Can Americans Locate Asian Countries? | ASIAN BOSS

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hey everybody its Steven from Asian boss to a lot of people in Western culture Asia is still very much seen as a mystery despite the fact that it has over 40 different countries and makes up two-thirds of the world's population that got us wondering how much do people outside of Asia really know about Asia can they locate any Asian countries on the world map for example well today we're gonna try something different rather than doing our usual straight interviews from an Asian country we're gonna go to the United States and ask random Americans to see how much they know about Asia for more let's go to our Asian muscle reporter Tim in Columbus Ohio so how much do you guys think you know about Asia in general like what are some think that comes to mind when you think about Asia I'm really honestly I want to know but I don't know how much would you say you know about Asia in general basic amount of plate I know some countries the budget because I mentioned moochers just say China Japan like the countries and like Chinese food comes to mind I love Chinese very typical high school in Beijing and I was a missionary in Taiwan so I might I don't know I still don't want to say I know a lot but I might know a little bit more than that we'll see in a few okay so today we have a fun challenge for you we want to test how much average Americans know about Asia we're gonna ask you to locate some Asian countries do you think you're up for the challenge yes I am are you pretty confident okay great but we'll settle pretty eveywhere is China okay but can you tell me where China is it's gotta be right up on the need for Russia yeah that left the one that's half the world Russia China Australia a bunch of the same dignified your girl yes right I don't know I'm just gonna guess China yes you're right really throw him it's the beer I know that they okay you don't so that they can okay China would be over here yes correct can you tell us where South Korea is where would be down this way that's actually India down this way you're so kind of far off no pretty far off yeah really South Korea will be routed to here and off South Korea South and North Korea either one okay so can you tow for either one inside so maybe maybe these twos north-south I don't know I don't know you're pretty far right right on okay cool thank you sorry can you tell me where Japan is any tell me where Japan is so I'll give this to you yeah Japan about Japan Mongolia can you tell me where a Mongolia you're pretty far off can you tell us where Mongolia is all right that one's No here no that's India oh can you tell me where India is India when we right up in here keep somewhere down through here it's not an island it's pretty mad huh fall pretty big I don't even I will go right there get that form third India I took three seconds I guess there yep good thing alright so it's gonna get a little bit harder all right can you tell me where Kazakhstan yes we're Kazakhstan I'm not Evo true hello 90 we'll try to find Kazakhstan well it sound like East Asian like China or Japan or Korea excite kind of like on the left side but it's earth technically can third Asia can you tell me where Cambodia is okay buddy it's small yep good job and I don't know the answer I'm gonna go with I don't know can you do it please okay okay I'll be your on here okay what do I know about Cambodia genocide tell me where Singapore if only crazy rich Asians had like a map over here Thailand is this one yes correct right about here your clothes but that's not Thailand Thailand yes right you're like eight for eight right now you're the best one today how did you find the challenge today yeah I need to start learning about things that I don't know so why did you find it difficult because I don't like study geography enough and I should you know you we should know that stuff as human beings right right we should be culturally aware it should yeah but know how many Asian countries do you think there are on the girl at least 10 I'm gonna guess like 25 25 37 I was gonna cuss 33 oh I don't know both of your final guess is yeah there's actually 48 getting along the closer one today there's actually 48 that's a lot oh I knew it was big but I didn't know how big like the whole subcategory of Asian is right it's not so bad the Asian population comprises roughly two-thirds of the world's population so why do you feel like there's such a lack of awareness about Asia in the United States [Music] it's shaped in a way that kind of just like it doesn't bring your valley garden station well it doesn't tell you a lot about like the issues in these countries but also typically where they are like the fact that Chopin I literally sad look at a map in we can also look at pop culture there's not a spotlight on those roles on the stories on the culture so there's not the interest also brought in with that I think it also has to do with you know the media obviously plays a big role in the perceptions of of what it's like to live in there's obviously big differences between Asia and Southeast Asia and South Asia those are totally different parts of the world yeah different ways of living there's a lot of there's a lot of microcosm of culture oh my god I want to say this because it's gonna make us America sound bad but America doesn't really care about like other places like we want to say that we're a unified country compared to some other ones but honestly we never really left the whole isolationism thing and honestly that made us ignorant to a lot of people like and that's not just like the Asian culture like that's African culture too and like like like it's just a lot of cultures like if it's not European then America honestly doesn't seem to care right well that's the last question thank you for you're stopping by hopefully you had fun [Music]
Channel: Asian Boss
Views: 3,928,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asian countries, americans, asian, american, united states of america (country), things america does, america, countries, south asian countries, american culture, map of asia, asia, news, street interview, Asian Boss, Map Challenge, culture, life, abroad, travel, travelling, travel abroad, travelling abroad, go abroad, going abroad
Id: YQVnHsLwRg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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