Can Non Force Sensitive People Build Lightsabers - Star Wars Explained Weekly Q&A

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[Music] what's up everyone and welcome to the weekly q a for our first question ryan hartley asks if a non-force sensitive person could build a working lightsaber i would have to say yes because i have this and it works when i put a blade in it and batteries and everything uh-huh with batteries right but yeah i mean the question is inspired by savvy's workshop and i did like how they do that at galaxy's edge they have a thing that specifically attunes the crystal for you so they have technology that kind of circumvents needing the force to build a lightsaber yeah they've got kind of a way around it so take that away and no i don't think a regular non-force sensitive person would be able to do that even like a slightly force sensitive person would have trouble like i i do think it's a highly technical skill that like the jedi teach yeah because i remember in the youngling arc in the clone wars like it takes them a couple of tries to kind of get it right and there's one one of the kids like it keeps backfiring on him so i feel like if you weren't force sensitive at all that would really backfire i really love that scene where professor huyang like at the last second warns i think his name is petro he's like don't turn that on it'll explode and kill you you're like that you're really rolling the dice there hu yang um but yeah i think that you know when you go to galaxy's edge it's like they want you to be able to build a lightsaber and it is probably the coolest thing at galaxy's edge well we haven't ridden rise of the resistance yet but when we went that was amazing and so i do think that they specifically wrote that it's like okay and now we're gonna plug it into this magic technology thing since you're not jedi uh to to get around that because what are you gonna do tell me i can't build a lightsaber galaxy's edge come on come on jacob harper wants to know what happened to all the jedi temples we see in the high republic era nothing good if they're not there anymore well i think a lot of them are still around um the way i see it is that the jedi have spread out and they you know they they serve across the galaxy more than just stay on this one hub on coruscant that's mostly what we see during the clone wars we see the occasional like temple on devaron they still had other outposts but i think for the most part they just stick to coruscant and i think that's kind of the point is that in the high republic we see the jedi are out where people need help they're like actively available and then over the course of the high republic i think we're going to see why they decided to not do that anymore so it's i'm having trouble thinking of like how many jedi temples we run into in the high republic but would it be a case where the jedi would purposefully like tear one down to like hide themselves or like take away any evidence that they were there i don't think so maybe but like the alfrona outpost from light of the jedi shows up in uh the rise of kylo ren comic like luke finds that outpost and it doesn't look like they tore anything down it just looks abandoned so it could be a thing where maybe all of these outposts were around we just never saw them during the clone wars but there's a line i think in master and apprentice also written by a project luminous high republic author claudia gray i think this is where this is from but qui-gon talks about how he's like why don't we like go out into the galaxy why do we raise all of our younglings on the richest planet in the galaxy and we kind of shelter them and keep them in this bubble and they don't get to learn what the galaxy is really like which is a big thing in the clone wars and like the the martez sisters talking about how like the jedi are so disconnected from what real life is yeah so i think that's kind of just the high republic is trying to show us the way that the jedi were and how they operated differently ice phoenix 2 asks if we can expect to see more luke or other d aged characters after lucasfilm hired the youtuber shamoke this was an interesting story uh that came out and apparently it's not breaking news it's just that we're kind of learning about it but there's this i i think it's not totally fair to call him a youtuber but he does post on youtube and he does well and he does deep fakes and stuff and uh he has altered some of the things like tarkin and leia and luke and other movies he put tom selleck and indiana jones which is pretty fun uh just like little experiments but he also does a lot of research he writes papers so like that to put him on the same level as us feels a little unfair to him i think he's he is a graphic designer first and foremost he's up here we're down here so uh will we see his work continue to appear in star wars i'm sure we will i'm not really expecting a whole lot of luke in the mandalorian but i mean if grogu comes back which he should i don't think luke is gonna just like stick him in a ship and be like okay see ya yeah i figure he'll drop him off that's true drop him off with like a little book bag yeah and homework and snacks little report card summer reading he was a handful um yeah i think we might see him come back once like like you said to drop groggy off or something like that i don't see him being a big part of the next season but there's probably a handful of other characters that this person could be working on for other shows exactly i mean this is something that not just lucasfilm but ilm i think are going to continue going in this direction because like we've seen similar stuff happening in marvel movies uh they're they're definitely invested in this whole idea so who knows maybe we'll see tarkin again in the andor show or something like that i or yeah brand new characters and there's a lot of speculation that it's specifically for indiana jones 5. uh i've no idea i've really been on the outside of that production but uh yeah for sure we have not seen the last of this technology chelsea asp wants to know how jedi like anakin obi-wan or ahsoka would have viewed the force uniquely the way that the high republic jedi do kind of again this is one of those things that shows the big differences between the high republic and the prequel era jedi where the prequel era jedi were more like there's this one way to view the force and this is the right way and that's it um so i i think that we have to just pull anakin and ahsoka and obi-wan out and let's pretend that they were like raised in the high republic era i like the idea of anakin viewing the force as a family people connected in that way because like that's his whole thing is fear of loss and losing the people that are close to him so it's funny because if anakin were to have grown up in the time of the high republic i feel like his story would be completely different and because of that i'm going to say he viewed the force as sand i mean i kind of like that in this alternate universe where anakin had a great life and grew up in the high republic he loves sand loves it i go to the beach every day yeah uh but i'm trying to kind of put anakin in his state of mind in the prequels like what would he think and so i like the idea of a family tree but i love the whole idea of like let's pretend that his life were wildly different because i do think he would have been a jedi that would have thrived in the high republic yeah and i absolutely think the writers are trying to do that to us and just being like look how better it would have been for him like it's so sad yeah jake berlin asks if we could choose any part of the timeline and any medium for a story what would we choose it's still like i feel like this would be competing with the high republic a little bit but i would still really like to get into the old republic i'm really interested in the past and like i'd love to see especially the way that canon has changed galactic history what's the old republic look like now because i think technology might be very different yeah uh and like what medium oh what medium i mean i'd go movie that's kind of the boring answer but i'd love a knights of the old republic trilogy or something yeah i'm kind of thinking between two things one would be somewhere around old republic time but instead of the sith i want to see the night sisters i think that's a really cool idea i like i want to know more about their history how they were created what their relationship is with the force and just what things were like for them way way back then i could see that being a fun game too just the chance to wield like magic in star wars oh yeah i'll i'll go game then okay that one and then the other one is just harping back on the high republic i've said this many times but a high republic animated tv show like the clone wars make it happen i think that would be awesome i i think it'll be after the books are done uh which if we're if i'm gonna guess would be 20 24 25 so that means they could start developing a show now and an animated show takes a long time so yeah get it in development so that like right as the books end be like and now we're doing a show let's like buckle up that would be awesome they have a lot of art for this time period and for a lot of these characters so i i don't want to get my hopes up but i'm like it's right there guys it is interesting just how much uh they're treating the high republic like a force for the screen production um i think it's just because it's a big crossover event and you know there's comics so we do see a lot of this stuff visually but you're right like fingers crossed that's it for our patron questions if you're a patron and you didn't see your question answered here just head over to patreon where we leave every submitted question a written response if you're not a patron you can learn more by following the link in the description we have tons of other rewards like audio commentaries for the films and every new star wars series 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my opinion so yes i like that idea as well but he has to like he's strained really hard yeah you just have to believe obi-wan oh yeah joe costa didn't knew wants to know how deep the trash compactor on the death star was got some fun questions today i mean when when they were standing in it it looked about hip date i think it's less than that it was like knee depth yeah it depended on where they kind of were because i feel like in some parts they're standing on piles of trash and then like some parts luke looked like he was going like deeper in the water he gets like pulled under yeah so he like slides in so it's deep enough that if you're lying down the water is above you and you would drown but i think for the most part it was just knee depth um but like how does it fit a giant dianoga to me the dianogas and i think they even talk about this and from a certain point of view but i figure they're like octopi that can like just really squeeze down they can flatten out yeah flatten themselves out and even so like that dianoga isn't a very big one compared to the one that we saw in bad bad exactly so that's that's my assumption is that maybe the dianoga wasn't even fully in the trash compactor it could have been like mostly in a pipe and it just grabbed luke and was like trying to pull him into the pipe and like this kid won't fit and maybe it's got its tentacles and like several trash compactors and one one of the little alarms went off he's like oh there's people in this one i'm gonna grab them and but then it heard the the trash compactor getting ready to smash and it was like dang it i'll come back later next time i'll come back when they're thinner it'll fit down the pipe garrett gates asks if we'll see any more of those secret imperial projects from scarif and which ones have been revealed so far so i think stardust and war mantle are the only two that have been officially revealed there are plenty of theories floating around for others like uh blacksaber but i i don't think that's the darksaber could be i mean it's an easy connection yeah i mean and like cluster prism kinda sounds like the actual beam of the death star so i don't know if that had separate plans altogether well it did i think in catalyst the james lacino book it kind of talked about how there were a bunch of little projects that fed into the death star and like stardust was just one of them now not all of them were named so i i do think that it's likely that there's a lot more death star stuff in there but i i did a video about it back in 2016 or 17 making my guess for everything and i mean i was way off on war mantle so your guess is as good as mine i guess it was the world devastators oh yeah well from legends i mean marc omega we have omega now right that could be something involving her and yes i do think that we'll probably not get all of them but it's such a fun little connection to make when you can i mean everyone when we heard war mantle in the bad batch was like oh my gosh it's the thing and it's like they said the thing yeah that's that's all it was and it's still exciting so and i don't think that when they wrote war mantle into rogue one they knew it was gonna be this they were just like we gotta call this project something let's make it one of those things the nerds will lose their minds over it and they were right yeah and i would love to see them pop up in future storytelling like pax aurora that just sounds cool what do you think that is something about lights yeah maybe maybe pax aurora is the name of that weird area that you have to go through to get to exigle no grayson maribel wants to know if we'll ever see dark disciple turned into an animated movie we've heard these questions before uh but it got a lot of upvotes so i definitely think it's possible we've even heard rumors that like lucasfilm is exploring doing more movies kind of like the the extended first episode of the bad batch i definitely think it's possible um but i don't know it's personally it's not my first choice for them to be working on just because like i already know the story i read the book but i know not everyone did so if they do it like i'd be glad that other people got to see the story the way that it was meant to be told yeah i've talked about this before that there's always a chance that they'll go back and take some of those unfinished clone wars stories and arcs and finish them but finish them in kind of like a movie or like a made for disney plus kind of like maybe two-part series but it would be really cool if they did it like they did with the clone wars movie and like did a theatrical release for them because they got to make their money um hopefully when things are a little bit more back to normal we get more theatrically released things that would be interesting to see if they would try that again just because like the clone wars movie didn't do very well theatrically but like to just have a smaller budget like clone wars fans or a lot of them are grown up now uh and you know they can buy their own movie tickets they don't have to get anyone to take them so i think i would do well it feels like something that could easily earn back its investment but what do i know cypherfoxy asks if we'll ever see how bogotan lost the darksaber we'd better and i don't know i mean i feel like it might come up in mando season three but she might be like kind of cagey about it she might be like that story stays in the dark forever or i don't know like maybe gideon is the one that i i feel like we would see it from gideon and not her if that makes sense that would be a really fun thing to play with and when i say will we see it i guess i mean i just want to know what happened yeah and why like they know that bokeh tan freely took the dark saber from sabine the first time around and now she's refusing to do it like they know that there's a story to be told there so i'm waiting for that shoe to drop but it would be interesting to get bokeh tan's side of the story and giddy inside of the story kind of a rasham on like who's telling the truth uh we're we're getting two drastically different versions okay so drastic so not really like luke and ben how that story kind of changes kind of like that yeah okay yeah i could see that i think that would be a fun thing to explore but yeah i think we're gonna get that story that's all the time we have for questions today if you want to leave a question for next week's video just put it in the comments below or sign up for patreon to join our weekly q a discussion if you haven't already please like this video subscribe to the channel follow us on twitter instagram facebook and twitch and as always thanks for watching and may the force be with you
Channel: Star Wars Explained
Views: 17,520
Rating: 4.9584994 out of 5
Keywords: can anyone build a lightsaber, lightsaber construction, savi's workshop, star wars explained, star wars, q&a
Id: K3z41be2dnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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