Can it Keurig? - Ten Minute Power Hour

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We Good Mythical Morning now, boys!

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Uhhhhh..... wonder how they came up with that name /s

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/RinneganUser 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’m glad our boys are getting sponsors 😊

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/cokezerodesuka 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is like that

Kid: "Mom can we get (thing)?"

Mom: "We have (thing) at home"


👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ZAddy1 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Tom Scott did a whole video on why VPNs aren't necessary for daily internet usage and only really good for downloading stuff illegally

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/PretendCasual 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

dude...i fucking love Arin's jacket.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/somethingbreadbears 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

oh dip! Are we finally in the new office!?

also, when are we getting a gif of dan coughing the fruit dust

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/trainercatlady 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

They are copying good mythical morning now?

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/yellowbananadude 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

i wonder if they blended/mixed that plastic bit when they tried noodles

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Workel 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh man hackers are everywhere just try to protect myself they could be on the same Wi-Fi network in coffee shops anyplace with UI info they can open a bank account in my name and my financial details could be exposed Oh No even mine in a service provider can sell my information legally Oh No but I know just how to stop them I won't be compromised just activate an expressvpn I don't trust anyone else that's right I could shop online anywhere without putting my personal information in danger not today hackers yeah that's right I just got three months for free with a one-year package that's less than seven dollars a month and they have a 30 day money-back guarantee you know go to expressvpn calm slightly grumps to get that deal right now expressvpn up double in [Music] is the show started it's probably okay welcome to Tim in the power hour today we're gonna do some great stuff I'm really excited about this one because it's so moisture yeah I'll go so Dan asked me what we're doing today what are we doing today have you ever heard of a Keurig yeah I've got one in my house well you probably make tea or coffee with it mm-hmm what else can you make with it can it Keurig no we've got a Keurig right here Dan yes and we're gonna see all the different things that we can cure egg and and if they'll taste great or not oh no we're gonna drink Oh uh-huh is it all gonna be food okay let's do it way from Papa John's and didn't order any pizza we ordered the sauce packets this escalated so fast this table was empty and my life was cleaned like two minutes ago I'm burdened thank you ground nutmeg tomato paste oh we got freeze-dried strawberry slices you've got better than bullion oh and love that stuff chopped walnuts oh great about a freeze-dried peach slices I would love one grind those up yes please gonna try that I'll get them right now right now here's peach slice Thank You Daniel here's the grinder Noah and uh throw a little little peach peach in there and strawberries and together let's get crazy all right all right iron whoa Oh coffee it smells great I mean one of those containers Daniel okay here you go this is dried peach and strawberry can I help close it up throw it in is it good Hey activate the brewing pleasure oh wait the water has to heat what do you are what you do today according to Bunch episode with you alright and we're good hey hot water now press that button and let's start brewing I thought it would because of the leg elevation you have to pay okay can you see that Tucker no here's a nice Q yeah throw that in there cool down oh it looks so like this Tucker let's take a little sip and see what happens no what do you think too hot how is it it doesn't taste like anything really mm-hmm let's try another one okay it's like an extremely extremely faint tea it's like the Lacroix yes of tea let's have a Christmas warning with some cinnamon and nutmeg so let's just throw that and throw that in there uh-huh go ahead and hit that brew button baby we're getting colored water yeah brew again fool oh it's hot heating up more water yeah there we go ooh that's okay because we got a little bit in there can you see this sucker oh I put too much in whoa what does it smell like Oh again I say you just drink it hit me cinnamon and nutmeg just put it back in the table dude Oh fine that that's like oh let's try another one so we could try to make some ramen any better garnish throw that in there a little bit of these like bonito flakes they're not a serviceable shrimp yeah oh I can immediate oh it smells like an aquarium smells great doesn't it yeah it does not give me some of this like a little top dodging class Eco seasoning hakim yeah so we got all of this goodness in there we got a little bits of fish garnish tot talking huh give it grind this is starting to feel bad smell that you see that going in boom boom go No Brent's gonna hate having this on his table right brew up some ramen you got that oh we got the beef flavor right here I guess we're gonna need that and go toss it on there you actually gonna eat this why wouldn't I it just looks like someone peed on a brick of ramen it's so let's let that sit for a little bit yeah yeah now Dan yes Aaron I love Mexican food yeah and what better Mexican food is there than tacos the classic Mexican staple Trank so let's make a little taco soup tacos what do you say pass me one of those things okay all right taco seasoning going right in throw that in there seal it up let's put a cup under there okay and Dan if you would do the honors I really make me have to pay what do you think pretty good right yeah this is pretty good throw and Eskew in there and take a sip buddy oh I don't wanna that's like straight orange yes it's bright orange it looks like a cleaning product it's terrible that smells like a delicious taco yeah sure takes it big set mm-hmm yeah you enjoying it mm-hmm that's good it's like drinking a soup it's like taco sooth nothing like a soup how is this nothing like a soup it's hot water with flavoring it's it's everything like a soup it's orange hot water you know what I don't want oh do we got chopsticks it's time to eat this ramen it's all brewed up smells like fish smells like death let's eat to docume this situation nice and partially cooked Bon Appetit how is it that's not bad really it's a go really bad dashi that sounds bad is the opposite of not bad it's not good maybe I'll just try one noodle you can make homemade mashed potatoes what's your cure it all you have to do is put the instant mash in the cup like so that's everywhere we take a little bit of this brown gravy mix you know what why we throw in a little beef flavor mmm mmm that sound that sounds really good I love it I'm feeling I'm feeling fresh but Oh put it in the thing you put in what a little brown gravy right in here okay yeah all right close it up put it under yep let's get a glass of mash looks good right yeah right now it looks like layers of sediment like when you see graphs of where the dinosaurs were buried look at this a cup of mashed baby it looks like a like a like a Frappuccino it mix it up with the fishy chopsticks yeah let's stand one minute all right so we just got to let us stand one minute all right Tucker what do you get up to for one minute my eyes all right that's been a minute you think so yeah absolutely we got we got the solid mass right there Ari's is oh my gosh all right all right what's up that's not oh that's really good oh that's really good oh it's good it's so good it rent come over here and try this [Applause] mmm how about that huh I kind of don't want to throw it away I kind of want to eat the rest of it our first huge success all right let's get those banana chips going brother hey kid go buy yourself something nice you won't walnut in there too ooh give a little cocoa powder Oh throw an Oreo in there baby yeah that's probably a really delicious mix right now that's good that's good let's get some of that chocolate water going and load me up baby mmm you know what this looks disgusting you ready for this a lot of things floated hmm now that's that good stuff right yeah that's that good good all right let me take a sniff you know it smells like all of the things it smells like a little bit of chocolate yep good go it's like if you drink a flat lacroix give it a shot it's like if someone made a really awesome tray of brownies and then washed the pan and then you drank that so not a winner let's make a little spicy drink cream of tartar and chili powder how about we throw in some tomato paste a little tomato paste oh yeah that's a lot of tomato babies yes it spice it up baby and throw it in and here we go oh look at it yeah this isn't gonna be good for me do it yeah let's do a little mixing mmm it's like tomato soup if tomato soup was boring between a soup is boring little bread crumbs and the cup pour a little bit of this in there to season it hmm oh yeah okay mix it up there's a lot of look at this oh I don't know if I do that it's like pizza and a spoon it's looking so mean shoot up a pizza three times made it into my mouth yeah I just love the the optimistic confidence it's like pizza it is splitted so it's time now we're gonna have that's not gonna work wait maybe we can just okay maybe we can maybe we can it's super goopy right now okay it's good okay go oh I thought there'd be more color to it it smells terrible Oh sounds like death it smells like bathroom oh it's got a layer of goo on the top yeah throw some ice in there buddy yeah no it's just garlic it's just garlic yeah that's all it is we should add cheese there you go there you go let's mix it up with a cinnamon stick what what do you means with a cinnamon stick no we have I can't get I can't get to the cheese all right I got a spoon right nude that's what the doctor ordered oh okay it's good you should try it oh it smells like those scratch and sniff cards yes what was that one card diaper blowout that's yeah it tastes like yeah water that's been tainted it's like runoff from a chemical plant with like a hint of garlic you still got that mashed potatoes over there yeah so good right I need some of them I would like to mix all of those up the Papa John sauces Papa John's hello honey mustard can you see this sucker little garlic sauce a little ranch Buchi yeah we're making Papa John's ultimate dipping sauce little cheese and to top it off I'm not uh I got some ramen right here let's not take a dip ultimate dipping sauce I'm like the buffalo sauce and then I'm like there's the ranch and I'm like there's the Bucher and I'm like honey mustard what there's the cheese one after another it's like pummeling you with flavor here have some dip that ramen in there and go to town not huh yeah that meme the prophecy is true that's what I'm feeling right now yeah it's like such a spectrum it's not good that's the one unifying thing of all of it that is not good yeah no no it's none of it's good in fact I'm gonna go now because I don't want it in my body yeah no no worries okay I get you well thanks for joining us in the tendon power our feeling stick to the ingredients everybody death all right don't get creative carry examine for tea and coffee and mashed potatoes [Music]
Channel: The Grumps
Views: 2,280,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, thegrumps, grumps, painting
Id: SWcfrQqfeRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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