Can I at least get it to run? Real deal steal appeal!

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right 1938 Plymouth Sedan been sitting here for about two months Kentucky car sitting in a carport for years and uh buddy grabbed it he brought it over here the problem is the rear brakes are locked up in it so that's why it's sitting right out here in the open not parked really nicely like I like all my cars around here so what we're going to do and get the Torches out and we're going to bang these rear drums off and see if we can't get this thing to roll then we'll go through the car and see what kind of treasures are left inside turn it down [Music] [Music] [Music] hold up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] supplies [Music] I think we might have got one I get a little bit of movement out of it and this is I've been beating the crap out of it putting heat on it it's just a just aggro I'm honestly starting to think this car's got a bunch of junk in the front seat and everybody got in there and thought it was in neutral and I'm thinking this whole time it wasn't in neutral so I think that's our problem because there's a little bit of play on this Hub too now obviously in this car we thought was all completely locked up in the rear we couldn't move it to stay right we drug it back here I got the record truck on it [Music] couldn't lift the backs was so heavy and it started like messing things up so we but as soon as I started putting the rubber um the rubber lift guard thing up on the wrecker and it was like bending the bumper up and I'm like yeah we better just stop and uh now I'm starting to think it wasn't in neutral this car has been sitting here for two months thinking that I gotta beat the drums out of it I don't think I did the whole time we'll see maybe I might have to [Music] all right let's see if this bad boy starts up my record never fails me the brakes did though this is the best thing he ever bought right here but I think the wheel cylinder is leaking in it or something I honestly never mess with this thing I just brought it home and I just use it working [Music] well what a waste of I want an hour I want an hour and a half of my life back those drones weren't even locked up it wasn't in neutral that's what happens when I didn't check the inside I just started yanking it when we got it over here with the trailer I'm not even going to blame anybody it's just it blows my mind sometimes and I've been having one of those weeks you know anyway we're gonna get this thing to the inside um she pulls good and then we'll start going through it and just kind of seeing what Treasures are left now I don't know anything about this car I don't even know if the engine's locked up I have a feeling it is we may just slam this thing together and put put lipstick on a pig and push her down the road punt punt this bad boy like a bad football wow because um it's not that she's a bad car but she's just a straight project and she just needs you know all the love for somebody this would be awesome for like somebody who just wants like a winner gig you know just want to put it all back together and cruise it around as is because it is a complete car [Music] it's only about a nice 90 degrees today anyway 1938 Plymouth sedan suicide doors humpback whatever cool car story is it was up on a trailer literally a mile up from the house I've seen it a few times driving by I never really stopped and looked at it and my buddy Larry's uh grabbed it up brought it over I really don't know if I'm gonna be able to get it running and driving I don't know I've I'm pretty sure the motor's locked up but we'll soak it we'll see what happens but we definitely have a little bit of fun cleaning it out kind of putting it back together going through it seeing what Treasures are still left came from Kentucky from what I understand got all the paperwork on it it is going to be for sale hit me up you guys if you're into this kind of it's a it's a really clean car actually not a lot of rust in it rails are all good um leave me a comment if you guys are interested or email me bradleysrenching at gmail all my all my emails are in the description box below on all my videos I try to remember to put all that in there yeah so let's go through it let's see what we got car has been sitting in my yard for two months as you've seen we thought we had locked up wheels and it turned out the trans wasn't in neutral so I was sitting there beating on brake drums like a idiot and uh I finally went in there and it's honestly kind of weird to feel the neutral in this one it's you think it's a neutral and it's not so you know whatever we all got we all got a little bit uh I guess we got in a hurry to neutral now put the wheels back on it's been in my yard for two months finally able to get it in the shop I looked in the trunk but I didn't go through nothing I just looked in here and that's about it I'm hoping this just comes off completely yeah we can just sit it off to the side I hope it's got the brackets in there all right we got some gas treatment that's always a great sign we have the original this is one cool thing we figured out this is the original radio for this bad boy that is super cool pumped on that we're gonna see if we can't get it back in the car see it's got like brackets we'll put it in there the best we can but I'm not counting that it works but at least we could get it in there all the old panels well this is cool yeah because they report a dash apart in it of course a sweet bezel we've got all the gauges the old Speedo got an old brake light tail light a lot of the wiring and stuff like that so once again see what we can do with all this stuff hoping for the best we're gonna stick back in it okay this is some of the cool things I did see because like I said I did Pop the trunk I didn't go through nothing like original mopar parts in the Box this I think was a reverse light glass ass real deal that is awesome I like having stuff in the original boxes like that I think that's pretty pretty cool got some brake pads we've got a horn some brackets this looks like I was hoping that was the trunk brackets I don't know nothing too crazy there some old an old uh off strap nothing just use the tank I don't feel no sweet hidden passages or anything all right I like the suicide door thing now that's cool as crap we got I have no idea what that even is see some pedals some rubber stoppers just some nuts and bolts and just a couple of uh hose clamps curious to see what's in this box [Music] it's like the end of that generator hooks up to the starter battery top of a battery maybe battery tray got some rubber what's in here so we have a genuine looks like an old school switch or something not really quite sure about that one guys I guess this is the same here's that gas pedal that goes in that the NOS box over here that's cool thermostat oh there's the brackets for the trunk one of them hopefully we get two I hope so inside we have some panels some more tires and this is the crap that I'm gonna have to figure out how that Dash goes back in they just pulled the dash and let it hang I think they're trying to rip it all apart to do a restore on it and then like usual everybody does that and life happens [Music] working with Dash hanging out all the old school all the old school knob into wiring the old radio I guess it still does have a radio he must have a bunch of extra parts for this thing yeah so what we'll do is we'll just put it together a little bit at a time that's all we can do and hopefully I got all the bolts there's a lot of bolts I mean it's a 38 how hard can it be and uh yeah we'll just keep on rolling since this Dash was just hang in here I wanted to start with that because I could at least get some pieces back in it and kind of just work my way around from there now I have no idea how this Dash went back in I just kind of guesstimated but I ended up taking out the window frame came out not that bad it wasn't too painful and uh now I'm able to get the dash in there because I can see the holes are all lining up now all I got to do is find the screws and uh we'll start trying to mount that and then we'll work our way around put gauges back in and all that stuff from there I just want to kind of give a United give you guys an idea because I'll stop the camera and not film because you get all caught up in what you're doing one thing I did find was the glove box was full of not too much but you know just a lot of bolts and stuff and nuts I found this little piece of paper I still haven't really figured out what that is you kind of like I guess he marked the switches so D is tail light um headlight whatever I'll just keep that off the side I'm sure that'll fall into puzzle piece like like a puzzle when I start getting stuff back together so we found this cool old valve ring lifters Stuart Warner ultimate can still sealed that's going on the Shelf audio three file that's my stuff we found this thinking wow cool little jewelry box has all the SE nuts this this almost looks like the dash itself right here old school screw I don't know the looks a little big the holes on the dash look real small and then I found this which I'm about to break open because I can't figure I think it's jams it's just another box and a bunch of there's rooms a bunch of screws and things like that Nails might not even go to the car you know you like always wonder about this kind of stuff [Applause] just wanted to show you guys that nice ashtray and uh we'll continue getting this Dash on [Music] thank you all right back at it I'm just gonna get this front seat out and then we're going to vacuum underneath it underneath the seat and then I'll show you how much I got how far I got on the dash last night good Lord [Music] pulls against my better judgment but look at this carpet carpet up front is presentable you know re-pop probably back in the 70s or 80s it's workable we can deal with that it's got a nice hole in it for the shifter you know whatever looks good put this carpet in the back [Music] I'm just not feeling it and it's a decent carpet I just feel like if I could um pull the front seat out I could get it cut in real nice and it'll just look a little bit more presentable I don't know it's one of them things like it's going to take an extra couple hours but it'll look so much better when it's done so and pull the front seat out and see what we got going on [Music] I'm not sure [Music] I don't know if that's original or not [Music] Oh No Maybe not maybe had some pans put in it just the way they bolted it down looks [Music] I don't know still not bad though I mean for for a 1938 if somebody did this they did a long time ago it's not tacked in or nothing it's all bolted in real nice anyway I thought I was gonna I thought I was not gonna I thought it was gonna be all original floors but I don't know I guess that is a pan yeah I don't know I can't tell so we did one side got it bolted in let me show you how I do these bolts on this carpet I don't know if it's this is just my way and it always works out for me so especially when you're trying to find like your seat belt holes and stuff so I use a dental pick and I'll just stick it through make sure the in this case the bracket is straight find all three holes only need to find two this one's good and then what I like to do is I'll get my torch here and this is just what works for me guys so foreign I use Old Phillips screwdrivers that are broken and I make like punches out of them I just grind them and what I'll do is I'll just get this hot and without starting a fire real quick I just put in the hole and just melt that carpet back a little bit like so and then it just alleviates the pain of trying to push a bolt through that thing or there's times when I've tried getting in a hurry and twisting the bolt through the carpet it'll grab those threads of the carpet and just start unwinding all the all the carpet strands so like I said guys this is just what works for me if it's you you don't like that idea don't do it it's fine and uh that's the end of that that's my tip of the day final shot of the carpet came out pretty good see I was able to tuck it underneath the kick panels here but there's no kick panel on this one which sucks so what I did is I just folded it under so I don't have a cut Edge and then this was already Factory anyway for carpet place so two little bungs you see for the seat I was able to just kind of pop holes in there I got it way under the seat for the battery I just cut it here and just tucked it underneath so you can still get the battery tray on you're not fighting it and the other side came out real nice bang tucked best is Gonna Get Right There and then I tucked I was even able to say keep the lip on this side for the carpet Factory Edge there but I just ended up tucking it on this one I ended up cutting it so because I had about I don't know three four inches hanging off the end anyway that's it let's put the seats in and I'll show you the final product all right had to rip out the headliner I know I hate I hate to do that but dashboards all back in looking good but anyway it looks good front seat looks good carpet looks good and yeah that's her so now we're gonna move to the back I know I said I were gonna move to the front but I want to get this I want to get this trunk lid mounted so I'm going to vacuum this out we're going to mount that trunk lid that shouldn't be too painful and then we can finally move to the front [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] trunk Lids on you see me hitting it with the Mallet if I showed you this part I don't know I might edited it out anyway from lifting this trunk lid on and off for so many years with no brackets and trying to force it back on it got a little bit tweaked it's all right though we got the brackets back on did a little uh hammer for use the persuasion tool rubber mallet of course and um she's sitting pretty dang good you know as good as it's going to be and uh we got the let's let me show you here [Music] so we got the spare tire back in which is real nice spare tire holder one bolt holds the tire up it's all you need I like that little giddy up right there and then my biggest fear was this thing somehow falling and then this thing will cut your fingers off no doubt so I just use my legs and just kind of held it up so if it did give away then it wasn't going to do no damage but anyway that's her trunk lid is on complete I may there's something missing up here this little can traps is real easy you don't even touch anything you just lift it it gives out and then bring it down nice all right back at it finish the trunk finish the interior put the dash in fix the seat fix the shrunk lid what else we do put some gauges in it just kind of gave it in all our a look-see make sure to see what's going on I smelled the tank smells good there's no fuel in it you know they drained this thing before it got parked do you know what the coolest thing about this car is let me show you I'm talking about we're going to leave that up too keeps me motivated [Music] okay so we have the infamous Flathead six and this is the way I got it I didn't do anything to it but as you can see down there starters missing and uh like I said I got in about five different pieces over in a coffee can so we'll try for that here in a little bit but I soaked the plugs last night I want to at least pull all the plugs and see if this engine turns over um it's missing the thermostat housing which I do have but it's off the water pumps off don't know why got a nice Nest growing in the horn there other than that if we could get all this back together again I feel like this car and I wasn't even hardly thinking about doing a fire up on this thing because I do think it's locked up but you never know we might get lucky I'm going to pull the uh um air cleaner squirt down the linkages I see this is kind of just hanging in the wind this uh the coil wire there which is fine we'll just put that back and uh a few linkages here that just need to be need to be soaked but let's do the plugs first I feel like that's the first thing I want to do if we could get the plugs going to get them out and um then we can see if this engine is going to kick over I think I forgot to put the camera on anyway plugs are out if I did we set it to sell but if not plugs are out I'm just kind of just getting some of the dirt um out of the cylinders plugs came out pretty easy I soaked them in um PB Blaster last night so not too painful do a little bit of trans fluid not a lot yes oh yeah you got a oil in it it's clean too there she goes [Music] yeah you get it around and then it's like all right now what oh yeah [Music] oh there it goes yeah [Music] get about halfway around and it gets it gets a little sticky which is fine it'll it'll push through [Music] so close oh that's the end of that I can't get it no more it's in one of them spots man it's just sticky that's okay it's spinning I'm not worried about it we have two throttle cables well two cables one of them is a choke one of them's like a throttle um kind of like a throttle adjustment cable and what ha what's happening is these cables here are rusted completely right in this area just from water over the years now this one I got lucky on I took it all apart I ended up putting heat on it and I broke the cable inside but I was able to make a new um kind of like a new I just ran a new cable through it was tedious took me forever but I got one done and now I learned a little bit too about these things as far as like how gentle I could be and how you know how mean I could get on these things and they'll still not break and all that stuff but what we're going to do here is I'm going to pull this cable out and I'll show you right here so I tried everything I was prying on these trying not to break them with the uh pliers and all kinds of stuff they were working so choke Works real nice all right we're good there see right here flipping a little butterfly on the top now this throttle one stuck froze up so let's get it out let's see if we can put a little bit of heat on the cable sheathing around the cable that slides through and see if we can get lucky on that all right I mean that's how bad these things really this oh I'm stretching it all right she's out all rusted up I'm gonna take it to the wire wheel a little bit just wire wheeler off stick her back in there Louver up one more time and we'll put her back all right throttle cable is hooked up and it does pretty good just opens it up just a little bit I don't know how far it's supposed to open it up so if you pull it I hope you can see that because I can't adjust the camera while I'm doing this [Music] [Music] foreign all right [Music] I think I might clean these terminals cut them back a little bit I think there's plenty of room and so they got a good nice six bolt connection well I pretty much made a mess with the brake fluid I only had a little bit left of course but I did get about a half of a reservoir full so I'm just gonna see what this is going to do probably nothing oh don't feel like you're doing anything we got some brake fluid in it in the master now we're gonna see if she'll if we could just get lucky I don't know if she ain't feeling too good right now either but well bad news on the brakes I was hoping to get lucky clean them all out you know you always roll the dice on those little all that rubber seals in there they look okay I gave them like a c I was like ah we'll make it we'll make it happen no it's leaking out the back it's not pushing fluid hard so what I ended up doing is instead of ordering a whole master cylinder which I didn't even see I see Master cylinders for a 38 but not the same style as the one that's on this car but they did have a dormant um rebuild kits just like new seals and stuff so thank you [Applause] all right let's see here Taco news all right tank looks pretty good just got all the dirt dauberness all over it like usual no big deal though we're in maybe we'll check the oil in it just because this thing you could tell it's been it's been sitting for a minute frame rails look real good the pans underneath on this side we're running one glass pack so you know she's fast now so this is the antenna I figured out I didn't know there was a this was sitting in the trunk there's another one of these in the trunk and I was like what's that junk and uh it turns out this is the radio antenna now this I think just had an aftermarket radio in it which I do have but I didn't put it back in so what we're going to do with this is I got a new running board for it and I'm going to take this running board off and put the new running board back on just so it looks a little bit more presentable frame rails look real good we got the uh well what is that a trans brake drum oh that's the emergency brake got it so it stops off the trans old school stuff cool and yeah not bad yeah you can see it got front pans in it at one time I wasn't sure about that I think I said that in the beginning of my video but I just wasn't quite sure but yeah I got pans in it and just in the front so not too too bad for how old it is and in the front looks real good as well so [Music] [Music] all right we got the Armature back we got starter back in I bumped it just a few times just to see if the starter is even going to work it turns over real slow foreign let's see if we can get her started I don't know let's just see what she does let's see if she bumps I don't have no gas to her yet or nothing like that I just want to see what she's going to do thank you [Music] thank you what I'm trying to do is I got three bad cylinders in the back no compression I do not want to take this head off I'm hoping maybe if I could get three cylinders fired because I got three good cylinders and I got three bad cylinders I'm hoping maybe it'll loosen up them valves because I think I got stuck valves is what I'm thinking it is so anyway we'll just keep on trying here I don't know what else to do I don't want to pull this head off she wants the fire but I don't know if she's gonna fire off three and we'll see Whoa man she's close thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys here's the part here's the part where we gotta oh we gotta have to push this thing back to the back unfortunately we've got three so what do we end up so we end up getting her started you've seen that we got three cylinders that are completely dead of course it's the back three that tells me the valves are staying open we have what else did we discover the brakes they will not they are they need new wheel cylinders and the fuel pump the fuel pump is not doing what I needed to do it's not pumping no fuel it's not sucking no fuel anyway short story long we're going to dump a little bit of Marvel Mystery Oil slash transmission fluid down the back three maybe that'll get in the valves and work them out because I do not want to bring take the head off this thing and uh what we're gonna do though is just kind of push her in the back for now we'll put her back here with all her friends maybe put a car cover over her and uh when we're got nothing going and it's a nice rainy day I think I might drag her back into shop but anyway she is for sale though um other than that it was fun I had a great time messing with the 38 was it 38 39 39 no 38 I was right and um you know was great putting it all back together I think was a basket case when I got it but uh you know we have to wash our hands a little bit anyway it's enough it's all right it still had a great time we got her running we just didn't get the driver but I did get to pull Jaden around in the four-wheeler that was a great time he got to take her for a cruise anyway mine is Brad Poor Boys garage let him rip not rock keep on saving them don't send the crusher because you know we hate that but anyway if you like what we do hit that subscribe button leave me a comment let me know what you think because I know you will anyway and uh until next time we got a few things up our sleeve and don't forget No Name National September 21st to the 23rd I'll be out there with the old beep beep come check me out get a sticker got some new stickers for everybody and uh other than that we're out thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: Poor Boys Garage
Views: 59,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: La3QVcQTicM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 17sec (2597 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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