Can I Beat Pokemon Gold with ONLY BABY POKEMON? 🔴 Pokemon Challenges ► NO ITEMS IN BATTLE

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pokemon platinum with only one Abomasnow was good for a laugh but it's time for your most requested one today's the day that we figure out would I be able to be two pokemon gold with a team of only baby pokemons so we're going by Bulma P DEA's definition of what a baby pokemon is with it being attainable by breeding in an undiscovered egg group and is the lowest form of its family chain with the ability to evolve at least once the difficulty is that baby pokemons suck here's the base stats on a Pichu yeah if you thought Pikachu was weak this is much worse and this isn't even the weakest baby Pokemon we're gonna be using like hallways I'm writing this script has I go through with the challenge so all this part is being written before I've started everyone comment down below and guess if I can win or not I bet I can do it but that building a team will be half the challenge let's explain the rules in combat I can only use baby pokemons I'll need other Pokemon to use HMS but I won't be allowed to use any of those Pokemon in battle no glitches or exploits no items battle only pokeballs held items and items outside of combat are allowed let's do this so right off the bat I use the universal Pokemon a randomizer to replace chikorita with Pichu so that we can do the whole run with it I named mine Tazawa see if you can guess the naming scheme we start with Thunder shock and charm that's actually not too bad especially since the first gym leader uses flying types and the second one has a part flying type as his only good Pokemon gotta say though peaches level up move list leaves a bit to be desired the first rival fight really shows off how weak we are even after dropping his attack by two stages we lose thankfully you don't actually need to win this fight to progress so I have to grind just a little it might seem early for it but I want to try and beat the flying gym as soon as possible once I beat it I can get an egg that will get us a baby Pokemon so the sooner I beat the gym at the sooner I can hatch the egg and double the size of my team even if the Pokemon sucks flung Jim starts with a Pidgey so I need to play it safe so I paralyze it and use sweet kiss to confuse it turns out I was playing it a little too safe since it only took two thunder shocks although I did get hit by mud-slap and lost some accuracy I managed to do the same combo to Pidgeotto and even lay in a charm to drop his attack by two stages for safety but even after that attack Hertz I got good paralysis luck to help make up for my terrible hit luck if I took one more hit I'd have lost to the flying-type gym leader with an electric-type with that done I go straight to the pokey Center and get the egg make your guesses on what this is gonna hatch into everybody so we leave town and go right into a roadblock that I didn't see coming this is a mandatory hiker battle and he has a Geodude Tazawa only learns Thunder shock as the damaging move and lovely kiss with confusion damage would require insane luck to actually win with so I just keep grinding I need to take enough steps for the egg to hatch why not try and get a few levels while I'm doing it eventually a hatches and we get our toka via I'm gonna be shocked if anyone guessed that wrong no I know what you're thinking toka me doesn't gain an attacking move for a very long time that's fine because I can teach a mud slap that way we have something to fight Geodude with and we didn't have to replace any of the good moves on Tazawa after a little grinding I take a shot of the hiker again and it's brutal I realize early that I'm gonna run out of bud slaps since he has three geodude's so I use charm a bit to stay safe on the last one I ran out early and had to resort to some metronomes but through some great luck they give us leech seed so we ended up making it through it's always cool to me when the challenges in the actual run come out of nowhere I didn't see this one coming slowpoke well is pretty easy so I use it as another chance to switch level for nice once we get some passable TMS he might be a little bit more useable we'll see come first try a Bugsy Metapod cocoon adieu literally nothing to us before they faint but Scyther is another story even with early paralysis and confusion his quick attacks knocked Izawa out fast and since mud-slap doesn't work as a result of Scyther being part flying I'm pretty doomed I tried spamming charm and metronome on the off chance that I get some amazing moves but of course I definitely I actually hit toxic but since he was already paralyzed it didn't work or I could have won Evangel a ran out of metronomes what a lame way to fail the fight with that failure under a belt I decide to grind just a little more just for a few levels on Tazawa I think with enough power thundershock can handle this SiC and trade Bugsy and Scyther is a bit less terrifying I switched anis right away and spam charm early without losing health on Tazawa once I get free I decide to use metronome since I'm worried about how Scyther is building a power on fury cutter one of the metronomes ended up being lovely kiss I was able to put cipher to sleep to break the building of his fury cutters power before fainting and bringing out Tazawa i paralyzed him then finish him off with two strong thunder shots although I came very close to fainting once again now we have a rival fight before we can go to Goldenrod it actually goes incredibly cleanly with Tazawa taking out his whole team without any serious issues other than an unlucky burn I didn't see they coming with that done we're in goldenrod I was considering gambling for an hour to get the TM for thunder just so we'd have a strong move for Whitney but then I decided I don't hate myself and will just fight some trainers first when we do get to Whitney though it's not close Clefairy is easy but miltank stomps do way more damage than I was expecting we can't get any more Pokemon at this point yet so we just need to love a lot more the worst part about this grind is that I realized I could have had a third Pokemon by now for some reason I had it in my head that my third Pokemon was gonna be Magby after I get at the burned tower catch a magmar and Breeden I totally forgot that way back at the start of the game you can catch a Jigglypuff no point in getting that right now though it would take me forever to train it and get it ready for the fight and we have a shorter path there if we beat Whitney so I'll just keep grinding no I'm just kidding you know I like to make things harder on myself I walk all the way back to the start of the game to catch a Jigglypuff I actually almost whited out part way through thanks to a trainer with a Wooper that I missed early on too since his part ground type Jigglypuff only has a 5% encounter rate so it's not the easiest to find one eventually I do find one catch it ride all the way back to goldenrod and put it in the daycare with a ditto ditto can breed with anything that can breed so it's just convenient to have one now breeding a Gen 2 can be a pain I'm no master of it so as far as I can tell this should to result in an egg they say that they're interested in each other so according to this chart that's a nine point five percent chance / 256 steps to get an egg it's on the lower end of the scale but honestly if I just check up on the daycare after every 20 minutes of grinding I'll probably have an egg in no time in fact it took very little time to get an egg by level 31 I came in and checked and they already had an egg this is gonna hatch into egg labeouf it's pretty weak outside of its health but at least it has defense curl and I can teach it roll out with a TM so we can do something with it plus it gets pounded a low level so it doesn't need to be switched trained for ages like nice still I doubt we're gonna use it much finally I take another shot at Whitney I paralyze Clefairy get nailed with a crab hammer from metronome and quickly finish her off miltank is who I'm worried about so I confuse her but still get hit by rollout I found her wave to try and do anything I can to prevent it from building power but she hits again I'll and charm and through great luck her third roll out misses it doesn't take long before I get stomped down to only three health so I just start attacking I know she can use milk drink but I got lucky and the confusion and paralysis managed to keep her from healing and we win the fight also it's a Sunday so I go ahead and get the return team just in case we end up needing this later because it's a solid move so we're at an impasse I want to go into that building right there problem is that in gold and silver the second I walk in there I'll get a rival battle it's skippable normally so I don't do it but I need to get in there to get a mega Marv and there's no way I'm passing up the chance of getting a Magothy on my team for more type coverage plus Megami is actually a decent pokemon with great moves like these stats are really high for a baby Pokemon and the fact that I can get a baby Pokemon that naturally learns moves like fire blast and flamethrower is really incredible I decided that I'll beat the komono girls to get the surf hm and get strength from olivine city first since I could use a few more levels and since I'll need those HMS at some point anyway I'm mostly trying to get a few levels and killing time for a Glee buff to hatch so I do the lighthouse while I'm in town before I'm making my way back finally it's time to enter the burnt tower and do the optional rival fight Hunter gets paralyzed off thundershock so he only got to hit us with lick so that was lucky main to might is second but we only have thundershock to use so we don't do much he had a sonic boom but we're in decent shape by the time he goes down full of a quick attacks us to drop us below half health and is getting close we take him out with nine health despair last is Zubat who thankfully gets one shot due to being part flag type even with that done you can only find mega more in the early morning and at night since it's afternoon right now I'll have to come back in a few real life hours in the meantime we have a really weird fight with the ghost gym leader Morty first is gastly and we get a lucky critical hit for a one-shot Hunter is second but he ends up finishing himself off with curse after our thunder shock I switch for nice to remove the curse and fight gang Garth mud-slap since he's mostly just using already terrible accuracy moves like hypnosis it's working great shockingly I ended up using all six mud slaps to totally ruin his accuracy before getting put to sleep even when I get good moves with metronome though it doesn't do much hydropump hardly did a sliver it takes absolutely ages but I ended up taking Gengar down after using all ten metronomes and mud slaps last is his final Haunter and I decided to keep nice out to use charm since I remembered that Ghost moves were all physical in gen 2 what I had forgotten until a few rounds into the fight though is that ghost moves don't work on normal types nice is normal so this hunter doesn't actually have any moves that can hit me I end up having to sit around and waste every power point I have for safety because if I just switch for Tazawa he'd get shadow balled into oblivion entire minutes later and a hunter and I are just hitting each other with struggle until eventually nice goes down but since hunter doesn't have any power points left Tazawa easily finishes it with Thunder shock that was a weird fight shortly after while biking around our hilariously hideous-looking iggly buff finally hatched i think it's supposed to look cute let's call this one curio anyway now that we can surf I take out the red Gyarados and give the scale to mr. pokemons near the start of the game to get experienced share this is gonna make it way easier to keep curio and nice leveled up since right now I'm mostly just using Tazawa I also picked up the magnet a held item that led to zawa deal 10% more electric damage the fighting gym takes forever just to get to chuck because individual trainers here it's so hard compared to our baby Pokemon here's their cess lading - ok that's what what a geek was talking about Oh he said that somewhere I wrote chunk instead of Chuck oh my god that's an incredible typo so here's our stats leading into the check fight probably not strong enough yet but have you noticed that all three of my baby Pokemon have the ability to give kisses that confuse people I don't know what Game Freak was thinking when they made the move set of these baby pokemons I tried the chunk fight let's just embrace it and call him chunk cuz it's funny to me but as expected he absolutely mopped the floor with us I'm probably gonna need either a lot more levels or megabee before I can win this fight maybe we'll be big for the other two gyms in the area too so I decided to just wait a couple hours until nighttime as it passes 6 p.m. here in Ontario Canada I hunted for a magmar in the basement of the burned tower caught one and put them in the daycare then I grinded like before for a couple hours until I got an egg and then went right back to grinding you'll notice I'm just fighting wild Pokemon it's because I want to say the higher amounts of experience for the trainers in places like Rockets hideout for leveling of Meg B once he hatches finally our Meg B hatches a name known Davari and dude the rocket hideout right away with an experienced share on him to help him catch up in level with the rest of the team here's his stats after her being level 23 this is really not bad I decided to just jump ahead and do the ice chip seal gets paralyzed off thundershock and taken in two hits but not before hitting a critical head but I have Davari use fire punch on piloswine for solid damage and as I see wind doesn't do much damage dots we're just lucky that Blizzard missed because that would have been bad even with him healing Davari is shockingly good last is dugongs so we're back out to Tazawa it only took two thunder shocks to win with how well that went I guess his boss rushed I'm back to chunk and it's pretty easy he still hits hard but Tazawa is really over leveled for this fight so he goes down pretty fast finally it's the steel gym and Davari is an absolute beast he's a baby Pokemon that's 5 to 10 levels lower than Jasmine's team and yet he totally crushes them I think it's safe to say that he'll be the best team member for quite a while radio tower time and although it's slow because we take a lot of damage nothing here is really a threat we had to do a rival although golbat is first and he manages to confuse us and hit wing attack before he goes down not a good start Magnemite gets one shot by Davari and stays out to fire punch Haunter he uses mean look instead of fighting back though so we take him out easily I switch back to Tazawa for quill offa and get a lucky paralysis off thundershock as I get smoke screamed to shocks later and he's down lastest Sneasel so I have Davari take him out in a couple of fire punches although the screech and quick attack combo did massive damage to us next is the icy path and literally the first encounter I got was jinx the next Pokemon I needed I catch her and put her in the daycare right away this is gonna get me Smoochum another really solid baby Pokemon probably on par with Davari this'll give us some much-needed ice moves before the dragon gym anyway it only took note we're not starting with you again you got me in a lot of trouble last time with a youtube comment section I haven't referenced you in months and I still get people fighting over whether they love or hate your gag yes I know you want to promote my great Twitter account or I tweet incredibly hilarious and insightful things as the world needs to know but people aren't ready to hear the truth yet now let me get back to my video right it only took 10 minutes to get the egg I got pretty lucky unlike last time where I grinded I just wanted this thing to hatch as soon as possible so I just biked back and forth in town while watching some YouTube videos showed it to Cole to hullick for all the entertainment while I was trying to hatch this stupid egg it doesn't take too long until it hatches man I forgot how hilarious some of the Gen 2 sprites looked Smoochum is absolutely furious I named it Gallaher yes I know you're all gonna comment about the pronunciation of that exact name but the guy I'm naming it after pronounces it that way still have an experience share on it and start grinding it up we're gonna need some ice moves if we want to stand a chance in Clara's Dragon gym since her team both resists fire and electricity an afternoon later in Dragon gym time ice punch one shots the first regen air so Claire sends out Kingdra a water and Dragon type I switch for Tazawa to try and deep buffer I lose some accuracy and even a critical Thunder shock doesn't do much so I tried to focus on making it as weak as possible I get some good shots in but go down fast to a critical surf ascended to vari next because even though he's double resisted he's still our strongest guy and I need to do something without ruining Gallaher I ended up getting one shot was surfed though so it's out to Carrillo and she uses a hyper potion I just keep trying to whittle him down by confusing them and using pound but a regular surf one shot sus niece's out and I land a few mud slaps also being one shot by surf last is Gallaher and psychic hits for decent damage as Kingdra misses smokescreen and goes down to a second psychic after that Gallaher's ice punch one shots the other two dragon air is giving us a rough victory with that done I can use waterfall so I go back to mount mortar and fight the karate King to get a tie rogue it's absolutely awful but at least it's a sixth baby pokemons still look at this move list in Gen 2 it hardly learns anything I hate to name the lamest Pokemon on the whole team after Gulick because Galax the coolest guy in the world but this is the only grappler that I've got before the Elite Four we've got one last rival fight but this was pretty easy and this time was no exception high flotation gave us issues but we still won on our first try with half our team left I still need to grind though a lot of this team is pretty useless and the Pokemon champion has three dragon i'ts so we're not getting through this without at least getting our Pokemon to level 50 here's our stats after the grind as I'm sure you've noticed some of these guys are way better than others the varying Gallaher are by far the strongest Tazawa is a distant third place nice and curio are really weak and Gulick is borderline unusable weak I didn't even bother getting nice curio and cool act a level 55 since they'll probably get one shot regardless make your guesses on if we can win or not let's do this first his psychic trainer will zat - is a one shot with ice punch and jinx is one shot with flamethrower slow burro doesn't get hurt too much from Thunder shock but he gets paralyzed so I don't get hurt as I take him out executor goes down into one flamethrower in the last zat ooh goes down in one ice punch real easy fight second his poison trainer Koga ariados and fortress both go down to one flamethrower Muk was a one-shot with psychic crobat got an insanely lucky start with one double-team and he managed to dodge two psychics in a row as a result a31 talking about no problem so giggles a one-shot venomoth giving us yet another easy victory third is the fighting trainer Bruno but he ended up being nearly a total sweep with Gallaher psychic for all his fighting types and ice punch for awnings no problem fourth is dark trainer Karin Umbreon takes shockingly little damage off of a flamethrower and sand attacks us so I risk a fire blast for big damage but get confused with a little luck I hit a flamethrower and finish it off and switch for Gallaher I used my last power point of psychic to one-shot Gengar and switched to toes ah WA for houndoom I can't really deal with fire types very well so I just default to poisoning her as flamethrower nearly one shots us sweet kiss confuses her though so at least I'm getting stuff done Tazawa Goes Down and I send out Gulick to just try and do some damage while not risking our heavy hitters they're insanely good paralysis and confusion luck Gulick actually manages to get a ton of solid hits in he does eventually get hit by flamethrower and go down in one hit though nice is easily able to finish it with double-edged vileplume is of course a one shot with flamethrower and murkrow goes down in a solid ice punch with that done I use a max elixir on Gallaher in between battles of course heal up and get ready finally is pokemon champion Lance Gyarados is out first and I can't risk to Sawa yet so I just use a blizzard and ice punch for an easy knockout Charizard is out so I switched for Tazawa we're terrible at dealing with fire types so I need the electricity to damage Charizard 'he's flying-type we nearly get one shot from hyper beam but deal some solid damage and even paralyze him yes Tozawa ended up shocking Charizard for the win Lance's first dragon knight is out but he's double weak to ice so one blizzard from Gallaher is all it takes Aerodactyl is out and I know he's faster than me so it's back to Tazawa just to tank the hyper beam and feint Gallaher's back end we one-shot with ice punch while it was recharging his hyper beam ii Dragonite goes down to one blizzard but the third one dodges the blizzard and takes Gallaher out with a hyper beam this is bad a try furtive re and start using confuse raise and smoke screens to try and shut him down slowly and it's working drag and I keeps trying for thunder wave but in gen two the AI status affliction moves have a built-in chance to miss so that mixed with these smoke screens gives us quite a few free shots before getting hit eventually a hyper beam hits us but we hang on and man should drop his accuracy by all six stages Davari goes down soon after so it's nice and Gulick and Korea left carrillo hits a sweet kiss for more confusion I know just start using pound it takes an absolute eternity but eventually career hits pound on Lance's last Dragonite for the win finally with that done we're in the Hall of Fame but you know this run isn't over yet I still want to try seeing if I can beat the secret final boss red to get there though I have to make my way through Kanto as usual it's real easy but we can't skip past all over this time since there's actually a baby Pokemon that we want from here I spend some time outside the Kanto power plant catching an electabuzz I ended up just using the master ball on it since is the last thing we need to catch anyway then I go back to Johto and breed it with ditto a few hours later and we had our very own elect kid this one is about on par with mega B or Smoochum making it one of the best baby Pokemon ingento a slap and experience share on him and level them up by fighting the rest of the gym leaders in Kanto until we get to blue the only real challenging jail leader loose ends out Pidgeot first Blizzard gets a one shot much to my surprise considering there's such a small level difference second is our k9 and we can't handle fire types I switched to Tazawa unfortunately he couldn't paralyze him because we got one shot with flamethrower Navarre he's next and he loses half his health to extreme speed while confusing him with confuse rain a second extreme speed takes us out Gallaher's next and psychic hits pretty hard then flamethrower brings us to 14 health and he uses a full restore so my next psychic can't take him out he easily finishes us off all right at that point is pretty clear we don't stand a chance yet so I grind more it's rough but if they're within 10 levels of us and we're using baby Pokemon to fight their fully evolved Pokemon we don't stand a chance their stats are way way higher than ours and they've got better moves to the most part and we only have a three decent Pokemon to work with even then if one of them is really under level I get ollie up to level 60 and try again Pidgeot goes down and one hit from Ollie's Thunderbolt and next is right on thankfully it only takes one ice punch down is right on hits pretty hard and I don't really want to fight him Arcanine time though so it's back to ollie I laid screen for safety but even with it flamed her a one shot sus with a critical hit a try first psychic and although it hits hard extremists speed always acts first and he still has full restores so he ends up taking us out Davari nearly takes mouth flamethrower then he uses another full restore I switch for fire blasts but extreme speed is just a super strong quick attack so he takes us out Tazawa goes down in one hit so this is a bust okay so now I have to grind my main team up to level 65 because our k9 is such an absolute brick wall this is awful third try we one-shot sweep Pidgeot and ride on again Davari is out for our canine and I hit a confuse rate my luck is decent as I started with some smoke screens and I can take a few more hits now so I ended up getting four smoke screens in before going down next is Tazawa who dodges flamethrower paralyzes him use a sweet kiss to confuse him again then flashes twice to finish off his accuracy not before uses a full restore though so I have to paralyze him again for safety flamethrower still hits due to terrible luck and his always one shot so I send a Gallaher I hit psychic and somehow in spite of a six accuracy drops and confusion he hits another massive flamethrower and nearly takes out Gallaher I finish him with psychic and Alakazam is out so I switch for ollie thunder and Thunderbolt take him out no problem I switch four Gallaher to one-shot executor with Blizzard and last is Garrett oh so I won Sean with Thunderbolt my god that was rough if blue is that hard I don't want to think about how hard the red fight is gonna be I decided to grind up the main team to level 70 before our first attempt here's their stats not horrible but so much lower than what we'll be fighting make your guesses on if we can beat red or not a level 81 Pikachu is first so I take it out in one Blizzard it's incredible how weak Pikachu is even compared to my baby Pokemon is why I do Pikachu challenges guys it's super weak I don't think people are aware of how crap Pikachu is next is Charizard so I use thunder with oli and leave it with a sliver and paralyzed he hits fire spin but it's a real weak move so Thunderbolt enzym Espeon is out and it's a beast so I switch for Davari and flamethrower for half its health as he uses reflect fire blast finishes it I'm just happy it didn't hit me Blastoise is out so it's back to oli and we 1-shot it with a critical Thunderbolt next is Red's terrifying Snorlax so I send out Tazawa for a sweet kiss to confuse him then paralyze him although he can remove that with a rest if he wants to I then start using flash to try and ruin his accuracy I only hit a few before a body slam hits us for an easy one shot Navarre is next so I just keep smoke screening to finish off his accuracy after its accuracy is finished I start laying in with flamethrowers as Snorlax arrests to recover health he does half attacks he can do well asleep though so I'm not totally safe and confusion is still important I get very lucky with confusion though and he hits himself plenty eventually through flamethrowers and fire blasts I ended up finishing off Snorlax without Davari taking a hit last his Venusaur and even though I missed two fire blasts I still resist solar beam so flamethrower quickly takes him out and gets us the victory against the last boss of the game well that's a first I think that blue might have actually been harder than red on that run I never thought I'd see that happen due to the big level gap I'm thinking I'll do a gen 3 Pikachu challenge for next Saturday's Pokemon challenge and as always I'm looking forward to what you suggest in the comments subscribe ring the bell and stay tuned if you want to see me do more challenges like this please let me know in the comments or on Twitter I can always use more ideas from you guys on what I should do next also check out the playlist in the description if you want to watch all of the Pokemon challenges that I've already uploaded if you guys want to see more Pokemon stuff from me my friend what a geek and I are doing a Gen 1 randomizer over on his channel linked in the description also come to my twitch TV streams and tell me that this video sent you it's always cold here how you found the channel thank you everybody so much for watching until next time have a nice day
Channel: Mah-Dry-Bread - Gameplay & Streams!
Views: 1,041,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mahdrybread, mah-dry-bread, English, commentary, gameplay, 1440p, 60fps, 2019, pokemon challenges, no healing, Pokemon 2019, pokemon, guide, nintendo, walkthrough, pokemon challenge, pokémon, can you beat, challenge, can you beat pokemon with only a, gba, voiced, is it possible to beat, narration, narrated, commentated, pokemon 2019, elite four, english, challenge run, no items, One Pokemon, only one pokemon, mah, only 1 pokemon, babies only, baby pokemon, pichu, pokemon gold, togepi, smoochum, magby
Id: 9QRMwWihIw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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