I Transformed An Abandoned Castle

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today my brother and I are flipping this abandoned Minecraft base into the world's most amazing castle and our goal today is to see if we can sell this for millions of dollars of profit one of my ideas even though it's probably not the best way to start off is I want to turn this into a little bit of a Crystal Cave I have this really great vision in my mind all right so in order to obviously pull this off we need an amethyst and uh you know we finally got damned at this so I'm gonna collect basically the entire thing and every single block that I can because it's the only way to get this build and move it up to where I want it to be the first thing that we need to do is to clear out this disgusting looking building right here oh yeah look at all that stuff that's coming out we're about to just chain these TNTs throughout this entire thing I feel like that should be enough TNT we're about to find out oh my gosh just an expertly done demolition right there because we basically just blew up that entire building without affecting anything else so I think let's start off by making our very first Crystal my idea is I want to kind of create them coming out of the ground a little bit all right these are going to be different than the normal Minecraft crystals oh my gosh guys there is a baby zombie on a chicken attacking me right now we are 100 gonna take this thing down to level and there's a Creeper following us this is literally perfect we're about to blow him up dude turn around right now look what's behind you no baby chicken how rare are those things I don't know lock it in a cage though I can't there's a creeper with it I need your help all right all right I'm gonna get rid of the creeper we gotta lock up the baby boom get a name tag I'm gonna hold this thing in a cage all right done all right I'm not gonna get a name tag because I just did a lot of work right now so I'm gonna let him go ahead and worry about that while I build this right here so this is our very first little Crystal guys in the Crystal Cave I think it's looking kind of nice I think it'd be interesting if we did a something like this took it down a little bit and kind of made like a crystal vein that went up the wall something like this but what I really need to do is grab some uh smelted Stone which I don't have any of oh I could use some of this all right this is exciting uh this is the guy's chest who already lived here so I'll take some andesite yeah let's just get this roof picks in here it looks like the guy who previously on this base kind of came in maybe demolitioned it a little bit too much here and to me it's gonna be a little bit of a tacky Vibe next step of this base is going to be taking this road from the original Road right here all the way across that way we have a center line in the base all right so now we've taken the road all the way across the center of this Castle right here what I want to do now is bring another one opposite of this going that way that way we have basically like a Four Corners in the middle of the base and we'll know exactly where the middle of this entire structure is okay so to me it looks better obviously though I did miss a few spots here so I'll just fill this in with a little bit of extra bonus amethyst here for some texture now this thing actually looks a little bit more like what could be maybe passed off as some sort of an amethyst Crystal Cape I guess I missed all this too I think I'm gonna leave it open actually I'm gonna leave it open so I know this is crazy and y'all are thinking Zach what in the world are you what are you doing today with this cake but trust me this is going to be super cool if I go in here and take some of this calcite surround the entire thing with calcite this actually will end up looking like an entrance into the Crystal Cave and the entrance will be a crystal it's going to be really really cool and uh hopefully somewhat natural as well in design so you've kind of got this interesting little crystal shape and then on the inside all we have to do now is create the amethyst which I think we'll just take down a little bit and then this is going to become a ladder now I also want to make a staircase on the way down and add a whole bunch more design so let me go ahead and do something like that maybe a couple more uh just like little tiny baby amethyst like right here this to me is a perfect window to add another one that you could walk through and it separates this from the other area so let's go ahead and do that look at that that is now a really much cooler design we should add some depth to it though I feel like it's a little too flat so I think we could do something like this so you just add a little depth a little flavor a little Pizzazz a little something something like that and it just kind of makes it feel a little bit more alive so now what used to be an ugly room is still an ugly room don't get me wrong this doesn't look good by any means but it is just a little bit less ugly all right guys so we have successfully made the Four Corners now of the base we know exactly where the middle is which is right here we're just gonna work off what we got here and start our construction on the inner Castle so I'm going from the middle now and Counting out 15 blocks diagonal and we'll do that on every single side and then we'll connect the corners and that's going to give us a perfectly even building right in the middle of the base then I've got regular stalactite so I'm going to pop a couple of these bad boys in here I don't want to overdo it with these but I think just a few is gonna just kind of bring it together and sell it a little more is this like cool little custom biome and then I get to come back and do the actual really cool part which is give this thing a little bit of life we're gonna with a dark wood theme and I want this to feel a little bit like a mine bro I wonder what Isaac's doing though I haven't seen it okay now that we have basically gotten the entire Square here perfectly even what we need to do now is actually just dig out these diagonals right here because they're not actually useful for anything other than what we used them for already which was measuring so what I think I could do is like put down some of these in the corners and like strip them and this kind of to me gives me like the vibe that it's like some sort of like little thing holding up a uh the mine shop there we go so this one's going to be broken it's held up by just a little bit of a little bit that's still left and then I feel like on the edge we're going to come in and give it like kind of like a little bit of a dark overlay kind of like that and I do have some lanterns so I feel like as far as lighting goes these are going to look like just phenomenal down here so again we'll just randomly disperse a couple of these bad boys give it a nice laugh I don't want to do too much though and then I have my ladder so I'm gonna go ahead and put these in here so it's actually usable and then I feel like to me just like putting a couple random ladders down again it's just a dub trust the instincts all right so this is really coming together but something about it doesn't quite feel right because I want them to actually come down here and to me it's kind of a cool idea to make this their mine shaft so let's see what we can do here so I'm working out some sort of fancy design out here on the outer wall and we're just gonna bring this pattern all the way around the entire thing and I just have to figure out what the right ratios are for everything but I think it's coming along quite nicely dude I feel like you got to start helping me with the middle though that's not even like the base all right all right let's go help Isaac all I need to do is make a quick little way to get up there a very simple pathway then they're gonna have access to the world's most incredible mine shop all right let's get to work on this Castle then I'm gonna work on the interior a little bit here what do we want to make the ground uh well I'm thinking this block the smooth stone block those down there in the chest I'll get the floors placed on the interior I'm gonna just go over the open paths now since it's already broken over there in la la land what bro I just heard that how do you die to a creeper dude three of them blew up in like a matter of seconds we got the interior floor now to go through with all my dark wood and turn it on to Planks and then turn all of this into a blank design and I think we'll be able to add some carpet and stuff to clean this up but I don't know I feel like the dark is just like a Vibe today you know what I'm saying like I'm feeling I'm feeling dark all right well that's all the dark wood I had so time to spend the 97 000 I have now on more wood all right I don't really have scaffolding to get down right now guys I'm building the second layer of the wall of the middle building and I think we just gotta fall down and then hopefully we don't die perfect we have plenty of help and now we're just gonna dig another pillar right back up the interior is just about finished in terms of the flooring here so this came together pretty well and uh I'm gonna work on a little bit of exterior renovation here while you keep working on this all right okay here so let's go ahead and do stuff like you know tear this tree down make a nice little path I would say this to me could be a nice little gravel road actually I mean it is a castle it probably should be like one of those like random kind of like you know a couple nice blocks in there a couple cobbles all right so this to me looks like a royal king road to walk into your giant castle this is going to be a giant castle don't get me wrong folks it's gonna be major all right I'm slowly building up the second interior wall of the main base right here and this is a slow process guys it takes so long to get this even okay you know what I actually really like the shape that we've created now we just need to turn that 90 degrees and go all the way around and it's all going to link up perfectly what exactly is this thing is this is this a base what's going on I haven't even looked inside this building a lava farm that you can fall into turns out so he's got all lava there so it says lava collector and then it looks like the rest of it is all carrots so this is a product we could use to sell the issue is it's so massive and ugly I don't really know how to make this look better oh we even have beehives over here a two of them oh boy that's gonna be a doozy to get that cleaned up you know what I realize too there's also an entire exterior base out here that the guy also owns so we'll go ahead and just connect the path into it all right so this now connects to apparently the guy's uh other base that apparently owns outside I mean this thing looks like it's kind of empty on the inside I think maybe oh wow this is where he actually lived bro this is a doozy of a project isn't it this is a doozy come look at this side Zach I mean we have to replicate this on all four sides it's gonna take a massive amount of time I know I'm letting you kind of do that why work on all the exterior details here I'm getting the roads and the paths built this is gonna be the most majestic Road you've ever seen though I think this will blow your mind when I'm done with it all right guys we're just going along and detailing out the same side of the wall I want to get the one side completely finished so that we don't have to be changing things after we've already built the other sides and then on the outside I think I'm just going to go ahead and fill this all in with stone brick for now and then we'll detail in after we have it filled in all right guys so the road is done but before I show you the road I actually want to work on Flipping this area right here I just think I need to clean up there's really not a ton to do it's just like you've got weird stuff like this we could use some glowstone in here which like the cool thing is with Glowstone you can kind of like put it under your water close that up and then you don't have to see it or if you like looking at the water you can so uh you know it's a little bit messy so we're gonna work on this if you need an Indian for Texas what then we can go through and kind of like just replant some of this [Music] okay so it looks like I've replanted all of this now so when this grows it's gonna look better but the whole road now still has to go so let's just get this thing cleaned up now I don't love it I don't love the road I have been continuously working on improving the front of the space and I think it is finally at a spot where I am comfortable replicating it to the other three sides guys so once we have this all completed we can fill in the roof at the top and then we have to furnish the inside but for now I'm gonna just replicate all the stuff and then we'll see what it looks like one hour later so guys I just got back from a delicious lunch and and Isaac's built the entire outside of the base but the good news is though before I check that out all my crops grew the grass kind of spread pretty nicely we even grew a little bit here uh I I think this looks a little bit nicer so let's take a look on the inside of this bad boy oh yeah yeah that'll do I'm gonna go help him with that in a second I just have some fences here and a crafting table I do want this to be a really nice uh area down here and not just because I feel like my brother's out dumped me today by significant margin in this building but also because I just really want this to look good I don't want to do too many fences but man a little bit of a fence detail goes a long way in making a place look nice painstakingly replicated this side of the building to all of the other sides and I think we did it pretty much perfect but to be honest I might be getting so tired of this I need a new project so we might be switching liver fella and going to work on the outside stuff and then maybe he can do some of the Interior stuff of the New Castle I feel like the beehives look great down here so I'm going to relocate those and I think these would look a lot better down here by the base inside the farm and even better if I put them in the actual Farm itself like in the middle of it somewhere so I think it'd look real good if we just like did something like this that around top another one right here look at that absolutely phenomenal design right there Isaac what look at this I think this looks pretty good I feel like you need to like separate it more from the inner count so maybe put a fence along the Upper Ridge right here maybe yeah that might be a good idea this road looks good though the Pebbles the Rocks the detail I made I've never even seen a lamp post like this I invented these and they have daylight sensors by the way guys so yeah these turn on the day those are very unique they're very modern looking all right let's get to it then all right all I have to do now is go through here and fill in with the big stone bricks right here and we are completely done replicating all the sides all right let's just take these bad boys back to our base for example in between these benches I really feel like this is gonna pop and it does all right I feel like maybe a little bit of a pond area would look pretty nice back here especially in front of it so I'm gonna make a pond and then I want some very comfortable seatings here so uh what I'll do is this is the solo seat if you don't want anyone bothering you this is the seat where you're surrounded by bushes I think I'll just put a hay here for now I think it'll just be a nice little detail yeah so I'm gonna use this guy's sand to actually sandify the bottom of my entire Place uh to make this Pond a little bit more appealing and then I've got a chicken spawner and I think it'd be kind of an interesting idea to maybe put that kind of into the ground and then you could have the chicken spawn near it and it would just give this area a little bit more light so before the water let's use all the sand that we just stole from the guy and uh put that inside and technically I guess we didn't seal it but I do think this will really make it look better that looks a lot better let's get this thing filled up with some water okay I'm currently going through the inside of the wall of our new little base here and just detailing out the edges I think we just want to get a ceiling on this thing detail out the windows and then add some cool like basically just a cool giant main room in here maybe a chandelier and a nice little like seating area this Castle will be complete so guys before I show you the sick upgrades I made to the pond I came outside again to come grab some more resources and I was just thinking about how kind of this base is really actually pretty nice but it just needs a little detail and so I'm gonna place a couple of these bushes around the edge this will kind of fill it up and make it look a little bit more just a little bit more lively I'm gonna put a couple more around this house over here as well I really do feel like it looks good I know some people are gonna hate it but I literally feel like it looks great I'm not flipping this whole base however when I see an opportunity that's an easy fix like this takes five seconds I'm gonna take it and that fixes let's get a freaking window up here bro fill it in takes 13 seconds increases level by 13 000 all right let's see how this looks from the outside that looks a thousand times better the way you can see it now the way it's got a little detail the berry bushes it's all coming together this is what Isaac's done all right he's got her almost some bone meal and some Spruce uh these Spruce I think yeah planted these and I love the way it's changed the ground it's giving it just a really good Castle feel I finished the pond up added some bamboo flowers the usual added some Moss sea pickles and we're strategically placing trees now to kind of hide this monstrosity because we haven't figured out how to handle it yet so guys over the past couple hours Isaac and I have added a lot of little details to the base like a fully functional roof we've added like grass and really just a lot of tiny stuff like if you look over here I updated my gem mine a little bit I like kind of brought the gems out added some little Deets in there and then actually we've got a little campfire over here so yeah this leads over to the main road and I think if I'm smart about it and just break a couple blocks it just creates you a nice little path block like that and that connects down there so obviously A lot's been done but there's still a major amount of work to do today and while Isaac works on detailing the outside of our castle that looks like a church for some reason with fire themed glass I don't know bro he built a castle not me I want to do the interior so yeah I mean when you got ceilings that are about 55 feet high you know you do gotta maybe treat yourself with a couple of larger doors as well so these are definitely for Minecraft zombie Giants let's just make this one our smelting room all right and we are finishing the last lower window on this side of the building you know what guys that is a very unique feel but you know what I do feel like these colors work well with the stone brick I think I've taught maybe we'll use like black stained glass or white stained glass um but for now we're just gonna have to to replicate this on the other sides of the building okay so the furnace room is not going to have actually a lot of furnaces believe it or not it's just going to look good I want to actually put a cauldron right in the middle here and then we kind of got to have a lot of fun here with like pillars and crap you know pop some pillars down it really at this point you just want it to look very forgy and there's no particular design that's going to work you just make it up as you go so something like that what I hate though is that the the the the Box are the same color as the back wall maybe a little bit of dark oak wood here as well that looks really bad actually I'm not gonna lie to you like straight up this looks like dookie you know what though if we bring it all the way to the ground it's actually somewhat still bad but not as bad what if I do this right in a minute so this becomes a central Forge table let's go ahead and raise this up one so I can dangle a lantern down now ideally what you're going to want here is like a bunch of like other like furnaces to actually use so let's go ahead and maybe expand over a secondary section here and if I learn from my mistakes of this one and try to make this one a little bit better okay there you go a little furnace table to do some smelting I feel put a tasteful row back here of furnaces something like this like if you give it a nice little tasteful little roundabout in the corner that is tasteful hey that's very nice that's very exotic it's very fun it's starting to come together I mean it's giving me that Forge Vibe it's giving me that medieval freaking Renaissance festival type thing and you know people that go to those they're weird but I go to one too if there's one near me obviously Stone on the floor here because obviously a it's going to break it up but B and most importantly this is going to allow the room to not burn down if you take out a hot coal from the forge oh you know what I'm missing some dark Spruce trap doors I feel like this is what the issue is here I didn't have enough trap doors on her the trap doors definitely go a long way to bring that Forge together and make it look quite a bit better I'm gonna see what Isaac's up to Isaac what you been doing well I put in the stained glass on the lower levels Zach and then I've been doing all the pass around the base right now this is really coming together we got a lot of great details here I think in the main like hallway here Zach we need to get some armor stands yeah that's a good idea all right I'm gonna get started on the chest room now right across from the forge okay I'll do the hallways in here then all right so for this chest room it's gonna have a similar medieval Vibe you know you could kind of do the old double layer stacker bring it up just to about there so something like that's going to be pretty solid right in the center I mean frankly all you got to do is add yourself something simple like this so the staircase is bringing on up to the top here and then uh what I'd like to do is create kind of a little bit of a walkway all the way around the edge here what I'd like to do is give you actually another one of these all right how's that look exotic I don't know why you want to get up there yet I haven't exactly determined the reason for either of these but it feels like these are just kind of like little bonus storages you know pop down a little favorite chest there and then uh you got another one obviously you gotta have some bookshelves in here so we'll go ahead and stack this and up right there and then go ahead and cap that off that way it's a nice little connection point we're gonna go back home because I feel like we need some carpet let's do a flower pot right here let's do that right there let's go ahead and take one of these and put that right there and then I want to give it like that same fire Vibe so let's say you walk in and you've got a um just a yellow little circle right here a little yellow and orange it adds a little pop a little Pizzazz a little flavor right there you know while I'm here I might as well do a similar sort of feeling in this room I'm gonna give this one a border and then as far as yellow I think just a little little dabble right there I am gonna go along the hallways now and add some armor stands and these are going to be like guards that are guarding the castle guys all right so I'm thinking about putting six like that on each doorway and then we'll cover them up with some leather armor alrighty I've successfully got all of the armor stands placed in here oh I guess I didn't I forgot this side but I also put four in the middle and and I feel like we'll juice these guys up with like iron armor or something oh wait wise Isaac's getting a great little setup here with all of these little guys uh I do want to get some more color maybe in the hallway something really subtle so I think like some little orange pops right on these little corner pieces is gonna look good I don't know I feel like with the yellow it might just be okay to just put it right here at the beginning of the door okay guys we're below the Zombie Farm right now but basically all kinds of you guys have been coming here and harvesting our zombies for us so there's a bunch of loot down here and we don't really care about anything but the iron we are back now and I have made eight iron chest plates it's gonna be a slow process basically we're gonna have to put all these on the armor stands and then come back and crack all the other parts of the armor okay the chest room the furnace room they're not done obviously they still have a lot of work to go but I feel like they're a good starting point so we can come back and finally detail later which is kind of the way I work and obviously we need a lot of lanterns so I'm gonna see if there's any other little items and knickknacks back in home base I think it'd be kind of dope here to pop down a couple of those Brewing stands then I've got a little Banner yeah I guess A Little Princess Peach castle Vibe which actually was not the original plan but uh why not it's a fun little Easter egg for everybody who comes here and then I want to see uh obviously this will probably look better as lanterns but I think if we strategically would place them back in the walls this actually might be a really cool way to get some interesting backlighting see that right there really brings the light in and then you look over here and it's like God that is a dark dungeon of like death still ridiculously dark though in the majority of these rooms I mean it's actually like basically like actually horrifying when you look inside of this room all right in the final pair of pants is going on this mannequin right here now these Central One guys I think we have to make them like diamond armor or we go get some daily gear to put on these guys because they're obviously like the four best Knights they can't be wearing the same armor I want a living room and a bedroom but I need to take a break from inside the house and go back outside and get a little bit of work going on here Isaac said he made a path outside I'd like to take a look a little bit more at that see what we got here because you know I feel like personally the path should walk around a little bit more right right through these trees kind of bringing around town here so let's go ahead and do a little something like this I believe there's another gate over here and I could also add just a couple of like fences like this there you go got your little path right there and then this fence I'm gonna take all the way along this entire side there we go that's a little better look at that framing dude you actually see the perfectly centered crafting table with a sword in it that's what that is that is a sword not just a lamp all right it's a little build hack oh this is looking sick we need some cool armor back here for the middle do you have any daily gear that you could bring back yeah I could go I could do that a full set of vote items these are like pretty rare on the server I mean not really but kind of they just look like super sick and then a special little Enchanted hat and then over here I've actually got a set of daily and so these are items you get just for logging into the network and so I'll go ahead and put these here as well so I'll pop this bad boy on look at these fits bro are you kidding me all right so it looks like he brought back a boat helmet and a daily helmet and I've done the same thing so we might as well crisscross them and now we have this sweet looking area right here I did bring back some item frames though because I think it'd be cool to display some swords or something oh he's already doing our torch thing that was my idea that's what I said those were for a little torch things he just got it okay that was a good idea idea then awesome decorations I see yeah I feel like you need some of those do we need some paintings in here in the main room Zach do you think that would look tacky oh yeah definitely gonna need some paintings okay so I'm getting some lights around the place I'm gonna go outside and furnish it up with some lights it's very dark okay so we can see this is kind of the nighttime Vibe out here and um while it's not too bad I definitely don't want mobs to be spawning in our prospective buyers home yeah that's really helping I think sell the place it's making it look a lot better yeah I'm gonna do a little bit actually on the walls too because I feel like we need some sort of lighting up here so I'm gonna like just kind of maybe put it in the corners and in the middles let's go ahead and add some tasteful artwork around a couple sweet berries there um nothing you know nothing crazy why not put down your favorite piece of stone bricks right there and point to the center why not oh I like it in here the inside has two more rooms why don't you take the last two rooms what are you gonna turn them into here I'll do a spiral staircase in one to go all the way to the top so that'll be a staircase room yeah I'm just gonna make a big spiral staircase in the middle all right I'll make this a bedroom there we go what's more interesting than a single large bed is a bed sleeping quarters where you can have you and all of your servants sleep together which is weird but I guess that's how it's gonna be here and we're gonna do a kind of bunk bed style maybe design so I would do [Applause] that was very interesting little bed design and we've got a nightstand here they're all going to get a nice little piece of artwork of locally grown berries we've got our lanterns for our night side tables one single painting in this room of a single man give yourself a little corner seat right there you know and then maybe uh a couple bookshelves obviously if your books are so high you're going to want to be able to climb up there and I'm gonna take it up some more right this is how we're doing the spiral staircase guys basically we're just using slabs going around the central pillar and every single time you go up you just go up one block so it's working absolutely flawlessly we are almost to the top I'm hitting my head right now so we're just gonna go ahead and break this out and this is going to get us to the top of the castle which I think is important because there's a lot of real estate up there and if we don't have it way up there it's not going to increase the property value because it's not actually like area that you can access so then you've got this seating with like a very very nice and comfortable area behind you that you can store stuff on your drinks all that stuff really it just needs uh it needs carpet that's really the biggest thing let's take a look at Isaac's staircase real quick oh look at this that is what I like to see it needs lights and we have have officially completed the spiral staircase we are all the way to the top now guys we have four little nice squares we can probably put some seating up here and this would be a cool hangout area for whoever buys this what I'm gonna do is just detail out the top here with some reclining chairs you know what I just realized this entrance is a little bit different Max it didn't have the right proper detailing and I'm also realizing I haven't really come in and detailed it yet with fence posts and I feel like this is a little bit of a layer that really just adds so much value to your builds and makes it look incredible like for example up here you can kind of just like connect these with some fence posts and I don't know why it just ends up looking kind of good for some reason greetings why don't you come take a look at the new upstairs Zach we have a lot of real estate up there if we want to use it nice little spiral stair oh fell down all right fell all the way to the ground trust me it is a long spiral staircase oh so it takes you up to this corner yeah but there's also a little seating area over here to the left oh nice we have two more areas all right all right let's just bust it out we need to take our own let's make a nice little rooftop areas and then go from there okay I want to make it something interesting and usable so I'll do an outdoor barbecue section I'm just using all the random box I still seem to have left my inventory so what I'm gonna go for here is a uh area where you would be eating everything food I think it'll look good if I break it up maybe it was actually a little sweet for bread we'll do some more backlighting here I love the back lighting today as you can see it's my thing what do you think red carpet dining I like it we got the dining room over here we got the hot tub on my side this is great it's just like a little Easter egg on the roof you might not expect it you come up and you're like my God they really did think of everything didn't they guys it's officially time to put this bad boy on the market so I'm gonna switch to my ALT account and uh let's see what we can do today we're Brutus Buckeye so hopefully they don't know that that's actually me lover fella I'd like to see if we can get about three or five million out of this sale all the money we make will be split between me and Isaac and we'll transfer it to our main accounts so all the money you see here it's not part of the series all right we are getting some people let's check their balances and see oh we got liquor a lot of people here say oh my gosh look at the people flying in here today we got a lot of customers here today folks oh JK has 9.5 million cash oh look Daddy's got a new Shield too a toxic waste bucket I think I would accept as low as 3.5 million today Zach I agree let's see if we start getting any DMS saying we're overpriced because so far I've gotten zero DMS but usually they'll trash me if it's on price so it seems like we're on track right now Alex has 4.7 doing how much uh I would say four mil Rolling Thunder how much message Rolling Thunder uh let's say 4.3 million you said three five I'm not okay that's that's an offer but four point one Deal or No Deal do I get four out of it that'd be like two million each for us 3.4 why is he going down this guy's an idiot back all your negotiations together here three point died really Thunder that's gonna be a deal ladies and gentlemen we have sold this base for 3.85 million dollars if you guys want to join my Minecraft server play.loverfellow.com you can join for free on Java right now and see if you guys can make more money than me and Isaac
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 236,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: v4L8bX9nV8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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