Hanging Out with Rich Friends | Anwar Jibawi

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yo subscribe and turn on notifications and I said I want a restaurant in my yacht not a yacht in my restaurant I had a similar experience at the Four Seasons what a place I mean even the masseuses had masseuses Oh tell me was it Belgium no that's the one my dog stays at of course my part owner of the SLS so I'm obligated to stay there contractually of course do you have any experiences hey guys I stayed at a hotel once I am I I remember walking up to the minibar and like grabbing a pack of M&Ms they're like eight bucks you know I could have bought him across the street for like a dollar but I was like but then I was like why buy it when you own a minibar chain across the country I just I just wanted to tell the story you must know my cousin Gustavo the founder yeah he's a great guy he's a great guy but he is quite arrogant true that is true so tell you what I think they need to install more helicopter pads because it was a nightmare getting here today tell me about it I second that how did you get here me how'd I get here yeah how'd you get here uber pool is that like a pool inside of an uber oh yeah yeah yeah there's a there's an infinity pool you're the ones that go over the edge out of the loop er I suppose were only available in France oh I have the beta version because I know the owner oh you must know my cousin Jeremy died he had a great guy he's a great guy buddies arrogant there it is exquisite [Music] the wine oh of course I called to make reservations the other night at Vince Guiliano's and the hostess tells me sorry were booked for the next three months and I go you're fired for the next three months I own it I've given up on making reservations entirely I just walk into a restaurant if they have a line I buy it I fire people every day where do I eat yeah what's your favorite cuisine well I went to Applebee's the other day and the waiter walks up to me and she's like hey do you want the two for 20 deal I'm like what am i a peasant so I got each plate individually yeah and it was like like 2670 like 70 something like that you know without tax and stuff um and uh and then I looked her in the eyes and I'm like you're fired because I own the place it was no my cousin Ron the found are you wearing what who the designer what's their name who is that it's a Lyon teh malsky from Target sounds like Target good to be taught if my cousin owns it he's my fiance he is the sweetest man I've ever had the privilege of meeting he's raised billions for charity who was a joke so this new iPhone it's fine but three cameras I don't like to get out of bed for anything less than four I second that third that I fourth that take it come on I don't want to be rude I mean we're all business people here right no we understand go ahead I'm gonna reach for my new iPhone that has three cameras right now go ahead two hundred million dollars no no thank you he's being generous to me right now [Music] this is an iPhone one excuse me I'm the uber driver I've been outside forever I'm here for it looks like Anwar and there's one for Adam to an uber pool thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications and cops emerge peace [Music]
Channel: Anwar Jibawi
Views: 12,905,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mh_4EO_Qb5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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