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hello everyone my name is apq welcome back to some luck be a landlord the roguelike deck builder inside of a arcade slot machine or casino slot machine maybe more than arcade so last time we made it to payment 9 out of 12. we didn't really have any well no we had synergies we had like three synergies um but we had a lot of stuff in our deck that we didn't need so this time we're gonna try and maybe clean out the deck a little bit and um hopefully get to payment 12 i think mr max so we've been here before we're uh we've moved into a new apartment complex we're enjoying our stay in the apartment complex we get a complimentary slot machine which is kind of lit to be honest and uh we can use it to get gold and we have to pay 25 gold in five spins that's our rent so we spin here this is our first sort of five things that we get i think we get the same every time or very similar so we want suits we always want suits we went like four cats last time we had cat items that gave us a big increase on the gold that cats give um i kind of want to stay away from fruits and flowers and seeds and stuff because we although we had like a farmer i think we didn't really utilize it that much and saying that here we go adjacent flowers have 50 chance of giving two times more gold so maybe we go for it oh no we're gonna go crabs dude give us three times more for each other crab in the same row dude let's just build a deck full of crabs okay flower i don't want a flower now i regretted not taking the minor at this stage last game so we're gonna go for a minority or not again but instead of and so hopefully we can get some oars and stuff i'm not going dwarves again i felt that was a mistake i will take a lock box right we went toddlers last time i'm gonna go cheese we had lots of options to take cheese in the last round and i never did okay our rent is due uh we've got to pay 25 we're left with six we now got gotta pay 50 in five spins we should be okay right we don't want to take a thief yet we've got no way of destroying a thief yet and it gives us minus one gold per spin however has a 30 chance to destroy an adjacent symbol see this could destroy the thief or the lock box but we're not going to take the ah we're going to skip oh that's a mistake right piggy bank you put one gold in this item each spin you may destroy this item and gain two times the gold inside it i feel like that could save us later on a mining pick ore and big ore have a 50 chance of being destroyed now we've got the miner that destroys all if it's adjacent so let's go with the piggy bank oh i think that was a mistake so as she takes one gold we don't just get free gold okay adjacent flowers give two times more gold we've only got one flower right now but we'll take it we need gold we owe rent in oh my god we need 30 and free spins so we need destroys adjacent cheese okay we'll take this please destroy the cheese mask we need money oh my god right no dwarves bears i'm taking a bear dude we didn't take a bear last time the mouse destroyed the cheese let's go we can pay rent we still got an extra turn right we had no way of destroying an air last time and i had two of them i think stuck on my board candy we did that with toddlers i don't want to go down that route again now coal we didn't come across this until quite late in the last run so coal transforms into a diamond after 20 spins it's quite early on let's take it why not okay let's pay rent so we've got 14 left and we now owe 106 spins so we need to start rolling here okay suit nice oh so we took monkey last time we took a happy hour last time and we didn't utilize this i don't want to go there again monkeys give two times more i'm not planning on going the monkey roux again fishbowl we haven't seen this yet puts all goldfish in this item before each bin gives one gold for each goldfish let's take it because if we get any goldfish we can just put them in there and it's easy gold there's a goldfish you can go straight in the fishbowl so this now gives us one gold per spin for free we've already got a mouse why does the cat not chase the mouse let's skip oh maybe i shouldn't have skipped we need to make 100 in free spins yeah we're not going to make this so we have to go banana here we need the gold oh no destroys itself gives seven we yeah we need a little gold we can get right now oh no we need 17 off one spin gives two it's all on this we can break our piggy bank i don't really want to let's go 17 no we lost the spin because the piggy bank so i have to break the piggy bank already ah the piggy bank gave us okay enough but now we have no piggy bank this is already a bad run we have 150 in six spins and he's starting on 21. destroys itself gives 10 gold no let's go wolf dude three two gold ninja and mouse ninja mouse give five times more gold when they're adjacent to each other let's go for this and then try and pick up a ninja okay 20 gold spin another crab let's go um goldfish let's add it to our goldfish bowl nice that's two free gold every spin oh my god yes another suit okay do we have a lot box we do so i think we take the key nice b gave us some adjacency bonus on the flower we're not gonna make this because we need ah dude 31 in one spin okay no we're retrying let's just go that was a bad run i apologize right um i'm not going this route okay we are going toddler i clicked an accident um i'm not going to toddlers we'll get a three-sided die this early on okay rolled one so not the best we'll get a lock box no dwarf cultist gives one gold for each of a cultist so let's try and go a few cultists let's try and grab a few we owe rent okay that's fine we've got eight spare oh okay we don't want a thief yet destroys itself adds or it gives us minus six for a start then after that one spin it destroys itself and adds one pull ball which is an item and it gives us one gold per spin or a lucky capsule destroys itself at least one of the symbols to be added after this spin will be rare let's go for that uh rolls uh three sided die that roll less than two and five that roll less than three will reroll once so if this rot so we're never gonna get a one from our dice again so we'll take that so it rerolls to free i will happily take that item okay treasure chest is rare gives 50 gold when destroyed let's take it our only rerolls once okay so we can still get one i'm not taking this because this ruined my deck last time okay we need 10 gold off two spins so we're okay i think we get another three sided die nice so we can pay rent now again we can't fill up the board with these i don't want the others we can already afford rent so let's skip that one oh man ooh pay 50 okay we got 20 spare that's decent we have 106 spins uh hex of tdm you're 1.2 times 1.2 times the less likely to find i'm not too sure about that we don't know what you want yet so i don't really want a topaz this destroys itself gives seven gold we've seen this before we'll take that we'll take the lock pick because we've got the gold chest and the lock box i thought i had an opening sound but obviously not we haven't got a minor this run but we'll go for or anyway in case we do find one oh the big chest got opened that's 50. oh nice have we got a mouse no mouse okay let's skip the lock box has been opened nice 30 gold we could already afford the next spin let's get another aw i'm banking on us finding a miner here or a pickaxe to destroy an adjacent symbol so we don't want to destroy no we'll skip we're doing okay we're doing really well for money actually so i don't feel pressured to take any of these right now oh nice double roll dude we've got 77 spare after that payday after that rent due date i guess hex of tedium let's take a coconut for now wolves give one time if you got a wolf no uh and i comment instead of uncommon dogs transform into wolves you put one coin in this item each time you spin and gain 25 or less let's take that just in case we don't roll 25 which we're probably not rolling right now so it puts one gold in there okay destroys itself adds no we've already got pick locks we don't need a key i feel like we skip here nice six from the dice from the die i should say another coal oh it was a copy that last run actually so we'll take one this one as well try and make it reach diamond stage right we've got a coconut which the banana can eat so we've also got a toddler for candy so we take candy and try and get that candy gone straight away by forcing the toddler to eat it another all we've already got two and no way of destroying them yet banana we didn't hit the monkey did we gives four every three spins it's just not a lot so we'll skip okay nice we can just afford it we got 10 spare we need to get some good symbols added now so this gives us a chance to get another rare or we can get a second chemical seven which i think we go for yo gives 50 gold and is destroyed if there are at least three suits the same applies to i don't know where do we have three suits this run no we don't let's just take this then it gives 50 gold oh it doesn't give 50 gold until there's three suits oh what have i done see we can't build suits now maybe we can build free and then we lose them um we've got a mouse no okay we'll go clubs so one more suit to give us the this bonus a diamond gives five gold gives one gold more for each of a diamond we've currently got a piece of coal which is on its way to becoming a diamond so that's nice we've already got two of you i don't want another no we're good we'll skip okay 21 what's up oh we're not making this there's no way we're making this i'm struggling now dudes oh no we're safe we've got a pick lock please safe safety safe opened is the safe going to save us no we're still miles away although we've got this which gives us three times so maybe this will save us yeah that's oh no we still didn't make it we were two goals short right who would have thought that our first run would have been the best run i think i've got to stop skipping i'm skipping really early crab i'm not gonna skip for a bit um cheese come on come on okay miner bear come on i'm setting up synergies here taking whatever we can we have 50 in five spins this gives us seven we'll take orange here it gives one golden if a symbol is destroyed yes i feel a bit down the line we're gonna have a lot of symbols being destroyed destroys adjacent thieves okay let's go for it uh goldfish in case we get a fish bowl again you know what let's try an egg i haven't had an egg once yet so far uh oh a five-sided diet no it's going to be this a chance of adding a rare there was a key there what's the rare going to be let's pay our rent it's increased to 100. the rare is spirit gives four destroys itself to four times it's not the best gives free if there are at least three empties which there is so we'll take that for now it's quite a nice early game item we'll take another goldfish i'm basically banking on a fishbowl here which is incredibly dangerous um let's have our first skip maybe dangerous but we're rolling high numbers quite early on here coal we will get a piece of okay our spirit's just gone we will get a piece of coal to turn into a diamond soon we've already got a miner so i don't want another one i don't want a dwarf again because that was painful last time right we can afford rent we've actually got a lot of spare we've already got a bear i'm gonna take a ninja in case we can get ninja and mouse and then mouse eats cheese and then all that sort of good stuff right we paid rent we've got 37 spare let's add an orange that's another orange three-sided dice would always roll free five side the dice would always roll five we've got a five-sided die i think okay we do have a five-sided die but i think now we take them every time because it's a guaranteed three or five i don't want any of you sorry goodbye okay we've got to take the three-sided die here we need to start getting some money and we have 150 in two spins from now so we need like 25 average let's take the wolf it's a free two gold oh this is gonna be close we need 24 we can't take this because it's gonna give us minus six we'll take another call come on 24 r25 right we still got another spin okay we're fine all right we've got a minor this adds five ore when it's destroyed it destroys itself after five spins it's going to work well with our miner because our minor five things to mine right we can afford rent 21 spare but we are getting close adjacent suits we've got one suit this destroys itself adjacent symbols give two times more gold for that spin let's go diamonds or and bigger will only add rare or better symbols yes because we're about to have five or when this golem breaks that's ridiculous and if we get diamonds you've got two coal that are going to turn into diamonds and they give one more for each diamond dude adjacent empties give one more destroys of adjacent to zero empties gives eight gold when destroyed yes that's the void stone destroyed eight gold nice let's pick up a key why not in case we get any boxes oh we're not gonna make this let's get another miner we need this to break bronze arrow okay that's our first all break oh we need 80 and two spins destroys itself after four spins come on nice nice that's big how much do they give us four each that's huge i still don't think we're going to make it let's take this we're big risk right now nice that's huge that's huge is that gonna save us no right i can't believe how hard this is after our first run right we're going oh it's again early or we're going minor that's brilliant okay let's go ore again that's too all for this monitor break it didn't give us it gave us a pill let's get a lock box what did that give us another pill everybody's got two pills okay we paid rent we have 50. let's get another club or a suit you may destroy this item and choose free symbols to choose the possible symbols are okay let's get this and choose oh if you have the choice to choose honey we're adding honey but obviously that's i need to break it my bad we've already got a minor so let's add a mouse let's destroy this okay we've got a mouse let's get cheese let's get orange let's get peach no honey okay that's a big spin already um let's get a dog in case we get the dog turn into wolves item um pills if pills had bonuses like adjacency bonuses it would be incredible because we've got two from our or and this would just plow them out again so this gives us one it gives us one every free spins let's take it for now we've been avoiding those items for a while those symbols cultist gives one feature of a cultist oh i've never found more than one cool list in a run so far okay we can pay gold with 49 spare that's big let's get another no let's get another diamond let's get a piggy bank let's get a safe i really could do some more cultists three-sided die okay we are filling up our board kind of fast but we've got a cultist let's go i give one more one more for each cult this rolled which is nice let's get coal we've already got a minor only rolled one cultist have we got a coconut or a banana no let's skip we gotta pay 100 we've got 66 spare that's fine we owe 150. let's get a ninja let's get oh my god toddlers and candy give two more for all eggs in this item before each spin gives one gold for each egg and some of eight almost with a six right let's take that out if we get any eggs we can just put eggs in there that's fine with me let's get another coal there's two coals again we're probably going to struggle now because coals don't give anything for 20 turns let's get a key keys destroyed the safe that's good money nice we just need to destroy the lock box now two cultists trolled nice let's skip i've already got a key we've got no monkey let's skip oh i feel like i'm skipping too much right now okay rent stew we've got 87 spare destroys adds a pool ball you know i've been avoiding this i'm gonna do it we lose six for it but yeah one point three times more likely to find uncommon rare and very rare symbols for each cat without cats gives one gold and has 10 chance of being destroyed after each spin let's go for that so we now got two free goals from items right here another cultist that's huge if we roll three cultists anyway a wealthy capsule destroys itself gives 10 gold sure three cultists rolled that's three each nice another cultist oh no there's a big or no i think four cultists is a smart play they've just rolled for call list as well that's huge let's skip we've already got a mouse i don't think i want another mouse let's skip i'm getting greedy for cultists now okay let's take a bear just in case we do get any honey down the line because it's a lot of gold if we do get a bet to eat honey we can afford that with 75 spare that's incredible no oh give 1.5 times more gold when destroyed we have got a lock box we haven't got a key give five goal of every symbol is different no let's go to looting glove they're all a bit useless there but there's no point in skipping really okay we ah i'm gonna risk another coal because these two are about to transform and if we get free diamonds it's a lot of gold but it is a risky play for the next 20 turns we didn't take a crab at the start we've only got one cat let's skip three cultists rolled 275 and four spins we're gonna have to take this we just need money here we rolled all three coal that's bad because coal gives zero a suit adjacency there nice 75 and two spins another suit i can't risk the coal that's adjacency oh we're not making this oh let's take it all we've got a miner that was an awful spin and we haven't got enough in here yeah we have okay it's the piggy bank broke but now we are broke a beast master adjacent beasts give two times more we've got a dog and a cat i guess now let's go spirit because that eventually removes itself from the board gives 50 gold and is destroyed if there is at least three bears let's get this and just try and get some more bears i guess wealthy capsule gives ten yeah come on then three ten right cole's always got to turn into a diamond let's get another suit okay there's our first diamond gives us five we need more diamonds to come in from our coal that's another diamond nice the third diamond is 11 away because it jason adds free cheese when destroyed let's go back to one more bear away from 50 gold you okay up there dog oh we are still skinned though okay there's our spirit gone we're not gonna make 325 unless you roll huge oh really no adjacency come on big big big big big big for sure all right this is not turning into a good episode we are struggling so much more than we were in the first episode and now i have an idea of what i'm doing but clearly not i shouldn't be banking on getting a fishbowl i do like the idea of a fish bowl but it's random early bear let's avoid the crabs let's try and get some nice honey let's get a dog pay 25 okay let's get a safe let's get the re-roll so we've got a dice at the minute um let's take this that's risky but it gives us free gold for now which is nice let's get a coal that's probably a risk again right i don't want any of these i thought i said i skipped too early again let's get another bear because that's enough bears for now unless we get the bear item that gives us 50 gold or we get a ton of honey so amitroshka doll destroys itself to four spins and adds another matroska doll which gives one and that destroys itself let's go for it it seems kind of fun gives free gold if there are at least three empties yep please let's go we ain't cool let's go cultist again cool this might actually work this drops five all when destroyed let's go and hope you find a minor or a pickaxe in that five spins this gives one and then gives an extra one every three spins sure we'll take an l for now another cultist we've already got all on the way so the bigger is kind of like do i need to um a monkey destroys coconuts bananas we haven't got any yet let's take the iron we'll find a way to destroy it at some point we owe 100 we've got 37 spare 150 next time let's take a chemical 7 and a lucky dice makes our dice always roll free kind of makes the re-roll item worthless now but uh let's go an early bronze arrow just point into nothing nice we need a way of getting rid of this safe i don't want any of you rights lucky capsule adds yeah let's do that it gives us a rare or the choice to add a rare sorry which is honey and we've got two bears the bear's eating the honey already old baby 36 from the bear so this adds a random capsule this is a key that destroys safe so we've got a safe so let's try let's hope that they land adjacent to each other 72 spare 225 to pay next time another rare capsule you may destroy this item and choose two symbols to add we haven't seen this yet so let's go for this and destroy let's add cheese and adjacent empties give one more gold one gold more destroy yourself if adjacent to zero empties gives eight gold when destroyed let's go for that it's a free eight gold if it destroys itself ads or each spin destroys itself after giving gold four times so that's for free or as one pickaxe when destroyed this is a must so it's given us all and it's given us a pickaxe to destroy the all when it's destroyed that's that's nice um let's skip do we got so much all this pickaxes have to go huge if we got anything that we need the key for no let's skip haven't we already got a matroshka doll we have so let's not get another one let's get item capsule adds a random common item when destroyed okay kind of nice we got a mouse now to get the cheese diamond pill pearl sapphire okay another chemical seven that's two now we're one away let's pay our rent we've got okay 88 spare that's decent that's decent the third chemical seven let's go ins have a 50 chance of being destroyed we've gotten in rusty gear if we were the same symbol of jason and not empty they give two times more we don't have three of the same item yet so shrine so all of these add spirits when destroyed yeah no we're gonna go for this we've got an iron chemical seven's broke that's 77 oh my god let's go let's oh that's five or i want the end but we've got a pickaxe we've gotta go or out do you get it instead of all out never mind let's go oh adjacent suits give three times more we've only got one suit but it gives free gold anyway so we'll take it okay i caught this gives four that's nice 31 hustling capsule do we want another bear no we don't let's skip i don't want the pool ball either so let's give that one skip lots of early skips here i need a way of getting rid of pearls a wolf gives two i probably shouldn't have taken the wolf our gollum's about to destroy that and give us some stuff we've got nothing to break here has a 50 chance of forcing you to skip the symbols let's go for it okay our spirit's gone let's pay our rent we've got a lot spare 109 we go 325. okay there's a five percent chance of adding an egg let's go for it dude uh anthropology degree so all what humans i guess oh yeah give way that bartender looks like avatar um give one gold more put all eggs in this item before each spin and we've got a chicken that might lay eggs let's do it um destroys adjacent thieves no we're good we'll spin sapphire nice another pill i need a way to get rid of pearls skip another pill would you believe it this has a chance of adding pills but no of destroying an oyster yet though it has a 50 chance to destroy an adjacent symbol let's go for it we're going all hexes hex is all out we're getting spooky let's get an iron because we've got a thing that destroys earns let's go that's a nice spirit right we need 25 no we don't we need 19 off two spins let's get another chemical seven nice this bronze arrow is pointless no i don't want any of you i think we should stop taking the bronze arrow from now on i've took it i think every run so far and it's just it doesn't give anything so if it doesn't land anywhere it's kind of useless all right we paid rent we've got 51 spare adds one uncommon yeah we're not really going through let's go for that you may destroy this item and add seven dwarves no thanks chickens are three times more likely to add symbols yes because we want to put all our eggs in this egg carton until we get six then it stops at six have we got a way of destroying the safe no but we'll take it anyway that chicken just laid an egg put the egg in there go on uh let's get all what was that oh no let's get ore again there's nothing in the egg carton yet so the chicken couldn't have laid an egg or is it oh i gotta roll the egg maybe it's another pearl what is that i don't know what that is okay there's a spirit dead oh we're not making this unless you're all 250s oh [Music] let's just let's go for it we are short right come on this is the one this is the last one now because we're 34 minutes in i've had an off run every time let's go egg let's go toddler toddlers don't eat eggs i'm afraid let's go fish i should have got monkey let's go let's get a key because we're going to get a box at some point let's pay 25 wealthy capsule sure lock pick so we don't really need the key i suppose but we can get rid of the key let's try coal again let's try skipping that's a mistake i need to fill the board up fast free sided die it rolled one and it's first go let's get a monkey okay we paid 50. we got nine spare monkeys eat coconut halves let's get that let's get grave robber let me start getting earns again nice monkey coconut half let's get another monkey let's try and go monkey build again monkey banana coconut thief we've got a toddler so we'll get candy let's get this gives free let's go for it maybe we need a dwarf to get rid of that then oh we don't need another key you give adjacent fruit bonuses you eat cheese let's get the mouse toddler's eating the candy let's get a beer because we're gonna get a dwarf in for the martini so a bit of beer synergy or alcohol synergy might go well although okay we have 150 and six spins let's get adjacent alcohol and candy and coconut hearts give two times more yes um this just gives two every turn which actually is a vibe so let's go for that let's get another urn because we want to start breaking the ends and get some spirits in let's get a suit i probably should have got an orange to this chef nice let's get candy for our toddler he's eating it already what a awesome toddler let's avoid that bronze arrow all costs nice one from the chef there dublin our um our beer bonus okay let's pay we've got 17 spare let's get coconut half eggs are destroyed when adjacent to cheese or eggs adds omelette whenever eggs are destroyed gives free gold for at least three empties sure we'll go for that for now we need these monkeys to start eating up uh no thank you right we've already got two monkeys let's get cheese because we've got a mouse there's a spirit mouse like the cheese monkey ate something it's a big roll that's a very big roll nice let's get a cultist we've got our diamond already that's big another three-sided die maybe well i feel like i kind of i'm getting better into these and which adjacent spirits give two times more or this destroys alcohol gotta be the dwarf i'm afraid okay nice we need the dwarf to start drinking let's get a lock box because we've got a key somewhere nice we've also got a lock pick still so we can get more boxes we can afford to pay rent with 43 spare adjacent empties how many suits have we got we've got two suits let's get some more let's get this gives toddler and candy two times more gold where the hell did the chicken come from oh we had an egg coconut monkeys eat coconut let's go monkey's coconut half let's go chicken laid an egg that's it interesting let's go beer for our dwarf he's already drank the beer let's go good job dwarf oh i really want difficulties but it ends all the way because now you've got the double spirit bonus item it's uh kind of incredible or no item isn't it yeah and another witch says two witches now that unadjacent to the spirit it gives two times the gold we don't need another dwarf we don't need another toddler we fill the board up with these human characters and we're not going to get very far 51 that's big we can afford to pay that with 72 spare nice king midas gives one gold and adds a coin each spin adjacent coins get three times more right this is a very ballsy play because if you get this ridiculously early you can just skip and fill your board with coins now i kind of really want to try this but i also want the ninja for ninja and mouse if we get the item but i promise you we'll do a king mead ass run one day cats give oh let's get exit destroyed because i've got an egg somewhere oh let's go the witch just got some bonuses i think let's get a beer for our dwarf okay that's an okay roll let's get another earn okay we need the earns to be destroyed was it 50 chance uh buffing capsule yes please okay our spirit gave nine then because of the witch let's get this it gives us a rare symbol to choose after this spin that was a poor roll okay it doesn't give us a rare symbol to choose i suppose we didn't roll it maybe that has to be it right destroy the eggs frying pan added an omelet that's nice we've already got a dwarf i'm happy with where we're at is that not an egg why is the what is that why is it not being destroyed okay we can afford it with 67 spares not too bad but we need to get ahead let's go let's get a chick piggy bank this is saved us before how many dice have we did i just click skip oh no i just clicked skip on the item no what am i doing let's skip drink the martini why the dwarf doesn't drink martinis let's get an egg because you can turn into an omelet nice it's free omelets okay he does drink wine though i know that for a fact also the chef gives the wine bonus let's get a safe because we've got a lock pick it's been broken straight away nice how much gold are we on okay we need 91 in three spins let's get a lock box that's a poor roll although i think we're still gonna make it let's get a void stone destroy itself nice okay we need eight off one spin so that's fine let's get a beer for our dwarf to consume see now we've got like a goldfish and a cherry and stuff which we just don't need let's get another martini you may pay 10 gold to add from a new set of symbols no cause i'll get carried away gives five gold if three or more of the same symbol are not are adjacent and not empty i mean let's go for this the gold on a string coin and a string nice that's one beer gone nice one dwarf coconut half for our monkey okay some big gold there egg i want another omelet or not we have one cool test let's get another oh this is so messy there's an egg no thank you okay we're not rolling enough here we need to start rolling out the 70s and the 80s not 40s we've already got a ninja so there's nobody taking a ninja or a pill or a seed really okay we need 502 spins and we're not rolling anywhere near enough no we need big roll oh that was the worst roll yet right that's 43 minutes long so um i apologize that actually might have been the worst ever performance of uh look beer landlord will ever see i thought i had it unlocked i thought we made it to penman 9 out of 12 in the first episode it's going to be easy from here um i know what i'm doing now i just can't get a synergy that is good or i'm just going for the wrong stuff um but we'll go again next time but as always as always continue my second video thank you all for watching make sure to do all the youtube stuff like subscribe and comment and like if you're nice please let me know the most broken synergies to go for because uh it looks like i need all the help i can get and let me know if there's any other kind of games like this or games i should play see you again next time guys
Channel: apqLIVE
Views: 19,646
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: luck be a landlord, luck be a landlord game, luck be a landlord gameplay, luck be a landlord pc, luck be a landlord review, luck be a landlord steam, luck be a landlord cultist, luck be a landlord endless, luck be a landlord win, luck be a landlord speedrun, luck be a landlord demo, luck be a landlord mc, luck be a landlord mobile, luck be a landlord switch, luck be a landlord nintendo, luck be a landlord nintendo switch, luck be a landlord lets play, roguelite, roguelike
Id: 0GsFhtZEAJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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