Can Poor Communication Ruin Your Career? How to Speak Intelligently at the Workplace

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how to speak intelligently at the workplace i am speaking with you today on the top of whistler mountain you can see the scenes behind me the gondolas the peak to peak and on the mountains if you give me a thumbs up if you like the mountains if that is your idea of a great vacation then click the give me a thumbs up and remember to ring the bell as well so that we can receive you can receive a notification every time i upload a new video if you don't like whistler ring the bell anyway because it's a great place to be with a great view so today what i want to share with you are four steps four tips on strategies on how you can speak more intelligently in the workplace let's go have you ever experienced when you are in a meeting or an important conference that for some reason maybe there is somebody next to you somebody who is speaking and who is congressing well who is a great communicator but you know that in terms of skill set when it comes to having a technical experience that you are more experienced that you have the skill set to work to get that work done to be able to take that to do the work diligently but for some reason those individuals who communicate well who are more vocal or who are effective whenever they whenever they communicate their values there they're the ones that seem to have all the opportunities they're the ones that seem to get more attention right it is because the market the marketplace values communication right maybe you are listening to this and maybe you're in a situation where you feel like because you're so great at your technical skills where you where you were trained the industry that you were in but for some reason you know there's so much more that you can do but it's just not coming out that your managers or your teammates don't quite recognize the value of what you have to bring because it hasn't been communicated effectively so in this video what i want to share with you is that when it comes to be able to communicate effectively it means essentially what you want to do is communicate intelligently in the workforce and i'm going to show you four things that you can do when it comes to speaking intelligently think fast talk smart so that you can convey the value of what you have to bring and to have the opportunities as well i am creating this video for you right now on top of whistler mountain is actually peak to peak as you notice i'm in the gondola going from one peak which is whistler mountain to the other mountain which is black home and right now i am stuck in the middle the gondolas have stopped moving and we are halted because of the lockdowns due to the kovid we are in this gondola all by ourselves right we every every family where every family unit has has the gondola all to themselves but we are right now stuck on whistler mountain between the peaks so if you like mountains if that is you then i invite you to like click the like below give me a thumbs up if you enjoy mountains if you don't give me a thumbs up anyway and remember to subscribe to my channel ring that bell so that you can receive a notification every time i upload a new video tip number one control the nervous anxiety let's face it you're watching this video because there are some challenges when it comes to being public when you are speaking when it comes to expressing your thoughts expressing your ideas or conveying the value of what you have to bring right it is around being nervous it is around having the anxiety of maybe you are worried about what other people might think or the feedback that you might be getting or maybe you're anxious because you've had experiences before where you tried to step out of your comfort zone and express yourself and it didn't quite quite go as well as you had hoped right maybe you it was all clear inside of your head but when it came to really expressing it that it didn't come come out to really show your level of expertise right so the step number one is to control that nervous anxiety because when you are nervous when you are nervous other people will pick up on that nervousness when you lack confidence in your skill sets when you lack confidence in your communication skills then that will be perceived in your audience as not having confidence because here's the thing people don't see you through their eyes they see you through your eyes so if you lack that confidence then the perception of your audience they will perceive it as well how can they be confident in you if you want that opportunity if you want the elevation in your career then key people in your audience members of your team key managers key key leaders in your in your organization need to have a level of confidence with your skill set and that comes with first of all you need to be confident in yours in order for you to convey the confidence and have others be confident in you you must first be confident within yourself right so if you are listening and you're wondering what do i do how do i get rid of that nervous anxiety then i would invite you to check out two of my videos that i have created on my channel the first video is how to overcome public speaking anxiety right so just click on this link it's going to be somewhere up here and that is the first video that i highly recommend is overcoming it is helping you to overcome that anxiety when you are public speaking in public the second video that i would recommend is the video on how to not get nervous when you are speaking right how to speak without being nervous and check out again that video is going to appear right here so both of those videos i recommend when moving forward if you are ready to take your communications to the next level to sound intelligent to have that confidence then check out those two of my previous videos in the links right so then below this video i'm also going to include it in the video description the links to those two videos that i just mentioned tip number two create unique insightful content when you are speaking whether or not your conversation is 10 minutes or 30 minutes or 60 minute presentation rather than a conversation a majority of what you say is going to be your content right the content makes up a bulk of your speaking right your content but you got to make sure that your content is unique people don't want to hear more information people don't want to hear things that have been curated somewhere else they don't want to hear something they've already heard somewhere else they want to know your perspectives they want to know your expert insights right so write that down expert insights that is your unique content it is your insights into that particular topic it is your recommendations it's your ideas all of those things make what you say unique so if you want to speak intelligently one of the key things is to be able to have the skill set and also the vernacular to be able to voice and express your perspectives or your particular idea or maybe your expert insight is a recommendation maybe it is your the way that the angle in which you see that particular topic right it is maybe an interpretation of something that is more more widely known but is a unique interpretation so how can you create unique content something that nobody's ever heard before because the measure of intelligence in your measure the measure of your intelligence when you are speaking when you are presenting it's not about how well you can memorize information it's not about how well you can memorize what somebody else said and therefore regurgitate it in that conversation that's not the measure of intelligence intelligence is perceived by your audience when your your perspective or your viewpoint or your idea is so unique it has a level of expert insight that only you can have given the amount of years and education and knowledge you have built up over the years that is how you truly demonstrate your expertise and that is the key right this tip number two is the most important one of the four that i'm about to share with you is to develop insightful and unique content tip number three is to connect the content with values right in the end it's not about you even though you want to sound intelligent even though you want to be perceived as an expert even though you want people to pay attention to you to acknowledge you for your ideas in the end it cannot be about you because when you make it about you in other words i want to sound smart i want to be noted i want to be acknowledged as somebody who is intelligent then when you make it about you that is where the nervous anxiety begins because it is all about you right and as soon as it doesn't and as soon as the outcome is not what you expected then all of a sudden it becomes an existential crisis because it was about you but it cannot be about you what it has to be about is about the values so when you connect your content to the values of the group that you are speaking with maybe it's a one-on-one conversation then what is the values of that that group that team if it is in a group what's the value of that group if it is in a meeting what's the value of the organization that you are speaking with connect your content to that value and therefore they will be able to see the value of what you have to bring they will be able to they will be able to see how your perspectives your expert insight is a benefit to them right most of the time the biggest mistake i see you know entrepreneurs and professionals make is that they communicate they talk about what they know and what they're trying to do is to impress people they're trying to sound smart and so therefore in that conversation they're trying to cram in everything they know and it's a lot of stuff and so they're trying to just demonstrate how much they know when in the end the audience is listening and they're trying hard and some of them might not even be trying that hard but they're trying to understand how does this benefit me how is this going to help our organization how is this going to help move our mission forward right so instead of just stating things instead of just demonstrating the vastness of your knowledge make that connection for them how does it connect to what's important how does it connect to benefit why are you sharing this so that they can do what what is the outcome right so you want to be able to make it digestible for them because let's face it they're not going to do the work for you right if i speak in front of an audience if i don't connect it for them they don't like me they don't like me enough to do that work for me i have to be able to connect the values for them right so that is tip number three connect your content with the values up until now what have we done we have managed the nervous anxiety right we have created very insightful and unique content and we have connected that content to the value so tip number four is now the delivery right you want to command the delivery of that content right it doesn't it's not enough just to have created the content now it's time to get that content out there in front of the team or the meeting or the presentation or in that one-on-one conversation command the delivery right so this is about putting a structure around the delivery to make it understandable to make it relatable right to make it desirable because you want to create desire for what the perspective or the idea you have to bring up so if you are wanting to have some tips on what are some structures you can put in there i want you to check out a third video and this is a video that i put out that teaches you how to speak impromptu right when you want to create an impromptu conversation when you want to be when you want to think fast and deliver smartly on the spot then i invite you to click this video it's going to be up here and that video is about the delivery of your content so up until now i have given you the four key tips and you can think of them as steps as well four key steps in order to communicate effectively and to speak intelligently as well right and now you have two choices right the first choice you have is you can take all of these take them and look at them as lego pieces right you can take these lego pieces and assemble them by yourself figure out how you're going to implement them and figure out how you're going to deliver on that content and figure out how you're going to create that content but you can choose to figure it out yourself that's your first choice the second choice is that you can solicit coaching and have a mentor to guide you right and if you want to choose that option to shorten the learning curve to help you to give you some feedback on where to focus on exactly how do you create that content exactly what you what you say when you deliver that content effectively if that is you and you are ready to work with a mentor to take your speaking and your communication to the next level then i invite you to apply for my executive coaching program right click the link below this video below this video there's going to be a link and that is an application and this is where me and my team will review the applications very carefully to make sure that you are the right fit and this is this is for you if you are an established career professional and you want to take your career and your communications to the next level it's not for you if you are just beginner in your career journey or if you are currently still a student in college or in high school then this coaching program is not the right for you for now right if you are in the beginning stages or a student i have other videos on my channel that is geared towards that stage of career right but if this is you and and you're listening to this and you are at that stage where you are ready to become a leader in your industry then i invite you to click the link below and apply and i'll see you on the inside
Channel: Dr. Grace Lee
Views: 89,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: improve your communication skills, communication techniques, how to improve your communication skills, how to talk to anyone with ease and confidence, communication with confidence, effective communication skills, how to communicate effectively, improve communication skills at work, workplace communication skills, art of communicating, develop your communication skills, speak intelligently, communication skills, public speaking, personal development
Id: CTuT4Hibx4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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