Can This Man Summon UFOs?

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the universe is filled with mystery although we have discovered a lot about it we're still not entirely sure whether intelligent life exists elsewhere many people have dedicated a lot of time to proving the existence of aliens one very popular culmination of aliens is UFO sightings throughout time there have been a countless amount of UFO sightings but there is a man named prophet Yahweh who claims that he himself can actually summon UFOs on May 25th 2005 ABC News did a story about a man who goes by prophet Yahweh in Las Vegas Nevada who couldn't be able to summon UFOs in order to prove his ability he agreed to someone who fo live on camera ABC News chose the day the time and the location which attest would take place when the time came for the UFO summoning prophet Yahweh for the praying and about 15 minutes later this white dot could be seen flying around in the sky until I could see it clear as day in fact it's bright I can't it's moving pretty fast not long after it appeared it disappeared back into the sky Nord is exactly sure what it was but given the circumstances it was definitely something to look into prophet Yahweh's real name is Raymond Watkins and he said that he learned how to summon UFOs by studying the Old Testament he believes that the Bible's mention of pillar of fire Ezekiel's wheel and the glory of the Lord were all references to UFO is controlled by aliens Watkins claims that he summit his first UFO in the late 1970s and has ever sent someone over 1500 more and supposedly has witnesses to vouch for him in August of 2014 Raymond Watkins died of a heart attack I definitely think y'all ways demonstration on the news was impressive but I might have been nothing more than a hoax first of all we don't know for sure what we saw was actually a flying saucer like most of these kinds of videos the quality is low we can hardly make out the object all we really see is just a ball of light and so honestly this could have been anything I doubt that walking Tomas sets us up ahead of time because like I said earlier ABC News towards the day time in location to ensure wattens could not tamper with anything but that doesn't mean this could not have been something else that just happened to show up at the right time still it's oppressive that anything at all showed up shortly after the prayer but maybe this was just a coincidence after walking summon this UFO he said this starting next week there would be a lot more UFO sightings and one would even come down close enough for all of Las Vegas to see prophet Yahweh says though this is just the beginning he says we're going to see a lot more of these things starting next week and he says one will come down low enough for all of Las Vegas to see well this news report took place on May 25th 2005 so if Watkins was correct then there should have been a lot of UFO sightings in one particularly large sighting that happened sometime at the beginning of June 2005 unfortunately for Watkins I wasn't able to find anything about a single UFO sighting in June of 2005 let alone one that was big enough for all of Las Vegas to bear witness to upon further looking into that claim that Watkins made I found out that he actually said he would be summoning UFOs daily from June 1st to July 15th June 29th was the day that he claimed to summon a UFO that would descend in hover over Las Vegas for two whole days he's made a deal with James Randi to win a million dollars if he could do this for those of you unaware James Randi is a paranormal deepankar who has a challenge we will give 1 million dollars to anyone new clue that they have some type of supernatural ability to this day no one has ever claimed the prize June 29th for too long and as you would expect walk-ins failed to summon the UFO over Las Vegas his excuse was that the Las Vegas media refused to cover the event so we didn't want to summon the UFO how convenient it's also important to note that while it was impressive that this UFO summoning was a success walkins has also failed a very large amount of other UFO summonings later in the week of that ABC news clip that you saw walk-ins attempted another summoning of a UFO for an NBC affiliate but no UFO showed up also in 2000 walk until those in his email list on the channel 2 News there would be UFOs that showed up in a very big way this also never happened his excuse for his failure was that the aliens aren't always loyal to him so here we can see that although sometimes the predictions have been correct there are also a lot of x rays just plain wrong it seems reasonable that he would get lucky every in a while one thing that's kind of funny is that in a way Raymond Watkins actually falsified himself he claims to rely upon the Old Testament but in the Old Testament it says the one sign of a false prophet that their prophecy does not come true well since several of Watkins prophecies about UFOs were very wrong this would automatically disqualify him for being a prophet of God luckily we don't live in the times of the Old Testament anymore because back then the punishment for being a false prophet was death Raymond Watkins may been able to successfully summon one UFO live on TV but even that summoning wasn't mind-blowing Lee impressive combine that with a number of times he was wrong in the past and the false predictions that followed the ABC News appearance and they have to say this guy probably couldn't actually summon UFOs thank you for watching and I will see you on the flip side you
Channel: ScareTheater
Views: 188,569
Rating: 4.9279013 out of 5
Keywords: can, this, man, summon, UFO, UFOs, unidentified, flying, object, objects, alien, extra, terrestrial, terrestrials, extraterrestrial, extraterrestrials, scary, creepy, paranormal, psychic, ability, Ramon, Watkins, Prophet, Yahweh, God, bible, Old, New, Testament, hoax, debunk, debunking, debunked, explain, explained, explanation, real, or, fake
Id: ljq_rbXUZr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2016
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