How to Hold a Pencil for Kids

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[Music] let's learn an easy way to hold our pencil here's our friend snappy b alligator snappy the alligator says snap snap snap let's make snappy with our fingers and say this poem snappy the alligator says snap snap snap then he picks up his pencil and makes it flip now i've got a good grip now let's slow it down and try it together first put your pencil down with the tip pointing towards you then get your snappy the alligator fingers ready now grab the pencil a little above the tip right about here is good with your other hand put your fingers under the pencil just like this then we'll slowly move it around to flip it you did it let's try it again while we say the poem snappy the alligator says snap snap snap then he picks up his pencil and makes it flip now i've got a good grip great job now that you know how to pick up your pencil let's make sure your other fingers are in the correct spots your pencil should rest on your middle finger and the last two fingers should be tucked in just like this that's it keep practicing your pencil grip with snappy thanks for watching our video see you again next time
Channel: Growing Minds Press
Views: 36,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 30xO1Y3y9ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 5sec (125 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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