American takes European Country Quiz

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hello thank you so much for joining me today for a video I probably shouldn't even be making because it's just going to be really embarrassing I'm G to attempt to take this quiz I mean I am going to take this the quiz I'm G to attempt to not look like a total and I'm going to fail at that attempt because I suck at geography but it's a quiz on where every country in Europe is I'm nervous oh my God today I'm going to prove just how American I am I shouldn't be doing this but we're starting off pretty easy Norway Italy the boot Poland Hungary I mean okay when we get to Eastern Europe that's when I'm going to really fail that's when we're going to really be embarrassed hungry like for instance yes I could have easily clicked this one and I I don't know what that country is um Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia that be B yeah Slovakia oh god oh well that's what that country is Austria south of Germany Sweden Iceland we got some softballs here why am I getting texts I'm trying to focus this is the most important quiz of my life kovo never heard of it in my life never heard of it in my life I'm so sorry to people from kovo it's got to be down here I already clicked Serbia is it oh I actually got it that's a miracle not on my first guess Montenegro Montenegro Montenegro this one bothers me a little bit because you know you hear about Montenegro all the time where is it um my gosh I'm not really sure Andora ah I should have known it's on the coast the Netherlands Serbia no dang it wait where's Serbia shoot if I got that one wrong you could just unsubscribe you might be unsubscribing anyway after this video Monaco Monaco I feel like that's on the coast that's Croatia Monaco Monaco Monaco mono ah oh come on that's a country Denmark easy Vatican City it's in Italy it's one of these two I believe it's this France not Spain France Switzerland Bosnia it was I already clicked this so that's kind of cheating it was over here somewhere I mean I knew it was over here somewhere but I feel like it was this yep Albania my memory is horrible though so honestly I may have clicked a lot of these I don't remember any of them already don't remember any of them Albania boom dang it Albania is it ah Germany where's the okay um Czech Republic Lithuania actually just reacted to Lithuania I know it's up here that's laia it is up here right wait where's Estonia that wasn't fair I didn't mean to click that second click dang it lonstein lonstein oh boy lonstein where are you where would I be if I was lonstein small country right I didn't mean to click Austria this my last guess before I lose this one lonstein what am I doing where is it why is it inside Switzerland I don't understand how this works all right lvia laia oh boy laia that be up here ah Spain Slovenia sloania see Ukraine I think that's this is bellus I don't know what that is could it be Slovenia no I think that's Estonia I get so I can't do Southeastern Europe I just can't shoot Bulgaria why does this one I feel like I know I should know where this is and yet I'm like um Bulgaria Bulgaria is it on the coast I don't think so oh boy ah Andora I've never heard of this how can I get it I've never heard of it it must be one of these dots Maybe that's Malta people go there for vacation and stuff Andora I don't I don't know San Marino wait is it this dot by Spain okay Russia [Music] Ukraine that's Belarus this is Ukraine with Crimea Belgium I should know where Belgium is that's the Netherlands I already got that that makes this Belgium stonia Greece Luxembourg I know Luxembourg because we learned you know it's it's like the highest GDP per capita and that always stuck out to me okay people in Luxembourg are luxurious and it's a tiny country Portugal mova malova mova oh my God where's malova that was kind of kind of luck process of elimination kind of luck San Marino Romania Romania it's the big one the like the only big one left apart from bers Malta Malta it's on the coast is this this Malta that's Croatia isn't it on the coast wait was it this dot yeah yeah I literally just talked about how people go welcome to PayPal first look guys an ad just started playing on this website and I almost trying to shut it up I almost lost my whole progress that would have been devastating my God but anyway I somehow I shut it up for now that that threw me off right there now I got to focus back in North Macedonia North Macedonia where's South Macedonia I don't know where this is that was just another you know there's only so many countries left Bello I have happen to know that one Croatia Finland Cypress is the little island 60% isn't that what I was going for that's why you aim low folks that's a D minus oh boy I'm really sorry to anybody from Eastern Europe that was painful wasn't it that was really painful should I even post this probably not but it is what it is you know you got to show the the UN the uh what's the alard thing the Inconvenient Truth about my knowledge of geography there you go cringey 60% I want to see you guys do it to a state of a to a a map of America though honestly i' I might get 60% of that I'd do a little bit better than that but um yeah that was rough thank you for watching me struggle have a great weekend I'll see you next week bye
Channel: Ryan Wuzer
Views: 595,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: american reacts to europe, american takes european country quiz, american reacts to european map, american takes quiz on europe
Id: oENfTboF9zE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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