Can We Be Trained in the Prophetic?

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so this this whole idea i've had a number of times where somebody has challenged me i talk about doing prophetic schools or teaching about the prophetic and they're like well if you're hearing from god you don't need any training because it's just god speaking which sounds kind of good i mean the bible does say that his sheep hear his voice they know his voice they recognize his voice and they follow his voice so there is an aspect of there's not really any way to hear god if we're not hearing god but what really is going on is we've been trained our whole life how to ignore god and we need to unlearn how to ignore god if you are not paying attention to a particular way of somebody communicating to you you're not going to hear when they communicate excuse me when they communicate to you in that way and so if you have no idea that somebody's putting letters in your mailbox you're not going to look in the mailbox to see if there's a letter so somebody could be communicating but you're going to completely miss the communication because you don't even know to look there and that's the real key when it comes to the prophetic as far as the hearing portion now we're also going to talk about how to handle revelation once we get it which is a whole nother topic to talk about training and the need for training let's see we've got ontario we've got switzerland that's amazing oklahoma's on so good yeah daniela that would be great if if you're still there in italy once we get that settled we will definitely be putting it on our calendar so keep an eye on that august 2021 to to be in italy so that's wonderful so thinking about that have you ever heard of someone saying or had someone say to you let's say a child has a nightmare and they wake up from this nightmare and they're scared and they're like oh they were trying to kill they killed the whole family they killed you mommy wha this is not good and then the trying to comfort the child someone would say something like it's okay it's not real it's okay it's just a dream you're familiar with that line of thinking that line of thinking teaches us to ignore dreams and say that they're not really something that god is speaking and the idea is you're trying to help someone process their emotions but there's actually other ways that we can help them process you actually don't have to discount the reality of something to process what you're feeling about that thing and when it comes to dreams there's there's a lot better i mean we talk about this a lot when talking about how to help kids with their dreams so if you're on our youtube channel look for conversation that i did with josh hoffer we talk about helping children that are having nightmares so if there's an issue with that we've got some real good training that will really help you and have helped a lot of people and see their children not have to deal with their nightmares or learn how to deal with their nightmares in a healthy way but how we respond to these things will affect our thinking we we're we're told things when we're growing up oh stop imagining things you need to grow up get practical and and there's a place where the imagination can be unhelpful but there's also a place where it's not really imagination there are people that had imaginary friends when they were children and they were not imaginary friends they were actually angels but they didn't understand what was going on and so they discounted that and they've taught themselves to ignore those kinds of things and now they're they're not really seeing angels they are but they're ignoring it they're not allowing themselves to recognize what they're seeing because they were taught how to ignore spiritual stimulus we're taught that unless we can quantify it unless we can repeat it unless we can measure it that it's not actually real we've made a religion out of science which is supposed to help us understand creation not define creation and so because of that we've discounted the spiritual reality and the things that happen that don't have what fits into the world view that we start in because all of us have a world view we see the world in a certain way we view it through a certain lens that's a world view and that world view will cause us either to pay attention to supernatural activity or ignore supernatural activity it's one of the reasons i love going to to places like south africa and other places in africa because their world view they have a place for supernatural activity you don't have to fight against the world view to help them recognize what's going on now sometimes you do have to help them to realize that god is bigger than the enemy just because the enemy makes a lot of noise does not mean that he's as powerful as he's pretending and does not mean that he's more powerful than god is that is another issue but that's a separate issue again we all have our world view how does that worldview affect our understanding our expectation of god speaking when we begin to expect god to speak and we begin to pay attention in the different ways that he speaks we start to hear him more not because he's speaking more but because we're paying attention more and some of what people have called prophetic oh this person's really prophetic it's not necessarily that they're any more prophetic than other people they've just taught themselves to pay attention to the ways that god speaks and i know a number of people that did not think that they were prophetic but when they were taught what to pay attention to what to look for and how to listen all the sudden they would they would have these uh this awakening that would happen and they would be hearing from god at a whole nother level these little thoughts that would go through their head that they just discounted as having no meaning because they didn't know where they came from or why they would be there they started paying attention to and they realized that god had been speaking to them most of their lives and so if you can learn how to pay attention to those things you can grow in your capacity to to recognize and then communicate what it is that god is saying and so there is a need for training if you don't recognize that god speaks through dreams for example you're probably not going to be paying attention to your dreams and you're most likely not going to be expecting god to give you instruction in your dreams but the bible clearly says that god gives instruction in their dreams that he warns people in their dreams and he gives them direction in their dreams and that he helps them to keep them from doing things that he doesn't want them to do or to help them to walk out the call that he's placed on them how about the the thoughts that we have you ever had the experience where you're arguing with yourself maybe you have this thought oh i should help someone so or i should go talk to this person or i should pray for this person or i should give to this person and then all of a sudden you're arguing with yourself that doesn't make any sense they don't really need help they don't want me to talk to them i don't know why i would think that that doesn't you you remember that argument i think we've all had those arguments well that's us arguing with god it's probably not us that we're arguing with god is speaking and he's inviting us into opportunities but when we begin to pay attention to these things because often god will speak in these little invitational ways it's not this booming voice out of heaven this is god listen to me now it's it's usually more often something that's subtle because god is humble he's gentle he's self-controlled he is the fruit of the spirit that's why it's the fruit of the spirit because it's what he's like and so when we get closer to him it's what we become like because it is what he's like he's kind he's joyful he's peaceful he's he's all of these things he's good he's loving this is our god and and when he speaks he comes across that way it's one of the most difficult things about god is that he's so humble we have been trained most of our lives not to pay attention to humble people because they don't have much to offer if they're not going to tell you how much they have to offer they probably don't have that much to offer and so we've been taught how to value boasting how to value pride how to how to value noise how to value loudness and it's crept into the church we we tend to think people that are always talking about the great things that god has done through them that god is doing more great things through them than he is through other people that don't brag about it all the time and yet it could just be a learned behavior at best and and to the negative it's this integration of the pride that's in the world system that we live in that is coming out in the guise of spirituality now i'm not saying that we should never talk about what god does the bible is clear full of stories of of god talking about the things that he did and people bragging on god so there's definitely a place for that i'm just talking about our tendency to think that the people that are the most vocal are the most anointed now that is so not like god because he's understated many times and so we actually have to learn about him and then we learn to pay attention to him as he is and as we do that we grow in our capacity to hear him and recognize his voice and so yes training is really important in our capacity to hear god's voice to recognize god's voice not that it gets god to speak anymore you can't get training that will get god to talk to you more you can position yourself and pay attention more and that's where the training comes into play now the other side of it is the side of what to do with the revelation once you have it how do you discern what's really revelation what's your own ideas your own thoughts your own feelings how do you discern the difference between imaginations and visions how do you how do you discern the reality how do you recognize if this is a spiritual encounter or if this is a metaphorical message now this is another place where it requires some training and we wouldn't expect i'm when i was having my conversation with matt chandler this is one of the things that he brought up and i love the point we would not expect somebody that was going to be a teacher of the bible to be able to just pick up the bible and and be able to understand everything that was in it and and communicate it well without some type of training we would expect them to get some type of a training to to recognize when can you use this definition for this word and when can you not use this definition of this word why does it mean this sometimes and this sometimes and how do you understand that in the context and what did this actually mean to the people there and how do you not interpret it based off of the english translation and taking a word out of its meaning in the original language so that the verse actually says what it actually says and how do you apply that to people's lives and then what are the practical ways that you communicate so that people can actually hear you understand you and then do something with it we would expect that to require training why wouldn't we expect the same thing to be required of somebody that wants to grow in giving prophetic messages in our capacity to to not only hear not only read but to interpret and then to apply and then to proclaim now we've we've talked about this a number of times john paul taught in this there's actually a blog that's on our website so if you go to look for the blog called four aspects of a prophetic word four aspects of prophetic word and here are the four aspects it's i think it's also on our app too you have the revelation you have the interpretation the application and then the proclamation these are the four aspects of a prophetic word the revelation is the easiest part we just need to learn how to look for the revelation like habakkuk said i will set myself on the ramparts to look and see what god will say now that's a whole other subject talking about how we see what's being heard but that that's for another time when we can talk about that but we can position ourselves and we can pay attention and and the revelation comes it could be a vision could be an audible voice it could be a thought it could be a dream it could be a word coming from somebody else it could be the holy spirit highlighting scripture for us this is these are all different ways that revelation comes and and allows us to to hear what god is saying but then there's an interpretation if you have let's say a dream like pharaoh's dream let's say pharaoh pharaoh has this dream and he sees these seven fat cows coming up out of the nile river and he's looking at them and they're on the bank of the river and then he sees these seven skinny cows coming out of the river and they eat the fat cows and then you can't even tell that they ate anything they're still as weak and as gone and as skinny as they were before they ate how are you going to get to the idea that that is talking about plenty and famine and that it's seven years and and that this is god's speaking it requires interpretation because there's metaphor that's there we have to understand what's being said some revelation requires much less interpretation if there's an audible voice from god saying you know like say moses moses take off your shoes for the place where you are standing is holy ground it's pretty clear what's being said it does not require a lot of interpretation it just requires obedience right take off your shoes but there's other times when it's definitely more metaphorical and zechariah i love zechariah because he's he was such a seer he had all these visions and encounters and he saw all these crazy things but more than once while he's in the encounter he's seeing something and he's and he's talking to the angels that are there he goes oh that what does that mean and one of the angels they asked him zechariah do you know what this means he goes no i don't know what that means what does it mean and he's engaging and he's asking because he wants to understand that's the process of interpretation you saw something great what does it mean now we don't always get an interpretation john didn't get an interpretation of much that's in the book of revelation ezekiel didn't get an interpretation of some of the things that were happening daniel got some interpretation but a lot of the interpretation that daniel got he wasn't even allowed to share some of it so there has to be an interpretation as well but then there has to be an application what do you do with it what do you what do you do with it now that you've heard okay so you you had this experience well was that a vision or was that a dream or was that the seer realm was that uh seeing into the heavenly realm the coexisting spiritual realm or was that a metaphorical message it was being presented to you okay great we've got that now now what does it actually mean and we figured out what it meant now the next question is well what do you do with it who needs to hear this how do they how are they supposed to respond is there a is there a direction in this is there do this or don't do this is there an invitation that's included in this how does this apply and then the last piece is how do you say it because there's a lot of different ways to communicate prophetic words excuse me agabus takes paul's belt off of him and then he ties paul's hands with the belt and says in this way the you know the the jews are going to tie up the owner of this belt and hand him over to the gentiles and so that was how he was supposed to proclaim he was supposed to take a belt and tie the guy's hands with it like that's an interesting way to proclaim a prophetic word isaiah was told isaiah i want you to take off all of your clothes and for the next three years you're going to walk around naked and if anybody asks you why you're naked why are you walking around naked you're supposed to look at him and say because this is you're going to be naked when the babylonians take you into exile now this is one of the reasons why we just don't imitate everything that's in scripture because clearly that is not something that we just get to imitate that's not the normal way of of proclaiming a prophetic word but that is how god told isaiah to do it see here's the key in all of this the revelation the interpretation the application the proclamation is it's all based on relationship with god now you can't figure it out because you get book knowledge and so can you be taught how to hear from god yes and no you can be taught how to recognize what god is saying how to understand his ways how to get deeper into relationship with him how to engage him for the understanding and and for the guidance on how to handle these things but if you don't have a relationship with god you can't be taught how to hear from god necessarily you have to have a relationship with him now we do teach people how to have a relationship with god that's called discipleship and so yes there is a training there is an equipping you see how this works it's so key because if we don't understand this we we make errors on two sides one i don't really hear from god i'll never hear from god and we don't pursue understanding we don't pursue training a lot of you you're so hungry to understand your dreams and understand what they mean i know that's why many of you are on here because you have a desire for that and and you're looking forward to a few minutes and we start interpreting some dreams because you want to have an opportunity to have your dream interpreted you know you can learn how to interpret your dreams for yourself you can grow in that capacity we can teach you the biblical principles that's one of the things that we do there's a hunger that's there and so you can't just say well i just don't have that gift well no it's available because it's out of relationship with god now different people are going to be at different levels of all giftings it doesn't matter if that is evangelism if that is teaching if that is prophecy if it's dream interpretation we all get different levels of giftings and some of us are going to be used more often a certain way than others will but if we have holy spirit we all get holy spirit and this is what paul was trying to talk about in first corinthians chapter 12. he's like hey you know you have this gift and this person has this gift doesn't make one better or one worse just means you have different gifts it's all different parts of the same body and they're all important they just each have different functions and so we need to recognize this but don't don't give up because you're all supposed to desire spiritual gifts he tells us to hunger after them to to lust after them is actually the word that he uses in in first corinthians 14 verse one desire lust after covet spiritual gifts especially that you may prophesy now he wouldn't tell us to be longing for something that we can that we can't have so it's available to all of us but even in that passage paul is giving clear instruction on how to work with the gifts that we've given how to recognize when it's god how to know when to share it when not to share it and what to do with it in the context that we're in and these are all keys that we can grow in so on the one side people like oh i just really don't have that gift well you can grow you can learn and you can mature in that and then on the other side well i have that gift i don't need anybody to train me no you actually do thinking that you don't need anybody to train you is pride and that is going to be resisted by god because the bible says that god resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble we all need each other we need to grow together we we get to encourage one another we get to submit to one another we get to teach one another we we get to to sing songs and spiritual songs we get to pray together all of these things there's a togetherness in the bible and there's nobody that can say well i'm so gifted i don't need the body no no no the the body is there and the the members they have their life because there's a body now just imagine let pluck out my eye what can the eye do now i i can still see i i you know maybe i don't have the depth perception that i had with two eyes but i i can still see but that poor eye it can't do anything wherever i set it it's set there it can't protect itself it can't cover itself it can't produce tears to keep it wet to get rid of the dust if something comes at it it can't move to to get out of the way it doesn't have an eyelid to protect it it doesn't have the the blinking to to con constantly cleanse it and make sure that it doesn't get dry and irritated it's going to end up getting shriveled up it's stuck it can only see what it sees it'll sit there and yell i can see i can see i can see but it'll never have any more than one message because it's stuck seeing what it sees and it's not a part of the body that will help us to recognize all these other things we need each other the body does not need the eye nearly as much as the eye needs the body and we have to realize that there's a mutual growth and so yeah we we need to grow and there's both sides of that issue there's a people that think that they can't learn it and then there's a people who think that there's nothing for them to learn because they already know it and they're both wrong we can grow in him we can mature in his ways of understanding we've been called to it and so yeah there is a need and there's a place for training now i do want to encourage you if you're not if you have not gotten some good training on the prophetic on dream interpretation that's why we're here we're here to provide training to equip you to hear god's voice better to understand what god is saying and just specifically related to this i would really encourage you one of the resources that we put out recently is called intro to prophecy and i go through first corinthians 12 13 and 14 and and just walk through every concept in those three verses and teach what paul was saying about how to discern spiritual realities how to recognize the source of spiritual activity and specifically how does prophecy relate to that it's very good training and equipping in understanding the voice of god and knowing how it works in a corporate training and maybe you've been around the prophetic for a while and you want to grow well then take a look at prophetic reformation which is called maturing prophetic communities so prophetic reformation maturing prophetic communities i go in depth into the office of the prophet and how it relates to the apostle and the evangelist the pastor and the teacher i talk about what what the functions of a healthy prophetic community are and what are some of the keys so that we can mature and become healthier as a prophetic people and then what are the things that god accomplishes through his voice and how can we step into that as a prophetic people and be more effective and so that's another training and and john paul has some amazing teaching his his thing on wisdom in the prophetic journey is a classic he taught it in the late 80s early 90s and i'm still listening to it and learning things about the the keys to growth in the prophetic and the wisdom keys that you can learn i mean i remember one of the first times i heard john paul teach on the prophetic he goes guys i've got 20 years of pain and hurt people and pain that i've caused myself and pain that i've caused to others that i can save you if you'll listen to me i'm i i start picking up i'm like yes i want to hear everything you have to say i don't want to have to go through that and i don't want to put other people through it and that's the beauty of these resources because you get the benefit of years of study and experience and mistakes and learning from those mistakes so that you don't have to make the same mistakes hopefully you don't have to make the same mistakes so i'm gonna i'm looking at some of the comments let's do this i'm going to i'm going to start to interpret some dreams here in just a second so if you have a dream you like interpreted put it in there we'll see how many of them we can get to over the next few minutes um debbie let's see i'm going to look at that here in just a second abundant life ministries the lord has been teaching me i prayed for mentor um but he has shown me yeah there's many times i i wanted a mentor that i thought would look like a certain thing for for years and years and years and i didn't get it but i found that i grew a lot through the books that i read the seminars that i went to and the study of scripture and pressing into that and and sometimes there's there's an idea of a mentor that we want that we don't necessarily get and i got a lot further on in my relationship with john paul and i found out he was a lot more willing to be a mentor than what i was willing to be mentored but it was very very helpful when i was able to to walk with him and learn from him but most of what i learned from john paul i learned from the resources that he made available he mentored thousands of people i don't know how many times i've seen comments and and some of you have even said i saw a comment earlier about how helpful john paul was in in opening up the realm of hearing from god and the art of hearing god course and how helpful that was it's really really key to to be mentored because sometimes we can be mentored even from a distance by those that we don't have a an in-depth relationship with personally but there's always opportunities and i'll suggest this for some of you if you can make it either you can do this online or you can do it in person if you can make it in person it's always better in person but i know it's just not possible one with everything that's going on but some for some of you financially trying to fly in some place get a hotel take a look at at our academy we've developed a training and equipping module that is not just teaching but it's teaching and it's also mentoring where we we teach on one weekend and then about two or three weeks later we take another weekend and the whole point of the weekend we have a guest speaker that comes in that teaches that that demonstrates an area of the prophetic but then we spend hours just answering your questions it's q a how does this apply to your life mentoring the people that come and making sure that we're answering those questions and helping you to grow so look at prophetic and revelatory training which is part of our streams academy i think that will really help you help you all right so debbie sparrow you you put this up i was standing in a small river that was filthy it was actually polluted jesus came over the bank reached out his hand and pulled me out so rivers will often talk about spiritual activity it's something that's flowing in the positive it can talk about holy spirit but it also can talk about movement of the spirit and so there's been some kind of a spiritual movement or spiritual community that you've been part of but it's starting to be polluted something that was intended to bring life is be is is polluted and you're recognizing the pollution and jesus is going to save you from that pollution he's going to pull you out of that polluted environment so that you're not being affected by it so that that's actually a very encouraging dream uh debbie so let's see crystal houck um actually i'll just make a common abundant life just said watching jpj and hearing his teachings has really helped you to grow me too that's awesome so glad to hear that uh crystal you said this three snakes in my truck with my kids was worried for them for the kids i'm guessing one was like our dog oreo but was blue one was a python was looking for the owner that was an old friend that lived with my mom so you're in your truck with your kids there's three snakes in there one reminds you of your dog but it was actually blue another was a python and you're trying to find the owner which was an old friend that you still live with your mom so snakes often talk about deception uh a truck could talk about it's its transportations how you're getting from here to there and this is related to family issues and this is your kid your concern is for the kids but you're realizing that the owner or the source of this is this relationship with your mom so this is some kind of a generational issue that came through it'd be probably easiest to see with that particular per person the old friend that was an old friend that lived with your mom and things that happened around them or things that they did and how it affected your life and how it's trying to affect your kids now snakes lies deception attack the enemy one was like our dog oreo but was blue so it looks familiar it looks like something that you care for that you love but it's a snake it's not actually good blue blue often talks about revelation and so it could even be looking like it's revelation um the other the negative side of blue and actually because when i said that i didn't feel the lord on that so i think that was that was my own mind because but the negative side of blue is i'm feeling blue i'm feeling depressed and so this is one specifically relationships and responsibilities that are making um that would cause someone to feel depressed that that i think is more what that one is talking about a python it it just squeezes the breath out of you it's the pressures it's it's the difficulty that's trying to choke out the spiritual life it's busyness that's trying to choke out your spiritual life and that's what that one is now it doesn't say what the third one is but it gives you an idea for those two but that gives you ways to pray the lord is showing you this because you can be free of this and so begin to forgive those that have wronged you related to these issues maybe that your mom's old friend that lived with her your mom yourself repent of anything that you've done that agreed with it and asked the lord to remove the effects of that out of your life and out of your children's life to break the generational curse and and to cancel any assignment that the enemy may have related to that so that will really help you okay let's see um esther esther shana you said dad picks me up from work i realize he wants me to drive but is sitting beside me in the driver's seat as i'm reversing out a purple truck reverses in front of me but misses me because it's i'm reversing too all right so your dad picks you up he wants you to drive but he's sitting beside you now this is not your physical father this is your heavenly father and there's some things that your your father wants you to take initiative on to begin to to step forward to begin to step out in some ministry areas and but he's not going to leave you alone he's going to be sitting right next to you he's with you in the driver's seat on this there's relationship there's comfort there's things and and you're going to have to go back to be able to go forward there's going to be a little bit of having to deal with some stuff that has recently happened before you're able to move into what god wants you to and and in that process be aware of others that are also dealing with things from the last season because there's the potential for conflict but you're going to avoid the conflict vehicles crashing usually talks about conflict so there's potential for conflict but you avoid the conflict and the other truck was purple often purple can talk about authority so that may be somebody that's in a leadership position or somebody that has authority in your life pay attention to that and that will really help you wonderful kingdom daughter htims hitems so two people at work were getting new clothes for me one was a pink lace suit so two people at work were getting new clothes for you often clothes talked about gifting things that you're doing the way that you're doing things and so if you're getting new clothes it's talking about new roles or or new activities new gifting that you're operating in specifically related to work um and you know pink lace it sounds it's you know it sounds pretty um it's it's you know pink can talk about compassion can talk about childlikeness um it can talk about passion can talk about that that place of love so there there's there's just operating out of beauty that is related to that so that is wonderful let's see here the captain hello captain so i dreamt that i entered a church and an usher was seating me a lady smiled and made a hand signal at me the usher said it meant praise lucifer i ran but an angry angel blocked and tried to stop me okay that doesn't sound like that was a very fun dream to have so um let's see here so some so entering into a church somebody's trying to help you to find your place and other people you realize that there is demonic activity that's going on praise lucifer and you're like i'm getting out of here but then an angry angel tries to block you so you're discerning something let me rephrase that because as soon as i said the word discerning i i just felt that that lift of the spirit which meant now you're going in the right direction and so one of one of the questions you want to ask when you're trying to understand a dream is well what kind of dream is this what what was the source of the dream is this a dream from god this is a dream from the soul or is this a dream from the enemy this dream is a dream from the enemy the enemy is trying to put in you a fear of being deceived because god has given you a gift of the distinguishing of spirits to recognize the source of spiritual activity the enemy is trying to make you afraid of being deceived and of getting into the wrong place and that sense of being trapped in a place that's not right and so that's what the enemy wants which means that's not what god wants the enemy only moves because god has already initiated something so what has god done in your life one he's given you the gift of distinguishing of spirits two he's given you spiritual authority and you are not going to be trapped by the enemy into something that is inappropriate an angry angel is a demon that is not from god but this is trying to defame the nature of god and who god is but god made it clear to you that you would recognize this is not from god praise lucifer is not a good statement that is an evil statement and so it was clear to you that something was wrong and that you were dealing with it so um that's yeah i'm gonna leave it there that that's the meaning of the dream when when you find what the enemy is doing what is god doing what did god initiate that the enemy is trying to stop begin to agree with god and you won't have to worry about the enemy because if you agree with god the enemy will be defeated james says draw near to god resist the enemy so don't go in that direction if you draw near to god god will draw near to you then you resist the enemy and the enemy will flee from you if you're close to god the enemy is going to go you don't bring darkness into the light because it stops being dark the darkness doesn't want to be around the light the darkness is scared of the light the light is never scared of the dark and there's been an attack and not just on you but this is an attack that's on a number of you that are going to be watching this and a couple of you that are watching it right now where the enemy is trying to bring this sense of of him having more power and more effect in your life this fear of demonic activity where it's become a fear and a stronghold in your life and god wants to break that because that is not the truth he has made you victorious greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world you have authority over all the works of the enemy jesus told his disciples i have given you authority over all the power of the enemy you can trample on the scorpions you can trample on the snakes they will not harm you even if a poisonous snake were to bite you you would not be affected by it they will take up snakes and not be harmed we can handle the enemy without being harmed but our the the key is draw near to god and he will draw near to you resist the enemy and he will flee from you start with drawing near to god as you draw near to god you will find that fear beginning to break off of you because intimidation and fear has been trying to choke out your breath and cause you to to to shrink back and not step forward in what god has called you to do but you have been called to step forward because you have something of his kingdom that you can release at this time in this place with people around you that they need and it's going to set the captives free because the spirit of the sovereign lord is upon you because he has anointed you to proclaim good news to the poor to proclaim freedom to the captives the recovery of sight to the blind to tell everybody this is the favorable year of the lord prisoners are now freed and slaves have been set free debts have been canceled because the lord god has done this you are anointed by the spirit of the sovereign lord you have something to give to set the captives free you are not a victim you are a victor because the blood of jesus christ has purchased you and there is no temptation that will come upon you that god has not already provided a way out you have been given the authority to walk out the destiny that god created you for and nothing can stop you other than you if you stop you won't walk it out but you don't have to stop just keep moving forward and we just command that voice of intimidation to be broken now in the name of jesus christ freedom come in the name of jesus christ amen amen eli ilagam i think you put this in here a couple times i can see it three times on my screen right now so let's let's take a look at it i was in a church there everyone should come forward and pray for a sick child so i did and everyone went to their places again i saw an old classmate we liked us immediately he had a beard now and told me he doesn't like my church okay so you're in a place where you're getting to operate in your spiritual giftings and and people are being invited and they're given a place to be able to pray and to see god move and to help others but not everybody is going to enjoy even people that you've connected with in previous seasons they may not be able to engage or they may not enjoy that kind of freedom to be able to follow god in that way and so you're just seeing that that you're in this place where you're growing operating in spiritual gifts but it's not for everybody now let me rephrase that it is for everyone it is god's desire that everyone but not everybody is going to be willing to accept it and step into it okay so let's see rebecca rebecca b i had two dreams in one was walking to an antique store on a sunny day when someone gave me the directions write 261 i wrote it down on a napkin dream two i was in a game show and i realized right 261 was the answer okay well that is interesting i wonder i'm just going to look something up real quick just to see if hmm i was just looking to see if it was a scripture 261 so is it chapter 26 verse one the first scripture that i looked up isaiah 26 1 it just it's a good scripture i'm sure it's encouraging i mean it is encouraging it's encouraging to me it just didn't feel like that was the answer to this um so you know let's take a look at some of the details and let if we could figure out 261 great and if not we at least give you the rest of it and then as the holy spirit shows you what the 261 means then you'll have that clarity so antique store someone gives you the directions so antiques something old it's an old way of doing things restoring of the old paths um you know funny enough isaiah 61 which 261. um but i don't know why the two would be uh that but isaiah 61 is uh it talks about the ancient past rebuilding the ancient cities and going back to the ancient past but anyways so antique source something old old way of doing things it's where you find old things and you're giving directions for the now go the right way 261 whatever 261 means you you want to remember this so you write it down so that you don't forget what it is that what you've been told and then you're in a game show so this is a place where your decisions mean something they affect whether you're a winner whether you're a loser and you know the answer because you've been given it and so if you never figure out what the 261 is you have been given the answer that you're going to need when it's important when it's a public thing and there are people watching you you already will have the answer because god has already revealed it to you and you paid attention when you needed to so there's an encouragement there now i think that there's some meaning to that two six one i'm not a hundred percent sure what to do with it so you can play around with it just a little bit you know two is that exodus because it's the second book of the bible and then chapter six and verse one is it mark because that's the second book of the new testament chapter six verse one or is it 26 1 some book and look up you know i always i always start with isaiah the psalms if it's possible the the book of john i i don't think that there's 61 verses in the second chapter and i know that there's not 26 chapters in the book of john so that's not going to quite fit and i take a look and and see and pray through those verses and see if they connect and looking for what that might mean so i'm not 100 sure to do it the 261 but you've been given it's an old answer you found it in an old place and yet it's the answer you need and when you are in a place where other people are watching and it's important for you to know you will already have the answer because god has already revealed it to you and you have paid attention to what he's saying so that is good anita anita pinto please tell me why i see dreams of toilets very often many times very dirty toilets sometimes clean but most of the time is white toilets please help me i want freedom from these dreams so this is one of the more popular dreams that we run into actually in our book the 20 categories of dreams and in in our course on dreams we talk about the 20 um the 20 most popular dreams i'm sorry not 20 categories top 20 dreams we have two books 20 categories of dreams the top 20 dreams the top 20 dreams is where we talk about the 20 most popular dreams and one of them is toilets toilets talk about dealing with our issues so it's it's dealing with stuff that's inside of us could be heart issues could be mind issues some type of an inner healing sometimes it's a repentance but something in us something that we've taken in and it's time for it to come out you think about a toilet it's something that you brought inside of you and now it's time for it to come out and so that's what a toilet when the toilet is dirty it means that you can't find a safe place to deal with your issues so you know you're looking for a place to deal with the issues that you have but when the toilets are dirty it means you can't find a safe place when they're clean they're they're there now one of the popular ones is you have a dream you have to use the toilet and there's no walls or you sit down on the toilet and all of a sudden there's no walls and everybody's there i mean you're just out in the open using the toilet and a lot of times that will be because you you have issues to deal with and other people are going to recognize that you're dealing with these issues they're going to see you dealing with these issues so when you have the dreams about toilets begin to ask god what it is that he wants to process in your life and and then begin to step into that and let him bring that processing okay let's see danielle danielle from italy says i dreamt two weeks that i'm in standing surrounded of the mountains in trees so you're you're in a place where you're surrounded by mountains and trees um that could be so many different things there's it's one of the things about dreams is the more there is to the dreams the more context because the dream kind of helps you to interpret itself this there's not a lot of context so there's not a lot of clues as to what to do with it i mean mountains they can talk about um they can talk about an encounter with god let's go up to the mountain of the lord mount sinai where where where moses went up and countered the lord the amount of transfiguration jesus goes up and gets transfigured in an encounter with the lord trees often talk about leadership but also italy now you're down in naples northern italy switzerland area there's a lot of mountains and trees that's a very common thing so is it something that's related to something that you're familiar with is it a particular area um so i think in this dream it's actually talking about a calling that you have you know the place of mountains in the the place of of trees so mountains can also
Channel: Streams Ministries
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Id: h79BkQwdv2c
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Length: 55min 25sec (3325 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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