Can Coffee Improve Your Health?

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what if your favorite morning pastime could transform your health today it is the coffee lovers diet and you're gonna love this because after traveling the world in search of the best Peru nutrition expert dr. Bob Arnot is here he's revealing his study new research that he says proves coffee can be the healthiest indulgence of your day plus we are naming names how does your favorite brand of coffee stack up but first who is dr. Bob argon and what can your morning cup of joe do for your health he's written 15 books on nutrition and now dr. Bob Arnot shares his latest work cutting-edge research on the health benefits of the most popular drink in the world after water coffee Anna traveled the world in search of the best coffee beans then he studied how to roast and grind those beans to preserve their most important health compounds polyphenols after conducting tests in his lab and with real-life subjects are not perfected the brewing blueprint to help you lose weight feel more energized without the jitters boost your mood and even help ward off the diseases you fear most today dr. Bob Arnot shares his secrets to pick the best beans without breaking the bank and maximize the health benefits of your morning cup of joe like a bomb or not is there so health benefits a coffee had been called into question your long illustrious career you've probably seen go up and down you yourself has concerns about it what changed your mind we always just look for stories on why coffee is bad for you it must be the taste to a good or tastier but you know you look at coffee drinkers and they drank they smoked they ate too much they had too much red meat they didn't have any fruit and vegetables they weren't exercising and so all those sort of linked with coffee go bad behavior right so an enormous study basically published in the New England Journal of Medicine the Augusta National Institutes of Health 5 million consumer years of coffee drinking and what they found is they found a very clean group that didn't have any of these bad behaviors they found a staggering 15% decrease in all cause death or for women 10% per men and that meant that heart attack stroke diabetes neurologic disease like Parkinson's all caused a staggering probably the best single thing many of us can do for our health I'm stunned actually yeah I think of it as a trigger for you what's the right amount if it's that powerful in some folks are saying it's as powerful as a medication there's got to be a dose so there is so you know you start here and 1 2 3 4 cups the risk is coming down down down risk of what Risso problems of all cause death so diabetes heart attacks stroke all cause death is all tracking down through three four or five cups a day but more coffee is better more coffee is better six cups a day in this giant New England Journal of Medicine study now if you're like you are and I am and you're sensitive to caffeine six cups of coffee a day we're gonna have a SWAT team chasing right I'll be pooping all day Paris exactly seriously no hey be sure to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss anything and remember to check back often to see what's new
Channel: DoctorOz
Views: 66,643
Rating: 4.7829208 out of 5
Keywords: dr. oz, health, coffee, coffee benefits, coffee hacks, food hacks, health hacks, dr oz, doctor oz, black coffee benefits, is coffee bad for you, black coffee for weight loss, advantages of coffee, coffee causes cancer, COFFE HEALTH, COFFE HEALTH BENEFITS, coffee healthy or not, coffee health problems, coffee health, coffee healthy, is coffee good for you, is coffee good for weight loss, is coffee healthy, is coffee good for diabetes
Id: 1VK7yZ0ukaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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