Can I Beat Pokemon Platinum with ONLY BABY POKEMON? 🔴 Pokemon Challenges ► NO ITEMS IN BATTLE

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you guys loved the last baby run in Gen 2 so let's do another one today's the day that we figure out would I be able to beat pokemon platinum with a team of only baby Pokemon Gen 4 is the other main generation that added a ton of new baby pokemon we can actually get really wide variety of types for once but like you saw in the Gen 2 run baby Pokemon themselves are very weak we're gonna need some creative strategies and smart move choice to craft a great team out of them like always I'm writing this script as I go through with the challenge solve this parts being written before I've started everyone comment down below and guess if I could win or not I'm pretty sure I can beat Cynthia but I think there's gonna be a lot of areas in the early to mid-game that are going to be absolutely brutal let's explain the rules in combat I can only use baby Pokemon I'll need another pokemon to use HMS but I won't be allowed to use any of those Pokemon in battle no glitches or exploits no items in battle only pokeballs held items and items outside of combat are allowed let's do this so right off the bat I use the universal Pokemon a randomizer to replace Turtwig with Badou so that we can do the entire run with it as a baby Pokemon I pick two Badou specifically because you can catch it before the first gym anyway so it wouldn't give me an unfair advantage as the Pokemon is far from rare probably the least rare baby Pokemon in the entire franchise in fact I named mine Starks see if you can guess the theme as a hasty nature more speed less defense that's a pretty terrible nature for us our ability is poison points so sometimes when we get hit by physical move we poison the opponent not bad but we have low defense so it might not be all that useful so Badou is pretty awful and can't even beat the first trainer without leveling up it's a pretty similar Pokemon to sunkern so expect some difficulties the first jam is rock type though so I should be good there but we need to plan out when we get our next Pokemon so while I grind up a few levels check out this map I made in Photoshop this is the in-game map with a bunch of layers of dots for the locations that I plan to catch a bunch of Pokemon that are either a baby Pokemon or can be bred to make baby Pokemon there are tons with this game so that's why I thought a Photoshop map might be pretty useful it seems like we can't get most of them until after the third gym so the might be small for a while anyway before we can get to the rock gym we have a rival fight and both his Pokemon resist grass so we have no right to win this fight but the AI was clearly taking it incredibly easy on me because they almost only used leer and growl I ended up building up six growths learning stun Spore and taking them out easily the orberg mine is a really great place to level up to lead up to the rock gym since is loaded with the geodude's they give decent experience in our double weak to grass moves by the time we make it to the rock gym we already have mega drains so the battle is no problem at all after how brutal this was back in the Pikachu and a perch Allen jizz it feels great to blast our way through with no problem breezing through doesn't last long though because before we can get our next Pokemon we have to beat commander Mars and she starts with Zubat a pokemon that double resists grass moves so not only are we weak but we're dealing four times less damage then she's got a poor ugly after that we're for sure going to need to grind a little bit worst part the next Pokemon that we're getting is a psychic-type if we could only have him before this fight it'd be a lot easier finally at level 25 with just a bit of paralysis luck we managed to get our six growths and mega drain our way through the fight without too many issues with that done we can finally catch our second baby Pokemon chingling is a pretty weak psychic type with a bit lower base stats than Pikachu but it has confusion and can learn psychic by TM if we need to so it's some type of coverage a bit of grinding on josephus and we can try the grass gym this is a weird fight first is Josephus versus Turtwig and my plan was to have Josephus use all his moves at once so that he can use a super powerful last resort move to sweep through but since uproar lasts for so many turns he ended up eventually fainting and I had to bring stark scent being a weak grass type I thought I stood no chance but I tempted anyway and took o Turtwig second was cherrim but it only has magically a really weak move so I built up my six growths and took it down with mega drain and absorb last was Rosa raid a poison and grass type so it double resists our moves we paralyze each other fast but that ended up completely saving me since she just kept using poison sting but I can't get poisoned so I keep healing back up off of mega drains it takes a long time but we actually won after that if we break into the Galactic hideout to fight commander Jupiter but it's not close Zoo bad is no problem but scum tank is dark and poisoned so it makes very short work of both Starks and Josephus we've got a grind a few levels later and I changed my strategy by using Starks to paralyze gun tank first and a little bit of paralysis luck I was able to take her to half health before Starks went down Josephus was then able to take it out with a critical outrage for the win on her way to the bike shop Cynthia stopped us to give us an egg I am shocked to my very core and simply have no idea as to what could possibly be within this egg everyone make your guesses in the description I think I meant comments there guys do you see why I've been doing let's play every day for the past nine years straight I'm better at improv comedy than this whole scripting crap this is why ad-lib all the time when I'm doing these voiceovers my script sucks the trainers in the ghost gym give us a great opportunity to get a few more levels on just cephas before fighting fan Tina herself since we can't get any more baby Pokemon until after we passed this city I really don't want to get delayed here finally is ghost gym time josephus is quickly able to take care of Duskull and two hits I'm happy I didn't get burnt miss majus confuses us instantly though and our confusions aren't doing much we bring her to have health but she eats a berry and finishes us off Stark's also gets instantly confused and being part poisoned type doesn't last that long against psybeam's I did to get some really great hits in and almost took her down at one point but of course she can use super potions in battle and I can't grinding here isn't awful but it's far from fast we really need this grind because even if we're going to get crazy luck with paralysis in critical hits we have a rival fight right after so it's a lot more reliable for us to just get stronger and to work from there during the grind to the egg starts to hatch make your last guesses on what it'll be it's still toka pea like in the Platinum Pikachu run remember what did you think I do a gag or something Togepi is pretty bad its ability is hustle so more attack and less accuracy it's just not a great Pokemon though so we're using it just a a lot on the team for now more than anything I named it Anderson though so just another hint towards that naming scheme after a bit of solid luck I take another shot at fan Tina but honestly it doesn't really go much better sometimes Duskull burns us so that's pretty much the end of the fight right there and miss Maggie's confuses us so it's pretty easy to lose the fight thanks to that considering I haven't even been able to get to Haunter I really need a more grinding ages later and we get this run Duskull nearly gets one shot but it only hits a weak pursuit before we let her use a potion and finish her off miss Mannis is next so I have Starks paralyzer fast and we use growth to power up we hid ourselves in confusion from her confuse ray twice in a row but finally hit mega drain to heal a bit of hell thanks to fantastic paralysis luck we actually take her out last is hunter so I paralyzed her right away mega drain is doing decent damage considering a Haunter is part poison we actually end up finishing her off without ever switching back to josephus with that done we just have to beat our rifle to get more Pokemon it's not as hard as I anticipated though we completely mopped the floor with his tiem time to get something new you can find Chauncey in route 209 it's not a baby Pokemon but we can breed it to get one it's not very good one but we might need it after failing to catch one for ages though due to the horrible catch rate I decided to just come back when I falter balls if I really need it on route 215 though I managed to catch a hilariously unenthused looking Merrill I can't easily catch a Ditto and platinum so I just catch a male and a female Merrill and put them in the daycare as Earl is a terrible Pokemon but at least I can learn some water moves well Dube for that I go and grab the big root held item that makes health stealing moves like mega drain heal us for 30% more health it's probably not a huge bonus considering we don't hit that hard but I'm sure Starks can make decent use of it the fighting gym went way smoother than expected I've heard one of them would just out speed in one-shot josephus but I easily took out the whole Gym Leaders team with just confusion without going below half health can I just say that I extra hate that I can't just go to the east side of sunny shore due to the black hood in this run there's an electabuzz right past this guy and if I could get it I could easily breed it for a really solid baby Pokemon instead I have to wait until just after the last Cyrus fight to get it right now I'm just chomping at the bit to finally get the surf hm once we get that we open up the ability to get tons of new baby pokemons with both mime jr. and Meg B being ones that I desperately need since they have a fair bit better stats and way better moves than what we're using right now I also wouldn't mind getting fly just I can check up on that Pokemon daycare without taking a bike ride through a bunch of grass to get there I make my way to the trophy garden since that's where our next Pokemon will be there are tons of babies here but most of them only show up once you have the national dex Pichu is here though so we add one to the team Pichu is terrible even by baby standards but it gives us some much-needed type coverage if he ever lands a hit considering Syrus uses a lot of flying types getting Peach who is pretty important amazingly though often taken to the move reminder just to get Thunder shock since wild Pokemon only have the four most recent moves that they can learn by level up great time to go get that on our way though I took the helix fossile I knew that if I didn't say what I took you'd all ask actually now that I think about it everyone asked anyway comments are good for the YouTube algorithm I also hit up the daycare and get our Zura leg it's not water type as a baby but it learns a few moves after all that we have another rival fight Staravia took out Isaacson one hit although he's still a very low level josephus does much better mostly thanks to store obviou just using double team I switch this starts to deal with bow ezel in one hit and better josephus from inferno with another one shot last is Roselia and his part poison so yet again it was a one shot finally an easy fight crusher wake time Gyarados his double weak to electricity but Isaac's hardly does anything with Thunder shock in spite of that and goes down quickly Stark's is out now and I managed to paralyze Gyarados and start hitting mega drains to stay healthy we're getting hit hard though it takes forever but thanks to some incredible paralysis luck we take it out then we get finished into one ice Fang from floatzel it also has crunch so there goes Josephus that sucks but we can always grind so at least we'll make progress grinding here is a lot slower thanks to the game announcing every turn that it's raining but at least it's not showing it during the grind the egg hatches and oh right I forgot that the parents need to be holding see and sense for Azurill well Merrill looks more disappointed than me finally after all that grinding I tried crash her wake again this time I pretty much just sweep through his team with mega drain after using growth a few times that took way way longer than I was expecting I thought this would be one of the easy gyms finally I have to fight Cyrus before I can get surf Sneezles first and there isn't much I can use the deal with ice and dark types right now so I just have just see if it's caused an uproar we do decent damage but go down Stark's manages to finish it with a mega drain and next is golbat so use Isaac's poison Fang instantly takes us to 11 health as we paralyze him from static and thunder shock him twice before going down he's not even at half health yet though and Starks is out I use growth since golbat double resists grass but he has air cutter we don't last long a few levels later and I lose even harder murkrow comes at that time and drill peck one-shot Starks even with him being nearly level 50 this is really bad I decide to go to the Selassie on ruins to get the odd in sense ahead of time since I'll need it for later and I need a break from grinding it boosts psychic moves by 20% when held so this will be good for Josephus for now finally it's time for another try I start by paralyzing Sneasel with stun Spore first although it drops our defense we got a critical mega drain for a one-shot though so that was lucky this time we use Josephus to deal with golbat white hits as hard but confusion was a one-shot lasties Merkers I send out Isaac's but we almost get taken out in one hit before only doing half of its health and damage who then going down Josephus gets hit incredibly hard but uproar finishes the fight now that the torture is over we can finally get tons of way better quality baby Pokemon surf lets us get 2 tons of new places like route 218 where I catch a male and female mr. mime after giving one audience sense I put them in the daycare they actually need the incense to make a baby Pokemon while we wait for an egg we have more things to grab next I go to the Fuego ironworks and wow that was fast they have an egg already seriously it's been 5 minutes now I go to the Fuego ironworks to catch a female magmar and also grab the rock incense since I'll need that for another baby after that I surf to rote 221 to catch a couple of sudowoodo they can be given the rock incense and bread for another solid baby Pokemon we should soon have a proper team right after that the mega Mars laid an egg man they legs fast in this game I slap the rock incense on sudowoodo and put them in the daycare with that done we can fight our rival staraptor instantly takes out Isaac's would take down so I try for josephus we take massive damage from take down and faint but at least the recoil damage took its star Raptor hair cross is next but all we have is Starks and we're doing almost nothing and he has aerial ace yeah this is over with that failure under a belt I decided to just grind we have two eggs and a third one on the way and I need to hatch some of these things and level them up if we're gonna want to progress partway into the ground we finally gets the last egg that we're gonna need for a long while now to hatch him a few minutes later and we get mime jr. he'll be replacing josephus so I named him question mark not only does he start with decent moves but his move list of what he learns in the future has tons of high quality stuff I start leveling him with experience share right away a couple hours later and make me hatchets I named a Murdock this is gonna be the powerhouse for sure not only does he have some great moves like confuse ray and fire punch but his ability is one of my favorites flame body sometimes when he gets hit by a physical attack the opponent gets burnt very shortly after is when bonsly hatches I named him storm although his speed of always be bad he's gonna hit pretty hard in a rock-type is pretty useful offensively I figure it's rifle time now the question mark is at a decent level but to cut to the chase it's still not time staraptor goes down but we still can't be at heracross at least question mark is strong enough to grind with an experienced share now so I can save that for Murdock and storm one eternity later in its rival time question mark one shot star Raptor and heracross I switch to starts her floatzel and nearly one shot at but we hardly get hurt from pursuit and poison points poison finishes him so his last sliver of health is gone that was lucky back to question mark for Infernape and we lose half our health to flame wheel but we still get a one shot thanks to a lucky crit his rosary but his part poison so I one-shot it was psychic question mark is exactly what we needed with that finally done I make my way to iron island where we can get our next Pokemon after helping Riley with some double battles he gives us an egg for a Pokemon that should help us a ton through the rest of the run see if you can guess it let's make some progress steel gymtyme Magneton is a one shot with flamethrower steelix hangs on with a sliver and hits a massive earthquake for a one-shot Byron heal steel X with a full restore so my mega drain can't finish it off and I missed two stun spores in a row this is bad third time's the charm though and I was able to just hardly take it down without fainting Bastion dawn was last and I hardly did any damage with mega drain but at least I paralyzed him before I fainted question mark wasn't hitting hard with psychic but at least I got lucky and dropped a special defense enough to get the knockout since we need strength to progress much farther I just spent some time riding back and forth to get the egg to hatch faster we're gonna need to start leveling it early and their trainers coming up to level on after a while it hatches this is Aldus our new fighting type is going to probably be our heaviest hitter for physical attacks so it's a great addition to the party now we just have to fight a bunch of Team Galactic commanders but honestly none of them are hard so I'll just skip ahead next is the ice gym but now that Murdock has Fire Blast we absolutely demolish it in no time flat next challenge is the second from last Cyrus fight Sneasel drop tower defense with screech but was a one-shot with Fire Blast crow bat is second so I had a question mark Triforce psychic it did a great damage although we got messed up badly from a bite thanks to Crow by being faster he was able to take the advantage after healing and finishing us off I sent out Isaacs to finish him off and thanks to crow by missing supersonic Isaac's actually made something faint punch crows next though and thundershock did almost nothing we took him to have health and a few hits but drill peck made short work of us I have Murdock come out last and finish it with a Fire Blast unfortunately I have to grind to get to the top of mount cornet to fight Cyrus one last time we need surf and rock climb that means we've got to replace a baby Pokemon with an HM Pokemon so I won't have a full team for the fight we need extra levels to make up for that for sure I decided for a short brine that I'm gonna take my chances this is a big gamble because if I can't beat Cyrus it means that not only will I have to run all the way back to the top of Mount Cornett again but I also need to do the entire distortional world again that would take forever let's hope for the best I finally reached Cyrus but I get demolished our Pokemon are roughly the same level as his but his are fully evolved so their stats are way higher plus our type coverage isn't amazing I'm gonna need the power level I just spend a great deal of this grind in the northern routes of the game mostly due through the types of Pokemon that hang out there being easier for my team to deal with their worthless experience but at least there's a house to heal at nearby so there isn't much downtime finally after half a day of grinding its Cyrus time again houndoom goes down in one big force palm from Aldous and I switched a question mark for crobat psychic got us a much-needed one shot and it's back to Aldous for haunch Crowe I taught him rock slide specifically for this fight and it worked great getting him to read health drill Pekka did one shot us though Isaac's came out to finish it but Cyrus used a full restore we're actually faster now though and I taught Isaac's Thunderbolt from a TM so we took him out Gyarados hung on with a sliver though and took Isaac's out with a waterfall so that was frustrating I had question mark trying to finish it but yet again a full restore was used he ended up switching to Weavile mid attacks a psychic did nothing I tried to reflect but got one shot first Murdoch hits with a flamethrower today we filed - a sliver and it ADA Barry to get into yellow health as it critically hit us bring us to 15 hell our next flamethrower finished it and all he had left his Gyarados so I can't - Murdock out and used confuse ray for safety I didn't last long but we did some damage last baby we have his Starks and mega drain brings Gyarados down to a sliver as we nearly get taken out by ice fang but through sheer luck our poison point activates and finishes him off with that done we can finally get another pokemon i catch two electabuzz and put them in the daycare Isaac's is really falling behind and we need a new electro type badly thankfully they lay an egg almost immediately now there aren't really many trainers left in the game so I just write back and forth to hatch the egg early since I don't have many chances to level up outside of grinding on wild Pokemon and I want to avoid that as much as possible eventually a hatches and we get elected I'm sure you guys remember from my Gentoo babies run elected is much stronger than Pichu instead it's about as strong as a mag beer finally it's time for the last Jim Jolteon couldn't have possibly gone better with it missing two iron tails in a row well question mark easily took it out Raichu his second and although it did some big damage with signal beam two psychics took it out luxray is third so i just keep trying to oh muscle it but the damage caught up and crunch took us out murdoch finished it off with flamethrower electro fire is last so i go straight for the fire blast and miss we lose half our health to thunderpunch and hit fire blast but he eats a berry and ends up with half health as we get knocked out I sent us Starks knowing that it'll resist his attacks so I can paralyze him a stun Spore hang on with almost no health from giga impact and just use mega drain to try and do a little damage i bring him to read buddy use the Sephora store is healthy again and I miss stun Spore and get Kayode by fire punch this is really bad last of our proper leveled babies is oldest so I use force palm get insanely lucky fully paralyze them and then finish him off that was incredible with that done we just have to make our way through Victory Road and have one last rival fight before the Elite Four we have to grind yet again though I need a strong electric type and Pichu just isn't cutting it first his star Raptor so I 1 shot it with Thunderbolt from Rosa I decide to keep her over star like so I can hit a low kick even with it being super effective and weight based it did less damage than I had hoped and I got one shot by earthquake Aldus ended up getting a lucky critical hit with force palm to finish it and I switched a question mark for Infernape psychic was able to one-shot it as well as hair cross I switched the Starks her floatzel and get hit hard with ice Fang but mega drain does massive damage as well and it heals us almost back to full health second ice Fang leaves us with a quarter left as we take him out blast his Rose raid so is it back to question mark for a one-shot with psychic in the last rival fight after that though I need to grind just a bit more let's take one last look at the team before we get to be elite 4 I'm not really feeling confident I think we're gonna need to grind the team to around level 75 before I can beat the game and even then it's iffy but at least it's worth a shot now since I'm low on time let me know in the comments if you think we can win or not let's do this versus bug trainer Aaron yanmega is a one shot with roses Thunderbolt as his hair crossed with question marks psychic in scizor with Murdock's flamethrower it wasn't quite strong enough to one-shot vespiquen though who hurt us a bit with power gem although it's not too bad and we finish her off quickly after lest is drapion and I always forget the type of this guy is poison and dark Aldous hits a forest palm for almost half of his health and it paralyzes him then I follow up with a weak rockslide to try and keep him from landing in a red although he ends up eating a berry a second rockslide drops him to the perfect amount as we faint so I have Rosa easily finish it off with a thunderbolt between fights I heal up with revives and hyper potions since they're allowed outside of battle second his ground trainer Bertha she was pretty much just a sweep with grass not though not much to recap here third is fire trainer Flint houndoom is a much needed one shot with force palm rapidash ended up going down to psychic and psybeam no problem since it only set up a sunny day but Infernape is a beast I tried for a psychic but Infernape was faster and one shot us with flare blitz all this is out in a rockslide did decent damage but yet again were one shot with flare blitz Rosa is out and uses a forest or on Infernape to deal with his recoil damage as we miss our first thunder Rosa's second Thunder hits though and brings Infernape to a sliver as we hardly hang on from earthquake but go down to mach punch we're getting messed up Murdock is somehow faster than Infernape though and is able to finish it with faint attack so next is Flareon we hit confuse array right off the bat and it's high attack means that it's hurting itself badly between that and faint attack Flint had to use a full restore early they hit us with a somewhat weak quick attack but a couple more faint attacks and him hitting himself in confusion ended it last is mega mortar so I use confuse ray again and luck out painted hag isn't doing much though and we get nailed and paralyzed by Thunderbolt a second one takes us down just storm and starts left so I have storm hit the rockslide for the win while meg Marta was charging for a solarbeam that would offended us forth is psychic trainer Lucien mr. Munn goes down to one faint attack and we send out Rosa for gallied Rosa hits thunder to take him to half health as we hardly hang on from psycho cut and land a second thunder for the knockout bronzong is next and one fire blast is all it takes Espeon his neck so I hit confuse array and faint attack but psychics overtake us I should have just used fainted hack twice Rosa finishes it with Thunderbolt lastest Alakazam so I have Rosa Thunder but she misses and gets taken out I send out oldest hoping to paralyze him but he's faster and critically hits us for a one-shot storm is next and we hang on from energy ball with only six health and hit a massive faint attack but he uses full restore wheel and another one though and critically hit for the win finally it's pokemon champions Cynthia we get destroyed though mostly thanks to Garchomp none of our team is able to learn ISO moves and we just can't overpower the thing a little peek behind the curtain this is actually my moving day right now and I'm desperately trying to win this challenge right now as in this day that I'm doing this part of the challenge that I'm writing this and even recording this voiceover that's how much of a rush I'm in because I want the voiceover to sound good and I won't have sound foam to remove the echo in the new place you if I had more time I'd power level even higher but I don't have the time so I'm just aiming for level 80 it took me almost six hours but we finally got up to level 80 time to try again first is Murtagh for his spear tomb so I hit fire blast and flamethrower to take it out without getting too hurt second is melodic so I have Rosa tri for Thunder Miss lose half her health to surf then one shot her with another Thunder finally is Garchomp though so oldest is out and we force Palm it for a bit of damage and hardly hang on from earthquake a second force palm makes her eat a berry as she takes us out question mark hits psychic and leaves Garchomp with a sliver as we dropped only 19 health off one hit and she's as a forest or we're faster though so two psychics take it out mostly thanks to a drop in her special defense locario is next and I send out Murdock and it's a one shot with a fire blast toka kisses neck so Rosa hits Thunder for a one shot last is a Rose rate in question to mark manages to one-shot it was psychic winning us the entire run men that challenge was a lot harder than I was expecting I thought the wide variety of pokemons I could use would make this easier but so many battles required ungodly grinds and I was on a real-time crisis I'm not sure what I'm gonna do for next Saturday's pokemon challenge but as always I'm looking at your suggestions in the comments and on Twitter subscribe ring the bell and stay tuned if you want to see me do more challenges like this please let me know in the comments or on Twitter I can always use more ideas from you guys on what I should do next also check out the playlist in the description to watch all of the pokemon challenges that I've already uploaded if you guys want to see more Pokemon stuff from me my friend of what a geek and I are doing a genuine randomizer over on his channel linked in the description also come to my twitch TV streams and tell me that this video sent you it's always cool to hear how you found the channel thank you everybody so much for watching and until next time have a nice day
Channel: Mah-Dry-Bread - Gameplay & Streams!
Views: 1,827,638
Rating: 4.9028835 out of 5
Keywords: mahdrybread, mah-dry-bread, English, commentary, gameplay, 1440p, 60fps, pokemon challenges, no healing, pokemon, guide, nintendo, walkthrough, pokemon challenge, pokémon, can you beat, challenge, can you beat pokemon with only a, gba, voiced, is it possible to beat, narration, narrated, commentated, elite four, english, challenge run, no items, mah, Paras, mdb, 2020, Pokemon 2020, gen 4, Pokemon Platinum, baby pokemon, budew, chingling, riolu, magby, elekid, only, only babies gen 4, pokemon gameplay
Id: B1-K153tNVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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