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hi today I want to Prine moan calmly Prine Mohan is another YouTuber that talks about ancient structures and artifacts in his channel and then tries to make them even more exciting by talking about how those things are more than what they seem and that our ancestors had tapped into so much Advanced science he is the same guy I debunked once in my old video about the fake pack do batteries he even has a mini bio on IMDb website pravin moan is known for his groundbreaking research on ancient history archaeology and extraterrestrial theory he recently discovered India's oldest sundal really let's look at that video let me show you a short clip of a tour guide figuring out the time and then I will explain how the sundal works oh the tour guide already knows it's a sandal he didn't Discover it did he ride his own biography here pravine began exploring ancient mounds of America he has argued that since the Mounds can be understood from air they must have been made for extraterrestrials I haven't started the video yet and he's bombarding me with I mean it's always fine to allow your mind to wonder about what could be and ask questions to find new things after all discovery and History Channels are guilty of making money of aliens and ancient technology but moan doesn't just turn simple stuff into exaggerated nonsense like oh look how can it be that this ancient human statue has also arms and legs this is exactly how a human knee would look and look at the shinbone how it protrudes it's a neem moan it's supposed to look like a knee what he also does is he tries to explain everything scientifically and with evidence which is awesome if you know how scientific thinking works and know the actual science my sponsor can help you with that you can learn how to Scientific think by doing the scientific thinking through brilliant interactive lessons on scientific thinking along with tons of science math and Computing lessons follow my link or scan the QR code and start with a free one month trial more at the end anyway let's keep an open mind and watch one of his videos which is about the new discovery of a temple in Indonesia yeah hey guys archaeologists found an ancient wire in the chundi kulan temple in Indonesia yes this is the actual picture of that high quality copper alloy wire and initially they thought it was an ornamental ring I would think the same thing too because I'm sure it's nothing else but upon closer examination they were Shell Shocked because it was not a ring it was a wire just like like the electrical wires we use today bold claims is that true the archaeology report published by the Indonesian government actually mentions the words wire made of copper alloy I found a test report wire the word wire is repeated only once in this entire document and there is no mention of electricity here and wire is not only for electrical wire have you heard of Barb wires post editing not note this is figure 24 from the actual report and this is figure 24 moan is showing and I can't find the image of that ring anywhere else on the internet I have a feeling he created a fake figure 24 and that ring might be AI generated how long are we going to pretend that all these ancient objects are meaningless and were used for Superstition what the is this text here I mean here and here it shows two cm and all of a sudden this is this whole thing AI generated definitely looks like it he speaks too slow let's speed it up what is more fascinating to me is how they stored the wire this is just like how we store the wires we keep wires circled up oh my God he's right we always store wires in a circle to save space and we know that historically humans never stored anything else in a circle like a rope or a pose or a string all these objects start to look like parts of a complex machine these thin metal plates look like fan blades of a modern rotor right exactly how could I not see that or maybe they just look like flowers I cut some of these artifacts out of paper pass some wire through their Center mhm is this more likely or a computer fan archaeologist found fragments of pin rectangular iron plates they call them iron spatulas in the archaeological report found more thin slivers of silver but experts could not put them together and I suppose moan knows better than many experts perhaps he is well educated in the field of science and archaeology let's find out in LinkedIn he is the CEO of himself no record of Education a Reddit AMA what is your educational background I will answer your questions someday some website there is nothing about his education it is safe to say he's not educated in science and technology we can call him self-thought in archaeology at best they found something placed on a small pedestal yes it is an earn pot placed exactly under the spout of the base this is not the norm in most ancient temples you don't usually find the setup I mean a bowl underwater is the most common thing I can think of but inside these pots archaeologists found a strange organic material it was rice husk what's rice husk rice HS or husks are are the hard protection covering of grains of rice and one of the most strange ancient material it's not strange at all and is probably a very common item considering the amount of rice that is consumed all over the continent of Asia proves that they were doing something very strange I hate it when people use the word prove so loosely as if it is impossible to poke a hole in that theory everyone in ancient times had rice husk because they had to clean their own rice in ancient times rice husk was usually added to hold things firmly in place it acted as a natural placeholder it is soft and slimy when you first add water to it but when you put an iron plate or a silver foil inside the pot the husk will become rock hard what is this rice husk is basically wood it hardly mixes with water let alone becoming concrete with iron and silver this is such a b fine I went and bought some rice husk from a local Brewery apparently it has some use there this is what it looks like I grind some of it into a fine powder for best effect nice pour it in a fancy silver bowl for good measure like so add some water to the mix see the water is hardly mixing with this thing I guess we try to mix doesn't want to mix with water it's like trying to mix wood with water what a mess so we have a ton of silver and we place an iron blade into the rice husk and now as you can see it's as solid as concrete no difference I'm sorry but he was lying straight into our faces he had this g mix right in front of him what is the use of rice husk Ash rice husk Ash source of amorphous reactive silica rice concrete to achieve the best Panic properties the combustion of the husk has to be carefully controlled also they burn the husks below 700° C carbon formation at a given water cement ratio small amounts of rice Hol Ash useful to improve workability of concrete mixes well there you have it it doesn't turn into concrete itself they burn it use the ash for concrete mix it turns into concrete with iron and silver tooth space rice brand oil Brewing to increase lottering what fertilizer and substrate fireworks fuel juice extraction head food fiber P stuffing insulating material particle than cardboard GE but why would such a setup be needed at all to generate electricity yes this is exactly what they were doing here no no no making electricity is super easy barely an inconvenience I've said it before every time you place two different metals like copper and steel in an electroly light which is simple stuffff any liquid with ions in it like orange juice salt water tea or whatever you are creating a battery see I put the spoon in there and we reading 16 volts not much and if you drop the metals in there like this shorting the contacts there will be some current running through the juice and metals that will cause some electrochemical reactions likely ruining your juice I'm sure ancient people were aware of these reactions but they had no way to know it was electricity flowing and just blame chemistry I'm going to fill the pot with husk here's a silver plate and here is a piece of iron let's check if we get electricity but I'm shocked shocked there is no electricity right why because to get electricity we need the power of the lingum without the lingum we cannot create such power we need the power of lingum to create a battery what is that power we have recreated this lingum as well and let me place it in such a way that the spout is directly about the pot so let's do that let me pour water on top of the LI to unleash the power and look just like magic we see electricity rising in the pot so the power of lingum was flowing water into the bowl you know people can just pour water in the bowl what were they doing with this electricity today most physiotherapists recommend a procedure called electrotherapy who recommends that which sends low volt electricity into your body it heals many conditions Wikipedia shows a dozen different conditions that can be treated let's read the wikkipedia page medical uses muscular skeletal conditions little to no evidence available to support electrotherapy for management of fi whatever neck and back pain has limited effect on neck pain evidence for electrotherapy very limited shoulder disorders methodological problems prude drawing conclusions other disorders a review found that evidence is limited quality chronic pain supporting evidence absent or unclear chronic wounds it was unclear whether electrotherapy increased healing mental health and mood disorders since 1950 over 150 published articles found positive outcome I think that was the time when the electrocuted mentally ill people in their asylums clearly it is a very questionable science which Lacks solid evidence although you could use anything as Placebo but there are many more effective ways out there instead of electrocuting yourselves physiotherapists confirm that it will heal you if you have repeated sessions of electrotherapy let's read this article by Jason belur who is a multi-award-winning physiotherapist they assist in the recovery process usually just to calm down some of the symptoms especially in very acute situations if it doesn't heal it assists by say reducing the feeling of Pain by Contracting your muscles or perhaps an even bigger pain that makes you forget your original pain today what do devout Hindus do when they were mentally depressed or have a physical condition like chronic pain I guess they keep electrocuting themselves to get healed is it possible that the ancient people of Indonesia were using electrotherapy no believe it or not something similar called the electric bat was practiced about 250 years ago and who popularized this therapy Benjamin Franklin one of the founding fathers of the United States this electric bath procedure was called Franklin isation after Benjamin Franklin himself a patient with depression or pain would sit under a shower and be delivered doses of electricity and Ben frankly noted that the patients got better after so did he actually note that electric path electrotherapy this was mainly at the hands of quacks and charlatans the process of charging up a patient with static electricity was called Franklin isation after Benjamin Franklin briefly experienced in this field he attempted to treat a number of paralytics First with electric shocks and then with static charging but without much success so Ben Franklin himself recognized that his procedures were useless and ineffective what's wrong with their faces where do the arms of this lady disappearing to what's up with the face they are all AI generated none of them are real was there anything real in his video I feel I'm a bit Dumber for watching this video but why stop there let's get Dumber watching another video what was hiding under the Lingham at chundi kle and Temple when archaeologists removed the cylinder they found a stone object with 17 cavities inside these cavities they had alternating plates made of gold and silver making it look like the fan blades of a motor it just looks like a flower why do we have to compare it to something fancier that we use nowadays experts dismiss it as a mere religious ritual maybe you should listen to The Experts man but was there a scientific purpose behind it didn't the experts say no and here we have a lingum we have designed it to be removable and underneath the lingum we have recreated this stone plate with a large circular gold plate in the center I've put some simple color foils for now but what were they doing with these gold and silver plates this is one plate of pure gold and this is a plate of pure silver we are just putting them one next to another in the pot will this also produce electricity of course it will pour water into it we can actually see the voltage gain here we can see electricity wow and using this electricity to run machines and devices just like what we do today no so he talked about all that electricity generation for nothing ancient Builders were making gold water and were using it for healing purposes what let me explain when we put gold and silver next to to one another very small atoms of gold are starting to detach from the gold plate they are traveling in this water and are moving towards the silver plate that's not how any of this works gold is an inert metal and barely ever wants to mix with anything now suddenly dissolves in water and you have to close the circuit for electrons to flow if you want any plating to happen and silver being a more active metal it will want to Plate over gold not the other way around they use a simar technique to prevent iron from rusting what was it called I'm Grady and this is practical Engineering in today's episode we're talking about pathic protection for corrosion control corrosion is an electrochemical process as the anode loses electrons it corrodes yeah go watch practical engineering this is one guy who knows what he's talking about thanks Grady we can actually electroplate this piece of silver and make it look like gold that was fake he shows silver PL in One Clip and switches it to gold in the other clip for gold plating you need the positive terminal of an external DC power supply around 3 to 5 volts connected to gold so that positive terminal sucks electrons from gold disconnecting gold atoms and plating them over the metal on the negative terminal in this case gold is the electrical load in the system versus Mohan setup where gold is the positive of the supply not only the voltage is very small gold is the one sucking electrons from Silver disconnecting silver atoms is just misinforming ancient Boulders were not trying to do gold plating or generate electricity he keeps spitting false information and then says it wasn't the purpose anyway they placed it under the lingum to make gold water when what can you dissolve gold in water the most useful for dissolving gold is Aquaria what is Aquaria a mixture of concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acid oh so it's a drink and dye potion what is gold water as you can see it really has gold flakes in it h seems the goal is to add UND dissolvable gold shavings into the water and drink it for benefits like Mr BEAST's goldplated steak these people are so rich they eat gold we pour water on the swing them the water hits the base it goes into this pet and soaks into this secret stone plate and tiny particles of gold will attach and try to swim towards the silver no they don't but why did ancient Builders need gold water even today Hindus use a silver cup put a gold coin into it Pour hot water and after a few minutes they drink this water gold is an inert metal right you just poop it out does eating gold have any benefits according to kov caviar and Gourmet although eating gold may not have any detrimental effects on your health thank God it also doesn't have any nutritional benefits go gold is a biologically inert metal which means that it will not even be absorbed by your digestive tract any medical benefits there remains no substantial proof beautifying benefits simply a marketing Ploy imagine drinking this gold water every day by the way don't try this at home uh please don't try to make your own gold water now he's scared please don't do it at home because it's not real I hope you will agree with me that this was a place where great healings were pered no I won't I couldn't find a single technical video of his where he doesn't spit out some technological misinformation likely because he doesn't know how things work and sometimes he cares more about views than the obvious truth but where he just shows ancient artifacts and places and talks about cultural meanings and stories behind them that's fine and good it gets people inspired and excited to see those places although considering the quality of provided information I would take anything from him with a grain of salt and a load of rice husks but you can be confident the information you get from my sponsor is solid really it's the best place I know online to learn or refresh your knowledge on tons of topics from math and data analysis to programming and artificial intelligence through thousands of interactive lessons and interactivity is the best way to learn I never had enough memory to remember all the methods and equations teachers try to feed me so I always learn by solving my own problems and that's how brilliant teaches by having you do Hands-On problem solving so instead of memorizing you learn to think and become a skilled Problem Solver every time you forget something you retrace your steps and arrive at what you need and soon You Realize by taking a new habit of learning at your own convenience for a few minutes every day at brilliant you are becoming such a big brain like I mentioned I love the scientific thinking course that everyone needs to take to just think better then it takes you on an interactive tour and teaches you many principles of science so you can think with proper scientific input you can try all these and more for free with Brilliance 30-day free trial visiting my link electroboom or scanning the QR code and after falling in love with learning you get 20% off for life on your annual premium subscription do and thank you for watching
Channel: ElectroBOOM
Views: 2,113,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: educational, electrical, ElectroBOOM, science, electronics, engineering, entertainment, equipment, measurement, experiment, mehdi, mehdi sadaghdar, arc, mishap, physics, Sadaghdar, test, tools, circuit, funny, learn, shock, spark, discharge, Preveen Mohan, misinformation
Id: ral8t-sGyqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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