Can I Beat ROUND 100 On The *NEW* Map? (Bloons First Person Shooter)

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today we're gonna be trying to make it all the way up to round 100 to see if we can defeat the final boss the b-a-d this video gets super super intense so if you guys do enjoy don't forget to drop a like and if you're new make sure to click that subscribe button and we have to do in pop-up mode by the way boys because this is the only mode that goes all the way up until round 100 so let's get this started right if you guys don't even know about this new update by the way with apes vs helium i did make a video covering that i'll link it down in the description below if you guys would like to check it out because literally we're on a new map it's so freaking cool and the balloons follow the path and we got more support towers over here we can literally get a tax return it's so so awesome man we do start off as a dart monkey by the way just throwing a single door at a time that can pop i think only two balloons with every throw okay so we're eventually gonna have to upgrade now what do we wanna upgrade to is the ultimate question i honestly don't know as of right now but i know that i can survive with just this single dart all the way up until round nine and then when round 10 starts we're gonna have to buy something else okay and you might be asking yourself boltrix how do you know that well i just did a test run and i ended up leaking down on round 10 meaning that i needed another upgrade in order to fully defend against all those blues because dude there are so many blues on round 10 it's ridiculous man and like this single dart it just can't handle it and i i didn't die or anything either that's the funny thing i just want to go no lives lost too uh if possible when we defeat the boss on round 100. like having a perfect 80 lives all the way up until then it's going to be hard man but i feel like it's going to be so cool if we can go no last loss so like that's why i kind of just want to do it all right so now it's round eight about to turn around nine so we have 1200 let's just see what we can actually get so in the last video that i did i went all the way for the dark lord but this time we're just gonna go for the perma charge okay so that's hot path instead so we have a little bit of money we can go all the way for the improved range bionic boomer though we're not going to be able to get for a minute okay so maybe i spend a little bit too much money too because now i think about it i probably should have been saving up money to get up the banana tree but it's fine we'll save it for this next wait we have enough money for a banana farm let's see there's only literally one more red balloon for round 13. so i'm going to plant this right now i want to see because the bananas spawn at the end of the round okay so let's see if we actually end up getting it we do oh my god thank god we literally had only one balloon left we ended up getting some extra money right there so that is super super nice see i just started the next round no bananas will spawn until the very very end i'm gonna also go for the increased production which is 600 and then greater production is gonna be 720 okay so i'm gonna try to put as much money as possible into our farm over here okay and by the way too at first i thought the boomerang just like never came back to you but it actually does so maybe if i like just one tap it oh no wait it doesn't show it coming back i swear though it just came back to me let's see if it does it again it happened towards the end of the round so oh yeah look see see see that did you see the boomer it kind of comes back that's so awesome we can also go for the greater production so let's just go over that plantation is 3600 okay so that's gonna take a minute to save up wow we actually got this a lot quicker than i thought right so banana plantation now these super bananas twenty thousand four hundred dollars okay so that's gonna take a while so we're probably gonna have to upgrade our defenses a little bit maybe we get like a tax return going or something and also too for round 24 we're gonna need camera detection right because that is when the first camo green comes out all right so it's about to be around 24 so we need camera detection so first of all let's go over and get that 720 okay that's kind of unfortunate wait is the tax return free no it's not i'm done okay i wanted to upgrade my boomer but i don't actually think i have enough money okay so it's 1920. so after this round we will have enough money and i think round 24 ai is pretty easy it's just the one camera green which forces you to spend money on gaming the camera detection yep there's that camo green easily defended that and let's collect all these bananas over here and now we have enough money to go with a bionic boomer okay i personally never use this upgrade so i hope it's pretty good it looks actually really really sick so let's see how it does oh yeah oh yeah boys this is gonna be absolutely shredded everything for us okay and the rounds that we have to watch out for i think actually this can pop lead balloons if i'm not mistaken okay and you guys told me in the last video that i played that you can actually pop let balloons with towers that normally can't pop leads but in this game it just takes like a few more hits to actually pop them down so that is really really awesome man but i guess if possible we'll try to save up for the super bonanza right but that's 20 000 so obviously that's going to be very very hard but maybe it's actually doable dude i'm literally spawn trapping these balloons so hard i feel like i'm on nuketown 24 7 right now just spawn trapping those news i heard you guys like my gaming references like other gaming references so i'm gonna try to do those as much as i can because dude i mean i'm a big call of duty player used to play that all back in the day what's your guys's favorite call of duty okay let me know down in the comment section below personally i'm an mw3 kind of guy okay but i mean mw2 all the way up until black ops 2 that entire era was just absolutely amazing and here come round 28 let's okay so let's see if we can pop these okay see look we can at first but then eventually we can all right so i guess we don't really need an upgrade that has light detection which is actually wait how the heck did that red balloon go that way what you guys saw that right there was a red balloon literally going backwards on the track that was so strange if you guys don't know apes versus helium they have another map too i forget the name of it but you spawn on an island and balloons come at you from all different directions so it actually makes this game pretty hard now on a map like this it follows the path so as long as you're off the path or you don't make the balloons go all the way to the end of the track right here you don't lose lives so just make sure you're off the track and then you're golden but that island map is super super hard look at the range by the way on this i can literally stay all the way back here if i want that is actually crazy okay so look look look at the reds why are they going that way that is so weird and i made a video on this game too like almost over a year ago so that's pretty crazy but i played on that island map and it gets really really intense so if you guys want to see a video on that map do it in pop-up mode please let me know down in the comment section below because i would love to play on it because this game it's just it's so relaxing it really really is it's something different than beats the battles too constantly and i actually personally really really enjoy playing in and i think you guys also enjoy watching the videos so if you guys want to see me play that map i'm definitely down and in my last video i ended up getting all the way up on these trees like i am right now i don't know if all of you saw it because it was more towards the end of the video but look at this man just look at this i could pop the balloons all the way up here if i wanted to now this isn't efficient obviously so let's actually get down from here oh wait wait wait we have to get off the track too maybe there's a lot of yellow balloons okay we can easily shred this it's just i don't know it's hard to hit the balloons from all the way up there but i guess you just have infinite range like the boomerang just goes so freaking far man like that's actually really really crazy i mean look at this i'm literally all the way back here past the freaking shop and i'm still hitting balloons that are instantly spawning i think it needs to uh nerf the range on this because that's just crazy but i think the range is probably infinite on almost every tower now sniper that is understandable to have infinite range because in normal battles or normal btd in general that has evident range same with the darkling gunner but the boomer it does not so it's a little bit trickier i guess i'm literally just exploring around the map and i made it all the way over here too from like starting over there and i just like jumped from there to there and now i'm here and look there's like a little hole in the map isn't that so cool not really and by the way i was jumping like literally all around these trees it was really crazy man and i can show you guys how to get up there after this round literally all i did was i jumped onto this rock over here by the banana tree and then you just like jump into here and then you just start getting on top of them like it's actually really really easy but again this is not efficient because look i'll start the round right here i probably will miss so many shots okay so i'm gonna look i'm hitting some shots but it's way better to be standing and shooting in a straight line okay and i tried to already hop onto the banana tree in the last video i couldn't do that okay so and we have enough money now to go for the super bananas all right but dude i know round 39 has region rainbows in it all right so i'm actually gonna play this safe i know i'm sorry but i'm gonna go for the turbo charge here and we're gonna see if this is the right call right because this ai is literally nothing to joke with okay would it be so funny if we had an ability that we could use with the turbocharge that would be so sick okay but let's see how well we can defend against round 39 ai and yep there are those region rainbows in the back of the map all right so it looks like we're absolutely shredding as of right now good thing that we went for this man because like honestly wait are those even regen were those rejec oh yeah i think they were we just disintegrated them so quickly i couldn't even tell okay and we honestly probably needed this upgrade too for the round 40 a.i mob here okay so we're gonna collect this money pop down this mob and look at this ladies and gentlemen right hopefully we can shred it come on turbo charge come on dude oh my god wait that actually took so long to pop down not gonna lie there's no way with just the bionic boomer we were gonna be able to defend no shot boys okay look how far i pushed holy i mean a defendant's event look the blue one to the other side so weird okay but after we collect all this do we have enough money oh my god we're just barely short okay so during this round we should have enough money in order to go finally for the super bananas at 20 400 okay and we're like less than 100 off right now so the second i get it yep we got to make sure that we upgraded to it before uh the round end so that we get the super bananas at the end of this round okay but now i think i should probably go for some support oh my god look at all these freaking zebras man i think we're fine though as long as we shoot in a straight line we're good but yeah this farm is fully upgraded now okay so we can't put any more of our money into farms or into making money so now we can just build up our defenses i think the boomer upgrades are gonna be a little bit too expensive for right now so i say we go for some support like the tax shooter yeah promo charge is gonna be 42 000 okay so i think we're gonna go for the tax share yeah let's actually just get that right now we're gonna have it in this position right here because it's absolutely good right there let's also collect this money oh yeah oh yeah gave me that money okay so we could probably upgrade the stature to a little bit we ended up getting the faster shooting upgrade our rights so now i think we're gonna be absolutely big chilling fortified ceramics here ladies and gentlemen here on round 46 we still only have the charge and the faster shooting tactical okay but it looks like we don't need to upgrade our defenses because we just shred it through all of that all right so we could go for the perma charge it's 42 000 okay so that's obviously going to take a minute to get up or we could start upgrading our support okay we could get regroup blocker yeah let's just get that let's also upgrade our tax shield a little bit okay so let's get tax prayer overdrive as well taxon is going to be 25 000 right so that's a little bit expensive let's just go for an ace as well dude we've just got sick freaking defenses now they no way we're gonna struggle at all and by the way look at this overdrive it just looks absolutely sick let's see how well only our support could do okay it's only camo ai so it's probably gonna do pretty well and since we have camera detection the overdrive actually has camera detection i think that is so cool what if they added in this game like a village to where i could put down like a homeland defense and then i could use an ability and it increases the attack speed of like whatever i have and like my support towers that would be so sick man okay so let's see how well the overdrive does against ceramic balloons okay and the ace ii is helping out a little bit but it looks like some balloons are gonna end up getting through which is understandable right i mean the overdrive can't do everything but still it did pretty well if i wanted to by the way i could literally pop the balloons before they even come out look at that look at that i mean they're greens turning into blues but still the fact that you can just like aim at the ground and pop them that's pretty cool all right here comes some more moabs and stuff there's two mobs actually in here so i'm going to try to focus on popping off those layers there we go and some of these balloons are low-key starting to push okay we have 30 thousand dollars though so we could literally upgrade to a tax zone specter or we could save up money for the permacharge and i've never used the perma charge so i would really like to save the money for that so i think that's what we're gonna do and we have enough money now to go for the purple charge all right so let's just go for that awesome awesome awesome okay so it looks the exact same but it probably just oh yeah oh yeah the boomerang itself is a little bit different but i feel like this is going to freaking shred now the question is can we survive all the way up until round 100 with the perma charge because in normal balloons permacharge isn't the most ideal tower to go up against uh like mob class balloons omgs specifically but i really want to try to survive all the way up until around 100 with just this but if that is not possible i guess we're just gonna have to switch up to another tower don't really know what i want to use but like i want to use other towers for different videos because like i want to make and continue to make other videos on this game because again this game is just so much fun so maybe for another video like we could showcase the super monkey or something because i literally have yet to use that as well so i don't want to use the super monkey or towers that i have yet to use in today's video i would like to just stick to whatever i'm using which right now we're using the perma charge okay but we we could go over the tag zone here very very shortly as well okay it's about 25 000 something like that okay and we are about to have enough money for that which is awesome round 60 by the way is when the first bfb comes so we have to watch out for that oh my god okay i gotta collect this money i think it's like twenty five thousand nine hundred something dollars okay so after collecting this money oh my god we got 29 almost 29 thousand dollars okay so let's go over here go to the support category tax shooter and boom bada bing bao bam we got the tag so ladies and gentlemen it is so freaking good too especially in a spot like this because it just works well in spots like this okay so honestly we probably don't even need to shoot these okay i'm gonna shoot these balloons here let's see how well our ace can do intact zone can do okay here comes some mobs i think that's three mobs it looks like just like one long mob but obviously takston was able to easily shred that one red balloon slipped by though one red did slip by so that is actually really shocking because obviously in normal btd no that's not gonna happen okay attack zone would be able to shred that but i guess the developer of this game he didn't want to make it to where only support could just fully defend against ai you know like he also wants the player themselves like me to be involved like that would be so dumb if like the tax zone and the spectre were just good enough to just handle the ai by themselves and here comes the round 60 bfb ladies and gentlemen right so we were able to destroy that with the permacharge and literally almost shredded it before it even hit the tax zone that was pretty easy and we have thirty thousand dollars saved up right now all right so we're about to have enough to go for the spectre and dude like we still have yet to lose a life like i didn't even come close at all so like i said in the last video i told y'all it was gonna be easy for me man and hopefully i just didn't jinx myself right there but i saw some comments talking about how i was talking about how it was going to be easy but then i ended up almost dying in the last video well that was because i was being greedy and i just wanted to farm and go for the farm as early as possible so i ended up like just having just a zero zero zero dart practically and up until like i don't even know what round it was and then i started leaking down okay and i was like all right i can't greet for this far i need to go for some defenses and there you have it boys just got off the specter now we have our support fully maxed out wait do i have a regroup blocker i think i do yeah i do okay so i have regro blocker i have literally every support thing and i have a fully freaking upgraded perma charge as well okay so i guess we don't really need to spend our money on anything else look at the spectre by the way look at it i can't even see the balloon i barely see the balloons even coming out that is crazy man like what the heck i don't even need to do anything man here we're gonna spawn trap even harder boys when i put the tack zone literally right here can i do that yes i can look at that is that even fair is this even fair i don't think so look even mobs even musk fortified mobs okay so the fortified ceramics turning it through you know what i literally just thought about too dude the specter looks like it flies really near these trees right here what if i could jump onto it no way right there's just no way i'm gonna do it though i'm gonna try it out why not literally why not as long as we can defend against these ai balloons too okay so let's just jump up into the trees once again oh wait okay that's a little bit too high i thought i was like flying like right here so i don't think it's gonna be possible but you know how cool that would be if you could hop onto the freaking oh my god that would be so sick i found literally another spot where you can hop up all the way back here so that's pretty cool right oh no way i'm on the mountain a little bit no okay so i don't think i can go anywhere else but i actually touched it so is that cool or what i'm just trying to find exploits i don't really know boys oh wait oh i'm even higher up i'm even higher up now i can actually see a little bit dude literally by the way too the spectre and the tax tone have been doing everything for me mind you the spectre is not a fit to your upgrade too okay so that is actually really really insane what if they added the flying fortress i think that would be a little bit overkill not gonna lie but look at this oh another hole in the map oh can i get back there i don't think i can okay no i cannot am i stuck back here um oh my god oh my god i don't want to fall down there that'd be bad it'd be very very bad um i gotta get out of here i gotta get out of here boys holy i'm like stuck man okay i got out oh my god it almost got stuck dude that would have been so bad man i have not been collecting money either let's see how much money we get oh my oh my it's just too easy 130 000 excess dollars man like that is so much freaking money we could literally buy whatever we want if we wanted to right now all right boys round 80. it's about to be here we have 218 thousand dollars dude i'm not even joking the saxon inspector have been doing most of the work okay i've been just frolicking around the map but i guess we could position the attacks on a little bit better let's see how well the taxon inspector can do okay because i can reposition this yeah let me reposition it right here and let's see if i can oh my god look at that i i literally have not shot nerf tags on inspector bro i didn't even have to shoot that thing seriously look at this look at this look at this i'm not even shooting not even shooting men i need to play chimps mode i think chimps mode in this game would actually be so cool if you guys don't know what chips mode is look wait the balloons are actually pushing this is the farthest they have pushed ever but dude i i'm not even shooting man like i could just easily shoot these and disintegrate but i don't even need to why why why should i because i have freaking great support towers but if you don't know what chimps is pretty much i can't gain any income meaning i cannot use banana farms okay so the only income generated would be from the rounds ending and then also from me just popping balloons okay and you can't sell so whatever tower i use i would have to use that tower for the entirety of the game no monkey knowledge either but obviously there's no monkey knowledge in this game um and two since i couldn't sell maybe i should like have to put the tax shooter like down wherever and i would never be able to move it because like being able to just like move her wherever i want whenever i want pretty much i mean there's like a five second cooldown or something like that like that is incredibly op because even a normal btd you can't do that so the fact that you can do that in this game with a fit to your tower is just crazy look at that look at that tack stone spa in the back row that's got to be terrible i kind of just wanted to see where i could set it dude wait what if i could set it like in the trees dude oh i've got to try it i've got to try it you can set it there you can't set it in the trees though i already tried like multiple times so that that's kind of unfortunate what if i could say like back here can i sit like bro what is this gonna do for me literally nothing can i set it next to the shop dude can i let's see let's see um looks like i can't okay i can set it right there but can't can i i can walk back here though i think whoa what the heck yeah i can't set it back here so that's kind of unfortunate but also too with him position here he would actually hit the shock guy i i don't want to i don't want to hurt the shop guy that would really hurt if a bunch of attacks from the tax dome were hitting him oh on the track exploit baby let's see how it does here man oh that's multiple dmgs we should probably shoot this yeah let's start actually playing the game so we could help our defenses out a little bit but literally i would just like spam clicking uh cue because that's the hotkey for the tax shooter and it just happened in place right there right so that's pretty cool again you can set it over here maybe maybe it works all around the banana farm let's see no it doesn't what all right so only in certain spots okay right there too you can set it there i wonder why oh wait yeah you can set it over here i forgot about the cool down this is literally all just the specter and this perma charge right here taxon barely even helped right there that is actually freaking crazy all right no more fooling around would it take this seriously because dude i just now remember round 90 ddt's come out and yes ddts are in fact in this game so that is going to be a little bit scary but i don't know if these towers keep on trying the way they are right now then we should be fined but i don't know ddt's can be a little bit overwhelming at times especially in bt battles too round 90s here boys so ddt's are about to come out let's see how well we do against them okay i'm kind of nervous because dude i don't think i've ever won against the ddt's in this game even back when i played it a year ago i think i only went up to around 80 against the zomg yup here come the ddt's oh easy claps what was i scared about ddt's again wait this time they're pushing more they're pushing a lot more but i think we still ended up being fine thank the lord that our attack zone has camera detection because if we couldn't hit the ddt's that would be an issue okay but it's around 94. and i feel like we're really not struggling all that much when there's multiple z omgs on the map we tend to actually struggle a little bit okay so i might have to switch out this perma charge unfortunately like look at this omg still okay we just popped it down but look at these balloons they are in fact pushing boys we could always migrate the attacks down as well okay so we've got to remember that uh but i think we're going to be able to fully different against this round 95 though i think fortified ddt's are going to come out okay so maybe no no no there's no way there's no way ddt's still have yet to be an issue for us so i think we're gonna be fine but man oh man did those balloons push holy i don't know if we can survive all the way up until around 100 with just these defenses round 98 is notorious for being a very hard round in bcd6 okay so if we get past that we should be good but round 96 even is supposed to be hard z omgs are pushing we popped them down to the bfbs we got ceramics back here i'm gonna micro the tag zone right here to help us out a little bit oh wait there was still a lot of mobs back there okay maybe that wasn't the play but i think like once they're in mob form i think we should be fine we just gotta pop it down to that first there's actually lag too what it was lagging a little bit wait wait look at these ceramics holy crap dude it's just inching closer and closer to the end of the map but we've got to micro this back over here i'm probably not going to get like the best spot with it but it's fine oh four to five dmgs here on round seven or 97 i'm sorry okay it's only two though i forgot about these but i think oh my god please be able to defend this right please be able to defend this right it's still in zlmg form okay bfb's now holy crap man this is scary this is very very scary we got to make sure too that we don't get in the way of any of these balloons i'm going to micro this very quickly but yeah i think we're fine and yep we ended up being fine okay micro back over here right oh that's a terrible spot all right that's a little bit better but round 98 this is looked at as one of the hardest rounds of gt6 like i said so let's see if we can in fact defend i'm really trying hard on this one too i'm not even kidding okay i'm not trolling look at the dmg look at this z omg boys i'm gonna try to pop that down okay we got that down perfect all right so we have to micro this here in a second because look at all those 45 mobs i mean that is just an insane amount of fortified mobs okay so let's get the tax zone back here okay perfect it's not the greatest positioning but i think we're gonna be fine please be fine please be fine come on tax zone come on tax zone come on tax zone pop these all down for me pop these all down for me baby thank the lord that we can freaking micro this man thank the lord that we can micro this we might micro it again we might have to holy crap i'm not even trolling that was actually that was tough that was tough if we couldn't micro this there's no way we could defend all the way up until round 100 with just the permacharge it's just not the way to go oh my even with the specter dude that was crazy crazy close man but i'm pretty sure around 99 is a lot easier than round 98 um so we should be fine oh wait no those are fortified ddt's i thought there was a 45 ddt's on round 95 i guess i was wrong okay but round 100 the moment that we have all been waiting for let me get over the trees actually for this one boys okay i thought about it nevermind we're just gonna stay right here because we really need to take this seriously because it's taken some time quite some time over an hour actually just to get to this round so let's see if we can defeat the ultimate b-a-d with all the defense we have come on attack zone you've got to go win for me man this is scary dude this is really scary look how big it is dude oh no we might not be able to defend against it we might not be able to defend the bad still has yet to be popped down dude biker this oh no we're doing so bad what okay it's in zog form please please please please please okay be a piece come on there's ddt's in there too we gotta make sure that we pop all these down and i think we're gonna be able to fully defend oh my goodness guys oh wait wait come on come on tag zone it was so freaking close it took so long to pop out the dvd layer but there we go we got the victory i really hope you guys did it back enjoy this video and if you have not already make sure to check out this video where i play the balloons first person shooter update for the very first time
Channel: Boltrix
Views: 654,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: btd battles 2, bloons td battles 2, btd battles, bloons td battles, bloons tower defense battles 2, ninja kiwi, bloons td 6 update, bloons update, ninja kiwi update, bloons td battles 2 update, btd battles 2 update, gaming, bloons td 6, bloons, update, battles 2, bloons td, btd, btd 6, battles, btdb2, new bloons game, best tower, btd battles 2 best strategy, best btd battles 2 strategy 2021, best strategy, btd battles 2 out, bloons fps, first person shooter, apes vs helium
Id: 8cSGMc9U4ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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