How To Make Money with APIs & AI (Full Guide)

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hi friends in this video we will have a full stepbystep guide on how to build and sell apis with the power of AI and establish a new income stream online today if you are ready let's start so just in case you are a beginner or you are new here let's start with what is an API in just like one minute simply API is something that allows developers and programmers access specific services or data from their own code for example if you want to now go and do a Google search usually as a user or a programmer you open and search for something using the user interface the UI what if you want to access Google search from your own applications from your code simply you will need to use Google search AP AP I for example we have the official Google search API you can use other Sur apis like value Ser you can see here you enter a query you execute and you will get the response in Json you can use this in your code with any programming language another example is accessing data so if you now go to YouTube and search for something you will see all these videos containing thumbnails titles descriptions all this data you can access through the interface if you want to access through your own code you will need to go with the YouTube API and so on so simply API allow programmers to interact with specific services or maybe data from their own applications this can be a service like Facebook Google Pinterest or your own service or any service or simply you can access data on specific servers or places you set your own rules on restrictions on mechanisms and developers can access this data or this service following these rules so this simply apis and by the way also apis allow services to interact between each other if you know for example zappier automation it allows you to connect for example Facebook with your WordPress website it uses apis anyway that's enough let's now move on and see the API business blueprint again in one minute mainly we have two strategies to make money with apis or two business blueprints number one is to build and sell an API on API Market places and this is what we are going to learn in this guide and the second strategy is by utilizing and using apis to build your own tools and SAS services this is somehow other concept out of scope I may create a full guide about it soon on my channel so let's start with step number one on building and selling apis like any business the first step is to find an idea we want an API idea to build let me share with you my top three strategies to find great API ideas market research and Analysis number two combining multiple end points and number three is using AI let me give you an example on each of these strategies let's start with market research you simply go to API Market places like rapid API one of the best and start researching analyzing the apis there and then look at the API metrics like popularity is it popular look at the service level is it high test the API see what data is returning what's the functionality of the API let me give you a simple formula here if you find an API Which is popular so people need this API and you find that you can improve the functionality or you find low service level then this is a great opportunity can compete with this AP I number two is combining multiple end points let me give you a like example I buil if you go now to promoter kit and you open the YouTube popular videos Explorer tool this is simply the back end the API I'm using here is combining multiple end points if you go here to YouTube API on rapid API you will find Two end points the find videos and the channel end points I combine both API together to filter out popular videos on YouTube so in this way you combine multiple endpoints and deliver new functionality and new API this is one of the best methods you can use and if you understand this concept you can combine a lot of API endpoints for example Google Sur apis with domain authorities and do something for example like computer research API a lot of things can be done using this strategy number three is simply using AI here I'm not talking about using charp to brainstorm ideas you can do this like asking charp help me find an API idea for example in marketing and it will list a lot of ideas for you I'm not here to talk about this method I'm here to talk about building apis with the power of artificial intelligence using two methods RJ technique I have full video about in the description below where you can Revis engineer apis and create something similar and number two is using something called function chaining or function calling this method strategy number two you can use to build maybe thousands of apis with the power of AI both strategies are explained in the description below this is very important so you can use AI to build any tool you want with function chaining and function coding so these are my top three ideas or strategies to find an AI idea step number two is to create and build the API we mainly have two methods number one is to build the API by coding developing it with languages like python JavaScript or whatever or building with no code tools like zanu in this guide I will show you how to implement a simple API with the power of artificial intelligence with AI simply go to chpt for example enter a prompt like this as we learn the prompt engineering course you first assign a role for example you are an expert python developer and I want you to develop an API for me then you enter the style I'll be using beginner friendly style so it will go in depth and explain step by step with comments with details so anyone beginners can implement and number three I will enter the API idea what I want to build for example let's build here a codes generator API and then you can see now chpt generating a full stepbystep guide on how to build this API you just need to copy and paste and then you will have your API ready of course chip can build anything for you if you want to build this yourself you need to learn at least the basics of python programming to develop apis or any language you want or you can hire someone or use no code it's up to you but really AI can save you a lot of time I cut down hours and hours of work with the help of AI as explained in the rjp technique and other videos you can check if you want so anyway step number two is to build and implement the API you got step number three is to host and publish your API online so what you are going to do is to pick a service like hoko digital Ocean kinsta or your own server as I do I use contab which is Affordable and Powerful hosting service I publish the API there and then you need to publish your API on Market places like rapid API the operation is very basic and straightforward I don't now want to waste time in going and uploading to Rapid API and I don't want to go with a spefic spefic platform like a hosting service it depends on your scenario what do you want to start with and don't forget we are powering this guide with AI so anytime you can go to chpt and simply or Google b or any language model and simply tell it I have an API and I want to host it on for example on hoko on digital ocean on a VPS server please show me how to do this step by step and it will generate a full step St bystep guide on how to do this don't forget AI is always your assistant so use it as your assistant to save a lot of time and don't forget if you need help you have any question I'll be with you anytime you can just join us on the Forum Le commmunity join us there it's free you can ask anytime I'll be there almost every day to answer your questions now you have your API published step number four is to promote like any product don't sit down and wait for clients do some work on promoting your apis and my top three strategies are creating free tools indirect promotion with guides and open source projects let's start with number one give you an example here on promoter kit I have this email validation tool you can see here I'm promoting my API within the tool so this is a free tool that get a lot of traffic and and people can test it and if they want to access the API they can click on the link and go and buy my API this is one of the best methods by the way is building a free online tool built on your API number two is index promotion with guides for example this article this blog post you can see it's a stepbystep guide within the guide you are using an API it may be your API to continue and build a tool or something so if people are following your guide they they will go and use the API you used in the guide so it's like indirect promotion within a step by-step tutorial or guide this is one of the best also to promote apis and number three is open source projects if you are a developer you can create an open source project publish on GitHub it's free it's open source but in order for people and developers to use your open- source project maybe they need to connect to an API this API is your API in this way you will be promoting also your API we have different methods also to promote with sdks with libraries maybe with paid ads maybe with content we have LinkedIn Outreach cold mailing a lot of methods but these are the top methods I believe to promote apis and get get results somehow fast what you can do now is to rinse and repeat as you can see here on my account I have published already multiple apis I'm planning to publish like 20 to 30 apis in the next couple of months so after you establish one income stream with one API you can simply scale up and publish more and more apis each API is like an asset it's like an income stream a loan so you can scale up with multiple apis if you are interested in learning more about this going in depth joining our Discord private server our private Forum get direct support daily support you can check my full course on building and selling apis you'll find the link in description below the special discount
Channel: H-EDUCATE
Views: 154,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ania kubow, api tutorial, app development, code, coding, hasan aboul hasan, lesson, make money with api, make money with apis, node js api tutorial, nodejs, node.js, nodejs tutorial, rest, restful api, software development, tutorial, web scraper, api python project, api python tutorial, build api, build your first api in 10 minutes, fastapi in python, fastapi python, fastapi tutorial, javascript, node js api, node js rest api, rest api in hindi
Id: 9ywA1hgWKG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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