Can I Win It? GIANT AirPod

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today we're going for a unique prize at the arcade it's a ginormous airpod but it's a huge speaker it's 12 000 tickets just a couple thousand tickets short of the 12 000 so we're gonna play some games let's see if we can win it if you guys are ready for this video give it a thumb up a roof i might be able to hit this yeah i can probably hit this first game i'm going to start off with is nerf arcade and i think the jackpot's low enough to where i can win the 500 tickets so we're gonna see if we can kick it off with a jackpot win all right we started off with a 5 000 so that's good for the lightning round oh that's good those thousands add up really quick get ready for army baby why you change level bro i don't want to be changing levels oh this one's not bad this is a good level here because it's got the five thousands and the two thousands are like everywhere there's another one there another one there one there they're doing great come on i'm doing great well hopefully we get enough points here because i know i can hit it when it's at 123 000. that's definitely winnable 5 000 there 2 000 there come on man am i close got to be close man did i get it i think i did it yeah nice that was awesome 125 000 i ended up with we just made it guys that was intense but i like this map right here because it gives you you see those five thousands were everywhere uh so yeah good way to kick off the video with the 500 smackers nice i know it's a ticket video but barber cut light on the left side is 105 ready look how frayed that string is guys probably two more will get that pop figure there the other pop figure in the back you can get as well it's frayed not as much so i'm gonna go for this one up here and just see if i can win it yeah that's on roll it cut it oh that'd be nice if it got it first try no so when you see that a section is frayed it it's gonna let you cut it until it it falls see that one's on there perfectly this might do it right here oh my god look at that oh that's good that should be a nice cut that might do it guys nope three hundred dollars later oh yeah nice a couple tries not bad i think i only spent maybe five six bucks look at that guys we got a win on barber cut like i can't believe somebody left that that frayed like if you're cutting it that much you gotta go for it man look at that we got mitch buchanan from baywatch number 445 pop figure very nice so we're gonna see if we can win the 500 here that's the biggest value in this tower of tickets oh my almost first try i need to warm up again i love this game uh sometimes i love this game other times it drives me bonkers come on 500 my 500 oh my lord did you see that oh my lord we got to get a win on tire tickets it's my game man come on there we go sometimes it takes a little bit there but we got 500 tickets guys i love this game because it's instantaneous tickets alright so one of my go-to games basketball pros maxed at a thousand score to beats 150 i should be able to do that here at zone and that's for a thousand tickets guys that's really good so i have to play this it's a really good go-to game especially when the jackpot's high the higher the jackpot gets the lower the score to beat is do your best let's see here we go we got 40 seconds set ready go yeah this one should be no problem and you have to just keep pumping this thing really quick really quick and consistent you got to kind of adjust the height for the height of the basketball hoop so if it's lower you don't have to pump as hard and if it's higher you obviously gotta pump harder great job let's see if we can hit this here three-pointer we're almost there we're not even in the double round oh my god look at this here's the doubles we got it let's get one more for good measure 156 too big we had four seconds coulda went to mcdonald's got a hamburger and came back not really but we just hit the 1000 right there guys first try you beat them that's crazy what i want to see what that goes up to because if it only goes up to like 160 i can probably hit it again oh it did jump up higher 180 i think is still possible should i try it one more time let's try one more time all right here's when it counts the doubles oh come on let's not choke now matt we can hit this again for 500 would be we already got it i think oh i need one more yeah dude yes the adrenaline back to back here at zone 28 i don't know if i've ever hit that back to back here that was insane look it went back up to over 900 tickets owed that is crazy man wowzers chicken of dizziness here we are green lights right there it's low so i gotta go not too hard here oh man that might be it might be too much close man i'm feeling that oh man this is gonna be close oh my god oh one away i would have had the 500 but we got the bonus shot that's good and 100 tickets so not bad for one shot so now if i land it again i get 2500 and that would be superb oh it's way up there i never land it when it's up there i'm just gonna will it because it always slows down see it like dies yeah i don't like when it's thought but hey we got the hunter not bad this card's seen better days dear god this poor thing it's hanging in there i need some t-rex tape or something shout out to t-rex tape oh that's not gonna be hard enough oh there's one oh my god two for two get up there yes oh my god i need one more for the major prize this would be a free major prize because there was credits on here yeah oh so close that's tough when it's past there like that but hey we got a free small prize look at that got some uh purple sneaker headphones all right let's try uh kung fu panda i'm not sure how many dumplings we need for the bonus but gotta get that stance going 15 targets in 22 seconds as you can see knitting ones hitting ones that aren't even there what a goon ah i love it we only have so many seconds oh 30. i should i might be able to do this all right we just got to focus and the ones that you have to hit are lit up so you just stare at the middle and you look for the light go to the light carol anne all right come on matt we can do this i think we got this hundred tickets no problemo four three two one yeah shipping that was easy man a lot of work for 100 tickets i'm sweating over here but that was awesome man very nice 100 smackers just like that first try on kung fu panda so the jackpot on this is at its lowest so you only need 10 10 to get the uh 500 tickets so we're gonna see if we can land this here guys come on we need that white one i haven't made a one yet because the white is 500 points [Music] geez i haven't made a one oh come on bro come on bro oh there's a yellow nope all right we'll try it again that was a warm up oh there's a blue oh wow did you see that that was weird it was like twirled around for a minute there oh my god that was so close oh yellow man we're gonna be close if i get that white i'm yeah oh wait we're close here man i need one more of any color for the bonus oh i need this for the bonus because you only get 25 watch oh i missed oh i needed 10 10 i had 9.75 i swear toss on them is better yeah look all right i can't hit this today because i suck this is a power drop extreme without the wheel is that cool or what he says that wheel in there is probably 120 pounds that's like that wheel weighs as much as me guys which is crazy i thought it was just like plexi and stuff but i think there's like plywood and stuff underneath it or something i don't know i've never seen that that's cool so check us out guys this is exclusive access this is the power drop extreme wheel look it made the groove so this is the bottom this is the bottom you don't see this guys this is what it rides on oh it made it must be flat oh so it makes a groove yeah it made a groove and it's all bumpy oh look it's all chalky oh my god and then the plexis on top with all the the numbers that's cool as heck like grab the center and then oh my god dude this thing has to be 150 it has to be more than me guys ugh isn't that crazy that is nuts and then two layers of plastic so i mean i can see why it weighs that much but yeah and so they have these little bearings in here for the ball so the ball like doesn't i guess doesn't get stuck or whatever because they're made of rubber you don't want it yeah look at that guys there's the bonus that's so cool with the ring roll between the roller and the you know right because they're rubbery so they'd like get stuck in them drop games don't have the wheels ah okay but the bigger ones the bigger ones do not if you notice guys there's screws on here so the arcade can take this ring off to make the bonus easier but most have them on just to keep it tougher i think there's one no the jaw bonus balls doesn't have that's on a slam of one slam a winner has it on some of them yeah that's kind of brutal though that's really cool and then this is the uh is this the power bonus thing power bonus it's just got to hit that little switch right there guys and that's what triggers the power bonus that's cool as heck greg the genius that he is people think that it gave you a bonus ball or something so he changed it to increase bonus ball counter which i guess kind of makes more sense ad bonus bowl yeah so people think they're like where's my bonus ball but you don't get a bonus ball just adds to the counter so i don't know i always understood the game as it adds to the counter and then but some people you know might not understand that but zone made it easier for you very nice so that's some i would want to display setting because you guys don't get to really see that ever and so that's why slam is down here at zone by the time this video is up it'll probably be up and running and everything but uh yeah so they're getting uh getting it all working good and hopefully we'll be playing it again very soon all right so we are at the small monster drop four oh that was close i gotta go a little bit earlier [Music] oh man that was in there eight and a ten all right let's see here come on i haven't had a monster jackpot winning forever pretty cool to get would be cool to get one bonus ball that'd be terrible lot of credits all right come on jackpot [Music] let's see what it goes in mystery value let's see what we get i'm going to say 13. 18. close enough terrible let's see what we got in total not much 112 i mean i played a decent amount of credits there that wasn't bad but could have been better we'll go on to another game all right let's see if i can pop the lock here i've been rusty at this game yeah nice first try at pup zay luck now i'm gonna go i gotta go again because i gotta see if i can break my record of six in a row and you get 325 tickets here at zone 28 each time you pop the lock so that's not bad for one swipe i thought they were going to space that one but that's all right i need only about 20 more tickets and then we're going to be able to get the huge airpod so we're going to try to do that on crossy road because this is a good game to play if you need like just a few tickets we should be able to get it here if i don't die like right here which i have done before and that's so embarrassing it's terrible so let's not be stupid matthew and let's focus and get these tickets now i'm gonna try to go as long as i can on this we'll see like i'm not gonna stop at 20 or whatever i needed see like i'm pretty sure we're there now but we'll see uh how far we go here on crossy road the i have to beat 86 to win the jackpot of 500 tickets that's actually kind of doable [Music] what was that i'm trying one more time that was baloney [Applause] oh that was close man we are close to this jackpot i hate these train tracks because you never know you know there's the first one all right so oh we're good on both of them dude we're close to this bonus [Music] oh man uh-oh we got a lot of water coming i don't like the water man come on come on come on log oh look they're all like all together that was tough there oh we got it guys i think we got it all right let's keep going though because we're still earning tickets here we got the jackpot nice second try does this guy ever reach his destination like my god heaven i mean where are you going chicken my lord there better be something there should be like a big golden egg at the end or something that he gets if you reach like 500. that'd be cool i think it just goes forever though all right come on oh good daddy nice ah that's all right hey that was a good run 154 plus the 500 all right guys so check it out we did get for 12 000 tickets one of the giant airpod speakers here so i'm gonna do a quick review at home and we're gonna see if it's amazeballs or not all right guys let's review the giant airpod like speaker to see if it's amazeballs so one thing i got to commend on this product is how accurate the box photos are of the product you're getting here's what it comes with it has a little usb cable here to charge it up so i have a song on my phone i'm just going to do it over bluetooth and this the song has like a little bit of bass to it so that'll give us an idea of how good this is i it's gonna be tough to do this through like so i'm gonna try to put my mic up to the uh speaker just to try and give you guys the best idea of how it sounds so let's see hopefully this isn't a nightmare to pair here oh there it is dang that was easy all right here we go it's not bad actually see how do you turn this up okay so you hold in the buttons on here this actually gets really loud that's crazy it's pretty one directional so it's like if you have it pointed this way it's the sound kind of goes that way but if you here's this main speaker right here on the airpod if you will and the bass is not terrible like the song has some bass to it and it's not that bad it's actually coming through a little bit on here so all right let's turn this off i'd say it's kind of amazeballs because this it's it sounds kind of muffled is how it sounds it's not like it's not crystal clear it doesn't have that crystal clear uh bluetooth speaker sound i've had other speakers a little bit better but it's cool and it actually works and the sound gets pretty loud and it's just it's a fun little gimmick thing so there you go guys so my rating of it is kind of amazeballs let me know what rating you guys would give the giant bluetooth airpod-like speaker all right guys that's going to do it for my can i win a video i thought this was a really cool prize to go for because it was unique like you don't see this like big giant airpods looking speakers so that i thought it was really cool i was here at zone 28 guys is some of my plush and prizes for sale i also got arcade map mystery boxes they're like loot crates but they're arcade themed prizes and they're just 20 bucks free shipping anywhere in the united states and you can order them whenever you want give me a follow on tick tock twitter and instagram all of those handles are arcade underscore mats and like we always say thanks for watching
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 347,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can i win it, airpods, giant airpod, arcade matt, arcade, arcade win, challenge, arcade tickets jackpot, cashing in arcade tickets, matt 3756, arcade fun, games, carnival games, claw machine, coin pusher, can we win it, air pod, air pods
Id: -9piff3WL30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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