Can I Platinum Spider-Man 2 Without the Trophy List?

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Spider-Man 2 one of the most popular platinums to obtain at this moment in time and I'm adding a Twist to it I'm not allowed to use the trophy list and if I do I'm eliminated nope nope nope nope that's not what that is supposed to say supposed to say and if I do I failed the challenge now step one in this Platinum challenge was to play through the main story casually which I did back in October and November and after a couple of months off from the game it's now time for step two 100% the in-game districts so as you can see I am 60% done with the game but I only have 11 out of the 42 trophies 11 out of the 41 if you don't want to count them Platinum the trophies that I don't get after I 100% the game are going to be a little tricky because I'm not going to know what I'm going to have to do there's no way to like for me to prove that I don't look at the trophy list so if you don't believe me you don't believe me if you believe me you believe me now I have not seen anyone do this idea but if someone has please let me know in the comments down below so I can credit them so let's begin or continue the first thing that I decided to do was complete the final flame Mission as I had already completed three out of the four when I was playing through the game casually and what a mission this was to begin on as Spider-Man needed to stop a train that was coming right at at us you've stopped trains before right yeah you got to do the iconic move Spider-Man got any ideas we derail it no hold the train back are they going to Blue Ball me with this oh yeah cuz that's a lot better I don't want to say what Toby did was better but it definitely was hey what are you doing don't just piss on me instead after he was done fake pissing on me he revealed who he was and boy was I ecstatic and Carnage I called it I mean it was pretty obvious I mean Cletus Cassidy has red hair he's a psychopath it wasn't that hard to guess editor Caleb please put in the parts where I predicted that that was who is this is this a Cletus Cassidy it's the only person I can think it is could be Cletus Cassidy cuz it has the red hair be an interesting way to uh reveal him but I'm not opposed to it they got to go full on and for mature with Carnage I feel like they have to do that and we got the trophy Crimson hour and that was for completing it was meant for me and we got our first tease at Carnage and I am super happy I then switched over to miles to complete the rest of his Brooklyn Vision missions and after I completed the final one the students wanted to thank me for my help they banded together to make you a thank you gift that's sweet but Spider-Man can accept gifts yeah that's actually in the contract you have to sign before you get bitten by the spider once you sign here you will be bitten by a radioactive spider and you can no longer receive gifts and if you do receive a gift we will shoot you in the back of the head and leave your dead body in the river that's what the contract says so miles ooh that is a cool suit you know actually I think they make an exception if the gift is a suit best and we got the trophy Brooklyn pride and that is for completing a gift I then began clearing all the prow stashes and as I was clearing the final one I expected to unlock a trophy oh okay of course first time there's been enemies on any of them okay I thought that was the last one so maybe there's just no trophy for it I would have thought there was a trophy for that sadly I did not get a trophy so I moved on to completing the rest of the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man Apper Quest that I had left and for the final one I had to meet up with an old friend obviously I didn't have a video on the first Spider-Man but I remember Howard oh my God it's the pigeon guy it's the pigeon Guy Howard long time no see Howard and I chatted for a little bit and then he asked me to take his pigeons up North for him so I said my goodbyes to Howard and began leading the flock to their new home don't worry pigeons we're almost home well to your new home Howard's gone he didn't want to deal with your [ __ ] anymore a few moments later oh what the [ __ ] I was kidding I didn't actually mean he was dead looks like natural causes a now I feel like an [ __ ] I'm sorry Howard I didn't mean that we got the trophy a new adventure and that is for helping Howard I apologize okay it's free and we got the trophy friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and that is for completing all friendly neighborhood Spider-Man requests I then began taking photos around the city and here I was approaching the final picture that I had to take what's it going to be of the tennis court well I want to get a good action shot if it's going to be the final one got to get a wide angle of this and goo why did I just say goo we got the trophy New York New York and as for completing all photo ops why did you say that you stupid idiot you look like a dumbass I then began collecting all the spider bots that are spread throughout the city and while I was doing that I found something oh wait oh wa whoo wao wao I didn't finish the prow stashes so is this the last one I thought we already did all the prow stashes but I guess I did not find them all okay so that was the last one now we have a mission called room for the future and it says one more Prowler stash left what do we have here these are blueprints to my apartment building he wouldn't plan a heist there would he I don't think he's robbing your apartment once miles arrived home he saw that Uncle Aaron had taken some of his father's items can't let him take any more stuff he's not stealing miles I think he moved in right above us miles then headed up to the apartment above them and confronted uncle Aaron you said you were retiring the prowler you lied to me whoa whoa whoa slow down there me Mom we were going to surprise you despite all the things he did you forgave him so I decided to do the same and help him out by co-signing the lease on this apartment meant what I said prowler's in the rearview mirror I want us to have a future together your family I'm also banging your mom that's what your dad would have wanted guess Uncle Aaron really is making room for the future that's the mission name oh good one and we got the trophy co-signing that is for completing All Tex dashes after that I went back to collecting the rest of the spiderbots and here I was on the hunt for the final one we're in the district with the final spiderbot I just got to find it I'm interested to see see who's placing these everywhere I hope it's like a Multiverse thing honestly here we go found it and that is all the spiders completed am I going to get a mission for that the message was using some kind of Cubit based algorithm what does the message say it's an address all right let's go to the address this better be cool and here we are yes look at this a spider hero hi who are you I'm just a bartender who does favors for people every now and then and I've learned that Rogue spider Bots are dangerous and bad for business who thank you Spider-Man and if Miguel comes looking for these tell him Finders Keepers wait who's Miguel what the hell was that uh absolute awesomeness epicness and we got the trophy funky Wireless protocol and that is for solving the mystery of the spiderbots origin my next goal that I wanted to tackle was to collect all the s man crystals and once I collected them all Sam man asked me to deliver the statue that the crystals created to his daughter I am coming in hot no breaking for me take the statue okay if it blows up I didn't do it hope you enjoy the present and we got the trophy grains of sand and that is for piecing together the broken memories then it was time to take out the rest of the Symbiote nests that were infecting the city these have been a little bit difficult so I might die a few times on this one take that criminal scum you guys aren't really criminals though you guys just have bad luck all right 10 seconds I just realized you guys cannot see the clock 3 seconds 2 seconds 1 second and there are all the Symbiote Nest gone and we got the trophy exterminator and that is for completing all the Symbiote nests I then moved on to completing all the hunter blinds which when completed revealed the hunter bases and on my first blind I attempted to complete it without being spotted and hopes that a trophy would unlock for doing so now but what's that for that's not what I was really going for but we did get a trophy for stealth taking down 25 enemies in stealth from the webbline will we get a trophy for doing what I was trying to do no I still got a trophy so it wasn't a complete Miss but I continue completing the blinds and after completing this one I got another Trophy and we got the trophy resourceful and that is for collecting a total of 10,000 Tech parts and after getting that trophy I moved on to my final Hunter blind not sure if I will get a trophy for compl completing these but I would love to be proven wrong because any trophy is a good trophy Last Enemy now we got to find the location right there Moment of Truth No trophy for that so we'll probably get a trophy after we take down these four bases right here I switched over to miles to tackle the hunter bases and after completing my first one I had the opportunity to max out my gadgets so as you can see if I max out my Ricochet web right here I'll maxed out all my gadgets and that possibly could be a trophy so let's Max it out to the Max and that is for purchasing all Gadget upgrades I then worked on completing the other three bases and I attempted and succeeded in completing the next two without being caught and completing all the sub objectives as I was hoping there would be a trophy for doing so but nothing popped so here I was on the final one with all the sub objectives completed and I had still not been spotted okay we got four enemies left make that three enemies left make that two enemies left just a handful of hunters left if a handful means one then you're right on the dot but I don't think it does make that zero and we got the trophy Seek and Destroy and that is for completing all Hunter bases so I did not get a trophy for completing all the sub objectives in one base or completing a base without being caught next I completed all the EMF experiments and for the final one I had to head home as Norman Osborne had dropped off something from Harry EMF experiment discovered in my garage and what do we have here Harry wanted you to have this Lance and a thumb Drive told you to keep that USB drive why the hell are you giving it back to me one last thing got a little something for you okay this gift is a little bit better I mean I look like Kang the Conqueror but I'll take it and we got the trophy foundational and that is for completing all EMF experiments what kind of styles do we got for this suit we can go full space mode with the orange style and we got the trophy stylish and that is for equipping a suit style I then began chasing down the nine Talon drones that were searching for targets throughout the city and after capturing the eighth one we learned that all the targets had the same DNA so while going for the ninth one I was certain we were looking for someone in particular so predictions for this Mission I'm thinking we're tracking the chameleon because all the DNA is the same on all the people and they have different faces and everything kind of feel like he should get more than just a side mission but we'll see I captured the final one and then headed over to this nice Penthouse it led me to this robe makes me kind of think it is him though uh what do we have here this game's nearly done oh yes as an avid chess player I know what I would have to do here you want to move the Rook come on Pete and now we want to move the king here Checkmate you found my secet it's definitely the chameleon right yes it is is this the chameleon's apartment why don't you just give me my smart person trophy I continued exploring the secret hideout and it was here that we learned some crucial information I will see you again brother his brother oh [ __ ] a bean Gass I got to get out of here don't worry brother I will do what you could not and we got the trophy data collector and that is for completing Target identified and after learning of Craven's brother I had enough skill points to unlock the final skill and I'm assuming I'll get a trophy for unlocking all the skills in the game so let's see if that happens no I was then gliding through the city when I accidentally did this ow oh we got the trophy Splat and that is for attempting and failing a trick before landing on the ground all right we are 156 XP away from reaching level 60 which I believe is the max level because I unlocked the final suit at level 60 so I'm going to swing around till I find a crime so I can get that final 156 XP here we go time to put out some fires nailed it oh [ __ ] now this is taking me back to the web of Shadows days when I had to take the civilians to the hospital technically this is just an ambulance not a hospital but the memories were coming through my brain and we got the trophy amazing and that is for reaching the max level now all I had left on the map was to complete the mysterium so I switched back to miles to do so and after completing the first one I had another opportunity present itself oh okay I can fully upgrade all my suit Tech let me go back to the normal view I'm not going to get my hopes up that we'll get a trophy for upgrading all my suit Tech but it be very nice if we did we got the trophy fully loaded and that is for purchasing all of Spider-Man's suit Tech upgrades I then completed the next seven mysterium getting gold on every single one and then I approached the ninth one all right this is the final one technically it's not it says this is like the ninth one out of the 10 but I don't know where the 10th one's at so I think maybe the 10th one will only unlock after I'm done with this one to get gold on this one I had to defeat 20 enemies without taking a single hit two enemies left final enemy got him all right there should be one left now where's the final one I couldn't find the final one so I decided to listen to the phone call that I received and after it ended a trophy popped we got the trophy superior but that is for 100% in every single district and here it is the final mysterium all the way at Coney Island I traveled over to Cone Island for the final mysterium and began duking it out with the man himself oh we got a Mysterio boss fight now and it looks like it's going to be pretty easy give up now and I will spare your life it's over no it's not okay now I'm just stuck in a loop what if I go the other way see look I'm a genius ah [ __ ] we're not home free yet wo got you Mysterio for real this time right the Sim is down get it back I'm trying wait a minute you guys he made us do this where is he help in here I need you find me that's right we captured the criminal scum and Mysterio Rams free so can I tell everyone Mysterio is a good guy now Mysterio will always be a villain just as Spider-Man will always be a hero so when you start looking at the people behind the masks things get messy I really want to see Mysterio in the next game cuz like that little level right there was pretty fun and we got the trophy behind the masks and that is for completing the grand finale I then took on some crime in the city so that I could gather enough Tech parts to unlock the rest of the suits and styles for Peter and Miles I have 176 I'm going to need the styles for this suit to cost less than 76 we got the trophy kitted out and that is for purchasing all available suits and the style for this suit cost 65 so hopefully I get a trophy for unlocking all the Styles in the game as well I don't which is uh pretty surprising to me all right so after 100% in the game and like doing everything that I thought I had to do I have 33 out of the 42 trophies which means I have eight trophies left that I have to do without looking at the trophy list and I have no clue where to start now not knowing where to start I thought maybe since they expanded the map from the previous game that there'd be a trophy for swinging from one end to the other so I fast traveled up to Harlem and once I got there I was greeted with another idea what about the graves oh what about the graves there was an Uncle Ben trophy in the last game a May is that you here we go Parker Lux back with a vengeance yes we got a trophy for doing this after getting that trophy I went back to my original plan of swinging from one end of the map to the other and uh yeah it didn't work I feel like the trophy would have popped already if there was one for this I then had another idea pop into my brain now that there's fall damage in the game maybe you get a trophy if you die from it so let's see how this goes I probably will die no trophy just freaking Dove off the building for no reason all right so my game plan now is to think of the new things that they added into the game and try to like see if there's trophies for those things and one of the things I'm thinking of right now is when you hit R3 and L3 together like this and I want to see if you get a trophy for like defeating enemies in this mode I don't know what this Mode's called like this symbiote freak out mode but if I defeat enough enemies maybe there's a tropy for doing this I then continued stopping crime throughout the city and using the Symbiote ability whenever it became available and little did I know that as I approach these criminals attacking a tanker truck that I was in for a surprise what's up guys we got a trophy armed in dangerous and as for defeating 100 enemies with spider armor abilities I'm still going to try and do the symbiot one that I was going for in the first place but I'm only going to do it a little bit longer because I've been going at it for a while now and I'm starting to think that there's no trophy for it I wasn't giving up hope just yet so I continued stopping crime and using the ability whenever it became available and then I was swinging through the city and got a Crime Alert from Jimmy G East Side Jimmy G 10 hey that's got to be a Jimmy Garoppolo reference hey guys sorry breaking hours are over we have the win sorry don't take damage oh who whoa whoa we got a trophy Surge and that is for using symbiote abilities 25 times during symbiote search still not the trophy I was going for but if it's the Symbiote trophy I'm going to act like it was the one I was going for I then switched over to miles to try and get a trophy for him and while I was taking down some baddies another idea came to me now I think about it there could be a combo trophy I think I already got a 100 combo didn't get a trophy for that I'll see what I can do I won to go for that today but I'll go for it tomorrow probably the next morning so I'm going into this mysterium I believe there could be a combo trophy I don't think there'll be anything bigger than like a 300 combo trophy I don't see that being a thing I jumped into the mysterium and began building my combo up towards 250 and as I neared it the game decided to screw me or I screwed myself either way I got screwed no if there's a 251 I'm going to be so pissed to 50 okay no trophy I'll try to go 300 at least damn there's no combo trophy in the game after realizing there was most likely no combo trophy I decided to stay in the mysterium and take down a whole bunch of enemies with the hope that I'd get some kind of trophy there has to be a trophy for defeating enemies with one of his abilities that I didn't get yes we got another trophy defeat 100 enemies with evolved Venom abilities which means now I'm going to switch back to the regular Venom abilities and try to defeat 100 enemies with that as well and I did just that but after a while I definitely defeated over 100 enemies with the Venom abilities so I decided to move on I then decided to try and glide around the entire map so I began in aoria but as I entered the financial district I came to this conclusion I think it's clear there's no trophy for gliding then I tried to do as many air tricks as I could but that did not end well either and after trying a bunch of other random things out I decided to give myself a little bit of help all right since I make the rules for this I'm adding in a little feature called phone a friend you never heard of that before from any game show ever so here we are on the trophy list I'm going to have to sync it up so he can see what trophies I already have so he doesn't tell me one that I already have and we are 94% of the way done I'm going to disconnect once again so I don't get any hints but now he should be able to see what trophies I've already gotten time to send the text I sent my friend Mason a message asking him if he could send me one trophy from the list that I don't have and after a couple of minutes he replied all right he's getting ready to send me the message all right I just got the text it says home run home that's the trophy name or no it's called Home Run kind of self-explanatory on what this trophy is going to be the problem with this trophy is that it's not really going to help me get the other trophies cuz I would assume all I have to do is run around the bases at a baseball field I just have to find a baseball field now there's got to be some here right I wonder if it'll count on this baseball field or I have to go to the one at con Island I think I got to go to Coney Island it's game day baby I'm a lefty so we're getting the Lefty spatter box it's a deep shot the right it's gone got a daap up coach at third there we go and we're home the spiders win and we got the trophy home run and that is for rounding the bases at Big Apple baller Stadium now my immediate thought after hitting a home run was that there might be a trophy for scoring a touchdown he's at the 30 he's at the 20 he's at the 10 touchdown no trophy for that I then went on top of the tallest building that I could find to do some more air tricks but once again it did not end well get that on camera I can't think of anything else that I have to do and I know when I look at the trophy list it's going to be really obvious or something I'm be like damn how would I not think of that I ended up trying a couple more things but I was honestly out of ideas so I came to the conclusion that it was time to surrender so without further Ado I think it's time to look at the trophy list if the three trophies that I don't have have anything to do with gliding I'm going to be a little bit upset I then went over to the trophy list and the first one that showed up that I did not have was to do 30 air tricks in a row without touching the ground I was trying to do something like this like just do as many air tricks as I could what's the next one as miles find the science trophy miles and Finn won together I probably would not have got that one and now it is time to look at the last one and I would like to call this trophy my Joker moment and then sore using only your web Wings oh my God I swung from the top of the map to the bottom of the map and I also used the web wings from like top of the map to the bottom of the map I just didn't do it from Financial District to aoria now it is time to watch me find out where atoria and the financial district are atoria is right here where's the financial district dude what you've got to be kidding me I went from atoria to the financial district I did exactly what it wanted just backwards and it didn't count are you happy Insomniac you're driving a man insane here what else do you want from me but thankfully this flight from the financial district to atoria helped calm me down a little bit as for using as you know only web Wings to Glide from Financial District to Historia then it was time to grab the science trophy that Finn and Miles won together I think I literally was on top of this Church an hour ago Maybe not maybe it was a different Church nope it was this exact church now I did not go on top of it but you can clearly see the icon to pick something up right there I clearly missed it but here is the trophy that Finn and Miles won back in the day doing my best Finn trying to make a city we both be proud of and that leaves us with one trophy remaining to do 30 air tricks in a row all it says is to not touch the ground if this counts I don't know how I did not get this how did I only do 19 that's the trophy performed 30 air tricks in a row without touching the ground I don't know how I didn't do that but uh now it's time for the platinum trophy and we got the trophy dedicated and that is for collecting all the trophies in the game so here we have it it says 16 hours played but I was not connected to the internet so it didn't track it properly now to answer the question can you platin this without the trophy list 100% I was very close to getting that trophy for the 30 air tricks and I probably should have gotten the sword trophy but I'm not going to beat a dead horse here Insomniac meet me in the alley way after this video is posted but yeah my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined but I hope you're having a good day night evening morning afternoon breakfast lunch dinner wherever at whatever you're doing have a good one
Channel: TriplePV
Views: 262,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider-man 2 platinum, spider-man platinum, spiderman 2 platinum, spider-man plat, spiderman plat, spiderman 2 plat, spider-man 2 plat
Id: vy6Qf_XUY6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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