Can an Airplane land if BOTH engines fail?

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[Music] okay that didn't sound very good turns on the right okay so state malfunction please elton so lots of n1 i agt and went to decrease 360. that's all okay i will tell the cabin crew as well because you don't have anything since you don't have any electrical power you're waiting for cabin crew prepare for no time available emergency no time available emergency uh landing very shortly is one zero zero degrees equipment switch to flap inhibit suite you can put the terrain inhibit this as well one three one zero one six [Music] hi everybody welcome to mentor yet another video podcast as always i hope you're doing absolutely fantastic so i've had a lot of questions about how pilots would deal if both engines would fail will we be able to land or not well today we'll see stay tuned altimeters standard sets three times passing that over six two ten foot of okay that didn't sound very good turns on the right okay so state malfunction please i want elton decrease i would say both engine failure both onion failures confirm severe damage with severe damage okay in that case there's no point in trying to to restart the engine so if you can start the apu please start an epu and i will play mayday yes please doubling in may may may they mentor 360 both engines finally request proceed back to runway two eight if available mentor three six zero your mayday is recorded at time one nine two four copy turning right and with requests full emergency equipment up on arriving 360 that's all understood okay i will tell the cabin crew as well because you don't have anything since you don't have any electrical power so you're waiting for your cabin crew prepare for no time available emergency no time available emergency landing very shortly okay that's it so as soon as we have electrical power put it back on for me please and we'll see if we can get back to uh to runway two eight i'm over banking a little bit here now to get good visibility back and we're quite high for a quick return anyway if you on the bus like got the electrical power thank you if you can please give me bank angle bank angle the uh runway 28 ils please we're very high for runway two eight but it's the best chance we have okay you agree angry runways inside take the gear down please i will give you that egg to the runway yes please [Music] five feet check bank angle bank angle flap inhibit switch to flap inhibit suite you can put the terrain inhibit this as well strain it even as well [Music] two thousand feet check [Music] land runway two eight sub between this one zero zero degrees out of five and not we have all the motors equipment standing by for you just keep giving me flaps at the speed is decreasing now [Music] check 40 please flip's 30 puts 40. there we go race race race [Music] [Applause] [Music] 80 knots 60 knots doubling mentor 360 is top in the third part of the room okay i'm not going to set the parking brake because the brakes are going to be really really hot here i'll keep it like this for now check okay and holding it still cabin crew stand by cabin crew stand by okay elton we are on the runway we have survived yes which is a good thing okay it was good yeah the um we have fairly high speed on landing um not too bad though not too bad so the the brakes could potentially be hot but what we'll do is we'll talk to the uh the fire crew when they appear on the uh the fire freaks that want one the small six and i'm also going to talk to the cabin to see how the uh how the situation is in the back okay good so let's see i'll talk to fire crew and want one six first so your radio number one already one ah dublin fire from mentor three six zero we have stopped just a short of echo 6 and would like you to give a full look over the um the aircraft we had two engines failed and with severe damage so i'd like you to tell me if there's any leaks of any sort and also if how the brakes are looking if they're hot or not and anything else that you can see around the um the aircraft anything that would lead up to a need for an evacuation okay let's see if the fire crew is coming here soon ah here they are excellent very good okay so temperature should be okay i'll put the sparkling break on there let's have no light stand up set passing flat level four six climbing flat level nine zero v nav after take up checks and you can release the cabin crew air compress climbing 2.4 set altimeters standard sets three times passing through over six two terms out of a nine zero what birds okay that didn't sound very good turns on the right okay so state malfunction please elton so lots of n1 i would say both engine failure both on failures confirmed severe damage with severe damage okay in that case there's no point in trying to um to restart the engine so if you can start the apu please starting epu and i will play it right guys so what we've just seen now uh were effectively two flocks of birds that hit both our left and our right engine and when that happened they filled the engine up with dead birds which caused the engine fans which is in the front of the engine to seize up now when that happens um both engines will instantaneously fail they will stop producing forward trusts which will effectively turn the aircraft into a glider and also it will remove all electrical power for a second which disconnects the autopilot the electrical power very quickly comes back in the form of battery power but it will only come back to the captain's side so that's why you can see only the screens on the captain's side and only the communication on the um the captain's side will work now when something like this would happen i would ask the pilot monitoring which is elton in this case to state malfunction now he quickly found out that we have dual engine failure but he also said that we have severe damage and you can see that because the egt or redlining that's where you can see that two red instruments on the central screen and also there is no rotation of n1 on either of the engines so that means that both fans are standing completely still and when that happens it's impossible to restart the engine and this is why we didn't waste any time to try to restart it we just started to try to find a suitable alternate to land in yes please probably in the may may they made a mentor 360 both engines failing request proceed back to runway two eight is available mentor three six zero your mayday is recorded at time one nine two four copy turning right and with requests full emergency equipment upon arriving okay i will tell the cabin crew as well because you don't have anything since you don't have any electrical power if you're waiting for cabin crew prepare for no time available emergency no time available emergency uh landing very shortly okay guys as you notice there we switched on the auxiliary power unit the apu very quickly and that's because we want to restore power to the aircraft as quickly as we can i also told the cabin crew that they have to get ready for no time available emergency and i'm saying that because i don't have the time to fully brief them on the nature of the emergency i just want them to be aware that something has happened that require them to get the cabin ready for a potential evacuation on landing very very quickly okay that's it so as soon as we have electrical power put it back on for me please and we'll see if we can get back to uh to runway two eight i'm over banking a little bit here now to get good visibility back and we're quite high for a quick return anyway on the bus like got the electrical power thank you so at this point i am looking for a possible runway to land that and i knew i took off from runway one zero and we have the opposite runway around with two eight available now i'm saying that we're a little bit high and that's because when the engine failure occurred we're about six thousand feet this is different from what sully had when he executed the miracle on the hudson he was at a much lower altitude which meant that he didn't have the chance to turn back i do and in this case when you do a 180 turn you lose on average around 2000 feet which would put me at an altitude of about four thousand feet or slightly above at this point and i'm about eight miles away now an aircraft will use about three miles for per a thousand feet to descend so i'm quite high but i'm still within the landable zone i'm over banking the aircraft slightly because that will actually bring me down a little bit and will also potentially give me a slightly more track mouse in order to get towards the airport if you can please give me bank angle bank angle the uh runway two eight ils please we're very high for one with two eight but it's the best chance we have you agree angry's inside take the gear down please check flaps one check i've just asked elton to please give me the ils approach for our two eight and the reason that i do this is because i want to see a a picture in front of me of how the the final approach track looks on my navigation display and i also want the reference speed in order to know how far away from them i am when i'm starting to take the different flap settings i've also decided to take the gear down in order to add some drag and to get me down quicker um because i need to make sure that you know my energy level is not too high when i touch down on runway 28 so i can break the aircraft down to a stand still in a safe way i will give you that egg to the runway yes please [Music] you have it and i will also give you the peaks bank angle bank angle claps five speed check bank angle bank angle flap inhibit switch to flap inhibit sweet you can put the terrain inhibitors as well so now i'm starting to ask elton to give me different flap steps and that's in order for me to reduce the speed the lower speed i can have when i touch down the more safely i'll be able to brake i've also told him to give me flap and terrain inhibit and that's in order to get as little warnings as possible i know that i only have one chance at this because i don't have any engine trust and i also know that i'm likely not going to be able to get all of the flap steps that i need out before the landing so i don't need those warnings two thousand feet check between this one zero zero degrees at five and not just keep giving me flaps that the speed is decreasing now check [Music] syncrate sync rate so we're getting a sync rate warning at this point and uh that is not a problem because i know how high i am in relation to the runway since i'm fully visual this would only be a problem in case i didn't have enough speed and the sync rate was coming because the aircraft was effectively stalling but at this point i am just maneuvering the aircraft to be able to touch down within the touchdown yep club's 40 please flip's 30 puts 40. there we go race race race the brace call is given at approximately 50 feet and that's in order to tell the cabin crew and the passengers to get into the brace position for a potential crash landing as you can see here i was actually manually reaching for the speed brake lever and the reason for that is that i know that we're coming in with slightly higher speed and i know that sometimes when that happens the speed brakes might not activate automatically so i'm reaching for them and i'm extending them manually to make sure that the flight spoilers and the ground spoilers on the wing is coming up and that will bring the entire weight of the aircraft down onto the landing gear so that i'll get as much effective braking as possible the warning that you're hearing is actually the take-off configuration warning and that's coming because the trust levels are still in the forward position where i left them during the engine failure as soon as i close the trust levels that warning will disappear 200 lots 80 knots 60 knots doubling mentor 360 is top in the third part of the room so right guys so this this is what might happen okay now we were very lucky we were at a high altitude when when the bird strikes hit which meant that we had plenty of room to get back in towards dublin and we landed on the opposite runway which meant we had a little bit of tailwind but this is what you do like i was saying in the beginning of the video there are no set rules for how to deal with something like this we just have to use your knowledge be quick in reactions like getting the apu running for example is crucial in order to get electrical power back and with electrical power you also get all of the screens all of the communication and also crucially the hydraulic pumps will start working as well so it will be easier to control the aircraft and then focus on getting the aircraft in to land inside of the aircraft sorry the airport boundary and the reason for that the reason why we stay a little bit high with a little bit higher energy is that it's much better to land with a higher speed on a long runway and then stop maybe towards the end of the runway as long as you stop inside of the airport perimeter it means that these guys the um the firefighter will be able to to reach us um and help us as quickly as possible if we misjudge it and we take off too much speed that we go too far away from the airport well then we might end up landing outside of the runway and outside of the the airport so not only would we not have immediate help by them then but we might also hit buildings motorways or cause third-party damage and this is something that we definitely want to avoid so in this instance everything went well um you will always miss things you will always make mistakes but the main thing and the only really important thing here is to get the aircraft back onto a runway or onto a field or somewhere in one piece so that we can potentially evacuate our passengers great um if you have any questions regarding this and i'm suspecting that you do then please write them in here and comments on the video give me a like if you like these type of videos by the way and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already um and if you like more of these type of videos more of these technical videos from inside of the um the cockpit well then i highly recommend you to get the mentor aviation app now i've created a lot of great collections in there some of them are filmed in in 360. so you can look around some of them is with wide angle but they're all highly technical and they will show you how we the flight crew me and elton uh how we deal with similar situations and you can also chat with us so if you have a direct question well then you just tag at mentor and that will send me a push message so if i have the phone ready i'll be able to answer you have an absolutely fantastic day wherever you are out there and we'll see you next time bye-bye right guys i really hope that you liked that if you want more content like that more aviation content but then check this out uh i hope that you have subscribed to 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Channel: Mentour Pilot
Views: 130,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Engine failure, dual engine failure, Aircraft failure, Aircraft incident, breaking news, breaking aviation news, bird strike, hot and high, unstabilized approach, Boeing 737, Boeing 737NG, Boeing 737MAX, Mentour pilot, Mentour pilot Boeing 737, Mentour pilot turbulence, fear of flying, nervous flyer, nervous fler help, professional pilots, pilot life, pilot training, flight school, flight simulator, FS2020, B737, B747, Airbus A380, Airbus A350, Boeing 787
Id: Bf67JzYAhe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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