Can Valorant Players get Girlfriends?

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in this world there are two types of people those capable of being in healthy relationships and valorant players or at least that is what I'm here to test today hi my name is anth poe and for the past two months I have been calculating the statistical likelihood of valorant players getting a girlfriend I did so through in-depth analyzes surveys eyewitness accounts morally questionable interviews I've been busy Valor is a popular 5v5 team-based shooter game released in 2020 and it's also a poison to society let me show you what I mean I have three thousand dollars in Counter-Strike so I'm you know I'm familiar with how toxic these games can get that being said valorin is is a different breed so I'm not trying to figure out if people who have played valorent are less likely to get a girlfriend I'm trying to figure out if people who actively play Valerie are less likely to get a girlfriend that's people who play more than once or twice a week people who have over 50 hours in the game because I mean otherwise like you know I've I've played valorant before and like like I I could get a girlfriend if I wanted to I've had this idea for a very long time and I never really knew where to start that was until I found the Esports Lounge at my school I never realized how big of a gaming community that colleges have until I found this Esports Lounge I remember when I played video games back in middle school like a lot it wasn't like something cool there wasn't these like facilities so this was crazy to me before I started some of the nitty-gritty research I really wanted to get a feel for what the Valor players were like this is the president of the gaming Club so uh how old are you sold literally as I got there to interview people I ran into this man who happened to be in my hot dog day video he was the president of the gaming org and he gave me a nice tour and some people to interview do you shower yeah shockingly shower I barely nowhere oh okay no that's good so Rutgers Esports is actually kind of like a really thriving scene for the Collegiate scene what's really unique in comparison to like other Esports scenes is that were really like student funded and like student oriented and student run and do you wear deodorant yeah most days I do yeah okay most so not every day not every day not every day right well you're honest that's good yeah that's an important part of being in a relationship that's the number one thing for a relationship you know definitely yeah have you ever had a girlfriend before what's that no I don't think I ever will since I play uh ballerin I've tried I mean I've I've downloaded the apps you know the Unholy Trinity apps might be the way to get a girlfriend uh that's what I tried but I have been extremely unsuccessful why do you think that is I'm in a quiet taste is there anything the world should know about valorant players never interact with them treat them as you would league players so talking to these people in real life gave me some decent Insight but it didn't paint the whole picture the other thing that annoyed me was like I couldn't really tell who was lying and who wasn't uh so I came up with a solution but I'll talk about that later after I talk to enough people there I felt like I was starting to paint a picture so the next thing I did was make a Tinder profile so I could kind of live the valorant player experience first hand I couldn't just be myself on Tinder because a lot of people in my school know how I am and that just wouldn't be fair I needed this to be like as unbiased as possible so I put on a wig and glass [Music] he loves and plays the video game valorant he is a gamer at Valerian and his Anthem is the valorant theme this guy loves Valerie I spent three days swiping right on every single person it was like the greatest dopamine Rush of all time and then sure enough and by the way I've used Tinder before to know success I got so many matches I couldn't tell if people were liking me because they thought this was like a joke which it is but I wanted it to like I guess be serious or they like knew it was me some people knew it was me the other issue I ran into is that some people were like genuinely interested in valorant and they tried to talk about it and I don't really understand Valerie so I would kind of just have to figure something out so I was also trying to be like an enormous prick just like the average valorant player and for some reason I was still having success sure enough one of the girls that I ended up talking to wanted to actually meet up I'll talk about that later but uh the next thing I did was make a survey I made a control group just asking General college students how their love life is and making sure they weren't valorant players and then I had the valorant survey where I just it was people it was degenerate so the Valor players answered that one the surveys would open with basic questions such as where do you go to school what's your age this way I could just pretty much get rid of anybody who's clearly lying after that I would figure out how often they play Valerian if they really consider themselves a valiant player I would also ask of course if they have a girlfriend and obviously a survey can only say so much so I did give an option for people to list any extenuating circumstances for instance someone may be a man but attracted to other men right things like that it just helps paint a fuller picture and I can sift through the data and figure out what's meaningful and what's not I have no idea what Indian woman in Texas bullied me for playing Valor and so I cry every day means what are you talking about on the other hand of course I had people let me know that they're gay or very gay it's good to know that way I can exclude them from the data in the end I'm wishing you all the best in your escapades I sent the Valor survey to a bunch of Valor Esports clubs across the U.S the Target demographic for this survey was College age students because it's the people that I know best and also most colleges now have valorant teams which is so embarrassing I also made these posters that have a QR code that links to the survey I hung them up around my campus in hopes that I would find some Valor players at my school sure enough this worked really really well I got hundreds of people to respond somebody even made a Reddit post on my school subreddit uh harambe please come back says there's a survey on campus asking valorant players if they have a girlfriend also typical redditor one yes a survey is needed for this it is called science idiot I also tried to distribute the survey through discords including my schools uh this wasn't working too well though this freaking [ __ ] moderator deleted my survey in the general chat so screw you murmur I ended up getting 3 000 responses but I'll go through them later because this is the most concrete evidence I had after that it was time for me to meet up with the girl that Tony met on Tinder I was gonna find out once and for all what she saw in those beautiful blonde luscious locks [Music] hello I'm currently here with one of the girls that swiped right on me her name is thank you for uh coming here and agreeing to be on camera as well is this recording yes we're recording sorry I lost my voice um I'm also sorry [Music] um I'm sure it was hard to recognize but this was actually a wig and I don't actually play Valerie so I just wanted to formally apologize that was kind of obvious seriously yeah wig so why did you agree that why did you agree to come here and do this then my disguise had failed in order to do this thing right I would need to become a real valoran player so in order to prepare for this I threw away my deodorant and didn't shower for a week straight no I'm just kidding I played a few games of Valerie who here who here got a girlfriend we're playing Valor and you really think anyone here got a girlfriend spitting facts for real but this wasn't enough I needed more I couldn't quit here do you get do you guys have girlfriends Sean sorry uh I'm gay Trapper do you have a girlfriend no he has a boyfriend though you're 19 though you said I'm actually 10. were you are you guys in the U.S no I'm in China why okay now it's time to quit yeah Valor players are impossible to talk to but maybe maybe it's because the environment lucky for me I know a few valorant players in real life I started with Suk me you play Valerie right yeah how often do you played alright a lot um previously it was close to every day uh do you struggle to get in relationships yeah would you attribute that to playing Valor in the capacity um personally I don't think correlation is equal to causation but if I had to make a guess yeah probably but if one were to like do a statistical analysis they could determine if there is a likelihood of yeah yeah probably I'm not smart enough for that but yeah one could okay I finally felt like I was getting somewhere interviews like this helped paint a fuller picture and helped me analyze the data to a fuller extent but I needed more interviews there was one problem though do you think if I like asked people like these questions in a similar vein do you think they'd be truthful to me um no I'm just love you so much hey wow that was yeah I bought a lie detector after using it all myself to test the validity of it it was time to use it on some other people after going through my list of friends I settled on two people to use it on Patrick and Abby Patrick is on the valorant team here at Rutgers and Abby plays Valor in a lot do you have any idea why you're here I'm no clue so you uh fill out a survey for me is this like how do I play Valor and have a girlfriend I'm just better than you I don't know what to say like oh do you play Valerie I've played Valerie I played Valerie to figure out the data of this video to get some eyewitness accounts do you probably go from we're done asking questions are you are you comfortable disclosing who your girlfriend is yes it is it's page it's Paige did she know you play Valerie oh yeah is she okay with it I think so and then it was time to reveal the lie detector there's no way there's a lot of detect it I also don't think you're being truthful about having a girlfriend so if you could put this around your abdomen please it is important to answer each question truthfully do you understand I do understand have you ever enjoyed the company of a man yes yes okay I didn't write that these are the that's weird because this is this is the control group I didn't even write that question but what that's the control group like I didn't write that question it just asked that to like figure out oh can I call my lawyer nope do you play Valerie too much actually no no I don't yeah do you have a girlfriend yes are you paying Gene to be your girlfriend no no do you have a crush on me no what's funny about that it's funny you seem kind of nervous are you sure that you answered that last one truthfully pretty sure okay considering I do have a girlfriend as I looked through the results of the lie detector I was astonished they hadn't lied a single time well I think the mission I think this this must have [ __ ] up actually I feel like it didn't I feel like a lot of it is I mean I I know I thought it was cheap before but actually I feel it now I think it's like good build quality no I think it's cheap I think you're right I think that's a good book I think there's nothing wrong actually just take it off well I won't include this guy I don't think actually while you were doing this the Amazon reviews for it popped up in the back I think this is actually I appreciated this is this thing sucks [ __ ] this thing it doesn't even work it did work I was just upset I also analyzed the data from the survey and to answer the question does being a valorant player make you statistically less likely to have a girlfriend no No in fact the data says the complete opposite they're all data shows roughly 30.1 percent of valorant players have a girlfriend whereas 22.18 of non-valent players do that being said after conducting a chi-square test on the data with an alpha of 0.05 you can determine that there is literally no correlation between being a valiant player and having a girlfriend mathematically you could only argue there is a correlation with a 0.5 percent confidence level which is low listen I tried to derive some sort of conclusion from this data but it just wasn't possible but maybe I was asking the wrong question do you guys think playing valora makes you a worse person definitely it makes me talk do you think that you become a worse person since you've started playing Ballard it's like a it's like like a victim study or like an added study who are you are you do you think that you'd be happier if you never played valorent definitely of course never played Valerie 100 I actually hate this game but I don't have a clue why I play it it's like I had discovered the saddest subsection of substance abusers valorant players they spoke about the game like it was some sort of drug that they could not Escape saddened me so that's just it playing valorant doesn't make you statistically less likely to get a girlfriend and it doesn't even necessarily make you a bad person but it does make you a sad person and all that being said there was a certain person that I wanted to pay a visit to so I took a drive over to the Esports Lounge hack them all how's it going it's been a long time it's been a while so I know last time we talked we talked a little bit about your experiences with you know girls and Valerie and stuff what do you look for in a girl if she's nice and she's easy to talk to I brought my friend Hannah she actually well she actually has a boyfriend but she I thought she could at least comfort you yeah yeah I also I got you a gift oh thanks deodorant and gum and gum wow it's like like smell great yeah playing valorant doesn't make you a worse person okay it doesn't all right you got it thanks man of course dude The Comeback of the century this is the half literally this is the best case scenario is right now is this a crossover episode foreign
Channel: Anthony Po
Views: 431,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, meme, anthpo, college, university, valorant, val, valorant meme, valorant funny, brian david gilbert, funny video, nakey jakey, commentary, valorant girl, valorant girlfriend, egirl, valorant egirls
Id: CxTHrJ93sxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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