleased quite pleased we didn't have to do that I think we're pretty good on Souls I mean let's get up to 15 as well for Souls of whitee I'm enjoying a chat oh you will not in fact be doing your own thing watch me watch me first whip then watch me na neigh Elden Elden ring with Adrien still in progress yes it is not sure when the next episode will be coming out though but I'm I'm going to uh chop some stuff up and have it sent on over to the editor crazy bastard's going to get it get it done that guy's a [ __ ] machine I love my editor he's a killer dude that guy's [ __ ] fantastic at what he does don't victim blame The Grudge ghost what do you mean who's victim blaming the grudge ghost I'm terrifi fight of her bro what are you talking about who did whoever did The Grudge is coming for you buddy sorry we don't do that around here how fast do you think you could beat a world with multiple people at once the thing is you'd have to share Life Crystals people would be grinding for their own individual weapons which is kind of tough and uh Health would scale so it's kind of a yes and no if you have like [ __ ] habo on your team or something yeah I'm sure you could crunch it out real fast with some epic gamer Strat it's my favorite boss plant [Music] ARA it's a great soundtrack as well man my spider's just playing and having fun in a lava puddle that's cool hip hip hooray do I any tips for Elden ring nope we already beat it we just got to upload it I've beaten it twice by now which is nice what are those Planters yeah yeah they're plant boxes yeah [ __ ] I guess guess it can't grow in hell I never noticed that I'm sure plants would be able to grow down here but I don't cuz fire Blossom [ __ ] grows so I'm sure if we planted something then maybe but maybe it's like wild grass or what's considered to be wild grass can't really grow down here long grass and [ __ ] cuz it's too close to the lava maybe that's it that's just a guess though I might be totally wrong look at this idiot we get a soul from that where are we at man 12 [ __ ] everyone I said I wanted to get up to 15 Souls I don't know about that anymore it's just taking forever have you seen how much they unfairly buffed planta in Calamity Death Mode I don't know about Death Mode infernum was a trip though this is so boring your mother bored me last night that's why I left early that's why she's upset today so sorry for the odd family d name I got home how many summons am I on I don't know I don't know how many exactly we've gotten all the preh hard mode except for Hound is shius and for um and the uh slime staff of course dude blink 180 root grows in hell hell yeah what I'm talking about just trying to play the zena seed with 7 of your friends [ __ ] that I cherish my friendships I cherish them I would never would never want to scathe my friendships for that abhorent seed what am I getting the blade staff I don't know whenever really hello Amy Sue oh boy I'm going to diddle waffle what the [ __ ] don't bring P diddler into this dude hey I'm out I'll check out the full video when it's out all right for sure man thanks for stopping by appreciate you beautiful there's 13 we're close enough you know we might might as [ __ ] well let them go to town in there hell yeah not one get destroyed Buster oh here we go cool we can TP up it's nearly night time we have potions to make we have some [ __ ] to do so let's do it Lickety splickety and get then get right into battle I don't think we've gotten [Music] oh no we are low on lead that's awkward it's a problem I never thought I'd ever see happen what else do we need again like bones or something we can fight Prime first honestly if we have bones [ __ ] it let's fight Prime first see what happens then we'll get the durle from him then I might as well make a different summon as well let's try the twins do the Destroyer last do a little little unorthodox okay got those now for potions we have iron skin endurance swiftness regeneration rage summoning which is fantastic don't really need heart reach to the Destroyer but we can make I got five prismite life force perfect God damn all right we'll hit this hit this then we wait till night greetings Rocky Shel me humies 12 fully unmod yes it is fully unmodded let's give it a spin dude let's give it a whirl hey chump Let's Do It Go be the dead to the metal bone man let's [ __ ] try it let's give it a spin let's give it a whirl oh I don't have all my summons do I just go straight for his head that'd be nice ideal even I have all my accessories on I do get away from me you freak oh my God that was [Music] bad I'm getting my ass beat real bad right now this is [ __ ] scary um okay I have an idea maybe not the best idea in the entire world oh [ __ ] we got it up we got it up almost want to take out this [ __ ] laser too dude this is rough long as we have that cool whip going dude oh my God all the possessed armor spawning right now are pissing me off so [ __ ] bad God there we go come on my little spiders do something they're really able to soak him in a lot of damage whenever uh whenever he's doing his little famous head twirl action it's just imperative we don't get head from Skeletron it's not going to be pretty if we do oh [ __ ] this is a tough one it's taking [ __ ] forever here we go we're getting his appendages quite low as well I think that's courtesy of the Cool Whip so even more damage if we do that all he spinning like look at this dumbass zombie dude come on really where the [ __ ] is he oh there he is oh Lord he's coming oh this is rough it's taking unreasonably long get the get the get the laser get the laser that's half our problems right there oh my God that was [ __ ] terrifying I don't like all this stuff spawning in our Arena it's pissing me off dude come on come on baby Light My Fire still have 20 seconds on potions we should probably be a little more careful coming on a little headstrong right now okay we got 5 seconds left on potions I think we'll be okay just have to keep keep it pushing here we go here we go here we go oh [ __ ] that bomb bomb would have been no good should be the last hole yes Siri oh s guard Wass oh [ __ ] I'm sorry I did it I did it I did it you guys saw it I did it that is what I'm talking about time to make the dendle sorry about that and thank you for the two bons Raven I appreciate you very much dur oh we got to get the twins next we could probably get some I core flasks I think that would help us a lot Savage [ __ ] Savage one dude terrible dude can you just work with me man just just just work work with me here work with me please I have I have 45 Platinum I have all godam damn day Jesus Christ got to ring it out of the sad sack of [ __ ] no problem angry asteroid I hope you have a good time hope you have a good night waful go for a blade staff it'll help so much with twins all right [ __ ] it why not we could try it if I die I'm going to I'm going to act like it's personal with you take that out sleep till day it's going to be kind of rough because we got to drag her all the way over from the left so we got the durle let me cross that off real fast boom dle Oh and the firecracker I didn't cross that off cool making great progress great strides even let's get another iron skin another endurance another swiftness another regen another rage another summoning Another Life Force might have a chance at this goodbye have a good one thanks for coming sure you've gotten plenty of crap about it but I'm curious why no sanguin sta so far I'm scared I'm scared you guys ever had Cherry Seven Up by the way [ __ ] is delicious or just making arena in the hollow brh nah I'mma do my own thing I wish I could make that 5% louder each time I say it dude is so [ __ ] good let's get rid of all of this real quick drink up heal up uh oh man I kind of forgot to make iore flasks hold on I even forgot to get an IMB station I said I was going to do it later like on the first stream oh that's so hot oh my God I love that so much [ __ ] have me all right here we go enough fing around enough hoot nanny here we are 11 should work for now we already drank all our potions so we might as well just go jump into [ __ ] battle see how it goes where's you at where you at thicks oh I forgot to do all my spider something oops oh I forgot to drink this too whoops doing good damage never mind she going to keep teleporting to us right whip stack waffle time oh [ __ ] me let's just get through here real quick before anything horrible happens to us okay cool she's over there we made it to the arena is fantastic thank you merge for the 15 de bonies I appreciate you very okay time to go heal holy [ __ ] time to go what the [ __ ] was that nurse nurse nurse help me help me oh Jesus Christ okay just got to make our way back to the arena we'll be okay holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh Jesus maybe a Time to go heal again oh good Lord in heaven take this fly to the goddamn Moon if we have to what the [ __ ] I got hit by a stray just Gunn down in the streets of Brazil holy [ __ ] no God damn it all right so I'm thinking maybe we do the twins next I think that might be maybe a pretty good idea I mean just see how it goes really swiftness regeneration rage summoning my Force excellent fantastic even oh yes indeed maybe we can make a little nurse healing or even you know what right here boom here we have it here's our healing box sleep till night make sure the nurse moves let's try and get the twins go I'm actually very calm I think what you you guys heard was maybe some type of glitch audio discrepancy um don't really know how that stuff works so I might not go too much into it however you know glitches happen I didn't even freak out I was like a darn I just said that I don't know yeah it was just a little glitch I think oh my God the steampunkers here I need you so bad excellent look at that come to Papa beautiful we could even hollowfy this stuff later to so our NPCs don't leave it's all I'm really going for God our world is [ __ ] James Madden thank you for the five deons and for saying wamp wamp I'm taking that out on my future kids and it's your fault all right that should be fine for now Andrew Sans thank you for the 10 goddamn deons brother brother brother brother time to get time to go to the [ __ ] immortalization chamber how do you like them apples how do you like them apples eh Andrew Sands thank you again W's for Andrew Sands name needed in the world dude consider a done brother all for your future kids are going to go through a lot I don't even plan on having kids if I'm keeping it a buck no one of me in the world is enough that's enough I want your seed waffle okay I'll add that to the list of things I wish I never read hey waffle time I just wanted you know that I'm currently being stabbed in the stomach and I'm bleeding out profusely W but we need mini waffle [ __ ] then I'll chop off my legs I don't think waffle can have kids anymore after the ball ripping SI you had to do yeah that's honestly what it was um get fixed boy uh left my [ __ ] alone for the most part but my balls however they put in some type of vice and I was suspended from a ceiling and someone just got on them and started swinging them swinging on them like a some type of grotesque tire swing but they were spinning in a circle at the same time so tubes are tied that's over for me just manual thank you James Madden for the goddamn T de balloons I appreciate you very very Goddamn much I want to be in the world too wish granted my man Bam Bam there it is thank you bro I appreciate you very very much W James Madden dude easy easy they did surgery on a grape I haven't heard that in [ __ ] years waffle I have to know how do you adli these stories so flawlessly they're all true stories it's that's really happened all right it's night time um make sure idiot moved in over here we might need it dude this fight's going to be kind of rough we're not really going to be able to reach spazmatism uh however I'm not as concerned with Reaser so let's just give it a spin real quick see how it goes if it doesn't go well it's it's [ __ ] bad for my future family let's see here oh I didn't summon anything whoops actually going surprisingly well so far I'm dominantly just going to use a dendle cuz I I I don't want to aggro both otherwise we're [ __ ] and bone at the same time time and that's not very ideal not in my opinion at least thank you again James Madden we're going to get these little bastards we're going to get them I have a good feeling about this it all depends on how this second phase goes oops okay he's going to go into a second phase any minute okay perfect they are spamming the [ __ ] out of him and this is when I stop attacking and this is when I do attack okay we get one hit on him we just let it simmer for a little bit come on buddy get the job done little fellas you guys are doing so good you make a proud I cannot wait to [ __ ] hit R ner as hard as I can superior spider summons where are you where are you [ __ ] thank God man what a [ __ ] idiot oh oh oh oh [ __ ] I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry holy [ __ ] here we go just bully him up a little bit you fly above him he can't really do [ __ ] on the way down he's greatly inaccurate I think the same slightly applies for his uh for his second phase which is nice but no not really I guess how the [ __ ] did that hit me boom got him easy easy peasy what up Rainey welcome in welcome in everybody Welcome rainy St said hello Mr Pancake clock it's my first time seeing you live well you missed the the world's greatest freakout just a brief minute ago I died to Queen slime and I got very upset but you know with any luck hopefully you'll be able to hope you'll be able to see us soon you know can I fit another trophy right there I can oh cool all right yeah let's do another trophy right there we could put this next to it in place that kind of looks like spazmatism already so that's good we can now do I have I have one one I think we need two right am I tweaking no we only need one oh my God that's great okay we can make the optic staff right now oh yeah can I get a yeah in chat please just one single yeah would suffice however the more the merrier optic staff sounds like something you'd use to check for hemorrhoids that's f [ __ ] brutal optic staff beautiful I'm sorry superior spider summons how do I not have enough [ __ ] hollowed bars for armor yet looks like we're fighting them in spider armor which is not not going to be pretty uh we need to go look for lead lead that's what we have we don't have iron we need lead like you lead me to my death get it get it guys perfect this is huge this is absolutely huge thank you jaundice Christ for the 10 to balloons I appreciate you very very Goddamn much W's for jaundice please wa what's your favorite debuff personally as a man with jaundice mine's iore I think mine's cursed Flames no mine's iore actually I stand by it I tried to switch up and be a little different but it just didn't feel right but thank you again you get a immortalized how long ago was a slime freak out it was before the twins right before the twins you can rewind and check it out if you like um I'm thinking we keep that on us cuz Sentry won't fill up a slot which is nice let's just get a good refor you guys know the best one for this don't really give a [ __ ] about knockback Superior maybe I don't know Mystic is it mythical ruthless mythical okay mythical that's nice oh okay we'll keep going though we have the money for it I just say okay perfect mythical 17 damage solid wow all right and we could unsummon these friendly spider summons summon about a million of these guys apparently this the the little spazmatism really really do the godd damn trick on the uh on the Destroyer so we'll see how that goes if we fail first attempt we could always go we could try and we could try and do a Sky platform I'm just not sure how well that would work let's get some lead son pump some lead into our veins let's do it give you a gut full of lead nice I don't know what the hell I used all my all my lead on what did I use it on as a matter of fact I can't remember oh I was thinking about introducing something by the way tell me your guys' thoughts I was thinking about doing oh well oh [ __ ] just look at that [ __ ] damage that's so good I was thinking about doing a like a waffle time meme of the week so you guys would check out my you guys would tag me on Twitter with a waffle time themed meme and whichever one I think is the funniest you guys just do like hashtag # waffle meem of the week or # Waffle Time meme of the week right so I can see them and then whichever one's I think is funniest we get put at like the end of a stream we can all look at it together I can do runner up and [ __ ] too what's your guys thoughts on that [ __ ] what you guys thoughts on that baloney not putting you on my [ __ ] page I have decency and [ __ ] whose stream are you watching right now bastard how do what do you mean dude it's Your Meme you made it oh why do we still have the Imp staff on us it's been taken up an inventory slot this entire time think that's a very hell yeah brother situation okay all time subreddit I don't really use Reddit I kind of see what people post off of Twitter like the Reddit the r/ Terraria bot for Twitter I guess you know waful time React videos I don't think I'd ever make react content unless it's something that really really warrants a reaction and the person's okay with it of course who made the video oh I probably use them all on iron skin ah okay I get it now see that we're going to need to use some more on iron skin unfortunately five's cool five's cool uh we're going to need these don't know why I did that uh we are going to need the souls we are going to need ver vertebras we're running low on vertebra so hopefully we do this first try when I cool common collected it's just a bunch of beers and [ __ ] dynamites going off hell yeah would be funny but if there aren't enough sub submissions there may be some strange things to put in your stream that's true that's true I'm nervous about this I'm skeptical about doing this without a uh without a [ __ ] melee armor set of course waffles are pancakes probably waffles wa time reacts to his own huis oh man long day isn't it huh get it waful time reacts to the slog of day-to-day life under capitalism it's just me staring with dark circles into the camera for like [ __ ] 4 hours straight I don't know if we could do this I'm kind of stressed about it I don't know because a nurse is going to be right beneath us so she's probably going to die Lyra song bug thanks for the two to Bloons Waffle Time opinions on lady demit tresco dude don't get me [ __ ] started brother don't get me goddamn started I'm a fiend go readings waffle dingles how's everyone being how's everyone being been pretty good Newman pretty good A little sick today but you know we live we ball we're about to take on the destroyer and I'm really scared about it I didn't make a coward platform we're just going to try and try and raw dog it what's your most hated cring Lord group of people Twitter [ __ ] maniacs those Twitter Maniacs they they get to me dude they get me more [ __ ] angry than anything I swear to God the next Golem Temple segment it's all about Twitter all about fun old little Twitter I already I already have that okay so I could summon another one of these we're already pretty much healed up I think if we summon him like up here is see where he came from and oh oh we're doing pretty good so far probably whip stack with the Cool Whip I just got to be careful cuz he's going to his head is going to kill us one hit it absolutely is there's a lot of probes right now we got to be extra careful oh [ __ ] Jesus Christ man okay probably should have done a heartreach maybe we get a lot of these probes out we'll be in business baby is there a [ __ ] wraith around here oh my God this is going to be a close one I think oh [ __ ] okay oh okay there is still alive we're going to try and drag these guys away a little bit [Music] okay [ __ ] zombie are you kidding me why is [ __ ] still spawning dude it's pissing me off so bad okay nurse is dead so we have to try and carefully handle this kind of let our summons just do it oh my God that was [ __ ] petrifying woo W God damn that was scary okay okay oh my God give me a [ __ ] heart attack Jesus Christ that was [ __ ] terrifying Godly massive gamer dubs I'm happy about that I'm very pleased let's take all these let's make us a pickaxe axe real quick as well as an Avenger emblem for later oh we need this [ __ ] you mine carp um thank you guys for the hype dude that [ __ ] was very scary not even I don't even [ __ ] I don't even get scared you guys are probably scared just stand behind me I'll save you I'll save you don't worry pickaxe axe perfect so I can now get rid of that guy perfect perfect perfect so we got that uh I think we have to make this over here with a warrior emblem then we'll store that in there for later I think we could use it against a moon Lord that would be nice don't really need those anymore do I screw it screw it okay let's put this in banners all right so you guys I honestly came on here to kill one Mech I didn't think I didn't think we were going to do that good we did pretty [ __ ] solid honestly but uh yeah I think we're going to think we're probably going to call it for tonight it's getting a little bit little bit late over here but um make sure to follow the Instagram and Twitter links down in the description it's @ real Waffle Time on Instagram and it's ittis Waffle Time on Twitter so go give him a follow and uh you know let me know how you like the stream let me know what kind of uh videos you want to see next [ __ ] like that and I will be seeing all of you absolute fiends you absolute creatures probably on Saturday actually yeah on Saturday so make sure to be there Saturday I'll see you guys soon love you all peace love rock and roll waffle time rock legend
Channel: WaffleTime
Views: 7,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first time, meme, funny, Terraria, Master Mode, WaffleTime, Waffle, Time, Rage, Interaction, Interact, Chat, fun, Moon Lord, EoL, Empress of Light, Queen Bee, Destroyer, Absolute Easiest, Survival, with friends, Melee Only, Celebration, Celebration Seed, mk10, Anniversary, seed, live, play through, backseat, 1.4.4, 1.4.3, master mode, master, challenge, weapons, weapon, only, empress, light, eol, legendary, Stardew, Q&A, farming, journey mode, just chatting, journey, hardcore, ftw, zenith, all the summons, summons, can
Id: iCZu0I5tZlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 21sec (11841 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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