Can you win Every Minigame before the Pizza arrives?

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I starved myself all day and then I finally ordered a pizza but the only way I'm allowed to eat this pizza is if I can win all 100 Mario Party mini games before it gets to my house now maybe you're wondering like how is this even possible because a pizza normally takes like a half hour to be delivered well not if you order from a delivery app from the farthest possible pizza place that'll accept your order and I ordered toppings three completely different sides and I even asked for the pizza to be well done but even with my app estimating an hour delivery there's really only one way that I'd even have a chance of pulling this off I'm running at 2.5 times speed I don't know if that actually that's that's gonna hurt me in this mini game a little bit but I think we can win still I don't know that's kind of close we won we won I'd have to run the game much faster than normal but wouldn't this make winning way harder of course of course we get this minigame I already died yeah of course it will but it was my only choice if I'm gonna try to beat all the mini games in time I have to run the game fast not to mention I'm gonna be punishing my wallet because every time I Lose I'm gonna add five dollars to the delivery person's tip that's five dollars already I don't know what it's actually gonna get to they're preparing my order this is proof can you see it oh no no no no no okay okay egg banana Crown mushroom DK the Wario was on this side I think and the Luigi was on this side yeah did I get it nice so the animation like I don't know there's a cut scene at the end of each it just takes forever I think the game just ignores what speed you're playing at and it just plays the same length like look we're just sit why are we sitting here it's gonna be all right it's not gonna be all right I should have been the one why did I oh no I'm the one I'm the one I'm the one yes it's possible that I haven't eaten all day right and I ordered all this pizza and I'm really hungry if I don't beat all 100 mini games in time I don't get to eat the pizza I have to give it away I'm gonna drive it all the way over to my editor science house and give it to him and watch him eat it in my face that's what's gonna happen if we can't pull this off you could probably understand why I'm stressing so much estimated arrival is 6 50. oh my God that's an hour from now I picked the furthest possible pizza place away from me that they would allow delivery we might actually do this so we have 10 wins 10 wins in five minutes oh it's gonna be close I mean we've gotten some pretty easy mini games though oh oh just go just go go go go oh oh oh see see these are the ones I'm playing kind of the game you got to play because you have to play on faster speed in order to get this done in an hour but it makes it a lot more difficult you know what I'm saying there it is the inputs are so incredibly sensitive but that's okay we got it straight away oh on rip it though rip it rip it no no no no let him go just let him cook let him cook like a pizza you Brothers you Brothers what am I doing I got one I got two bang I legitimately have hope before we started this I had no hope I thought I was gonna go hungry I feel like we've gotten a lot of quick ones this one is not a Luigi just just wants to die I just apparently I want to die he's gonna do the follow me Strat oh with a second left oh no oh no no no no no no no nice and smooth nice and easy I still die I wonder if there's gonna be any wall mini games that just wall me dude like hopefully this isn't one of them okay good I'm just staying in the middle because if I tie for first that's a win I'm not I'm not going on the outside okay should I even do that map again [Music] there we go whatever man I just want to eat dude I just want to beat it no no you got this oh they died okay okay oh what the freak the timer's going way faster obviously Peach get it in yeah we need to defend the net how did I just do that I get so overwhelmed with this oh yeah oh just rub it in all right all right update they're still preparing your order I think it's the hunger I really think it is dude oh no I I I don't have a good feeling about this one no I tried to hit peace it's a quick minigame it's quick minigame quick minigame quick W I'm not even looking [Music] I mean I mean come on oh my God that's fine we both won we are a fourth of the way there look at our score what are we at 75 bucks dude the tip pace is 300 peach peach peach my girl dude the front is so much better in this mini game oh my God we lost by one it's your boy in the front baby no no we got this we got this we got this we're moving on we are moving on for sure just be really just be really careful oh just the way he touches the stick look at that we're good we did it oh no oh oh I'm doing it chat look at me go oh my we won we both won still on a hot streak and it's about to stay that way later oh oh no oh no oh no oh yes yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I don't know what I'm doing with it yes oh no oh no one two three four five six seven eight six three seven oh no they lost me I have no idea this could be a wall this could be a massive wall we're gonna be we're gonna be fine though one down we're in the final two you shouldn't let me get here let's go let's let's go let's go first try this is gonna be slops dude this is gonna be slops I almost just got lit up we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're not good like am I supposed to jump can't get walled on this one I gotta turn the speed down that's what I oh never mind oh no we're getting all the hard once I got this i got this you ready you ready you ready you ready is that a hundred are we literally at a hundred dude just hit the thing just hit the thing good man good you did not need to go that close guys I think it was the Well Done Pizza the fact that it was well done we ordered a potpourri of items the strategy in the beginning was just Paramount I think we're gonna lose I think we lost completely locked in on Splatoon Goombas we did it oh no here we go yes yes we've been blessed so far on this run I feel like it could come all uh uh I gotta go yellow yes yes yes Luigi don't pick your color Luigi don't pick your color don't be your color Luigi you're not supposed to make a call Luigi never actually been good at this minigame how how do you avoid the malls every time I get bombed dude Monty moles my boy slaps his belly okay that was good that was good that was good that was good enough oh my God my matches aren't quick enough dude they're not quick enough I gotta slow it down I hit I hit random I hit I hit random we have to go back we have to go we'll go back at the end okay I need to focus on this game I'm all over the place absolute slops we won oh no I don't know if I can do this skewers Bang picking up my order Darlene no I'm not even halfway done this place is roughly 20 minutes away from me that's really not good however sometimes they have another order that they're going to be dropping off on the way that would be clutch usually when you see that you're like dude come on but now we want to think as long as possible messaging darling to start speeding bro Sim wants that pizza my voice times waiting for that pizza he ain't gonna get it he might get it he might actually get it I don't know the fact that they aren't spinning is it was absolute godsend right there I didn't ask Sam what toppings he wanted because he's not gonna get the pizza that's why I didn't ask him I feel like my teammates doing absolutely deadly right now it's okay they did absolutely deadly we won oh oh oh oh get him get him why can't I get him oh I got him so here's what we need to do we need to one shot this mini game we cannot we can't spend a lot of time on this the worst case scenario would be if we were to lose at the end nice and simple let me get on oh my God I overshot it we are like dead even I think get on yes oh my God go I got it I got it we got literally the last one literally the last one oh you moving to your Legend Luigi with the Vine I gotta go LR I gotta go quicker I gotta go quicker oh my God Luigi clutched it with that pipe still picking up my order she does she doesn't have it in the car yet but we still have 43 mini games left I am booty at this one oh my God they got caught I gotta bake up some ground what if I was just like okay we're in we're in for the win what what he didn't hit his Rams dude oh no they're heading my way they're heading my way they're heading my way they're heading my way I think we're gonna lose you mother I'm getting a little overzealous what I'm so scared though I'm so scared I only have 17 seconds left which is not really 17 seconds I think I might have to I can I can do one I can do one yep now we send now we send we have to win yes yes yes yes yes they might have a stop along their way I I can't tell if they have a stop on their way yet chat press W if you think we're gonna win press uh L if you think that Simon's gonna win I'm gonna literally drive it to his house and deliver it to him still hungry he's gonna eat it in my face if we lose which we aren't going to we're going to win we're gonna win we're gonna win we're gonna clear more balls than your opponent I was not prepared for this one dude guys I'm actually kind of nervous I don't know what to do oh he's getting oh he's getting frazzled we won this is a such a slobber knocker I have one left I I I can't I can't I can't I can't Mario hasn't gotten hit oh my God I just dominated Mario oh my God you see yes who believes right now who believes I don't know if I do we are officially more than two-thirds of the way there we have one third left it's taken 43 minutes she's probably dropping another order off which is good I'd still say I don't know about the pace right now though oh my God oh my God I gotta go fast I have no idea if this is gonna be good we won Pokey Pummel though we won Pokemon nice okay we got this one sorry I'm high strung dude I'm freaking hangry man I just have I'm so focused give me a Goldie that was not it we lost we definitely lost that's enough you know who loves this minigame Darlene Darlene loves this mini game oh your boy got a gold but he didn't have a lot of regular one I think it's gonna be maybe a tie for a win or a win it's a win outright baby so it's saying Darlene is heading my way and they're not showing me her car so that leads me to believe that she's doing another order and you know they don't show where the other person lives and as soon as that order is done they're probably gonna show me your car so right now I feel okay we still have 24 mini games left as soon as she delivers that other order is when I'm gonna start Ultra panicking I think she's gonna give me a ring I told her to give me a ring when she's here on the phone that'll be the official time we got this it's okay we got this we got this I've actually got lucky on being the dude in this one because that was just slaying no show your car oh no oh no I just oh no there's a number on the screen 13 minutes away oh that's really not good that's not good it's not impossible we can do it we've got we still got it like what 23 mini games left that's not good maybe maybe she'll uh stop at some stop signs maybe she'll have an old lady across the street it says 14 minutes now it says 14 maybe she took a wrong turn but yeah this is all this is ultra panic mode now oh no that's an L that's an L add to the tip didn't it say 77 on my number why is it saying seven it's not updating my number isn't updating did anybody see that which is fine we're gonna know when we get a repeat when we get eats a pizza we'll know that we've made the full Circuit of mini games we still have to go back and play the the the the boo one I just won by one coin crazy Cutters nice and smooth Falcon nice and smooth I don't know I'd say the odds are against us right now we got that one though this is absolute slops gameplay right now this is such bad gameplay everything's so sensitive they're not even doing the right face we still won Simon's rooting for Darlene right now getting thrown out of my mojo dude Sim's getting to me sign's getting to me right now they're not helping you got we got it this could definitely be a wall completely luck based the fact that they're on easy right now doesn't help at all one push big bush let's go Bush toad house no I can't believe hide and sneak is that what it's called you baby I am normally awful at this mini game we just ripped it that's huge nine minutes away fact that it's going faster is actually killing me right now but I don't want to change it I don't think I can afford to change it did they win or do Center mid Center mid Falcon we got it we got it we got it we got it for some reason the counter at the end of the mini game is broken so it's been saying like 76 or whatever for a while so if I had to guess we really only have like 10 15 mini games left as soon as we see Eatza Pizza is going to be the pop-off moment because we know we made our way around so this one has a graphical glitch you can't see the lights but I'm just gonna keep swimming away I did it against master I could do it now just keep swimming around I got caught well I don't know where my light is guys I don't know where my light is we're gonna lose again [Music] Darlene is she's only she's only a few streets away how do you play this one you gotta connect the colors right I'm gonna lose I'm gonna lose I'm panicking I still lost again what is this minigame even called and how do I remove it from the game and Simon is loving this mini game right now what the frick man I won Darlene is moments away five minutes five minutes away how many mini games are left there can't be that many left how many are left like I I'm feeling like pizza pizza might be showing up at any point now just don't fall off that would be a big time loss oh okay okay okay wow that was a rush dude okay I think there's still more though I think there's still more edges yay I just hug nice Darlene is literally I know the streets she's on there's it she's close Okay can I do this one on quick speeds I think so oh I don't know if that was good enough yeah check check I picked the furthest possible pizza place from me I told them to make it well done I ordered a bunch of other stuff I did everything I could to put myself in this position and we are a few mini games away from actually pulling it off she's three minutes away how many mini games are left not this one not this one I gotta slow it down I have to slow it down I'm literally going 100 speed on this and it feels so slow now but I have to do it dude I have to do it I don't know how many they're gonna get I just need to get enough I'm gonna rip it I'm just gonna rip it uh I'm gonna go quicker speed up the game I think we won I think we won I think we won not this mini game it's it's imperative that we one shot this I just got a bad I didn't even try to get a bag I meant to go all the way back but I got a bag I have five I'm currently winning this is I'm actually so nervous my stomach depends on this I just got a coin Luigi get it get it get it back [Music] oh my God she's right here oh no oh no oh no okay what am I at one I'm at 150 that's gonna make this doable I can't even talk I'm not even I can't even talk right now please don't choke please don't choke I feel like we're doing as well as we can right now oh no come on come on Luigi you know you want to you know you want to Luigi let's go that was so cute she's walking away oh it's a repeat we did them all we touched them all right right we did them all did we do them all we can check after you can check after I gotta find the one that I didn't do where is the one that I didn't do cheap cheap Chase I'm going to 150 this is it this is for the win he's right here she's literally about to turn onto my street what are the buttons I think it's a and then down don't hit a bomb just don't hit a bomb I did this at 150 because I was scared 100 wouldn't be enough what if she calls me before she actually pulls up to my spot though you know what if she we did it we did it we did it that's it that's time call it call it we get to eat the pizza we've got to eat the pizza unless I somehow unless I somehow missed a mini game I don't think I did I think we beat them all she's right there I see her through the window I literally see her through the window What's the total What's the total chat is it 190 I'll give it 200. I'll be right back guys I'll be right back I have to go meet her just to prove to you I'm outside all right thank you I'll be there in one second I got a little something for you I'm gonna give you a cash check oh okay oh you see this sign oh [Music] um I just want to say it's rigged no it's not riots in the streets the people are saying this fine we'll do a rematch all right I'll get you back and I'll win again I gotta eat this pizza it tastes really good by the way just so you know my goldfish is starving
Channel: RedFalcon
Views: 1,345,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party, mario party minigames, impossible, mario party superstars, mario party superstar, mario, party, super, super mario, super mario party, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, minigames, impossible mario party, redfalcon, falc, all minigames, every minigame, pizza, pizza arrives, delivered
Id: bna9AdJ7Tbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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