Can I Survive As The Only HUMAN On Earth | Vintage Story

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if you were the only human on earth do you think you'd have what it takes to survive and thrive in the new environment with no Reliance on others no past relics or ruins of civilization's past just you and a vast Wilderness that will simply brush off your death and move on like nothing had happened it sounds pretty fun right so I decided to try it out by playing vintage story particularly the homo sapiens mode where it removes all of the lower content and evidence of current or past civilizations making us the first and only human on the planet which also means we will have a human temperament and to be vulnerable to any Wildlife or harsh weather that gets thrown our way so it's up to us to survive and maybe work our way up to something far greater only time can tell though wish me luck well here we are the only and probably last person to ever grace this Earth anyways welcome every everyone to Vintage story and already you might notice something completely different about my character and that's the fact that we are human right we're not a saraf we are the only human on this Earth and it's up to us to make the best of it so yeah that's exactly what we're going to do and right now before I do anything else our first order of business is to leave the woods right we are playing on a very difficult mode compared to the traditional game mode for vintage story so we really don't want to get mauled by any animals so yeah we have a nice field out here and I think this is a perfect place to describe our situation and it's pretty simple the only thing I want to do right now is survive and thrive making my way up potentially to the Iron Age right which entails a whole bunch of things for one we need tools two we need food three we need shelter four we need clothing and five we need a survivalist spirit so before I do anything else we're going to go look around for some stones to nap ourselves some tools there we are we got ourselves four pieces of flint and eight pieces of Basalt we can Flint naap with a Basalt but I think in order to save as much durability as possible we will be using flint and now that we do have it what we can do is nap it out into tools right the things I need right now are one a knife for chopping down Cattails two an axe to chop down trees and three a shovel in order to grab any clay along the way and you know what just to be safe we should probably make ourselves a spear as well to do any hunting but with those four tools we should be pretty set for our first few days inside this place so let's get right on to it the more time we burn is the less time I have to prepare for nighttime in which we don't really have to worry about anything because all of the Traders all of the monsters and all of the big threats are gone but we still have to worry about animals like lone wolves big cats Bears anything that can kill me because they will they will eat me and tear me to shreds oh speaking about bears I have no idea where that came from but that is not a good sign yeah no I really don't want to become someone's meal right now I don't see any bears nearby but we will keep that in mind okay you know what maybe we should move away from the area and like go down over here to nap out our tools that's exactly why we avoid the forest okay this looks pretty clear here there we are we got ourselves our first four tools a spear for stabbing a shovel for digging a knife for Gathering and an axe for chopping you might notice another thing which is the fact that the developers added in a new set of animations that look extremely nice so when we chop with an axe we actually chop When We Gather with a knife we actually gather it's very very cool and that's another reason why I decided to revisit this game but now that we have tools up next we need to collect food now I am a little bit worried about the Roaring in the distance but I don't see anything so I think we're clear to just grab some basic food right I did see some berries over there and I do see some growing turnips over here which I will grab for seeds yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah if I don't grab food right now we are going to have a very bad time come night time so let's see what we can get here we got ourselves eight red currants five turnup seeds three turnips and three onion seeds all ready to rock and now that we do have all of the stuff we have come across our next problem we don't have enough inventory space so what I'm going to do right now is while we are near a water source with Cattails is go down collect some reads so we can turn those bad boys into baskets for good old grug here the quicker we get this done the better because we have about 2/3 of the day left so yeah we are are spending a lot of time and there are some animals we can hunt after we collect the baskets for now we can see how many Cattails we have around this area to collect oh man the animations are so cool by the way I love it to bits okay that's not a very good sign but we are collecting a a bunch of cattails for me to use we got about 20 to 30 right now but I am keeping an eye on that tree line because the Roars are getting a little bit closer and if I die right now it's basically perade death right grug is only a simple human we are not built to uh survive death believe it or not so I would hate for this entire run to be over before it even begins right I need to leave this area we're going to grab these last three Cattails and I'm going to live in a very open area to where we can see any predators that come across my area there we are we got ourselves 46 Cattails I am tempted to grab that last one over there in some of the seeds but I really don't want to tempt fate okay yeah no screw that I'm not him we're going to run away very tactically but on better news while I was collecting Cattails I did spot way more turnips seeds right over here so it is a very good Baseline for me to set up a future turnip farm matter of fact there are full turnips right here though we are out of space so let's change that very quickly by turning these Cattails into hand baskets just like that bada boom we were able to quite literally triple our inventory capacity which will allow me to carry all of this delicious food and now that we have covered our first three baselines or I guess two baselines we can go explore for a more I guess digestible house location what I'm trying to say is that I want to be as far away from that damn Forest as possible because that's where the Predators come out to play so yeah let's do a little bit of exploration and see what prospects we have in the future all righty everyone good news we have found Pete right down here which we can use as a makeshift fuel source though the bad news is that we are running out of daylight so we are going to have to set up camp and I think if we set up camp anywhere it's going to have to be that little Forest Grove right over there to where we can set up a quick campfire and maybe set up a quick little bed roll to go to sleep on time so yeah we are definitely losing daylight we have enough food to last us for the night though thankfully so yeah we'll go collect the pee and then we will head right on down setting up a campfire for us to sleep all righty that was a bit of a close one we were almost out in the middle of the night without any light source whatsoever but we were able to fangle ourselves a nice lit fire pit and now that we are here we can actually sleep through the night right the only thing we need right now is a bunch more dry grass to make ourselves a makeshift bed right because as much as I would love to explore and go out during the night that is a very easy way to stumble upon a wolf pack and get mauled viciously so we are going to play it extremely safely even if it means we go a little bit hungry a bit faster so we're going to go collect up some dry grass so we can make ourselves hay to lay down a nice and comfortable bed it is 10° out right now so we do need to stay near the campfire in order to stay warm but we should be chilling now so I will see all of you in the morning and then we can find our future Dreamhouse preferably one that's nearby a copper node so I don't need to worry about that in the future we'll see where life throws us out though for now we sleep like a damn King any anyways welcome to day two we're going to pick up our bed and we are going to get a move on and right now the place that I really am looking for is a place that's near water is near a forest and is flat enough for me to see anything around the area without having to terraform half the damn uh place so I'm hoping if we pick a direction and just cross our fingers we can find something nice ooh and speaking about something nice that is some growing flax that's going to be super helpful in in the future man we really need to set up a base soon don't we yeah yeah yeah we got to find it so soon so I will get a move on well well well what do we have here I mean we do have some high ground up over here but right down over there is I think the best chance we will have when it comes to a base location right it's flat it's nearby trees but it's not surrounded by trees and more importantly there are some nearby ponds and small little puddles for me to make a farm out of so I think that might be the place where we set up a base camp because I really don't want to run around all day looking for the perfect base location to never find it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I was thinking up here but it's a little bit too hilly for me so you know what I think that's going to be our best chance it looks like we found our new home so let's go move down and see where we want to set up a base camp oh dude on top of that we have Clay right over there as well oh that's awesome that's awesome hold on what is that Oo we even have obsidian here as well okay no this place is awesome if you guys don't know obsidian is the best uh material to make uh arrows and Whatchamacallit out of arrows and Spears out of because it's naturally sharp on top of that we have blue clay a bunch of gravel Flint some current bushes nearby but more importantly we have ourselves a couple of makeshift ponds to set up a basic farm at yeah no this place is perfect I think we're going to set up our base right down there maybe this might sound a little bit crazy but because we really aren't in a position to worry about it too much I could set up a base inside of a cave though do I want to that's the question you know what the more I'm thinking about it the more I'm realizing how little I care about living in a cave right because all of the monstrosities down in the depths are gone it's just a grug so this is grug's territory now all we have to do is uh patch up that one hole right there with a wooden log so we don't have the constant running sounds of water bottom boom let's make ourselves at home now shall we starting with a very basic campfire and a bed to lay down right there bada boom and bab Bingo we have ourselves a campfire to keep us warm during the night now what I can do is kind of level out the terrain inside this cave to be a bit more um welcoming to be a home right so what I'm thinking of doing right now is leveling out this layer right here to be way more flat and maybe building a very basic wall to keep out any unwanted Predators because if I do step outside we are right next to the forest and it's not out of the realm of possibility for a bear or a wolf to stumble their way on down and welcome me not so welcomingly so yeah let's go level out the first little bit with dir we'll also go make some torches but more importantly we can finally drop off so much of our stuff like the fire starter the tools I'm not using the firewood and the Pete which I'll drop off right over here nice now it's time to work on the flooring finally working on the log [Music] walls all righty that was a little bit scary especially building out this end over here but we have ourselves a very makeshift cave home now we'll fill in some of the cracks to make it seem a bit more natural and we can finally put the cherry on top which is going to be our very own crude door and in order to make that we need b b two logs three sticks one axe done now that's a home welcome on in everyone this is going to be our little base camp until we get a proper log cabin or just you know wooden home setup in the future which I think is going to be about right here now there is one last thing that I did not account for when I built this place out we don't have any Cattails and as a result we can't really oh wait we do have Cattails over here oh we're vibing it's not that much though and the main reason on why I want Cattails is because we can make storage containers out of it which I need really really bad right about now so let's see how many we have here also what the hell is tulle that's new let me see really quick can we turn it into anything cool we cannot we can turn it into thatch later though okay we actually have a lot of cattails in here not bad not bad then let's go collect it and see if we can set up ourselves a basket using a state-of-the-art obsidian Stone just for it bada boom this bad boy is going to be more durable and way more sharp than your average knife oh that's actually so nice for early game what's not very nice is my rapidly ticking down hunger bar but we'll address that issue next episode episode for now I just want a base all right we got ourselves 30 Cattails to work with can we craft up a basket with it we can craft up a single read chest you know what that's going to have to work we are also getting pretty hungry and it is getting a little bit darker out so I am going to have to wrap things up very soon o there's actually some more catales over here you know what we'll might as well grab them so they grow faster later and then once we're done with that we can actually go out and get ourselves a little bit of protein in our diet by the way I'm not by the way I'm not sure if you can tell the difference between a normal Stone knife and an obsidian knife but the difference is night and day okay that's going to be all of The Cattails here and now we can worry about food I'm going to worry about it for the most part next episode but one thing we can do just to put our campfire to work is Spearfish all of these salmon inside these small ponds here right it'll give me some nice raw fish to cook up on a nice campfire we can get ourselves five whole cuts of raw fish and four bones to nap and use for tools in the future there are two more fish left inside of the pond but I think I'm going to leave them in case that they can reproduce and make some more fish inside of the pond right is that a rabbit right there hold on yeah hell yeah real Meats back on the menu boys oh man that was a good throw for me it really sucks that I have no space for this stuff we can drop off the Rocks because we can however drop off the sticks because we are surrounded by it but yeah we have ourselves quite the Hefty Hall of food now now we need to find our cave base which I should definitely mark down with a dirt pillar come morning but for now we can throw on our raw red meat also taking our torches to set up around here as well there we are and now we can finally cook up some good stuff we'll go grab some Pete throw it on there start up a fire and finally drop off our Reed chest to leave some of the stuff we're not using right now like the seeds the vegetables and more importantly The Cattails and obsidian bada Bingo our inventory is cleared I'm going to be keeping the bushes because we will plant that come morning tomorrow for now we just got to wait for our fire to cook up some food and we are going to be vibing anyways I think I'm going to end the episode here we've done quite a bit we found a good location we've gotten fuel we've gotten a shelter now all we need is to worry about food because as stands right now we definitely don't have enough anyways if you guys have liked this episode be sure to like favorite share and subscribe for more I will see all of you next time peace
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 61,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, vintage story, vintage story gameplay, vintage story challenge, vintage story small world, vintage story one chunk, vintage story smallest world, vintage story small world challenge, vintage story 1 chunk, vintage story game, vintage story 1.16, one chunk, 1 chunk, smallest world, 1 chunk survival
Id: O5r5inx5j6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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