Can I Beat The World's BEST Sheik?

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[Music] so void just told me he had a few shots for mars birthday so i was like get in this arena right now this is my best chance to take a game off the world's best chic let's go all right so i usually start with some of the weaker characters you know butter you up a little bit i don't want to beat you straight out the gate yeah i respect that that'd just be rude and also i can't that's actually what i'm doing actually oh yep play yeah play one of your weaker characters yeah i mean shakes pretty bad in this game right i feel like she's bad for everyone except you no one else on the planet is doing anything with chic and then you come out and you just you do me like this [Music] i can't believe you punished that in this connection my one benefit of being australian is not even coming into play oh my god i thought i was going to get up smash no i could see you sharking for it oh this is why you want a ps2 i've seen you versus zachary with like six up smashes on the platforms oh that might be it that is it going for that drag down it's an up smash again what have i gotten myself into all right here we go yes the lag it was actually really good don't come at me dude you're a kill percent i've hit like one combo yep now you just gotta kill me well i mean you told me to kill you i'm only doing what you asked for come on i win no that would have been the worst way to win but if i if i got it i would have claimed it okay okay we're still good i'm still good i'm just i'm just in a bit of a shake combo it's still good do i get past this ninja you say to me a little uh i can't help but feel like i'm in a little bit of trouble off stage here gannon's grab is so pathetic it's really bad i thought he was meant to be like steal and chic capturing her oh grenada yeah it's like bad shake and also a frog or good cheek oh yeah in this game it is good chic actually i hate how like one second into these matches i'm already off stage i can never get back on against she it's just the whole game's one long leg trap yeah oh and okay that was just dreadful don't worry about it oh okay that's a little trick we call the fake sd i invented where you pretend to sd so that they homie stock you because i was actually just getting bops that stock and now we're back to even joke's on you yeah i thought that the fake call me stuck where it looks like a homie stock but but where are homies you're just like gonna absolutely mess me up the rest of the game i don't know how you play chic in the lag like this i don't know either it's like you've just got it down to an art you hit the one move and you're like blindfolded you know the timing of the rest of the combo hey i know everything yeah am i dead what i reacted so fast i was like wow yeah ignore the fact that you hit like uh the perfect kill confirmed sheik's broken all right this one's a special from down under the king k rule i love and hate heavies versus chic because i get to have so much fun and then i just get hit i just get hit once and i'm like my fun see look at least now i will never get edge guarded no no no no you can't prince you keep trying you know you have fun for a little bit but as you said the fun's gotta end oh my god how did i sd with this character [Music] how do you hit that i don't know i'm like thinking about it i'm like wow everything just makes sense oh no no i'm not dead yet i wanted to try it down here but i couldn't get that god yeah yeah you would trying to disrespect me i'm still winning this match k rool can bring this back nah there's no there's no matching out at that percentage all right time to get an easy uh lag win no how'd you take it what all right well that's that's my one thing going yep i'll just die that was the one that was my one hope yeah save me sucking [ __ ] you're my only hope help me suck and cuck you're my only out wi-fi i love online for the worst reasons it doesn't even make sense i guess it's because i used to be from hawaii so everything was super laggy yeah so everything's online [Music] wow i'm still going how are you oh i'm going what that beat my backhand it's still good oh yep i feel like i thought we were at even percent then i look and i was at 160 and you're at 80. that's kind of how this matchup goes hey yep [Music] what what is that that should not be allowed from any character especially in our low tier yeah who's more low-tier chic or k-roo i think heroes yeah i'm inclined to agree mashing their beating your combos easy is this the game we can make this a best of three with the k-rool after i win oh no oh oh the crown cat oh is that just true uh it's 13 you know 160 for k rose [Music] no the upper didn't go anywhere i've never seen that before no i didn't do the little jump i've never seen that at least i didn't talk about how i was going to win that match best of three with the k-room after i win after i win i'm cursed whenever i'm about to beat like all these top players i'll just est something horrible will happen to me like that the worst thing like never happens in any other match but right there i know exactly what you need i had to go heavier that's the problem i love this matchup that's a bad sign yes it oh is sweet that's like what 40 damage are you kidding me definitely oh how does one escape this car play another sheik that's not me oh so there's just no escape against void is there no i feel like you took my stock like one second ago and now i've taken 120 i mean it was about 50 hits but oh yeah oh wait a minute i'm bowser you're alive like the only character in the game that would have lived that okay okay got my jump back we're fine okay got my jump back we're fine not getting less trump's this time what no i thought i was dead you're up smash and then it's just like oh no bowser's thick legs on your screen i was like wait that's me i have to give you the best of three years since i've lost like the last six matches in a row no not again oh it's so much damage it's so gross okay i mean so is this but i had to press one b button and you're having to do a lot more work i'm sorry have you ever versed uh leon before i played him once i went sheet game one uh i kind of got jammed and then i would beat you for the rest of the games and i was like oh yeah that makes sense all right so when you verse leon did he tell you to not get cheesed yes that's all leon did to me when i versed it really so i'm taking a page out of his book and absolutely cheesing these wins clearly that's uh an impossible match up for chic no bring it back oh you want me to go bowser you're calling an emergency best of five i see how it is that's it's usually me doing this changing peace no battlefield no battlefield my stage is on random so i can recover on any other stage oh blame the stage classic no john's please void i won that fair and square through pure skill and i'm getting a bit to this game though do not get cheesed oh man i'm so good i'm so freaking good at this game there you go i'm not dead yet you didn't even have to do anything after saying yet it was only a matter of [Music] time okay i like how you started that combo on the complete other side of the stage and took me all the way across i'm going on a freaking journey every time i get hit i'm going on an adventure i didn't even know you know how sometimes you just press the jump and you're like oh what if you know yeah i had one and it saved the hell out of oh what that was crazy the cali to ask connection all right you know i took one i took one yeah yeah you're winning the best of five the emergency best of five that you called after we clearly decided on a best of three but you know i'll give it to you the best of five that we also decided on yeah i have i have many jumps yep [Music] yeah maybe maybe i should have not used them though that jump was pretty terrible oh that was terrible you know what this one's a write-off we'll take it to game five i'm just trying to make trying to make it a hype set absolutely nothing [Music] i'm dead oh am i looking so good i'm so good are you sure about that [Music] yeah uh like i said just want a nice hype game five if i finish i'm down uh i counterpick battlefield ah brilliant that's the lead i was looking for 34 delicious absolutely well earned damage wait wait this isn't battlefield what what uh i counterpick battlefield what's your teleport recoveries on you know like uh i think it's fine i think we're about to find out [Music] it's fine is it i could have made it oh yeah don't worry i will give you a second chance yeah let me let me find out let me find it oh really oh wait what the lag spike oh i don't have an extra stock to suicide now you can go for it that was the worst i actually need to beat you with skill no this is impossible to get oracle oh no watch out i'm gonna book my switch i want to oh it's too late oh the switch you flicked was just flicking my switch yeah was the switch the jump button that awful jump past the ledge shouldn't have flicked that button yeah so bowser was clearly an unwinnable match up so this is the real test if i can beat you with donkey kong i think it's pretty rough all right here we go honey it's time for your four percent combo to 60 with chic oh i should have upset wow shakes really that light yeah i was already saying like i should have up smashed but it didn't freaking matter all right i need to show you my secret technique oh you didn't jump into it okay here's mine usually everyone just jumps straight into that [Music] oh wow yep that okay i didn't think that'd just kill me oh how's your mash uh mess check you pass i have a little bit of lag to help me out you know yep you can react faster that's how that works can you just stop for one goddamn second oh i was like there's no way he's hitting the tech and the donkey going just the stupid goes for a three pointer into the blast zone oh i actually hate battlefield as donkey kong mode oh no not battlefield no no i do not like this stage because you just get juggled like it's so hard to land i like how if that hit you you were just dead absolutely like with the new upbeat they made it stronger yeah it's so strong it's so hard to fight ah you wanted a demonstration viewers i'm actually an educational channel i'm just trying to show the viewers what we're talking about okay that that down there was a bit much mate you can combo me to 80 but when you start going for the kill that's where i get mad i'm always going for the kill that's my secret why are you bullying me okay watch i don't know you never touch you need to join the circus with that juggling because i definitely thought i'd touch the ground i need to take a game with the donkey kong otherwise we just put the bowser match in we end the video there and uh i won you look like you're at kill person wait to you yeah don't make me laugh kill percent at 64. no no no there's no chance no chance oh you're here no stop saying that i don't know what's coming it's very ominous what oh no we had to jump whoa no how is this getting worse over time for me as donkey kong i can't do it oh that's cool you didn't die no you didn't die to that how you gonna die to this one of that one though smell my monkey armpit as you i don't know that's that was a weird hitbox is what i'm saying no what the hell are these combos i swear you only invented them this match like this hasn't come out yet this whole video [Music] you actually just turned it up as soon as i started bragging about the bowser when you're like all right get this kid out of here well i think before i get any worse we'll have to end it there thanks a lot for the games of course thanks for having me make sure you guys check out the video on void's channel we're going to do a first to 10. i don't know who i'm gonna play i feel like it should be bowser at this stage and it saved the hell out of
Channel: Little Z
Views: 574,984
Rating: 4.9730206 out of 5
Keywords: Smash, Bros., Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo, Switch, Little Z, OP, Elite Smash
Id: Ng_WSMGwU00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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