Can I Win Minecraft's Hardest Tournament?

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I have lost Minecraft tournament after Minecraft tournament making a complete fool out of myself in front of thousands of viewers and the only way I can repair my reputation was to finally get my first win but how where now I struggled with these questions for a bit until I saw a sign up sheet for tub net Tuesdays this is a battle royale event featuring some of the biggest creators on the planet Not only was this a new chance to win but a chance to win on my biggest stage yet but how do I get in I'm only a fraction of the host size why would I get picked to get the chance to play and that's when I got an idea blackmail no I'm just kidding I've previously lost in a few of these events before I knew the organizers so I was able to land a spot and after being assigned a Duo partner we were told the team with the most points after three rounds wins how do you earn said points well it's simple kills and staying alive so to make sure we do a good job with that we started round one by searching for as much loot as possible specifically the tier 3 chess the best chest of them all oh yes I got a tier three oh so many chests over here okay this is definitely the play area oh my God I mean I'm so stacked now but we wouldn't be alone for long oh grace period but then I think now one important detail I may have forgotten to mention the lobby is full of sweats like this guy has over ten thousand dollars in event winnings this guy used to be the number one rated pvpier in the world and this guy just goes by the nickname deadliest player like you get the point we're up against some psychos so before we push our luck on the events best players my man and I decided to fight teams War speed to build confidence oh right here right here okay oh this cool you die so quick in this game oh you know you're good I'm good I'm good nice asses nice our first tool was a success and on top of this we noticed that the players we eliminated had an abundance of special items that could help us win the round the only ones you can really see us use are the bridge orb the grapple orb and then the Nexus Shard which actually has the ability to revive any dead team over here right here oh they got revived I think I'm revised oh I feel so fun if you kill them again no let's just leave them now if you have friends in the tournament this could be huge since they'll likely want to revive you first but in my Manner and I didn't really think about that in fact we're about to make some pretty good enemies oh wait yo yo massive fire over a massive fight I don't think they took damage in that yeah they definitely didn't die they're still fighting wait that is a big monster wait let's just investigate on that nice nice come forward then wait where's Cody is Cody still alive um I don't know yeah he is somewhere okay he's gonna revive he's gonna be able to revive his teammate I think okay okay okay why were my men and I so focused on these two players so there was a practice round right before this where we can understand how to do the game but these two understood it a little too well oh my yeah 13 kills oh my God that 17 combined what the hell they killed more than half the lobby bro oh no oh and not to mention they made sure to let us know how well they played Cody like yo cheese please [Music] you good bro what the hell so just like the other sweats in the event we had to keep an eye out for them or else they could be the reason why we lose is that I'm over there actually that might be him over there okay uh yeah I'm coming down okay yeah OG name OG name OG name I'm buying a room again we might just want to grab one a second who's that who's that oh don't even go for the Cody right here Cody right here oh yeah I'm pulling on him okay I got stuck in a thing I'm gonna blow okay nice oh he's so loud I'm grappling grab them oh my God didn't even work okay okay oh okay now we can play with the good conscience yeah we can play with the kick knives now that we successfully took care of the Ops we had a new problem the board it was forcing us to move and we had to pick our positioning carefully one wrong turn and we could find ourselves in a bad end of a 2V1 is that five breath yes I don't think they have good care they have good game yeah they're still like half the lobbies in the game yeah it's because they keep getting revived now we get Flawless by top of true over here right here no it's okay I get it I get it nice nice nice oh my God I can reach him over here right here right here right here I mean um are they fighting us I think they want to they're running they're running oh so many people are getting rest there's a team over here I don't know what they're doing oh right here right here okay oh no oh there's a cool down you can't even do it you can't do it [Music] now people were being revived left and right and we realized that they don't actually respawn with anything meaning they were practically free kills so my Manner and I had the brilliant idea to incite violence on the defenseless players because they were just easy points wait they just rested teammate oh this is unfortunate all right I missed you're trolling oh I'm following you I just I just jumped on the side control he's trying to give his team in a gravelord nice you wanna carry him right now yeah he's doing that Minecraft be Left Alive I just missed the jump I quit once oh noise okay okay I honestly I I don't even think we can hit him I just hit him oh nice wait nice uh he's got none wait we go up as well oh [Music] on the ledge right where do we want to go here do we need to take Center let's say we go this way okay there's someone here there's someone here I see someone that is again isn't it oh no why are they flying how do they do that they're they're like in an altercation it seems we have three stacks of arrows Curry Way's low radians is right here trolling I can't hear a shot to save my life should go should we go she go yeah we advance we advance my dude's just not doing great he actually might start about the boat is kind of uh the boat is kind of middle yeah I do one year though don't go I'm gonna wait for the other gonna cool down so I can make a fat Bridge you know what this is triangulation sure by this point we noticed round one was coming to an end with just a few Duo standing we were all battling for the early win in front of thousands and thousands of live viewers make sure we don't get vote off they're they're dipping wait they're getting pushed into another scene again uh yeah we're not in a great spot unless we Bridge Rob out of here there's clan in booster over there somewhere they're right there to our left they're running they're running back they're so low okay yeah he's dropping him he's dropping regen dropping Regen [Music] one boost for the posters yeah I'm getting lit up here I need another region nice foreign zombie foreign are you low not too low a little bit get out another one another one go go go go they revived them those two Again full gear again there's no way behind us behind us behind us blue scene behind us right there get in this oh they don't have much either I'm not scared okay oh come back come back come back come back come back he's not gonna get to you in time nice what's up what's up yeah I'm good again uh I'm gonna get that here let's let's chill out because I don't have much help okay okay you're good um we have flight here we apply here right here team below [Music] we can't even build here there's so many smoke they go for him they go for him keep going blind I put it down put it on oh yeah no no no no no no no no no I can't whip I can't wait I just went I'm on fire breath man if they don't have health they don't have health apartment nice nice oh my God [Music] you've got so low that was like huge I know who to go for there like I was like with a miracle mind manner clutch a round one was a massive success giving us the early lead in this competition although some people weren't too happy entering round two Cody oh bro yeah okay let's not get ahead of ourselves we've only done one of three rounds and it probably doesn't help how big of a lead we have meaning everyone has their eyes on us and if there's one thing I've learned from this community it's never doubt a sweat they are going to do whatever it takes to kill us so entering round two we took a different approach from before we have we have to like complete [ __ ] from now on because yeah don't even engage we just go for placements you see our mistake from last time was that we stopped looting way too early and ended up causing paths with some of the most aggressive players if we do that again they're just gonna want to kill us so we decided to go a new Direction and lay low while we become as rich as possible um I have a gap that's huge actually a gap saves me like big the team over there it's Jelly Bean and caboodle let's go let's just go let's just go oh [ __ ] no let's go [Music] I missed I got one oh my gods from that I got two guys whoa what the [ __ ] God We are Never Getting revived we are We Are Never Getting let up easy from now on no we are so dead um okay well let's keep moving I guess oh in here in here is like Goldie died oh my God this world there's no way like I feel like our main our only main comp is then like they I I like would expect him to I'll put my ball and then winning any day like oh yeah there's a team yeah I don't know what team it is we play Super passive no I think they're coming this way no they're not I think that was AKO steam oh we've done that done a team of three like we should just like hot yeah we should be high let's go ahead that's where teammate three is you know what let's go back in the forest I'm fine I like that now teams were just appearing left and right oh yeah no it's Greninja okay yeah we don't they're also a good team and since my men and I had the suspicion that we would just get targeted we tried to find a new empty location but that wouldn't be so easy that's a player that's fire breath man he's Boeing oh yeah I wonder what he's buying oh let's let's go this round team team spoke spoke and Zam are they running talk to us we could fight them but hey I say we try not to I guess we can chase them this way I just missed everything dude oh my God we're going to be careful at the enemies if we can get a ton of bridge eggs that'd be huge because we need to be like yeah I have three because we're gonna get like all the teams gonna go across at the end yeah as long as we outlive booster and clown we're doing really good oh team in that team team through that here's that look at that for Lions that's Greninja in them yeah no no no no I just looked them right in the eyes and turned around and left team right there it's Tabo and Captain Sparkles I mean that's a very good bye I guess I could just they could just do that thing after somehow avoiding like a million players we finally had a moment to relax and strategize oh crap the table it's big yeah arrows wouldn't stick to me either oh I just tried myself let me go around this way I think so but we might get border let me go ahead and go ahead oh yeah our plan from here was to wait out the border and eventually take height over middle yeah I got you a gift flowers I can't break it don't break it but we would soon discover one problem that could ruin this there's a team at the Lighthouse I'm gonna lower mindful V to see who it is I don't know who it is but they're crouchings we can go here they're looking they don't know we're here or anything they they might do but do you know who it is yeah it's all right there's uh something going on down there um what is that they have a cross team of five players that's free okay Rings closing by the way a massive cross team was forming throughout the server and we were not invited that can only mean one thing someone said joined the cross team I don't think they're gonna allow us I think the cross team is because of us yeah wait oh my god look down there what is going on do the right below what is this okay I think I don't even know where which is good wait we just want to stay here and actually don't know how they haven't seen us they spotted us they spotted us weddings looking at me just when we thought we were doomed a friend presented themselves we're ninjas our boy right yeah right where's he going I don't know I'm up here yo yo I'm from there yeah come up here wait are you solo are you solo I am I am solo okay okay now Greninja is also very talented but still a 6v3 is nowhere near favorable especially since their mission was to take down the top teams just move in though oh if you get a zombie album yeah yeah just stay here oh uh I need you to I need you to carry the builds though because I don't have any yeah yeah oh we're safe both Captain Sparkles I got him out my boat right dudes both The Naked Brother nakeds that's three points yeah I don't like this like situation here there's a cross team of like 30 people bro what is that what is going on this is winnable it's not if if it's not one of those yeah either way we're doing good there's a team of oh they're fighting down there um should we go clean that fight over there you can so easily crawl on that they're stuck in cobwebs too do you want to that's quick I'm so sorry Mr Cat oh me um here we're not fighting okay let's pull out let's pull out if you can yeah yeah yeah I miss you guys oh hey hey guys okay let's just go go ahead oh okay I saw she didn't by the way dude these guys are these guys look easy kills over there I'm not gonna lie okay we're good over here this is the middle of the map here oh wait yeah this is freelance freelance yeah don't you see me out over here over here I'm curious when I can wait let's go everyone kill him everyone kill him oh wait what wait I killed wait what wait that's your teammate hey life is my teammate wait how's your teammate floating I don't know what he's [ __ ] what's up fellas okay two big things to take in here I'm not really sure how but Greninja was able to revive his teammate with one of the custom items but if you take a look at the super team they also added an extra person so if he wanted to end round two he's still at the number one spot on the leaderboard we would need to survive a 7v4 they can't connect yeah yeah yeah got him nice get over here who's dying shut up the tree nice nice I just survived on like half a heart up find them oh my God that was lagging yeah what's up train train train train okay I need to train now more than ever drain train we might need to fight soon yeah very soon let's be bugs let's be parts please we have to fight Greninja lagged out greninja's lagged out oh no to get the kill I guess he's lagging up what well oh right here oh wait I want to just apply for this long nothing crazy well oh fight with me okay oh um let me just get one kill and then you guys okay here look I'll let him kill me I'll let him kill me okay good nice well this is against the odds round two was ours helping us keep our first place position with just one more round left but this game would be the hardest second and third only have one more chance to pass us meaning they are going to do whatever it takes to kill us and to make it worse I noticed the third place team was making pretty lethal allies [Music] get the [ __ ] away scared of what's to come we tried to follow a similar pattern to round two where we lay low in the forest same place same place oh we can drop now okay let's go we literally just need placements we just avoid now no we just need to hide like okay we were on the same route last time that route was open yeah yeah that was good that was good but something wasn't the same hey I'm telling you it's because they went try hard running the practice oh my God oh my God oh my God okay when you open chest stand like far away from them oh is that is that the trap chest yes they they um there are multiples another one place up place a block in front of them like not all of them are doing it but like some of them do someone in my chat told me qualified okay that's not good it's not good but there are so many explosives why are they only exploding for you I'm getting so many no someone must have bought like a oh it just happened to me okay although they weren't doing damage the Trap chests were Extremely Loud eventually drawing the Curiosity of other teams is this happening to everyone or is this just oh my God all of them are exploded okay by me but they thought I had a weapon but I don't okay so they just sold an easy kill it's good we got a good loot like good loot um like a root straight away that was really good yeah do you see names I think I just saw qualified are you joking so let's let's avoid South avoid stuff they didn't see me but I saw their names okay did you definitely saw them yeah that was that feeling pretty oh my God every tier three I've opened has just exploded crafting tables explode as well oh yeah that looks like a team of company we noticed people were all around us making us feel like we'd inevitably have to fight I don't have as much gears last time I have one I have more I can give you oh who's that oh I got eight iron Wait no that's a real name tag I think we can take this game where are you where are you where are you I'm in here man yeah okay I got an extra Ingot they went down they went down who is that over there oh we take this is Cody alive yes he's a no I don't think he knows I don't think he knows coly is alive somewhere but she means alone there's there's five Brooklyn right there oh my God it's so oh I'm like [ __ ] understood yeah I couldn't get to you that was unlucky my manner was eliminated putting all the pressure on me but I knew from the end of round two that there's actually a way to revive him so need to get the head he dropped on his death just I think just around just run and survive run and survive because Cody's gonna come to you but he's gonna come to his run just run okay I'm gonna run this direction though because this guy's awake yeah yeah okay okay he's on you he's on you he's chasing you he's probably you're buying can you pull can you put I can I can I can grab off you can go across the ship right now no one's on the ship and then if you follow the yellow there's there is no one there if you want to go there right now now it's probably time okay I'll get you pretty set hold on the Cody's there as well uh Cody Rudy and Verdean curse of running away now you can go you can go okay all the website did someone pick it up wait can you can you do that yeah your head got destroyed or something [ __ ] behind you behind you behind you you go go go go yeah oh my God okay if you can survive to the end that's cute I swear if you get someone else's head you're really in this moment my mother had a realization when we saw Greninja revive his teammate from round two he didn't actually use his teammate's exact head he just used a random one and it still resulted in a successful revive so even though my manners was taken I could just search for someone else's but I still need to kill them first you could oh Cody wait they might kill Cody kill everyone else watch out behind you oh they're teaming once no way oh that's funny no way wait wait I Leave You okay okay did you get the head I don't think I got it okay wait that's actually huge wait oh wait there's a second they were second they were there they were second there are threats so open Christ comes with you Chris yeah yeah oh there you see you this is no way there's a big team over there you go you gotta go there's they're right behind you right behind you gonna buy you off you're gonna buy your make sure you have poles ready I don't have froze anymore Cowboy clutch though okay I'm good I'm chilling turbo and MCU on the other on the other side I'm not really worried about them wow wow I'm literally worried about that I saw a team of three and said yeah I'm not worried about them I'll try this here now inevitably I would have to move from this area meaning I would have to confront the other teams I don't like what's ahead of me I don't really like my situation too much yeah that's a cross team of like a million in front of me this would be a great situation oh my gosh you're there oh yeah facing you okay yeah you got if you can survive a bit long boosters across from me oh my God just keep oh he's going to his swimming too still go up and keep running again maybe go in the trees or something he's projects just run just run oh no [Music] wait run run run run he's blowing blowing try Dodge nice good good he's far back now he's Boeing again Boeing again nice just keep running oh you're going up okay he's gonna boat you I'm good we're good where are you going to oh my God she's the only shorts he missed only shots no oh he's above you buddy I die oh okay okay oh how do we place [ __ ] we had been eliminated only placing eighth in that round with both of our rival teams flourishing they were practically guaranteed to overtake us as long as one of them places first in the round as this realization started to sink in all we could do was watch as the events of the game play out how do we even place around we got like we got like seventh or eighth that round that wasn't great yeah run right just try to survive try to outlive people we go play we got extra placement though that's huge yeah we just have to I'll leave people if we live a singular team we do better I'm running I'm running it oh there's there I'm busy I'm gonna I'm gonna get cornered I might die here and frost really okay I got killed are you alive yo you actually get out of here actually yeah there's like there's a little bit no no no no no no no no no no no no wait lure them just lower them into it just hope they don't kill go for you and just make sure they oh never mind it's fine it's fine did they go oh my God if you go under ship I think you live they don't see you under the ship I don't think yeah oh my God you got out oh my God no hell don't wait no wait no way oh my God play replacement flavor placement I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running is anyone in my direction anyone in my direction no nobody's in your direction oh my God oh my God flavor there is crouched just Crouch behind their walls crossed behind a wall crowds in there bro just keep crouching oh my God is it okay I'm gonna get blocked and I'm gonna go shift under that yeah okay you go there now no one's looking they're all distracted oh my God okay make sure you haven't escaped I think Porter's gonna close in on you yeah just tell me tell me when I need to break out okay who do I need to outlive like who's best at like Greninja yeah you need to live Greninja Frost even if you get second I think we still win today they're walking towards you a little bit I think someone's ghosting for them yeah uh do they know they don't know I don't think they directly know you right there uh get under the stone yeah thank you hold these near you I don't think he knows you're there though I shifted he I saw you yeah that's helping him no thank you oh Michael Greninja second off though I I don't know if that's enough for us to still be fine if Amber Frost dies right here I think we win guaranteed surely totally losing him okay we're here please he's coming from just kill him put your hand Frost kill him Frost do not let him win please they're not killing him they're teaming with him bro I don't think I think if I'm Frost win oh he's gonna crowd let's go please [Applause] come on there's one shot oh it's just gonna yes okay surely surely that's enough surely that means we win surely that means we win yeah I don't think anyone else can win at this point but they had hella kills they had they had 18 combined or 16 of mine I can't now that's a lot that's like that's like 100 points in itself okay um wait no wait level wins no wait till it wins oh my God oh my God um oh we got seven it'll be seven okay come on please please dude please be enough yes let's go oh my God we won by 30 like we just did it with my 40 points oh my God that was close hey before you go I have an announcement I made a plush it's super soft high quality and also makes a good decoration it's only available for like the next three weeks or something and we need to sell 200 for it to go into production what if we don't you get refunded don't worry but I still think we can do it anyways thank you for watching
Channel: MinuteTech
Views: 694,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: smXpFWTlyQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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