Trying to FIX a Faulty SEGA Dreamcast purchased on eBay

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hi there my name's Vince from my mate Vince calm and in this video today is going to be fix it video another video where I bought something for to your eBay and I'm gonna do my best to fix it now as always I'm not an expert in these repairs so take this purely for entertainment and not as a how to fix video because often with these things I have never taken them apart before so it's just interesting to take something apart that you haven't done before see how it works and then do your best to fix it right okay so this is a Dreamcast now I've never owned one of these then that's that okay I'll look into that so yeah I've never taken one of these apart before from memory I think the description said that it was a 40 disc drive so that's the power cable there nice to have the controller so I haven't got the unit that plugs in here and this is the display cable okay so it looks like it's just looks like it's RF right I didn't know that I thought it might be composite or something so obviously the quality is not going to be fantastic on that well okay maybe there's other cables you can buy looks like you can connect it up to the year maybe it's got some sort of dialing modem and something or something because it says line there so maybe it had the option to do online play well let me show you what I paid for this okay so this is a here as you can see Dreamcast 41 controller and it was 15 pound with 8 pound delivery and he was accepting offers so basically I put an offer in for ten pound 29 and he actually accepted it ten pounds ring guy so I paid 10 pound 29 plus 8 pound delivery so 18 pound 29 interestingly enough I seen on this one here he actually paid 13 pounds 75 for postage which in my opinion was way too much he must have sent it kind of some kind of like I don't know whether it's a special delivery or not but there was no need to because it was such a cheap item unfortunately for him he's not going to make any money off that even if he got the Dreamcast for free but itami paid that PayPal fees and eBay fees there's going to be very little money left so we're yeah I think probably didn't work out how much the postage was before hands he should have just sent it normal second-class post well okay but anyway that's not mas not my problem now there's very very little information with it there's no other pictures it just says here Dreamcast with controller no VM you display and power cable console is faulty disc tray is broken and does not read discs right so what we're going to do is we're going to get a TV down connect up and actually see as you know see if I can work out what the fault is and make sure it is definitely that the discs are not being read and then see if we can repair it so this should be a little bit of fun well okay so I've plugged it all in I've bought myself a cheap Dreamcast game because I've never had a Dreamcast for haven't got any games so I don't want to buy an expensive one just purely because if I can't get it working I don't want to spend ten pounds on a game that I might like like for example Sega Rally so I've just bought this one it was a cheapest one on eBay I can't remember how much it cost I think it was two pounds and that included delivery so where let's firstly turn it on now I've just got it on analog TV at the moment but I might will have to tune this in well okay so looks like is nearly there okay it's very noisy really noisy and that pictures not great I would have thought that certainly maybe you can buy different tables but I yeah I would have thought because this came out in 1999 I would have thought it would have at least been a V you know their composite red white and yellow yellow for picture and red and white for audio rather than RF but perhaps there's Mo's of cables out there that you can buy for this right okay a set date let's just get rid of all this okay it's certainly working so let's pop a disc in and see what happens all right so this thing here looks like it's jams no prize this open the whole thing apart and alright okay please wait while disc is being checked right so it feel what I had at this scheme there so obviously this has been opened up right and that's loose as well well let's just put the disc in and see what happens please wait while disc is being checked right okay so it looked like it tried to read it think I heard of this tribe there I says as I go to closer I just want to see what position is in see if it's spin so right now is saying planet ring over that way so let's now see what happens yes spin it it's spinning but the the lid has to be slightly open look stop now now it's spinning well okay let's try to just lower it down using this to spinning out that bevel there well okay so it looks like it's something to do with some kind of sensor to let it know when the lid is closed because when they're this close is not doing anything no okay I'll just turn it off and then take it apart and see if we can find out what's wrong with it all right so obviously I've got it unplugs some plug everything all right so the screws are missing from here and here missing and something's rattling around inside see this is that cycling comes off this is they're just three screws holding it all together oh there's another screw there so all the screws are missing which is a bit annoying but hopefully I might be able to get replacement off and one screw there that's useful maybe let me double check that there's nothing in here I'll take that out looks a bit grubby I'm not going to touch the lens but around the lens looks a little bit grubby and dusty so that might need a clean doesn't look like there's anything in here looking forward to doing this one all right okay so we have star that's just for a light it's not a problem we've got a spring here but yet is that spring working yes but this thing here isn't working and it looks like it's had some sort of glue put on it at some stage so that says to me and I don't know but its mechanism here there's no resistance there okay also the hinge is broken as well I'm gonna have to undo this side and find out what's happening I'm not sure if you can get replacement parts for this you know I don't know how I'm not gonna how deep they are well okay so this must have something to do with door being closed we've got something loose here this is just a fan that looks like it just gets screwed down to there this is the on and off here right okay so what a couple of the tabs they're pushing those wires are supposed to go under so obviously this is another repair has attempted to be done on this but that doesn't mean that it's unfixable they're gonna see if this thing's moving yeah that moves well okay so to me it looks like something to do with the fact that the lid isn't recognizing it properly and as well as that maybe this is dirty or maybe there is a problem at the reader here but to begin with we have to work out what's happening you know why it's not allowing this to be read why you know what's what's going on with this bit here so I think I'm going to dismantle this to begin with and see if I can work out what snaps up up in here unfortunately doesn't appear to be any other screws around the place I can do something else right in and around well it looks it looks okay and the circuit board must all be at the very bottom okay so a repair on the hinge has been attempted because there's a load of glue around here and also this bits missing so there must have been a black plastic thing that was coming out here to go in this hole here which is now gone could that be the cause of the problem there must have been some sort of spring or something on this mechanism here to make the lid come open because at the moment the lid doesn't come open so there must have been that's just to make it go slowly this that will gear here is to make it go slowly rather than suddenly flying open so obviously we're missing we're missing some kind of spring but what I want to know is how does it tap this button at the back well okay so basically what happens is when it's like here now it's the same thing that being open and that's that it goes closed it just comes along and it just taps that little bit back and that's what allows a disc to start spinning so this bits here just taps it back so although this is broken it should allow it to tap it back so yeah it's annoying that you have to you know use gravity by turn upside down or a screwdriver to kind of pry open but still this is in place it should still read a disc so obviously it's not reading the disc so it's kind of like it's got his levels mixed up so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start it up like this I'm going to make sure I don't touch anything over here obviously you know don't do this don't do this yourselves meaning don't copy what you see in this video because it will not be the safe way to do things it's just that I want to see what happens when I I want to see what happens basically with the disc when it's in this orientation here so what going into this now is 240 volts so obviously you've got to take care because it's not being transformed down so it is live going into the side here so I'm not going to go anywhere near that side over there that's off that's on and then when you close it it's the same as that look it's okay garlic off it sorry okay but it's stopping again look right okay I'm gonna plug it into the TV and I'm gonna see you know the position where it's I'm gonna see the position where it spins fastest at the one going to do is I'm just gonna start pressing it slowly and keep it hopefully keep it still when I get to a certain position do you know what I'm going to just do an auto-tuned on this because I did save that last one and then stick so just in case it's going to pick it up on a better channel just going to do an auto-tune just goes for a short bit and I'm not going all the way now so look if I go all the way it goes for a while then slows down but even if I just go a little bit it still slows down yeah okay so that's all the way now let's just go until it starts moving and keep it steady here I haven't moved but yet it stops again it's just like it hasn't got the power I'm gonna go about halfway in between them now right okay so where I let the tuna finish but there's no point in the messing with that because to me it's not set it's got nothing to do with that switch it's what nothing to do with that switch there there he goes pick that up now right okay I'm going to turn this off I'm gonna unplug it and I'm gonna start I think I'm gonna stop dismantling it to see if I can see anything actually what I want to check is I just want to make sure that this thing is actually moving so I'm gonna put it all the way out it's all the way out there and I'm gonna turn it on again just to see if the if the things moving yeah I just seen it move right okay now sit now yeah they goes all the way in so hopefully yeah hopefully there won't be an issue with that maybe the fan was noisier than normal because it was loose rumi cabled it just seems to be a push foot in I don't know if I'd want to be taking that apart too many times here we go okay it's got a little bachelor there as well that must be the clock battery save the date and time ribbon cable looks a little bit dodgy on that side there also this thing looks like it's a little bit a little bit broken well okay so that's how you take it off there so it's just a connection here that goes down to the motherboard down there well okay I don't think I might like to dismantle it further maybe I just need to concentrate on this area here since there's a problem with the reading of the disks and then I can worry about you know their lid and stuff afterwards so yeah just to see the ribbon cable there looks like it's had a bit of a bash but it might be okay just might be a bit of a crease it looks like it's here but it's not it is just a crease right okay if I'm honest with you I don't really know much about disk drives I know you can have a dirty lens there which I might well clean up in fact why don't I clean that up right now by using a bit of four isn't a bit of 99.9 percent now probably just give it a tiny little tiny little touch but that wouldn't cause or would it maybe it would cause I'm thinking if it didn't if we didn't read the disk it could cause it couldn't it because when you close the lid it knows to start spinning the disk but then if this doesn't pick up at this because this is dirty then maybe it will just stop spinning because it thinks the disk isn't in there okay I'm definitely gonna get I'm gonna get q-tip and give that a clean but I'm just going to dip the q-tip in here then I'll zoom in and we'll see we'll see what it's like okay just gonna give it a tiny wipe the dust from around it because just in case that was to come forward and land on it under the lens there I'm gonna let that dry off and then give it a go the lens itself didn't look dirty but then around the actual layer you know around the lens there was a little bits of dirt I think I'm gonna put that back in there just try it as it tried as it is there so then I put it back in and let it dry bit by bit screws up because I'll probably need to undo it all again looks better now anyway so it looks like that little battery must have gone because it keeps asking me to enter the day all the time right okay and in case you're wondering that this script apps that your macula it looks like has never been used all right so let's do the old trick again and see if it works No right okay so it looks like it knows as a disc there it's trying to read it the laser is moving but it hasn't got it just stops so the motors are obviously working there's a weird one right okay I'm gonna look to Google for this one because there might be a really obvious answer that I'm missing and in which case then because right now I'd be honest with you I don't know how to fault find this one right now because it's you know spinning if it was a bad catch here then I could understand because obviously the hinge is broken isn't it hinge is broken here but that's a separate fault completely yeah so when you go all the way it just goes so far and then stops so it's like it hasn't got the power hasn't got the power to where to continue so I'm gonna I'm gonna check on Google and then see if that throws up anything and then I can there I can go from there right so I will be back very shortly well okay so I've been looking into this and I think I might know what the problem is so basically what a few people have done is they've tweaked the potentiometer so basically if you were to Google pot tweaking the Dreamcast laser and basically pot means potentiometer and what you have to do is you have to decrease the resistance of this to increase the power of the laser so what you need to do is you need to turn it clockwise one degree at a time to decrease resistance which will increase the obviously increase the power and it says they're decreasing it by more than fifty percent can burn the laser up so basically what you have to do is I've got everything unplugged at the moment if you have a look at the bottom here let me just move this back if you have a look at the bottom here let me zoom right in to show you it is basically this thing here so what you have to do is you have to just turn this one degree at a time so basically a tiny amount and then it's supposed to increase the power to laser weird thing is most people say to do it clockwise that but then a few like things have been written up about doing it anti-clockwise so I think the idea is that you make a note of where you're starting so for example this is a starting position here now I don't know if this has already been tweaked because remember this is not my Dreamcast I bought it secondhand of eBay so maybe this has been done multiple times and you make a mark from here to here and then so you know where your starting is so put a dot here and a dot on the back and then you just start turning it now if it gets to the stage where you kind of turned it too much and it's not done anything they're supposed to be like a sweet sort of spot then you have to turn it back and then possibly go anti-clockwise but you just keep turning it a degree at a time into there until you get it there is already varnish on it and looking at it there if I look at it up top it looks like the the varmint looks like it might already been done YUM I'm not sure it looks like the top little bit is red there but then it looks like maybe it could be wrong but the redness seems to be kind of at this point here rather than on top but yeah and then I think the the proper way to do it is to measure so basically I read this thing and it varies from Dreamcast to Dreamcast but one person started on nought point 907 killer ohms I think that's how you say it and then they finished up on noir point six four three killer ohms so then by lowering it they've been obviously increased a power to the laser but it did say here decreasing it more but by more of fifty percent can burn up the laser so let's say if you were to start on you know let's say 900 or 50 percent that would be 450 less so obviously if you were to go below 450 point nor point four five Oh killer ohms then I presume that's what it means by damaging it now I've drawn a little diagram here there's two points that you can measure so basically it's these two bottom lines here so I believe if I was to spin this round here it's these ones upper back here so can you see three little points here yes these three ones here that you would have to test so is the bottom two I believe that you'd have to test hold on a minute hold on a minute the ribbon cable the ribbon cables rips look I don't know ever that's me messing around with it or there you go there within the ribbon cable right okay probably probably not worth me messing around with that potentiometer let's actually see cuz what what I didn't see was I knew that the the laser was moving up and down but I didn't actually look for any red light never ever ever look at these red lights and also I must stress don't touch anything on this side of the board right now it's turned off but even still don't touch anything because charge will remain in those capacitors so this side here you've remembered as 240 volts going in here which is easily enough to kill you it's not worth dying over a Dreamcast so I'm making sure that I'm not going near this side here but don't do this as I say don't copy me really you would need to cover this up or work on it completely dead I don't know how long it would take to discharge these capacitors but they're not going to discharge within a few minutes will turn the system off so I'm taking care not to touch anything over this side apart from that on and off switch here but that's why I really you shouldn't work on something like this is much better to work on something with that's low voltage going into it for example like the Xbox one has an external power brick and then it's low voltage going in so you know it's much better to work on that so what I want to do now is I'm actually going to look not and look at it just from a distance or the see if the actual laser lights up or not because if it doesn't that could be why let's turn it on there cuz I know it definitely moves up because I've seen it but I don't know if it's actually you know doing anything so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to pretend I've closed that let's see if it does anything woops of them know that it's moving up and down but there's no red light is there and that's probably why the disk stopped spinning because it's not recognizing that this because it's not so the lasers not got any power I'm pretty sure that's default as I said I don't know much about disk drives but that lays it not that lasers not coming on well I'm gonna have to strip this down and have a look at that ribbon cable I don't even know if you can buy spares for this or not yeah that should be lighting up red I'm almost sure of it let's turn this off and let's strip this down so we can get the ribbon cable out you yes I'm cooking from war see what we got going on I shot that knee to Josh we'll just turn upside down right that's a nasty rip their nasty rip now as I say I wasn't I'm not sure that could have been done by me but I don't think so I wasn't really rough enough with it and remember this has been taken apart before but I don't think that would happen normally I think maybe what's happened here is it's been taken apart possibly because the laser is not working meaning that you know you have to increase the the power to it and then in trying to do that maybe the previous person ripped the ribbon cable and then gave up and it completely so even if I was to replace the ribbon cable I might find that this still doesn't work but I need to get it out anyway tonight with this ribbon cable here it looks like so I could just push it in again it's a horrible way to do it okay I'm gonna really struggle to get that back in there we go you see big big tear on it there looks like it's going looks like there's a line right the way across I don't think that's going to be repairable it was very weak it looks like it's about to go there as well first of all I'm gonna price up how much these are see if you can get them right okay so I priced them up and if you actually type in Dreamcast you know ribbon cable then the only one seems to be sudden there is a company I think they're in America it for me it was gonna be something like I think it was like 13 pound plus another 8 or 9 pound pasta so obviously it's not worth spending that that's more than I actually spent on this Dreamcast but what I did type in was I typed in 16 pin 1 millimeter pitch and then it did bring up other ones and basically I've ordered up I think there's 17 mill the the proper ones are 17 millimeters long so seven centimeters from Hong Kong and there's gonna be a ton of them arriving for only a few pounds so really cheap the problem is because it's coming from Hong Kong and I'm in the UK realistically there's probably going to take like three or four weeks so I had a look on CPC which is a company in Preston and basically I got one but it's too long but that shouldn't really matter I don't think because I'll just see if I can lose this somewhere in it you know just like care if it's nice and flexible hopefully it won't make a difference so this is 15 centimeters long but it is actually the perfect size so it is like 16 pins a 1 millimeter apart so that's a second the same as the one that came off it annoyingly there's a crease in it which is which is a bit irritating because this looks like where the last one failed I'm just going to quickly go across something from the far forward through this I'm going to quickly go across it just to make sure there's continuity because I don't want to put it in there and then think or is there continuity so I'm just going to do that now well it's continuity good news is it was really cheap I think it was one pound sixty plus fat or one pound sixty something plus back that they didn't have a huge amount of them left but so it's coming in that under two pounds that's the order number though I'm not quite sure that says at the beginning but if you type in CPC one 8 to 17 and type in something like 16 pin flex I'm sure you're going to be able to find it well okay so that's what I'm going to be doing now I've got to try to put this back in and see if it's hurt see if it works a lot now remember my thoughts are that this ribbon cable didn't naturally go faulty my thoughts are that it was taken apart because there's a fault and in taking it apart the ribbon cable got ripped either that or it's possible that I ripped the ribbon cable but I really don't think I did because I don't think I was that rough with it so I got a thing that when I put this back in I still don't think it's gonna work and I think I've got to adjust that potentiometer the problem if that is why is it gone in the first place there's obviously something failing for you to have to increase the power to it so I'm sure even if you were to get it working I don't think it's a long-term fix and the more I've looked into it the laser seems to be the kind of Achilles heel of this system and anything you read about it everybody just says that the lasers failed so I've got a feeling that's here and might not be lucky with this one you the cable is far too long I just want to see if this works now I thought it was worth spending the 2 pound just for curiosity rather than having to wait for the weeks since him the proper one arrived from Hong Kong so what I'm gonna do is I am just going to I'm not gonna plug it into the TV up let's see if this goes spin up so I'm gonna plug it in get the disk let's see what it does right ok let's see if it was just a ribbon cable I don't think it will be but let's see let's turn it on there no exactly the same as before well I think we've got to tweak that pot and lets the see if that does anything okay yeah my ID you know what I'm thinking I'm worried that I did read that you know that little potentiometer that the flap it should be at the top and I remember earlier it was right the way around the side so that's been tweet like four ninety degrees so I've got a feeling that what's happens is that this has been on its way out for ages and then it's just been constantly tweaked and tweaked and tweaked and I've got a feeling that laser is probably burnt out so what we're gonna do is we're gonna try and get a reading on it but the thing is it's kind of irrelevant because I don't know what the I dunno this to me looks like it's being tampered already remember the case has all been apart I definitely read that the things should be flat up the top I mean I dunno if that's accurate or not I haven't got another Dreamcast to compare it to but if it's been already tweaked ninety degrees even if I do get a reading from it it's not really gonna read much but still we're gonna we're gonna do it anyway and so yeah let's see if we can learn anything but first make sure that the laser is definitely focusing up and down yeah is I can see it moving alright if you watch you can actually see it moving up and down so that's good okay right weird thing is there's no light but I don't know if there should be a red light or not again further reading up I could be completely wrong here but I think it's a DVDs that have the red light and I think the CD ROMs are an infrared light so I don't think it could be seen unless you were to use an old camera which I haven't actually tried yet but on this one it's not a cd-rom it's a gd-rom I think it's like something exclusive to Dreamcast or maybe it was some other technology and dreamcast took it up at the time so I don't actually know if G but I think it's supposed to be based on the cd-rom technology but listen III really don't know well okay let's unplug it for the moment if I take it apart and get it set up all right so I want to be reading the bottom two pins so I'm gonna set my meter here two ohms actually let me zoom out for the first bit so you can see the reading but basically these are the pins I want to try to go when I don't know if it matters which way around but I believe it's the bottom two pins I'll see if I get any readings off it if not maybe I'll actually go into the potentiometer itself it might be easier for me alright so I've got my new meter here that I'm not overly happy with at the moment probably cuz I don't know how to use it but it doesn't always give me the reasons that I think it should give me all right okay let's turn this on now I'm going to do black to the bottom all right so 3.8 killer ohms 3.8 3.8 oh well now that's 3.8 all right I've read that wrong let's try that few more times I'm just looking at what the results were with this other guy and he started on naught point 907 you know I'm gonna do I am going to just put it back to at the top where it should be I'm gonna get a read in then and see what see what happens I need to get the right size bit for this okay right okay now at the moment now I've done the flat bits the flat bit flats with the actual sort of varnish and this is the thing now that I'm gonna be turning yeah and what originally it was around here yeah you can see the flap it was to the right hand side so what I'm doing is just purely because I read that that bit should be at the top and on the forum the person sounded like he knew what he was talking about I'm gonna put that bit back up to the top and get a reading well actually I might as well put that bit to the top and see if it reads it this would probably be more sense so I don't have to zoom in anymore now you can see what I'm going to be doing I'm just gonna be moving this it says like one degree at a time so I'm just gonna be doing it a tiny fraction of a turn and I'm gonna try to get a reading on each one and then basically I suppose what I want to be doing if I want more power to go to the laser then maybe I need to get it to finish up around about naught point four three killer ohms but that was somebody else's Dreamcast and that might not be the case with this maybe it will work higher maybe it worked well and maybe it won't work at all because the laser has already been burnt out so there you go you can see now what I'm talking about so let me zoom right the way out you No okay well I think I need to look into other things because if it's a burnt-out laser then I could be doing this all day long and it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference right so I'm going to work Google some more information all right this is interesting now maybe you guys can see the red light every time I do this through the camera you know I can't see you there I should be able to see through the viewfinder but interesting enough when I use this digital camera because if this is infrared then some old cameras and stuff can pick it up Steve from droids fixed taught me that so if you have a look now I'm pointing it at the laser there and if you have a look now I don't know whether you can see that coming or not hold on because it goes from blue to red there you can see better now right really right okay so obviously you don't mess around with this with your own eyes right although this sounds like a silly thing to do I've looked online and as one forum where somebody's recommending this and then a lot of the other posters have been saying yes thanks it worked for me so basically it's a a car product that's supposed to restore plastic now I don't think it itches into or anything like that I think all it does is fills the scratches to make it look clean and then I think it wears away again after so many weeks or months and then it needs to be done again so I believe if there's loads of scratches if you were to zoom right up close to those scratches I say if they look like on V so if you have like a plastic or pretend you have the lens here if there was like a V out of it then I believe that this fills up that V to make it sir I don't know to possibly allow the laser to go through it better so I might as well give it a go because I've kind of run out of other run out of other options now so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna put a tiny little bit on to here and then I'm not sure if you're supposed to shake this and then I'm gonna use a cotton pad I'm just gonna gently put it on and then I've got a microfiber cloth to wipe it off you all right let's see if that's made any difference any difference at all Oh interesting that time I turned it on I didn't have to do the date again so it's maybe the batteries okay batteries okay but at this drive network no well to me I can't find anything wrong with it but I'm sort of concentrating all my efforts here but I haven't even looked at a motherboard yet I haven't even looked at this power supply board over here what happens if for example is something over here which is not providing enough power to maybe the motor so it can't spin up to speed or even the laser because you know a lot of people online are all about you know doing this you know the potentiometer tweaking it but you see it doesn't work for everybody so that might work for some people but maybe there's something else maybe there's a faulty capacitor or something somewhere else which isn't allowing all the power through to where it needs to get so no matter how much should I tweak it if the powers not getting into it to begin with then it's not gonna output on here so well that's what I'm gonna work on now I'm just going to basically just dismantle it now to get the power off this side here I've unplugged it or I'm just gonna keep turning on and off I don't know maybe 10 times or something like that once I take this board out maybe I might try to short out a couple of the capacitors because they're still gonna be voltage remaining in here and obviously I don't want to get a shock off that even though it's been disconnected now that's just the RF cable this one here but even though it's disconnected here this still will be charging those capacitors so I'm just gonna do this in the hope that it would discharge most of it then I'm gonna dismantle it and see you know see if I can see anything obvious if I can't find anything obvious then of course I will film it and let you guys know what I see if I see anything at all you okay so if you look at the date of this case it says zero zero so it must be 2000 first month so January 2000 and you've got Japan USA and multisim multi must be for there for Europe Apogee right so I've got it all apart now and I'm just going to wear you know look to see if I can see anything you know anything that doesn't look right or anything I mean it all looks this board looks absolutely immaculate it looks pristine so but that's not to say that there's a component you know there's not a component that's failed on it am I gonna be able to find that a component no I won't be able to find it but what I might be tempted to do is I might be tempted to unsolo the capacitors from here and try to get some readings from them but I did buy a pack of capacitors actually while I got there while I got the ribbon cable from CPC but there's I think there's one or two that's contained in here but in here we have some pretty pretty big ones like this one coming in here is 400 volts and there's some other ones that are but 16 volts but 18 hundred microfarads so there's prettier you know they're pretty big capacitors compared to their the path that I got so we're yeah I don't know don't really know what I'm looking for now if I'm honest with you but maybe I can do the capacitors just to see as I say this might not be anything to do with it it would be good if I could have another dream class because they're not going to swap parts about because for example if I just swapped over the drive over there the laser then I would know it's there but right now I'm thinking you know could it possibly be power board here but if I had another one I could just swap them but I haven't this is the only one I've got so it's kind of hard to do fault finding but that's what I'm working on at the moment right okay so I've taken apart and it's actually in a very good condition you know everything looks spotlessly clean there was a little layer of thus just on the very bottom of it but nothing excessive so what happens is it looks like the mains voltage comes into here it gets transformed down and then to get the power into the motherboard so it can be this tributed so for example the controller ports and also up to the laser you know the derive up here the gd-rom it does it via these pins here now everything looks perfectly clean it doesn't look like there's anything wrong with it you know if you look there it doesn't look like there's a lot of corrosion or anything but I am gonna push it down just in case you know just in case for example over the years maybe I mean I can see a little bit of dirt on here maybe maybe one of them wasn't making a good contact or something it is it is possible some likely but it's possible so I am just going to put it back together and just to see see if it will work again when I will I do it and if not I think I'm going to look into D soldier in these capacitors and just use the capacitance thing on this meter here just to see what if I'm getting anything you no stone is exactly the same as it was before see when you push the board forward it you can see the pins move in there so it is possible that that could go faulty but I don't think that's any issue in this case here well I'm just checking the voltage here now so if I turn it on the ground pin is this one third in from the edge and this one here says on the board 3.3 volts and you can see it is reading 3.3 next one is 5 volts see it's reading 5 volts and the last one here is 12 volts this it's 14.3 3 I think it said 12 volts yeah 12 volts now should that be hind like that yeah I'm not so sure 3 0.235 12 but it's come up as fourteen point three seven I don't know whether that indicates anything or not would that be the sign-off anything going faulty that is shoving through higher voltage or not would those extra two volts volts cause the problem I'm seen I'm not sure you well okay so I've checked every single capacitor on this board here and to my knowledge they're all okay you know I've done it with this one here and it's all saying that there they're good this one here I could only do I think two of them because all the others were out of range so that's the problem with this meter here so what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to go across every single solder joint and I'm just going to reflow it so I'm just going to basically melt every little bit solder just to let it reflow just in case it is some kind of dried joint somewhere I think it's unlikely but hopefully won't take me too long so that's what I'm gonna do now you well okay so either refloat everything on that board well not everything I didn't reflow wall these tiny little resistors and capacitors because I was worried about damaging them my irons a little bit big tip on it for these ones here so I'll just refloat all the sort of you know the bigger components and I've just cleaned it up now so what we'll put it all back together I'm 99.9% sure this isn't gonna make a blind bit of difference but I just wanted to check those capacitors because I did read online that a few people had said that the power board was to blame for the game's not spinning up properly and thus exactly what's happening with me so I just wanted to do it just in case it was going to be an easy fix for faulty capacitor so now I'm going to put it all back together and then we'll test it okay so still powers up it sounds the same as before so just going to stop now that a few seconds yeah exactly the same as before I'm not really sure where to go from here what's with you to settle my curiosity I'm tempted to go down to cex in the UK and buy a discounted dreamcast for 38 pounds I know there's one in stock quite close to me and then I can swap parts around to find out what it is because you know for the learning experience I think it's worth it because I want to know more about this laser showing up as infrared through the camera can even see the red light on it but yet it isn't reading the discs and I'd like to know for example is that the laser part here is it the board down here could it be related to something to do with the power board could it be the motherboard and by swapping parts around like and then pinpoint it down to one particular thing if for example it was the power board I can see that you can buy them on eBay for $9.99 so that would be worth replacing unfortunately the lasers are really expensive probably because you know their core they're quite rare and there's a lot of people out there that would like to fix their Dreamcast and I think the mazes are up on like 35 40 pound paper five pound forty pound that's even from Hong Kong so it's very expensive when you think that you can get a whole Dreamcast for 38 pound at different Sears you can buy one for 38 pounds and it might not last very long because you know the laser might already be on its way out and if you buy a new laser obviously it's brand new and it's probably gonna last the next so many years with no problems good thing about cex is they do actually give a two-year guarantee with this stuff so in theory it means you're gonna have a work in Dreamcast for two years for 38 pounds so it's not bad so I I am very tempted to do that just so I can actually see what the fault is because again I've spent a long time on this and it's still no but what it's a little bit better than it was he is spinning a bit more now but that's only because I've changed that I've tweaked the potentiometer just back to where it was originally so I think that's what I might do on this one I think I might go and get one and then they sell all that peace of mind about what the actual problem is right okay so I did go out and I bought my of another Dreamcast 38 pound is not bad considering it comes with a two-year guarantee I've got a discounted one berth in the shop I haven't looked at the ship it shot it seems to be okay I mean it's dirty but color wise it's alright this works very slow mushroom it should be that slow or not but so not such a big deal and yeah I'm hoping but it does work if it doesn't work it's not a problem I'll take it back and I will get a refund so if the laser was to go on this and it sounds like a lot of them do have the faulty lasers seems to be a very common fault whether it's a laser that's causing it or whether it's something else that's causing the laser not to work but loads of them have this issue then you know to have it for two years for 30 a pound is not too bad because obviously if the laser goes faulty then you can just take it back so for this video what I'm going to be doing is just to begin with making sure this works and then I'm gonna be swapping bits over because for me it's well worth the 38 pound just to find out what the fault is then once I know if it was something straight forward I might be able to then get the part for this and then it would actually save me money by buying this because this could always be sold for a similar price and then you see I would have a working dreamcast here so for me I think it's worth it if it's the lasers for tea I won't be replacing it but if it was something else then obviously I would be replacing it right well obviously that is working so what I'm gonna do now is start swapping things over I think to begin with I will be just swapping the the drives over and see if that makes their makes a difference because it's so easy to do all I'm going to do is lift this whole one off because it's got a just one connection down here I'm hoping it's not married to the motherboard I'm hoping you can swap and change them but that's good news right okay I'm looking forward to doing this now well so I'm just going to fast forward through this you oh here we go is working look at such a go to play off that we would start automatically something around the Dreamcast right okay so it is the laser well so what I'm going to do is I'm now going to put the 41 on the good dreamcast just to see what happens then there you guys failed right okay so I'm gonna break it down even further and then find out maybe I'll keep the circuit board from this one and put their laser onto the faulty circuit board and then you know see what happens then see if we can pinpoint it just to the laser because it'd be useful to know for future reference in case these prices ever come down or in case I ever get a dream class that you know for spares in which case then I can just use the bits I've already done the fault-finding on here I said so remember the difference the bad ones got a little sticker on it here and this one is oh it's the Yamaha r1 right okay that's interesting so Yamaha Samsung so realistically now will I even be able to swap them over would it be a direct swap or not I wonder if the boards are the same so obviously the lasers are going to be different but I wonder whether the boards at the bottom are exactly the same or not I wonder whether the Yamaha drives are more reliable than Samsung right okay let's let's dismantle this you okay one thing I forgot to do which is a bit silly I didn't actually compare that board with this board here but they both say 3.3 volts on them up the front so I'm hoping it's not going to do any damage you know because I don't mind if it doesn't work it's just that I don't want to actually do obviously do damage to this drive here but if they both say 3.3 volts I'm thinking I'm going to be okay right so just to recap now what we have here is to faulty Dreamcast and I've just got this top assembly here just this bit here yeah so this is the one from the faulty one and I've put the good one onto here so everything else is the original faulty Dreamcast with just this part here that's been changed and I'm also using the long ribbon cable as well so let's see what happens alright it just stopped Oh case is not like in that I wonder could it be the ribbon cable or could it be the board down the bottom or maybe it's an incompatibility thing between the different laser and the different board what I'm going to do is I'm going to try this one here so we've got the faulty laser with the good board and a good ribbon cable and we'll see what happens here you okay so this is the good dreamcast with just a faulty top bit here so everything else is a good dreamcast and just as faulty laser at the top let's see what happens right so it doesn't it bad that's working no it's not so I wonder if you have to marry up the laser with the bottom dip or is there something else well I've just had a thought let's pretend now that it was the actual board of the Samsung Drive that was faulty and not the laser so this is what we think is the bad laser here on the good board remember it didn't work but could that be because I've been mucking about with the calibration on this one so it might be out so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna just muck around with tweaking the potentiometer off the bad laser while it's on the good board just to see if it starts to work because then you see that would definitely prove it then wouldn't it because at the moment the good laser is not working on this board here and I don't know on the samsung board so the Yamaha lasers not working on the Samsung board and I don't know if that's to do with incompatibility or whether this board is faulty obviously the Yamaha works on the Yamaha board and this laser the faulty laser the Samsung laser doesn't work on the Yamaha board but that could be because I was tweaking this so it's not like the factory standard so that's what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to just start tweaking this one because I don't want to tweak this one because this is the good one I'm going to tweak the bad one on the good board just to see if we get anything so that's what I'm gonna be working on now in case you're interested that boards do look very similar so this is a Yamaha one at the bottom and this is the Samsung one at the top and if you ever look I mean I haven't taken down the numbers of every single chip on there they certainly are you know very similar in fact just from a quick look they looked at me they do look to be exactly the same so we look at these capacitors here see one three five four one two zero five four one two zero Oh 104 104 they do seem to be and they do seem to be the same this is different but I presume they do the same same job so you would think if it was the same then it wouldn't matter by swapping the drives over some maybe it is the board that's faulty you rather than the actual laser itself which would definitely make it more interesting check it out look at it it's working so this is the bad laser on the good board and what I did is I only took me a minute to calibrate it because all I had to do whoops all I had to do was say yeah let me show you that again huh done all I did is I looked where the thing was there I remember I saw that Matt had been at half 12 and I've done exactly the same here now and if you watch this now so basically here we have the good dreamcast with the good board the yamaha board with the bad laser and i ain't the laser at all it's not the laser it looks like it's two board yeah I can hear it's making the right sounds there you go look and that's with the faulty laser so the laser isn't at fault at all I'm so glad I bought this other Dreamcast to do the testing because I would have been sure that the thought would have been on the laser but it's not so now I need to put this whole assembly into the faulty Dreamcast just to make sure it's nothing to do with that the power board or anything and then if it's working there I know definitely it is the board because then the only thing that's different is the Yamaha bores there you go you can see it working well okay so I'm going to now put this into that one there and we'll see if it's working if it is 100% then we know it's to Bors I'm pretty certain already it is the board I'm nearly a hundred percent but I just want to I just want to do that there we go so % it's the board that drives the laser that's faulty and not the laser so all that's weakened all that tweaking is down to something going wrong on that board isn't it rather than the fact that the laser is going wrong because what the sort of forum saying that's I've been reading the wrong ones is that the you know that well actually the same that things are wearing down and that's the reason you haven't got enough power to the laser which could be true but everybody seems to think it's a laser problem I wonder whether they sell these boards because this is the problem here and not the laser so I don't know what to do now and maybe I'll have a very closer to this board see if I can see anything but really I suppose could it be a committee capacitors couldn't it these are these capacitors here yeah maybe some of these capacitors have you know these surface mount capacitors argon-40 because these were the ones that are in the sounds board off the Sega Game Gear and I know definitely the sega game where they go 40 maybe some of these are on their way out and that's what's causing it that'd be nice wouldn't it because you could just solder on you could just solder on new capacitors and then you'd have a working board I wonder could that be the problem or could it be something to do with one of these chips obviously you guys watching it would have a lot better understanding off it than me but if there's not enough power going through it could it be that could be a capacitor thing couldn't it right okay I'm gonna see I wonder whether I should try and these solder some of these capacitors see if I can get any readings off them or not because look this is going to be for example this one here would be 100 microfarads 6.3 volts 106.3 a hundred sixteen volts 106.3 47 micro farad 6.3 volts 116 volts 47 6.30 mostly the same 106.3 106.3 47 623 so basically there's only two different types of capacitors on here that would be a result wouldn't it maybe I'll do that and just in case some of you were wondering this is the this see d and that's working as well so they work well ok I've been trying to test it with this ESR meter here now I'm not 100% sure how to do it because I'm new to this and I'm going to just got this very recently but what I've done is I've just gone over every single capacitor and basically just sort of kind of short of it just in case there was anything left in them and I'm just seeing the differences between the two boards now I did find one or two capacitors that didn't look great on here but then again I found ones that didn't look great on here either this is the working board and this is the one that doesn't work so I'm kind of none the wiser but let me just show you a couple of ones just to show you what I mean so basically I've just attached these little wires onto here holding them together without actually touching touching them zero in the leads okay so that's now zeroed and for example now if we were to go on to this one at the top which is a 16 volts at a hundred microfarad it says here 16 volts at a hundred microfarad it should be no more than not 0.7 so this is that the worst case the worst case nor point seven and if you ever look here see it's two point four nine and it says good if less than 22 us but it's it's a hundred UF and if I go on to the same one on this side it says good if less than two seconds yeah this is good at less than 200 yeah but it still says one point one which is still out of the range anyway because it should be no point seven but maybe this one's you know about to go maybe after another so many days use or whatever or out you know so many hours use well this one here might not have already gone so I am wondering I have actually got a lot of these capacitors because although I haven't got the same voltage and stir UF which is the important bit and these are all over a hundred UF or 47 UF if I'm reading it correctly and with this pack here I've got a lot 47 UF 25 volts and a hundred UF 25 volts these are all six point three volts sixteen volts but you know as far as I know it doesn't matter about the voltage is just a capacitance which is important so I am tempted to change all these just to see if it makes a difference I don't know whether it makes a difference to me put an electrolytic in if for example these are not I'm not sure what these ones are I know on the Sega Game Gear it doesn't make a difference but maybe that's not as sensitive as this but I'm thinking it might be worth a go because you know I've proved the fault on to the board and there's nothing really else I can test on it will do anything with it so maybe I'll just unsold them all solder in the new ones nice and easy because on the board they've labeled it all up so you know plus there plus here so it's going to be easy for me to put them back in because they put a plus to every single side this black mark here is the negative side so I just have to match up with the negative side on there these ones here which have basically a stripe down one of the sides for negative right okay unsold of all the capacitors and put new ones on I try to read them but they're all coming up with for example a 3.3 and it should be $16 hundred microfarads it should be naught point seven and you know what I think it is I think it's because this thing here is for measuring electrolytic capacitors and I haven't googled it but these don't look like electrolytic capacitors I mean I could be wrong obviously I do not know I'm just they don't look like these ones here so maybe that's the reason because I'm it's it's not gonna happen where every single one of them are faulty anyway so what I've done is I've just changed all of them over it was a nice easy job to do you can see that I've kind of bent them all out of place so that they're not touching anything else because obviously I don't want them touching other components around the place yeah so there you go you can see them all there now will these work in place of these I haven't got a clue but the way I look at it is this board is scrapped anyway the only thing I can test is it capacitors I don't know how to test anything else kind of intrigued about what this is in here whether this is original or not again I don't know that maybe I could look on YouTube maybe somebody's got some pictures of this board here that could compare to but I'm gonna put it all back together and give it a go I'm not sure if this is gonna fit in the same case or not I've tried to keep them all as flat as could be but there's a bit of a size difference between these and these but you never know it might just fit in right so that's what I'm going to do now next time you see this this will be back in the board okay so here we go now remember this is completely now the old faulty Dreamcast because you know this is the one from the Yamaha one this is the Yamaha board and this is the Yamaha Drive so basically this is all the old one now but I have changed the capacitors so let's see now if it makes any difference so I'm going to turn it on just get clean shoulder to plug in but okay moment of truth let's see what happens doesn't sound great you know what a shame I wonder do I have to put more power to it now that I've changed the capacitors I wonder whether I need to put a little bit more power to the laser I said let's try it cuz it seems that it seems a little bit weak [Music] well okay I can't seem to find the sweet spot on it that's because I don't think there is a sweet spot when I change the board last time I just turned the potentiometer back roughly to the top you know half-past twelve and it just works straight away this time I keep going forward a bit back a bit goes a bit first go back and it kind of hesitates go forward it goes too fast so I don't think it should be that fussy there's obviously it's not the capacitors on the board as well for try I'm going to take apart one more time just to have a look at the board see if I can get any other readings from it and compare it to this one over here okay so I've been comparing the two boards with each other just using like a continuity tester so it's probably not the best way to do it but I can't actually see any difference between them I've looked online and annoyingly I can't buy these on their own I'm not to the UK anyway it doesn't seem to be any demand for them so because I thought I might be able to just get this unit here for relatively cheap I can't what I have done is I've just been looking at the different chips online and this one here this chip here this be a 5 9 8 6 FM looks like it's the one that controls the speed of the motor now the whole time I've been going on about little lazy you know is the laser powerful enough you know turning that potentiometer and stuff but if you actually think about it when it's spinning it's the spinning that seems inconsistent so you know on the working dreamcast it spins nicely you can hear the laser moving but it spins nicely on my one it's like a really sluggish so that yeah or it goes really really fast and then sort of dies mm-hmm so I'm wondering if it's a problem with this chip here which is controlling the motor so maybe it's not a problem with the laser side of things it might be a problem of the speed of the motor so what I'm tempted to do is I've had a look online and you can buy these chips for as little as like you know one or two dollars but obviously they're coming from like China and Hong Kong so the delivery is going to be a long time on them I'm tempted to unsold er this one from the good board and put it onto the bad board to swap them over basically be solder this put this one on here see if it solves the problem well okay so this is the nozzle that I'm gonna be using on the hot-air gun I've taped everything off with the captain tape I'm gonna be using this quick this chick quick flux that there you go it says no clean paste flux so for rework solder and D solder Chris made me this so there's really good stuff so this is what I'm going to be using so let's zoom in and let's see how this is going to go I'm I've never used this one before but I'm hoping that's going to be enough and that's not just going to heat it up now I'm going to set it as hot as my hot air station will go which is 480 degrees and I've got myself some little tweezers here so we're gonna try and try and do it actually is going to be easy for me to put this way around there we go actually that lifted really easy maybe that flux is the answer to my prayers right okay hope I didn't cause any damage there it came off easy enough I don't think I've caused damage to it you're that bored looks pretty good if the next one comes off as easy as that I'd be well happy right and that's the that's the chip that's come off it so what I'm going to do now is get the good bores and I hope now on the good one it will come off as easy and then yeah we'll swap them over and see what's so see what's what right so I've got the next one all taped up hopefully this will come off as easy there we go excellent my tweezer skills need quite a bit of work but sir yeah I don't think I think I might have left a leg behind on that one hold on no maybe not that appears to be okay so now what I've to do is put the good onto the bad board and see if it makes a difference now again I'm just going to use a little bit of flux so let's move this over run this one now you that sure I see the solder go shiny there right okay so if it's stuck that side I think looks okay that middle one looks like it's covered in solder they look good there that night ain't come out nice right let's look at a site I don't know whether there's a gap or not in between the leg and the thingy I suppose what I can do is just don't try to move okay well they must have made some sort of contact that looks okay and I think I think it looks okay what I have to do is just compare the pads on here to see how long they are so right now I've only got a tiny little bit showing of the width of my thing I meant with my tweezers and if I go to this one here with my tweezers here's her look it must have contacts on those pads on the inside there makes entrap happy with that so what I'm gonna do now is before I solder on this one here because remember if it works there's no point in me sold in this one back on to the good board because it means this is faulty so I'm going to test this now obviously if it works that's brilliant then when I get my new one I'll put on here if it doesn't work then I might as well put this one on here at least then I'll still have one good board but so I'm just gonna clean all this up using a bit of IPA and then put it back in the Dreamcast right okay so I've got it back in here now I've still got all the other one dismantle because obviously I'm not sure what I'm doing with this chip yet we're ready to put it back on on that so here we go all right good news is it hasn't blown up and it looks like it's booting to the same menu all right that's good this time let's see what it does this time all right okay please work come on now oh that sounds much better that sounds much better but I think I'm gonna have to mess around with the calibration but that sounds strong right I'm not gonna do any more I'm gonna I forgot to put the calibration back to you know the potentiometer I forgot to put that back to where I think it should be which is you know about half past 12 so let me do that now because now in fact by doing that I might have burnt down that ship I think it's unlikely though but did you see that noise it was making it's never done that before you know it's acting completely different than it did before where the motor feels really strong you know the movements there are kind of really aggressive but yet it's not spinning much at all there I'm so close to giving up on this one now so what's happening is now the laser just keeps walking forward and keeps hitting against the front and if you have a look here there's like a little on-and-off switch at the back you say I've got just got one meter across it and when I press that button I presume it should turn it off to tell the laser to stop moving but listen when I press that in it's not making a blind bit of difference so I'm wondering if I've mucked up the soldier on that chip or whether there's something else that's gone faulty on this now but what's happening is I'll show you all right so on see that just keeps hitting against the edge and even if I let go it was still just keep doing that you see and it must be to do with that on and off switch not cutting off because when it's at the edge there it should you know it should cut the signal so I'm gonna have to find out why why that's happening you know kind of starting to give up on this now because it'd be different if it was working and then that was the problem but you know oh yeah I think this one has there I think this one has beaten me well I'm gonna dismantle it again anyway what I'm thinking is if I was to put that chip into the other one and see if it works then at least I know if it's the chip or not see I still think it could be the chip related because it's definitely making a stronger noise now when it's going forward and back but obviously right now it's mucking up because it keeps hitting against that it's like another new fault on it now I'm going to dismantle it and see if I can find anything well okay this is what I've done just to eliminate the top bit here remember we know that there's nothing wrong with the lasers there might well be now because of that switch but if the fort was on the board so what I've done is this is the good laser up here from the replacement dreamcast that I bought from cex but I'm using the bad Samsung board and now if I put this in here and it doesn't work then I still know then that it must be something to do with the chip or something like that or for example if it keeps doing that thing with the laser again I know it as a problem with the board rather than the laser itself so this is the bad Samsung board but with the good laser on top so now let's see see what happens I'm going to screw that down because it looks a bit crooked now it's a ton of TV on get the discs kid sorry it's crooked because I haven't put the Y's in the right place that's I don't need to plug it in now here goes to see if it does low that nope okay so it's definitely the board that's wrong yes obviously of a MUX something up there of an eye well okay I'm gonna take it apart again and see right okay so I've put the bad chip into the good dreamcast board the yamaha board the suspected bad chippings are here and we're gonna see what happens it went in really nice I just used that hot air completely I didn't even try to use a soldering iron so let's see now what it does see if it mimics what was happening earlier if the kind of you know just spinning a couple of times then stopping nice it's working right well I'm pleased I've got a working Dreamcast I'm very pleased because I was really worried there but it shows you there's nothing wrong with the chip then because that's the bad chip in here yeah okay yeah and it's gone back to normal let me just plug up from shoulder and just to make sure we are going to actually get again so obviously it was nothing to do with that ship again I'm pleased that I did that because I really thought it was the chip and if I didn't do it it would have always been on my mind that I kind of gave up too early but as it stands I'm kind of back to the beginning now so change of capacitors I've changed the chip over and it's neither of those things so I'm still at a loss I mean 100 percent is the Border's faulty but obviously it's something else on that board so I think I'm gonna have to give up on this one if you think you might know what it is perhaps you've already done this but maybe you don't do youtube videos if you know what it is please tell me I mean it would be helpful if for example you could give me up there you know like if you think that it's a certain capacitor or a resistor on the board if you can tell us you know what it what it is so basically and you can see that that's working there fine right okay so for example let me get this surplice board back out what am i done with it there is irie flowed it as well I put heat on this as well just to melt it again so we'll try it one more time if for example you know for a fact that it's you know C 505 that's causing the issue or you know this chip down here that's causing this ring please tell me because I can always do an update video on this although you're watching this video now I really have spent a couple of days trying to fix this which is absolute madness for the price of them but I you know I really wanted to get it working when you put more and more time into something just like those Mega Drive cards you know there's no worth spent not worth spending all that time on apart from the fact that you get so involved in it you're desperate to fix it and I've kind of got that way with this one as well so 100% I know the fault is on this board I thought it was a capacitors wasn't I thought it was this chip it wasn't so it's something else and if you know what it is or if you've got a good educated guess of what it is obviously I'm not educated in this so I'm just literally thinking oh okay well this controls the speed of the motor maybe it could be that if you guys know or you think it could be this component here which I don't even know what that is again please tell me and then I can do an update video but unfortunately for this video I could not get this Dreamcast working this one over here I tried my best but as you've seen I was unsuccessful I've learned a lot about them which is good you know which is great because you would never spend that much time on it by just sort of reading up on the Internet by getting stuck in you'd learn much more and I have learned a lot so on this one what I did is I refloat everything on the power board I changed the capacitors over change that chip over and 100% now I definitely know it's this board here but unfortunately that's as far as I can go so this video is a failure as far as the fixin's concern but it's not a failure as far as knowledge is concerned because I've learned a lot hopefully it still still gave you some type of entertainment you know I love it when I can get something working and in business since I haven't but you never know there might be another episode where I can get it working with the help of you guys so if you'd liked it appreciate if you give it a thumbs up and please subscribe for more trying to fix videos and win in China fix videos and fail in and also how-to videos as well so thank you so much take care bye now
Channel: My Mate VINCE
Views: 471,700
Rating: 4.7389755 out of 5
Keywords: trying to fix my mate vince, mymatevince repair videos, sega dreamcast laser problems, sega dreamcast wont read discs, trying to repair a sega dreamcast that won't read discs, replacing the disc drive on a sega dreamcast, learning electronics, fixing old game consoles, buying ebay broken stuff to fix up, trying to repair faulty electronics
Id: gkGHakgbgY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 7sec (5587 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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